Marathon of Divine Mercy

Sacred geometry is the most ancient symbol of this humanity. In truth, it first emerged from the Source, in order to manifest the creation and originate the principles and attributes of evolutionary life.

The spiritual, sacred and immaculate geometry has always been present on Earth, despite the eras and its different ages.

The first humanities knew these sacred symbols, experienced the sacred geometries, not only for the uplifting of consciousness, but also for the evolution of human genetics.

The whole configuration of the human being as a natural and spiritual being is formed by a sacred and perfect geometry, the main and original idea of the Creator Fathers.

The first designs of this geometry were emanated by the Main Source of God, which to this day, emanates Love, Unity and Wisdom.

Sacred geometry is not only a part of the mentalists and philosophers, it is something that was captured by the different prophets, by the ancient people of Israel, even by Moses himself.

These sacred principles bring to the world, through geometry, the knowledge of the Purpose of God, and this is a way to unite bridges and dimensions between consciousnesses.

The time has come for humanity to be healed and regenerated through sacred geometry, through the only and perfect geometry that comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy and no other.

What comes form the Source is incalculable, what it emanates is indelible.

Since the beginning of the Earth and before the first humanity, the sacred geometry was what constituted the formation of this local Universe, so that later, life, evolution and, finally, the awakening would exist.

In sacred geometry is the root of your origins, the knowledge of your constellations, the reason for your having come to Earth to live a school of forgiveness and redemption.

The moment of the time of synthesis came, in which the East profoundly knew the sacred geometry and revered it; it is still part of it at the present time, despite the inadequate use that many peoples have made of it.

Yet this sacred geometry, about which I speak to you today, companions, is found in the essence of the Holy Chalice, inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where all the attributes, all purposes and elevated thoughts of God, expressed before the origin of Creation, are safeguarded and protected by the holy angels.

This is the purpose of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the emanation of its sacred geometry, which, after the end of times and on the New Earth, with the New Humanity, must return to the planet in order to constitute a new race, free from suffering, pain, agony and evil.

In the sacred geometry, something valuable and inextinguishable is found. It is as if you were before the most perfect manifestation of God, represented through the symbols and geometries that bring a sublime energy to human consciousness.

In Sacred Centers, like this one, are kept sacred geometries, fundamental principles of the Source of Creation, which in silence accompany humanity from the beginning. But, it is the hour and the time for this sacred knowledge to emerge from human consciousness, for everyone who is committed to follow the Purpose of God, and above all, committed to find within, their inner universe.

May I continue?

I can’t hear…

Everyone answers: Yes!

Sacred geometry is most sacred in the Universe. It was God Himself, our Celestial Father, who created it and He delivered it as something immaculate and sacred in the hands of the archangels, so that they could recreate and shape His Divine Will in the spiritual plane, the mental universe and, at last, in this material universe.

The sacred geometries are patterns of conduct that are needed by the human being for this cycle, so that it can transit and cross the end of times, keeping alive within the Christic light, the sacred flame of the essence, or however you want to understand it, the awakening.

Today I have brought in My Hands one of the Scrolls of God, one of the most ancient treasures of this Universe, of the Immaterial Source of Creation, of the Universe of the Resplendent, where the origin of the purpose of this humanity is written.

God thought, in His Silence, the possibility of the existence of creatures so similar to Him, that could live Love as He does, that could overcome it in Love, through experiences of union, light and forgiveness.

Therefore, He created a sacred geometry, which synthesizes the existence of this world and of the local universe.

In this geometry, of which I speak to you today, is the possibility that the whole of humanity rediscovers its path, the path to the Source of Creation that was lost from the moment that duality, or as you are willing to understand it, as adversity, emerged.

But in this sacred geometry, that is also inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, is found a replica of this very elevated thought of God, that emerged from His eternal Heart from the moment that He felt the will and need that His children could know and recognize Him, as the Father of Wisdom, the Father of Love, the Lord of the Truth.

But it was before My birth in Israel, that the most ancient peoples of the desert knew the sacred geometry of God.

During the forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, by being protected and sheltered by the Eternal Father, in that long walk, seeking the Promised Land, had known and experienced the essence of that sacred geometry by means of the manna which satiated and fed them; it was the physical contact that they had with the essence of that Purpose of God that brought forth life on Earth and the emergence of the first humanity.

It was in this way that before the appearance of Christ on Earth, through His incarnation in Bethlehem, the ancient people of Israel could make part of the Divine Purpose, that their genetics and natural constitution allowed; some time after, My human essence would receive from this people what most sacred thing they reached at the level of Spirit and Higher Mental.

When I was on Earth, I was the sacred geometry of God manifested as man and consciousness. I was the archetype itself and divine principle materialized on Earth, through the most pure womb of My Mother in the sacred intervention of the Holy Spirit.

All was thought, contemplated and meditated upon so that the world, throughout times and generations, would never forget the main sacred geometry of God, which is Love, that within human consciousness allows evolution, ascension and the expansion of charity.

In the Universe of God, there are many scrolls such as this one. Such profound and unknown revelations to the human mind that will help all human beings to resume the lost path to their true purpose, to the true reason that brought them here for a spiritual goal, for an uplifted end, for a sacred principle.

Your souls do recognize this legacy because they are part of this manifestation, of this experience, which started in the origin of this Universe.

While Aurora contemplates this scene of the Son, bringing to the world the sacred geometry of God, a great celestial vault in the inner planes is manifested in all of your spirits, in order that they capture the sacred symbols of God, which the people of Israel once knew and which will allow on Earth, to resume again, the reverence to reach the ascension of body, mind and spirit.

Through what I taught to the apostles, by means of the Sacraments, the sacred geometry is also found diversified in different principles and forms, to the point that these sacred geometries are material, through Baptism, Anointment,  Confession, Washing of the Feet and,  most importantly, through Communion.

Because it was at the Last Supper, where the most important sacred geometry of God descended through Me, in the materialization of the Body and Blood of Christ, sacred geometry allowed Me to reach the Cross, in order to expand and give all the symbols that redeemed humanity at that time.

Today the heavenly angels prepare the doors of the Universe, because the impulses of the sacred geometry of God will return to humanity so that souls can experience a different way of life and learn, in simplicity, to overcome fear, error and pain that these human genetics have generated throughout times by having been distanced from the Purpose of God, from the sacred geometry of the Father.

The Archangel Metatron is the guardian and keeper of the sacred geometry of God. He is in charge, within this material and local Universe, of sending this impulses at the end of times, in order that souls reach a profound connection with the Creator Father, by means of the intervention of Archangel Metatron.

It is the fire of this archangel, through His main sacred geometry, that will allow the transmutation of human consciousness and the liberation of the human spirit from sin, error, perversion and perdition.

God taught in the beginning of this world, the first and most important sacred geometry, which is the Word of prayer. It is the bridge and base to build a new life that souls, in a short time, will not recognize in themselves because of the voltage that prayer provides to human consciousness through elevation and transformation.

Those who live in the school of sacred geometry of prayer will know other sacred geometries of the Father and the spiritual plane will no longer be far from you; you will be able to recognize it within yourself when making contact with these divine principles that come from the Source.

Until today, this is what I can say, because the sacred geometry has a high voltage of spiritual and material energy that transmutes human consciousness; and you must learn to live and administer the impulses that come from heaven, because knowledge itself is an impulse that will remain within you, to lead you to take a great step in some moment of your lives.

This is the reason why I stop today, because souls have a certain capacity to endure, but trust in what I am doing, just as I trust in what you do, day to day, and in everything that you have offered Me today for the triumph of My Sacred Heart in humanity.

It is this fidelity, constancy and faith that comes from within you that allows this knowledge to come closer, so that humanity comes out of the superficial, the petty, the indifferent; so that you may be instruments of these sacred geometries in each moment of life, just as in each act of prayer, so that you may be mirrors of God.

I thank those who listen carefully, because this emits a response from the Universe that, at last, the day of your awakening will come in order to be in communion in an intimate and true way with the Main Source of God, so that you are in contact with God, even though you are on Earth learning to overcome suffering and learning to live Love.

Sacred geometry will always uplift you.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master has kept the scroll…

And now, to synthesize this impulse in consecrated life manifested in different ways, because it is something that souls live, and where the sacred geometry is also found.

And today I will consecrate two new helpers because they have manifested this constancy in seeking this Purpose of God, and thus, I keep gathering My flock so that you recognize your filiation with Me and, above all, this intimate marriage with My Heart.

I wish to have here the elements of consecration for the helpers.

And the sacred geometry of God will be mirrored as well in these elements, which will become sacred, so that it may be present in My Spouses that have offered to serve Me through this service of giving themselves to the altars of God.

All sacred geometries are aspects of the Love of God, they are the closest experience of the Source of Creation.

I invite you to stand in reverence to the sacred geometries of God, for yourselves, your families, your acquaintances, the whole humanity that must recover the attributes of God through these last impulses that I bring from the Universe to the humble of heart.

Let us celebrate this event before the doors of heaven. May the whole humanity be worthy of this Grace, because what is true comes only from the immaterial and from the experience of Love in the material life.

Let us listen to the Kodoish melody so that the angels, at My request and call, be gathered here to bring to Earth the essence of the sacred geometry of God, a fertile treasure that is kept in the Sacred Centers of the Hierarchy. Father, in each element that You created is found the essence of the sacred geometry.

Today we raise and offer each one of these elements so that human consciousness may be transmuted and souls reach forgiveness and redemption. Amen.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Friar Melquisedec, Friar Juan de la Cruz, both brothers, you may come.

From the element water, that God created, is born the sacred geometry of life, from which every being on Earth is fed and lives, because this element unites it and elevates it to the Kingdom of God.

Let us softly start singing the melodic Kodoish in order to receive the angelic impulses and accompany this ceremony.

Song: the melodic Kodoish.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Pardon, He told me that I forgot a step…

Father, this is My Body that as a sacred geometry, is offered today to the world for the remission of the errors and redemption of consciousnesses. Amen.

Father, this is the Chalice of My Blood that is lovingly offered today for the uplifting of human consciousness, purification of life on Earth and healing of the hearts. Amen.

And through the sacred geometry of prayer, Eternal Father, bless all these elements and especially Your Children, so that all of them have inner strength to go forward and reach the celestial victory. Amen.

Prayer: Our Father in Aramaic.

Father, bless these hearts so that they may always be participants of Your Grace and Mercy and act in this world as shining stars of Your Heart, bringing peace to the whole Earth.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I give thanks to you for being brave enough to listen and not lose the courage to make Love triumph on this planet. Carry on working and living in the Divine Mercy.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, for Me, for My Father and for the Holy Spirit, give each other a peace salutation.

I thank you!


Second Message

What sweetness My Heart feels when the Helpers prepare My Altars with so much love so that their Humble Shepherd is able to place His Feet here and bless you all!

The sweetness My Heart feels when everything is prepared with love is very great, indescribable.

This is why today I can tell you, My apostles, that in many of you I have seen the steps toward redemption, knowing how to go through the tests, the challenges and all the difficulties just by opening to the experience of love, which is what makes souls alive. It is what brings the spirit of the Source to your hearts.

May the love I find today on this altar, prepared by the kind hands of My Helpers, may that love multiply in the world.

Because you know, companions, that this love is needed to learn to bear everything.

The world lacks that infinite and great love which comes from the Father and which must always descend to the Earth through your hearts and experiences of charity and of kindness.

Yesterday I came as the Lord of the Night; today I come as the Sun of the Love of God, so that you may know I am always in everything, even more so in the small details, when you do everything in the name of the Love of God and for your Lord, the Redeemer.

We have come to a special moment in these times, in which the help of souls who surrender to live My Divine Mercy is indispensable to Me.

Today I do not want you to feel sadness nor suffering, but rather the deep delight which comes from My Heart on seeing fulfilled, on this planet, that which the Father once showed Me in the Garden of Gethsemane during the Agony.

Why do I mention the past experience lived by your Master and Lord?

Because you, companions, day after day need to recover the codes of Light that through the suffering, the agony, the pain and anguish, are gradually lost.

In the experience of the past of your Lord is Life. The reason can be found for you to be here, accompanying Me in this cycle as future New Christs.

Breath the spiritual energy of My Love so all may be comforted, and at this time, all may be renewed.

Today I emit silence between My Words so you may move deeper into My Message and the subtle vibrations are able to do their work in your consciousnesses.

Today I return here to give you My last legacy though the Sacred Medallion of Christ, the Glorified Heart, a symbol that, if lived with faith, will transform lives and will heal wounded hearts; a symbol that will bring wisdom and charity to souls.

By means of this Medallion, I will place an experience lived by Me, and I will leave it imprinted together with all the attributes which this symbol of redemption represents for souls.

I desire that, in spirit and in soul, you now go with Me to the Sea of Galilee, to the moment when your Master and Lord called the Twelve by their name, just as I have called you by your souls.

Walk with Me toward the edge of this sea and see the fishermen on the boats, working to survive. I have come there to cast spiritual nets and draw souls to My Heart.

See the multitudes working at fishing, carrying out their labors in order to please God in each daily task.

Try to reach this moment together with Me, and remember when I called some of you by your name, just as I called Peter to accompany Me in that great mission which God gave Me in those times.

See how the Shepherd was in search of His new sheep, calling them, grouping them, assembling them under the Spirit of God for that great mission of the redemption of the planet.

Remember that inner call and relive it as if it were today.

Remember your Master approaching the fishermen, climbing with them into a boat to sail out to sea and multiply the Graces.

When you cast the nets into the sea to fish, trust and have faith, for the souls I need to rescue from this world are many, and you are My fishers of souls, the hearts I can use to draw the Mercy of God closer to your peers.

Feel that call that I once made and renew your vows today with your Master and Lord, for I will still need your lives to be confirmed so that I may move forward with the Plan of Redemption of this world in this end time.

Just as you offer Me precious altars, I need you to offer Me precious lives, adhered to My convocation and to My call; this will allow Me to labor and move forward with the Designs My Father has dictated to My Heart.

The redemption of the planet began on the Sea of Galilee; the portal of salvation opened there for all souls, especially those who were in ruin.

The defeat of My enemy began there, and the triumph of the Love of God through the hearts that opened to My call.

Companions, renew the vow of fidelity to Me so I may count on you even more in these critical times, in which only love will free you from the binds, the prisons, the chains, from suffering.

I wish you to dedicate this Marathon for those who do not live the commitment to Me, or for those who abandoned it for different reasons. For them I still have Mercy and pity, just as I do for you every day.

Let this Marathon be a moment to renew the commitment so your Master and Lord may continue to open doors in the expansion of His Work for the planet, for there are still souls that wait for Me, like your own, to receive My Forgiveness and My Grace.

Everything will depend on that vow and that commitment being renewed.

I do not ask you to do more than you are able, but rather that you do it in truth, so I may find rest in your hearts.

I want you to be glad because the day of your renewal has come and the end of captivity is near.

But there is a part that is yours to do, in this time and within this transition of the planet.

I come as that Sun of the Love of God so that you may remember that My Grace is always there.

Thus, during this Marathon, I will bless all these Medallions you have placed at the foot of My Altar, because these first Medallions will come to Africa before coming to your hands.

The next Medallions will come to Asia and to the Middle East.

There are still souls who need to find consolation, and renewing this commitment to Me in this Marathon will allow your hearts to be able to give of themselves, rather than to receive.

Do you accept giving the best you have to your brothers and sisters?

Do you accept that the Sacred Medallion reach those most in need in the world?

Then I can consider you disseminators of My Glory and My Mercy.

You in truth have it all because you need to give it all.

This has been My work during these last 50 Marathons, give you everything so you may give everything, to those you do not know, those you do not see, those who endure suffering in this world and in this humanity.

But you will be able to have Sacred Medallions for yourselves; I will bless them in time.

I need you to accompany Me as you have done up to now, with maturity, in the face of this crisis of the planet and its humanity.

There are places in the world where situations are escalating; thus the importance of Our Sacred Hearts helping the nations through the Pilgrimage, to avoid great conflicts, to aid souls, to carry the same relief that your hearts have received in other meetings with Me during this time.

I wish you to be in likeness to what I Am, in the giving of self, in mercy and in kindness.

Let us then water this Sacred Figueira with the Virtues of God, because the world is still waiting to get here, when the doors of your hearts are fully open. And at that moment there will be no reason for fear because while I am here, and especially in you, My Will shall be accomplished.

I thank the Helpers of My Mercy for having placed these Medallions at My feet that will go to Africa, and I know they will not be enough, but through them I will multiply all the Graces so My children of Africa may receive the same consolation that you receive today, and be brought relief from the wars, illness, hunger and persecution.

May these Medallions reach the children who have need of a Father like the One Who is in the Heavens; who have need of a Mother like the One Who is in the Heavens; who need apostles like the ones here.

The fourth group of Medallions, after Asia and the Middle East, will be sent to Venezuela, so the Venezuelans not believe I have forgotten them.

Remember that evil, which has no love, at some point defeats itself and throws itself into the abyss of its own perdition and illusion; and at that moment, God sends His great Archangels to rebuild the souls that are wounded and lost like in Venezuela.

Wherever that Medallion may be, there Justice will be.

Blessed will be one who believes in its non-material, non-physical power, for they will be in God.

Blessed will be one who gifts it in love, for they will be giving My Merciful Heart into the hands of their brothers and sisters.

Let your hearts rejoice and let your souls smile, because the Lord, Jesus Christ, will send out the apostles two by two so they may carry these Sacred Medallions to where I have said.

Do you accept this?

It is time to share the love, so the Love of God may abound on Earth.

I will now bless this altar and these Medallions under the effusion of the Holy Spirit so that the ones who receive them may be blessed by Divine Grace.

Lord, sanctify the elements that You Yourself created for the elevation of consciousnesses and of all the worlds.

Sanctify, Lord, each created element, in order that souls and all the spaces of this planet receive the powerful Source of Your Light. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, the water that You Yourself created, born of Your non-material Source of Light, in order that the spaces and all souls receive Your Grace. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, this oil, born of the creation of the trees so it may restore souls and alleviate hearts in need of You. Amen.

Beloved Father, sanctify the Blood of Your Son so His codes of Light may be poured out over souls and they may participate in the redemption. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, the Body of Your Son so hearts may receive My Divine Essence and in them the new humanity may be built. Amen.

And today, the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus sanctifies and blesses these three small hearts which will be placed as light and as life in the souls that will receive them, in order that they aid, through My Sacred Heart, the souls that will be in need of healing and consolation. Amen.

Father, with this water You have created, bless the souls that will serve Me in other times.

We will now ask the Father to bless this moment so more hearts in the world may receive the Grace of My Glorified Heart.

Father, grant the powerful Mercy of Your Heart to all those who are in need, and from Your creatures receive this sacred offering of prayer during the next two days, so the planet as consciousness may be aided and humanity may awaken to redemption.

So be it.

I bless you, in the name of the Almighty and Lord of the Heights.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being in the Mercy of My Heart.

Special Apparitions

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Welcome everyone to this very special meeting with Our Lady.

Before beginning the prayer, I wanted to make a simple comment.

You know that Our Lord, when He was incarnated as Jesus, never made a spiritual difference between men and women, because He considered beings as souls, as monads, as servants of the Father and of His Plan. It's just that during that period there were many formalities that had to be followed. And today, in the same way He did 2000 years ago, He respects the evolutionary schools of each one of us and tries to transmit a universal message so that all souls can receive and accept it.

He deeply respected the customs and the laws that the Jewish people had at that time. For this reason, His spiritual connection with all those women who loved Him and followed Him was somewhat hidden so as to be able to work calmly, and so that they would not be rejected or repudiated, but rather accepted and could freely live their spirituality. Thus, little is known about those connections.

In these later days, the Divine Mother, in Her daily Messages, began to reveal very hidden details about what happened with the women of Jerusalem. They are details about the true spiritual connection that many women had with Christ, and of how they united their hearts, their souls, their spirits to His Spirit, and committed themselves to serve Him, to be His female apostles up until this time.

What is it that Our Lord did in these last days? How did the consecration we are going to experience today come about?

He wants that same connection of heart and spirit, those same codes to be able to express in this time, in all those consciousnesses that have offered themselves to serve Him and His Mother.

With this consecration, He intends to attracts these codes, which are in the planetary consciousness, and place them in those consciousnesses that today have offered themselves to serve Him in a simple way, unexpected by some of you, almost without intending to for others, so they can resurface within you and are able to be expressed through service, devotion, an almost imperceptible forward movement of one who serves in almost the last place.

Silent devotion and service, the inner ministry which those women experienced, that apostleship is what He wants to attract from the Universe so that it can re-emerge here among all of us.

So the idea is that you are able to receive these codes with humility and with much gratitude, because you will be representing the apostleship that for more than 2,000 years many women have experienced, anonymous women who had no intention of being recognized, but rather, just wanted to experience silent and humble service to Our Lord.

Today, you're going to formally confirm this intimate experience between you and Christ, between you and Mary. You're going to formally confirm this spiritual union so that you are able to serve Him in a humble way.

That service is very important at this time because what you're going to do, as Helpers of the Divine Mercy, is essential so that other consciousnesses are able to receive what they need. It is an offering so that other consciousnesses may be able to be consecrated, blessed, baptized, renewed. And that task, imperceptible to many, is absolutely essential so that this may happen.

So each one, in the task they are to do because of the commitment that they have been able to make, will be integrated into this great task of the Sacraments, of the preparation of the altars, where the energy coming from God is drawn to, to be distributed among all those present and also among all those who participate through the TV screen, because people open their hearts and remain very connected in the face of all that can be expressed through the Ceremony.

So we, as the consecrated, welcome you to this consecration Branch that complements, collaborates with and assists in the entire task that the Order carries out.

We invite you to open your hearts and that you take your steps without fear, because this is only the beginning.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:


Today, I come clothed in the Mantle that you have placed upon yourselves, for this humble consecration to Our Lord.

And so, today, through your 'yes', I am founding the Fifth Branch of this Order, which is the Helpers of the Divine Mercy of Jesus, who will wear a wooden Ring on their left hand with the spiritual symbol of this Order, making vows of prayer, of unconditional service, and the main vow, which is that of Mercy, in order to bring to the world and humanity what the world and humanity so much needs.

You will wear the same Spiritual Ring that the Holy Women of Jerusalem wore, who were assembled by My Son and by Me to allow this task of Mercy, this Mission throughout time, to triumph.

You, dear daughters, are part of a story that is being written in the Heart of God, about something that will soon be known worldwide.

You are the tip of that lance of Love that begins to pierce the world so that it may be healed, and, thus, all souls.

My Graces are with you today, and without knowing or understanding, many gave this great leap toward the Heart of My Son, whereby, through Me, He announces His gratitude to you.

That My Beloved Son feels grateful for the souls that serve Him is something incalculable that goes beyond this universe and your spirits, gratitude for bringing peace, for bringing the good and Mercy so that souls may be healed in the simplicity of prayer and in the hands that work to serve the King.

Today, in this consecration, you are crowned by the angels who watch over and guard the souls in this sacred purpose of experiencing the redemption and conversion of the heart.

I invite you, dear daughters, at this new step, to be witnesses of all that you experience, with humility and detachment, to testify that faith and trust in My Son can do all things up until the end.

So it is, dear daughters, that I open the doors of My Heart to you, to welcome you and take you on, knowing you will be part of a congregation that is transforming over time and is learning, through its mistakes, to love Jesus.

God does not seek perfection from you, nor splendor. God needs you to incarnate the spirit of humility which the world lacks and which causes it to be far from the Love of God.

Today, I consecrate you as a part of the people of God Who is in the Heavens, formed by the Blessed and by the angels that eternally praise the Father.

We will sing to God in gratitude for this Grace, knowing you will be the beginners, the first disciples and apostles of Christ, who come from this humanity, wounded by so many errors and so many misconceptions.

Today I want your souls to assume the vow of being chalices for receiving the love of Jesus, which must transcend forms, ideas, actions and all limits so that His Kingdom on Earth may triumph through the souls that trustingly give of themselves to His heart.

Thus it is, dear daughters, that by me assuming you, my Son will be accompanying you in His Glory, teaching you daily how to divest yourselves of all that is old so that, finally, within yourselves may be born that which is new, that which is part of the Gifts of God, of His Holy Virtues, His Designs and His Will.

Today you will be blessed by the water to purify your bodies, so they may be renewed.

Today, you will be anointed by the consecration oil, just as those who surrender time and again to Christ are consecrated and anointed.

Today, a new door will open in your lives and consciousnesses, a door that will guide you to My Heart, because My Motherly Heart is the portal that will always take you to Christ.

Rejoice and cry like the Holy Women at the foot of the Cross, for having found their beloved spouse, Whom they had not seen on their paths for such a long time.

Today, His Mercy penetrates your hearts so that your souls may be vivified and be Light in the world, a world that suffers in the darkness.

My Beloved Son has need of Helpers of His Divine Mercy because, even though it may not seem so, a part of humanity is in agony because of its own evil.

Be participants in this inner communion with the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that I bring to you today, and, whenever you feel it, repeat: Lord, I Trust in You.

Because in spite of what should happen, Jesus' trust in you will be unbreakable, and that means a spiritual responsibility toward God and His Kingdom.

Let this Grace bring you atonement and renewal.

Let the Grace of the Heart of God ignite you with mercy and pity for the world.

So be it.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

When we decide to live for God, we begin to receive many opportunities that at first seem insignificant, they may even seem like a way of spending time doing things different from our ordinary lives, and, little by little, the Christic codes begin to imperceptibly enter into our consciousnesses until we begin to observe our lives and feel things we didn't feel before.

Our preferences and our moods begin to change, in prayer we begin to find a way of being, and, in this way, slowly, we are led by something invisible that goes pushing us to make decisions and feel things.

Until one day, in a complete cry of our soul, we take a step, and then we can no longer go back, we don't feel like going back. On the contrary, with a little bit of fear, we dare to take another step, and see there had been nothing to fear.

And so we go ahead taking step after step, and today we are here, saying a 'yes' that will become something very important.

Mary doesn't miss any opportunity and this allows us to trust that She, Who knows everything, sees everything and feels everything, reached out Her hand toward us. And so we squeeze Her hand, close our eyes, and allow ourselves to be carried forward. Now we'll see where we are taken.

The only thing I can say to you is have no fear, because although this is a spiritual commitment, it will cause you to make some material decisions, that you'll be more disciplined or more responsive to the service you provide, that you better understand the scope of the task.

Open your heart to these records of having accompanied the Master at some time and allow yourselves to be carried away, lead, surprised, because nothing bad will happen.

Those who have physical husbands, don't worry, because there's no contradiction. You will not be deceiving them, and Christ will not feel deceived by you.

Live this experience in peace and with happiness. With inner joy, let Christ love you and learn to love Him without any fear, without any concern, because the place He occupies within your spirits is unique.

The Hierarchy truly wants this instrument which is the Order to be something very important for humanity, and we must live it with great humility, and especially not held in our minds; just humility, sincerity and our hearts.

That will be the way in which, as Mary said, it will be a congregation that is learning through its mistakes to be able to be an instrument of the Divinity. So you're going to enter into a learning process that moves along through its mistakes, like all of humanity.

Welcome and thank you very much.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come among the clouds of Heaven to bring good news.

Happy are they who will prepare to spend the seven days with Me, reliving My Passion, bringing the new codes for them, which will transform their lives forever.

The codes that I will bring for this cycle are not the same as what I have brought you in previous times.

I will come with the codes that will illuminate your cells; because it is the cells that will first be prepared for what is to come to the world.

I come with the good news of bringing you more hope, so that your spirits may be still and may perceive the frequencies of the Cosmos, which My Rays will bring from the Universe to the Earth during the seven days.

I will let there be silence between the words so that you may attentively listen to what I say to you.

My Words must not only sound in your minds; they must vibrate in your hearts so that the prophecy may be fulfilled.

 You are part of that prophecy, of the prophecy of John on the resurgence of Christ, on His glorious coming to the world.

For now, companions, I can show Myself in Divinity to you, for My Body is still Glorified and My total Consciousness is also.

It is until you achieve new vibrations that I will show Myself in Divinity to the world. While you have not achieved a transcendence of terrestrial energies, I will come in Divinity to talk to you, and then show Myself in glory to everyone.

In the same way that I ascended to the Heavens, so I will return, when the seven trumpets of the angels sound, which will announce the seven new cycles that this humanity will experience on its five continents.

It will be the new tribes of Israel, which will be called by the sounding of the trumpets; that is why what you experience today is a preparation, the prelude to a great event.

Thus, avail yourselves of this, drink of the Fount that I bring you today so that your hearts, at the most crucial time of Earth, not be indifferent in the face of all that will happen; but, rather, let them take on all the human events and those of this planet, that will unfold in these new seven cycles.

The Sacred Week will be an inner preparation for everyone. A portal will reopen, just like in each previous Sacred Week. But this portal will be different from the previous ones. You will have the chance to vivify My Spirit, to feel new things that you did not feel before, to experience new lessons that you never experienced before, to take sure steps that you never dared to take before.

These are all the possibilities that I bring you today, for those who are happy and are preparing their hearts for the Sacred Week.

The revelations of these times are part of the awakening of the consciousness. Nothing will remain hidden, all will have the possibility of knowing everything, outside of and within beings, in humanity, and on the planet.

We are in the time of the prelude of the coming of Christ.

I Am that Consciousness that is reemerging in these times, and that is written in the prophetic books of the sages.

All of humanity will be able to know that I am here, and although My Church may be mobilized, do not fear, for if your Lord was not accepted in the temple of Jerusalem, do you believe that you will be accepted?

I come to build the bases of My Spiritual Church in souls.

I come to revive what is dead in beings, I come to ignite what has been extinguished in beings.

All of these are the offers that I bring you today. Do not allow the spark of your love for Me to be extinguished. In spite of what may happen, be brave.

The Kingdom of God is drawing closer.

I bring you My sincere Heart, so that you just may feel it.

Today I will call a group of women who have served Me in other times, just as I will have the opportunity during Sacred Week of calling many more souls to meet Me, so that they may receive the treasures that I want to give them with so much Love; non-material and invisible treasures that will make souls joyous because, through that treasure that I will give them, they will be able to be in the Sacred Glory of God, and by the Father will be considered as possible merciful souls.

This is why, companions, I need you to definitely awaken to these gifts because the world and humanity need it.

Each impulse that I bring you is definitive, it is the opportunity to take a great step, and to dare to cross the abysses, to be able to find the Ocean of My Mercy.

I still hope that you can enter this Ocean so that I may transform you, and convert you into My brave soldiers that will not be afraid to proclaim My Word, to announce My new gospel through the instructions that I have brought you in these times. They are only words of salvation and of love.

It is that light that I need you to distribute in the world. That is why I will always send you on a mission so that suffering may be alleviated and your hearts may awaken to unconditional service within the Plan of God.

While I speak to you, I leave you many keys, so that you may penetrate My Message, be a part of My Message, and live it in these end times, for in such a simple way you will help Me to carry out My Work of Redemption.

Through My Love, I come to teach you to be able to resurrect to the impossible, to be able to bring into your lives the mercies you have lost.

This is the spring that I offer you.

That is why I am sending My soldiers two by two; because I need, companions, for you to distribute and share the mercy that you have received from My Heart for all the hearts of the world that are shipwrecked in their suffering, that cannot find the way out, nor can they find peace.

You were deserving of My Peace, and what will you do with the peace that I have given you?

Be carriers of this legacy, for many souls in the world that do not have it.

When you are about to abandon My Work, remember these words, regain your inner strength, and continue onward, without looking back; just observing the horizon of love that I bring you and, in this way, the forces of evil will be defeated, because the very evil consumes itself by not knowing the power of the Love of God.

You are sparks of that invincible love, believe in this and you will never perish.

Around Me contemplate the inner universe. That is what I seek from you all the time, to be able to build the foundation of My Work in the world.

It will be through your inner universe that My Work will be carried out in humanity.

I do not come to make you materialists of My Plan, but rather spiritualized beings under the Love of God and of His infinite Mercy.

Again, I come to open the doors for those who have them closed.

I come to bring you the balm of My Love because it will be the flame that will comfort you for the times of darkness all over the Earth.

The Sacred Week is the refuge for My soldiers, it is the manna that will come from Heaven to give an impulse to the consciousnesses to carry onward the banner of peace that I give each one today.

Through the Sacrament of Communion, a union of souls with God, Heaven and Earth, like a single consciousness, is established through the adoring exercise of the angels.

Show Me the bread and the wine, so that they may convert into My Body and My Blood, divine codes of rehabilitation for consciousnesses.

Friar Elías: Let us softly sing "Christ, You are love."

Today I consecrate them, My daughters, as the first helpers of My sacramental ceremonies.

As servants of My Mercy, through their giving of self, they build the altars for My Work in the world.

I want them to be the first servants of My Mercy, because you will be who testifies that during this time I was among you, to have you know the power of My Love and My Grace.

My servants, be consolers of My Passion. Prepare to serve Me during the Sacred Week, just as the Holy women served Me in the Sepulcher and to the foot of the Cross.

Be like Mary Magdalene, who, with her tears, washed My Feet, and I drew her toward My Mercy.

Be in likeness of Mary Magdalene, be the new Marys, for this next Sacred Week.

I want you to be around your King, contemplating the love that I have for you, for each small step that you have taken in this manifestation of the ceremony of My Heart.

Thus I consecrate these elements, that in your hands will be signs for a new life.

Today you, My servants, are being witnesses of the last legacy that I give to humanity.

From your lips must come divine words of praise and prayer; from your hearts, consoling love must be radiated for your Sorrowful King, Who suffers the indifference of the world in His most silent agony.

I consecrate you as Helpers of My Divine Mercy; as the first women, of your Glorious King, who will be an example for all the rest who will be inwardly called for the concretization of the divine ceremony at each new altar.

Today God brings you this merit, so that many more merits may be distributed in the new holy women that I will call by name.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From your lips I want to hear the song "Sincere Heart," so that you may be like Me, in each new detail.

I thank you for serving Me, may peace be in you. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
