In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To follow My path, there is a single pathway, which is the pathway of the heart, a safe pathway protected from any interpretation and interference.
If the disciple does not walk with their heart, they will be lost, because their own human persona will confuse them.
Has the disciple realized when they have walked on the pathway of the heart, but also when they have not?
That is the keynote of this time, to follow the path of the Heart of the Master so that, in this time of tribulation, the Holy spirit may guide you through Me, by means of Its Gifts and Graces.
The pathway of the heart is a path that is always open and, I would say, unforgettable, because the pathway of the heart is guided by the spirit of each being, when the human person allows their spirit to act and work.
Imagine that, if your Master and Lord had not given His life through the path of the heart, even at Calvary, how could He have consummated His surrender during His Death on the Cross?
The path and the pathway of the Heart, sooner or later leads the disciple into dying to the self, so that I, as Master and Lord, will be able to be born again in them.
But this path of the heart must show itself to each one; you must seek it incessantly through your good works and prayers. Because the path of the heart is the path of those who humble themselves before Christ, of those who no longer want anything for themselves, but rather the common good of humanity.
What I tell My disciples today will seem simple to you, but I know who lives the path of the heart and who does not.
I patiently hope that many more may feel encouraged to walk on the path of the heart in order to discover their true self and their true essence; because it will not be in the explanations that you will find the path of the heart, but rather in the absolute conviction of aspiring to live in God, of aspiring to find My Heart, that you may be one in Me, just as I Am One in all of you so My Father, Who is in the Heavens, may be in you.
The great saints and disciples of the East, the seekers of truth, those who really seek the truth and do not condition it, lived the path of the heart. At some point in their walk, they found that path.
And many of those saints and disciples of the East had to give up their own accomplishments and also their own aspirations. Because to reach the end of this path, which is My Heart itself, there is a single condition so that your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters are able to definitively live in My Heart: it is the condition of divestment.
It seems a simple word, but is not, because holiness is achieved through the path of the heart and will never be reached through the path of illusion.
What are the illusions that still surround your consciousness?
What are the dreams that coexist within you and are not dreams of God?
In light of all this, what is the rule of your lives? What is the code of your evolution?
What is the reason for being here before Me today, responding to My Call?
You could ask Me the same:
What is the reason for You still being here, Lord?
What moves You to come from Heaven to the Earth, to live this great encounter with souls?
What makes You untiring, Lord, patient, humble and loving?
What drives You to come here; even, Lord, when around You, You find almost everything in ruins?
What is the answer?
Love, which is what led Me to go to the Cross to be crucified, to die and be buried; because God Himself, in His human persona, allowed Himself to die so that you could be resurrected. And I know that this is still part of a divine mystery, incomprehensible at this time.
But it is an act of Love that your Master died on the Cross; that He is here today, hoping that many more should decide, for once and for all, to follow the path and the pathway of the Heart so you may understand the reason for My Will and My ardent desire for souls.
As I told you some months ago, now is the time and now is the moment for each one to walk on their own feet, but without crawling along with lamentations or in your lack of understanding, that you walk determined and firm in your love, in the Sacred Teachings that I have given you for such a long time.
For the time has come to act through what has been taught and conveyed to you by My Heart. Meanwhile, the world that suffers, the souls that are hurt, the hearts that agonize without seeing love, light and truth, wait for decided disciples and servers.
I want you wholly with Me, because such a broad and unknown Will cannot be concretized and realized in tepid hearts, for it would be unsustainable.
I am always here to show you the path and the way out. The signs have already been clear. The impulses have already been given. The Mercy has been distributed and shared among all, as well as My Grace, through the blessing of the Holy Sacraments.
May this amnesty, which My Celestial Mother has granted to you in these days of a positive spiritual conjunction, be well used and may souls respond well to it, because there is only one reason for all this, which is that through the souls surrendered at My Feet, My Will may be accomplished.
This why I come here time after time to knock on the door of your hearts, even though you may have already heard Me. But have you truly heard Me? Have you truly submerged yourselves in My Message? Where are the talents that I come looking for?
It cannot remain only in books; My Word is an act of communion so it may live ardently in hearts. My Word is a living water that quenches all thirst, for there will not be any holiness in this life without crossing the desert.
If your Master and Lord lived it, why could you not experience the dark night? If I Am the Light of the world for you, what darkness do you fear?
Thus, I come to dispel the darkness, mainly within hearts. My Word will be sown time and again in the hearts that trust in Me.
Here is the pathway of the heart for everybody. Will you walk on it?
Think about what I tell you. Meditate on what I give you. Embrace what I grant to you. Because I am already leaving to prepare Myself for the great moment.
And in the most culminating moments of the world and of humanity, when I will no longer be able to come here, you must remember and re-live these moments, the countless Graces that were given and poured out, like so many stars in the universe.
May this be honored and valued through the consistency of your attitudes, and above all, through your surrender to My Heart.
I come to speak to the disciples who have already walked for a long time. I come to speak to adult, aware and awakened people.
It is this that will make My Work possible on Earth, especially in these times, when love and peace must be the premise, the first rule of life, so that all manage to be supported, because this is brotherhood.
On this first day, before celebrating Holy Communion, empty your hearts so My Words are able to enter and work within you, like small sparks of Light that come from the source of My Love, from My unfathomable Mercy.
Let My Peace permeate each sphere of the Earth.
Let My Peace permeate and deepen into each heart.
Let each cell and atom receive My Peace, so that healing and forgiveness may be achieved.
By this Peace that reigns today and fills us in the Kingdom of the Heavens, I bless you and thank you for being here, for seeking your Lord in the truth of the heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear son, dear daughter:
What does the spiritual desert mean to you? Have you ever seen yourself before it?
Do you remember what My Son lived during His forty days in the desert?
Are you afraid to cross that desert and to know what really exists within you? Why?
Be encouraged, together with Me, to cross that inner desert; but first, become free from yourself so that your inner consciousness may be free from any oppression.
Be clear, the spiritual desert is not a punishment, but an opportunity for confirmation and, above all, for self-giving. That is why My Son taught you how to free yourselves from temptations and expectations that, with illusion and deceit, promise the disciple achievements and triumphs.
The desert comes, in life, to reaffirm absolute trust in the silent Presence of God. This moment of life comes for the disciples of Christ to take a new step, so that they can move forward and not backward, so that they accept to be the subject of God in spite of any circumstance. For that was the synthesis lived by Christ, Our Lord: accepting to drink from the Chalice of salvation and redemption, bearing in Himself all the sins of the world.
Christ did not decide what life He wanted to lead, because He knew that to be a Christ He had to allow God to be His Life, so that His Will would be fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Bid farewell to your inner desert with the certainty that you have made the last decision of your life.
Now, open yourself to new horizons, so that you may recognize the higher realities of Creation.
Reflect upon each step that you have taken in these forty days, in which you learned, by yourself, to realize the different states of your consciousness.
Trust, because despite everything, you have been called to live the same experience as your Master; you have had the Grace of understanding life through an examination of your own conscience.
Now it is time to serve untiringly and do your best until the end, so that this planet may have the joy of attaining total redemption of all its committed faults.
Walk, disciple of Christ!, remembering the Voice of the Master!"
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Contemplate, in this desert, the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and find in it all that you need to go through this moment.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and become empty of yourself, so that the codes of the Savior may convert your life into something new.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart with faith and proceed without looking in the past, but rather living in the present and waiting, in peace, for all the good that will come.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart and you will be a different consciousness, permeated by the Light of all the merits achieved by the Lord.
This is the path of the aspirant and of the disciple of Christ: to contemplate the greatness of the Reliquary of My Sacred Heart so that everything may be in peace."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God’s caress be felt on your faces, but above all in your hearts. Feel the same caress that the little Child Jesus once felt.
Feel your souls in the Arms of the Heavenly Mother, and I assure you that everything will be well. Why worry, if I Am here, and Am your Mother? By any chance, haven't your hearts been consecrated to Me?
But I know that to your souls this day is important, not only because we are on the way to finalizing Lent, and preparing to contemplate the Passion of Jesus, and above all His merits and triumphs on Earth; this day is also special to you, My children, also because your souls, together with your guardian angels, before the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens, reconfirm their vows of consecration, of unconditional service, through perpetual prayer and service for those who suffer and despair the most.
May this offering, which pleases My Heart and comes from each Child of Mary, grant, to the souls who most suffer in wars, the Grace to again find peace, quiet and the goodness to rebuild their lives.
Just as My Son once entered triumphantly into Jerusalem and on that day no being died on Earth, today your Heavenly Mother, the Divine Mother of Heaven, grants a special Grace and a spiritual amnesty through all Children of Mary, so that the world may achieve peace, and peace may be established, so that the ambition of war and destruction may end, so that violence, indifference and moral or physical aggression may no longer exist among human beings of the same universal family, because all are precious in the Eyes of God. This dissolves all evil and all darkness that surrounds you.
Remember that in spirit, soul and essence, all are precious in the Eyes of God. Thus, the Eternal Father, on this day of reconsecration, opens again the door so that you may see, in yourselves, the holy virtues, to do good wherever you go or wherever you walk.
This is a main virtue: to do good. This is the authentic commitment of the Children of Mary, so that your lives may separate themselves now from all that makes the world and humanity succumb; so that your lives, now consecrated, may be a true attribute for God on Earth, which may represent the values of spiritual and human dignity.
May each one of you, offered to the fiery prayer of the heart, protect and hold the values that will emerge in the New Humanity. Because this is what the world is losing: the value of knowing how to love, the value of doing good, the value of living in peace, the value of knowing how to unite, the value of giving one’s life for one’s neighbor, just as My Most Beloved Son gave His Life for you. This is the lesson that I leave to all.
Who will give their life for others, just as My Son gave His Life for you?
Who, through this Lent and the next Holy Week, will be able to come to a decision and take a step to surpass in Love My Beloved Son?
This is possible. Do you know this?
This would justify the grave errors of the world, because the New Christs would now be a reality and would cease to be just a promise. The Christs of the New Time, consecrated as Children of the Most Holy Mother, who, although they are imperfect, transform themselves day by day and do not fear the transforming fire of My Most Beloved Son.
Through this special day, when your souls are before God for a moment, to make a synthesis of all experiences lived up to this moment, I come, as the Mother of the Redeemer, to establish a covenant between your hearts and God, a covenant that must become unbreakable, an unalterable covenant that no circumstance or situation can dissolve.
However, My beloved children, all this will depend on each one of you. God, your Father, Who loves you and contemplates you with the greatest Love that you can imagine or feel, is always with open Arms and with His Eternal Heart exposed in the Heights, His Heart which is adored and revered by all the angels of Heaven and the blessed ones. The Merciful Heart of God, which will never impart justice to you, but will rather give you Mercy. His Heart will never condemn you for your errors, but will rather save you.
This is the Sacred and flagellated Heart of the Eternal Father, which, in this end and crucial time, needs to be repaired every day through the actions of mercy of all the Children of Mary; through a prayer that does not become weaker, but rather stronger; through a conscious and spiritual discipline that will maintain you spiritually united to the Supreme Source and to all the codes of Light that it holds, which are inexhaustible, inextinguishable and eternal; codes of the Immaterial Source, which, in this coming Holy Week, that will be definitive for many of My children, are codes that need to descend to souls and hearts, to prepare them for the last and great time: the time of the Return of Christ.
I come here as a Mediating and Intercessory Mother. I come as a Mother that welcomes and receives you, and places you on this day under Her Spiritual and Divine Mantle, so that the Children of Mary in the whole world may protect, first of all from themselves, all the spiritual relics that My Son granted you throughout the times, precious and immaculate relics that are kept in the souls that are faithful to God and who represent, on this Earth, the servers and disciples of Christ.
All of them, Sons and Daughters of Mary, are the Legion of God for the end of times. Because when this planet moves in its entirety, your faith, the faith of each one of you, must not hesitate; it must be a faith that strengthens your brothers and sisters, because faith will always protect you. Faith nourishes you spiritually, because it is a precious and eternal gift of the Holy Spirit.
Behold the Holy Spirit of God, which comes to bless those who continue to walk towards Christ. The Holy Spirit that comes to supplicate and implore for those who suffer, for those who have lost Grace, for those who have lost dignity before God. The Holy Spirit that supplicates for the enemies and for those who are against the Plan of evolution of the Lord. Because the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which also emanates through the Holy Spirit, is beyond any circumstance and situation.
On these days prior to the Holy Week, allow and let your feet and hands be washed by Christ, so that you may enter the spiritual temple of the Celestial Church cleansed and purified, feeling God’s Purity in yourselves again, which no one and nothing can take away from you; and above all, feeling the Love that you deserve from Our Eternal Father, a Love that will always impel you to transformation and change, to the transformation of your habits and human customs. Because remember that what Christ needs for this coming Holy Week are the virtues of each being.
Ask yourselves: what is the Virtue of God that dwells in me, and what shall I do with each one of the virtues that Christ entrusted to me? Am I capable of going beyond my personality? Am I capable of going beyond my human aspects? Do I trust in the unfathomable power of Mercy, which transforms everything?
Indeed, I want to tell you something: yes, your lives are on the way to freedom.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will listen, at the request of our Mother, to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, and we will call to come here the Children who have offered to live consecration today.
You may draw near.
And before the Immaculate and Sacred Heart of Mary, let all those who can kneel down, because before the Divine Mother we will accompany this consecration of new Children of Mary; but we will also have the inner and intimate opportunity, in the silence of our heart, to renew our vows to the Plan of God and to divine life.
Now, the priests will bless with holy water, those who are being consecrated today and will also incense them, so that the offering of each one of their hearts may rise to the Heavens; the sincere and honest offering of, from now on, not only being declared Children of Mary, but also of being a part of Her celestial army.
Before Mary, our Celestial Mother, we make our inner offering of renewal of vows so that, through Her Immaculate Heart, they may be raised to the Kingdom of God.
At this moment of silence, we make our offering.
We will sing this hymn, thanking our Mother.
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Lord of the Desert, Who went through this experience for forty days, in the same way that you went through this experience of finding the meaning of your inner desert, without fearing spiritual aridity or emptiness.
This is why I am here, and I am the Lord of the Desert, Who, at the doors of the next Sacred Week, when the Son of God will be glorified at the entrance of Jerusalem, comes to conclude with you this first stage so that you may understand, in these times, that each process of your lives and consciousnesses has a meaning to God within this school of redemption and forgiveness.
Therefore, I invite you to keep walking along this desert because at the end of this path you will find the doorway to renewal, an experience that may enrich your consciousnesses and make them mature, and grow internally, knowing that life does not end here and that evolutionary life continues forward through your steps. I need you to take these steady steps in these times so that, before the Celestial Father, we may guarantee, together, that this Project of Mine is possible, with you and your brothers and sisters.
A Project still not understood or known, a Project that is only unveiled through those who love it, through those who make it a part of themselves so that it may be fulfilled at this crucial time of humanity.
So I come today to deliver to you the synthesis of the experience that I lived during forty days in the desert, where, just like you, in these times, I was tempted, I was persecuted, and I was sought for by the enemy.
But remember that with the keys of serenity, meekness and a peacemaking spirit, you will be able to make this synthesis that you need in order to follow, in fidelity, the Commandments of God, which He holds like promises in the Kingdom of the Heavens for each one of His children, of His creatures.
In this third impulse that prepares the next Sacred Week, I wanted to demonstrate to you, through these special meetings held at the house blessed by My Mother, at the house of Association Mary, that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs you to understand the events of these times and the duties and responsibilities of these events that each one of Mine has before God, because without My disciples of the end of times, I will not be able to do anything, and you know that the participation of My followers and companions is fundamental.
It is not that I cannot work miracles in your lives and consciousnesses, but rather that through the effort of the consequent and humble, of the responsible and conscious servers, I will justify, before the Higher Laws, all the errors of humanity, and when I physically return to this world, I will complete this Plan that is already taking place at this very moment, through your consciousnesses.
So I invite you to feel that you are a part of My Redeeming Project, so that you can be caretakers and guardians of Christ’s aspirations in these times and, especially, of those aspirations that your Master and Lord has for the peoples and nations where My Heart and My Love must reach, through the hands that give, through the feet that walk on My path, through all those who, decided, say ‘yes’.
Once more, a cycle is being fulfilled this week, previous to the Sacred Week, right before the Presence of the Son of the Sun.
I needed you to live this experience consciously, an experience that will be completed and finalized in the coming months and cycles, when you will understand and realize, on your own, all that has happened here in these last three special meetings with Me. An experience that is not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters, for all those who cannot be physically present in the next Sacred Week, but who will have the Grace, in spite of the distance, to receive Me in their hearts and homes, in their families and spaces of prayer.
May this moment be raised to the Heavens, in the Presence of the Father’s Son. That this third preparatory impulse that I give you today may symbolize, for everyone, the opportunity to consecrate one’s life even more, and, above all, one’s consciousness, for that which God expects to cause to descend as Grace and as Will upon His children, the Christs of the New Times.
In these symbolic Words that I give you today, I leave many keys to you. When you can re-read My Words, of these three preparatory meetings, at that moment you will complete the meaning of this experience and will realize that, because you have had the opportunity to go through the inner desert, together with Me, in such a quick and intensive way throughout this week, your hearts will be ready for what I will ask of you in the coming times.
And, although you will have the sensation that it is an impossible or unattainable challenge, I have absolute confidence that you will be able to do so, because if up to now and in just one week you have crossed a deep and inner spiritual desert, what would you not be able to do for Me?
Dare and be brave, Peace is with you so that you can fulfill My Will, and so that this Will may be fulfilled in your brothers and sisters of the path. Because if this moment and these meetings had not taken place, what would be of those places where there are still conflicts and wars, famine, slavery and trafficking?
Also for them I am here, and I have availed Myself of the house of Association Mary to intercede for all of them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prepared in the mystery of this desert, which you will gradually discover within yourselves, step by step, now you will enter the planetary Passion with Me, and you will understand what the planet feels, by carrying within yourselves the cross of the world, so that souls may be redeemed and consecrated.
May the merits of the Passion of Christ renew your inner forces and strengthen your decision to be with Me forever.
I bless you and encourage you to follow the path of the planetary apostolate so that all religions, beliefs and philosophies may unite on behalf of the Return of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the same way that My Heart only managed to believe in the coming of the Messiah when I held Him within My arms, in the same way that the apostles and disciples of Jesus only truly believed that He was the Christ when they saw Him rise, many of you also, children, will only understand what you are a part of when the Heavens open before your eyes and, in the middle of the chaos of the world, the Glory of the Kingdom will manifest through the Son of God.
Humanity makes spiritual life out to be special, and material life to be the reality, losing the purpose of its existence, which is a perfect unity with the Creator, a profound and true relationship with God that not even the angels can experience.
This is what you were created for, children, but your mind was strengthened more than your faith, and the potential to love remained hidden in the deepest spaces of your consciousnesses.
However, I tell you that when God has a Purpose and a Plan for His children, it manifests beyond your beliefs, your deceits and your apparent limitations, just as it has done throughout the centuries.
The Creator did not wait for faith in the hearts of humankind to then reveal His greatness. He revealed Himself amid the hearts that seemed blind, and with His Light, He gave them back their vision. He revealed Himself to ignorant hearts that yet had the commitment to manifest His Plan.
That has not changed. Souls still need to be awakened and, as much as the Voice of God resounds among you, as it resounded through His Son, you will only be able to truly awaken when you see Him face to face, accomplishing His promises, making the prophecies come alive that will unite and awaken the peoples, cultures, beliefs and races, because it is the human heart itself that will awaken, and the human essence that will beat, recognizing the Presence of God in His Son. And this essence, children, has no race, creed, culture or religion.
What the men and the women of the world will feel within themselves will not be silenced by anything, and not even by their deepest convictions will they be able to stop what they feel inside. Everything will fall apart: the concepts, the sciences, the beliefs and even faith. Everything will take on new meaning, a new life, a new value.
In one second, in human hearts, the understanding of life will be destroyed and rebuilt. And for that day you must prepare your hearts.
Until that happens, pray and persevere. Remember that this day will come, and be ready to live it.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In each cycle of human evolution, children, the time comes for the disciples to take their own steps and deliver the results of their learning to the Creator. This is experienced in Heaven as on Earth.
When the time comes to put into practice everything that you have learned, your first premise, the most basic as well as the primary one, is humility. Never forget that all the lessons received were based on the Grace of God, and not on human merit. Each instruction, each gift, each virtue and even each skill reached, everything is the result of the Divine Grace within your lives.
For this reason, children, do not lose sight of that Grace, and under the perpetual spirit of humility, know that you only triumph when you are in the Presence of the Lord and it is He Who acts through His children. Thus, prayer, silence and the eternal awareness of the Divine Presence and of the need for His Grace are that which will allow you to remain on the correct path.
This is what will uproot from your hearts any vestige of competitiveness and lack of union when you wish to impose your own ideas and thoughts upon the ideas and thoughts of others. May no one ever desire to establish their own will, rather, may everyone humbly gather in the Presence of the Creator, pray and ask for the Grace to act, decide and discern in the face of each situation in life. This will protect you, guide you and keep you safeguarded under the Law of the Grace and Mercy of God, even in the times of justice.
Everything in your lives must be guided by the Creator, and even though His Messengers become silent, you must learn to seek the Presence of the Father within your own hearts and listen to His designs. The bridges have already been created, the doors have already been opened; it is enough that your hearts remain always humble and conscious of the need for Grace in the face of any situation.
You have My blessing for this,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-fourth Poem
Mother of Mercy,
help me overcome the fears of my consciousness
and, through Your Grace, may I dissolve them
in Love and Peace.
Mother of Mercy,
after so many tests and falls,
may my soul be strengthened to continue forward,
able to see the Footprints of Christ.
Mother of Mercy,
liberate me from sin, from constant faults;
remove me from the chains of damnation and illusion
so that I may fly as free as a bird
until I can find
the path of return to the Heart of God.
Mother of Mercy,
pour out upon my life the merits and the victories
that Christ achieved during His Passion.
Through the Light of His precious Body,
may I elevate my consciousness
to be more united to God.
Through the Power of His Blood,
may my soul receive the impulses it needs
to finish this school of redemption.
Mother of Mercy,
hear my prayers, every day.
Come into my life
so that I may achieve liberation from spiritual slavery,
because, thus, I will be able to be a disciple of Christ,
willing to surrender my life
as a testimony of Love
and as a work of Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-first Poem
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
illuminate our paths with the stars of Your Crown
so that on the pathway of life we may encounter God.
Make us simple of heart and ardent in prayer,
because we hope to be fulfilling
a part of the Creator’s Plan.
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
grant us the Grace of being released
from the chains of oppression
and from the slavery that our souls might be living.
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
help us to finally
be disciples and servers of Christ.
May our lives and existence
be in the Sacred Hands of Your Son
so that He may mold them as new instruments
at His service of Love and Peace.
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
we aspire to no longer want anything for ourselves
but rather that our lives may be the example
of the promises of Christ
for the redemption of humanity.
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
we ask You to guide and accompany us
until we are able to walk alone
so that, with maturity,
we may lovingly respond to the requests of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
After experiencing the meeting with God, hearing His Words and participating in the revelation of His Designs, souls must then grow, strengthened by Celestial Laws; they must live everything they have learned and, with their lives, they must disseminate the Grace that they have received, in their examples, their love and the profound emanation of their hearts.
After experiencing the meeting with God, souls must then define themselves, be reconfirmed and walk onward to discover the Divine Presence within themselves, and thus, hear His Voice in each instant of their lives.
Each meeting with God brings an impulse that must resonate within the being and manifest in human life through deep transformations, achieved by those who have heard the Voice of the Creator.
The Voice of God resonates, children, and must not only be heard, but also be made flesh and life in all His children.
The time has come to not only be called disciples and companions of Christ but, above all, to testify to His Presence and the echo of His Voice with your own life. The Gospel of the end times have already begun to be written, and it is done through the Words of God, and through the testimonies of His children.
You must be witnesses of the Words of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Open your heart to perceive that which God aspires for you. Always receive His words, placing them within your own being, for them to transform you as a living witness of the Divine Presence.
Not only listen to the Words of God, but, child, allow them to transform you into what you truly are. Allow them to liberate the covers of your illusion and arrogance so that you may see the truth that is hidden under your human condition.
Listen to each message as a dialogue of God with you and do not fear to deepen into what He tells you. This is how you will truly transform yourself, and your transformation will be a service to the planet.
The inner life of beings - their transformation and their contact with God - can be an incalculable service for the human consciousness and the planet, with all life that inhabits it. But for this, child, your heart must always be sincere and transparent, and in this way, when the moment to correct and transform yourself arrives, may you look more to yourself than to others. Look at your fellow being only if your gaze is compassionate and merciful, and if within you there is the firm aspiration to serve your brothers and sisters, and not to search for their defects
Why am I telling you this today? Because the planet agonizes, souls agonize, the Kingdoms of Nature agonize and the hearts are still awakening, very slowly, to this planetary reality.
Do not lose your time and your word. Pray for your fellow beings and for the planet, and transform and purify your heart. My child, make yourself a true disciple of Christ, so that when He calls you "companion", He will not only be referring to your spirit, but to everything that you are.
Receive My Words with love and hope, knowing that you can serve and change the destiny of this world, wherever you are. You only need to look within yourself and make the decision of definitely expressing what God wants from you, of finally becoming what God expects from your heart
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, deserve to receive the infinite Grace of God with all the Love from Heaven. Thus, their spirit will be filled with the fullness of having God and of feeling Him nearby, time and again.
Therefore, whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, must feel their souls calm because their souls will participate in this inner and unbreakable union with God that will give them peace and trust to experience a life dedicated to service and unconditional prayer.
Whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, must feel the joy of fulfilling their mission, carrying inside of themselves the certainty that they are following the steps of the Lord in spite of the inner storms or the intense tests that the disciple of Christ can live in their experience on Earth.
Whoever works for God, giving more than they even can, must know that they are doing so for everyone who does not do so, and they will take their mission forward to radiate love and compassion, understanding and forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Every day, the spirit of prayer and of service to others will help you grow inwardly, and above all, be a good example to those who are around you and those who do not know you.
In all things you must emulate My Son Jesus, for He was with the rich, but was also with the poor, and His Divine Feelings did not change with appearances.
With this I wish to tell you that a true disciple is one who accurately follows what their Master tells them, and every day, tries to fulfill it better, in spite of their limitations and tests, because if the disciple does not learn to temper themselves when with others, how will the other souls be able to find the Living Christ in you?
For this reason, meditate on what I tell you and see how, every day, in the face of various situations, your hearts and your lives manifest examples, and whether these are in essence truly Christic and solemn.
You must treat life, things, and above all, what belongs to another with solemnity, because you do not know what mystery there is behind each situation or event.
If you temper your actions, if you lovingly observe the rules, you will finally learn in these difficult times to represent My Son on Earth. If not, if you do not yet take care of simple things and people as if they were true treasures of Heaven given by God, how will you be able to be merciful with a fellow being?
Remember the Commandments and put them into practice again; because you may be robbing and would not perceive it, you may be killing the inner awakening of a fellow being with your actions and would not perceive it, you could be flaunting and using something that is not yours and you would be seriously infringing on the Law, you would be in serious debt.
The Kingdom of God is the promise of God for all; seek it first within yourself on a daily basis, do not allow arrogance, undue infractions or indifference blind your heart, for you may not be perceiving it.
Correct your life every day and do it for Jesus, for the triumph of His Plan of Love in creatures.
I thank you for truly listening to Me and for putting My words into practice!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I have come to the world for the second time in Glory so that you may know it, so that you may come to know the power of My Grace.
Before your hearts is the Throne of God, happy are those who enter It with humility in their heart.
Now listen to My Words.
Two years ago, in this simple place, I asked you to gather in My Holy Name, to pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy for two days.
The souls that followed Me and the ones that did not follow Me gradually gathered together as My new flock to respond thus to My Requests.
Over the course of these months, your lives have come to know the powers of prayer, have found the real meaning of life in faith, and transmitted this spiritual invitation of brotherhood to those who did not know Jesus or His unfathomable Mercy.
Then, you were called to participate in a perfect and repairing union through My Blood. You prayed each of the beads of the Chaplet by My side and placed your hope in the merciful ocean of My Heart.
Later, companions, you opened the doors of your hearts and your homes to make Me known, but perhaps you did not find great results nor deep changes. But know, My prayerful ones, that because of your faithfulness, I was among your own, and so My Heart began to shine in the consciousness of everybody. You came to know the true life of the spirit and, later on, became aware of each one of your debts.
In these moments, My Heart was among you to help you walk in the sacred confirmation of My Christic Path.
You fell and you stood up, abandoned Me and sought Me, again and again. You died many times through My redemption and rose from the tomb of this unfaithful world.
You became My disciples, became consecrated, and took Me to your families, to your work and friends; you called everybody so that they would return to My Heart. And in this way, through your merciful prayer, you humbly glorified Me.
Now that today you are again before your Guide and Shepherd of Love, have you seen the sacred results of this eternal fusion with My Love? Yes, many have seen them and will continue to see them. In this way, you will set aside your roots and will get out of this eternal captivity that physical life represents.
And so, children of My Father, now more awake, you are invited to meditate on your lives, you are called by Me to turn your hearts into temples worthy of the Lord, because the sign of My Return, for tomorrow, August 5 of this definitive year, will be present before your eyes.
I Am the risen Christ. I Am the ascended Christ. I Am the merciful Christ, and now I Am your glorified King, Who comes before everything happens, to remind you that you must not forget God in these times nor His Plans, which each one must accomplish in light of the Divine Universe.
Dear companions, extend your arms toward Me and take in My meek and peace-bringing Heart.
I come through this Marathon of prayer to reveal the power of My Glory to you, which is the next step after My Divine Mercy.
I leave you My Peace and I give you Peace.
I will not look at your debts, but rather at all you will be able to offer me during these next days.
Happy are those who will enter the Kingdom of God, for He will be open to all over this holy place.
Take up your missions and you will thus always please Me.
I summon you to joy and peace.
Be in Me during these days.
Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.
I thank you for having come here, to the meeting with My unfathomable Heart.
The Glorified Christ Jesus, before you and the whole world.
In this time, I come to the world as the Greater Priest to prepare the paths of those who will return, on their own, to commune with Me in My next advent to the world. In this way, I fulfill the Designs of My Father and embrace all souls so they may feel My Sacred Heart.
In the Light that I radiate is the Truth, the main reason for My Coming to this world, as the Spirit of Truth and Life. In this way, I gather together all My new disciples so that, through Me, they live the Truth that I lived in past times. I gather the self-called and the forgotten who have been left behind, missing the opportunity for Christification.
My Heart prevails throughout time, while I send permanent impulses to all the spirits that live on the face of the Earth, but not all respond to Me as I would wish. Many times, I must build up the maturity of the wheat, for My Father needs it to make use of it and thus accomplish the Divine Purpose of pouring out His Mercy in this wounded world.
While everything is about to happen, I immediately gather you together around My Holy Eucharistic Table, so that the greatest number of essences may receive the Gifts I achieved during the Death, Resurrection and Glory out of infinite love for all My flocks.
In this time, I ask you for faithfulness to My Most Sacred Heart. Thus, I will be able to know and see with how many talents I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world in this time. Thus, the training of the new apostles is urgent.
I come directly from the Celestial and Spiritual Universe to give the last warnings to everybody. Help those who sleep in the illusion of this human dream to wake up; you can always count on My Sacred Divine Intervention. I need you ready to be able to give your best at any moment.
Believe! Your cells are redeemable, and through Me, they will be sanctified by the Law of My Mercy. Be patient and do not rest within yourselves, but rather open the door of your hearts to Me, so your souls are able to listen to Me as the One Greater Voice.
Feel the power of My Trust, the Peace that never ends and the true Love of My Heart that tightly embraces you and supports you until you fall back again at My side. My Hands, together with yours, are the preferred safety and fortitude that I can bring to you.
For this reason, be as clear as water in all the ways of life; thus, I assure you, My beloveds, that you will achieve purity and in a short while, will be My saints of the end days.
Under the Love of God, be blessed and peaceful.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus, Priest of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more