Marathon of Divine Mercy
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore thee profoundly.
I offer You the most precious 
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity 
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences 
by which He is offended,
and by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.

I am silent so that you may learn to perceive the depths of My Being, and through Me, feel what the Hierarchy feels and lives at this moment, for all that happens in the world. And I will not get tired of repeating this, because the time of redemption has not yet arrived.

My silence speaks of something profound and spiritual, My meditation and My prayer speak for souls, because souls must have the strength to go through Armageddon. I know that this word Armageddon frightens many consciousnesses, but there will be no other way or other path where, after the transition of the planet, a New Humanity can start from the beginning.

The Lord, your Master, does not relate with the suffering of consciousnesses. The sufferings of beings and the agony of hearts are those which I must transmute and purify so that souls fully trust in My Christic Love and thus not lose the hope of being able to rebuild their lives and conscioussnesses, of recovering the path that they lost toward the Heavenly Father, because many souls in this humanity lose that path, day by day.

Thus, I am in silence and in meditation so that you may feel the depth and magnitude of My Heart, so that you may assume together with Me the pains of Christ, pains that are deeper and more unknown than those of the Cross.

This makes you grow internally, and you will learn to see the life of your consciousness, and that of your brothers and sisters, with greater discernment and responsibility, knowing that this is the time not to waste the opportunities of the universe, not to make life superficial and indifferent. This strengthens impunity, which is something the world is unaware of; this accelerates the end of times and its consequences.

Because now, through My own Eyes, I see fulfilled what the Father showed Me so long ago, that which I taught in My Gospel to the apostles during My public Life, when I spoke of the end times, of all the unknown that souls should learn how to face without losing faith, even if it seems difficult.

For this reason, you are very blessed, before those who cannot be blessed in the world. For this reason, more will be required of you, because you must correspond to the treasures that you have received from Me, and those pearls of Heaven, which I have delivered to each one of your hearts, you must give your fruits and your answers to the Father.

I speak to you of something profoundly mature, although many are not at the same level or in the same school, but My Merciful Love has no exceptions.

At the end of these times, your Master and Lord will give great opportunities to the least prepared, because I know your essences, and I do not pay attention to what is superficial, nor to anything temperamental; I search for that gift that the Father deposited within you from the beginning, from the Source.

Thus, just as I knew that the time of Armageddon would come, I also knew that there would come a time   to look for talents, through those who follow My Footsteps and My Path; that time is now coming.

Are you noticing and acknowledging this?

I will come to ask for those talents only once,  I will not be able to stop at those who do not want to surrender their lives. God, as He is so Kind and Merciful, He has a place for each of His Children.

Following My commands and My guidelines, within the development of the end times, means much more than having a mature and responsible consciousness, it means more than obeying and being faithful.

Following My commands and My guidelines means being available unconditionally so that I can work through hearts, in the face of the horrors that are seen throughout this world and in this humanity, situations that must be liberated and alleviated by someone, by those who offer themselves to be postulants to the path of the apostolate: to be present where it is necessary and when it is necessary, where God wants it so and when God needs it so.

Thus, I bring you the example of My Pierced Heart, a strong example to contemplate in these times, because you must have the courage to feel what I feel and that which I live  so as to be more united with Me, like never before, because union with Me is always gradual when souls are encouraged to live their path of Christification and surrender.

For this reason, on this afternoon of Pity and Mercy for the world, I leave before you the needs of the planet and of humanity, the projects and aspirations that the Hierarchy has in different parts of the world, where the expression of the Sacred Points of Light in the world is urgently needed by the entire Brotherhood of Heaven, reflected through the group life of the Islands of Salvation. The least expected places need this spiritual and concrete assistance, such as, in today's example,    the Middle East.

Imagine, for a moment that, through these Points of Light, if they exist and are manifested through correspondence with Me, how many uncertain doors could be closed throughout the entire world!   

How much more would the elements and the Kingdoms of Nature lighten their fury and anger with humanity!    

How much more could the telluric forces of the planet, the Circle of the Pacific, be sustained! How much more could the continents, through the Points of Light, minimally maintain their connection with the Divine!

I could tell you many more things than what I have  told you so far, but for all this to be possible, it is not only interest or enthusiasm that is necessary, it is not only necessary to have awareness, responsibility or discernment, it is necessary that first of all, this lives in you.

I would not want to see a world more destroyed than this one is, a surface corroded by the forces of chaos. I would not want to find a reduced humanity when I return, but I know, since the Garden of Gethsemane, that I will definitively come to close the hells of the planet; and I will arrive at that moment, in which souls will perceive all this clearly.

Therefore, you must pray with more fervor and with greater awareness, each day to come. You must be prepared for unexpected emergencies, not just here, but anywhere in the world.

I have been able to manifest and concretize the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions, such a concrete impulse of the Hierarchy for the end of these times, a fundamental key for each one of your lives, so that your material life is also prepared, through that space that the Fraternity- Humanitarian Missions could offer to everyone and to the world.

I am not only talking about ethics, rules or fundamental principles to survive Armageddon; I am talking about you being deeply united to the Hierarchy, through the Rescue Plan that is being outlined at the end of these times, through the practice of the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions.

The Hierarchy has taken a risk for you, at My request, by joining other institutions and organizations of the world, and although this Work and this service is small or insignificant at this moment, companions, it is where I have to be able to sow My seeds of Light in those spaces of the world, where light, love and peace no longer exist.

I will give you an example: imagine one day waking up and everything around you is in deep chaos and destruction, what would you do? What would be your first spiritual attitude?

Millions of people in the world live this way, and this Work, which was formed through the Community of Figueira has offered Me this unique space at the end of these times, so that I had the opportunity to speak to the world.

No one in this humanity is prepared for what will come. Thus, I implore you once again to delve into the light of prayer; and I ask you, out of charity, to seek not only your own salvation, but also to seek the salvation of the one next to you, every day. Thus, you will begin to learn and also understand what I am saying.

Today, I bring you this Message ahead of schedule because this world and this humanity are unpredictable, and while many more continue to believe that nothing will happen, I suggest that they change their minds quickly, that they be humble and recognize the Armageddon so that nothing takes them by surprise, just as My apostles were taken by surprise when I was imprisoned in the Garden of Gethsemane. I hope I do not have to see the same this time.

But it is important for me, at this hour, that you can consciously grow and mature, not only for everything that awaits this country, but also for everything that awaits the rest of the world.

Here, I do not come to give an apocalyptic Message. I do not want you to get confused, I want you to be aware of the reality in which you live and that, from now on, everything that happens here or anywhere else in the world should be as important to you as it is to the Hierarchy, because that will form you as true servants of My Plan.

I need to get you out of yourselves, once and for all. If you get out of yourselves, others will also get out of themselves and put aside their preferences and intentions to live My Will, which still awaits to be fulfilled within your lives.

Thus, I come once more to pray for you and for the world. I come to tell you that you can count on Me at all times, and that the deepest core of My Heart is open so that you can enter and be a part of My Mystical Body, and the first way to achieve this is adoration, acknowledging the Presence of your Master and Lord through His Eucharistic Body.

It will be increasingly urgent for the world that souls be postulants to the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, so that the different points on Earth are sustained by a spiritual balance, above all, the axis of the Earth that needs it so much.

As a testimony of My Love for those who strive, I have accepted the consecration of new adorers; to those I silently invite to approach the altar so that they may be consecrated, at this moment, by Me.


Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Let us prepare, through the Priests, the incense and the water, so that they are blessed by Christ.


I want to thank each one of you because, with effort, you have placed a grain of Light in this world, within this arid desert of suffering and of war throughout humanity.

For this reason, today I consecrate you so that together with Me you may commit yourselves, through future adorations to the Blessed Sacrament, to sustain the balance of the planet, of the elements and of the Kingdoms of Nature so that, in the north, in the south, in the east and in the west of this world, the time of purification may be sustained by you at each new moment of adoration, as in each moment of prayer.

Your souls have been walking together for a long time, even if you are unaware of this. Thus, you walked with Me through many regions of the Holy Land; because you searched for Me, and thus you found Me. You pleaded with Me and touched My Mantle, and I healed you and cured you.

Today, I remind you of this again, as a treasure for your souls and your lives, so that you trust that I am by your side, even though many times you have felt alone, struck by sadness or despair.

I come to give you the strength and power that the Eucharist gives you. If you are always before Me, My Heart will always be in you, and I will always relieve you, and through you, I will be able to relieve your families and friends.

Do not forget the following: if the slightest effort is never made, this world could not be converted.

Everything that you can sacrifice for Me will be a faithful sign that you are on My path of apostolate. This is so, through this Consecration and this time that I dedicate to you, because I know you need it; I affirm My Love and My Victory, because you have opened the door to the Lord, so that I may live within you, beyond the imperfections.

Therefore, be at peace and trust.

Everything in life has a reason. Everything has its time and its moment. And I am here to encourage you and your brothers and sisters, because you will see, like Me, that there will be more horrors throughout the world.

Offer yourselves fully to Me through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that everything is relieved within you and within the world. I thirst.

Celestial Father,
You who see the responses of Your children,
You see, up close,
The Work of My Love being concretized
through souls,
receive in Your Kingdom this offering 
from those who fully recognize
the Presence of Your Son in the Eucharist,
and for this merit that they have generated,
bless them and bless their families,
so that one day, as I hope,
they may be a true temple of worship,
a testimony of redemption with Christ.

May the Peace and strength of Our Lord Jesus Christ be within you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

There is nothing more precious to God than your life, because God knows what the existence and the presence of your being means at this planetary moment, in which evil and chaos put everything at risk. For that reason, God deeply knows the reason for your life and the purpose of your existence.

In spite of adversity wanting to submerge the Earth and all its humanity in illusion, what exists beyond your life and is called essence, is what is most important to God, what will always be present throughout times and eras; even though one day you will no longer live here, but rather in the dwelling places of My Father, where you will learn to love more deeply everything that He has given you from the beginning.

Humanity is immersed in that adversity and chaos because it fails to recognize God within itself; even though God is within each being, many souls do not recognize or feel Him, until the extreme and difficult times come, in which God will show Himself with all His Might and strength so that hearts may be redeemed.

For that reason, I am here not only for you who are present, but also for your brothers and sisters who are in adversity and are swept away by those currents of illusion that the surface of this planet experiences.

I am taking you to meet My Heart where Divine Essence exists, where your essences may be renewed and may receive from on high what comes from the greater Source that nourishes all consciousnesses, that brings sublime vibrations so that hearts may be reborn in God and may receive from Him all the Gifts and all the Graces that will allow you to endure the end of times. Because, companions, you will see extraordinary things, things that will happen overnight and many will not understand what will be happening. Thus, you have to strengthen your essence through the nourishment of spiritual prayer, as well as through the service that you can offer those who need it the most.

If God wants Me to be with you, just as with those who are in adversity and who will one day strongly awaken, nothing will be able to prevent it, because above all things is the love of God that grants hearts His Divine Grace, that brings the important moment of redemption to each one of your lives.

The doorways of the Universe, which are infinite and unknown, close the uncertain doors of the planet, where many souls are submerged and experience the terror and the sorrow of these times.

Thus, the work of Mercy grants salvation to all hearts and essences. Through this meeting of prayer, many souls were benefited and in some moment of their lives, when the time comes, they will find the truth and will not be able to go back. They will have to recognize it and accept it because it will be a Divine Power that will show Itself to those who live in the greatest world illusion, and there will be no doubt that it is the presence of God, through His infinite manifestation in this universal reality, that will present Itself before each one of His children to give them the chance for repentance and for redemption.

For that reason, today not only you are benefited, but also millions of souls who are not here, who have lost a sense of their reality and a full discernment of what is or is not right. Thus, today the work is in the inner worlds, which My adversary cannot reach, nor enter. Thus, it moves agitatedly because it is losing part of its kingdom, the kingdom of illusion which it believes it has above all consciousnesses of the Earth. 

Just as I defeated it on the Cross seven times, today I will defeat it again seven times, until its heart feels oppressed and drowned by the powerful Light of My Love, until all its structures and powers fall, as will fall its governments and leaders and there will be no stone left upon stone.

As that moment is approaching, the essences of God must be awakened and strengthened, in intimate contact with the Universal Father. Because when everything happens and appears, you will know what to do and how to proceed; you will not be submerged in the world ignorance, rather, you will help your brothers and sisters, those you never expected you would help or assist, so that they may be rescued and saved by the Law of My divine and unfathomable Mercy.

And through you, if you offer to be with Me, with my own Hands I will remove those who are immersed in the illusion and hypnotized by the modernity of these times, adverse tools that only lead to global indifference. I will come to take souls out of that illusion just as I come today to remove you from world illusion.

Your essences will prevail above all evil, you will be in contact with your inner Christs, you will have the tools you need at the appropriate time to be able to proceed and work in My Name. But those tools will not be material, but internal. Tools and instruments that the Holy Spirit will provide for you so as to be able to separate souls from evil and from adversity. Thus, on this afternoon, I come to cause inner essences to prevail, because it is there where the Plan will be carried out.

In order to not spiritually expose you, companions, to everything that I am removing at this moment and which is part of My universal task, to exorcize the greatest evil of the world, I will raise you up in this moment to My Spiritual Church, as well as all the souls also immersed in the world illusion, so that by raising your vibrations and hearts, you may receive the impulses not only of My Divine Mercy, but also the Glory and Grace of the altars of God.

To give honor to this important moment, in which the most lost essences of the world are withdrawn from the most unknown abysses of humanity by the hands of My archangels and angels, we will listen at this moment to the instrumental of the Pater Noster, so that the doors of the Celestial Church may open and souls may be submerged in the Ocean of My Love, where Light will always triumph. Amen.

While you are waiting, make your inner offering. Do not miss the opportunity that God may hear you in this moment and receive your prayers and supplications as part of this celebration in the Celestial Church.

Make your inner offering at this moment, while the doors of My Church, with the power of His Light, defeat the hells of Earth.

We stand up to begin this celebration.

In the presence of our greater Governor, Jesus Christ, responding to His request and petition, under the Light of the sacred city of Guatavita that gives an impulse to hearts for redemption, we will begin the blessing and the consecration of these souls that offer to help, serve, and collaborate with the most needy, with those who have nothing and who need in this moment instruments of love.

We listen to the Pater Noster.

To consummate this consecration, we are going to recite a very simple prayer, offering ourselves to the Celestial Father so that He may always guide us and lead us, not only through His Love, but through His Will.

These brothers and sisters who today are being consecrated as auxiliary missionaries, are preparing to take new steps, offering their souls to God through His divine Son so that He may always lead them from His Hand towards the fulfillment of the Plan.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated twice).

My priestly Heart, in the name of all the priests of the Earth, blesses you and consecrates you through My Mercy. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Song: Pater Noster.

At this moment we are going to do the same practice that the brothers and sisters did previously, of praying a prayer to the Celestial Father so that He may not only lead us through Love, in this service for those who are most in need, but that He also guide us through His Will.

Let us pray together.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated twice).

Let My priestly Heart also bless you today, so that you may always be within My Grace and an eternal giving of self.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am going to invite the sisters to remain there, so that we may celebrate Communion.

Those who can, kneel for this consecration.

On a day so like this one, I gathered the apostles together in the Holy Cenacle because I knew the time would come for them to represent Me on Earth as My apostles and soldiers, throughout the ages and the generations.

Today I not only invite you, companions, to re-live this Sacrament which is the expression of a mystery of a very great Love that humanity has not yet understood, but that many have approached this mystery of Love through the bread and the wine. For that reason, today I invite you to enter into the scene of the Last Supper.

For that, our Master is asking for the instrumental of "Thus spoke the Master." 

Before the doors of His Celestial Church, we symbolically bow down, through our souls, so as to receive the impulses, the codes of Light of this consecration.

After having washed the hands and the feet of My apostles, I gathered them around a simple table to celebrate and institute the greatest legacy of love for humanity.

I took the bread, lifted it up, and gave thanks to the Father for the sacrifice that I would live, and the Holy Spirit of God changed the bread into My precious and glorified Body, and then I handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise you Lord and we bless You (repeated three times). Amen.

Then I took the Chalice and raising it up to God in complete trust and love for the sacrifice I would live, He sent all His hosts of Light, the angels, so that they could transubstantiate the wine into My precious Blood. I then handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new covenant that will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me".

We praise you Lord and we bless You (repeated three times). Amen.

And in union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, let us recite the prayer that Christ taught us: Our Father.

My joy is to be able to be in these difficult times and bring souls to God, so that they may find again the meaning of being here and of having come to fulfill an important mission for all of humanity. For that reason, on this afternoon, I thank you, I bless you, and I give you My Peace, so that My Peace may be carried to more difficult places on Earth where the Light cannot yet enter.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We give each other the greeting of peace.

We may stand.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I am the one who will save humanity in the name of God and will place it on a new level of evolution so that it may receive the opportunity of loving just as I love you, of living just as I live, of fulfilling the works of God as the Father needs and thus bring spiritual healing for humanity.

Behold the One who comes on the white Horse of God and announces the victory of the Cross over all evil, assembles the legions of the Father and gathers them together, calls everyone by their name, just as God called the ancient people of Israel.

Today the tribes are scattered across the world, but the Lord of the Universe, the Son of Adonai, is calling you again in this crucial and definite time because, as you know, there is something to be done for this planet and for its humanity.

Before the hands of the clock of God indicate the last moments of the spiritual amnesty, pray inwardly for the souls that are sleeping. Plead, with the strength of all the love of your hearts, for those who walk in the abysses and in the perversion of these times, for those who transgress the laws every day and also harm and exploit the Kingdoms of Nature. 

All of Creation is observing this moment; today the Son of God is not here as a Judge, but as a mediator of Divine Mercy, as the advocate of the souls and essences of the world.

Therefore, may peace prevail at this time so that souls may make the correct decisions and their acts be consistent according to what the Law requires, because still on this day, the Son of the Father, on the white Horse of God, yet holds the pendulum that with all might and power will bring the payment that humanity must experience.

But I died for you, I suffered for you, and endured for you, gave My Blood for each one of you up to the last beat of My Heart. If you honor, adore, and recognize this sacred merit of your Redeemer, the spiritual amnesty will be considered by the Universe. And all the sorrow, suffering, martyrdom, and agony experienced by your Redeemer up to the Cross will compensate for the mistakes made by this current human race.

There will be souls upon the surface of the Earth that will recognize the Legacy of your Master and Lord, they will go beyond the mysteries of God with wisdom, and hearts will recognize within themselves the Christic flame and fire that transmutes, liberates, and forgives everything.

With that fire which I bring you from Adonai, the Son of the Father, on the white Horse of God, comes to announce a time of extraordinary Grace that will be granted for the most hardened sinners, for all the souls that are in the spiritual abysses of the Earth, who lost the path of God which is the path of universal Love. Thus, this Grace is broadly granted by the adherence of good hearts to My sacred and unfathomable Heart.

This white Horse of God, which I ride today, is the white Horse of the beloved Archangel Michael, that united as one single consciousness and essence, we come to defeat the hells of the Earth so that the most fallen stars of this planet may have a moment of awakening and perceive the reality that, at this moment, they are not perceiving or seeing.

The spiritual amnesty is not making the same mistakes again. It is for changing the errors and transforming them, it is for redeeming the human ego and so that the consciousness may be lifted up to the plane of God.

With the power of the Archangel Michael, today I bring you the call of the Father, and from the Celestial Spheres it descends upon the Amazon, so that the Sacred Eden of God, lovingly gifted and thought of for each one of His children, may be protected, and the human consciousness learns to take care of and mainly,  to love the hidden treasures which God gave you in this place, and that the indigenous consciousness itself, the sacred original peoples, knows what I am talking about.

Yet that hidden knowledge which comes from God cannot only be known by the Kingdoms or the original peoples. The whole human consciousness of this place and of Brazil must continue to fervently pray, as it has been doing up until now, committing itself to this path of the infinite life of prayer so that everything may continue to be transformed, and that more opportunities and graces may not only be granted to this nation, but also to the whole world.

Today Adonai is with His Book of Light open and with the quill of Light in His hand, waiting to Himself write the decision of His children. It is thus that the spiritual Universe approaches and communes with the material Universe so that souls may have the opportunity of reaching Him through the beloved Son, the mediator and advocate of souls; through the good Jesus, souls may reach the Mercy of God, and so write in that Sacred Book the inner decision that was taken by each one of His children.

But know that this does not end here, you will build that decision in daily life, not only in a spiritual, inner or divine way, you will build that decision through your acts, your actions, in your surrender to life, to the Plan of God, to your peers; because this is the time to offer oneself as an instrument to God, just as many offered themselves throughout human history and were witnesses to the immensity of the Love of God, and how far that infinite Love of the Father may reach, even in the most impossible and difficult situations of humanity and of the planet.   

Be committed, in light of this inner decision that you are making before the portals of the Kingdom of God, to be caretakers of the Kingdoms of Nature, to bring relief to the suffering which they experience, to bring love to the pain that they feel, and thus your paths will open, your problems will end, and wisdom will emerge so that you may make good decisions from now on; knowing that there is still much to do, and that you will continue to write this story after this life, because your lives will be that story, part of the testimony of the Love of God, of the redemption that you will experience in this time, even after death.

Thus you will also uplift everyone around you, and although it may not correspond to you to be on this planet in the future, but in other spheres of the Universe, learning more from love and the giving of self, you will know, My companions, to place yourselves at the service of the Plan above all your limitations.      

Your spirit may reach higher than it seems and be very close to God, just as His Son is close to the Father. Untiringly search for this closeness to God because then not only your life will be uplifted, transcended, and transmuted but as well, My companions, your families, acquaintances, and friends will also be helped at some moment in their lives; because God shows Himself at the precise moment, in the way that is necessary so that His children may recognize Him, not only in religion, but also through the Kingdoms of Nature.

God is here, not only because His Son is. He is here before I am and before you are. God is part of this planet, He is the very Consciousness of this Creation. That is why I tell all of you and the whole world: do not offend God anymore, do not hurt Him, do not sacrifice Him, do not cause Him to die, take care of God, just as He takes care of you, in His deep and intimate silence and thus, My companions, you will be reborn. Amen.

This passage of My Divine Consciousness through this place cannot end here. Therefore, I will leave in this place, in this city, an operative base of missionary work, as well as a Monastery of this Order consecrated to My name, so that the souls of this city and the original peoples receive the aid they need, as well as those who arrive in pilgrimage, seeking an opportunity and a hope.

It is time, companions, for the Islands of Salvation to be established, those that will hold the synthesis of the project of the Creation of God, not in a specific place, but rather in the heart of the people, of those who have faith in the Supreme Creator.

This will be an inexhaustible and incalculable treasure, and all will be able to participate in those treasures through actions of Mercy, fraternity, goodness, providence, manifestation, healing, forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation.

I have also come especially to Manaus, directly from Heaven, through this sacred moment granted by the Eternal Father, to consecrate new missionaries and to also offer them from the depths of My Heart the greatest Sacrament of reconciliation and union with Me, the Eucharist.

With joy, hope, and renewal, we stand up to accompany this moment of consecration.

May the spiritual light of these oils represent the testimony of the consecration and the renewal of souls, as well as the spiritual healing that souls need to take the steps.

Now I call here the assisting missionaries so that they may receive the consecration.


Let us sing "Christ, You are Love" to accompany this consecration.

Now we are going to call the missionaries who will consecrate themselves as parent missionaries.

"My Lord"...

Those who can, may kneel to celebrate the Communion. We will listen to the instrumental, "Thus spoke the Master."

And now, I have placed Myself above you to bless you in this new task that you will start, which is a part of and is the work of My Divine Mercy for those who most suffer and have nothing, through your gestures of love and service sending a so much needed and urgent healing to humanity.

Thus, as My apostles, I gather you around My table, My poor and simple table, being received by the sacred womb of Creation, through nature and its Kingdoms, in order to celebrate not only a communion with My Body and with My Blood, but also with the essence of the Divine Project that from the origins, from the beginning, manifested and created you out of Love so that you may be happy in My Father and live in My Father, so that you may serve Him and know Him through living and experiencing degrees of love. 

Today, your step before Me will permit the passage of many more souls into the missionary life, so that the spiritual relief of the Hierarchy and the awakening of consciousness in humanity may come to the world.

Thus, at that time, I was in a place similar to this one, gathered together with My apostles; but today, making a bridge of Light between time and space, I take you to the moment of My last Supper, so that you may remember, so that you may feel, and so that you may recognize the Supreme Will of God.

At that time, I took the bread, lifted it up so that God could bless it and the angels transubstantiate it into My Body. Then I broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, that will be given by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

All commune, at this moment, of My spiritual Body so that the Mystical Church of God, through the Mystical Body of which it is formed in all souls, may be strengthened and expanded with all the Love of My Heart for the whole world. Amen.

I then took the Chalice into My Hands, raised it so that God could bless it and the angels transubstantiate it into My Blood, and then passed it to the apostles, saying: "Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

United with our Lord Jesus Christ and with His Holy Celestial Church, we will repeat in humility and love the prayer that He taught us: Our Father (in Portuguese).

I will always leave you My Peace so that you may experience and share it with your brothers and sisters, because Peace will always lead you to Love, will fill your spirits and souls. Thus you will be renewed and will continue taking steps with trust and faith in God, so as to manifest His Plans and above all, His Will.

May this Peace that descended into the apostles, even after My Resurrection, descend upon you today so that the gifts of the Holy Spirit may awaken the virtues of your hearts and make you participants in the service of love for humanity and for eternal life. Amen

You may stand.

In fraternity and love, in the name of Christ, you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having been with Me in the Amazon.

The end of a sacred gathering has come at this moment.

I thank you! 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Write My Words in your heart and may they not disappear, because they will be necessary Words for the coming times.

I Am so similar to this Light, that whoever follows Me will never be in the dark. Happy will be those who follow My Light and recognize it within themselves, for they will not miss the opportunity to feel the power and strength of My Love.

When My Light is present, there is no darkness. The dark ones and the demons fall into hell, because My Holy Father, Archangel Michael, has defeated them one by one. This is why you do not have to fear anything now, but for not converting your hearts; a conversion that must be consistent with My request, at this final time, in which all is defined within and outside of beings.

Whoever searches for this Light will not perish. Whoever lives in My Light will be light in the dark of the three days of darkness.

My Light is the essence of love and My Love is the essence of life, the life that God has given us from the beginning to all His creatures. Most beautiful is His Light in the universe, for it is triumphant and cannot be defeated.

You will see the hells moving. You will feel the Earth tremble. You might see terrible things in the times to come, but know that it will be the moment of great definition, and the decision and freedom to do it will be in you because I need souls that shine with My Call. I need warriors to fight against immense things, against that which they have never fought. Therefore, I integrate all of you into My Light, that is the eternal Light of God; it is unity, it is omnipresence and it is the universal science.

Woe to those who do not enter the Light of My Heart. How will you be able to persist in these acute times?

I come to give something to the world, to which most people pay no attention, but only give attention to the superficial and petty. You will see men and women beating their chests for not having done it, for not having searched for My Light, the eternal Light of the Creator.

My Essence is being delivered until the last drop. I am giving an account of you and the world to My Father. Do not reject or miss this opportunity, because it is one of the last, and in you, all the treasures must be alive, which month by month and from time to time, I have been delivering to you through this simple meeting of prayer.

It is time for you to place the keys of Heaven upon the table and to contemplate with gratitude the Graces that My Father has given you through My Glorified Heart. You, if you are My followers, have the keys to open the new doors and not to close them to those who need to cross into the new life, into renewal and hope. Define your paths, because the time is approaching and I invite you to be part of My Light so that, by being in Me, I may be in you at each moment and in each hour.

And if My Light is in you, My enemy will not triumph. He will not be able to defeat any of My souls, those that throughout times I have summoned to be part of the armies of the final time, of the preparation of the Return of your King.

Drink from the Source of Light that I bring you today because, in essence, it is Adonai who, with immense Mercy, is giving Himself to your spirits, souls and consciousnesses, for those who do not accept Him, for those who deceive Him, and especially, for those who do not experience Him.

I invite you all the time to be true, so My Light may be in you because nothing belongs to you. Your lives are part of an original Project that has been distorted throughout times and centuries.

I come to complete, at this hour, what I could not do two thousand years ago because My Father called Me and I had to ascend to the heavens to listen to Him, as a good son listens to his father and rejoices in his words of wisdom and love.

In the same way, I would like you, My companions and My friends, My servers and My servants, to listen to the Words of your Lord, your Master, your Shepherd and your Father as if they were the last ones for this last era because you must witness what you have experienced with Me and you may or may not be witnesses of this Truth that I bring you.

Today you will place your faces before your enemies to testify that I have been here, in these last years, with you and with all who have welcomed My Call in humanity.

Therefore, the time has come to commune not only with My Body and My Blood, which is the greatest gift of My Love and My Sacrifice for the world, but the time has come to merge yourselves with My Light and to never leave it again, to not lose yourself in the tribulation that this world will experience and that it will face in these times.

With all the Glory of Heaven, I bring you this Light that belongs to no one but the Primordial Source, where Unity and Love reign in all creatures. May this Light shine in the dark spaces. May this Light banish the emblems of evil. May this Light triumph in the pure hearts and may the New Christs, the new apostles, the peacemakers of the Redeemer finally be born. 

This Light, that I bring you today, comes from a profound and sublime place, from an unknown dimension of the consciousness, from which your Lord and Master of Love emerged, like His Holy and Virgin Mary, as well as all the archangels that exist in Heaven and in the universes, who praise Adonai eternally.

You are children of this Light. Awaken, awaken your brothers and sisters from world hypnotism. Remember that you are children of the Source and that you are essences that come here to experience the principle of redemption and forgiveness for all that has happened beyond this plan.

This Light of My Heart brings you Grace. This Light blesses and renews you because it brings you Mercy and grants indulgence to your hearts that need it so much in the whole world.

If you are around this Light, the Light of My Heart, you have nothing to fear. The purification of your consciousnesses, the rendition of your human aspects and the liberation of your atavisms will be difficult. But whoever is near My Light will never perish, for they will be contemplated by the universe for having been contemplated by the Son of God, who believes and has hope in a New Humanity, healed and redeemed of its eternal mistakes.

Raise to the Heavens and spiritually, the Light that exists in your hearts and essences. Offer to God this Light as reparation and recognize that without this Light you cannot do anything and will never be guided to the final goal.

Dignify your consciousnesses and receive, through this Light, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that should spread throughout the world for souls that fall into the hells of the planetary surface. Furthermore, I tell you that this Light is also granted by the angels of the universe.

Today, at My Father's request, I stop the actions of the evil in humanity and will no longer allow the innocent to suffer the attacks of hell, because My Light, which is invincible, will triumph.

Happy will be those who believe in this mystery, because, just by believing, they will be within My Light without perceiving it; and truly I tell you to commune with My Heart until the end of the days, until you see Me coming among the clouds, in the Glory of God.

It is thus that in this hour I stop the perdition of souls, the agitation of the hells, human injustice and sin in the humanity of the surface. This Light grants, at this moment, an instance of peace for those who need it most, for those who suffer most, for those who despair and have not yet found any way out.

Today you have communed with the Sacrament of My Light, a mystery that I am revealing to the Church on Earth because, beyond the communion of My Body and My Blood, you can commune with My Light, and thus you will be communing with My Divinity.

Now listen to the prayer of your Master, who kneels before the altars of Adonai, just as all the angels of Heaven kneel before the Primordial Source. And in this way, with this prayer, I will bless all the elements, because while I speak, My Divine Energy, that is the Energy of God, magnetizes all things and transforms them into something sacred and into worship. Everything transforms itself in a great ceremony when the Light of My Heart projects itself upon humanity.

"Listen, Eternal Father, to the Voice of your Servant, of Your Essence, of an immeasurable love, who kneels before Your Throne to beg You, to convert this moment into something sacred, pure and immaculate.

At the Feet of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, we beg with the angels of Heaven for the emergence of a New Humanity free of mistakes, free of suffering, free of bitterness, free of sadness, free of uncertainties, free of failures.

May Your Divine Light, Lord, which permeates and lives in all universes, descend now upon those who listen to Your Sacred Word, through the most beloved Word of Your Son.

May souls always find refuge in My Heart so that I may take them to You, and You, Father, hold them in Your Arms to protect them and to contemplate them with the sweetest gaze of Your infinite Love.

So, Father, at the request of Your Son, banish what causes indifference. Open the eyes of those who are blind spiritually. Make yourself be felt like a powerful Ray in the most closed hearts, so that all may experience the splendor of Your Celestial Kingdom.

I promise, Lord, until the end of days of this world, to rescue Your children from Your Holy Justice so that all may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy and in this way find peace, the hope of experiencing you and of participating with You in eternal Communion.

Now I send the angelical armies for them to fill the whole Earth with Your Light, and that the greatest sinners be liberated from perdition, so that they too may experience the Source of Your Love and Your Truth.

Bless, Lord, this moment with Your eternal Light and, in Your Source of Life, immerse Your creatures, the ones that You have conceived according to Your Divine Thought and Your Project; thus, with the surrender of Your Son on the Cross and with the cross of the New Christs, My eternal rival will be defeated, for his defeat is near. The triumph of Your Kingdom will descend upon Earth, the New Humanity will be born and it will no longer be indifferent to Your Words and Designs.

Believe, Father, and observe with the gaze of Your Love what I have done in Your children throughout times.

Listen to the praises of the saints.

Receive the honor, Father, of the blessed ones.

Hear, Father, the song of the angels, because You are always Our Light, Our Guide and Our Truth.

I offer the Light that you have granted in My humble and poor Heart, for those who do not experience You yet and do not even search for You.

Lord, have Mercy, and may no soul stop being able to kindle their inner light before Your Presence, before Your omnipotence and omniscience.

May Your Will be fulfilled, Lord, in the hearts that receive it today and that they may be forever aware of this sacred commitment with Your eternal Heart.

Today I ask You, Father, that by Your infinite Grace and by Your greater Love, the hells succumb in their hells and that You close the doors to evil, just as Your Son implores You, with all that You have granted in essence, in life and in divinity, in My Sacred Heart.

May Your Rays of Grace reach those who need it most.

May you grant the healing of consciousnesses and may joy return to all who have lost it for some reason.

May Your children, Lord, Your creatures rejoice to experience Your Celestial Kingdom because Your Paradise is approaching, and at the end, Lord, at last, the thousand years of peace will be fulfilled.

Today the inner lights of your creatures have risen to Your Kingdom. Today Your altars are lit by this Light. May your divine Light, Lord, make more humble, simple and meek those who follow Your Path with faith, hope and trust.

My Heart rejoices in You, Father, just as My Heart rejoiced, in spite of everything, in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that this time would come and that everyone would know through these means, the power of Your Words, the decree that exists in the Heavens.

May the Light of God purify Your children and may each child, who comes from You, fulfill Your Will with joy."

I baptize with this Light all those who have followed Me through the ages and I institute on this day, among all, the new Congregation of Faith, under the guidance of your Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the peacemakers raise their voices to the Heavens, for the ears of the Father will hear their melodies. May the peacemakers of the Redeemer proclaim to the four corners of Earth, without any fear of saying that they are Christians until the end, until their Master returns to establish a new time in humanity.

Let us pray to the Father with gratitude and rejoice.

Prayer: Heavenly Father

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Lord let us sing together "Peacemakers of Christ the Redeemer" and let us invite our brothers and sisters from the Monasteries, from the Communities, from the groups of the Light-Network and all the praying beings of good will.

Let us offer to God this Light that He has granted us in our interior as an offer of repair and healing for humanity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
