I come to the world to bring peace to the nations, the end of wars in families, in homes and in hearts, and in all peoples who suffer the great punishment of the end of times.

I come to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout America and, today, after having been in Medjugorje celebrating My world anniversary with the whole humanity, on this night of Graces, I come to meet you to pour out My Light over the world once again.

God wants the best and the good in your hearts; therefore, I invite you, dear children, to experience the path of charity and also the path of prayer of the heart.

If you experience these simple but important things, your debts will dissolve from the account of God and your homes will open up to receive My special Graces, those that I wish to establish in your hearts and souls.

As the Queen of Peace, I gather everyone in My Sacred Cenacle for through My Immaculate Heart, dear children, today you are celebrating with Me the Communion with My Son.

God has allowed Me in a special way, My children, to bring the Sacred Universal Monstrance, the Great Glorified Body of Christ, the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that must be contemplated in this definitive time.

With joy, go to your parishes and adore the Lord. He has waited, for a long time, to listen to you in detail, to listen to your hearts and problems. God wishes, through the Sacred Hearts, that humanity can once again save itself, and the Lady of Peace, the Universal Queen, wants to prevent the Law of God over the world so that humanity may emerge again from the Heart of God, and it enters the Heart of the Father through a profound communion that you must experience, dear children, in this time more than ever, so that evil can be removed from your lives and the same divine unity that the Sacred Family of Nazareth experienced, can be established in your families.

As the Queen of Peace, My children, I invite you to enter My Universe of Peace. Therefore, it will not be necessary, beloved children, for you to be able to see Me with your physical eyes. I wish that you can feel me within your hearts and remain in My eternal devotion.

I pray for you all, day and night. From the Celestial Kingdom, I send my Guardian Angels so that they may protect and accompany you; but, in this very special time that the world is living, I need you to give the great yes to the Lord, thus your lives will quickly change and your families will renew themselves by the loving action of the Holy Spirit.

Dear children, just like in other times in the past, when I appeared to other visionaries in the world, today I announce to you, beloved children, that you awaken to this last call of Mine, may your eyes be opened to the Light that comes from Heaven, may your heart hear My special Message, the Message that I have for the current time.

Live the Sacraments, My children, and if you have forgotten one of them, live them again promptly, thus you will be united to the Father and the Celestial Universe.

I desire, in your lives, a path of conversion, a conversion that will open the door to experience redemption, but in this time only the prayer of the heart will suffice.

I, as your Mother of prayer, come to teach you this so simple and sincere path, the same that I learned when I was with you in the world. While carrying Jesus in My arms, I did not stop contemplating the greatness of the Lord. Thus, you should understand, dear children, that in your daily chores you can contemplate the Lord. God contemplates, with greatness and love, when His children make a sincere effort.

May your hearts be mirrors of prayer, may you be lights for this world which is in darkness. This is possible, dear children; if you do this, you will not recognize yourselves in a short time, for the Light of My Son will shine on your faces and the Love of Christ will beat within your hearts.

Pray for all priests, for all universal religious life. I come to institute in this end time, a great request that My Son Jesus has made to Me: to unite all the peoples who are dispersed across the world through the heart and through prayer. If this happens in this way, through your permission and loving acts, new Laws of Mercy will descend over the world and it will not be necessary for you to suffer anymore, dear children.

I come to meet you as the Universal Mediatrix. I have desired for so long time that you may live in My Heart; but truthfully I tell you, dear children, that many of you have forgotten about My call.

For this reason, through the Maternal Love that I impart to all hearts, I come to remind you, dear children, about this important call to seek the peace of the heart. Thus, you will help yourselves and this special Grace that comes from Heaven will expand through your families and friends.

You know, dear children, that many of my children are suffering, at this time, spiritual problems that are aggravating in the souls, diseases that appear in the bodies of My children, which seem incurable.

Seek the path of prayer, in this way you will find the path of healing. The Gift of Science of the Holy Spirit will show you the path to experience redemption and, in this way, My beloved little children, you will free your hearts from all the evil you experience.

Today, I ask you, dear children, to not open the doors to evil. Heaven invites you to something special, the Infinite God comes to meet you through My Immaculate Heart.

I am the same from Nazareth, dear children, the same who appeared throughout the centuries.

Meditate on this special events that you experience today. Read about the events and thus, in the silence of the heart, in the profound prayer of the heart and in abiding faith, you will understand all that I say to you today and you will understand why I am coming into the world again. It is a great need of the Father, in His Majestic Will, that all His children turn towards His Heart.

Look with open eyes towards the horizon that is awakening, the light of dawn that is emerging. I am the Sun that shines in the darkness, I am your Guiding Star.

Hold on to My hands, dear children, thus I envelop you with My Sacred Mantle and thus, as I did in Guadalupe, I will unite all peoples as one, I will dissolve the evil of hearts for true faith will resurge within all children who have believed in My Word.

On this night of Graces, I will not fail to bless you. I come to pour out My Maternal Grace over you, placing My hands upon your heads, imploring My Son for His Mercy; in this way, your families, dear children, will be rewarded by My Maternal Light and you will be reunited in love.

Do not forget to seek the love of the heart, thus you will be liberated from experiencing human feelings. God said that, through your faith, all your brethren, families, friends and acquaintances will be reunited; and this will be possible when you live a life of permanent prayer, then your homes will receive the needs of other brethren and you will be able to envelop them with the power of prayer so that healing can be established in those hearts.

I know that many expected miracles. The true miracle of God, dear children, for this 21st century, is that He has allowed Me to return to meet you, especially in this part of America, announcing Myself as the Queen of the Sun, the Woman who wears the Golden Rays of the Father, the Wisdom of the Father and His Mercy so that they can be poured over the world.

I seek, from your hearts and souls, true sincerity. My eyes contemplate all your necessities. I wish that all My children can take a step towards the Plan of God through the heart, faith and prayer in profound communion with Christ because if you do this, you will receive the Grace that you seek so much.

God has many good things for you. He has already knocked on the door of your homes, but in this time He sends His Faithful Messenger in the name of Jesus, Christ the Redeemer, to awaken those who sleep in this world because of the strength that the illusion of this humanity has had and that, through modernities, hypnotized My children, making them lose the path of faith.

Therefore, today I come to announce that it is time to return to the House of the Lord.

I thank you deeply, dear children, for this preparation that you have made for My Heart.

On this sacred night of faith, I come to give you My Love, the faith that your hearts need and the healing that your souls need to be able to continue walking in the paths of the Lord, in the Plans of God and His magnificent and loving Will.

I announce Myself to you as your Mother, I do not want to do you any harm but rather that you feel the radiance of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, all this is true when hearts open up to faith. I need you as My servers and apostles of the new time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

Our Lady is praying for us and the city of Sorocaba.


Today, I tell you, dear children, as My Son has said, that the last will be the first and the first will be the last, those who will close the door for those who have been left behind, and we will all be together in the promise of Paradise, of the Kingdom of God.

I also come, on this night, to bless you, and I unite to the hearts of all My children, confirming your faith before the Most High Lord. This is the most important thing, dear children, that the flame of your heart never be extinguished. Therefore, today I ask you, that the children who are sitting in the last row of this room come forward for the blessing at this altar and all of those who feel it may do so. But I call in a special way, to this nearest altar, the new children of Mary, who again are the example of conversion and of the Love of God manifested by the power of faith and prayer.

Let us sing.


Song: "Our Lady".

When a soul sings it instantly unites to God and the Celestial Universe manifests in His heart, creating the perfect union between the creatures and God. In the simplest and humble things lies the true key that will take you to salvation.

My very beloved children, by the authority that God has granted Me and under the protection and shelter of the Archangel Raphael, of all the angels of Heaven who perpetually glorify the Lord, by the power of My Immaculate Heart and by the imperious force of the Mercy of Christ, I bless you on this heavenly night, pouring out the most pure of My Heart over your hearts; and I hope to promptly meet you in Heaven, after having lived the great experience of love and forgiveness on this Earth.

Unite yourselves, in this time. My Immaculate Heart will always help you whenever you open your heart to Me, which is the direct path to God, the eternal blessing of Our Father and the favorite Love of the Lord for all that He created since the beginning.

I am the Mother of the Beginning and the End, I am the one who waits with joy and love to strongly embrace you, so that you may rest your heads on My Heart and thus, with your inner ears you can feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart which is the only reason of your joy in this life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Pray the Rosary every day, peace is needed in this world and an end of the spiritual war as well. Thus, the Mercy of the Lord will descend and we will be One in the heart of the universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you little children for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

At the request of our Blessed Mother, to close this meeting with Her Immaculate Heart, let us listen to and sing the "Hymn of Medjugorje".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat,

And to close, let us together sing "Mary of Nazareth".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear and beloved children of Goiânia, I bring the world in My hands, because it is a world that suffers and despairs. In My Heart I bring your hearts, because as Queen of Peace and Mother of the Universe, I have heard your pleas and come in response to your call.

Dear children, in a time without peace, may there be peace in your hearts. Seek the Kingdom of My Peace through prayer; in this way, your families and kin will be helped.

God's wish is that the devotion to My Immaculate Heart should be expanded in the world, and My Face of Peace comes before you so your hearts may recognize the very important task of the end of times.

Thus, My Son sends Me to the world to advise you and announce that it is time to pray with the heart. In this way, many things will be able to be healed quickly, because your essences will open to the new, to the Greater Source that comes from the Most High Father, a place from which I come on this day to announce to all My children that it is possible to redeem the life and the heart.

Open your arms, dear children, to receive My maternal embrace. Many of My children in these times need to learn about new things that come from Heaven and the Universe, which will help in the transition of this humanity so that many of My children stop suffering, stop experiencing pain and find Christ at this time.

My Son sends Me to announce He is returning; thus, you must prepare with readiness. It is necessary, dear children, that your homes be temples of prayer; in this way, the enemy will not make you fear, because My Immaculate Heart will reign in your families.

Heaven sends Me, dear children, to prepare the New Race for the Return of Christ, which is very close. Meanwhile, beloved children, pray with the heart, confess your faults to God, for He will listen to you.

It is necessary, dear children, to open the heart to forgiveness, while the world experiences many tests and challenges. God is seeking humble willing hearts, so they may be the new apostles of prayer and prepare the Kingdom of God on Earth, which will come with My Son in Glory and in the gladness of all the angels and archangels. It is necessary that you enter My Kingdom every day.

As Mother, I endeavour always that you be able to return to My Son, Who is very forgotten in these times; few seek the Eucharist, the eternal Communion with His Heart.

So on this evening, I invite you to be renewed in the Sacraments; in this way, you will prepare your souls for that path which Christ wishes to travel in your lives, guiding you, safeguarding and protecting you, so you may accomplish the final mission, beloved children, which is to reach Paradise, the Paradise of God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children, many do not understand the power of prayer nor do they know the grandeur of experiencing the act of praying; and today I tell you that the world was born of the Divine Verb, and the New Earth must be prepared through the pure verb of its creatures.

My children, the Divine Verb created this very perfect planet and gave it to you; It created each of your consciousnesses so you could glorify God. Each of your hearts received a Divine Attribute which is perfect and is held in your essences. It is through this attribute, My children, which is called Love, that you must create a new world, little by little, through your actions, your thoughts, your feelings and the constant prayer you must utter all the time.

My children, today I want to teach you to live a new life on this Earth, to forget forever the errors of the past, because today you have the opportunity to be reborn in God. Thus, I come to the world to renew all creatures of the Earth. So, I ask that My Verb reach every space of this world, so that all consciousnesses that dwell here may receive the opportunity for forgiveness, the absolute forgiveness of all their faults, so they may be reborn in spirit to rebuild this world.

My children, discover the power of the prayerful verb, which first creates in the invisible, and little by little, manifests the Will of God in matter. Knowing this power will only come to those who act and begin to fervently pray, those who dare to place themselves in prayer above all things in life, not caring what others think, but indeed knowing that a pure and true example changes all lives, changes all those who are around you.

Today, I call on you to give the example of virtue and of charity, of service, of love and of peace, a peace that is so lacking in the world and which few know.

My children, if today you have the opportunity of being with My Immaculate Heart, open your essences so My Love is able to place this small piece of My Kingdom in them, which must be given to your hearts so you can multiply it and transform it in this New Earth, which must be born in likeness to the Paradise of God.

My children, everything is possible for those that say 'yes' to God. I only need you to be brave, that you have the courage to abandon yourselves, to set aside what you know of yourselves until today, so you may see a new human be born, full of a purity unknown to you, radiating a truth you have never seen in this world, and which is latent within the human heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While the majority of humanity needs healing and blessings, the Powerful Ray of the Love of God, which pierces My Immaculate Heart, is poured out over your lives, families and loved ones.

What I need, dear children, is for you to come beneath My Mantle, so My Pilgrim steps are able to guide you.

Throughout the centuries, I have just said: prayer, prayer and more prayer to change the world.

Prepare your hearts for the definitive time. My Grace reaches you, My Motherhood shelters you and gathers the flocks of My Son to direct you toward the Eternal Light, the Light of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for these sacred presents you have brought to My Altar, I bless them with Love and with Motherliness, and as I have already said, once again I bless them so they may be a symbol, a reference for peace and light for all.

Know, My dear children, that the union of your hearts with Mine will be the true unity between Heaven and Earth, between creatures and God, by means of My Immaculate Heart.

Glorify God; He is very tired of seeing so much evil in the world. He needs to pour out the immensity of His Mercy over you. For this, dear children, open your lives to God, let God be first, before all other things; in this way, you will perceive, beloved children, the difference between being in God and being far from God.

Seek God first every day, in your hearts, at each new dawn.

I will be very honored and grateful when you practice and exercise prayer in God, Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; in this way, your essences will be in the Most Holy Trinity and you will not be alone in this time. The Sacred Triangulation of God will prevail in your lives, a mystery of peace and of wisdom for hearts that are thirsty and seek peace, the consolation they need, the Grace they search for in this era.

Dear children of Goiânia, I eternally thank you for this day, for this year and for this cycle you are living with Me.

Carry My Peace to your homes.

May the Light of Christ light up the darkness of these times.

May Love and Fraternity reign among all My children; you will thus overcome the tests and will not suffer, simply because you want to be in God.

Seek God.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We are going to share some things with everybody about what happened during the Apparition, some things which Our Lady allows us to transmit to you, in addition, obviously, to everything She said to us.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To those brothers and sisters who are here for the first time, we are going to briefly tell how the Apparition of the Virgin happens, so you can consciously understand what is taking place.

During the prayer work, a condition is gradually created, and the planes which exist beyond this physical plane, which are the Divine Planes, the Celestial Planes, gradually unite with each other until, at a certain point, Our Lady, with the help of the angels, gradually draws nearer to this physical place.

She comes as a three-dimensional image; it is as if we saw a person on another plane. At that moment, Our Lady begins to draw closer, the angels begin to prepare and to create the condition for Her to descend.

As our Mother is a Divine Being, She has a unique way of approaching us, of confirming She is the Virgin Mary.

So during each Apparition, as Mother Shimani was telling us today at the beginning, many things happen before She descends. Today, for example, Our Lady began to approach as a sphere of Light, where through a tunnel of light blue and white Light, She was descending, was coming from the Universe toward the Earth, and in Her Motherly and Divine Consciousness, She knows where we are and begins to direct Her Consciousness to that place.

While the angels prepare and open the doors for Her to come, they also receive indications for helping our inner beings. So many things happen at the same time, in another time different than our material time.

It's a little difficult to explain how this happens, but that is what can be seen. Everything is through a movement of Light, an energy that Our Lady is generating, preparing for coming to us.

A cloud of Light appeared here, over the stage; it was coming directly from Heaven, where Our Mother is. And that cloud of Light began to expand over the public; it was a Light of serenity, of peace, that began to overwhelm our hearts and our souls until, at a certain moment, we came here to wait for Our Mother. She has always taught us that we should pray to wait for Her and receive Her.

At that moment, our Mother appears, as a Living and Resplendent Being. Today She came as the Queen of Peace; the skin a light pink, blue eyes as deep as the sea, a white veil that reached Her waist, a golden cord, a light blue mantle and a light pink robe, barefoot, with the rosary in Her hands; praying for us and for the world, and opening Her arms; each time She addressed Her Words to us, we repeated what She said to us and you listened to that.

While She transmitted Her Words for everybody, She always, through a vision, brings us the situations that are happening at this moment on the planet, in humanity. She always says to us that She does not only descend for us, who are present here, but also for humanity, because as a Mother, She is helping everybody.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

How many things happen when Our Lady approaches, right?

It has always been the same over the centuries of this humanity, except that in the previous Apparitions, the visionaries did not have the possibility of transmitting as they do today. Many times, possibly, they did not understand what exactly they were seeing; they could not explain what they were seeing.

But throughout all the history of humanity, Our Lady has helped Her children in the same way as today; only, in this time, when we are a little more adult, spiritually speaking, it is necessary that we know how the process of an Apparition works, because it is also necessary that we are able to understand the scope of what happens when a Divine Hierarchy is present.

Now, our task will be to pray, pray so that all Our Lady left here can be supported and produce its results.

Now, we are all going to say goodbye to Our Lady with something we know, something we can call ecumenical, and who knows if someday, Our Lady returns to Goiânia, because She always returns when hearts open to receive Her.

This that we are going to share with you was born as a mischief of ours, the monks, something a little hidden, and one day it seems that Our Lady heard us, our mischief was discovered, and She asked that we sing it at an Apparition; so for all of you, for the heart of each, with all our love.


Song: "Our Lady."


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
