In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After all has been purified, within and outside of creatures, this will be the moment when I will return to the world. I will come like the Light of this day, which embraces you today, emanating hundreds of rays in all directions of the planet and the universe.
Thus, you will see the Son of God come, just as it was written in the Gospels. Just as it has been announced throughout the times by some visionaries who are My favorite, and had the Grace of receiving the revelation of the Passion and Death of the Lord, but also had the Grace of receiving the revelation of the Return of Christ.
Today, in these times, despite the critical situation of the planet, also feel that you are a part of this revelation that your very Master and Lord announced to you in these recent times, through His Messages and His Words.
Thus, My Heart sometimes feels oppressed and sometimes enslaved, because I have entrusted everything to you, I have not kept anything to Myself, and although a part of My Consciousness is still a mystery for this universe and this Creation, in the end of times everything will become known. This is why My treasures are incalculable and My Graces are inexhaustible.
Just as I have entrusted to you My Being and My Divine Consciousness, I have also many times asked you to trust in Me. But although the human being is fragile and imperfect, you know that I have the power to transform everything and to make the life of each being a new instrument in the Hands of God.
My mystery will finish being revealed for those who continue to be faithful to Me on this path of challenges and tests that I offer to you, because, above all else, what is most important for your Master and Lord is that Christic Love may triumph.
The world was not created to be without Christic Love. For this reason, God Himself had to incarnate on Earth so that you might feel Him close throughout the times.
Without this proximity of God, which He Himself offered to live for the redemption of the whole human race, neither you nor your brothers and sisters would have the Grace of understanding and, above all, accepting Divine Will.
This is why that which is foreseen to happen through the Plan of God cannot be altered. Souls cannot alter the Plans of God, it would be like going against the Law and not accepting it, because what is foreseen for each one of your lives in incalculable and, I might even say, incomprehensible.
The Grace of God is so great, and His Mercy is so Infinite, that sometimes, My companions, you lose sight of them, and become confused by your own ideals or even by your own preferences.
What would have happened to Me if your Master and Lord, from the moment of His Incarnation up to His Death, had not accepted that which God had determined? What would have happened to this world? What would have happened to this humanity?
You must understand, once and for all, that your lives are called to live Christic Love and to be converted into New Christs so that you may give continuity to My Work of Mercy, which all of humanity needs at this hour of uncertainty and lack of peace.
For this reason, I come today as this Sun of God, which represents life, regeneration and healing for the entire planet and the universe. I come as this powerful and eternal Light that can liberate you and transmute you from your errors and tests.
But this last and great step will depend only upon you, companions, and, in the silence of My Heart and in My prayer, I hope you can take this step.
There are still many chains to be broken. There are still many ties to liberate. There are still many hearts to rebuild, because trust has been outraged by all that happens in the world.
And although God, your Eternal Father, contemplates all that is done to this planet and this humanity, He does not move away. He draws near, He makes Himself felt and known, through the eternal persistence of His Beloved Son, to those who, in spite of the obscurity of the world, are brave and continue to take steps toward the Light, toward this Sun of the Universe, which embraces you and welcomes you into the Love of God.
In this way, I prepare you to live more determining and mature situations, experiences that will allow you to realize whether you are with Me or not, whether your hearts are ready or not.
But once again, I tell you not to lose heart, and that you must be brave. The Light of My Rays penetrate the wounded Earth and the sick humanity to heal them.
This is why I Am this inexhaustible and unchangeable Sun that is always born again. As this Sun, I Am born again to give Life to those who belong to Me and to give them Love in My sacred retreat.
The signs of these times demonstrate to all that it is time to live this sacred call with seriousness and reverence, because it will not repeat again, it will not be heard again. In the purification of the Earth, all will be concluded and the planet will be put in order again, therefore its surface must be regenerated so as to be within the fulfillment of the Project of God.
However, all this will be possible if you are truly here with Me. Even with all your defects, you must allow My Love to reach all and the inner life of human beings to someday become sacred and solemn, so that the fruits of conversion and redemption of the world may be presented at the Feet of the Creator, Adonai.
Do not seek answers where you will not find them, listen to your hearts and do not become confused. My enemy has many strategies, he is quite cunning and daring.
But the one who is with Me, in unity and reverence, will not perish, because My Love is like a very thin dome of Light that protects and safeguards you, when you simply do not allow yourselves to come out of My Heart for other preferences and desires.
When you decide to live the codes of evolutionary life, you will learn to live the Commandments. Therefore, do not forget that you are a part of the sacred people of Israel, which must continue to walk in this planetary desert of indifference and deafness. The sacred people that must find the Promised Land through Me.
I aspire that many can do so and that many can concretize the meeting with this sacred spiritual land, which is a part of the Kingdom of the Heavens.
On this afternoon, when My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, through the Sun, continues to shine toward the world, do not forget that I Am that I Am, and that My Eucharist is a living and resplendent Body of Light, which transmutes and liberates everything, in those who accept it humbly and wholeheartedly.
Within them, I will always manage to write the continuity of My Story, which is the Story of God, through His Will and His burning Aspiration that the Father may have a share with you and that you may have a share with the Father, through Me, your Lord and Master of the Universe.
And, once again, I give you Peace, so that the world may be worthy of peace, so that this peace, which is so necessary and urgent, may be established on the surface of the Earth.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The pen of God stops, and He stops writing. What will this mean for you, in the face of what the world experiences today?
I Am the Lord of Silence, the Lord of introspection. My Will reaches the ends of the universe, but My Words labor in the hearts that are open to listen.
In the face of this revelation that I brought to you today, part of a secret from your Master and Lord, I ask you to continue praying with Me, just as you pray with My Heavenly Mother, because humankind from the Earth have no knowledge of the true Justice of God, a Justice that cannot be tempted, modified or altered. Only the Grace of the Mother of God can change the events upon the planet and, above all, in the hearts that are in danger through their own actions, because of the immensity of their ignorance, because of ingratitude.
You already know that My time within this place, so sacred to Me, is coming to an end. And today I tell you again that when that happens, you must be witnesses to the Heavenly Father and to humanity, of what you have witnessed in recent times through My coming to this place, which has a reason and purpose, unknown to all, not yet revealed to the world.
This does not mean that the supreme Will of God hides from His children, His creatures, all His mysteries and revelations. But He Himself chooses who needs to know them and have knowledge of them. So it has been throughout the times in the various apparitions of My Celestial Mother.
Even though today you do not know what I have said or know everything that I have revealed, this is not to be a curiosity for anyone, but rather an impulse to reinforce and double prayer for, in this way, Heaven will always hear you. Heaven will be attentive to the voice of your supplications; It always listens to the children of God.
While I am here, I am also with all of humanity, in these last moments of your Master and Lord, much like the last moments shared with the apostles during the Last Supper. We are in a very similar and culminating moment.
This is not sensationalism, this is a truth that comes directly from the Heart of God for you, because the scriptures will continue to be fulfilled, just as they were dictated to the hearts of the prophets and the apostles, and nothing will change them, only your unconditional adherence to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, to all Her aspirations and wills, which are part of the Will of the Holy Spirit.
Today I can only speak to you through symbols, because you have to meditate on My Words, because My Words hold many keys that will open the doors of your consciousnesses, so that you may be able to be closer to God and to His Will.
Just as I have always done so, today I am fulfilling the Will of My Father so that the veils of consciousness fall from your faces and you may be able to see the truth and reality of these times, knowing that each treasure and spiritual impulse given to you will have to be justified by you, until the last day of your lives.
Thus, before the Heavenly Father, you will give testimony of what you received and of everything that was given to you throughout time and through the years, not only by My merciful Heart, but also by the Mother of God and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
Today, more than ever, the essence of Our Sacred Hearts reach the world with the last messages that prepare for the definitive moment of each human being, in these end times.
Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words will remain in those who make them count and be recognized in the world, in all peoples, in all nations, in every corner of this planet. Your example and Christification, your sacrifice and surrender to My Heart will come before the long-awaited moment of My Return, because I will only be able to come first through you, through your transformation, surrender and redemption. It is the only thing that I need so that I too can justify to the Father everything that I have done for you.
The Word of God is not wasted. The Word of the Hierarchy will never be invalid. It is autonomous, eternal and it transcends all times, generations and forms.
But only you have been called by My Eternal Father to be witnesses, at the end of times, of all that I have given you and revealed to you.
I am not being dramatic, I am telling you the truth, because the truth will free you from yourselves.
Just as I told My apostles at the Last Supper, many of the revelations that God gave Me for future generations of humanity, you too as beings and as races, as peoples and nations, are at a great pivotal point, you are facing the same moment as the apostles were when each one, in the most crucial and culminating moment, had to give testimony of Me.
Today I am again alone, as I was in the judgment of the Pharisees, waiting in the greatest silence for the adherence and unity of My companions.
The Mother of God, Doorway of wisdom, of discernment and of love, is now present at the request of Her beloved Son, just as Saint Joseph is also present.
At the request of Christ, the visionaries can come here to unite with us at this moment with the Three Sacred Hearts.
We invite those who listen to us through this means of communication, that in the face of this mystery that the Three Sacred Hearts bring us, we may kneel or stand up to revere them.
We thank you.
God is listening to us and contemplating us, and so He does with all of humanity.
After the world day of fasting and prayer, requested by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, Our Three Sacred Hearts have received the supplication of humanity.
I come to ask the world, in the name of the divinity of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, that all who can, in the next six months, repeat the day of fasting and prayer on the fourteenth day of each month. Thus, I will have more occurrences and testimonies to show the Eternal Father about the efforts of His children for the relief, the healing and the peace of humanity and the planet.
Enter the Ocean of God's Mercy, the doors of your deepest core are open so that, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, souls may be forgiven and absolved by the infinite and unfathomable Mercy of God.
This is the time of My apostles. This is the time to give testimony to humanity.
Carry My Words within your hearts, let them not be erased from your memory, may they echo in these times that will come because you will need them as strength to go forward. My Heart will never abandon the merciful.
And thus, with the Three Sacred Hearts, we will celebrate the Eucharist and the spiritual Communion that the souls who are listening at this moment will be able to experience with the Divine Master.
We can bring the altar.
Lord Jesus, make us worthy of living Your Word, but also make us worthy of living this Sacrament so that, as humanity and a planet, we may achieve redemption and eternity. Amen.
The Divinity of Christ is present in this moment of celebration. In honor of the merits achieved by Our Lord Jesus Christ before, during, and after the Last Supper, we offer this bread so that it may be changed into the Body of Christ.
In the evening, before being given up, Jesus took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Then He took the Chalice, and making the same offering and surrender, He raised it, giving thanks to the Father, because His innocent and pure Blood would redeem humanity. It was thus that He gave the Holy Chalice to His apostles, saying: “Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
The Body and living Blood of Christ.
In union with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, let us say the prayer that our Lord taught us.
Our Father.
Our Father (we repeat in English).
May the Peace of Christ descend on Earth.
May the Peace of Our Lord be in this place and in all hearts. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Do not forget everything that I have told you today, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that will make them resonate within.
We say goodbye and send all Our Love and Our Peace to the world so that human awareness may awaken in all hearts. So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this very special Trinity, formed by the Three Sacred Hearts, bowed down at the Feet of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Divine Lady, the Virgin Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, we will offer one last song, so that Christ may continue to resonate within us and thus form His apostles.
We will hear "Todo lo que yo viví". ("Everything I have lived.")
My children,
Since the beginning of your lives, during the manifestation of your essences in the Universe, the Purpose of God and His perfect Thought have been drawn for each one of you.
Each being of this Earth, and even beyond it, has a unique mission designed by God so that through their fulfillments not only the Plan of their Creator may be fulfilled, but His vast Creation, from cycle to cycle, can be recreated and renewed, based upon new and greater degrees of Love.
Each essence bears within itself a unique gift of the Spirit of God, a virtue that makes it unique in Creation and special for God, with its place kept in His Sacred Heart.
This virtue is like a musical note within a great celestial melody. Without it, the melody would not be complete. This note is in the chord that corresponds to it, with other notes that complement it; this note is in the perfect melody, in the perfect tempo so that, upon sounding its tone, a new door may open to Life.
I say this to you, My children, so that you may understand that nothing ends. Cycles do not mean an end, but a new step of an infinite evolutionary scale, which has been manifesting in your lives since the beginning of your creation, from the beginning of the creation of Life itself.
The evolution of beings is built, step by step, since the creation of their consciousnesses and, although their mission is the same, it deepens and is perfected so that through it something greater may be constructed.
Each consciousness, as it is created, receives a lineage to express and, life after life, on Earth or beyond it, this lineage is fulfilled and manifests more or less intensely, according to the awakening of the consciousness.
The beings that you know as visionaries manifest this lineage since the beginning of their existence, because their mission is to see beyond the dimensions and to communicate the perceived Will of God to all creatures.
There are different expressions of this spiritual lineage, which does not mean that they are better or worse than one another, but just that they are in different degrees of development, according to the Will of God and the mission of each consciousness.
From their universal and cosmic life, to their experience on Earth, a visionary has been deepening not only into their capability to perceive the dimensions, but above all to love them, to love what they perceive, to love what they transmit and to whom they transmit, and to do it each day more deeply and truly.
Each stage of the evolution of a visionary invites them to deepen not only into their perception, but also into their degrees of love and humility. And oftentimes a cycle that closes means a new and deeper cycle begins.
When the Divine Messengers begin a stage of retreat, this not only means, My children, that the visionary must begin to deepen into their mission and enter subtler and more unknown spheres, which are revealed in the solitude of their hearts. It also means that all those who share what is transmitted by God must begin a cycle of deepening and inner synthesis.
A note by itself cannot contain an entire melody within a song. The whole song collects the notes and deepens into its silence so that the note can then intensify during a later moment of this great melody.
In this way, I explain to you that this is a cycle of revelations, which must not only be heard, but also deepened into.
After this cycle, while we begin to retreat, a great silence will come, a moment when Our Voices must echo within each one of you.
This echo must enter into your consciousnesses, into your cells and atoms, echoing, within each one, the experience of superior Laws, the experience and living all that We have said throughout the years. Because it is through the depths of this silence that the fortitude will be built in you, which will make you worthy, not only of sustaining this planet, but also of re-building it from the Sacred Enclaves that, little by little, are revealed to you.
Live each cycle with your spirit filled with gratitude, with your heart ready for an even greater new step. Thus, My children, Our silence will not be a reason for you to weaken, but rather to elevate.
I take this time for you to understand that evolution is an eternal ascension, and that this Law is fulfilled beyond the appearances and the small human understanding.
Live each stage always looking toward the Heights, and there the Purpose of God will be, guiding your lives.
I love you and I am with you at each instant.
My Heart, from the birth of Christ to the Cross, My children, always remained silent, and I nonetheless did not cease to feel and live each instant of the life of Christ. I shared with Him each experience, each learning, each leap into the unknown, each challenge that was overcome, and this is what I am doing today, with each one of you.
Therefore, trust in My word of Love and, even more, trust in My mysterious and consoling silence, because it is there that I sustain your cross.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I come to announce to the world that your Celestial Mother is withdrawing more and more into the desert that Her Eternal Father destined for Her, waiting for the next happenings which will reach the world, so as to be able to purify it and prepare it for another phase of spiritual work.
In this sense, dear children, I come on this day to close a spiritual stage with one of My visionaries, since from the beginning, when she was called, she was formed and prepared by Me. But now, the Will of God has already been fulfilled and I was close to the visionary during the time the Father had considered.
And so it is, dear children, that through the last times, I gave the world this visionary, Sister Lucía de Jesús, as a precious instrument to draw Divine Instructions from Heaven.
Now that your Heavenly Mother has accomplished Her duty with this soul, I will only stay until the end of times accompanying, guiding and instructing the world through Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, who ten years ago I called to accompany the Mother of God on this Planetary Mission, together with Mother María Shimani de Montserrat.
Thus, I need the first visionaries, who on August 8th of 2007, saw Me in the olive groves of Aurora, in Uruguay, to return to the beginning of this task, accompanying the withdrawal of the Most Holy Mother, Who will continue to work in the world through a single instrument. This has been asked of Me by My Celestial Father, and in divine obedience, we will fulfill it.
The Work of the Divine Messengers has several stages; thus, this is the first stage or cycle that is closing, within the defining period of the end of times.
For this reason, up till now, your Celestial Mother continues to appear daily to the same visionary, since throughout these years, I am preparing him for something greater, with a humble spirit.
I would like you to continue praying for the instruments of God, for those whom Our Father asks to awaken so as to move forward with such a risky mission, such a daring surrender and such a purpose to fulfill that it would seem impossible. But at My side and with the companionship of My Motherly and Immaculate Heart, everything will be possible.
Remember again what I told you once in Aurora ten years ago: "Many will begin to accompany the first visionaries, but their mission will be to close the cycle of this Work in profound and inner solitude".
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
From Heaven I come to visit you to bring you My Peace and My consolation.
Today I come with the flags of the nations of Central America and I take you by the hand towards the pilgrimage that your Heavenly Mother will make for the souls of the planet.
I need you to be with Me on this path and that you are able to embrace My call. I ardently wish that all those who follow Me and who, with the flame of faith of their hearts, spread My Peace in the world.
Although My Work outside the Church is being challenged, do not fear, do not fear anymore. It is time that the consciousnesses open their hearts to be able to understand what I am asking in these times.
Therefore, I come to search those who never experienced Christ and who are outside of the Holy Church.
I come to give an opportunity to all My children, because the Project of the Divine Mercy is for the whole planet.
Today I follow everybody very closely and say, to the children that would consecrate themselves today to Me to continue working in prayer and in service so that when I return here, to the sacred tree, I can find you ready, and so I will consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Many souls await Me in Central America. Many more than you imagine. My Work is not only material, but celestial and universal. My Divine Consciousness embraces many universes and this task that I will realize in Central America, is a small sample of My universal Work.
I want you to open your senses to this, for you to see beyond all and so to feel in the deepness of your hearts the importance that this Work be performed, beyond the visionaries, beyond all your group and all humanity.
Today I come to show you the Purpose of God through this request that My Heart of Mother performs for all. I would like profoundly, with all My soul, that the Church be united in this proposal because My Consciousness does not come to bring conflict nor war, but peace, the peace that is lacking for you. All are worthy children of God and all deserve the opportunity, as the Church has received it throughout times and My Apparitions.
I do not come to ask you to believe in Me, but in the call of God through His loyal Servant.
I come, as Messenger, to announce a new time, a new phase that is not modern, but profoundly spiritual and intimate with God.
I do not come here to carry out, through this work, a new Church, but I come to renew the Church that exists, in faith, love and devotion.
Unite yourselves to the sacred mission and you will be able to really experience My plans. I want you to be able to find in this proposal a meaning for life and spirit.
I come to shed My last heavenly treasures upon the world and this time on the souls of Central America, that are also worthy of Mercy and Peace.
So, I invite you to share among the peoples and nations, under the Spirit of Peace, Love and Unity.
I invite all My children in the world to find Christ in their brothers and sisters and to be able to see Him, beyond any appearance. If you are able to experience this, maybe the world will not purify itself as much as it is foreseen. Therefore, it is necessary that I turn to the nations with My children, bringing the good news and renewing the Message of My Son to the world.
I want all to be able to pray with Me all the time and that you learn to sustain this humanity. But if nobody offers himself to do it, who will do it?
Therefore, I summon the soldiers of My Son, from time to time, as Mother of the apostles and disciples of Christ, to perform with Me the Work of God to help me to solidify the Divine Thought upon Earth.
Together with My angels, today I bless you and hope to definitely reach Central America because there are souls who need help, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.
You must reach a new consciousness that is no longer personal nor individual. You must reach the group consciousness of humanity and see that each space of this world belongs to you and must be cared for.
As Mother of the Kingdoms I implore for you to pray for the Americas, as you have been doing. This pilgrimage to Central America will open new groups of prayer that can strengthen themselves for future times.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
There is still a past, My children, that must be healed in the heart of My children of Central America. As I have forgiven you, washed your wounds, sheltered you under My Mantle and made you My soldiers of peace, I still have to do it with many of My children.
I come to teach you to love the Plan of God more than your own lives. To love this Plan does not include a personal goal, but the whole consciousness of the planet, of the universe, of the Creation.
Therefore, I come as Universal Mother. Therefore, I present Myself before your eyes and hearts as the Heavenly Mother so that those who recognize themselves as My children, who recognize My maternity can serve this Divine Plan that the Creator thought for this world and the manifestation of which depends on the whole cosmos.
Humanity committed many errors throughout times and continues committing them. Those who have their eyes minimally open can perceive, children, that the future which presents itself to the human beings, by their actions and thought, is not the one that God thought for humanity.
Therefore, at the request of the Creator, I come to the world to rewrite this future, to erase the past and, in this way, to dissolve the consequences that would make you suffer and balance the evil caused in other times.
I do not only aspire to reach Central America and Mexico, I aspire to reach all the continents, because although America should become the cradle of the new life, I want to rescue even the last soul that lives on the planet and that has not found God.
I do not come to insist, children, on a material voyage and I want you to understand this definitely, because if you cannot embrace the Plan of God as a whole, if you cannot love and search for an opportunity for your brothers and sisters, how can you search for yourselves, with whom can I count on to manifest this Plan?
You must know that the Creator has a unique Will for each soul, for each essence that He has created and that He aspires ardently that His Thought can be fulfilled and manifested in all His children equally.
It was not the Will of God that distanced His project from perfection, but the human steps themselves. The Creator aspires that all His children have the same opportunity, the same possibility to redeem themselves and, as they awaken and take their places in this army of Light, they must make an effort each day for this Light to expand throughout the world.
This way, children, you will help Me so that My Plan may be fulfilled and so that humanity can manifest that perfect archetype, thought by God.
I want you to imitate My Son. May you reach those who are most lost, regardless of their customs, their social class, their culture or their belief. Jesus ate with prostitutes and the scholars, He called to the table of His Father all those who opened their heart.
The time has come, children, for that example to come out of the Sacred Books and become life, because the teaching has already been delivered, it has already been renewed throughout times by the Presence of the Divine Messengers, not only here, but also in many other places.
My Son will return and search in those who call themselves His companions the experience of His Gospel, because He will aspire to renew it.
Therefore, I want you to understand that helping me to reach Central America is more than a material act. It must come from your hearts as an aspiration, that comes from the spirit, that My Plan will be fulfilled and that more souls awaken for the experience of Love.
If you do so, My children, this pilgrimage will generate more merits than the ones thought by God, because, although you do not follow Me physically, if you help Me to reach there in a sincere way and pray for the awakening of your brothers and sisters, you will be forming part of this Marian mission and will be extending it beyond the boarders between nations, between continents.
Therefore, I tell you all this and with Love expect you to respond to My call, and that you do it with your heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
This is how I ask the Children of Mary to renew their vows on this day, within this Plan of Peace that I propose to the world and to all souls. It is in this way that I can continue coming to meet you, month by month and that the Door of Heaven does not close before the time, so that no souls remain without being able to see the Light and the Love of God.
Do not believe in what My other children spread, in this world, on this Work that I perform with you. I ask you to believe in what you have felt once, in the deepness of your hearts, when you got to know Me and felt Me alive in you. This is the most important for God, because it is the answer that the souls understood what I came to perform here, at this time.
I leave one of the stars of My Crown shining over this Marian Center, so that the essences may recognize that the Mother of all, that our Lady of Guadalupe, is here to help you and to call you for prayer.
I will seek you for your help in Central America, so that My Divine Consciousness may open the doors to forgiveness and reconciliation.
I thank you for responding to My call and for fulfilling this Plan of Peace that goes beyond this planet.
May God guard you and give you His Wisdom, His Peace and His Mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved children,
Contemplating the world, I see the numbness of nations and hearts before all the suffering and pain that many are living in these times.
The human consciousness has not yet learned to leave aside their own needs and comfort in in favor of the evolution of the whole planet and, more than that, children, in favor of the salvation and redemption of all of humanity that is marking out its path into the abysm.
Even those who are listening to Me and who try to respond to My Call, for not living everyday situations of extreme chaos that others live, cannot definitely awake and offer their lives to the universe in order to be true instruments of God.
Children, in spite of what I have been telling you for more than eight years, few are the ones who truly understand My Call. I am preparing you to be sustainers of the planet. I am training you to leave, in your hands, the evolution of the Earth. The time will soon come when I will not be able to intercede for you, I will only follow you and silently cry out to God for you to stand firm and not forget the time when I was at your side.
In theses times, I am trying to unite the hearts of the same nation, through the prayer with the visionaries, so that, thus united, you create a fortress that may sustain theses nations and open the path for the return of My Son.
I am trying to unite the Americas, so that, together, you may build the foundations of a new race that starts from the principle of unity that will awake in your hearts.
And now, children, I want to reach Europe, to unite all of My soldiers and create an epicenter of light that prevents the expansion of chaos and evil in the world. Through My children in Europe, I will try to extirpate the seeds and fruits of evil that try to impregnate in the consciousness of the planet.
I want you today to understand the importance of responding to My call and building the spirit of unity among the different groups of prayers and among the nations of this world.
Live, My children, as one only praying army and help Me to reach Europe with the same endeavor that you would have to help Me reaching your own cities. This spirit of unity and fraternity is what will sow the principles of a new life in the human consciousness.
I count on you, My children, for the materialization of the Plans of God. I count on your conscious prayers, a symbol that you understand the urgency of the times.
I thank you always for responding to My Call.
In the eternal hope of consecrating the world to My Immaculate Heart, I bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother
Dear children,
To consecrate America to My Immaculate Heart I need the effort and the definitive awakening of all My soldiers.
Not all nations are willing, spiritually, to receive Me, because the spirit of illusion and numbness involves the creatures in pleasures and false spiritual searches that do not exist for the benefit of the evolution of the planet, but only for the material well-being of individuals.
Today, My Beloved Ones, the Creator calls you to a spiritual life that transcends material well-being and often does not include it because He is trying to awaken you to the present planetary situation in which imbalance has become a law and peace an exception in the hearts of a few.
Today, children, the Creator calls you to the permanent sacrifice and effort, because not all of those who committed themselves to His Plans in the beginning are responding to His Call.
There are many nations that depend on the balance generated by others in order to not disappear, because of the consciousness of these nations, as a whole, decided to remain in darkness.
My beloved ones, understand that what I come to offer you is not suffering, because this is the result of human imbalance and the actions of the forces of chaos. What I offer you is sacrifice, an act of doing not only your own part but also a little more, on behalf of those who did not answer.
Suffering is the result of illusion, it is something used by those forces that want to leave you asleep and tied to yourselves and to your own pains. Sacrifice is full of God, because the soul is willing to consciously serve to generate the correct balance, including to relieve the pain from those who suffer.
Children, I come to ask you once more that you pray with Me and that you listen to My Call. I come to ask you to pray for America and that you do it for all who are in perdition and deceit.
At this moment, those who are willing to really walk at My side are carrying a burden that often exceeds the sacrifice that corresponds to them experience. And it is not the Will of God, children, that the imbalance is also present among His own, because not everyone is responding correctly.
It is necessary that among the soldiers of the Creator there is an equitable and balanced surrender, so that the weight of the human imbalance not to be sustained by a few.
My beloved ones, meditate on what I say and search in your life for the correct balance. If you still have not surrendered to what to do or if you still have not responded to My Call as you should, review your life and be willing to start again.
For the balance in humanity and in the servers of God, I ask you for these things.
Today I bless My little son who, to respond to My call, tries to surpass himself every day.
Today, I will not only ask you to pray for My visionaries. I will also ask you to work together with them for the institution of a new world full of peace. I will ask you to fight together with them for the consecration of America to My Immaculate Heart and, for this, take your rosaries and pray, pray and do not forget to respond to My call.
I blessed you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of America
Dear children,
On this first of April and in preparation for My pilgrimage, I want to ask the more than three hundred groups of prayer of the Light-Network for special prayer assistance.
The spiritual request will consist in praying the Holy Rosary for six months, each day for a nation or group of nations of the Americas which I will indicate. For this cause and for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, with Me you will pray a mystery of the Holy Rosary on Monday for Venezuela, on Tuesday for Uruguay, on Wednesday for Brazil, on Thursday for Paraguay, on Friday for Argentina, on Saturday for Chile, and on Sunday for Central America and the Caribbean, which will encompass Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, the Lesser Antilles and Mexico.
This request for prayer is so that you help your Celestial Mother, so that Her Immaculate Heart may triumph not only in souls, but also in the spiritual consciousness of the nations. The social, political and human disorder that some nations of the Americas experience cause interference in the Plans of the Father, and My adversary takes advantage of these conflicts to keep My children from waking up to the call from the Heights.
I come to ask that all the groups of prayer meet at least once every fifteen days, to pray together through the means of communication you have used to support the prayer task. In this meeting every fortnight, your Mother expects that a consecrated representative of the Order will be present.
The visionaries will accompany the meetings of this six-month prayer mission. Uruguay and Argentina will correspond to Mother María Shimani; Brazil and Chile, to Sister Lucía; Central America, to Friar Elías; and the others who are consecrated will accompany the rest of the nations.
With this mission, we will help to prevent a future social and political disorder which threatens the integrity of the peoples in the Americas.
I will be accompanying these meetings closely.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Today I bring to the world the Light of My Immaculate Heart, mainly to reveal the most profound mysteries of the universe.
I know that for many of you it is difficult to understand the amplitude of My task in the world, which I perform through My instruments, the visionaries.
Today, I tell you, children, that it is so and has always been so. See and believe, with eyes of humility and of trust, that the Mother of God arrived in Aurora to spread an important Message of Peace outside of the traditional Church of My Son.
Your Father needs My Presence to be more known, for the believers as well as for the non-believers. This is how your Celestial Mother has approached you, for many years, to give to the world the last key of salvation, which is the prayer of the heart.
If in truth many of you already prayed from the heart, not placing any mental impediment, you could feel inside of you that eight years of work would not be done by any being of this Earth, no matter how much holiness they manifested.
Children, the only power is with the Celestial Father and it is from Him that the works for the whole universe are manifested; without His permission and without His divine consent nothing would be possible.
Thus, I show you that through obedience there is guidance and protection, especially in the face of the deceptions of My adversary, who will always try to make you indifferent to all that is divine and pure.
But do not fear, dear children, receive with My Peace the time of your purification which will place you before all that must be transformed in time. Thus, you will be cleansed from all and free of any stain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who guides you to awareness of the Truth.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of Mine,
As I know that you will want to know, God will grant Me to know the world after it completes ten years of continuous Apparitions. After that, many will give living testimony of My presence among you and, mainly, the Holy Father will recognize Me as the Lady of the Great Mystery, different from that which has been happening for thirty three years in Medjugorje.
For this moment, many of you no longer will be, and My task that now is in groups will be assumed by each visionary in different continents because My last call will be that they will give the world to know My final message. This final message is this, that which I am giving to you, month by month. In this way, many hearts will be prepared for the awaited return of Christ, and everything that until now seems to be a mystery will become a living revelation for the current humanity.
For this, in the final times, I will come to ask humanity for the consecration of all homes to the Immaculate Heart; when I am no longer among you My Light that comes from Heaven will be poured upon your families, and in this way, you will be protected from the three days of darkness.
When this moment arrives, I will show Myself for the last time to millions of people, and those who have not believed in the Woman Clothed with the Sun, by the luminous turning of the light of Her twelve stars upon the Earth, will be converted and receive as a final opportunity for the absolution and forgiveness of sins.
This work, as so many others that I have realized for the good and for the peace of humanity, will be recorded in the memory of all those who, through their efforts, will admire the power of My Immaculate Heart; before the great cycle of tribulation, the whole world will have more time of peace.
But now comes the time of preparation. I call you to realize in your lives the spirit of constant prayer and of charity; this will demonstrate, after a while, visible results within your hearts.
I now wish to tell you that the gift of your group is the true love of God, a love that has brought you to be among My arms of a Mother.
Dear children, this is the love which some felt in their hearts, that which has allowed Me to be here today and to reveal to you this secret of the end of time. From your fruits will be born new seeds in the future; open the doors of your inner universes so that new souls may be able to be served from the fountain of Graces that has been poured over you in these last years.
The Father always will infuse His Faith in your hearts. While the whole world passes through the cycle of its last transition, I come to ask you to be living testimonies for those who do not believe, and especially to pray every day from the heart for those who have been lost in the hands of the enemy. In this way, because of your prayers, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
On this night, I thank you for accompanying Me. These days shared with all of My praying children were celestial gifts generated for those who have not been rescued, in this way, the Plan of God is fulfilled.
I bless you and guide you.
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
On the 5th and 6th days of August of 2013, special days of Mercy, My Face will be present to accompany all of the pilgrims through this path and spiritual exercise of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy.
This exercise, which will be able to be realized by all who may feel to help in the redeeming plans of My Heart, will have deep reasons for helping the entire planetary consciousness of humanity, which means that My Celestial Mercies will be able to be poured even on the most inveterate sinners and in this way a great wave of conversion will happen in all of those who may be attuned with My Ocean of Graces.
In this way, during the 5th and 6th days of August My Consciousness will bring within Itself the Redeeming Powers of the Celestial Father, and that soul that may be willing to be liberated from itself will manage to do so if it follows the steps and the requirements for the praying marathon.
As I have requested you to realize this marathon of prayer, I also ask that this same exercise be carried out in other places of the world together with My Visionaries, those that I have chosen with the aim that more souls get to know the love and the power of My Mercy.
To facilitate the organization and the preparation of this special encounter with Me, that which precedes the important Annual Gathering of Prayer at the Marian Center of Aurora, to all who may feel like participating in it I ask that they enroll themselves in this marathon through the Portal Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother.
All who may unite themselves to the days of deep Mercy will be able to receive the spiritual help that they need in order to take the steps that My Father expects of them in this time. To the pilgrims I will give a special attention when they arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora to share in the two days of continuous prayer.
I will thank all of those who may answer to this important spiritual impulse for this time, in which may reign Peace and Mercy.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Dear children,
For another month, today I gather everyone into the depths of My Immaculate Heart, in this way, preparing the anniversary of Graces that will take place during the next month of August, in the original place where Heaven touched Earth.
For this purpose, and so that more hearts may awaken to My call, I invite all the prayer groups, for love and universal order, to help through their prayers and their donations so that the mission of the new bridge that is being built, and has not yet been finalized, may be fulfilled at the Marian Center of Aurora.
My dear children, if among everyone we are not able to gather the praying and donating efforts to concretize this bridge, before the month of August, this bridge, that wants to lead you to peace, will not be concretized.
Therefore, as Mother, I invite all My children to fulfill this request in truth, love and faith. Today I reveal to you that, some time ago, I asked My visionaries for the construction of a new bridge, for everyone to be able to reach the Marian Center.
Now I ask you, My beloveds, to incarnate the symbol of My petition within all of you.
What will it mean for your souls to build a new bridge and to concretize it, even in the physical plane?
God is showing you that, in this time of change, the bridges will be built by all.
My children, as a Mother, I give you this challenge that, if it be fulfilled with love by My dear children, the Marian Center of Aurora will be able to count on a secure path for the next month of August, in which My children will be able to cross.
While My Heart speaks about these small things, it wants to transmit to you the importance of everybody being able to build a new world based on spiritual maturity and faith.
If this bridge is able to be built before August 8th of this year, the current path and the ecosystem that is used by all will no longer suffer aggressions, and the Kingdoms will be able to once more approach all the regions of the Marian Center and to manifest, in this way, the harmony that existed, when the old bridge was present.
But what will building a new bridge mean?
It is a new spiritual alliance that is symbolically established, even on the material plane.
Therefore, this important act of charity by those who pray will allow to create a new consciousness within everybody, thus bringing wisdom and understanding about the essence of each one of My requests.
I want My little ones to understand that building a simple bridge, that leads to the Light of My Marian Center, has a planetary repercussion because, in this way, one rebuilds in the consciousness of humanity something that was destroyed by evil.
Dear children, may you experience this challenge in peace and, in the month of August, I Myself, The Virgin Mary, may cross the bridge that My children built with love for Me, to be able to reach the eternal Temple of prayer.
The month of August will announce profound and true revelations for all those who open themselves and reach Aurora with an open heart.
Today, I only ask you to pray for this symbolic bridge to be able to manifest itself. As good children, help so that this bridge for peace may be concretized.
The New Humanity will be born under the loving impulse of the hearts that are good, simple and humble, hearts that only radiate love and peace.
I thank you for responding with love and truth to My call for peace!
I bless and tell you: Go ahead, My workers, get to work!
Who thanks you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
Preparing the eve of My arrival at the Marian Center of Aurora, My Maternal Heart announces to you that by the Grace and by the Love of Jesus I will be among you and in prayer in the Home of Adoration on the 10th of November, 2012.
This meeting, dear children, has the special purpose of guarding and protecting some events in the world. You, as My children, are being called to collaborate with Me by means of prayer in a special meeting on the 10th of November, at 9 p.m.
My dear ones, for this reason you must wait for Me in prayer, with canticles and joy so that My special announcement may be pronounced. I will direct My words especially to the heart of the Light-Communities, strengthening them for the times that will come.
Thus My Maternal Heart will radiate Light to each one of the Marian Centers recently consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
They are:
Dear children, the 10th of November will be a special day because My first four visionaries, those who lived the experience of the first apparitions in Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, will report to all, at 6 p.m., what each one of them experienced during these first apparitions and which of My requests have been realized throughout these last five years.
After five years, this is the first time that My Maternal Heart announces to all the accounts of the visionaries, which will refer to the first apparition in Uruguay, and will be carried out from the heart of the location of the apparitions in Aurora.
On this day I will announce something important for everyone regarding the new cycle of My presence among your hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Let us pray for peace in the world.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may descend over both nations.
At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.
When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during the months of October and November at the Marian Center of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning.
Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time.
My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time there was a very poor woman who donated everything that she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has.
What is the mystery of this parable?
Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heavens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth.
Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the Heavens.
Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a correct balance in the collaboration and in the support for My universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children.
God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be transmitting the monthly message for October and November of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation.
God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each nation.
Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart.
Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call?
I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times are changing!
I thank you!
Thank you for listening to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more