In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I waited for so long to come here, to this precinct of God’s Creation, where the souls that find and visit it, without quite perceiving or noticing it, return to the beginning of their spiritual and cosmic origin.

Through the witnesses of the Creation of God, and by means of these giants of the Plant Kingdom, see how much history is kept here.

It is not necessary for a being to be so spiritualized to notice it. When contemplated with an open heart in gratitude, the subtle spheres of Creation can reveal to the human being of the surface, through the Plant Kingdom, realities of inner and spiritual healing that this Kingdom, despite its giving of self, has not managed yet to express to the humanity of surface, due to all that which this Kingdom receives from the Human Kingdom as transgression and mistreatment.

In the silence of that which is apparently motionless, in the silence of that which apparently is still, God mirrors and reflects His Consciousness through the consciousness of the angels and devas, so that in this Human Project on the surface, returning someday to its original essence, returning someday to its Essential Purpose, this race may recover the code of Creation it has lost throughout the times.

When I tell you that I was waiting to return here, it is because there is a part of My Consciousness that visits this place on the inner planes, by means of the expression of My Hermit Consciousness. In this place I find, not only for Me, but also for all My companions, an opportunity to return to the inner world and come out of this superficiality of the end of times, which only confuses and deceives souls, leading them along an uncertain path.

Through this place of God’s Creation, at one of the extremes of the United States and very close to the Pacific Ocean, a special spiritual conjuncture presents itself to souls and consciousnesses. Because in this place, through the Plant Kingdom, there is not only a history that has already been written, but also an opportunity as a door that opens for consciousnesses, so that they not only may return to their essential origin, but also that, by returning to it, they may begin again from scratch, evolving as the Lower Kingdoms do, evolving just as the angels, devas and elementals do. Because they do not know the Law of Suffering, because they fully live the Law of Giving and, despite what the human being of this humanity has done to the Lower Kingdoms throughout the times, the whole memory of its giving cannot be erased by anyone.

For just like the angels, the giants of this region only have the mission of rising towards the Heights until they find the Light, just as a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun, in the same way should be the opening of the consciousness of the human being in these critical times. Because what exists on the other side of the portal is so wonderful, but many still fear to face the unknown.

But what is there beyond what you can control or retain?

How is it possible for the group soul of the Kingdoms, despite the transgressions of all times or even the contamination that they experience, not to stop giving of themselves for the evolution of this Human Project?

Where is the key to this constant and permanent self-giving of the Lower Kingdoms? Why does the Human Kingdom not manage to live it or achieve it?

This is one of the reasons why I will return to humanity, so that the Genetic Project in its origin and in its DNA may be reconfigured, because there is an atom and a cell that have been lost.

Therefore, the effort of humanity must be very great to live a self-giving that someday may be unconditional and true, without expecting anything in return, just as the Lower Kingdoms and these giants do not expect anything in return.

If Humanity looked at the Kingdoms of this Creation in a different manner, how wonderful it would be for the souls of this world to receive the attributes of the Kingdoms of Nature: strength, self-giving, surrender, silence, reverence, devotion to what is sacred and silent transmutation, as well as liberation!

You have the Mirror of God before your eyes. You have everything, more than other planets and more than other constellations, you have it all,  more than hundreds of suns and stars in this universe.

Open your consciousnesses, just as the Spiritual Hierarchy opens these spaces and dimensions so that the devas, angels and elementals may become present at this moment and commune of the Second Person of God, just as you can commune with My Body and My Blood.

This is the reason for My Return, this is the motive of one of My important works for the redemption of humanity and the planet, in honor of the silent, true and immutable sacrifice of all the Lower Kingdoms.

Would you, on this surface, also be able to achieve it?

If in truth you knew what the soul of the Lower Kingdoms sees from the Human Kingdom, I assure you that your response would be different and many, really many, would be tormented for having wounded and hurt the Kingdoms of Nature, which today, through this humanity, bear the blame of the climatic consequences and the catastrophes.

But what was the first Kingdom that disturbed the balance of the planet?

My Words are clear, companions. Assume the time of surrender, but also of reparation.

This humanity and this planet could already leave the third dimension with the spiritual help of the great angels and devas of all of the Kingdoms, because they were created for this great moment in the history of this planet and civilization. They expect, in this end of times, not only for the human race to love the Lower Kingdoms as if they were their own life, but the Kingdoms of Nature, through the angels and devas, as well as these giants of the Creation, also expect to open the door, the last door to the Real Time.

Do you now understand that the material consciousness does not end here?

When you are before these giants or any space or manifestation of God’s Creation on this planet, when you are before the Sun, the Moon or the stars, do you not feel anything?

There are many who are losing this sensitivity, because they give strength and power to artificial and modern gods. The soul trembles in the face of this situation, because the soul of each one of the Children of God emerged from His Cosmic Sources not only to evolve, learn and live, but also to be in communion with all of Creation. As you today, before these giants of God’s Creation, can be in communion with a great mystery that is unveiled today by the Words of Christ.

When My Mother would go through the forests, when Saint Joseph would work with wood, the Kingdoms would revere Them when they were before Them, because of the reflection of Their Holiness and above all Their resignation before the Laws of God and the Laws of Nature.

Why is it not possible for the humanity of these times to live the same thing?

The healing of humanity is present through this Creation. I come to remind you of this so that the heart and essence of each Kingdom may not continue to be destroyed. This is what will raise the souls of nations and peoples: that the humanity of the surface may love, protect and respect what is most sacred that God has granted to them.

However, I want to tell you that My Word is not that of an ecologist. I bring humanity the impulse of something greater and cosmic, because a small door is still open for the return to the origin, toward your own inner nature, which is not human, but rather purely spiritual.

Remember that through these spaces you will find the Hierarchy.

Remember that through these spaces you will find the inner answer that you seek so much, an answer that is not outside of you, but rather in the deepest silence of consciousness, anonymity and service.

Regenerate, at this moment, your cells and atoms. Liberate your consciousnesses from forms and obstacles. Allow at this moment, through the giants of Creation that this Human Project may be repaired, through the impulse of Love and Light of the Kingdoms. Angels and devas accompany the Great Master.

Today your Master and Lord, by means of these Words, is before the origin of this humanity, before the first Adam and the first Eve, so that the original sin may begin to be dissolved from the human consciousness, so that most essences of this world may someday achieve the immaculate of this Project and what is purest in this Project of God.

When this happens through My Return, I assure you, companions, that the Project of God will be resumed as it is written in the Books, but above all in the hearts of the Lords of the Law of the Universe.

Be aware that you are participating in this and do not forget it, because all the Kingdoms will be praised in Heaven and on Earth, just as God praises them through His Love and His Spirit.

Let us pray not only for the Human Kingdom, but also for the other Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure the Apocalypse of the human civilization.

We ask for all the Kingdoms of the planet, through these giants of God’s Creation, to become peaceful and neutralized at this moment, for the forces of discord and disunion to be dissolved, for the telluric powers of this planet and universe to establish an inner and external balance in all the forms of the Creation.

May the Laws of the Great Creator Fathers Gabriel, Raphael, Michael and Uriel establish a principle of peace and neutrality so that souls and also the group soul of the Lower Kingdoms may receive the impulse of silence and internalization, which will reflect the condition of each being, so that, under the flame of love, light, reconciliation and healing, unity may be re-established.

My Spirit is pleased in the Lord, because His Love reflects and expresses itself in the silence and reverence of all creation. This nourishes the faith of the one who grasps and recognizes it, the one who perceives the inner realities as an abundant universe that never ends, that is infinite and raises the consciousness to the state that God expects so much, a principle of peace, love and unity.

May all one day find this path.

May all walk by My side, just as the angels and devas of God walk in silence and surrender.

May the hearts no longer retrogress in their steps, but rather may the spirits advance toward the goal and purpose that awaits them.

Today, on behalf of humanity, as part of this civilization, as a Being who incarnated in this world to guide and teach you, I repair the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the outrages, mistreatment and indifference that they receive in these times.

May the essence of the spirit of Peace rise again.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen


Series: The Sequoia Trees - Part V

The giants of the Temple of the One Thousand Portals were contacted for more than hundreds of years by the hermits and yogis of the East.

Many of them came to be before the Sequoia trees during their meditations, even though they were far away, hundreds of miles away.

There was no impediment for the hermits or the yogis to enter into communion with nature because the power of spiritual attraction of the Sequoia trees allowed for a rapid inner contact to be maintained with the Source.

For this reason, they reached the great celestial heights. Their growth and expansion always sought to reach the soul Universe of God.

The Sequoia trees have always offered themselves so that the human being could access super-stellar levels of consciousness through them and, from there, receive the inner impulses that souls need for feeling that they are within the path of God.

The hermits of the past, as well as the yogis of the East, understood the science and philosophy of Creation and they knew that each Kingdom is present to fulfill a primary function within universal evolution, and that the trees, mountains, rivers or animals are not just inferior creatures, but rather, the hermits and the yogis discovered that, in reality, the spiritual and soul beauty of the Kingdoms of Nature existed forever to teach the ignorant humankind of the surface.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Series: The Sequoia trees - Part IV

Within their composition and genetics, the greatness of the Plant Kingdom hold something of vital importance for the rest of the Kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom.

Sequoia trees are formed and created by the matrix of Life. This means that, within all the existing Kingdoms, the Sequoia trees were the ones that were most able to express this code that comes from the science of growth, self-expression and serving.

In this sense, this is what the human being needs to remember each time they are before an element of the Plant Kingdom. To know that the same Kingdom was capable of demonstrating that the genetic code of Creative Life has the possibility of self-regeneration and self-healing, through all the scientific and alchemical knowledge that the Plant Kingdom expresses.

This is why it is the subtlest Kingdom among all the Kingdoms, and, at the same time, the most self-giving to the rest of the Kingdoms, revealing the potential of its healing properties at a cosmic, spiritual, mental and material level.

Within the Plant Kingdom lies a science, still unknown to humankind, that would be capable of resolving and taking care of all human ailments.

The absence of care, protection and respect on the part of the very human being causes the Plant Kingdom to be unable to reveal its healing properties.

I thank you for keeping My words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Series: The Sequoia Trees - Part III

These giants of nature hold a mystery within them that humanity still has not come to know, but which was indeed known by the original peoples of North America, who knew the science and philosophy of the Sequoia trees.

This mystery is that the Plant Kingdom, just as the other Kingdoms, are witnesses of all that the planet has experienced, and they are also the living receptacle of much knowledge and many legends that the original peoples themselves contacted.

The Sequoia trees elevate the third-dimensional mental consciousness. That is to say, their presence in the United States, and throughout the rest of North America, as great coronaries of the planet, transmutes the primitive thoughts of the current humanity.

They behave in this way, as collectors of significant cosmic energies, such as equilibrium, harmony and universal peace.

They are sources of impulses that generate and attract healing and redemption to the planetary psyche and, as a result, to individuals of these times that need to shift from the archaic mental plane to the evolutionary cosmic mental plane.

The Sequoia trees help in this transition. This is why their characteristics and dimensions are so vast.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Series: The Sequoia trees - Part II

These great and beautiful trees are witnesses of the different stages that the human race has experienced, there is none other that may have recorded what truly happened in this world.

In the same way, the Sequoia trees are witnesses of what the original peoples went through and suffered during their passage through North America.

The inner union between the original peoples and the Sequoia trees was something more than sentimental. The very gesture of the love of the Native Americans caused them to understand the science and spirituality of each one of the species of the Plant Kingdom.

Thus, the indigenous consciousness experienced a very deep degree of contact that allowed them to understand the meaning, and, at the same time, the existence, of what each living element upon this planet really meant.

The Sequoia trees were the great natural teraphim of the original peoples for they, within their hearts, knew that there was a reason for the presence of giants such as these trees and, at the same time, a principle coming directly from the Cosmos was being fulfilled.

And so, the indigenous consciousness of North America knew within itself that the Sequoia trees attracted certain principles of the Universe that benefited the sustaining of the balance of the planet, and, above all, of humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
