Dear children,

The effort and love expressed today in your prayers, appeals and requests, offered for the Lower Kingdoms of Australia, are allowing for a Divine Grace to descend and for the soul group of each one of the Kingdoms that were affected by the fire to be conducted toward spiritual spaces of reparation, healing and of much regeneration so that, from there, the soul group of each one of the Lower Kingdoms of Australia may find a place within the Creator Universe where it may continue its experience of evolution.

Each Hail Mary that is offered today allows a member of the soul group of the Lower Kingdoms of Australia to have the door opened so that it may also live its liberation in the inner planes.

Even more, the loving and prayerful offering of this day is intervening for China and for all the regions of its neighboring countries so that the health crisis they are facing may be illuminated and filled by the healing of prayer in order to deactivate the great number of demons that are attacking a part of the inhabitants of China and beyond.

Therfore, the prayer offered today is a planetary work so that the roots of evil may be eradicated from the unconscious of human beings and so that the souls may again reconnect with God, because the cause of so much suffering in humanity is the absence of personal inner contact.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I come not only for you, but for the world, pleading together with Jesus and Saint Joseph for the New Humanity, for the New Earth.

Today I come with joy, but also with compassion, for the souls that most suffer and who, because of your prayers, were aided in light of the Celestial Father.

Today I come to re-establish the infinite trust, the perpetual Grace between you and Me of uniting hearts and souls in this sacred task for Peace.

But I still need to be better known in Africa and in the Far East, where My devotion among so many brother and sister hearts is also intense and faithful.

My Campaign for Peace should not only travel through the Americas, but the world; and you are the spokespersons of My motherly Message for these end times. I count on each of you, My children, until the end of times, in which everything will develop and a new Plan will appear for those that persevere in heart and in prayer with Me.

Today I am not alone here. I am with My children, with those who love Me, with those who invoke Me, with those who are patient and listen to My Words from the heart. But today I am also with the angels and archangels, helping this part of sleeping humanity which experiences its profound illusion; and I still pray, as you do, My children, for the awakening of all creatures.

Today I would like to give My maternal gratitude for all you have done for Me, in the name of the Work of God, and also My gratitude for those who today are not here and who also accomplished My Designs, because My gaze, My children, My Mother's gaze is on all creatures, on those who make themselves seen, on those who hide in the Heart of My Son to contemplate Him.

Today, the world experiences its first phase, the most difficult and hardest. But the Marian Centers, My children, constitute an opportunity for salvation and Grace for the whole world.

In the East and in the West, My Presence is there in whomever perseveres in faith and in an absolute awareness of My Immaculate Heart.

Today I do not come to bring you the horror of the world, although it is present in many sinning souls, in those who are condemned through their actions, within and outside of the Church of My Son.

Today I come in search of those who trusted in My Purpose since the first days in which I was present among you, here in Sacred Figueira as well as in Aurora.

I Am the Tree and give of Its fruit for all My children. I Am the Sun that is born at the dawn of each being and which shines, seeking to establish redemption and peace in the end of times.

My children, I know that you need much help. Do not tire of asking for My intercession; but trust, everything has its timing for the universe and for the Lord.

Today I hold in My Heart your pleas and the pleas of those who, behind the screens, are listening to Me; because, dear children, I am not only here, but am also in the hearts that open to receive Me in their spirits and souls.

I Am the Mother of the world. I Am the Greater Governor. I Am the Star that guides you. I Am the Light for your paths, after My Son. I Am Who has received the trust for guiding you, step by step, in obedience and loyalty, in love and in unity.

In these times, seek not only outer unification, but also inner unification. My Son needs to establish His gifts in the world and in all hearts, before He returns to establish the Universal Judgment.

Dear children, today you have opened your hearts to Me with sincerity and without appearances. You have done what I asked of you since the beginning of this meeting. You have fulfilled what I have deeply wanted, which is to mirror this peace to the entire world, this peace that I grant you in the middle of the tribulation and the chaos, in the middle of persecutions and the death of so many innocent souls.

I will not tire of coming to the world to implore you for prayer. You know that this is powerful and invincible; and even more, it becomes invincible when your hearts pray united with Mine, in a perpetual consecration of your lives, in all you are able to give God, because He accepts all offerings, no matter what it is.

Today, I am leaving here, I am instituting My trust in the youngest, in the new flocks of Christ that will be the successors of the Sacred Word of the Redeemer for all the young people of the world, for all the children who call out in their crying for My Voice, for My Presence, for My Heart.

Beloved children, let us celebrate this profound communion with God, with His preferred Son, and in the Presence of the Holy Spirit that, as a Light, assembles you in this Most Holy Trinity to establish the Project of Creation in human hearts.

My children, I have listened to the renewal of your vows. May these vows not become weak; and when you feel your vows weakening, call for My Presence in the night as well as the day, in joy as well as in sadness, in prayer as well as in challenges. My Son has granted Me the authority of being present in all places when a soul begins to pray to My Immaculate Heart.

Today, My joy is reflected in your spirits. Extending My arms to you, opening My hands, radiating My Light to the world; radiating the Spirit of My Holiness and My Purity so that if you trust, My children, you will achieve it; just as I achieved it in constant offering to the Almighty God.

Today, offer this moment, My children, for those who are not here, for those who are no longer here, and for those who still have not come here to find Me.

In My Immaculate Name, establish forgiveness, reconciliation, in light of a world that suffers chaos itself in these times.

Be seeds in My garden of Light. Be roses that open in this meeting to emanate love to the universe, through your Heavenly Mother, Who gathers up your offerings in sincerity and in truth.

Dare, My children, to be that which you never were, to be apostles of Christ in the simplicity of prayer. I need these armies of Light and of prayer to not wane, even if My adversary tries, your temples will not tremble.

I come to give you, My children, what nobody has ever received; this atoning Grace that will free you from yourselves and the past, just as I have untiringly tried so many times.

Believe in God; believe in His Kingdom descending, for the second time, through His beloved Son; in the preparation of this important Return to the World, in Glory and in Light.

Believe in the angels and feel their guidance, their presence and their eternal service.

Believe in the Holy Spirit that unites you, in heart and soul, with Me, in this sacred spiritual oratory of your Most Holy Universal Mother.

Believe in the faith I pour out for you, in the imperious power of prayer that opens the doors to peace and to Mercy.

Believe in My Campaign for Peace because, just as I guided the apostles to the Ascension of Jesus, beloved children, I guide you toward the accomplishment of the Plan of God in these critical times. You, My children, must be the Campaign of Peace itself manifested on the surface of the Earth. If you, My children, do not live peace, how will peace be established in the face of so much adversity and errors?

Dear children, proclaim peace through the campaigns, so that My petitions may be fulfilled in this last hour that comes to the world, before everything happens.

My last aspiration is to reach Nicaragua, Mexico, the United States and Australia. Oceania must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and you, My children, can grant this.

My children, I am here to show you all the confirmation of My Love for each of you.

Now, My children, in the Sacred Presence of the Trinity, listen to Me through My daughter, Lucía de Jesús, because My Voice is also recorded in hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

You may ask yourselves, My children, why I want to transmit My Message through so many visionaries in this world; whether it would be enough that a single heart should be consecrated to Mine, since My Voice is a single one.

I need many voices to be the echo of the Voice of My Heart in many languages, transforming the destiny of nations, erasing the past that humanity stamped on the consciousness of this world.

I need, My children, to have My Peace proclaimed in many lives, in all the Kingdoms, and it is for this reason that I reconfirm My Presence through so many instruments that I use in this world. Through each one of them, My Motherhood expresses and My Heart manifests on Earth.

But today I assembled you here not only to forgive you and heal you as individuals or as humanity; I assembled you in this place to re-consecrate your lives and, through you, the whole world.

In the same way that this planet, which I placed on My Altar, is today enveloped by My Blue Mantle, the whole planetary consciousness, My children, is also today protected by My Immaculate Heart, and this is possible because you pray with Me every day.

Today I come to institute My Kingdom of Peace in your lives, so you may proclaim this Peace and carry it to the four corners of the world. I will send you, My children, dressed thus in My Mantle, to many nations so you may announce My Presence not only in the Americas, but in all hearts that open to respond to My call.

Through you and all those who respond to My Celestial Voice, I will demonstrate to humanity that My Presence is real in all the Marian Centers, as well as in the essence of each being.

I am, My children, within each of you, within all those who hear My Voice, as well as in each Marian Center where it is proclaimed.

My Heart is single and expands through the world, every day, through each praying being that defeats themselves; that in each second of their lives, defeats all the influences of this world, its modernities, the capital energies, to live immersed a little in My Kingdom, in the Peace I bring you and you try to keep in your lives every day.

Children, I ask that you frequent the Marian Centers, so that your hearts may be strengthened, so you discover on your own that they are islands of salvation and peace for all Kingdoms, all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are My children. And that, from the nurturing of faith that each Marian Center brings into your lives, you are able to radiate that faith to all My children who are in the abysses of this world, in the abysses of ignorance, illusions, mundane pleasures; because, My children, they do not know the grandeur of My Kingdom, do not know My Peace, and live in the chaos, in disillusionment and despair each second of their lives.

I wish that, through each Child of Mary, My Love is radiated for My most lost children.

Through you, My children, I want to reach all the nations of this world, not only in the Americas; because although My Kingdom will be established in the Americas, so that a New Humanity may emerge there, I want all My children of this world to know and experience this New Humanity, or that at least, you prepare for it with your prayers and your hearts.

This does not mean that I will abandon the rest of the continents of this world. Thus, I want to consecrate the Earth, so that many who have unpayable debts can achieve forgiveness and redemption while there is still time.

I want to save My children of the rest of the nations of this world; I want to carry My Forgiveness and My Peace to those who have never known them, because since their infancy they were born in wars, in persecution and in pain, in the distress the enemy causes each day in their little lives.

I want to demonstrate to My children, to the very smallest, that My Love expands to the world and can reach their little hearts.

I want to protect those who live in the wars and do not know love, those who only know bombs, the terror of weapons, the lack of love, so they may know, My children, that a Celestial Mother waits for them, Who needs them to establish peace even amongst the chaos. Because this chaos, children, could expand through the world to test hearts, so they are confirmed in the light of God; that you confirm that, in spite of all the influences of the enemy, you accept My Love, accept living the Plans of God, just as My Son confirmed on the Cross that, in spite of all the martyrdom, of the denial, all the humiliation they caused His Most Sacred Heart, He accepted loving His enemies, accepted establishing the Plan of His Father and living Forgiveness, separate from the terror and humiliation they caused His Heart.

I want to show all the Children of Mary, those consecrated and those who will be consecrated, that in spite of the denial, My children, and in spite of all the evil offered to you by this world, defeat that evil, defeat the denial, and experience love, as My Son taught you, and as My Immaculate Heart teaches you, which on this night is smiling at you, in spite of all the fear that so many of My children in the world experience.

Today I smile at each of you, because I am gladdened by the hope you radiate to the world. I receive that hope into My arms and carry it to My most lost children.

I want to smile at your hearts, My children, so that you too are able to radiate a smile to those who do not know joy, and you are able to show the world you are capable of defeating sadness, disillusionment, and lack of love, because you know My Heart, because you are participants in My Kingdom and My Peace in these times.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

I extend My arms to you and therefore to the world; I am also with those who left the path and who, through My eternal Grace, will return.

I want, My children, to tell you something important: when the Book of Christ and of Saint Joseph are ready, half of the Work I have come to do here with you, after so many years, will be fulfilled; and will be further fulfilled when North America, South and Central America, Africa, Europe and Oceania come to know the books of the Sacred Hearts.

You, My children, will be the mediators for that, just as you have been the mediators for carrying the knowledge and instructions throughout the years.

This is an offer I make to the Association Mary, to Irdin and the Federation, which are the pillars, at this moment, of My co-redemptive work with My Beloved Son Jesus and with your souls.

Now, My children, I will prepare your hearts for what I will say tomorrow. My last petition is that you recite the prayer "Act of Consecration to the Divine Heart of the Celestial Mother" to pray it at My altar; and I will call the young people who have come here, to this meeting, to sing to Me tomorrow.

I would also like all the young people of the world to come here to recite this Prayer with Me.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Rising up to Heaven, I listen to you, carrying the pleas to the Celestial Father for all those who should be My consecrated children, in a near future.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray two more times, at the request of Our Lady, closing and sealing this union with the Most Holy Trinity:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We can stand to pray; the young people can come up around the altar, as Our Lady requested.

We are going to offer this prayer as Mary asked, not only renewing our vows today as Children of Mary to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but also for all the young people who follow the Path of Christ and for those who should follow it and must awaken as His apostles.

Act of consecration to the Divine Heart of the Celestial Mother
Dear Celestial Mother,
today I consecrate myself to Your Divine Heart
and I give You my little heart
and my patient soul,
so that, in Your Glorious Reign of Peace,
I am able to find the strength to walk in life,
love for my consciousness,
surrender for my giving of self,
forgiveness for the past,
redemption for what I must still transcend
and mercy for this world.
I am united with You,
Merciful Mother,
in this mission of Peace with my sibling souls.
I am close to Your Heart,
Divine Conception of the Trinity.
May Your Will overwhelm my soul,
so it may recognize the Divine Call.
Change my heart
in Your Sacred Flame of Peace
so that in this consecration,
it may lift up my pleas to Heaven.
In humility and reverence,
I ask that You hear me,
Mother of Peace,
so that You,
Who allows us to be reborn like the morning,
You, Who is the Messenger Bird,
You, Who overwhelms our hearts with Your Immaculate Love,
teach us to live in purity, in compassion
and in absolute love,
which Your Son, the Redeemer,
radiates fully to us.
Blessed are You, Bird of the Sun;
in each soul, sow
the seed of forgiveness,
so that enfolded in Your mantle of motherhood,
Your sublime eyes of Peace and of Love,
illumine the path of surrender
we must travel.
In your loving
and wondrous example,
we see humility emerge.
In Your Grace and in Your Mercy,
we see the manifestation of the Love of God.
Hold in Your Heart,
Sacred Mother of Love,
all our failures,
so that in the Return of Your Son,
we are able to see the new world being born.
May the Holy Spirit
which comes from You,
Mother of Peace,
be the shield that protects us,
as well as the prayer that safeguards us.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We can return to our places.


Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
