In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the Celestial Church comes to your encounter, just adore and be thankful for the Divine Presence.

Today the Heavens open and unite with Earth, embracing all hearts that cry out for Mercy and Pity for all beings.

Today the Celestial Church comes to your encounter, a Church that does not have a religion, that did not begin in this world and does not end in it; a Church that is called this so that you could comprehend that it is a sacred and divine place, the Temple where the Heart of God dwells for all of His children.

This Celestial Church manifests itself every time that you adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus, each time you contemplate It in Eucharist, each time you contemplate It in silence, each time you allow yourselves to love as He loves, when you leave your minds behind, your judgments and your human smallness to enter in the divine greatness. 

The Celestial Church reveals to all beings what they truly are, revels your essences to the great Love of God that dwells within each one of you. It is inside this Church where I aspire for you to be today. I come, once again, to take you beyond all fears, incomprehension and human segregations. I come to elevate you beyond all tests, miseries and difficulties that you go through in these times. Because this, children, was what I learned to do in this world. 

I come to put your hearts into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because I do not come to the world to bring you to Me. It is not my example that you must imitate but it is the example of My Son, His Love and His surrender. I only followed His steps, and I have come to teach you to do the same.

The time of definition has come for each one of your hearts and, in order to live this, you must elevate your consciousness so that you not get involved with the difficulties of the planet but yet you may be in the Truth and in the Heart of God. 

When Christ took each of His Steps with the Cross, His Consciousness remained in the Celestial Church, and there He adored the Creator, even though they insulted Him, even though He received wounds upon His Body. 

Even though human sadness flooded His Consciousness, His Heart remained in the Celestial Church. His Eyes contemplated the hearts of humanity, but His Spirit would go beyond the miseries. He forgave their ignorance and loved them to the extreme. 

This is what you are called to live today: remain in the Celestial Church, even though the world is agitated, even though nature is agitated and this planet becomes imbalanced, even if the minds of humans live a madness not yet experienced and their actions have no explanation. 

Do not allow, children, that your consciousness become outraged in hatred or evil, but with the heart in the Celestial Church, may you know how to notice the obscurity that influences humans and forgive, love to the extreme, as your Lord did, because it is only this Divine Love that can balance these situations upon the planet. 

Just as the tests will be unknown, an unknown Love also dwells within you, but you must have your hearts within truth, not in human limitations. Do not look to the neighbor with your own eyes, but with the Eyes of God, the God that dwells within you and Who still waits, patiently, since the beginning of Creation, to manifest Himself within His children.

For you to be in the Celestial Church, you must love it, truly love it, love God, love His Plan for all creatures, for all His children, regardless of your path, regardless of your lives, regardless of the way you live them, the way you comprehend them. It is only the love in your hearts that will unite all religions. 

Until the Return of My Son to the world, there will be evil on Earth, but you need to prepare His return through Love. 

When we say that all religions will be united, we say that because the love in the heart of the children of God will make them unite, despite the differences. And there will always be the ignorant, the blind of heart, that will doubt the Presence of God, because these will have to see to believe. And they will see. 

But in all religions, in all the beliefs and in the hearts of those who claim to be atheists, love will pulsate, love will make them go beyond their differences, beyond human comprehension, a love that will overflow from the beings and will not allow them to remain in ignorance, criticism and judgments.

Many have already started to feel this love within themselves, but they are oppressed by the chaos around them, by evil that fears this Divine Love and tries to keep it silent. But today, I tell you, my children, although the Sacred Hearts are in silence, the love within man will speak louder, to the whole planet, about the divine Truth, and souls will hear it, hearts will surrender and those who must awaken, will awaken. 

For this reason, do not fear, but love. 

Stay in the Celestial Church through this love, give testimony to the world that God does not only speak through you, He lives in you, He lives in this place and in all sacred places consecrated by Him to be manifestations of His Kingdom. And even if your mouths become silenced, your eyes will speak; and even if your eyes close, your presence will speak.

Just as My Son said that if the souls stopped acclaiming Him and adoring Him, the stones would, today I also tell you that God lives within you, and He will always speak, and He will even speak through silence because He lives in the air that you breathe.

May those who clamor for peace be united; may those who express the Love of Christ love one another, those who aspire to follow His example and who only wish that the Celestial Kingdom be manifested in the world.

For an instant, feel the Presence of God, of His Celestial Church, His Temple of adoration. Feel that you are before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the one which pulsates, alive in Love, for each one of you. May being before His Presence heal, reconcile and forgive you. 

Feel, children, how this Sacred Heart wants to pulsate within you. He came down from the Cross, revived by Love, and this same Love aspires to enter into each creature of this Earth. Just say yes to Him.

Pray for one another just as I pray for you. Pray for all religions and for those who do not have a religion; pray for the perfect Thought of God for every creature; pray so that His Gifts may be expressed within all beings and so they may not want to destroy one another, but love one another.

When you notice a mistake, pray so that the truth may manifest, and when you are wrong, be thankful for those who pray for you and allow yourself to open your eyes to find the truth once again. 

Do not fear making a mistake; fear remaining in the error, for fear of living love. 

It is not God who separates you from the truth, children. It is each one of you who separates yourselves from it when you fear the unknown, when you fear surrender, when you do not recognize love and fear that it may enter into you and transform you completely. 

Therefore, My prayer for you today is for you to repent and surrender yourselves. Do not be ashamed of correcting your paths, do not be ashamed of madly loving, of knowing the truth and giving it space to manifest itself within you. Thus, surrendered in the Celestial Church, the Sacred Heart of Jesus may finally pulsate within each one of His companions. 

Today I unite to the prayers of all the priests throughout the world, all religions, for all the souls summoned by God to bring Heaven to Earth, for all those whose calling is to manifest for the souls their communion with Christ so that He may enter into all beings.

Thus, I ask you to bring here the altar so that it can be consecrated, and upon it, all the elements may be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, so today the Celestial Church may not only be before you, but also within you. Make this offering for all priests in the world, those who are mistaken, and those who fight not to fall into temptation. May they renew their vows today, be forgiven and reconcile themselves with God. Amen.

Today, children, may you clamor for all priests of the world and ask the Celestial Father for the Grace of His Divine Church to manifest in all Tabernacles of the world, and where a priest raises the bread and the wine, there his spirit reconciles with God and finds His Truth, once more. Amen. 

I will accompany you. 

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

We experience, at this moment, once again, the sorrowful Passion of Our Lord and, as Saint Joseph requested of us, through our souls, we are going to enter into the Celestial Church, along with all the angels of the universe, to give testimony of this legacy of love and so that our inner offer, in this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may be accepted and received by our Creator.

When Jesus was gathered with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it, and gave graces to the Father for this sacrifice that He would live for each one of us, so that this bread could be transubstantiated into His glorified Body. Then, He broke it and gave it to the apostles saying: "Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, that will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Afterward, Our Lord took the Chalice. Raised it to God and offered His Blood to humanity, and this Chalice was blessed as a testimony of the Love of the Son of God for each one of the souls of Earth. This was how He gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of sins. Do it in remembrance of Me". 

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


In unity with the Holy Trinity, we contemplate and adore the Body and Blood of Christ, and we seal this Sacrament and this offer through the prayer that Our Lord taught us.

(The Lord´s Prayer).

We announce the Peace of Christ on the whole Earth, in unity to the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that all the Rays of His Sacred Heart could be shed upon this planet and in humanity. Amen.

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. 

May all souls feel, in this moment, the spiritual communion with Christ. Receive, from His Hands, His Body and His Blood, and let His Sacred Heart pulsate within you.

Thus, children, I bless you, strengthen you and I thank you for remaining in God, despite all the difficulties of these times. 

Remember that, despite these tests being unknown, an unknown love also dwells within you, and it can help you overcome all things and renew the Creation of God. For this I bless and thank you.

In the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If more souls hear the Call of God, this world will not need to know suffering.

Today I come here, children, to relieve the suffering of hearts, although they do not know it.

I come to relieve the Suffering of God for the indifference of souls, for the numbness of beings.

When I look at the world, My Heart is filled with compassion and pity, because I know the Divine Project, that first Thought that God emanated to create human beings, mirrors of His Consciousness, similar to Him in essence and in heart.

That Thought has remained hidden within each one of you and within each being on this Earth. The perfection of God has remained hidden behind all human miseries, and few are the souls that can express themselves according to the Will of their Creator.

Today I come here not only to reveal truths to you; I come to raise to the Heavens the souls that suffer and the sins of this world, in order to relieve the planet and give it a little peace.

Although you are so few, this was enough for the Love of God to descend upon this world and begin to build, in this nation, an opportunity for redemption.

The greater the abyss, the greater is the Love that God sends to Earth. That is why we are here, in this place, in this city, in this nation. Because where the beings who need it the most are, there is the Love of God, no matter how indifferent they are to Him and how often they do not believe that this Love exists.

Many times, hearts suffer because of ignorance, because of not knowing that the Love of the Father is available for all beings.

Therefore, tonight, I only ask you to open your hearts not only in the name of this nation, but also in the name of all of humanity, so that a greater Grace may descend to Earth and, by the offering of a few, the Mercy of the Father may expand throughout this world.

The Mysteries of God are infinite and even more so is His Love. Never forget when He was on Earth, in the Body and Soul of His Son. Do not forget that it was with a few that He transformed the history of this planet and all of His Creation.

The cycles repeat so that beings may receive a new opportunity. The Creator aspires to announce His Presence to the world, a Presence which is not limited to one religion, one people, one nation.

The Presence of God is in everything, children: in the air you breathe, in nature, in the hearts of your brothers and sisters; in everything is the gaze of your Creator Father; in everything is His Heart, waiting for the awakening of love in the hearts of men and women.

I come here to free souls from the suffering they bring from their nations to this place: their brothers and sisters who emigrate, so many who become lost in the seas and so many who arrive here in search of hope.

Through my Presence in this place, I come to give a special Grace to each one of these nations that suffer and cannot express themselves as God thought, due to wars, darkness, the lack of love in the hearts of beings.

Today my Light penetrates the oceans and reaches the nations of Africa, of the Middle-East, through the hearts that, although they do not know that I am here, need help and cry out to God thinking that they do not find a response. The presence of the Divine Messengers here is the answer of God to the prayer of so many hearts who have cried out for Mercy.

That is why I have come to this city to respond to the silent prayer of many of My children who believe that God does not listen to them. The Mysteries of God are infinite. Sometimes you think that He does not listen to you, that He does not answer your prayers, but many times, children, His grace comes into your lives in a way that you cannot perceive, just as today it comes into the lives of so many of your brothers and sisters, although they do not know it.

I wish that hearts could know Divine Grace, so as to know that there is still hope for life in this world, which is not only survival, but an experience of love, similar to the Love of God in His Son.

I wish that beings could know that suffering can be transformed when they understand the cross of these times as an opportunity to renew their Creator's Love.

Do not be afraid to announce the Divine Presence to the world. Not only through words, but also through the example of your hearts. It is the testimony of your lives that will cause beings to lose their fear and believe in the Presence of God through this work, which He Himself is building.

When you raise your consciousnesses to the true purpose of human existence and know that you are here for a Higher Purpose, to manifest a Divine Plan, then, children, it will not matter to you the criticism of men, religions, different cultures and the very love in your hearts will allow all of this to come together in that Greater Purpose. 

God aspires to build in this nation, as in the whole of Europe, a seed of unity among different peoples and cultures, among different religions. 

Here, where beings live the fear of losing power, a false power, where religions are afraid to cease to exist and do not realize, children, that this very fear is what is making them disappear, allow yourselves to enter into communion with your brothers and sisters, so that peace may be established, so that hearts may sincerely repent of their sins.

It will not be with many that the Creator will transform this world. It will be with a few,  who are sincere of heart, that He will begin to transform life on Earth, who, in their silence and prayer, will unite peoples and nations from the spiritual levels to the material levels of life on Earth.

Begin each one of you by loving and respecting your neighbor, even when you are judged or criticized for your way of loving. Love as Christ taught you, living His Gospel, beyond taking it as a sacred book or leaving it in your homes and calling yourselves Christians.

Be more than Christians, be Christs of the new time, imitators of the footsteps of your Lord, so that, in this way, your souls may be a path for Him to return to this world.

Let each one of you, children, be the living chalices upon which He will pour out His Blood to institute a new genetics, His Genetics, on this planet.

As I speak to you, the Presence of God expands upon the Earth and reaches the hearts that need it the most.

While you listen to Me, let your prayers be true, have faith that you are before God, that Heaven opens before your hearts, that the Eyes of the Father are upon Earth, and that, with the slightest opening of your hearts, His Mercy descends upon this planet.

Cry out for peace for the nations that are at war.

Cry out for mercy for those who say they live in the Name of the Lord and dirty His Name with their sins.

Cry out for forgiveness for those who live in hatred and indifference.

Cry out for healing for those who, because of the injustice they have lived, have forgotten the love that is in their hearts.

Cry out for a Grace so that, in the heart of Africa, love may emerge again and this Earth may be a seed of the new life.

Cry out for the Middle-East so that the Blood of Christ shed there may emerge from the earth and heal the hearts, making this land sacred again.

Cry out for this nation, for Italy, so that it may be the cradle of a true religiosity, where hearts will respect and love their neighbor, the different religions and the truth that is in the hearts of their brothers and sisters.

Let the darkness in this hour give way to the Divine Light and may you cry out for peace.

With these words, I teach you to pray with your heart, because the world needs it. Wait with love for your Celestial Mother, announce Her Presence more strongly and louder, so that more souls may have the opportunity to stand before Her and receive a Grace.

Before saying goodbye to you, may the priests come here, so that, by the Grace that God has granted them, they may bring down His transubstantiation, to transform the elements of the altar into the Body and Blood of Christ, in Remembrance of Him, as He has asked you, and that this communion, children, this Eucharist consecrated before the Father may pierce your bodies, your consciousnesses, and come as a Greater Grace to this world.

For this, I bless you.

We may stand or kneel for the consecration of the Eucharist.

Priest - And at this moment we remember when our Lord, at that time, together with His disciples, raised the bread, gave thanks, because the day of His Sacrifice had come. God blessed it and He said to all the essences of the world: take and eat from it, because this is My Body, the Body that will be given for all of you, for the forgiveness of your faults.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Then our Lord took the Holy Chalice, gave thanks, the Father blessed It, and He said, "This is My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant between souls and God; blood that will be shed for all of you for the total liberation from your faults and for Eternal Life. Do this in Remembrance of Me until I return.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Here is the Lamb of God, His Body and His Blood.

Let us pray the Our Father. 

Now, once in Italian.

May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.

With the consecration of the Eucharist, the Grace of God descends into the hearts of men and women, and my task here today is fulfilled.

I bless you and thank you for being here in the name of this nation and this humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Take the Peace of the Lord to one another as He has taught you, silently giving one another the greeting of peace. Thank you.


Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Today I am not alone here, I am with the whole Brotherhood. I call Brotherhood those beings, those consciousnesses who, in spite of not having the need to be in this world, continue here to serve humanity.  Their eyes are not visible to the human eyes, because they do not belong to this world, but they are here for a higher apprenticeship, of humility, of surrender and of service.

I call Brotherhood those brothers of yours who, in the invisible worlds, sacred places unknown to humanity because of its ignorance and indifference, there, children, they serve tirelessly, where the Kingdoms of Nature protect them, where the greatness of the mountains keeps a still superior greatness, that makes itself small and humble, for being unknown to humanity. In spite of all the insults committed by humanity, the Kingdoms of Nature persist in a service that is also unconditional and, together with their Greater Brother and Sisters, help this world and sustain it so that this Project does not get lost, so that hope in the Heart of God does not disappear.

I know that many will ask what I am talking about.

I come to reveal a mystery, to speak to the ears that want to listen to me, because, in this way, I bring meaning to your lives, beyond your material existence, beyond this constant fight for survival in the world.

You are, children, in a sacred place, but sacred has been hidden in the human heart, because they did not want to see it. The resemblance to God hid itself within your hearts to give way to what you have made grow century after century and that, in truth, does not resemble what you really are. If the human being is similar to God, have you never asked where this similarity is? Could God have sent the human being to the world to do what he does, to live as he lives, between wars and conflicts, amidst ignorance, pride, vanity? Could this, children, be the resemblance to God or is there something within you that you do not know, that you do not seek and that, often, you do not believe exists?

I come with those who represent the truth, for it to be reflected in your hearts and place you before a new cycle. In these times, not only chaos will be visible to the human heart, not only evil will be able to freely act upon Earth. Light will also shine, truth will also emerge within the human beings, within the Earth, from the invisible worlds, from superior realities, and this is what I bring you today, because, although it may seem otherwise, although you do not know it, this place which I come to is a sacred place. These mountains that surround you keep the mysteries that you do not know and that today I came to make known to you.

Because there you must find your fortitude. When nothing upon Earth makes sense and the Plan of God seems to have failed, just as in the Cross it seemed to many that the Son of God had failed, it will be in these mountains that you will find relief and, in what lives in them you will find your fortitude and your protection.

When this world shakes with an unknown tremor, never seen before, it will be in these mountains that you will find the fortitude not to fall, not to tremble and not to lower your arms before the redeemer arrives in this world. Because He will come. Yes, He will come.

But it will be when humanity has given all, when your heart discovers the hidden potential that exists within you, when inertia gives place to service, to transformation and to unconditional love. When you, children, discover the potency that exists within you and the spiritual immaturity disappears, it is then that the Son of God will return.

Before this, everything will happen and you must not fear. These moments with the Divine Messengers prepare and strengthen you. Hold on firmly to each impulse we give you, place it deep in your heart and make it flourish, transform it into seeds, so that the others who are not here and will not be in Our Presence may receive them.

The Graces we bring from Heaven are to be multiplied every day by each one of your hands, by your hearts, by your words and by your thoughts.

Today God brings forth, from the interior of these mountains, His mirrors of peace that are not only in the lakes, in the oceans, in the rivers, but are also in the mountains and in the hearts of the human beings; they are in the universe, as well as on Earth, attracting peace and redemption for those who want to receive them.

Through My Words, that enter into your consciousnesses, I bring the redemption that comes from the Heart of God to the human heart.

This way, I place you before a great service for the whole planet, even though you are here, in this very small place.

How many souls are passing on these streets and do not see me? How many families, how many hearts in need of peace are not feeling the peace of the mirrors of the cosmos, of the sacred mountains, that are opened and revealed today, but the eyes do not want to see?

With this, children, I want you to go out on these streets and let your witness be a light in the world. May your examples draw the eyes, awaken the hearts to the supreme truth that I bring you today.

The words that comes out of your mouth can be heard by many ears, but the true examples of your actions transform the hearts of this world. Therefore, I ask you to speak, to announce, but most of all to be the Divine Message.

Today the chain of the Andes shines in gratitude, because the mineral kingdom, can see Me. And so they are renewed in tireless service for sustenance and rescue of the human hearts. Just like the Kingdoms of Nature are renewed, children, also you today must renew yourselves to know that I called you here, in the Name of God, for you to become instruments of the Divine, and not of your own lives anymore.

Within these mountains, as with so many other ones, there is a mystery, a world so real as this one that you see, touch, feel. There the souls unite to God and their hearts can reach out when they pray, when they work in silence for the peace of this world. Today their doors are opened for the light to radiate to your essences and bring you new codes, for you to take new steps and, this way, help in the consecration not only of Argentina, but of this world.

We are in a definitive time and your souls already know it, otherwise they would not be here and would not listen to these Words. As much as many doubt and many do not believe, your souls do know it, because they have not ceased to listen to Me.

God expects a definitive change from you, because Argentina needs it and so does this world. If you want to build here a new reality, as similar to the one I present you in the invisible worlds, you must work tirelessly and, even if your eyes do not find any result in this life, you should never stop. The results of your actions are not for you, but for the universe.

All the stars you see in the sky, when it grows dark, wait for the redemption of the world, and it is for them and for that Supreme Heart, that lives beyond all things, that you will experience your transformation and will transform, with you, this world. It is by the renewal of the Heart of God and of the whole universal evolution that you are on this Earth. Perceive how small all the difficulties of the human heart are, all the aspirations, all the desires. All these, children, must disappear.

When you are possessed by selfishness and cannot experience fraternity, look at the starry sky, let your heart go beyond the stars and find not only your brothers and sisters of the Cosmos, but the Heart of God, that waits for you to take this step.

It is in the simple things that greatness is built. It is in the invisible that what will become visible in the New Humanity is built. It is with faith that arrogance and human ignorance are defeated.

It is not phenomena that will build redemption in this world, because this convinces the mind, but does not transform the heart. So many phenomena were already manifested on Earth, and humanity remains the same. This is the time of faith and that is why we are here, that our voice echoes through a human voice and your eyes cannot see us, unless you look at us with the heart.

Awaken the faith within you and your brothers and sisters and all that I tell you will be understandable. All the mysteries will be revealed and you will find peace, even if this world lives in chaos. That is what I am here for today, that is why I tell you this.

Re-consecrate your hearts today because you need to do it every day, even more in the Presence of God and your Bigger Brothers and Sisters. Remember that there is a superior plan to be fulfilled and that it starts within each one of you. The New Human Being is born from the transformation of your lives, therefore, do not fear to be broken within and die so that something new can be born.

This morning, I thank you for your presence and, before so many mysteries, I deliver you a truth: the Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ. This is the greatest mystery revealed in the Creation, when God merges, in an always new alliance, always eternal, with the hearts of the human beings, so that this little piece of bread and this wine reveal to you your similarity with God.

Sister Lucía de Jesús: can the group from Mendoza come here?

I call you because I want to thank you and place this sacred mountain, that shelters you, within your hearts, for you to take the definitive step and become soldiers of this time. And, beyond this world, may your redemption announce to the cosmos the greatness of the human project and the triumph of the Heart of God, through the Redemption and the Mercy of Christ for all souls, today and always.

By the power that My Son granted Me, I consecrate these elements, as He consecrated them one day, sharing the bread and the wine with His companions, saying: "Take, eat and drink it, because this is My Body and My Blood that shall be given for you."

Christ surrenders to humanity every day, in all the Tabernacles on Earth, in all the Eucharists. This is the symbol of the Renewal of God and must be the symbol of His permanent renewal for a superior plan that is manifested in the Heart of Christ.

Let us pray together Our Father in Aramaic, as He taught us, so that this sacred prayer does not only transform these elements, but transforms your hearts, transmutes and redeems this place and makes you able to be consecrated, a possible cradle of the New Humanity.

Abvún debachmaia
Netcádech chmor
Teitê malcutar
Nerruei tseviánar aicána
Debachmaia af ba-ár há
Ravlán larma dessuncanan iarmana
Uachpoclan raubéin uartarréin
Aicána daf renan chuórren olrraiaben
Uela tarlan letnessiuma
Ela patsan min bichá
Metual delarre malcutá
Uarraila uatechpurta
Lar-lam almin

With these words, I thank you, bless you and ask that you not only seek to enter into the heart of the Aconcagua, but let the heart of the Aconcagua enter into you and remain there, for you to be part of this Brotherhood that I bring you today, eternally.

I bless you with the Power of God, for My humility and simplicity, that united My heart to the Heart of the Father as a symbol of what is possible for every human heart, to experience this unity with the Creator, and placing upon you the Gifts of the Spirit of God and the presence of the Hierarchy, for you to be consequent with all you receive at this time and to be worthy of being called companions of Christ.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once more, I thank you and ask that while I rise, leaving the Peace and Mercy of God upon the Earth, sing and let your souls express themselves, for them to command your lives. Cry out for peace and let it be extended beyond Argentina, may it penetrate these cameras, these technologies and reach the four corners of the world, beyond the eyes that see us and the hearts that feel us.

Everybody cry out for peace!

Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the Kingdom of Lys expands beyond the forests, expands beyond the lakes, reaching the seas, the oceans, the rivers. Today the Kingdom of Lys shows its purity through the Kingdom of the Waters, so that in this way, it can help the Kingdoms that dwell there, that they may find peace and redemption with the assistance of humanity. Today the Kingdom of Lys extends itself here to cry out for help, so that its peace may touch the hearts of humankind, that they may recognize higher life, the truth that dwells in their hearts and calls them to communion with all the Kingdoms of Nature.

As a Sacred Family, today We reveal that the Sacred Hearts also dwell in Lys, and there find the fortitude to travel this world, to help those most in need, without ever losing hope that the Plan of God be accomplished.

Today the Kingdom of Lys stretches to the seas and the oceans so the mirrors of light, which reflect the Power of God, with the light of the sun that comes from the universe, are able to transmute and free this planet, especially this part of the world, so that it may receive a little more peace and have time to awaken, before the Justice of God descends.

Today, beside the Greater Mirror of Love of the universes, your Most Holy Mother calls you to awaken the mirror of your hearts, united with the Kingdom of Lys, to radiate to the world the love that it so needs.

In the waters of the seas, contemplate the purity that many have lost from within their being. Allow the Greater Mirror of the Heart of Mary to awaken the mirrors of your hearts, so the Kingdom of Lys may be able to also stretch through your souls, may be able to find in each of you an instrument to carry peace to the world.

Today you face the seas that are in such need of help and that, at the same time, sustain the planet. The human heart must be like that: in spite of all the help it needs, may it be able to surpass itself  through the love for God so as to sustain this planet, in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Kingdom of Lys stretches here to show you how grand the mercy of the Heart of God is for the human heart. And in this way, may you be inspired to transform your lives in likeness to the gifting of the Kingdoms of Nature, in likeness to the gifting of the Kingdom of Lys and of all the beings of light that dwell there and that untiringly serve humanity.

With simple words, I seek to awaken you to a higher reality, because hearts are asleep and, even though they express devotion, they have not expressed their true commitment to God yet.

The Divine Messengers travel through Europe in this time to awaken those hearts that committed to the Plan of God in the beginning, that committed to the Kingdom of Lys for this moment, when the Earth was most in need. The hour has come, children, to carry out that true commitment, somewhat setting aside the practical needs of your lives, those small inner problems that stop you from living love, because urgent matters are waiting for you, planetary situations that depend on the 'yes' of humanity, depend on the adherence of the human heart so the Law of Mercy may act.

Thus, today I come to meet with you, together with the Kingdom of Lys, so that in this way, you may recognize a spiritual service that you must awaken and fulfill in this time. I will not ask you for anything extraordinary because the Kingdom of Lys is the expression of simplicity, of humility, and of purity.

I will only ask you to enter the doorway that I open for you today, leaving behind all mental conceptions, all human ideas that you have cultivated until today, so that, entering this Kingdom, you may recognize the truth that you distanced yourselves from so long ago.

Why is it so difficult to live in fraternity and unity with each other? Why is it so difficult, children, for hearts to provide a need to a fellow being before their own? Will it be unachievable for your hearts to love and serve? Will it be unachievable to sit before an ocean and give thanks for its existence, contemplating its sacrifice and uniting with it so it may feel a relief, encouragement, support? Will it be impossible, unachievable, to come before a brother or sister to whom you owe a debt, and ask for forgiveness?

Will it be extraordinary, impossible, to listen to those that need to be heard? Pray with those that are in need of the Presence of God? Express your own faith to the world, without fearing human judgment? Those are simple things that make the difference in the history of humanity.

Expand the Kingdom of Lys, disseminating peace, humility, and unity with all the Kingdoms. Expand the Kingdom of Lys by being a little more fraternal, a little more human, that human being God thought of, the one in which He places His hope and from which He never desists, because He knows that truth, even though it hides from your eyes.

Let the Kingdom of Lys touch your hearts and your spirits, freeing you from evil, freeing you from illusion, so you are able to accomplish that purpose that God has had for you since the beginning.

Imagine a little mirror of light that ignites before your beings, before your hearts. Some of them need to be cleaned, purified and freed so they may become instruments of God. Feel the light that comes from the Celestial Kingdom and also from the Kingdom of Lys, and let that light purify your beings, renew you, and give you the impulse to be real servers of God, rather than of yourselves.

For an instant, yield to the unknown so it may act in your lives, and pray with Me for the Kingdom of the Waters, so that Lys may find a space in the essence of those Kingdom and is able to express itself.

Purity of the Kingdom of Lys, stretch out over the seas; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, light up the mirror of our hearts; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, make us pure and simple for the redemption of the planet; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, stretch out over the Kingdom of the seas; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, awaken the mirrors of our hearts; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, make us pure for the redemption of this planet.

Feel the Presence of Adonai, that today contemplates the world, and with His Holy Spirit, waits to descend over humankind and over the Kingdoms. Contemplate the Mercy of Adonai, contemplate His infinite Light, more brilliant than a sun or one thousand suns. Let this intense brilliance, that comes from the Kingdom of God, cleanse and purify the mirrors of your hearts, and through them, let it radiate to the world and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

With your heart united with the Heart of the Sacred Family, let us pray to God:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
redemption, redemption, redemption
for this planet. (x4)

Now you will pray for all the Kingdoms and will ask for redemption for the Kingdoms of Nature:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
redemption, redemption, redemption
for the Kingdoms of Nature. (x7)

Purify your lives and bring them peace through prayer. In this simple way, you will enter the Kingdom of Lys and will heal that which seems impossible to you. Today, children, I only want to make your lives simple mirrors of the Heart of God, extensions of the Kingdom of Lys for the world, for this is how your servers should be.

Perhaps you prefer what you experience in your lives over the Kingdom of Lys? Will you prefer the ignorance of humankind to living in the Wisdom and the Love of God? You must ask yourselves these things every day so that you move forward in spiritual life, and spiritual life will not be a theory to you, a book in the cupboard of your homes, but rather an experience, a living experience that uplifts humanity and allows it to return to the Kingdom of God.

In the Presence of the Holy Virgin, Who loves you and untiringly blesses you, in the Presence of the little Child Jesus, that today transmits His purity, His goodness to you, we will consecrate the elements that are the symbol of the Greater Grace and the infinite Mercy that comes from the Heart of God; may the Divine Humility of the Creator, that multiplies in the bread and the wine, enter into your hearts and invite you to experience this virtue that opens the doors of Heaven to you.

May all of humanity and also the Kingdoms of Nature spiritually commune of this great miracle of multiplication of God, and that united with Him, within Him, may you be inspired and guided to one day again live unity with the Father. Let us pray then, united with God, for the conversion of the elements, for the redemption of the planet.

Our Father (in Aramaic and in Portuguese).

Commune of the living Presence of the Heart of God and continue in peace, ready to unite with the sacred Kingdom of Lys, by the merciful Presence of God among humankind and among the Kingdoms of Nature.

We bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace.

I thank you!


At this moment, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús shared the daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary on this same day, May 19, 2017.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: We just wanted to add that it is very special to see all the Sacred Family, when possible, gathered together on the 19th of the month, because in some way, the divine codes that They bring us enter into our consciousnesses and also renew this spirit of fraternity and of brotherhood in all of us, making it possible through our efforts, as Saint Joseph says, for us to one day achieve the goal of being a true spiritual family.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
