Today, on this solemn day, I come to lay the true foundations that can be consolidated in Me so that, through the offering of honest hearts, the work that prepares My Return may be, each day, a reality that can first mirror itself in the human heart, in the consistent heart, in the heart that is fully given to Me; because the one who does so has nothing to fear and will have nothing to lose, because their life is in My Hands and above all in My Heart.
I come here to give strength to that which can be sustained spiritually, which is not seen by all eyes nor recognized by all hearts; because you know how great is the blindness of these times in humanity and on the planet, and how many souls continue to go astray in this world without being able to see the Light, this Light of the Return of Christ that approaches, a Light that will come to banish evil from this world and rescue those who are in the abysses of human illusion and suffering.
However, I can still continue to tell you that the value of My Most Precious Blood that was shed is not understood by humanity, it is only seen as a historic event and as an important moment in the evolution of this race of the surface.
But those who lovingly and devotedly embrace the Power of My Blood, will indeed be able to recognize the value of this event experienced by Me in that time, when many of you were present to be witnesses of the teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven which, both on the mountains and on the seas and also in the poor and humble villages, I preached to all, healed, cured and resurrected those who needed it to bear testimony of the Love of God in the world. But now I tell you again so that you do not forget it, but keep it in mind.
The miracle itself must be in your lives. Your lives must be a miracle to God, the miracle of being consistent and persevering in the face of the end of these times. Because there is nothing as important at this moment than being in the right place and, if it is possible in the place where the Hierarchy is. Because without Our Fire of Love you will not be able to know the Purpose of this world. And it is this Fire of Love that, as part of the Divine Purpose, was silently established in the souls who once founded this Nucleus at the beginning and in all those who came later.
There is something quite occult that you will not be able to understand in this life, and which is held in the Heart of God, not as an unattainable mystery, but rather as something that will be revealed in due time and moment, when you can accompany the work of Love through care to those who suffer, at My beloved House of Saint Lazarus.
There could be no other name for this house of service. Lazarus, My best friend in that time, reminds you that it is possible to overcome the human condition and all adversity. Because when Lazarus died, he died feeling faith in the Lord, believing in His Word that someday he would resurrect from among the dead.
How many in this time live spiritual death without realizing it?
My Holy Mother, through the House of Saint Lazarus, comes to open a fountain of Love and inner Healing, so that all those who cross into the next time and the next experience may know that suffering and agony will no longer exist.
However, while you are in the world, just as I said in My Teachings, you will know afflictions, just as the Lord, your Master, knew them in the Garden of Gethsemane and at each step He took throughout the Holy Land.
This is why today I come to open this Fountain of the Supreme Healer and I will also open a third Fountain of the Supreme Healer at the Nucleus of São Paulo someday, so that the main cells of this Work, which are the Light-Nuclei, may continue to be this spiritual power plant that attracts souls to service and charity for those who suffer, and also for the Kingdoms of Nature.
Each nucleus must always be a mirror that reflects on Earth the Will of God and His Purpose, because there are still souls that wait to reach My Heart through the Work carried out at the Light-Nuclei.
I want to give thanks for the consistent spirit of those who sustain this moment, this transition, and above all this work of manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus.
My Holy Mother will be the first to cross the door of this house to bless it, together with Her angels, so that, at each space in each place and, above all, in those who will serve, the needy souls may find again the love that will prepare them for a new experience of the spirit.
Death is not a condemnation, companions, but rather the synthesis of all experience lived and learned throughout the incarnation. It is the very important moment when the soul prepares to attain the Kingdom of Heaven and to be of service on the planes of consciousness where there is also suffering in this world, in the so-called hells of the Earth.
Death is liberation from the school of Earth and it is the rebirth into a new future, which is written in the stars and in the firmament, so that souls may continue to learn through the degrees of love and service, in this and in other universes.
There are souls that were part of this Work and are no longer incarnated here, and who serve in other universes. Did you know that?
Because it is the Breath of the Spirit that leads and guides you until you live the meeting with the Infinity that dwells within each being, each essence, each spirit.
Let us celebrate this moment, companions, when one more fountain of Grace opens in this place and in the world, which is submerged in darkness, in wars and in suffering. And so that, through these serving souls that are here, these Graces may multiply and be received by all those who need them, in this difficult hour of the planet and of humanity.
For this reason, we will now go to the Fountain of the Supreme Healer, in solemn procession and singing, so that it may be blessed accompanied by the silence of My Heavenly Mother, the Mother of the Relief of Suffering.
Let us go toward the Grace that purifies us, the Grace that renews us and the Grace that consecrates us in this life and in the next one.
By the Grace that springs from the Heart of God, in solemnity and reverence, your Master and Lord, the King of the Universe and of all life, comes to bless this fountain so that souls may be washed, purified, renewed and healed through the balm of My Redeeming and Consoling Love; so that souls may drink from this fountain and take nourishment from My Spirit of Life, Restoration and Mercy.
Wash your faces trusting in the power of renewal. Baptize your beings trusting in the Consoling Spirit, because everything is contemplated by the Eternal Father, His Gaze is upon everything and everyone. For this reason, He sends His own Grace through the Presence of His Son and the Love of the Most Holy Mother, the Universal Mother.
May the water that touches your bodies liberate you.
May the water of My Fountain of Grace expand your consciousnesses for them to love the power of service and self-giving, so that, through the consecrated and serving souls in this time the Kingdom of God may be present both on Earth and in every place where the Work of Love and Peace is fulfilled through the hearts that say ‘yes’.
Under the divine authority that the Father has granted to Me, and in the name of the hosts of Heaven and of the angels of nations, in the name of the consistent servers and collaborators of Christ, in the name of the consecrated and priests, and also in the name of the poorest among the poor and of those who suffer, so that they may attain liberation and redemption, I bless this fountain because, just as it is in Heaven, today it is on Earth and in each heart that participates in this moment.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The one who truly is with Me will never perish.
If you are here today, it is because you want to be with Me, accompanying your Master and Lord in this important and definitive task during the Holy Week, when the deepest codes of My Heart will be offered to each one of you once again; because My goal is that you may be New Christs, and until that happens, I will not rest.
This is why today I elevate to God the inner temple of each one, a temple that has been transformed by Me throughout the times so that the souls on this surface may live their mission, regardless of what may happen or of the event that may present itself in their lives.
If you are already decided to follow My steps, if your lives already recognize Me as the One and Only Lord, what should you fear? Because in My Heart there is a place for each one, a place that waits for you yourselves to find it through your life of consecration, self-giving and service.
There, in the simplest things of life, you will reflect your true life, where your souls will be able to govern at last, where your resistances will dissolve and they will no longer be an obstacle for you to take the last step.
However, the steps that each one of you must take have their moment and their time. You must not anticipate something that has not happened yet, you must follow the rhythm of your own hearts, you must follow the impulse of your own spirits, because your spirits already know what they must do in this world.
Let yourselves be guided by your spirits, so that, when you experience this coming Sacred Week, your decisions may have been definitively made, because we do not have time any longer.
While the events on the planet precipitate, I need, I need the New Christs, those who dare to walk divested of themselves, those who do not fear My Redeeming Fire, those who allow themselves to be molded by My own Hands, so that I may create the form and the perfect model that God needs for the end of these times, because I will never do anything that you do not allow Me to.
Know that My Love is infinite and incalculable, and it is in this frequency that you must live, because the world lives under the frequency of hatred, revenge, and death.
The New Christs must be present in this cycle, to justify all the errors of the world, and I know that this cannot be understood by the mind.
It is the spirit that, through the heart, will give you the wisdom. Because I need your lives to be My own Word, your acts and actions, the facts of each one of your lives to be examples of service, mercy and forgiveness. Because I want you to know, attentively, that this will placate the injustice that many hearts live in the world.
You know that this world has gone mad, because there is no discernment any longer, because there is no wisdom and, as there is no wisdom, many hearts have lost connection with the Higher Love, and only suffer and suffer. But there are groups of souls in the world that are placed under this condition, and I know they do not deserve it.
But so that I may remove all these situations from humanity, when the time of My Return is fulfilled, there must be blessed ones and servers of Christ on Earth. I know that millions of souls aspire to this path.
But the very situations of your lives must not paralyze you. You must learn to understand the causes that you yourselves generate, and the results of these causes in your lives.
Make yourselves responsible first of yourselves, this is the same that I asked of My apostles: make themselves responsible for the mission that they had to fulfill. Because on the fulfilment of that mission, which is so similar to the one that you live today on Earth, will depend the result that Christ will be able to have in His most culminating moment in the world, a moment when the Lord and Master will remove the darkness of the entire planet, just as He did from the moment of His Birth up to His Death on the Cross.
Because the world, at this very moment, in the face of so many errors and so much injustice, cannot justify itself. But the New Christs who give their lives and their consciousnesses into the Hands of the Lord, will be able to justify all errors, so that the world may live a new age, free from injustice and suffering, free from all duality.
I need you to enter through the door that I Am opening in the coming Sacred Week. It is one of the last doors that I spiritually open upon the world, and this is possible due to the Lent time, when souls can receive the impulses they need, even while, up to the last moments of their lives they have to face their own imperfection.
My Eyes come to contemplate the same that I contemplated from My apostles. My Heart comes to seek what your hearts can give Me.
This is why I have brought the Holy Chalice and have placed it on top of the Hill, so that, in the next Holy Night, just as your Master and Lord experienced, the Steward Angel may give you to drink of My precious codes of Life and you may renew your commitment, although you see, in this time, a cruel and terrifying world. But it is a moment for you to accept that we are in the Apocalypse, a preamble that announces the culminating Coming of Christ to Earth.
Because when I Am present, the great decision will be made, which will have repercussions not only on this planet, but also in the whole universe, and this will reach the Spiritual Universe, where Our Father-Mother God is.
In this time, which is not very far away, hope will emerge in hearts again, and an unknown happiness will invade all of you and your brothers and sisters. Overnight, you will no longer know what suffering is, because My Love will dissolve it completely.
You will feel the same impulse that the apostles and the holy women felt, which renewed them so that they could live the path of evangelization, be missionaries of the Sacred Relics of Christ on Earth, together with the Most Holy Mother. Contemplate this moment, affirm this moment in yourselves.
The desert of the planet will end. Souls will no longer agonize and there will be no one on this surface who will die due to injustice. Because the Powers of Heaven will move, the Laws will manifest the Divine Will, angels and archangels, known and unknown, will present themselves, the trumpets will sound and there will be no one on this surface that will not be able to hear them.
This will be the indicated moment, the Glorious Return of Christ. An extremely important moment to God, because His Hand will seal the Earth and humanity. The Just will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, the unjust will live their judgment so that they may be redeemed, including the angel that fell from Heaven will be judged.
If the Precious Blood of My Body was shed upon the world, and I died for you and offered even My last sigh for you, what will I not be able to offer for the world when I return?
Souls will know My Glory. The mysteries of My Heart will be unveiled. The secrets in Heaven will no longer exist, because God has no mysteries. God is the expression of the Living, Eternal and Inexhaustible Love. This will bring bliss to all the hearts that have believed in Me until the end.
Therefore, tell the world and your loved ones to repent, just as Christ did penance in the Garden of Gethsemane, and has been carrying all the sins of the world on His Back, from that moment until the end of times.
The only thing that I ask you is to never forget to love one another. You must not be divided, because behold the Unity of God, which makes Himself present in Divinity, Soul and Spirit, just as He made Himself present in the Holy Cenacle, blessing the apostles and the holy women. Meanwhile, I will always wait for you.
I come to bear witness of My Word, so that your burdens may be dissolved, so that relief may come to all, so that you may trust in Me, just as many, throughout the times, have trusted in Christ up to the end.
Because in truth I tell you that each one of you will have their definitive hour, just as your Master and Lord had His sacred and definitive hour in the Garden of Gethsemane. Do not fear that moment, because the Invincible Light of God will always emerge from the dark night. And the one who holds on to that Light, will hold onto My Mantle, and will be inexplicably healed.
As a testimonial of Love, today I come to bless and consecrate two daughters of Mine, who will receive important names in this new cycle of their consciousnesses and lives. These names are important to Me for what they represent in this stage which the world is experiencing.
And through this testimonial of consecration that we will live now, I want to awaken in all, the importance for all to renew your vows every day. Because each one, from their experience and, above all, from their hearts, can live a vow with Me. Remember that I do not seek perfect ones, I seek sinners, simple and true hearts, open to embrace My Will.
I was waiting for this moment of consecration so that all may be witnesses, just as My apostles and the holy women, of all I do and all I say is for one reason, it is for a miracle of Love.
I Am contemplating now what your inner worlds feel. Because through Me, God observes you, the God of Love and Goodness.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us prepare incense and blessed water, and Friar Baltazar will carry out this consecration, at the request of our Master.
Patricia and Debora.
Let us accompany this moment of consecration with the song “Consecration.” And we will accompany the sisters in this offering before the Face of Christ, Our Lord, who is present and accompanying this moment.
My daughters, may you always sing for those who become silent, may your voices be the Voice of God on Earth, to heal wounded hearts, bring peace to the hearts that do not have peace, renew all those who have lost hope.
Therefore, on this sacred night, offer this consecration for all those who do not consecrate themselves. And then elevate this offering during the Eucharistic Celebration, with this motive and this end.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Today, Debora, the Lord consecrates you as María de los Inocentes, for all the innocent that suffer in the world.
Today, Patricia, Our Lord consecrates you as Clemencia, for all those who are under the yoke of impunity, so that all may live liberation from spiritual slavery.
Thus, I consecrate you in the name of God’s Love and His Holy Will.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for having been with Me today, we are on the way to the Sacred Week.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more