Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My inner silence tells you many things; I invite you to perceive the end of times; for. as flocks of Christ, you have been called to participate in this great planetary event.

While you continue to pray, direct your gaze to the Portal of Peace.

I am revealing the signs of the end of times to you, to whomever opens their heart, for humanity needs to be more aware so it may have time to reverse all things.

Pray with Me, while I reveal the secrets to you.

Open your eyes to the Heart of God and do not lose even a minute in everything I ask of you.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Portuguese).


I love this planet, I love all souls, but who will bow their head to the ground to humble themselves before the Creator and ask Him for forgiveness for the grave faults the world commits?

I am the Messenger of the Apocalypse. I bring My Heart to all, for it will be your only refuge in the times that will come. There is no other place to go and no other truth to discover.

Through this Portal of Peace, I am pouring out My last Grace upon this world, new codes of Light for very old souls that must awaken to redemption.

Read the signs of the end of times. The Seven Seals have already been opened and nobody is yet aware of this. By My Grace and intercession, today I reveal them to you, My children. I do not come to cause you to fear, but rather the awakening of a greater consciousness.

The New Humanity must be born and the flocks of Christ, those who assemble in love and devotion, must be very aware of the Heart of My Beloved Son, Who will always be your Savior.

Do not fear the powers of this world; there is no greater power than that of God. God is among you, and through My Heart on this night, He is accompanying you and preparing you to know how to experience the transition. Do not seek to know what the response will be to all that will happen in a short time.

Humanity has been very ungrateful to God and continues to be so; it does not listen and is deaf. The blindness is greater than the love, but happy are those who hold tight to My Heart. The Lady of the Most Holy Rosary will always have you united to God and to the Heart of the beloved Son. You will lose nothing, My children; seek your conversion quickly. Pray a lot, every day, and remember that this is My principal request in the end of times.

God wishes to infuse much more devotion to My Immaculate Heart in this world. If your hearts are united with My Heart, you need fear nothing.

I am always your Universal Guide, the Mother of the sick and of all lost souls.

Let those who awaken to My Heart be glad. Let those who hold Me as the main reason for their lives be glad; for I come to gift the best I have because I love all My children. I always bless you and contemplate you.

In these times, may you always be very awake. God calls you to have a greater consciousness so you can awaken to unknown things; because for the secrets to not be fulfilled, you must pray with complete awareness and truth. That will be the evident sign, before the Creator, on the part of all of you, so that the world may achieve peace and the end of tribulation; because before My Beloved Son comes, you must be purified, clean and pure, free of all stain and sin.

Rethink your lives. Rethink everything you do, that you feel, think and experience, for God is attentive to your transformation and My Immaculate Heart will always aid you.

I only wish, dear children that on this evening you gladden My heart, because of the burden the world generates for Me; for your Father feels it more, He Who is in the Heavens and Who always needs you in order to accomplish His Works of Mercy.

Happy are those who keep the Words in their heart and who, leaving this place, take the first step and transform; do not waste any more time on superficial things, but rather awaken to the infinite Call of the Creator.

Today I give all of you My Immaculate Heart, which is also surrounded by the thorns of the world. I invite you to reparation, to meditation, to reflection.

The times are urgent, My children; and just as I let you know in Fatima that you had to change quickly, today I again tell you, My children, change quickly and do not waste time.

God expects to establish His Kingdom in the world, and expel the evil from this planet, which just causes souls to succumb to hell, causes them to become lost in the modernities and illusions. Do not trust your feelings, your opinions or ideas.

Every day, unite with the Heart of the Creator. In this way, you will be participants, My children, in Divine Will; because the Gift of the Holy Spirit of the Sacred Wisdom of Christ will have deeply permeated you and you will be united with God, fulfilling His Will above all things and not losing even one minute more on things that distract you and pull your attention away from the Creator.

My children, I bring you the Universal Consciousness of God, for My beloved Father, He Who is also your Celestial Father, needs you to deeply awaken and open your eyes to the Truth. See in this very simple example, My children, how souls do not listen to God because they listen to the things of the world.

I bring you the truth of Love, the essence of instruction, for the Power of God must interpenetrate your hearts so your bitterness and suffering can fade away. God, My children, wants you to heal your wounds and be able to be reborn in the Heart of My Son, Who continues to be assaulted by ungrateful human beings.

Pray, My children; pray with Me to the Creator; in this way, you will be worthy of receiving the Grace of God and be in Paradise so I can find you.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

Today I open My arms and extend My hands to you. Come to Me, dear children, to the immaculate refuge of My Heart; there you will always receive what you need. My Love will always fill you; My Wisdom will illumine you and you will have an understanding about all things in these difficult and cruel times.

Open your consciousnesses so your souls may rise up toward the immaculate refuge of My Heart. I offer you My Heart as an emblem of peace for the world. Happy are those who venerate My Heart and honor the Heart of My Son, to take care of their needs and pleas.

On this night, through this Portal, receive the spirit of My Peace. Receive, My children, My sacred maternal blessing.

Thus, let the Children of Mary come here, but all are My children. In the perpetual prayer of My Heart, I always wait for your real consecration. I wish for the consecration of your souls so your lives may be sanctified, My children. This truly will show God that this Project is possible, in spite of the sinners and the sins, because God will always find the portal in the most simple for achieving His Original Project.

Sing, My children.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing "Lady of Graces."
Our Lady has removed Her veil.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

By the divinity God has granted Me, on this night I bless those that suffer, those that endure, those who lose their faith, those who separate from God, those who are in the darkness, but also those who are ignited by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

I bless all My children, regardless of their debts and problems.

I Am your Most Holy Mother, I Am your Great Laborer of Peace. I will always take you toward My Son, follow My footsteps, look at My bare feet and follow My maternal example.

I will always want the best for your lives and this will be what is best for the world.

I come to open your closed hearts, to open the fount of your essences so the Love of the Creator can blossom again. I need your essences to be lit up so that all bitterness, pain and suffering be dispelled from your lives.

My dear children, I will always bless you with My Immaculate Heart. In this way, just as I gather you together in the Cenacle of the Lord, the angels gather above this sky to adore your hearts, because God knows that redemption is possible.

For this night of Graces but also of awakenings, I thank you, My children, for responding to My call, which is the Call of God, your Creator.

Let the bells ring. I especially would like all these children, which I am consecrating today, to recite a prayer to the Universal Mother for the souls of the world.

I am listening to your voice.



Prayer: Universal Mother.


I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady wants us to make the Sign of the Cross two more times.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May the Most Holy Trinity permeate your lives and the Holy Will be accomplished.

Dear children, always and for always I will love you.


Song: "Hail Mary".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It has been a special night. We want to try and explain, in a simple and abbreviated way, the meaning of these movements that Our Lady carries out in these times.

You saw that Our Lady remained a long time in silence. For those who have the task of seeing, She shows certain things that are foreseen to take place so that humanity may have the awareness of knowing it has to strive to change those events.

Why does Our Lady reveal some things to the visionaries that cannot be transmitted?

Just as it has been throughout history, each visionary keeps some secrets, because the Divinity expects that those secrets will one day not take place; but in some way, they need to remain recorded in the planetary consciousness.

And so it has been that, over the centuries, Mary has placed some events, like a document, like a registry, in some consciousnesses, which according to what takes place today, will be fulfilled in a near or far future; but it depends on us whether those events can be reversed.

When She explains that placing ourselves in Her Immaculate Heart, we could experience the tribulation harmoniously and with a certain peace, with discernment, with wisdom, it is because this is possible. But for this, we need to position ourselves in Her Immaculate Heart, surrender, be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, that place of love and protection where we are sheltered and safe. But as it depends on us that we do this, it is always foreseen that humanity may not respond and that some events will have to take place so humanity can understand what distances it from God.

In this way, in these end times, as She announced today, when She gave us welcome to the end times, and we speak about welcome as an entry into another cycle, we need to admit, in some space of our consciousness, that we have just entered another cycle. And it doesn't matter very much what we see around us that can seem almost normal, because on the real planes of consciousness of humanity, we have entered another cycle.

She has already warned us that Her walk toward the desert as the Women Clothed in the Sun has already begun. Some days ago, She revealed that the red dragon was preparing to come, and if we know the revelations of the sacred texts, we will know that we are fully under the Law of the Apocalypse, a Law that governs us at this moment and moves us in a completely different way.

She told us that today we should not trust in what we felt nor in what we thought, because in our most material emotions and in our feelings there will be storms of the tribulation. This is why we must unite every day with the Heart of God so that, in the Heart of God, our ship not sink.

While it is certainly a difficult time for everybody, we know that everything will pass and that we only have to hold on, pray, look to God every day, unite among ourselves and trust that everything will pass and that everything is for the good of humanity; because the way we are, brothers and sisters, this planetary consciousness cannot continue, and we believe we all agree.

So we must become firm in prayer, in the Mantle of Our Lady and in the Heart of Our Lord to persist and walk looking forward, because it's the only place where we will be able to find the Light.

Our Lord walks firmly before us and we can't miss His footsteps. For this reason, we have to walk quickly just as He walks, to never lose sight of the movement of His robe; and where He walks toward, we will be safe.

So we invite you all to reinforce our prayer, our trust in the Divinity and in that fraternity that They tell us we must live.