Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On a night like this, when the trees embrace you and the stars bless you, I will return to the world, as that Man, Master and Shepherd who was quite close to each one of you, to heal your wounds, to raise you from the ground, to express to you the greatness of My Love for souls.

Today I Am quite close, as you had never thought before; because in this way I Am close to Mine, to those who try every day of their lives to stand up from their falls and carry on, to recognize on their own paths the Footprints of the Lord, the Footprints of the Master, which come in this time to indicate the next path.

While the night in Lys prepares to revere and glorify again the Mother of the Lord, your Master, Christ, presents Himself in this place, just as His Most Holy Mother did to demonstrate to you, in this time, the closeness of Our Hearts, the presence of Our Spirits, the greatness of Our Divinity, which is at the service of Creation and the souls.

For this reason, today I come to this forest and this garden, so that you may enter, with the Lord, the last stage of the agony of the planet, when, for yourselves, My companions, you will learn to sustain for Me this heavy planetary cross, formed by all the sins of the world, by all the outrages and offenses that souls still continue to commit in these times, and mainly by sustaining the cross of the indifference and omission of this world, which I need My apostles to sustain with Me until the time and hour comes for the Return of the Lord.

I want to meet you here again so that you may live, for yourselves, the same experience that your Master and Lord lived in the Garden of Gethsemane, when, in apparent darkness and agony, He found the Strength of God, He found the Faith of God, to fulfill what was pre-established.

Thus, in the same way, there is something pre-established for each one of your lives, for each one of your paths; and this is the time for you to live it, if you wish, it is to accept to live what the Lord has foreseen for each heart of this planet.

And you are not separated from this, companions. Today you are within this request of the Lord, because you are aware, much more than those who are aware in the world. Because this is the very definitive, very culminating hour and moment, to start to prepare the paths of the Return of the Lord through the lives of the souls consecrated to My Sacred Heart, and through the mission that each one came to the planet to fulfill.

With this I mean that God has written already the destiny of each one of you, by means of His Sovereign and Most High Will and, above all, through His Most High and Powerful Love, before you and your brothers and sisters were essences in this Creative Universe.

However, I know that many souls today do not follow or live this Will of God. For this reason, I come to make of imperfect hearts, brave hearts. I come to make of lukewarm hearts, strong hearts that are decided to live the Will of the Lord.

I prepare each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as I prepared My apostles during Pentecost, so that the Holy Spirit might descend and continue to express My Work of Redemption throughout the ages, and also to prepare My apostles for the moment of farewell of the Master, which each one of My apostles had to experience in their own heart.

And you are at a similar moment, so similar that it seems equal, because after having been instructed and blessed throughout the times, and among so many, so many souls in the world, after having had the Grace of directly listening to the Word of the Lord, I can now tell you that, despite any situation, you are now ready to live what is foreseen by the Eternal Father.

Each one knows in their heart what God says to them, what God reveals to them, what God makes them feel in their deepest inner world.

Thus, I guide My last apostles to the last part of the path of the end of times, when everyone will have to be within the Trust of God and in the living experience of His Love, to help rescue what humanity has lost and, above all, for the great time of redemption that will be preceded by the time of Justice, just as it is written in the Sacred Bible.

Tonight, God hears the clamor and prayers of all His Children. And He hears them through the Heart of His Beloved Son, present in this sacred and humble place in Aljustrel, where souls can find true life, the Divine Life, in the absolute emptiness of their own intentions and expectations, because they can come to drink from the fountain of the purity of Lys, so that more souls in the world may help recover the innocence that this race has lost.  

Do you now understand the reason why I Am here today?

Not only so that, through Galileum, you may listen to My Call, but also so that you may see your souls, reflected here on the great mirror of the purity of Lys, where also the angels of Heaven and of the Earth avail themselves of the spiritual and inexhaustible abundance of this place, where the flame of faith will always be ignited and will be ignited again every time it is necessary, through the soul that surrenders at the Foot of the Kingdom of Lys.

In this new Marathon, which announces the end of a time, and which precedes the next month of August, may hearts open definitively, and just as My beloved spiritual father Saint Joseph has said, spiritual father of all of you, may you carry out a synthesis for yourselves, and realize for yourselves all that in which you have participated with Us throughout the times, and how many Graces and spiritual and inner treasures have been granted to souls.

Now the time has come, now the hour has come, just as it was with your Master and Lord, for each one of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters, to become a living and resplendent temple radiating the treasures of the Sacraments and of all the Graces that were granted to those who received them through a simple act of Higher Love. In the same way, today this simple act of Living Love allows this meeting between My Soul and your souls, between My Heart and your hearts.

Because I Am the Lord of Closeness, I Am the Light that comes to shine in this night of darkness so that those who have fallen may stand up and continue to walk through the Light that My Living Heart radiates to all. And above all, through the Light that My Eucharistic Heart radiates to you, which you can receive time and again as an inexplicable Grace, so that, more and more each day, you may be a part of Me so that I may, someday, be part of you and you may thus be part of God, just as God is part of His Beloved Son in Holy Unity.

Today, I also come as a pilgrim among you so that, in the seclusion of the Kingdom of Lys, the Lord may meditate with His companions upon the next steps that must be taken for the Work of the Hierarchy to continue to be materialized and concretized. And this Work will be concretized only through the souls that just say ‘yes’ to Me, every day of their lives until the end of times.

I come to fulfill My promise, just as I said to My apostles in the Holy Cenacle: that I would be with Mine until the end of the days, until the time and moment of the Great Return of Christ is fulfilled.

Today I Am here, praying with you and for you, and especially for those who must still take steps in this trajectory that presents itself before each human heart. An infinite and unknown trajectory, which I bring you today as part of the Will of My Father, your Father Adonai.

While the voices of the faithful and devout pilgrims rise as a great mirror toward the Kingdom of the Heavens, through the Sanctuary of Fatima, may a longer time of peace and mainly a longer time of inner peace be granted to the world, so that everything may be healed and repaired from the offenses that the world continues to commit.

Make room for the guardian angels to intercede before God for all urgent causes and mainly for those who most need help. This is the great time of the apostolate, do not forget it.

I thank you for honestly being with Me and from the heart, because honesty will always lead you to truth, and truth will set you free.

Today, the stars are witnesses of this moment, just as the universe is a witness of each Word of the Lord.

May the most suffering and needy beings be blessed.

My Heart is touched, because God has granted Me the Grace that I may be closer to My children of Africa, to be with those who suffer the most, with those who cry out the most, but above all to be closer to those who love the most in the world, through the authentic strength of their faith.

In the next times, may God grant the reconstruction of Africa, so that, someday, the whole world may know who in truth are the souls of Africa. I promise this to you.

May peace be within all those who seek it, may peace be within all those who cry for it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the Kingdom of Heavens the supreme reality of God lives, something that God Himself has tried to have humanity understand, knowing that after this material life and this experience on Earth souls must return to Him.

Therefore, everything you do here, in the experience of the Earth, will represent the evolutionary or non-evolutionary result of what you will later on live on the higher planes of consciousness.

Through the revelations made to the holy visionaries, you have come to know a part of the mystery of My Resurrection, which is the same Law that rules this material universe.

I would like humanity not to forget that it has a soul, and that this soul exists on the inner planes, to finish living an unconcluded experience.

Nothing of what you live here on Earth could be transitory. God always indicates the path to the one who seeks it. With His Hand, God guides the path of hearts, and We, through Our Divine Presences, have offered to the world time and again, for it to be guided, believe and have faith.

For this reason, I granted you the Sacraments, so that you may remember that they are there as inexhaustible and inextinguishable sources of Grace, for the soul that truly seeks the conversion of the heart.

This is why it is so important that you may live forgiveness in this experience on Earth. Remember that you cannot leave this world without having forgiven and without asking for forgiveness.

The soul exists to conclude an experience, and I want you to know that for the majority this is the last experience. Therefore, you must think of the existence of the higher planes of consciousness, the Kingdom of the Heavens or whatever you want to call it, where your experiences after this life will undergo a synthesis.

I do not come to speak to you of the bodily death. I come to speak to you of the opportunity that you must not miss in this life, because the step is unique, just as is unique each moment of surrender and offering of your hearts.

I come to tell you this, companions, because I know that many who are here today and others who are not here, have submerged on the path of suffering and guilt. But God demonstrates to you, through the Presence of His Son in this time, that the door of His Divine Mercy is still open for the world, especially for those who have little time left to repent.

I want you to always keep in mind that God loves you, under any situation or condition. God does not have anger, God has Pity, Grace and Mercy; and this, in many cases, is completely forgotten, because the souls that are incarnated in this time easily become involved with indifference and that which is superficial.

But I also come, in this time and through each meeting, at the request of My Eternal Father, to place the redeeming Christic code in the innermost depth of the government of your souls and essences, the code of love and redemption that must be cared for and protected by yourselves. Because just as God gives all, He can also take all from you.

Not even the minutest particle of His Divine Grace is wasted in this universe; if that happened, it would be an offense to His Heart. For this reason, I call you to value this moment and to learn to read what I Myself Am writing through your lives. On this will depend what will happen to each one later on.

Imitate the example of the angels and saints who adore, love and revere God, Our Creator. Thus, your lives will deepen their spiritual and human dignity, and those virtues that God holds in His Heart, and are preciously chosen for each one, will be delivered in due time, when your hearts are ready, and that moment is drawing near.

The time of preparation is ending, the time of action is beginning, because the emergency in the world is very great. Misery, suffering and illness must be placated and many, really many hearts are waiting for the great day of their liberation.

You, by being here and by responding to My Call without My directly asking you, are participating in the preparation of this great moment, when I will return in Glory and with all the Power of God, to establish in this world again the universal order and the true Spiritual Government.

Do you understand that the Law must be re-established? And this will take place through the attitude of your hearts, through merciful actions, because Mercy will help you to perceive the necessity in any place, even in that apparently silent and anonymous heart.

I come so that your souls may open their eyes and perceive, for themselves, what they are participating in. It is not just a moment of Grace, Pity and Mercy; it is a moment to make the new apostles emerge, those who, in the end times, will re-write the history of humanity and the planet, just as the Hierarchy itself has re-written the history of all its inner and sacred centers, such as this place, throughout the times and above all through souls.

Not all will be able to live the same model of evolutionary life, you must be very clear about this. If this is forced, it might have irreversible consequences.

You must learn every day to perceive the need of your fellow being. In this way, you will truly help the growth of each brother and sister, by sustaining and supporting their being without condemning them, because I Am here so that hearts may find Me again.

But so that hearts may find Me again, may feel and live Me internally, the consciousness and, above all the heart must be open here, because I will send souls and though these souls I will go and test you, to know if My degrees of Love have been correctly sown in you.

Therefore, take advantage of this Sacred Week and release all that which binds you to the past and, above all, become liberated from yourselves, because you can now do it, it is just a matter of trusting Me more. Thus, the future plans and those not so distant will be visible to all, and God will place His Hand upon you so that, through your souls, He may write His Will.

If that happens just as God expects, I assure you that the errors of the world will be justified, including the errors that are committed with the blood of the innocent, which is still shed in these times. Thus, you can understand that this is nothing personal, it is a way similar to that lived by My Apostles.

But now we are in a definitive time. All decisions must be premeditated, discernment might not be enough, it is necessary to ask for Light for each matter, so that the path of the Law that I Am drawing, which is the Law of My Love, may be trodden.

Thus, I make you participants in all My designs, projects and operations, because in this way I will be able to find available and authentic hearts, capable of giving everything. Likewise, many more will be called to give everything, so that God’s Aspirations may be concretized.

Under this reflection, companions, which you must not forget and that you must know by heart, I prepare you for the next three years of your time, when very decisive events will present themselves, and all, in some way, will participate in these events, because humanity is one and one is the Project of God for humanity.

These next three years will define the reappearance of Christ, your Master and Lord, who will make His incursions in some places of the planet. And this will not be just spiritual, but also physical. As you know, I will not warn you in advance, because the Plan that I have foreseen must be fulfilled just as it was proposed and thought of by the Great Creator Fathers.

Whether you want it or not, whether you accept it or not, and take the step you must take or not, all will participate and be witnesses of this. Therefore, it will be important that, before My hour is fulfilled, your intentions, attitudes and forms be already purified.

In truth, I tell you that not even the holy women, who ardently waited for My Resurrection, were able to withstand the vibratory Presence of the Lord. I ask you: what will you do when that happens?

The Lord will come as a stranger, but through His garments will be the Presence of the Lord. You have to be attentive to recognize Me and also when I call you by your names, because the history that began in Israel must be completed, and this is the time for this to happen.

Therefore, My Spirit, Soul and Divinity gather you in these end times and through the Sacred Week, with the higher intention to prepare you. But remember that there is a part in all this that corresponds to each one.

Do not wait for a response. Position yourselves in the way that a server and an apostle must position themselves. Offer to come out of yourselves and thus the clarity and guidance of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus will come to you.

I want to celebrate this Holy Communion today for this cause, especially for those who are awakening and for those who will awaken, so that your brothers and sisters of the world may receive the same Grace that you have received more than once. And through an act of true redemption and repentance, may all receive the Grace of Mercy.

I have destined, at this moment, seven guardian angels for this Eucharistic Celebration, so that, during the moment of transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, your most honest and true intentions may be elevated to each one of the guardian angels, so that the Holy Spirit of God, by means of His gifts, may guide the steps of the souls that will walk toward the Purpose.

So that your souls may receive these impulses and may hold it in the innermost depths of the spirit and the consciousness, I come to raise, elevate and offer, to all those present and those not present, the principles that founded this Light-Community and made possible for the  humble and tender Gaze of God to contemplate this simple and humble space, so that His Word might descend to Earth and from here to the whole world.

Feel as part of this greatness of God and, above all, of His infinite and invincible Love.

So that these principles may flourish in all souls and hearts, as a preparation for this moment of Spiritual Communion, we will honor and glorify the instrument that inspired this expression of God’s Plan on the surface, your brother and instructor José Trigueirinho, who was the secure door who offered himself for the awakening of souls, and who opened the door of his heart so that the Sacred Hierarchies might be here today, speaking to all.

Let us revere this moment.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing “Breath of the spirit.”

I bless you so that you may reflect and grow internally, knowing that My gifts, in this time, are unique and unrepeatable.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Yesterday, I sent you the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which, tomorrow, everyone will have the Grace of knowing.

This angel has fulfilled what I have asked of him and, although the dimension of your consciousnesses does not know it, continue to respond internally to what this angel has asked of you in My name.  

The offerings have come to Me and the Reliquary of My Heart receives them today. This is something immeasurable to Me, it cannot be measured by the mind or by thought, because the angelic presence is helpful and eternal.

Therefore, I have asked all the Messengers of God, the hosts of Light that serve the Eternal Father, to present themselves in this world again, given the urgency of these times, because millions of guardian angels of millions of souls in the world are not receiving the response they need to present to the Creator God.

For this reason, your Master and Lord repeats the same fact, just as He did with the apostles of the past.

From very few will come the great offering, and the whole world will benefit from this offering, due to the fidelity and loyalty of the Children of God that respond to the commands of the angels, who respond to the call of the archangels.

Lys-Fatima has this scenario and this preamble. Since 1917, a great part of the Ultra-terrestrial Angelic Universe touched this place and continues to do so for the whole planet.

Therefore, all the angels, devas and elementals of the most remote and impenetrable places of the planet, in this final time, in this time of Armageddon, in this beginning of the Apocalypse, will be responding to My call and carrying out My Petition, the Sacred Petition of the Son of God; so that, through the angelic and archangelic consciousness, the greater part of humanity may be saved, before everything happens physically.

Because souls are precious to God, they are an unimaginable treasure for this planet; for this Project of Humanity is a faithful part of the first and sublime Divine Will, when God, from and through His Creative Source, decided in the beginning that this civilization should exist on the surface of the Earth, to respond to His Will.

Today, in these critical times, humanity, for the greater part, does not respond to the Call of God, and restlessness and depression embrace many souls of the world because they do not respond to the Call of the Heavens. This is why, in the inner affliction of My Heart, and because of the suffering of My Children, I will send again the angels to Earth so that, from the higher spheres, in union with the great elementals and devas of the planet, the great guardians of the Lower Kingdoms, they may intercede and intervene for the current humanity. Because the veil of the spiritual field continues to be vastly torn, and hundreds of retrograde forces enter the planet at an unimaginable speed, bringing conflicts, discord, revenge, illnesses and wars.

But do not forget My promise, the one I pronounced on top of the Mount of Olives moments before My Ascension to the Heavens. I come to fulfill this promise to humanity in a gradual manner, because I know better than anyone that, from the four cardinal points of the planet, many souls, families and peoples cry out for help, because they can no longer stand the impunity.

Therefore, trust what I Am doing, even if you do not know it. When you see the Moon with the color of blood, and when the clouds are grayer than normal, that will be the time when I will be returning.

I will present Myself again, just as I presented Myself to My apostles a few days after My Resurrection. But at that moment it will be necessary, and I might say it will be a special urgency, that the great angelic and ultra-terrestrial consciousness prepares My arrival in the world in the innermost depths of the consciousness of humanity, because the Lord of the Universe and of the Earth will not be nailed again on the Cross.

They will want to imprison Me, put Me in jail, but they will not be able to. I will demonstrate the Power that the Father has given Me since My Birth, not through authority, but through utter obedience to God. Because just as I will re-appear in the world and in various places on Earth, in the same way I will disappear if necessary, for those who want to persecute or harm Me.

But My Word, when it is pronounced again upon this surface, will deter this illusory time that many live. And My Word, which is the Word of God, will make the Real Time of the universe descend to the world, and the veil will be definitively taken out of many consciousnesses.

At that hour, all those who have not believed in My Message, the Message of these recent times, will repent and hit their chest with their own hand. This is the reason why the help from the angels is important.

It is time for you to open yourselves to know the Angelic Universe, because the innocent presence of the angels, devas or elementals of the Lower Kingdoms raises the human consciousness to re-discover the Source of God’s Love.

The angels will return at this time with a special mission. This is why at the moment they are surrounding the Lord and permeating the spaces with Light and Redemption, through the codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, of which they make use because I have allowed them to do so.

Therefore, all those who at this time are deciding to renounce to themselves, to carry their own cross and follow Me, do not stop, but rather continue to do so, because I promise you that the great day of liberation will come.

For that are your faithful friends, the holy angels, ignored by many and even despised by some, because they do not know the faithful testimony of self-giving of the angels of God. Many situations would not happen in this humanity, if humanity allowed the intervention of the angels and archangels.

Therefore, today the seven main Choirs of the Eternal Father accompany your Master and Lord. Each one of these Choirs is responsible for one dimension and one plane of consciousness.

They are the angels that guard the Relics of God. Among them is the Angel that Rules and Guards the Eucharistic Body of Christ, responsible for collecting from all Tabernacles of the Earth the offerings of the adorers of God, the friends of Christ Jesus, through veneration, devotion and reverence to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

This is why yesterday the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus taught you a simple prayer, which completes the prayer of the Angel of Peace. A prayer that will allow and grant, to all the souls that say it, that the offering may be accepted by the Eternal Father at each moment of communion, prayer and adoration to the Sacred Heart of the Son of God.

Today, I come with this preparatory Message, to tell you that, given the importance of this moment for the Angelic and Ultra-terrestrial Universe, I will return tomorrow with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body so that, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, through the Holy Monstrance of the Son of God, together with Me and the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body, you may adore My Sacred Heart present in the Eucharist, so that the offering of each one of you may be elevated to the Thrones of God, so that evil in this world may be placated and the betraying spirit of revenge, impunity and war may be dispelled.

Let us pray:

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(three times)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all pray now together, in one voice and with one heart, united to the Heart of the Great Master:

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(six times)


I thank you for being with Me today.

In union with all Angels of God, all Celestial Choirs, to honor this invisible and powerful angelic presence and so that the Angels of Creation may intervene in the world, we will honor the One who created them, the One who manifested them and the One who determined that the world, the suns, the stars and the souls should exist.

Together with the host of Light, let us honor the Father-Mother Creator, Adonai.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sing "Kodoish," remembering the Holy Lord of the Hosts.  

Song: melodic “Kodoish.”

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Like the breeze that envelopes you today, so will be the announcement of My arrival will be, illuminating the Earth, which is in darkness, so it can be reborn and thus resurrect from its spiritual, moral and physical captivity.

I will return like this Sun, which also illuminates you today. But the power that I will reflect and the Light that I will expand will be more intense  than those of hundreds of suns in this material universe, because I will come to transmute the planet and liberate it once and for all.

To My right and to My left will be the Archangels, the Creator Fathers who, as it was at the beginning and in the origin of Creation, will re-establish the Project for this planet and also for others.

It will be necessary for the Source of Creation to approach the world and, from Its spiritual plane, again pour out upon the souls the codes of life and redemption achieved in the sorrowful Passion of Christ and experienced in the agony of the Mother of God, who accompanied Him at each step of the Calvary.

All these merits, absolutely selfless and offered to the Eternal Father by the angels of Creation, who keep these codes of life in their Chalices, will again be deposited during the emergence of the New Humanity.

But so that this may happen, it will have to be justified and also confirmed, through the lives of those who say ‘yes’ to God, those who are walking by the side of Christ, walking, seeking within themselves the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Promised Land.

This is why We are at the transition toward this moment, which is not far in this material and spiritual time.

Thus, the great justification will be the treasures that My apostles and My disciples will keep, all the spiritual and divine Relics that Christ gathered through His Death and His Resurrection, through the Blood that, drop by drop, was shed for the remission of the sins of the world and for the salvation of Earth’s Project.

Only the Light of God, permeated by His deepest Eternal and Divine Love, will be able to solve the current planetary situation, re-order the world, re-size the human race, for those who must still remain here, giving continuity to Christ’s Work of Love on Earth.

This is why I Am here on this day to know who will follow Me and who will give continuity to My Redeeming Project of souls of the Earth.

I pray so that all may achieve this because I know that difficult moments will still be lived, when souls will be placed in strong experiences, which will be helpful for them to grow internally and to mature on the Christic path of the degrees of love and evolution.

The guardian angels protect souls at each moment, especially when they are willing to live according to the Will determined by God, without interfering with the destiny that has been written, since the beginning for each one of you.

This is why your Master and Lord, in the presence of the Archangels, the Creator Fathers, is at this great inner, spiritual and also universal moment, when the souls of this humanity must confirm themselves, once and for all. Thus,  upon My Return, I will be able to make this planet and this humanity re-emerge from the abysses where they have placed themselves, and from the conflicts that they still continue to live due to not knowing the true Love of God and not opening up, as a civilization of the Earth, for this race to be permeated and filled with the same codes that your Master and Lord received in the Agony of the Garden of Gethsemane.

This is why I carry today in My Hands a Book with blank pages. like those carried by the Archangels, the Creator Fathers.

Why is it blank?

Do this Book and the Books of the Creator Fathers have within themselves the history of humanity, with its correct moves and errors, with its victories and triumphs?

I answer you that yes, these Books have this. But they are blank now because humanity is at its moment of inflection and souls must respond to confirm the continuity of this Project and of this planet’s evolution within the Confederate World.

Who will write on these Books, through adherence and the surrender of life?

Who will write correct moves, triumphs and victories through Christ’s Love? And who will cease to write errors, sins, offenses and all negligence?

Who will illuminate the history written in these books through the degrees of love, devotion, obedience and reverence?

Here is the Book of the spiritual life of humanity, which must be re-written by the fidelity of souls and by the good hearts that, despite their deserts and tests, despite their painful and traumatic experiences, despite everything, say ‘yes’ to Me in trust, love and determination.

We are within the material time of life, but the Real Time is approaching, and We hope that these Books, which are in the hands of the Archangels, the Creator Fathers, and in the Hands of Christ, your Lord, will be written by the redemption of the apostles and the surrender of the brave, so that My Legacy may be perpetuated in the world through priestly and religious life.

Be capable of understanding what I am telling you, be capable of trying and of living it.

My Love has no exceptions, My Love has prodigies, graces and mercies.

This is the last thing I wanted to tell you in this Marathon, because I hope you will meditate upon My Words. You will deepen into My Messages and be capable of intuiting and perceiving all that I Am saying to you out of Love.

Let us continue to pray to God, not only for His Mercy, His Grace and His Peace, but also so that the apostles of the end of times may be there with me, without hesitating, without oscillating, where I need them and when I call them by their names.

My Heart rejoices for the good and prayerful souls. My Heart feels the souls that try to relieve it. In all of them lies My refuge, in your lives lies My Peace, in your fidelity lies My Eternal Confidence.

I bless you again with My Peace. However, this time also with My Eternal Light, so that the world may keep being transformed, redeemed and transfigured, so that the pillars that I try to found upon the surface of the Earth through My apostles and My souls may be solid and firm pillars that can fully love My Legacy, so that My Christic Love may be present throughout the world.

Accompany the Spiritual Hierarchy in all that it will do in North-America, because, however much the times urge and the difficulties increase, Christ’s Love, which comes from the Supreme Source, will always triumph and make all hearts new and free from evil.

I leave you My Peace once more.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I come here, to this cenacle that is favored by Me, to the great oratory of the Mother of God.

Today, I come, in a special way, because I want to be close to you and with each one of your souls, preparing you to enter the desert that My Hand is indicating to you today, to this spiritual desert of humanity, which many do not want to cross because they forget that I am in the desert, when you just seek Me and call Me.

In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.

I want to be able to meet you, I want to be able to feel and contemplate you, just as it was with the apostles, when they were together with My Heavenly Mother, in the Re-appearance of Christ, days before My Ascension to the Heavens.

I also come to relieve your hearts and spirits, to remove the weight of the cross that has been placed upon your backs, but I encourage you and I invite you to keep carrying this cross, not only for you, but rather for the great need of Love in this humanity and on this planet.

I come with this Message for all to internally prepare for the next Sacred Week, and, My Heart, with joy and predilection, has chosen this place blessed by My Heavenly Mother, to announce, once again, the Word of God, so that hearts, upon entering this desert that I invite you to cross this week, may again find God and, before Him, be in silence, in attunement and in love, for all that is necessary and urgent to repair in this humanity and on the planet, because the war keeps happening, souls keep suffering; insecurity, impunity and fear continue being established in peoples and nations.

I prepare you in this desert, just as your Master and Lord prepared Himself for forty days to accept the Chalice that the Father offered to Him, which today I offer to you, in My Name, so that you may drink from it without any fear, because My Precious Blood comes to purify you, it comes to bless you and re-consecrate you for the next stages of the Plan of the Redeemer.

May the agony of not being able to reach Me or feel me no longer weigh on you. I am here, as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to remind you that you have a part to play at this moment with Me, because My aspiration is that you may be My apostles of the end of times.

May this desert, which I invite you to cross today with courage and bravery, strengthen you. May this desert, which I invite you to cross, with love and faith, make you grow internally for all that will come because, before the Celestial Father, I need souls that justify the errors of the world and the grave sins that outrage the Heart of God in these times.

Adore Me in the Divine Sacrament of the Altar during these days. May your vigil of Adoration expand and be strengthened so that the Kingdom of the Heavens may descend to Earth, not only during the next Sacred Week, but also in this preparatory week which, with bliss and joy, I come to share with you in a special way, and, Our Lord, the Celestial Father, has decided that this blessed house, consecrated to the Heart of My Mother, should be the place, the cenacle and the oratory for these meetings to take place, these unexpected meetings.

Remember your guardian angels, they are thirsty for your offerings to the Heart of God, for your offerings for humanity and for the planet so that Love, Peace and Light may not disappear from the surface of the Earth.

I understand you and I also comprehend you, these are unknown and difficult times, and sometimes you feel you cannot endure them. But have faith, I died for you, so that you could have life in Me.

I bless you and I thank you for welcoming Me in this place, for the simplicity of each detail, for the sincere offering of the hearts that trust in Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I will never leave you alone.

I return to the world, once again, because My Celestial Father has requested it.

For this reason, I am here, companions, not only for you to receive the Codes of My Passion, but also for you to be helped by Me in this harsh planetary reality.

Today I come to ask you to open your hearts to My Presence and to give Me everything that makes you suffer and endure.

Today, before the Celestial Father, I have the infinite Grace of being able to raise up to the Kingdom of Heaven all those who have suffered unjustly in this pandemic.

I have promised you that the cure will come, but the response of humanity towards the promises of the Eternal Father is still insufficient in light of everything He wants to do in this humanity and upon this planet.

For this reason, companions, My Heart approaches yours so that you feel the human Heart of Jesus, the Heart that suffered for you up to the Cross, the Heart that came to give its life for you, asking nothing in return.

It is this human Heart, the human Heart of Jesus, His great spiritual Reliquary, that I offer to the world today so that everyone, all at once, may enter it.

In the fire of My Heart, you will be able to purify your anguish and sorrow, you will be able to renew your hope and your faith, because that is how it was written, that at the end of time this would come to be.

Here, in front of you, in front of all human vision lies the reality of the end of times, unknown to many, but painful for most.

God still has His Arms open to His children. Listen to His Voice in the inner worlds and feel the joy of meeting Him again, despite everything that is happening.

I come as the great Spirit of Consolation. I come as the Master of Reconciliation. I want your lives and, above all, your souls to be reconciled today with the Eternal Father.

I have brought your Guardian Angels and all the Guardian Angels of the whole world so that, at My Feet, they may receive your offerings in the spirit of reconciliation and peace.

The new Israel, which is the humanity of this time, will have to rise again, come out of the ruins in which it has placed itself, resurrect in spirit, in love and in hope, to glimpse My Return upon the horizon.

But My Glory will not only come from the Heavens, but My Glory will also come from the inner worlds of the planet.

Most of the spiritual treasures that I have left for the world, and that no man on Earth has yet discovered, will be revealed, because they are not tangible treasures, but rather immaterial treasures that were recorded in each step of My Passion so that, in this time, of which you participate, you would have the tools you need to be able to transform everything.

With this, I am not telling you that you will stop purifying yourselves because the planet needs purifying. Therefore, you must always be in the spirit of faith, not in the paths of sadness or agony, because no one but your Master and Lord knows everything the world needs at this moment, what each soul needs in this time.

For this reason, today I have come as the Great Consoler, so that you can feel Me and, by feeling Me, you can commune with My human Heart, with this Heart so immense in Love and Mercy that lived here with you a long time ago and that gave Love to humanity for its prompt redemption and conversion.

And this afternoon, I open the doors of Heaven and the universe even more so that everything that oppresses the planet at this time can be liberated.

Your love and attunement with Me will allow the doors of hell to again close and your Guardian Angels may make My Legacy triumph throughout the world, in the hearts that are renewed with My Words, in the lives that become My Message.

For this reason, I want you, placing your hands in willingness, your surrender to God, to merge again into His immaterial and divine Source, the immaterial Source that brings you the Spirit of Consolation so that your lives can be healed and renewed in Me.

Feel how the whole world stops and how souls receive, at this moment, all that the immaterial Source has for them. Because My Love will never die within you, only if you allow it to die; because My Light will never die within you, only if you allow My Light to die within you.

I come to bring you the Light of consolation so that, in the consolation that I can give you, you may enter My Peace, a place where everything occurs and is concretized.

This is the greatest gift that I can give you today, because you are part of the treasures of My Heart; through them you will discover the strength of determination to overcome these times.

I want to say to all who are listening to Me, at this moment, that I have felt with fervor your prayers and supplications; to all My companions from South America and from the whole world, I have listened attentively to your prayers.

Therefore, the Angel of the Lord will arrive in the world, at the most necessary moment, to bring this pandemic to an end.

The promises that I make to you are not the promises that you want, because My promises are certain and never change. What changes My promises might be your wishes or even your needs.

The promises that I give to the world have a time and also have a moment, that which the Father considers. 

Therefore, keep working so that My promises are fulfilled and are able to descend from the Spiritual Universe to your Material Universe, so there will be more Light in the world and many souls will stop becoming lost, not only in this illusion, but also in this planetary suffering.

I wish you to be firm in Me. For this reason, I give you My human Heart, on this day, so that you feel and understand what I am telling you as knowledge, closer to your consciousnesses.

While I am here, on the triumphant day of My arrival, today, I do not want the palms to be laid before Me, but I want your lives to be surrendered to Me, in faith and in reverence.

I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.

Grant me the Grace of liberation.

(repeated 3 times)

With these simple words of prayer, you grant the Grace that the doors of the universe be opened, to help the souls who need it most, at this moment, especially those who have passed on due to the injustice of illness.

I ask that you no be longer part of the suffering of the world, but I ask you not to be indifferent to the suffering of the world. May your lives be that oil that heals the wounds of the consciousness of humanity with your examples, prayers and service for others. You know that the world is in chaos, but what will you do to get out of that chaos and take your fellow beings away from the chaos?

Elevate your consciousnesses to the true frequencies of the universe. Nourish yourselves with vibrations of Love and the Unity of God because, in this way, you will attract to the world the Divine Wisdom that the men and women of the Earth need at this time to find the safe solutions of these times.

Today My Heart opens even more before you and the world, and It emanates its seven powerful Rays towards all directions of the planet, especially towards all the consciousnesses that live in darkness and suffering.

Do not believe in what they promise, believe in My Word, because the Word is not Mine, but of God. The Sacred Word arises from Its Source and comes through Its faithful Servant, the Christ.

For humanity to be embraced by My Consoler Spirit, there must be true sacrifices, not great, but small, that can repair the Heart of the Father in everything that His children do, time and again.

For this reason, I come to bring you the strength of determination so that you can live the strength of faith. The Holy Spirit will help you, purifying your paths, and the Holy Spirit will open the doors to deliver Its Science and Understanding to all so that, finally, you are a New Humanity.

At My Feet, I have all your intentions, which I gather with Love. Here I see intentions from all over the world, true and sincere intentions of hearts so simple and humble that ask for the great change of humanity and the integral cure of this planet.

It is there, in that state of consciousness, cooperation, fraternity and brotherhood, where I always need to see your hearts, thinking about the needs of others so that all may achieve light, healing and reconciliation.

Now, let us pray that this Sacred Week may leave its strong impulses in all inner worlds, and that hearts, regardless of where they are at this moment, know that My human Heart, the one that lived, died and resurrected for you, today is present as a sacred Tabernacle within the homes of the world that opened the doors to this sacred meeting.


For this reason, I will bless you under the sublime Spirit of the Sacraments and, especially, of the Spiritual Communion that you can live again with Me, each day of this Sacred Week.

Feel the relief that I am offering you, and rest in My Arms from this battle that the whole world is living, because I will make of the servants warriors, I will make the most humble victorious, I will make priests of those who live My Word and be My Word for the world.

Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.


(repeated 3 times)

And now I will leave you with the Spiritual Communion, these sacred celebrations that I have entrusted to My priests of this Congregation, not only for them, but for all the priests of the world who must be the bridge between Heaven and Earth in this planetary moment.

I thank you, and go in peace, in the certainty that everything will change.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We breathe in and give thanks for the Presence of our Redeemer.

For a moment, close your eyes.

On this last day of Grace and of celebration, let us return in consciousness to the Holy Land, and see yourselves there, with the men and women of Jerusalem and of all Galilee, looking for the footprints of the Shepherd who calls His sheep to follow Him.

Some will remember the events of My public life, others will remember the steps of Calvary, but all will find Christ, Who traveled through the Holy Land to call you to live a redeeming Love.

Some will remember the multiplying of the bread and fish, others will witness the call to the apostles at the Sea of Galilee.

But other souls have been where the Lord was, preaching and teaching, healing and curing the deepest wounds of the human consciousness.

How many of you sat at the Feet of the Lord, in the house of the just or in the house of the sinners?

In that time, humanity could never have understood My task until I carried the Cross.

I want you to feel called by Me, like in that time,  so that at this moment you move forward with My invitation, but now a great invitation for the entire world, all the tribes that left Israel expanded throughout the world and learned the Teachings of Christ through the Word of God.

Today I make a bridge in space-time so that you remember your commitment with Me; fishermen, women, elders, youth and children, present in the history of the Redeemer, within the experience of His Heart.

What would be the reason for Me coming to the world at this moment if it were not for what happened in the past?

That story, which was written in the Holy Land, will always be indelible. The whole universe deeply knows it, because it was a unique conjuncture for all of humanity.

Today your Guardian Angels are witnesses of this moment, of feeling deserving of the Graces of the Father, although the human heart may continue being imperfect.

But today I am like I was once on the Mount of Beatitudes, and from this sacred mount, today I emit My Message to the whole world, as the Christ who is returning. Raising My Hands to Heaven and opening the universes so that Divine Grace may descend, I tell you: amend your paths.

May your hearts heal.

May your lives be redeemed by the strength of the Love of God, that untiringly flows from the Heart of the Son.

Love each other, much more than you do.

Support yourselves in the strength of brotherhood, in unbreakable unity, in unchangeable fraternity.

Be ambassadors of My Peace.

May your hearts experience eternal gratitude and an untiring effort to follow Me.

Be marked and anointed by the Holy Spirit, because the time is coming for My return. There will be signs in the sky, but the much deeper signs will be within hearts.

You will feel moved by a greater power that will come from the Supreme Source to make of your hearts brave ones willing to carry forward My requests. Because in the hour that you are judged, I will defend you. In the hour that you are blasphemed, I will give you the power of My silence. In the hour that you are denied, I will give you My meekness, and you will experience greater things than those that I experienced, and in that hour, you will recognize them for yourselves.

For if you love one another, you will be recognized as My apostles, but if you love more and live the truth, you will be recognized as My peacemakers, for there will be no misery that cannot be resolved, there will be no desert that cannot be not crossed, no pain that cannot be healed, for one who believes in Me will have eternal life and will know what eternal life is.

At the hour of your death, I will come and help you, and the Law of My Mercy will justify your errors and faults due to all that you have experienced here with Me throughout the years.

But there is something that you must experience for Me, which is what I lived for you, solitude. And in that hour, your faith cannot be tepid, because if you believe in Me, you will overcome it.

From miseries, I will make new Christs; from deniers, I will make the redeemed; from sinners, I will make the blessed.

Trust in Me, just as I trust in you, just as I have trusted in those who abandoned Me.

My Gethsemane, in this time, is different. Who will risk living it with Me? So that My Mercy may continue to save souls and redeem hearts. Up to when I return to the world, you must keep this all in mind, in your consciousnesses, because you will need it.

Just as I am reminding you today of your commitment to Me, I am also making you the successors of the Work of My Mercy, as I did with the apostles.

The time will come when your home and your repose will be the whole world, and everything that you have learned here, through the Mercy of God, you will carry to the world and fraternally share it with your brothers and sisters so that they may feel My Presence and My Word. Your voices will sing in other spaces, your feet will walk in other places.

The New Testament of Your Lord Jesus Christ, the testament of these times, will arrive to souls of the different continents, and I will be there so that they may experience all they are to experience in My Name.

Infinite has been the Grace of God upon you.

The time has come. My Father needs to see the New Christs, not in appearance, but rather in life itself, in an unconditional surrender and the sacrifice for one goal, the triumph of My Love.

For this reason, I have come here and have founded the Congregation so that it may be the mediator, together with all the brothers and sisters of the world, who listen to the Word of the Lord, and prepare My Return in their hearts.

After seven Sacred Weeks...

I remain in silence so that you not only hear My Words, but that you feel them, because what is most important for Me, companions, is that you feel what I feel for you.

At the end of times, the challenge is great. The aspiration of Our Father-Mother Creator is great, but it is the only path that will have you return to Me once you have accomplished what I want, without anything in exchange, even in the greatest void.

In these seven years, I filled you with My Mercy, I listened to you in your prayers, I lifted you up from your falls, and always, always renewed you.

And just as I got up from the ground three times after having fallen with the Cross, today your cross can be transformed by the victory of My Love and My surrender for the world, by an infinite and absolute living of the Sacraments, by all those who pray and adore.

It is here where I will establish My pillars for My Return to the world.

There is so much that I have to give to the world, that My Love is still not understood. But I seized you, I seized your lives, hearts and consciousnesses. And I still need more, because after seven years, you are no longer the same.

Have you seen the miracle of faith? Faith is what took Me to the Cross and was what caused Me to kiss the Cross, three times, for your rendition, for your mercy, for your redemption.

My Blood continues to transfigure material life. Your lives, through the Sacraments, must be the new chalices so that I am able to enter and have you be a part of Me forever.

This is what will make Me return to the world with all My Consciousness and all My Being. You will be able to feel the Presence of your Master and the moment will come of the great re-encounter when I see you, face to face.

See My humble Face illuminated, showing itself to the world so that you may hear and feel the Heart of God.

I only want you to be in Me, so that I am able to be throughout the whole world.

Today I feel rested in you. Your love brings a renewal to My Spirit so that I may continue giving more for humanity. 

The healing that humanity needs today will come in a few months, and through that impulse that I have given during these eight days, many consciousnesses will change. The life of people will no longer be the same, because My Light entered into many hearts in these last days, and that Grace is incalculable.

For this reason, all that you may be able to do for the Plan of My Father is important, so that the Supreme Grace is able to descend and work. Believe that it is not your lives that act, but rather it is My life which acts through you.

Give up what you still have not given up. Redeem what you have not yet redeemed, for I will call you to greater works, just as I have called you throughout these times for this Greater Work.

And we now see around Our Lord, the twelve angels in charge of Divine Justice, that in their hands hold a flame of light.

Today I have brought here the most just angelic beings of the universe, so that they may be witnesses of this moment and of this last day of the Sacred Week.

Let us recognize the faults of the world and your faults, and let us ask for the Grace of reconciliation and forgiveness; let us do it inwardly.


God of the whole universe,
Who has created life
so that all may love You and adore You,
listen to the pleas of My companions,
close the wounds of hearts,
renew the spirits and consciousnesses
so that, given impulse by Your Love and Your Grace,
they may someday achieve redemption.”


By the merits of the sorrowful and suffering Passion of your Master and Lord, by the merits of the always Blessed Virgin Mary, and by the merits of all the server beings of goodwill, by the faith and the love of the consistent, by the sacrifice of the untiring, by the charity of the missionaries to heal the pain of humanity, and under the Divine and Celestial authority of the Eternal Father, I come to establish, by the merits of the Cross, not only forgiveness, reconciliation and healing for souls, but also that I will come here to live, with all of Mine, the eighth and last Sacred Week.

I will pray so that the borders of the nations and the peoples be open, so that they may come here and re-experience with Me the Passion of Christ, as the closing of the great impulse of the Son of God for humanity. Amen.

Let us prepare, in the Presence of Christ, for this special Eucharistic consecration, and let us invite our brothers and sisters of the world who are listening to us in this moment, in their different nations and peoples, to plunge into this spiritual exercise to be able to seal this Covenant with Christ after these impulses of the Sacred Week, and so that together, as from now, we may prepare His great and final coming in the year 2021.

Before beginning this celebration, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will respond to a request of Christ, that the brothers and sisters of the choir sing the song "Face to face" at the end of this exercise, so that you may prepare for this moment.

And we here, bathed by this Grace that flows from the Heart of Jesus, offer this celebration in a profound act of gratitude, for all the Graces and impulses received directly from the Heart of our Redeemer.

Let us continue with the instrumental, please.

In the same way that we offer these elements from the altar, we will offer ourselves to Our Lord, in the same way that He offered Himself, today once again to us, so that we be deserving of His Mercy, and through His holy faith, we are strengthened to live the apostleship of these times, to carry His Word, His Love and His Peace to the world.

Those of us who can, may kneel for this consecration.

Before Jesus was given up, in a profound act of Love and of Mercy for all His companions and humanity, He took the bread, elevated it and gave thanks to God, deeply asking with His Heart that it be changed into His Body. Then Jesus broke it and offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


And a form of light entered the soul of the apostles.

The Supper having ended, He took the Chalice and performing the same exercise, He offered it to the Father so that it could be converted into His Blood. He then offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.



The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves of this Sacrament.

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


We announce at this time the spiritual Communion of Christ with all our brothers and sisters of the world.

We listen to three bell sounds.

Celestial Father who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.


This is the beginning of something more important for the world. A new story is being written and your lives are in the Hands of God. You are like a small feather with which He writes, to make all things new.

I am grateful for the fidelity, the love and the accompaniment of all the devotees of the world throughout this Sacred Week.

May the Celestial Church hold you. May the Celestial Church protect you from all evil. May the Celestial Church elevate your consciousnesses so that, someday, your lives and your hearts may merge with the Essence of the Love of God, and thus, His Will may be done.

With joy and rejoicing, I bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Let us listen to the song that Our Lord requested.

Thank you all.




Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Word became Flesh and dwelled among you, and the Word of the Lord was fulfilled on Earth within the lives of those who are consistent and selfless.

The Incarnate Word became One in the children of God and the Word of the Most High reverberated and will continue to reverberate throughout time, through those who hear the Word of God.

Of the most imperfect, I will do wonders for our Father. I will convert miseries into Mercies, and nothing will be impossible for Me, as it has not been until now.

With this, today I want to tell you, on this afternoon of Mercy and solemnity, that for the merits achieved by your prayers in these last seven years, the Most High God of the Universe, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba, He repays from His Source, for each one of his children, His Peace and universal atonement, amending the mistakes made by all humankind up to the present.

Thus, today I want to tell you that I will never abandon you, because you already know how to enter My Heart, and in My Heart there is only eternity, there is never an end.

Children of My Father, open your hearts even more as you did yesterday, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, in which the Eternal Father was attentive to the voice of your supplications.

After the Celestial Church descends here and for the world, in the month of August, I will continue to come, but this time in a special way. On the third Friday of each month I will give the world the final spiritual and divine impulses that, for a certain amount of time, will erect humanity and prepare it for My Return.

The Eternal Father testifies to this moment through the presence of His children and all of His who pray. And even more, our Mother of Heaven and Earth, the great Empress of the Universe, will accompany My Sacred Heart after the month of August, only on the 13th of each month, in which she will finish carrying out the task that She once began in Fatima.

Celebrate this moment and thank God, because you will never be forsaken.

Saint Joseph will go to Heaven and from there He will continue to bless the world, just as He blessed the Son of God when he was still a child.

The last secrets will be delivered, the last mysteries will be unveiled and humanity will no longer be able to say that it does not know it because, through My Spiritual Government and My Celestial Church, I will give them what they need.

So that, after August, I may return and bring more relief to the world, I will trust and accept your prayers on the 5th and 6th of each month, even though I will not be present here. But you know that I will make use of your prayer work in order to bring My Peace and the force of My Mercy to the world.

I would not want to leave here without first seeing all the pilgrims one last time, those who pray and serve, when time permits. Because My aspiration is to merge your essences with Mine and, at the end of this time, to recreate Creation for the victory of Love and forgiveness.

Your Guardian Angels commit themselves to the Lord of the Universe to guard and watch over this moment.

While I am silent, I contemplate with you the world, hurt and in need of love, Mercy, healing and redemption.

Today I accept the surrender of those who have decided to live this path, for all the hearts and lives of this planet that did not correspond to Me and that have failed Me in recent times.

As I accept these offers, the power of My Blood is poured out upon the unredeemed so that they may once again look up to the Heavens and find the hope and peace that they once lost, and also the signs of My Passion, the five sorrowful wounds from Your Lord, that enlighten the world at this time and pour out the Grace of the Lamb of God upon the children of the Eternal Father, upon those who hear Him, feel Him and love Him.

Today a cycle closes, but a final preparation time begins. Commune of My Words, be filled by My Grace and move forward.

You can surpass Me in love. When will you prove it to me? The value of My Life can be surpassed for your lives. The surrender of your Lord can be surpassed by your surrender.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, I want you to be part of My Mystical Body so that all My Mercy may descend upon you and the world, and you may purify yourselves within Me in order to achieve redemption.

Today I gather all the force of the Light of the universe, and the hells feel this repercussion because each drop of Blood poured out by your Master today has value and victory in those who have corresponded to it.

Even more souls are waiting to enter My Heavenly Church, this must now be spread to the world. All are called, without exception, to be at the doors of My Celestial Church and enter it in the month of August, in which the great celebration will be established between believers and God.

As I speak to you, I purify you and bring you closer to My Heart. Now let your souls lay their heads on My Chest, right now, do so.

And through this melody, which you listen to at this moment, feel My divine and universal embrace, and how each misery is transformed by the power of My Light and the force of My Love.

Surrender into My Arms, you have the opportunity and, in the void and in the emptiness, find My Peace.

I am who I am, I am the beginning and the end, I am the maximum for your lives.

My Love wants to be throughout the whole world.

Today be anointed by My forgiveness that dissolves your miseries, that forgives your sins, that renews you after each fall, that places you before God to feel the Love of His Heart.

Surrender into My Arms and everything will pass.

My Love merges with your love and a single Love is born, the Living Love of Christ that sanctifies souls and leads them to the Kingdom of God.

Thus, today I wish, in the depths of My Soul and Divinity, that you may commune of Me through the Sacrament of the Altar.

Bring the altar here and remain in My Arms, until I tell you what to do.

Stay in My Arms, feel the beat of My Heart and the triumph of Love through this perpetual Covenant with Me.

The Father is attentive to this moment, just as He is attentive to all the souls of the world that surrender in My Arms at this moment.

May we be worthy of this moment and that in the Arms of our Redeemer our hearts and lives be renewed in Christ, knowing that Love, above all, the one that renews all things, will win.

Today the Father will participate in this consecration. Place at the Feet of the Eternal Father your needs, the true needs that benefit other souls.

Today the Cherubim Angels, Guardian Angels of My children from Africa, are here to bring me the offer of their little hearts, for that wounded people and for the world.

My Love penetrates the core of the deepest human pain, because today you have accepted being in My Arms to feel God.

Let us celebrate.

"Oh, Eternal Father, how great is Your Love, Your Power and Your Mercy, that you are able to invite Your children to surpass Me in Love and in surrender, because a good Master works tirelessly so that His companions will surpass him, and someday be good people in charity and in good, in love and in transparency.

Oh, Eternal Father, so many offerings I have received into My Heart from Your children. So many prayers have I heard throughout the recent years. So much, Father, in the triumph of Your Love and Your Truth, faith and unconditional service have you built in the hearts of Your children. This is what brings Me here today to the world.

Adonai, once again I place at Your Feet that everyone can surpass Me and that the prices of My Blood was not in vain, because it pours out upon the oppressed and fallen.

Today I offer you, Beloved Father, the embrace that I have felt from each soul at this moment, so that You, Our Lord, may give them an opportunity like You have given Your Son, to save the planet.

Receive in Your Kingdom, Eternal Father, the love of Your children, the prayers of Your children, the service of Your children and the daily improvement of Your children to achieve Your Peace and Your Mercy.

And so, before the consecration and offering of this Sacrament, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, the faults are erased, the sins are dissolved, because the triumph of Your Love was fulfilled. Amen".

Today the Cherubim Angels, the Guardian Angels of My children in Africa, will transubstantiate these elements together with their Master, because God shows Himself to the small and humble and hides His Power and His mystery from the proud and selfish. Holy Scripture is fulfilled once again.

On the night when He was to be given in, in spiritual company of My Mother and the holy women, who were praying for Me, I took the bread before My apostles, I raised it to the Father, thanking Him for the sacrifice, so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated into my body. And the spiritual Light of the Creator descended to Earth.

Afterward, I broke it and gave it to My apostles saying: “Take it and eat, because this is My Body, which will be delivered by humanity for the remission of sins.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

And thousands of fallen who were in the depths of the abyss of the Earth, became aware of the moment of their redemption. The stars of the universe drew a sacred geometry for the triumph of Love.

Afterward, I took the Chalice and offered it to the Father, so that the wine would be transubstantiated into My Blood, and the divine Light of God descended. Then, I offered it to My apostles saying: “Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me. "

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Amen".

Sister Maria Jerusalem, can you come here, please?

We announce spiritual Communion, with Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, by means of three sounds of the bells.

Heavenly Father who leads us all,
Accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
for Your Will to be done.

When you feel you cannot, be in My Arms.

When the night is too dark, be in My Arms.

When you think you will not succeed, be in My Arms.

When you feel hopelessness, agony or disturbance, be in My Arms.

When you have no inner strength, and only confusion and lamentation, be in My Arms.

When you do not find meaning in life or in your spiritual mission, be in My Arms.

Be in My Arms, be in My Arms, because I come to liberate the afflicted, I come to give Light to the blind, I come to fill the dryness of hearts, I come to transform miseries into the power of My Mercy, because I need you to be able to surpass Me, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

There is a song that touches My Heart very much, like so many offerings that are given to Me. But this is special, because it reflects the improvement and persistence of My companions in the world. This song is called "Everything I Have Lived". I want you to make this last offer that closes, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, a seven-year cycle of work, effort and hope, with your Master and Lord.

May peace be in you and may you be bearers of My Peace. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We will prepare for that song.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Those who in the past announced the coming of the Messiah are those who today announce My Return to the world.

The last Scriptures are being fulfilled and this goes beyond human understanding.

My Celestial Church is preparing to descend in all its glory during the month of August; a final culminating moment for humanity.

Today, the domes of My Church and the high towers of the Sacred Cathedral of God are beginning to be built in this place in order to be able to help the whole world from this Center of Love.

Through your prayers, your souls are consciously preparing to participate in the descent of the Celestial Church, which will come like the New Jerusalem, with the power of all the Heavens, with the glory of the whole universe.

The sacred Celestial Church, in its non-material aspect, will touch the Earth for a few days and, in the inner worlds, it will resonate and call upon the last, who will be self-summoned to be present for My Return.

Israel will again have an opportunity, and that ancient people that walked in the desert will no longer search for the Promised Land, for it is within each one of you, in what you truly are, rather than in what you appear to be.

Today, the first domes of My Celestial Church are built by the angels of the universe, and by the order of the archangels, they also call the souls that will avail themselves of this precious and last impulse that will emerge from My Sacred Heart.

Feel the coming of My Celestial Church and the revelation of its sacred treasures, which are kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant. They will no longer be distant from souls, rather they will be part of the souls that, throughout the end times, have trusted in My Word and in My Presence.

The Mystical Body of Christ will be strengthened after this final school, which was experienced throughout these last years, in which your consciousnesses were participants in My Graces and in My Mercies.

The Celestial Church, which will descend in the month of August, will administer the sacraments to the last self-summoned. They will be those who, together with you, will build the unity and brotherhood so awaited for by the world. And that impulse will be so strong that the other religions will feel it, even the atheists and the non-believers.

In the descent of My Celestial Church, the last doors of salvation will open and souls will be called to gather and assemble at the center of My Altar, where the Most Holy Trinity will be present, in union with all beings of goodwill.

It is there where the souls will understand what My Church is, the Church that I built two thousand years ago within the hearts of those who believed in the Messiah.

I will place My Stone Foundation upon you and I will release the evil from the darkness, and My Church will be erected through the brave hearts, the peacemakers, all those who unite with Me in truth and in transparency. And while within My Celestial Church, from your souls will emerge your gifts, you will know your talents and you will offer them to Me in light of the Glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Celestial Church will descend in the month of August and reach all homes throughout the world. Prepare your homes, announce to your families that the Grace of My Celestial Church will pierce your hearts
and fill your souls with My last impulses of Love and Redemption.

But some souls are already at the doors of My Church, together with the angels, building the sacred geometric shapes of My Spiritual Church; because everything will be offered, not only the construction of My Church in the heart of humankind, but also the efforts of those who will set out to work, with their hands as a gift, day and night, to build My Church in humanity.

And the archangels will write of this moment, and the offerings of the pure souls, although imperfect, that will be offered at the High Altar of My Heart, where the flame of faith is blazing and eternal.

And thus, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be placed upon the High Altar of My Celestial Church, and the sacred relics of the Passion of Christ will be able to be in the hands of those who always aspired to have them, to love My sacrifice and My surrender even more, to love each particle of My Blood and of My Water, for the redemption of the planet.

"O sacred Celestial Church, that descends upon the New Jerusalem, may your doors be opened, may the abysses be closed, may the angels with their trumpets call for those who were self-summoned to serve you and adore you through the Celestial Father. May the signs of your presence be heard in the inner worlds, may the impulses of your Grace be poured out like an inexhaustible fount upon those who cry out for relief and for healing.

O sacred Celestial Church, reveal your sacred shapes, your precious symbols, so that souls may recognize that you have always been there, in the universe, waiting for those who aspire to enter into you, to be in adoration and in prayer for the Love of Christ."

Before the last and great moment, humanity will become aware of what I came to do in the world, in this final time.

May the testimonies of your lives continue to be written by the humble Hand of God, so that His Love may multiply in the world and souls may find the peace of belonging to the Kingdom of God.

May your lives be the first pillars for the building of My Celestial Church in the month of August.

May your commitment and fidelity be the great dome that will express the beauty of the art of Creation and, in the end, may your hearts be the great offering of the Altar so that the price of the Blood of Christ, which was poured out in the world, be rectified and recognized by your transformation.

May your Guardian Angels silently follow this moment and guide you to the great meeting with My Celestial Church in the month of August.

Sister Amerisa, Our Lord calls you here.

"Today I want to announce to you, by the merits of your love and your striving for My Sacred Heart, in gratitude for the descent of My Celestial Church to this material plane, for all the moments that you have experienced and I have closely followed from the moment of your consecration, I want to tell you, sweet daughter of Mine, that your mother is with Me in Heaven and that, in the same way as many mothers that silently suffer in this world, she prays for them so that they too may achieve the Grace of the Blessing.

By the merits of the suffering of your mother, she has entered My Celestial Church, and together with the saints, she has been crowned as blessed.

Today I leave this testimony for the world, so that you may know that My Words are real and My Promises are kept in the hearts that strive for Me.

I bless you and thank you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Let us celebrate these last moments in union with the Eucharist and the Blood of the Lamb of God that today, once again, will be offered upon the altars of the Celestial Church, so that more souls and more hearts may be redeemed.

Bring the incense and the water here to be blessed.

In this moment and in this instant, in the presence of the Love of Christ and by the victorious merits of His Passion, as an act of thanks, in love and in reverence, let us offer our lives into His Hands as a testimony of our faith in Him. Let us do so now.

Oh My God, I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love thee,
and I ask pardon
for all those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love You.

(repeated three times in Spanish)

You may bring the altar.

Let us offer this moment so that, through the consecration of these elements, our lives may also be consecrated and deserving of the Mercy of Our Lord.

On the night when Jesus was to be given up, He took the bread, raised it, and gave thanks to the Father for the surrender that He would experience. He gave it so that it would be consecrated as His Divine Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

Once the supper was ended, He took the Chalice and raised it to offer to the Father as a sacrifice for humanity, so that it could be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ. He then handed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take it and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

In union with the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the angels and the archangels, with the saints and the blessed, and with all beings of goodwill that work for peace and fraternity, we unite in prayer and in supplication, together reciting the prayer that Christ taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese and in English)

May My Peace descend upon Earth and fill hearts with the Love of God.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen."

Sister Amerisa can come here.

And Our Lord, at this moment, in spiritual communion, unites with all our brothers and sisters of the world. We announce this spiritual communion with three rings of the bell.

Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.
(in Spanish, Portuguese, and English)

May My Celestial Church, which is being built and is erected within your hearts, be perpetuated for these times, so that you may always find My Peace and the consolation of My Heart.

I bless you and your brothers and sisters under the redeeming Light of My Grace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I invite the whole world to sing a simple song that was born in this Marian Center, from a devout soul, to alleviate My Heart and that of My Father; you will sing: "Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that You may make of me Your Dwelling."

I thank you.


Bow down before My Father, for He sees you.

I come this evening to give freedom to the world, for My Heart will not keep anybody imprisoned anymore, for I have never placed anybody in captivity, but rather, I gave you the freedom of this material life, the power to recognize My Countenance, My wonders, and My gifts, which I gifted you from the first moment on the Cross.

Live My Passion in these difficult times. Do not erase from your memories all that your Redeemer has done, for the appointed time is drawing close. The inner clocks are being activated, to feel the coming of the Master and Redeemer. He will come in a Spirit of Divinity and Glory to seek fallen souls, to rescue the innocent from the injustices of evil, for nobody will be free of being purified. It is necessary for these difficult times.

Humanity has distanced itself from God and created its own condition, even in the deepest level of the spirit. But I come to remind you of the communion with Me, so that your sins may be forgiven.

Be pure and crystalline before My glorious Eyes, for I come in search of your humility and simplicity. I will not place My Kingdom in vain souls. I will place My Kingdom in the hearts that transform themselves through My Heart.

I come to give you the last key, the last sign for humanity, for I need all to listen to Me attentively; for today I am making you prostrate before My Father, because My Father sees you through My Merciful Heart and all the Angelic Hierarchies surrounding My Glory and My Aura, to give testimony of the Presence of God.

That is why I come to be consequent with each one of you. I need your stars to awaken in the innermost depth of your hearts, for that is what will illumine the darkness of the times when you are truly united in Me to pray.

Now look at Me with eyes of detachment and surrender, for I come to rescue what is not rescuable in this world.

Your hearts are worthy of My Glory, therefore I record My Face on your countenances, so that you may be like Me until the end of times, where everything will have been accomplished in the name of Adonai. And thus I lift you from the ground every day, because I need you to walk at My side in this time of tribulation, when souls judge themselves and lose the path of redemption.

For this reason, I need you all the time, because I hope you will not become lost and not stop following My Footsteps of Light, that which I am marking for the last time in the world.

Recognize My Footprints. Feel My Steps and listen for Me within your hearts. I Am your Glory, I Am your Truth. I Am the manifestation of the living Love of God, which many are not seeking because of becoming lost in superficial things.

This is why I call you to prayer, for that will be your torch. You yourselves must light it through the fire of your heart.

I will no longer be able to give you the touch of My Light; humanity does not deserve it. But if you are seekers of My Mercy, you will always be in the ocean of My Heart, feeling My consolation and being bathed by My Grace, every day to the end of days.

With all that, I show you the Truth, because very few hearts want to listen to Me. I do not come to bring discomfort to your lives, but rather to remind you, up to the end of times, of your commitment to the Creator, to our Guardian Angels, which will be the witnesses at the Final Judgment, of your lives, of the world and of all that you have done, up to the last moments of these definitive times.

But it will not be enough that you be able to believe Me, but rather that you can feel My Words, which are transmitted by the Divine Energy of God, which transmutes and frees all things when pronounced by the Voice of the Son of God.

You will hold these moments with Me in your hearts. They will be what will strengthen you in the face of all the things you will see. But your hearts must not be surprised. What has been written for these times, has been multiplied by a thousand. Do you know then, companions, where humanity is headed? Because Our Voice will not cease to be pronounced. We know that Our Voice and each one of Our Words will be Light for the pilgrims. We will be faithful to each of those, when each one of them are faithful to My Heart, to the Heart of My Mother and of Saint Joseph, and mainly to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is greatly blasphemed by the world.

I come to speak to you of these things, My companion children, because the world is experiencing these things. Divine reality cannot descend while chaos circulates throughout the world. But in this place, in the heart of the faithful, My Heart comes to create small Islands of Salvation, where My adversary will not be able to enter, as long as you are consequent with Me, on this path to Infinity.

I would like to tell you things of the universe, but humanity has not wanted to listen because it has surrounded itself with material things that distanced it from the Law of God. I come to demonstrate to you the equilibrium of the universe, which you must never leave, so that you may be protected by the Law of My Lord.

While I listen to your hearts, you confess to My Heart, for in this way, all will be repaired in time and nobody will miss the opportunity of re-encountering My Glorious Heart.

I come to bring you a definite offer, the incalculable opportunity of living in My Peace and in the Kingdom of My God, because, in spite of everything that will happen, you will not lose your calm. You will be in serenity and will be peace-bringers of My Merciful Heart.

Now I will make the offer to the Universe of God for you, at the Altars of Heaven and of all the Archangels.

Let us praise God in gratitude, reparation, and love; for My only wish is that some carry My Crown of thorns on their heads to share the pain the world causes to Me, because of so much ignorance and lack of love. This will be the reason, companions, for offering these Sacraments in the name of redemption and peace.

And when you do not see peace in the world, in these times that are coming, seek the Peace of My Heart, for I will only be found in the hearts that want to receive Me and this will be your peace for these times. To be in My Peace, to live in My Peace, and to seek My Peace. This, companions, will allow you to not be surprised or tormented by anything around you. Because, I tell you again, you will see inexplicable things inside and outside of beings. That is the time of Armageddon.

Friar Elías:

Before the angels of Christ, at the request of Our Lord, we will intone the melodic Kodoish, making this offering through the Sacred Heart of Christ.

Those who can, stand up to make the offering to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Companions, in the Name of Our Lord, we will pray to God, so that He may intercede for the world through My Blessed and Most Sacred Heart.

May this Communion that you will do with Me reaffirm and confirm your vows to My Plan of salvation.

Just as at the Mount of Beatitudes, we will remember this Mystery that I revealed to the world through the Our Father.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Praised be God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

I want to find you in this peace every day, because many souls will avail themselves of your peace to calm their uneasiness in the face of the end of times, in which everything becomes so complex for the little hearts of humanity.

I wait for you here, in the prayer of Mercy, for I will come to see you here on October 5 and 6.

That is My promise to you. To place My codes in your hearts so that you can always resurrect in these critical times.

Come to Me and embrace Me. I always wait for you in the vigil of the Heart.

While I am here with you, I am with the world, mainly with the souls most in need and that, in this hour, experience their despair.

I observe you and contemplate you always, until the end of days, for the New Christs must awaken, to concretize the Plan of Salvation.

I thank you.

Remember those that suffer more than yourselves; thus you will see your pain is very small in light of the universal suffering that this planet and all its created Kingdoms experience. In this way, you will find the strength for when I am no longer here, among you, to blindly follow My path until going through the portal of My Heart, where everything will be consummated. So be it.

Thank You, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, for all that You give us.

Do not be sad. I will always be your unbreakable strength. And even though the mountains may move and the seas are agitated in these present times, do not lose your calm. God already has your hour marked, for each of the beings of the Earth, who must not lose their direction toward the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My last attempt is to engrave the story of My Countenance in your hearts. And in this way, you will be the relics, the spiritual relics in the universe of God and, in this way, you will be witnesses of this Work of Redemption. And even though you are few, the experience will be great for those that believe without having seen.

While I speak to you, I calm you, I make you serene, so that you can feel My Purpose for this entire existence, of which I am a part since the beginning of the Earth. Thus, you can be blessed when you follow My path every day; you get up from your difficulties and only yearn to find My Heart in each act in life that must be represented by the good example of your hearts. In this way, the codes that I give you will not be lost and it will have been worth the effort of coming here to tell you all these things.

And now My Eyes cry for the world, for the unfaithful world, for the unjust world. God has something special for all, except that everyone has always wanted to act on their own will and have forgotten the Will of God; that has distanced you from the love and the essence of all that exists.

I come to remind you of this Purpose, so that you may always see the things beyond you. I would not want your hearts to grow cold, nor that they be tepid, for My desire is that you live in My Fire, which fosters peace, Mercy, and redemption.

While I am here, I am in tormented regions of the world, bringing relief to the scream of souls that cry out for pity and Mercy. But you, companions, are in the joy of My Spirit, while souls are being lost, without finding the Light of My Heart.

I had already seen this in the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane. This would be humanity's test, to surpass itself through love rather than through power. But My adversary has conquered many hearts. Thus, the time of Justice is approaching. And you have seen it, you have seen it happen around this humanity.

The times indicate new signs for those that truly want to see with the eyes of the heart, without ownership or attachment. In this way, you will be more aware of what My Sacred Heart sees of this world and of all things that get in the way of concretizing the project of this human race.

This is why I repeat to you: feel the Words, the vibration of My Merciful Heart. These will be the last, which will change the story of your lives.

I want you to already be different, so that I can dwell in the depths of beings.

Through this Work of the Divine Messengers, God wants to build a strong and invincible spirit in the souls that are being summoned in the different nations, for the armies must be ready to go into battle. The war in the world has already begun and this is not just a theory; you can see it with your own eyes.

But there are companions of Mine who turn their face away from all these things so as to not feel ashamed in the Eyes of God. Imagine, companions, what My Heart feels before the Creator, after all I did for you and for your brothers and sisters. Was the story of My Passion worthwhile?

I say yes, because I know there are hearts that will cause the Promised Earth to shine, and will fulfill the part requested of Moses, when all takes place, the waters calm, and suffering disappears in the new humanity.

Meditate on what I tell you and let My Words not blow away like the wind; let them remain in your hearts as life, until I return in Body, Soul, and Divinity.

And thus I say goodbye to the brave and consequent and I elevate to the Kingdom of God all the outrages and suffering, so they may be transformed through your offering of reparation for My Sacred Heart.

Peace to all, brotherhood for the end of times.

I bless you once again with My Light and today in a special way, in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón reads the special Message of Christ Jesus of October 5, 2014, and says:

With these words, we will wait for the coming of Christ. Let us focus our hearts on these remaining beads, allowing the Celestial Universe to concretize Its mission here, in Paraguay.

I am telling you about the events of My Passion as nobody has ever spoken about them before.

In My merciful Heart, are kept not only the signs for your salvation, but also the true mysteries that God made known to me during My agony.

I show you and tell you about My Passion so that you may find the path to your strength. Many forget about this important universal event that was lived by Me here on Earth, and more importantly, many more forget about wanting to know this very true and deep Passion that allowed the redemption of humanity.

In the Universe of God, the Passion is alive and resplendent, for there, the pain and the suffering are not held, but rather the true sacrifice of Love that I gave, for all of you, in those times.

Today I come to remind you of these things in light of the severe issues that are taking place in this world. I want you, My companions, to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Passion through My Heart. The Rosary of the Seven Agonies, which I gave you, holds true keys for your redemption, significant symbols, luminous signs, for those that truly want to discover My Passion.

I do not come in this era so that you may be martyred. I come to give you the Truth, the true knowledge of that which many forget. For this reason, My companions, enter the universe of My Heart and dwell in My Heart. I will be able to resolve the rest when you liberate yourselves from the control of things.

The true spiritual healing, which I promise you through My Mercy, can happen in you through an inner detachment from all that is bad for you in this life, in which you went through many learnings and tests.

Thus, open your hearts again. Allow My Blood to be able to flow through you, wash, cleanse, and purify all the stains that you hold before the Eyes of God.

I give you the possibility of coming to know My Mercy and the chance for loving, through My Presence at three in the afternoon. To that soul who invokes Me in any part of the world, I will go to aid it, most especially I will bless it, because I will be performing a true miracle of Love in its life. One who believes in Me will achieve eternal life and it will not be necessary to wait for the next world to be within My Celestial Universe.

I reveal to you, through merciful prayer, the potential to attain redemption and peace, for your hearts must be increasingly open to be able to love the infinite mystery that My Life represents for you, in these times.

At this very moment, I come here to bless , heal and forgive you. I come from a distant place of the universe where God vibrates intensely through His Love and His Unity, and many celestial consciousnesses participate in that vibration of Love and of Peace.

Thus, dear companions, today I ask you to elevate your bodies and cells, and permit the rays of My Passion, which allowed the Resurrection of My Being and the sacred Transfiguration, to penetrate the depths of your cells.

The first step, My friends, is to love the unknown, to have absolute trust in God the Father, because He will always give you the answers to the great problems you experience today.

Many more souls could have participated in this meeting with Me here, but where are they? Did you call them correctly?

The first call to awakening is done through the giving of the heart. It is the heart that calls another heart, not the mind. Thus, help Me to concretize My Plans, as I did in Rwanda when I gave an important message to the world and only fifty percent of humanity heard Me.

Now I come closer to you, I approach your lives and hearts so that you may be My testimonies. Give the example of your redemption to the other brothers and sisters. I come seeking you as I did with the apostles. You will not be able to escape My universal commitment, but you will always be free to follow the path you desire, My love will never disappoint you.

I bring you a possibility, My companions, of finding a change. Open the doors of the spiritual universe so that it may reside in you all the time. I point out a last path to you. I bring you a last key, I give you the last symbol, which is My Heart of Light.

The strength of My Spirit of Love must be stronger than your intentions. In this way, My friends, I will find a space to be in you and I will never waste time as I reveal My Will to you and you may know My profound petition for these end times.

I ask something from each one of you so that you may accomplish it in the name of God. And when this mission comes to an end, I will have you come to know other things in the next life, in a next world, where suffering will no longer exist, and hearts will not suffer, they will no longer need to suffer to learn to grow. I bring you the opportunity that, every day of your lives, you may be willing to drink of My Fount of Love so that your sins may be erased, and in these times, the cells of light may be born in your beings, so that the New Christs awaken that must fulfill the mission of disseminating My Peace and My Redemption in the four corners of the Earth.

But who will be willing to follow Me until the end?

I will always give you a greater test so that you may overcome it and transcend it, but My Hands are stretched out to you; I will never stop helping you, I will always pour My Light upon you and upon those that open to receive Me.

I give you, I gift you My Heart as the only reason for your lives, because through My Heart and around My Heart all My disciples will be able to fulfill the Designs of God and carry out the life works that are foreseen in Heaven for them to be manifested on Earth.

Today I come to meet with you so that you feel motivated to give Me more, without fear, without apprehension, in absolute trust.

Hold My Love in your hearts, keep My Peace.

I thank those that feel motivated to accompany the pilgrimage of Mary through Paraguay, for the Children of Mary are indispensable in these times. They are sparks of the Celestial Universe that expand and radiate the Grace of the Universal Mother in each place they go, in each space where they walk, in each heart they face for consoling it, alleviating it, healing it through prayer of the heart.

Under the ministry of Peace that God has granted Me and the protection of the Holy Spirit, at this moment, I will bless the Sacred Body of Christ and the Precious Blood of Jesus, and all the sacred objects that in any place in the world are elevated to My Heart at this moment. Because what is most important for your lives is that through the symbols, you always find a path for the way out and for salvation.

In this moment, offer Me that which you want Me to consecrate, from where you are. My energy expands in Omnipresence, Love, and Mercy. Let us elevate this offering to God for those who forget to live in God and do not find consolation in this time.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón elevates the offerings to be blessed and says:

For the sick,
for humanity,
for the innocent souls that die,
for all those who are seekers of peace,
for those who pray,
for the religious,
for those who seek subtle aromas,
for those who have not been redeemed,
for the mothers of all the Earth.

At the request of Our Lord, we will pray the prayer of the Angel of Peace together with Jesus.

My last Will, beloved companions, is that together with My Angelic Guardians, we pray, sing for all the Guardian Angels that cannot fulfill their mission, that cannot reach souls because the souls do not hear the inner call. In profound Adoration of God, let us help the Guardian Angels so that they may accomplish their purpose in this end time. 

Let us repeat:   

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.

Now let Adonai touch your hearts.

I bless Paraguay for this moment and all the souls that made it possible for My request to be fulfilled. God will bless you.

Song: Kodoish.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

With this joy Christ leaves us with for being able to meet Him, we are closing this Marathon which was so important here, in Asunción, in Paraguay. We believe that many souls were helped by the Mercy of Jesus.

We thank you all for this moment, all those who were connected with Our Lord.


Dear beloved and favorite ones,

I am present here, believe that for an instant.

I come to gather the not chosen, those who have remained behind on the path of transformation.

I come to open the door of your hearts through My Heart, so that the infinite mysteries of My Love may be revealed.

I need to create new apostles upon the surface of this humanity, and that there may emerge those who will announce My near coming in a simple, humble, and austere way, because the true Word comes from the Divine Word of God, and your hearts can be enriched by the Light of the Holy Spirit.

As it was some time ago, I come again to be in your lives for seven consecutive days. My hope is to share the Instruction and parables with all of you, as I did once in the past.

So I will gather you around My sacred table again, so that you may share the Bread of Life and the Redeeming Blood with Me.

New souls congregate in the consecration to My Sacred Heart this evening. For this reason, I gather the beginners again, those who must learn to love and serve.

In truth I want you to be able to feel the warm Word of Life.

I will also be gathered with all of those who are by My side, sharing this path with Me in each center of prayer and each home. Thus, you will be able to see, dear companions, how My merciful Rays stretch out upon all the places on Earth.

The Holy Father Francis has begun this Sacred Week with an important question for humanity, which I consider to be important for you. I have meditated upon it and I wish to tell you, not as an observation, but rather as meditation and reflection for your consciousnesses: On which side were you in the epoch of Jesus?  Were you the Apostles or the Pharisees?

It does not matter who may have condemned Me or who may have loved Me, I come to demonstrate the power of My infinite Mercy to you because the Love of God can do anything when the soul is willing to experience it from the heart and to learn the new lessons that Heaven presents to all souls that are on the Earth.

Today I want to address Myself to you through Love, to open the dwelling places of your hearts through the new keys that I bring in My Hands to assist hearts that have fallen and to heal souls that are wounded.

In each new meeting with Me through merciful prayer, in a group of souls as well as in solitude, I am present there to help you.

My Silence is eternal and permanent. My Words are spoken in your hearts through the Guardian angels, through all those that follow this Higher Plan.

Thus, in this week that is beginning, may your hearts begin to warm up through My Divine Fire. I would wish to place many gifts upon you so that the task may be fulfilled and the mission may be concretized just as I have foreseen from the beginning.

I would like to send a greeting of peace to all those who unite with My Passion. Precious and divine codes will be poured out upon the consciousnesses that open to listening to My call of the end of time.

I come directly from Heaven into your lives to announce something better, something good and kind that is born from My Merciful Heart. For this reason, do not fear to abandon that which you have not done well.

My Heart comes to heal the past and also the present. Open yourselves to the channel of My redeeming Healing. In these days I will be a stream of Light in your hearts, water that will wash your wounds, and linen that will heal your wounds.

I offer Myself this evening to listen to more prayers that may ignite My Merciful Heart, to feel your true love for Me, so that more Light can be poured out upon the world, mainly upon those souls that have been denying My Presence for such a long time, and even though I crossed their paths, and had been seen by everyone, they did not recognize My Priestly Presence through the good hearts that serve in prayer and service, because through such simple acts, I am also present in everything.

I gather you all in the cenacle of My Most Sacred Heart. A new celestial gathering, a new meeting with Me is being gestated and this will be born through My Divine authority, through the power of My invocation to all souls. Because My Light, My Love, and My Spirit are disseminated throughout the world as a fire of peace, igniting new sparks of light in hearts, bringing healing and redemption to all.

I know that many have questions for Me. Offer them, because I will listen to them, and in due time I will respond to them.

I have a perfect path for each one of you. The time has come for you to return to the Master, to the Shepherd of the heart.

Now bring the water, the bread, and the wine for the consecration, Heaven awaits.

Each Communion will be different on these days. I invite you to find the answer in the act of Communion with Me. If you open your hearts and minds, you will find the answer.

I will pour out a divine gift upon each Communion, and at each new Supper, a further piece of your beings will be healed.

The Light of the Universe resplendently shines today.

I invite you to bow down before Me for the consecration. Today is the day, it is the beginning. Today is the Alfa and Sunday will be the day of the Omega.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking for more water because he says it is too little.

This water will be sprinkled upon all those present, as my first blessing on this Sacred Week.

Let us pray, at a request of Our Lord, the Devotional to the Divine Mercy seven times:

Water, Blood, Life and Redemption
that flowed out from the Blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
Have pity, mercy, and compassion
on all of us. (x2)

Celestial Father,
Supreme Unity,
Supreme Consciousness,
Supreme Love,
Have compassion on all of us
and on all humanity.

This afternoon, My Feet land on the ground of Aurora, very close to your hearts and lives.

I come to bring relief to those who cry out for redemption and especially for those who have forgotten My Father. Make an offering to God at this moment.

The Altars of Heaven open through My pastoral Priesthood so that all the offerings may be placed at the feet of the Creator. My Heart will be like a bridge to you for this to happen.  

I Am the expansion of the Light of God to the world.

I Am infinite Love for all beings, the living and resplendent Love, the curing and healing Love.

Receive the blessing of My Heart at this moment.

A Ray of My Heart is emanated upon these elements and all humanity.

I expand the entire Source of My Divine Mercy from My Celestial Universe.

I bring you Peace and rehabilitation, the new path that you must follow with Me, which I invite you to follow in trust and wholeness through the powers and gifts of the Father, through the powers and gifts of the Son, through the powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and I bless all the hearts that listen to Me.

Go ahead, a Higher Paradise awaits you. Trust in Me.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: "Mercy, Supreme Creator".

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
