In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In Love and Mercy, I meet you here today, just as I have met with the rest of My children in Medjugorje, a time in which your Heavenly Mother, with Her children, celebrate not only the anniversary of the apparitions, which I have been carrying out for over thirty-six years, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the rest of the world.
This evening I celebrate the devotion and affection of My children, the love that the children of God have for the Queen of Peace.
Today I come from Medjugorje and I unite the two hemispheres of the planet under the Principles of Love and Wisdom.
Just like I took a message of peace to the world in Medjugorje, in this place I was able to bring a message of consciousness to the world, something that the majority of My children, and especially the Church of Christ, will delay in recognizing.
But that is not My main concern, My children. My concern, My children, is your salvation and redemption, that you live the Christianity that My Son taught you through His Love and His infinite Mercy.
In all My apparitions throughout the world, over the course of time, I have brought the same message to humanity, at different times, moments and circumstances, that humanity needed regarding the Call of God, the Word of God, a warning to be able to change and transform.
The time and the moment are approaching, My children, in which the Queen of Peace will withdraw, as the Rose of Peace will also withdraw.
My Presence must be in your memories and in your hearts, everything that I have taught you throughout the years. In a way similar to Saint Paul and Saint Peter, you must experience this time. Nothing and nobody will be able to take away that which I have given you here, because what I have left and will leave here is a profound spiritual and non-material treasure, which souls can avail themselves of in the end of these times, to learn to go through the most acute moment of humanity.
This evening, I thank you, for the trust of those who believe in Me and, especially, the love that you express to the Kingdom of God for all that you have received. This is immense, this is what brings Me here tonight: the response of those who trust and of those who love, beyond their miseries and imperfections, because the true Church of My Son is within your hearts rather than in the foundations.
The true bases of the spirituality of My Son are the true testimonies of your conversions and redemption, of your daily prayer and service to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. This is the path towards the new humanity, it is not the path towards a new age.
The human mind could never understand the Mystery of God. How long will My children who do not understand this defy it?
I came to Medjugorje and to this place to bring the maternal Grace of My Heart and this is what should be perpetuated within your hearts and souls, this will be the greatest testimony of love for your lives, for God and for His entire Plan of Love within humanity.
I come to bring a call, as I have brought a call to each part of the world where I have appeared throughout the course of time.
And, on this evening, from each place where I have appeared and where I have established a sanctuary of love and prayer, I can gather together the love and devotion of My children. This is what I place today, at the Feet of the Creator, of those who persist in their transformation, of those who live in communion with My Son, of those who incessantly practice the word of prayer. These are the bases of your faith and of your reconciliation with the Eternal Father.
Now, My children, with this consciousness that I bring you today, through very simple but profound words, you will be able to feel and perceive how the Mother of God is here and in Medjugorje, congregating the consciousness of all the peoples and races, because My message is for all of humanity, and not just for one religion.
Here I bring you, My children, the opportunity to love, through reverence for the Word of God, which I have brought you throughout times, and mainly, throughout these last years.
Today My Immaculate Heart not only gathers together the pleas of the children of God, but also gathers the love of the children of God. It is this love, that you can have and experience for the Father and for My beloved Son, that will heal and regenerate the Earth, and that will put an end to what humanity is experiencing and going through today.
While religions and peoples do not deepen into their love and really experience it with their fellow beings, humanity will not be renewed. This is the important message that I bring to you today, because you must remember it and, above all, practice it, at this time.
Children, as Queen of Peace, I am here to help you, to lead you and to guide you toward My Son. I bring you the same message and the same revelation that My Son gave you more than two thousand years ago. In the name of My Son, I tell you once more: love one another as My Son loved you and as He continues to eternally love you.
I only ask this of you, because you will need it. It will be for your own good.
And now I dedicate My message to My children of Africa, to My dear and little children of the holy and humble Santa Isabel House, in Angola.
Just as I visited My cousin more than two thousand years ago, although I will stop coming to this place as from August 8, I will visit you, in a special and miraculous way, and will have the joy of definitely consecrating you as My children. That will be the great and last special pilgrimage.
Continue praying, loving, serving and pleading for the world. God, in spite of what He sees of humanity, is pleased by the voice of your pleas, because He, the All-Mighty and Merciful, can only live and dwell in simple and humble hearts. God does not dwell in institutions, God is present in the smallest ones, and He is far from those who call themselves powerful.
Today, My children, one of the passages of the Bible is once again fulfilled. God reveals His mysteries to the humble and small, and defeats the powerful and the arrogant.
The Love of God is within the smallest, like in My children of Africa. A Love that needs to be healed, redeemed and cured by the kind and merciful Hand of the Redeemer.
I will go to Africa when the time and moment allows for it, but there is not much time left. Live in My time and you will not feel the wait very much, rather, the time will go by fast, and just as today I am here with My children, I will meet with you in the Love, the Grace and the Mercy.
I would like to dedicate this moment to My beloved Africa, which has been waiting for over five hundred years, for relief from its slavery and persecution.
With all the glory and power that My Son has given Me, I will make a special pilgrimage to Angola so that together we may celebrate the day of the great union between Heaven and Earth, between God and Africa.
My last Words are already echoing in the hearts that know how to recognize them. These last Words that the Sacred Hearts announce to the world are the most saving and redemptive Words that souls need in order to prepare for the important moment of the Return of My Son.
Drink from the fount of the Words of the Sacred Hearts. Every day relive Our Messages. We have left you all that you need for the time that will come, the definitive time that the world is already experiencing, and that many do not want to recognize.
Enter into your heart and feel that which we have left for you. The Heavens are closing a cycle before it was expected, but My Love will not leave you; each time you pray with Me, I will be there. My Grace will be your fortitude when I am no longer here.
The month of July and the month of August are the last and great moments for humanity, of the intercession of the Sacred Hearts for all souls. Do not miss out on these last two months because the time of synthesis in your lives has come, a spiritual and inner synthesis.
It is necessary that you see and remember all that has happened in these last twelve years so that you may be able to understand what will happen afterwards, in the way God needs it.
Receive into your hands a flower of Light. The white flower of Light is the first sign I leave you, so that you may prepare for the end of time. Carry this flower of Light, which is the mirror of My Love, into your hearts and be blessed by My motherhood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Before I leave, I want to carry within My Heart a song that is important to Me, which is part of that spiritual synthesis that you have to make, united to My Heart.
This song reveals a story, but also an inspiration, a true testimony, humble and simple, that I taught you in Aurora.
I will have the Grace tonight, among you and with you, to listen to "Revelations of Aurora."
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
One hundred and three years ago, I came to the world for a greater reason, and today I return again to the world, My children, so that you may be aware of this important planetary moment.
The Light of My Immaculate Heart is reflected on Earth in order to embrace as many souls as possible but, at this time, it is not enough.
My Son has trained you for this moment; He has made you His apostles so that you could serve Him and follow Him.
As a Mother, I come in this time so that the greatest number of My children do not lose the meaning and purpose of being here, the reason for which God brought you to meet Me, knowing, My children, that there are still millions of souls in the world that have never stood before the Mother of God.
You who have been so close to Me through these last twelve years, you have a greater responsibility before God for the causes and the aspirations of your Divine Mother, because the Plan of your Heavenly Mother is not personal, but rather a Plan for all of humanity and the planet.
You must be the ambassadors of My Immaculate Heart in the world; you must be the facilitators for souls that need a great deal of spiritual and inner help.
This is the reason that brings Me here to you today, for all My children that hear Me at this moment in the four corners of the world, who still proclaim their faith and devotion to My maternal Heart. But I also want to say to each one of you, that this is the definitive and crucial time, extremely different from what took place in Fatima one hundred and three years ago.
In that time, humanity had a different state of consciousness, more primitive and immature. But in this time, even with the advancements achieved by humanity, this continues to be so on other planes of consciousness with the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature and of human life itself; through the painful humanitarian crises and the exile of millions of My children in the world who are seeking an opportunity and hope.
Now your home, the planet, is in a great transition and I want you to know this, My children, because there are still many of My children who do not want to open their eyes to this reality, so as to not feel shaken or called to planetary service.
Many of those who are not here today missed a spiritual opportunity, but this will not get in the way of the doors of Heaven continuing to be open to the Earth, as long as each one of My children conform to My call. This will be the great premise for your Heavenly Mother to continue returning or not to the world while the Celestial Father has need of it.
But today My hands are full of prayers, and I can show them to you as small spheres of Light that have lit up the hearts of the world while you obediently pray the Holy Rosary and do this in honor of the Heavenly Mother. Each one of these beads that I carry today in My hands, each small sphere of Light that light up in the humble palms of the hands of the Mother of God, will be special Graces that will return to the world for those children who suffer, which are hundreds and hundreds of souls that still silently wait for a Grace from God.
And so I remind you, My children, of the importance of praying with Me every day. This is a priority for your hearts and souls. Nothing must change this spiritual practice, nothing must substitute it nor cancel it. If you pray, you will be united with Me and My Immaculate Heart. During this month of May, I will be with you, as I was in the hearts of the little shepherds of Fatima.
In the same way that My Heart is still present in the Sanctuary of Fatima and throughout Portugal, the Love of the Mother of God, the devotion of the Heavenly Mother, the purity of the Servant of God has to be in more hearts of the world. For in spite of what may happen on the surface of the Earth, nothing will happen to you and you will be able to follow in the footsteps of the Mother of God on the pathways of reconciliation and of peace so that you may be in communion with Christ, My beloved Son, and thus be sanctified by His Spirit through the Holy Eucharist.
But now, My children, it is urgent and important that you deepen your Spiritual Communion with My Son. This is the time for each one of you to recognize the truthfulness of your sincere union with My beloved Son, because this is the only thing that will save you and protect you in these times. For this reason, adore Him, revere Him and pray to Christ so that the Fountain of His Mercy may continue to descend to the world and upon those places that are most in need.
Today, your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, has traveled the entire planet to gather the pleas of each of Her children, and you, who are here, have you pleaded with Me? Have you called on Me as your Advocate and Mediator in the face of your possible wrongs?
This is the time for change, but also the time for becoming aware. All the treasures that you receive from Heaven must be testified to in light of the coming of My Son, and this will be an act and a reality for each one of you, as well as for those who are not here and who, in a confused way, lost the footsteps of My Son.
But I do not come to the world with Justice, rather with Love, with a mature Love that allows you to grow and take responsibility for this Plan of Love that God consciously gave you so that you could fulfill it and live it.
All this Grace that you receive is nothing personal; it is a great planetary, human and inner need for each of your souls and spirits.
After one hundred and three years of having been in Fatima, I come to ask you to be consistent with My Son and that you mature, for there is still much to do, there is still much to carry out, there are still pilgrimages to move forward within those places of the world where the suffering is real and painful, where brothers and sisters of yours permanently suffer in chaos and adversity.
The Heart of My Son, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and My maternal and Immaculate Heart need to reach those places in these definitive times.
But this is My aspiration; first you must build it within yourselves, to then constitute it outside of yourselves. That will allow you to experience reality rather than the illusion of what My call means. Because My call is not an illusion; it is a need and a call to congregate each one of your hearts so that you may have the opportunity of giving your best to God, after all that He has given you.
In the same way that I bring this message to you, I also bring a message of Love for the world, because the suffering has to end, the ignorance has to end, ingratitude has to end, and this will depend on each of you, My children.
I invite you to again enter the school of love, the school of gratitude and, especially, the school of obedience, so that your hearts may continue to be guided in the face of a planetary reality that day after day becomes more complicated due to the great distancing of humanity from God.
Did you distance yourself from God? The test of faith will come for each of your hearts and, in that hour, I will be praying for you, just as I am praying for the world, for the special Grace that will grant the end of this pandemic throughout all of humanity, so that hearts, souls and people may reconsider their lives; because without solidarity, without fraternity and without gratitude, humanity will not return to normal.
The time has ended and your consciousness must inwardly grow; in this way, you will be like souls, being accompanied by us from Heaven, to move forward with this task that has not yet ended.
Today I place your hearts in the inner gardens of Lys so that you may remember your original purity. It is the purity that will protect and safeguard you from yourselves in this time, so that you may continue walking in Christ and for Christ, recognizing the strengths that He has given you and the virtues that He has placed within your souls so that you are able to follow and serve Him.
He has His Arms open and His Hands stretched out to the world. In the same way, My children, I stretch out My arms to you so that you may see in My hands the Light of Grace that touches you, for the purpose of living discernment and wisdom, so that you do not make hurried decisions, because this is the last chance.
The cup is already overflowing and the promises that were made by your Lady in Akita, Rwanda (Kibeho), Garabandal, Fatima, and Mexico (Guadalupe), as well as in Medjugorje, will be fulfilled.
Today I have My Heart in those who experience Me, those who love Me, those who wait for Me, those who pray with Me, those who cry out and those who never tire of serving. Within them lie the promises of Christ so that they may be accomplished and realized. I hope that it will be so, in each one of you.
I am grateful, dear children, for the sincere love that was given as a response to My requests for the consecration of families to My Immaculate Heart. Those families, those souls and those hearts today receive the especial consecration of the Mother of God, so that God may hold them in His Mercy and His Grace, and help them to experience the end of these times, which is a time unknown to everyone.
In gratitude for each of them, I bless you and I say goodbye.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the Peace of Fatima, the inner sanctuary, remain in your hearts. Amen.
I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazõn de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Be still, dear children, be still.
I am present, doing a work with the world and your hearts are participants in it. An essential work for Peace and for the victory of the Kingdom of God in humanity.
I am so grateful, dear children, for this offering at the foot of My Altar. Offering of My children, of My most little children, for in My eyes, dear children, you are the littlest in the deepest essence of My Heart.
Today, I come as the Queen of Peace, as the Lady of the Universe, as the first Spokesperson of the cosmos for the planet.
Today, I want to tell you, dear children, that God has heard your offerings, the sincere offer of prayer for peace. And today, Jesus has come with Me, in the splendor of His Mercy, to bring you good news: that hope is not lost in the world.
This rejoices Our Hearts and the Heart of God, in the deep spiritual plenitude of knowing that there are souls who correspond to the Plans of the Most High.
Thus, through the ages and centuries, I have come to bring you My Peace and to announce My pleas to you; for I, dear children, am lovingly a part of you and you are a part of Me.
Jesus gave Me to you at the foot of the Cross. And you, have you given yourselves to Me? I know that many have already done so.
Although redemption continues in these times, I invite you, My children, not to tire of being bearers of My Universal Peace; for that deep and true spirit, which comes from My Immaculate Heart, comes to the rescue of the world in these times. And you, My beloved children, in the perfect plenitude of My Heart, will be able to be transmitters of that Peace to the world.
The pain has not yet ended and the war continues between hearts; but, in this part of South America, the seeds of Light, which your Blessed Mother sowed some years ago, are blooming.
Dear children, offer these fruits to the Most High God, they are fruits of Grace, Love and Unity. Participate, My children, in this Spiritual Communion with Christ present, who pours His Rays of Mercy upon you and especially upon those who suffer most from the lack of peace and love.
May your actions, dear children, be acts of love and compassion. For the love you have for Me, beloved children, may your thoughts and feelings no longer be destructive. May your true feeling be the deep feeling of My Son, may your thought be the Pure Thought of God.
I bring you a unique possibility: may you be My peacemakers, the peacemakers of Christ Jesus. Thus, through the universe and the stars, your Heavenly Mother and Her Most Holy Son came here to make this spiritual request, not only to those who are present at this moment, but also to those who listen to My Heart and to the Heart of My Beloved Son.
Today, I open My Mantle before you; I show you My Immaculate Heart, relieved at last by the love of My dear children, but I still have many sorrows for the world.
I would like you, beloved children, not only to be columns of My Peace, but also to be spokespersons of the Peace of the Lord, so that many beloved lost children may also find the essence and the spirit of My Peace.
Today, I am not alone here, I am with the Holy Presences of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Today, the celestial choirs are gathered in this oratory of Love merging with the Spiritual Plane of God to establish this infinite communication with the essential mirrors of your hearts. Thus, the Gates of Heaven open in difficult and chaotic times. But know, dear children, that the Divine Word of your prayers brings the gentleness for these times and the peace that many need in this era.
Today, I am here, dear children, again radiating the love of Lys-Fatima to you, because the original purity is possible in your lives.
No longer look at your mistakes or your problems, look at your hearts which are full in My Heart of Light. In the sacred Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; before the Heavens that hear you, your voices will sing: "Lys, Maria, Lys".
Raise your candles for the innocent souls, so that the original purity may be established again in the essences that most need the Mercy of God. I hear you.
Song: "Lys, Maria, Lys".
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I want you to understand, dear children, that all the Words that I delivered to you in recent times, especially in the last days, may have seemed hard to many hearts, but they had the purpose of awakening your souls to find you today in the plenitude of My Spirit. Because you will be able to understand, through all that I have shown you, that the only way out is the one that leads you in the direction of My Immaculate Heart.
Today, you experience and know the power of your prayers, when they are absolutely united to My Immaculate Heart. Do you understand now, My beloved ones, a little of this love that exists within each one of you?
Today, I bring the Kingdom of Lys to this world, not only to this place, but especially to those places on the planet where the adversary is trying to make the purity of the hearts of My little children disappear.
The source of the purity of Lys is endless and, whenever you cry out for this purity in My Name, the Spring of Divine Energy will be poured over those essences that need it most, that are being extinguished by pain and suffering.
Tonight, I want you to know the brightness of the mirrors of your hearts, for I am igniting the Mirrors of Lys, those that today are projected within each soul that hears My call.
Dear children, I want this day to be marked in your lives and that this, which you felt at this moment when you cried out together with My Heart, only grows and promotes the transformation of your lives.
Everything you live must have as its basis what you felt in your heart at this moment, because what I made you feel is what you truly are: divine essences, which merge in God through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Today, here, in omnipresence and divinity, I want to leave you this blessing so that you may carry it to all of humanity; so that, through the example of your lives, you may make known the potential of the human heart.
Today, I leave you My Love in the depths of your beings so that you may seek it whenever you need it and whenever you find on your paths someone in need of this Full Love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Opening the doors of your hearts, My children, the solutions come and the truth is manifested in the Sacred Presence of God who gathers you and summons you to love more and more each day.
My feet will continue to wander not only in the conflicts of the world, but also in the nations that need the Light of My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, on this blessed night, in which the angels of Heaven congregate, I invite you, dear children, to go on pilgrimage with Me to Colombia and Venezuela; nations that must be pacified with all the prayers of My beloved children. There remains this call to each one of you so that your hearts may accompany Me in this spiritual mission.
But also, I have come here tonight, together with My Son Jesus, so that the Sacred Hearts, in the name of the Greater Good, consecrate these new children who will raise their aspirations to My maternal Heart so that I may feel and know them as a true feeling of always seeking union with the Kingdom of God.
Therefore, My children, children who will consecrate yourselves today, stand before My Presence and I will come to bless you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, those of you who are able, kneel.
Prayer: Hail Mary (Portuguese).
Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My very dear children, just as in Kibeho, when I appeared to the young people to give Africa the spirit of the Piety of God; today, I come to give you My Maternal Piety, that which helps your little hearts and which opens the doors to those who walk behind Me.
Today, your steps are directed towards My paths of Light. Today, your souls resume their commitment to My Universal Heart. Today, your spirits merge in God Most High, so that His Mercy may be established in the hearts and peace may reign in these times.
My very dear children, today I place each one of you close to My breast, close to My Immaculate Heart, so that you may feel the fullness of My Light and My Truth.
Today, I gather you within My sacred Mantle so that you may be spirits of prayer, precious instruments of God; Children of Mary who spread the Voice of the Heavenly Mother, who spread the principle of powerful prayer that I have been teaching you, throughout the ages, through the intercession of the Holy Archangel Gabriel, for the Archangel Gabriel announced himself before My Presence.
Today, this Sacred Creator Father brings you the spirit of Piety, Reconciliation, Peace, Mercy and Love.
Today, your debts are erased so that you may be born in My Spirit, in My arms, as Jesus was; and thus, these blessings may reach your families. Do not lose, dear children, the impulse I give you today. Your spirits will rejoice in the joy of My maternal Heart, just as Elizabeth and the holy women rejoiced in the Holy Spirit of God.
By the divine authority of the Grace and Mercy of God, in the name of the peace of the entire celestial universe, I consecrate you in the hope of a great transformation.
Under the Light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may your hearts rejoice, for you are in the Kingdom of the Mother of God. Sing, Children of Mary, from the depths of your hearts.
I thank you, beloved children, for responding to My call; for today, My Immaculate Heart had its triumph in the world.
Peace, shalom
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, I want you all to sing the Hail Mary to Me. I am here to listen to you.
Let go of your faults and open your hearts. I am your Mother, the Queen of Peace.
Lift up your candles as a sign of peace for the world. Today I come to pray for you and for humanity, to untie the knots that get in the way of the freedom of My children.
Listen to My Heart; It is your only refuge.
I am here, welcoming your pleas, My children, and those of your families; give them all to Me.
Now, My children, listen to My Message.
The enemy fears My power, because it is deeply unknown to it. The power I have is Love, which defeats all evil, changes every heart and transforms a whole life.
In this very difficult time, seek the power of My Love, which is the merciful Love of My Son, which I pour out through My Immaculate Heart for all.
Open the doors of your hearts and lives, and seek the essence of My maternal Love. I hope to deposit it in each of you, as in each moment of prayer that your lips share with My voice.
Today, I am received with gladness and rejoicing, and this greatly relieves My Heart in light of the grave faults that all of humanity commits.
Place your aspirations in My Immaculate Heart. God wishes to have you experience new things, transformative things that you will not recognize in yourselves.
Thus, it will be through the essence of My Love and of the authority of My celestial power that your lives will soon be free; you will achieve the healing which you have so spiritually sought and you will be very close to My Heart, in the shelter of My maternal arms, where I always want to have you so as to observe you, console you and give you My most pure Love.
You, My children, can be sparks of My Immaculate Heart. See how many sparks have already been ignited through the Children of Mary. Seek the consecration of your lives.
Do not fear what disturbs you or makes you uneasy. My Heart will always protect you.
I come to bring relief to your sorrows and faults. I come to give you the spring of My divine healing, but I need hearts that are repositories of My Truth, My Love and My prayer.
In this way, little by little, My children, as if nobody perceived it, the world will be transforming inwardly. The inner seed of all souls, which is the Divine Light of God, is going out in many hearts.
Through My promise to the Creator, I come to reignite your spirits so you may reach the immaculate path, the sacred path that will always lead you to experience redemption, redemption through My Son Jesus. He ardently waits for you in the hour of His infinite Mercy so that all the souls of the world are able to recognize the source of His Love, which continues to be poured out over the world, even though Justice is already active.
Seek the spring of My Son. Seek His Mercy and His Compassion. No longer lament over your lives, stop suffering from your own sorrows. Set your hands to service and charity; in this way, you will please the Heart of the Celestial Father; because He, from His Greater Kingdom, will see the suns shinning in all this planetary firmament.
I come to wake up your missionary heart, your desire to serve and give of yourself, to forgive and to love.
Humanity has forgotten the essence of forgiveness. Thus, I come on this evening to meet with you because, from the first moment when I appeared for you on this evening, your souls and hearts gave Me what you still have not forgiven.
My Heart will transform all things. My Heart is the divine Law of Peace and Love. Dare to forgive that which you have not forgiven. Beloved children, you are in time for doing so.
My Heart will always aid you. I will never leave you alone while you pray with Me through the prayer of the heart.
Reinforce your pleas to Heaven. Your guardian angels are available to serve you. Who will listen to them? Who will perceive their invisible presence?
There are many angels that are being subjugated, mainly in these great cities, because they cannot manage to carry souls toward the Love of God, because they are bound by the lives of humankind. And each time I come to this place, as well as to each city I visit, My Heart frees them and takes them to Heaven, so that the guardian angels of all souls of the Earth can renew the principle of their mission and return to serve you in simplicity, in charity and in love.
I do not come only to see you, but rather each of your angels; the angels that are lost in this city and that need all your prayers, My children, so that they themselves can be freed and manage to transform the life of all beings, which is very lost.
But My Heart was consoled today by your hearts. I can reflect My smile of Light into your lives. That will always calm Me, because I see consistent and available hearts, at any hour and place, responding to My call to prayer, to service and also to transmutation.
Dear children, beloved children, hold My Words in your hearts.
I come at this very difficult time to work with My Love in each of your hearts, so they may be strengthened for the times that will come, because you must be prepared for the Return of Christ.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Those who respond to My call represent the hope of My Immaculate Heart. Because even though this world, My children, often seems irreversible because of the darkness that dwells in it; when I come to the world and find hearts that pray, that light the flame of devotion in the depths of their essences, I open a door to the Throne of God, and thus show the Creator how humanity still generates merits for the salvation of this planet and the Kingdoms of Nature.
But on this night, I say to you that the world still has much need of your help, that you perpetually pray. That in the same way you pray when you are with Me or when you prepare the way for My coming to the Earth, in this way you should pray every day; because when you always truly pray with your heart, I find an opportunity for coming to the world. And even though you do not see Me, you will be able to feel My Heart, because I will be close to you, carrying your prayers to the Lord, as merits of humanity for the salvation of so many souls that are lost.
You cannot imagine, My children, that the great pain of the Lord can be relieved by such small prayers. In this way, you will see that it is not much that I ask of you; I ask you for small efforts, yet sincere and true.
Thus, on this night, I have a new request for you: in this house, I want to see a point of Light for the world. And just as you are here today, I ask that you find a space in your lives to not allow the stronghold I am building in this place be lost, and that it must be built with the effort of each of you.
In the same way, My children, I need each Marian Center to be aided by the Children of Mary and by all those who in their heart feel like responding to this call.
God needs to see the effort of human beings to balance all the indifference that exists in the world. Evil strives day and night, My children, to expand its reign on the planet. And where will the soldiers of Christ be who, through prayer, service, and charity, must expand a new Light in the world, that will light up the abysses, that will illumine the essence of all beings, that will rescue the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so lost?
This is My last call. I am making all the efforts, My children, that I am able. Every day I kneel before the Lord, offering Him all that I have, up to the purest Rose of My Heart for the salvation of humanity. But the Lord asks Me to come to the world and wake up the heart of humankind; because not only My Divine Heart must cry out, the human heart must daily lift its cry to Heaven, just as the Son of God did; so that, through the sacrifice and surrender of your lives, Mercy is able to be poured out again over this world.
Listen to My call, My children, which with so much Love enters your being. My Peace returns to the world through your lives and must expand into each space of this planet through your hearts, the peace-bringing you will carry out in your families, in your homes, in your work, in the daily life of each of you. I want to be with you not only in prayer, but also in service and in each small daily action.
Do not forget, My dears, that each small act of your lives is an opportunity to generate merits with God for the salvation of many souls that do not deserve it, but need it.
Today, while this place, this city, is lost in illusions, in festivities, I want you to cry out for all those who do not listen to My Voice, for all those who do not know Me; for in this way, My children, My Mantle will not only expand over this place, but also in all this nation and in this world.
Pray with Me for peace in each instant of your lives. I will always wait for you and always hear you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
The Universe of God gave you this house so that you could learn to serve, to love and to forgive.
The time has come, My children, that you renew this sacred space, because here, the inner Christs must wake up through redemption and peace.
I see, dear children, that you have gifted Me with a heart of roses. At the end of this meeting, give a part of My Heart to each soul so that they see, in this symbol, the infinite expression of My Love for all the world, for this humanity, and for each of the souls.
Continue to pray for the souls that are lost, mainly for those that are mutilated and suffer the consequences of the enemy. My Heart, through your sincere prayers, will aid the world and will always release it from all evil; for the time has come, beloved children, for the soldiers to begin to work and form the armies of Light in the preferred cenacle of My prayer.
I leave here with joy. My eyes illumine your paths.
Continue to transform your hearts with patience. I will always guide you, beloved children.
Once again I ask that, in honor of God the Creator, and for all those who suffer, you sing to My Heart. In this way, I will lift up your sweet voices to the Throne of the Father, which must be voices of love that express thanks and love for the Creator.
I thank you, beloved children, for responding to My call.
Pray, pray a lot; do not forget to pray. You need it and the world also. In this way, you will allow Me to return here to bless you.
And while you sing to Me, lift up your rosaries so that I can bless them with the luminous sign of the Cross of My Son.
I bless these sacred and immaculate elements that provide Light and the conversion of souls, with the celestial permission of God and with the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Our Lady."
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I ask you to stand up and sing, for thus, I will consecrate each of your souls.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
I am present, listening to your voices, opening the doors of Heaven for the hearts that suffer.
Sing to Me with more love and with faith.
I bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Walk with Me.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Well, we will share some things with you that have happened and some requests of Our Lady.
We will first ask Friar Elías to share those things that Our Lady requested of us.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Each meeting with Mary is a renewal of our lives. She came here as the Queen of Peace, wearing Her blue Mantle, Her light blue robe with a blue sash, barefoot, praying for each of us. As we went praying, a thread of Light gradually descended over the city of Rio de Janeiro; everything around that was dark began to be absorbed by that channel of Light, and within this movement, there were many souls that were also being freed by the angels that accompanied our Mother.
When Our Lady named our guardian angels, for a few minutes, each of our angels manifested and there were far more than us who were present. The guardian angels of each of us were grateful that Our Lady spoke for them, for they are permanently in service.
When we were intoning the song, now at the end, the manifestation of Our Lady Mary of Succor appeared, carrying the Child Jesus in Her arms, Who manifested very strongly, opened His arms, showed His small Heart, and said: "I will always reign."
Afterwards, Our Lady showed Her Crown, which was not a Crown of Hers, but rather She said that today we crowned Her with our love.
She made two important requests, that so this new cycle of the "Casa Cristo do Bem" could continue not only through the groups of prayer, but in the service task which this House always carried out; the Divine Mother says we must renew and welcome souls, because there are many, many souls here, in this city, Mary said, who need to wake up their inner Christ. And She established a special blessing here so that this could happen, and Mary was telling us that this would happen through the act of our service.
She committed to accompanying us in the task of the "Cristo do Bem" (Christ of the Good) and Her request was that the image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity should manifest here.
She consecrated this space where the altar is for placing the image, as it is in various Marian Centers, the white image which has the rosary in Her hands; and that image will also be at the Marian Center of the Child King, because She always said She would be the Doorkeeper of our homes.
Madre María Shimani de Montserrat:
And fulfilling a request of Our Lady, we will reveal a new cycle to you that we will experience with Her.
Yesterday, when we were performing a prayer at the Marian Center of the Child King, in the liturgy, Our Lady appeared unexpectedly and She showed us something very important; She showed us how She will begin to appear in this cycle of humanity.
She told us that She made a special end of cycle request of God, because She needs to gather up all our Hearts into Her Heart; and She will make a last attempt for this humanity, because things are getting more and more difficult, and the greatest sorrow of Our Lady and of Christ is that humanity is rejecting the Mercy.
Humanity does not pay attention to the call of the Divine Messengers and turns its back on the Graces of God. For this reason, Our Lady will make Her last motherly attempt and we are now going to read the experience that Friar Elías had yesterday, where the new Presence of Our Lady is described and what Our Lady will do with us during all this next year.
Sister Lucía de Jesús reads the story on the special Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, of February 27, 2015, during a private prayer of the consecrated members of the Grace Mercy Order, at the Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
The rose Mary offers us is the spiritual symbol of Her Conception. We could say that when God conceived the Spirit of Mary, through His Thought and His Love, He materialized a white rose, which would be the symbol of Original Purity.
For this reason, today Mary offers all of humanity the most precious thing She possesses as Consciousness, that which God conceived of for Her Spirit in the beginning; it is the last thing She has.
For this reason, we have to keep very much in mind the urgency Mary feels about our hearing Her call. She has already divested Herself of everything, including the purest She has, which God has given Her since Her Origin. For this reason, it is very important that we are able to respond to the call of Mary.
As from tomorrow, March 1, every day Mary will descend over the planet to once again give a daily Message with Her Instructions, Her call of Love for the rescue of all this humanity. So we will be attentive to be able to receive this Grace of Our Lady and be able to accompany Her in this cycle so that, as She says, God is able to see that this humanity still is rescuable and we are able to show Our Lord that His angels have no need to send His Justice.
So we invite you all to pay attention as from tomorrow; in reality, be more attentive so that all of us are able to share this new cycle, which will surely have a significant impact on the planetary consciousness; because as we have been able to see, in this end time, our Mother has been very direct and has told us many truths, because She considers we are already adult children and that we need to know the truths of this world.
So, for everybody, pay attention as from tomorrow, or more attention. We will say goodbye, singing as we always do, and we personally want to thank you all for the warmth of heart we were able to experience here today.
Song: "Mercy, Mary."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My dear children, in times of no peace, may peace exist; thus, open your hearts to My call so My Voice may reverberate deep within you.
I open the Book of Heaven to you so you may know the Mysteries of God, which are the essence of Love and of Truth.
My dear children, I have come here, to Ciudad del Este, to ask for the consecration of all souls to My Immaculate Heart, because this city, Foz do Iguaçu and Asunción must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
There must be strong prayer groups who dedicate their prayers and pleas to all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also My children and have need of your prayers, so God may pour out His Mercy on them.
I come to ask you for simple things, because your hearts can understand Me. My hands open to caress you, bless you and consecrate you in these end times to the Will of God, which is unknown to many as they forget the Commandments, the basic laws of life which allow you, in your lives, to follow a correct path toward the Light.
For this reason, dear children, base your lives on the Holy Rosary. Seek the essence of the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in this way, you will participate in My Plans of Peace, even though you do not believe it.
Just like in Medjugorje, I come to announce a last time of peace for humanity.
You, My little beloved ones, have in your hands the key to salvation. Carry the holy rosary with you as an emblem of peace and of love, of unity and of compassion among creatures. In this way, My beloveds, you will allow Me to accompany you in each new prayer exercise.
When the sun rises every day, it is My Immaculate Heart that rises to illuminate your abysses, dispel the shadows and bring the Light of God to this suffering world. Thus, unite with Me every day in prayer; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have many hearts that live here today also be consistent with the Call of God.
Do not tire, dear children, of looking for the path of peace and of surrender. God promises you precious things for your lives, when your souls simply unite with Me in prayer.
Since the beginning of this world, God has given you the sacred attribute of the prayer of the heart, which not only brings peace to your hearts and lives, but also an inner and outer silence which is so lacking here. Your hearts must learn to listen to God.
I Am your Mediator, your Universal Mother. I need you to hold tight to My Mantle in these times. Many souls are lost in this current world and the majority do not perceive that this is damnation.
Day and night, My tears are spilled over this world because My children do not change, do not seek the truth, do not want to live redemption so as to be able to experience a glorifying of their lives. I need you to be firm and ready, open to listening to My Words, which are the last in this time, and which reverberate in this space and in the depths of your essences, where God and My Son Jesus Christ wish to reside.
Thus, open your eyes to My call; be builders of the New Humanity, allow your cells to awaken through My Voice and be able to change into sources of Mercy.
I will not tire of reminding you that the door for the return to God is open.
This is My last request of humanity.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today, in My Purity, I open the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, My children, you are able to reacquire the original purity that lives in your hearts, and which was lost over the centuries through the illusion and the modernity of the world.
Today, I want you to recall that holy Indian who one day trusted in My Presence, giving this nation and all of humanity the possibility of being consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
My dears, each of you brings in your blood and in your essence the purity of that holy Indian. Today, before the Doors of Heaven, open the eyes of your hearts so that, as in that time, you are able to feel My Presence, can see My Heart, My Immaculate Spirit which comes into your lives never to be forgotten again.
Today, My Love is held in your cells, in your souls, as long as you say 'yes' to Me. If you come to meet with Me, even if out of curiosity, do not be afraid to be before My Heart, because I called your souls one at a time so that you could find Me again; so that through you, My children, many others who are lost in the world may be able to return to the Heart of God. This is a unique opportunity for your souls as well as for humanity.
My children, the Divine Verb comes to the world to make souls in likeness to their Creator, to teach you to love, to forgive, to be merciful in this world, which so lacks Mercy.
My beloveds, on this night I invite you to truly open your heart, so that it is not only a moment with Me, but that this hour be perpetuated every day of your lives and that, through daily prayer, you are able to unite again with Me, because I am with all those who pray, I am with all those who cry out from the heart.
I hear your pleas even when you do not feel Me. I perpetually observe the world, I observe the children God entrusted to Me, so that the smallest opening of the heart could make the conversion of your beings possible, so that you could return to the Heart of the Father as to the Heart of the Universe and to that Origin from which your essences come.
My children, today I invite you to return to My Heart, which shows itself to your eyes, and those who accept My call can see and feel My Presence. Come into these arms that open to the world today and call humanity to an awakening.
I wait for you from the beginning and will eternally wait for you until one day, you are able to decide on a definite 'yes' to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
As Queen of Peace, I leave the sacred symbol of the Cross of My Son over your beings, as a sign of conversion and of rehabilitation for all.
I need you, dear children, to open the door of your hearts to God.
I am very grateful for your presence, and I call all those children who need a celestial blessing, a sublime Grace, to meet with Me here tomorrow, in this same place and time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
As Mary said to us, She came today as the Queen of Peace. When She arrived here, behind Her we could see many beings that were singing, and I asked: "Mother, is that song of the Celestial Kingdom?", and She responded: "No, this is the song of this world, of all the pilgrims I accompany on this day," and She was showing us that, at the same time She was here, She was accompanying the devotees in Fatima, in Belén de Pará and Our Lady Aparecida.
Afterwards, She said the words we could all hear and said goodbye, leaving an invitation for each of us of offering this Grace we received today so that others of our brothers and sisters could also receive it.
So, we are going to call those who we know have need of the Presence of Our Lady and we are going to bring those brothers and sisters here, so She can also listen to their pleas and pour Her blessings over them.
We thank you all for having come, and tomorrow we will meet again in the Heart of Mary.
And to all the brothers and sisters who followed us through Misericordia María TV, we also deeply thank you.
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Thank you all.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more