Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Do not fear, while I am present, chaos does not prevail in the world; for it is the Light of God that descends through My Heart, to open the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens, and in this way, all may enter through My Immaculate Heart.

At this acute hour of the planet, I need you to implore for the attributes of the Universal Mother. As it was at the beginning of My Apparitions, I invite all My dear children of the whole world to again take up daily the 72 beads of contemplation, until I so indicate, dear children. In this way, the Holy Spirit of God will be over your lives, especially in your hearts, not only guiding you, but also guiding other souls that will have need of change and redemption.

Each of you, dear children, needs to live an Attribute of God. It is urgent that the Gifts of the Father be established in your lives, so the new apostles of Christ, who will come from different spiritual paths, are able to form a single flock, united with your Heavenly Mother, for the thousand years of peace and before My Son returns in His Glory.

I am with you, dear children, although you may not believe it, in the small daily decisions. I am calling all My dear children so that you not only be consistent with the prayer of the heart, but also, My children, from the consciousness of humanity and society, you erase the signs of evil that are scattered as news and developments to poison hearts that must wake up to the Holy Spirit of God.

I am the Mother of all Brazil and nobody can deny it. Throughout the centuries and times, since the beginning of the colonization, in the heart of the indigenous consciousness, I have been accompanying all My children so they can achieve redemption and rehabilitation. There are still many of them that continue to commit errors over time; like what is happening up until today, on this day, which generates confusion in minds and disruption in hearts, distancing everybody from God, from the true Purpose that comes from Heaven through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Tie your beliefs, your families and all your paths to the Heart of the Sacred Hearts. In this way, dear children, you will not fear anything. You will walk firmly toward My Son on this pathway of redemption and of peace which all are invited to live.

The great decision to do this, dear children, is in you, to do something for Brazil and for all of humanity. Let your hearts not sleep. Let your minds not be distracted. With your hearts and voices, invoke the Kingdom of God through the prayer of the heart. Unite as a single spiritual family and no longer be indifferent. Open the doors of your hearts so that the divine instructions may enter and sow the new seeds that will constitute the New Humanity.

Today, dear children, I am not only here with you; through the fire of My Heart, the Holy Spirit of God is present. New flames are being reignited over the self-called, to generate the redemption of humanity and all the nations of the world in this time.

Dear children, be forerunners of My Voice. Carry the call to those who sleep. Open the eyes of all those who are indifferent, of distracted minds, of hearts that are closed and that for a long time, do not want to hear God.

In your lives, dear children, I need to form a true cenacle of prayer that is able to be the main vortex for these end times, in which I am able to avail Myself of your prayers to present them in honor of the Celestial Father. Because if the majority of humanity, dear children, does not position itself to experience the prayer of the heart, today I cannot tell you what will happen with humanity. The actions themselves of the world will show all the events.

I sincerely invite you, beloved children, to come out of yourselves for once in your life, to open your eyes to the needs of all of humanity, especially of all the nations that suffer the consequences of their governors or the decisions of all their people.

Believe, dear children, that you are a people of God called to serve in these times, available to respond to the call of your Heavenly Mother. Through these happenings, the Apocalypse of humanity is being re-written. The angels are alert to the movements of the whole planet. Open your eyes and observe how the angels carry out the Works of God, in a profound silence and adoration for the world.

I need you,  dear children, to define yourselves for taking the last step; because I truly know that many will not be those who will be with Me in this crucial time of humanity. But I come to ask the impossible for you. The potential is in your spirits since your origins. So, dear children, accompany Me on this pilgrimage, in this Campaign for Peace, which I try to build in all the hearts of the Earth and in all the nations of the world. There is still much to be done and humanity will suffer because they have consciously chosen it.

But I do not want to carry you into suffering. I Am the Source of Kindness and of Love for all. You cannot imagine, dear children, how many nights I have gone through without having My children in My arms.

Who will offer themselves in this critical hour for that?

Who will console the Heart of the Universal Mother in the face of the ravages of this world, the actions of all the beings of the Earth?

No longer provoke the anger of God, because you do not know it, dear children. Unite with the celestial call and be like the armies of angels that respond to the commands of the Mother of the World. Be true mirrors of prayer. Do not be divided. Unite through prayer and by means of service to fellow beings. At least in this way, dear children, you will gladden My Immaculate Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Because if you seek to establish peace on the planet, you will also establish it in your lives.

It is not necessary, dear children, to think only of yourselves, when the planet is in agony and when there are so many children of Mine that truly suffer in this world.

If you hear My call today, My Words and My Proclamation of peace, it is because peace must reign in your lives; it is because I assembled you, I gathered you together in My Cenacle of Love so that, on this day of so much confusion, of so much lethargy in the human consciousness, you would be able to  awaken and recognize, My children, that My Presence is alive among humankind, just as are the presence of My Son and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

I am here, My children, I am beside each one of your souls.

I come to the world every day, because the need is so great, that I cannot allow, My beloveds, that souls and essences created by God should be lost through ignorance, because of not knowing the Creator, for only choosing the pleasures and illusions of this world.

Children, everything you are experiencing on this Earth will pass like a breath, but that which you concretize in your essences will remain forever. Do not worry about the suffering of the body, when what are really enduring are your souls, when here in this world, your minds experience permanent ignorance and illusion.

I call you this night to awaken and to definitely respond to My call.

The time has come, My children, for uniting all religions, all peoples, all the nations, all the cultures of this world, for at this moment, your planet has need of peace, and if you do not unite your hearts, the enemy will separate not only the religions of this world, but also your souls from the Heart of God.

If there were no unity among beings, there will be no unity with the Creator. There will be no real religion; because those who do not experience love, do not live in the Father; while all those that experience love, live in Christ, although they may not be Christians and have found another path to awaken their consciousness to the living of love.

What really matters, My children, is that you be real, fraternal, that you unite with the principle of love and of peace, because that is the only thing humanity will need in these times.

Enough, My children, of living illusions and seeking a pleasure that will end this world if you do not awaken to a life of prayer and of peace!

My children, on this evening I want you to understand that much greater than what takes place in matter, and that is expanding throughout the world, before eyes that cannot see, is the battle in spirit; because as I have said to you, My adversary does not rest, it does not sleep for even a minute. 

On this evening, at the same time I am here, there are millions of My children that are distracted by the search for a false power; while I, My children, want to reveal that the Power of God aspires to manifest in your lives.

And what I ask of you is very simple, because to experience peace, you do not need to do great things; you only need to open your hearts, because My Love by Itself will knock down the barriers of your minds, and in your lives will establish My Reign of Love, of Peace and of Hope, so that you, My beloveds, may be an army of light in this world of darkness; so you may establish the Kingdom of My Son, and He may find you ready when the hour of return should come.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Mother of the Holy Spirit and seek your true spirituality; for that to be real, everything begins on the path of prayer and of peace, something you are simply invited to live.

I would like to speak to you this evening, dear children, about the Celestial Universes and all His Creation, but the world needs to know the truth, what God feels in His Heart when His children completely deny Him.

Untiringly, dear children, I will continue to take My steps by your side so that you are able to reach the path of redemption; and when that happens, My Son will return to rescue those who have become lost in the tribulation.

I thank you for responding to My call and to this moment of prayer with My Heart. I will carry these prayers like a relief to the Heart of God and of all of humanity.

Today I will not consecrate Children of Mary, because God is in His deep silence. I consecrate you in spirit. That is the true goal for every server of the Plan.

Yes, I will bless you, because you need it to continue walking at My side. You are already My children, since before you presented yourselves to be so. For God, everything is already accomplished.

I thank you for understanding Me. Everything has a greater answer which with time, you will understand.

I thank you, I give you My Peace, and I anoint you with the Light of My Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer: Universal Mother (in Portuguese).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Oil for the anointing.


Be prepared when the universe asks things of you.

With this oil, I will bless those who today I will not be able to consecrate, with the luminous sign of the Cross of My Son and as a testimony of My Love for all the children of the Earth.

You will be asking yourselves why I do this, because it is Christ Who will consecrate them today; in this way, I will prepare the way for Him to return, through your lives.


Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).


Now yes, dear children, carry the Cross of Christ as the true sign of redemption.

And now, I ask that you sing for all My children of the world who are not consecrated.

Those who will be indicated by the Cross of My Son will accept to pray for those who do not consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart, and I will pray for you until the end of days.

I thank you and go in peace!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.