My first memories about the pain of the world are approached through the Passion. The hour is approaching. The disciples must be conscious of this.

The Lord is on His throne and all around see Him to glorify and honor Him. After that, I entered for humanity.

Today I make you prostrate before the Most High and Sovereign God. Today I make you prostrate so that peace be established in the world and not war between the hearts.

Today I make you prostrate so that you may be able to feel this as something true that is born from My Heart and that is vivified in the souls. Feel from My Heart all the joy for this moment, all the renewal for this encounter and for each step that is taken in sacrifice, in the name of the Son of God and of the realization of His Work throughout the times and of this last cycle.

Today I make you prostrate as the angels when they are before God, before His Majesty and Omnipotence, before His Power and Omniscience, before His Omnipresence and Divinity. Thus the three apostles prostrated when they saw Me transfigured on Mount Tabor, so that in this way they would accept the concretion of the Project until the end of times, until I returned.

Now elevate yourselves and see your Guardian Angels prostrated before the Heavenly Father, in intercession for each one of you and for the world. For the legions of Light are working, as one, to defeat My adversary and his opposing kingdoms that make the Earth and the all of humanity tremble for the actions of the unjust and of those indifferent to God.

Each time you prostrate, you work on your resignation and humility, removing the false human power, the lie and negation among my people. For who is with Me is so, truly. And if they are in My Truth, they are in the transparency of things. Although sometimes they cannot live it, I give them the inner strength to do it and to fulfill My designs.

Today many souls of the world weep for not being able to recognize Me, for having left behind the commitment and having submerged themselves in the abysses of the Earth. But I Am here to encourage you, so that you continue in My Path of perseverance and of faith. Therefore today I am not in the heights of the Heavens.

My Feet touch this Altar, that is why I have made you prostrate before Me so that you are prostrated before My Heavenly Father.

If the King touches this ground with His feet, it is a sign that things can change before everything happens, as a consequence of His disciples and of His workers of the Plan.

Let your heart be inundated by My Merciful Love so that this Love may multiply infinitely and heal all the wounds.

I am the perfect motive for your doubts and I hope that you do not forget when everything begins to happen in humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Friar Juan de la Cruz, Friar Cristóbal, Friar Joaquín, Friar Sebastian and Friar Thiago: at the request of our Lord, present yourselves here on the stage.

As I call the sheep, I call inside of your hearts so that you may unite to Me, in this maximum Work that I am realizing for everyone and in each one of you, through your degrees of love and surrender to My Glorified Heart.

Today, I ask you to keep your eyes closed so that you hear My Message and not be distracted  because the hour is approaching and nobody knows how it will be. Only God knows it in His infinite Love. But He, for his great goodness and divinity, reveals it to you through His Beloved Son.

It does not matter if he is not here, because if I call him he is here.

I come to speak to your souls and not to your modes of life.

I need you to see in My transparency the Light that comes to illumine you, to illuminate by My Grace.

Today I come to talk in this form not for you, but for the world that does not listen. I need  you to feel the humility of the Power of God, which is the Power that has created all things in this Universe and in others. And after so many revelations and signs, a great part of the humanity continues to be the same, turning their backs to the Project of God. But as it was in the past, companions, the great Works are done with only a few.

Postulate yourselves to My Armies of Light and of Redemption, to the Victory and to the Triumph of My Mercy in the world for the times that will come.

I come here to build priests, loving My Passion and My Sacrifice for the world. I come to deposit My Truths in the hearts that are in transformation the same as yours.

Remember what I have said to you: "First remove the chaff from your eye before removing it from your brothers, because whom does not love truly, how can he enter the Kingdom of the Heavens before the glory of His Son?"

I need your lives to be crystalline but not perfect. Perfection is reached with love for the transformation and the renunciation of all that makes the world proud from time to time.

So, companions, see how humanity destroys itself for lack of this love that comes from God.

Your hearts have already been blessed by Mine and this you must believe until the end of your days. This is the greatest testimony that I can deliver for these times, it is the Grace that I can deposit in your hearts that have been mistaken many times without perceiving it.

But today I do not come to bring you power, but the Truth of the Father, because still many souls are losing themselves in all humanity and someone must do something for them. You have given me this: "yes," and I trust in your constancy and response to My designs.

I do not need you to forge your transformation, but that you live it as the Universe foresees it.

All has its time to mature within you and I can accompany you, My friends, when you allow Me to. Everything is ready so that you may live a new life in the Heart of Light and of Brotherhood.

Today, I will not only baptize those who have summoned themselves for this sacrament, as I will baptize others on another day for all to receive the Grace, not only the one who is baptized, but also the one who lives it for his brother. In this way, I invite you to live fraternity within My Christic Work.

I need, companions, that in My Work you understand each other well and do not disharmonize my spaces by your immature decisions. I need you to act as I act with you when you are in sin, in pride or some in evil. My Mercy surpasses all those barriers that are the work of my adversary, that they are perverse plans that have submitted humanity in this last cycle.

Just as I revealed to Faustina the power of My Love for you, today I come to reveal to all those present that this love is continuous and persevering for each human heart.

I need you to confirm your lives to My Heart through the good deeds, the good manners and examples of love and unity.

If you, companions, have not been able to live these attributes after so many instructions that I have given to you, what will you say on the last day of the Earth to the Lords of the Final Judgment, that you did not do it because you did not want to, that you did not feel that this was so?

I do not come to seek from you perfect nor realized things, I come to awaken in My apostles what I awakened in the twelve from the past.

I need you to be consequent with Me in simplicity and in love, in truth and in unity. I repeat this so much, companions, because I will not be able to repeat it again when everything happens.

I will come among the clouds when everything is ending and when humanity awakens on the following morning to live its Judgment before the whole Heavenly Universe.

Your Guardian Angels write this moment as something sacred in Their Books of Light and nothing is by chance, nothing is lost not even the energy.

Therefore I come to dedicate this time to you, because when the Sacred hearts are no longer here, we would like to see who truly understood the reason above himself, above all. 

I cannot cease to tell you, companions, that having accepted My Summon and My coming to this place in a chaotic and difficult time, you, My beloved ones, are responsible before the Lords of the Law for this to last until the last days.

Your incomprehension or anger will not serve Me. I do not come to speak to the ungrateful nor to the indifferent ones. Your hearts must transform themselves through each of My Words every day of your life, so that your brothers and sisters, through your examples, are also encouraged to transform themselves in the Love that I offer you infinitely.

Companions, although some think that this is unfair, it is what I can leave and donate to you with all My Heart. And you know that this is true and that I do not deceive you, otherwise I would not be Jesus.

I Am not a mirage, I Am not an illusion, I Am the Truth of the Father who incarnated in this world so that everyone could know it and save themselves throughout the times and centuries.

I need you to keep all of these Words in mind for when the world moves, from East to West and North to South. But if your work were constant, companions, how many souls could be saved with a gesture of charity, of love and with a smile of light that your faces reflect constantly. I invite you to enter into My Kingdom stripped of everything, principally of the inner things, of all you suffer, of everything you believe or what you believe to know beyond everything.

Yesterday, I invited you to be small and meek children. Today I invite you to be conscious of your attitudes and actions so that the Commandments are fulfilled correctly in Heaven as on Earth and do not go outside the Law by your own means. For it will not be God who will punish you, it will be your action that will lead you to other paths and you will not see me.

Do not be deaf and blind like millions of souls are in this world. This is the greatest suffering of My Living and Glorified Heart that again pours itself upon the world, as a flow of Grace. 

I deliver to you My Truth so that you may be able to live it because it is what you need today to grow in simplicity and love.

I come to mark in your heart the signs of My next coming to the world so that, in the most acute moment on Earth, the Guardian Angels themselves can activate them and thus you will recognize Me inside this humanity, returning in glory and light.

I need you to sow the real love and not the false love. I know, companions, that you do not know what this means, therefore I come to teach you through My Presence, My Radiation and My living Love that vibrates in your hearts all the time through Communion, the Sacraments and Prayer when you truly unite with Me.

I would not like your feet to be dirty all the time for having walked through other places where I am not present. But know that if you fall, as I fell three times for each of the souls on Earth at that time, I come to lift you from the ground, in the cordiality of My Spirit and My infinite Mercy. Just as I raise you, My Mother raises you to Her Immaculate Heart, full of Love and Goodness for each of Her children.

So, all mothers should be just as My Holy Immaculate Mother. May the goodness and love welcome those who suffer, those who do not understand and those who do not love. For whoever works with the patience of the heart and with humility will succeed, there is no doubt in this.

Now that you have heard this important revelation of fraternity, put your hands with the palms turned upwards, thus, as I Am showing you. When you open your hands, companions, it is a sign that you want to receive something. Be open to listen in humility and without any thought, only in the emptiness of the spirit.

I invite you to empty yourselves of what you feel, so that as instruments, you can renew yourselves through My Heart.

Let this Light penetrate into your hearts and souls. And when you live a difficult moment, remember this moment and substitute it with My Solar Presence. And so you will be able to do it, with the mutual help to your fellow beings and brothers who also need the encouragement of a peaceful heart.

Today, we will bless the intentions so that they are purified before they enter My Heart and the Kingdom of the Heaven.

You can sit while I bless these elements.

 Prayer of the Angel of Peace

Song: "I am with You, Lord."

Our Father in Aramaic.

Answers of Jesus Christ to the intentions that the participants realized for the Apparition.

Jesus Christ later answered  several of the intentions that the participants placed for the Apparition.

I will answer, companions, more intentions when your hearts open themselves even more to Mine, during these days. I will not cease to watch over each one of your intentions and for the intentions of humanity.

In union with the Eternal Father, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Feel in My Silence the saying of everything, the truth that emerges to the life that was death.

Today I am together with the twelve, those who were with Me in the past. I brought them so that you may recognize and appreciate them as redeemed, the humanity that has redeemed and will keep redeeming.

While I walk by your side in these days, I bring good news to all, hope for the hearts and souls, and mercy to share and spread.

I thank this afternoon for those who make an effort and who in weariness work for My Father, without time and without deterring. Know that this will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heavens. God does not separate from His prodigious children, but supports and accompanies them in the silence of the heart.

Today I would like to share with you an important deed: before the Last Supper in that time, many good souls joined Me in prayer.

In different parts of the East, around Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem they joined My inner Passion and opened the doors so that the Mercy of God would accompany them.

In that time, everything that was happening was important, from solitude to joy. I was living each step in the Passion, a new sign that God was manifesting, for My Consciousness and My Heart, when I instituted the Supper as an important ceremony.

I wanted, in that time, everyone to be able to live My Passion in a true way, therefore I opened the doors so that the Divine Laws would descend and everyone could recognize that the Son of God was present on Earth.

The Laws were fulfilled in that time so difficult, but My Mercy was diffused throughout the whole world in the same way that I did with Faustina Kowalska, bringing again to humanity something important and mysterious, which is the Mercy of My Passion, the Water and Blood that redeem and wash, that purify and transmute the sins.

Therefore, live in this Greater Source, the Source that springs out from My tireless Heart and is available for those who search for and are encouraged to serve from it and to be nurtured by the Spirit of My Heart, by My Divinity and My Greater Consciousness.

In these days I come to reactivate your hearts. I come to remind you of the commitments that you have with the Sacraments, because each ritual of the Sacraments is important for your spirits, gestates new things to the soul, to the consciousness and to the life, and everything becomes lighter, more serene and more peaceful.      

What I bring you in these times is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which you will live through the other Sacraments. It is not by chance that I instituted the Eucharist so that My Universal Spirit would be present in bread and wine, and in each new communion which the soul lives with Me, may renew and open itself to the Greater.

Know that your whole being communes with Me; each part of your beings and each particle, the cells and blood of your beings, the water that circulates in your bodies are nurtured by My Spirit at the moment of the Communion. 

I invite you to know this mystery, to open your eyes for the reality that you live for the Communion, because are kept there many keys for everyone, mainly for those who live in My trust.

In the Last Supper, at that time, I instituted something important for the planet which is the descent of God through My Body and Blood, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in bread and wine, the Transfiguration and Resurrection that I lived for all. Laws that are unknown by this Earth, but many who were simple lived and practiced them with humility.

Imitate those beings that lived holiness. Follow the steps that they followed in a simple way, because God needs from your hearts a pure and whole dwell, available to receive the Will of the Lord.

I come again to open your eyes to something greater and something divine.

I gather you in this afternoon again, so that you reinforce your commitment with Me and drink with peace of My Blood and My Water, spiritual gifts to the whole humanity poured out spiritually in this time for the hearts that thirst for the Light of God and need to heal their consciousnesses so that they may be redeemed, blessed and be good servers of the Firstborn Son.

From today on you will remember something important during three consecutive days, which is the birth of My Consciousness in humanity and everything that I did for you in that time.

In each moment that you share with Me, each deed and each passage that I will deliver you, live it as something true and important. Thus your consciousnesses will be nurtured through My Christic Spirit and you will receive the Divine Fire of transformation.

And after a time you will not recognize yourselves, because I will have you completely transformed and you will not notice it because you will be transfigured by My Light and My Love.

Be encouraged, risk yourselves that I may overcome you through Love and Mercy.

In little time you will not recognize yourselves, because you will have drunk from My Fountain in a sincere and true way by means of the Communion and constant prayer, keys that will help to change humanity, keys that will open new doors for the coming time.

But, for that to be fulfilled, companions, it is necessary to risk a little more  and fear nothing, because you count on My trust and My inner support, when you only say "yes" to Me.

Today the apostles come to bless you all, through the pastoral exercise, of the blessing of the great Spirit of God that each one of those consciousnesses cultivated within their hearts.

Today I show you all these things so that you may believe that it is possible to live in holiness. And it will not be necessary to consecrate just to Me, but to live a life of charity, service, of prayer, which may be testimonies to your brothers and sisters, which may be incandescent flames of light for the other brothers and sisters, wherever you walk through or wherever you go.

When you reach this point of consecration and surrender, many will recognize My presence in you, because I remain being the Great Shepherd of Humility, the Star of the Universe for the whole planet, who prepares the advent and return of the transformed and renewed Christ, who everyone will see and be surprised at.

For the first time, dear companions, I will answer to seven intentions of this basket. But know that all of them are important to My Heart. I deeply know them, but I know the meaning and value that the answers have to you in this life, answers which come from My Most Sacred Heart, light for darkness, wisdom for confusion, lightness for gloom, love for the one who is bad, hurt, whipped or tired.

I love and correct you because your are flocks with the potential of awakening. Everything that I say comes from Love, from the Spirit of My Father. 

"Juan, I wait for you, when you simply accept to enter in My Kingdom."

"Be calm, your family will be saved. Unite yourself day by day to Me. The reconciliation will be established, because My Spirit will be part of your home and I will comfort your consciousness."

"Franco, your angel is called Joel. My Path is being prepared so that you may enter it as a new apostle of love. Be encouraged to follow Me, I await you."

"May your aspiration be to love the planet every day, because it will be home for those who are coming soon."

"Humility is found in the key of service, in endless charity, in saying "yes" every day to every need that presents itself, thus the spirit is forged to transformation."

"Yes, they already know it, they are now in Heaven with Me, your steps have allowed it. Today they salute you."

"I would like you to be a daughter of My Divine Mercy, thus you may consecrate to My Sacred Heart and everything will be fulfilled in your spirit."

Yesterday, I liberated many souls that were condemned, but I need instruments willing to help Me, transmutation pillars that serve Me and constantly donate themselves. If that would be possible in the greater part of humanity, humanity would be saved.

Today I am going to give you a blessing through the sacred oil, the same oil that anointed My wounded Body, that restored and healed it and prepared it for the Resurrection.

The oil unites you to the soul, and you are anointed by the Divine Spirit of God, with the Primordial Source of His Love and His Unity.

Each time that you are anointed, your spiritual scars and wounds are dissolved by My Merciful Love.

The sacred oil has the power of reparation, opens the doors to the principles of the healing of the ill body and soul and opens the doors to the Greater Spirit of God, simply with a sign of the Cross. Thus all will be done.

I bless all these elements that today will be part of the new communion of you with Me, preparing you for the Holy Thursday, where I will invite you to sit at My table and to confirm yourselves as the apostles of Love, as the servers of Mercy.

I bless you always with My Spirit of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me today. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
