Sacred Oceans – Part II

In the deep waters of the oceans, all marine life creates the conditions so that in the seabed, through the living beings, a balance that is vital for the sustenance of the planet and the purification of waters may be established.

On the spiritual and nonmaterial levels it happens in the same way, as the Mirrors and Intra-oceanic Precincts play a vital role in the physical-spiritual sustenance of humanity.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts are connected to all physical life present at the bottom of the oceans, and certain sea species, such as dolphins, whales, turtles and other beings of the Animal Kingdom,  represent, on the inner level, the guardians of these intra-oceanic spaces.

The same happens with the marine corals and with the so-called plankton, plant species of very high spiritual vibration that act not only physically, generating balance, but also on the spiritual level, generating harmony among the different oceans. 

In this sense, each species, element or Kingdom present within the depths of the oceans, is part of a great ecosystem of spiritual life, whose presence is irreplaceable on this type of planet, as is the Earth.

If today, within the oceans, there are imbalances among the species, this is part of a degeneration that the first human beings caused in the origins of the Earth; because within the scale of evolution, all manifested Kingdoms were correctly designed to live in harmony and not in conflict.

However, in spite of the maladjustments that exist among the Kingdoms of Nature within the oceans and the imbalances caused by the contamination and the exploitation of the seas, the Intra-oceanic Precincts, guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy, collaborates to the essential awakening of the balance and harmony lost after many experiences.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts, which are not physical but spiritual, have inhabited certain regions of the planet for a long time, and as poles of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Mirrors that capture the impulses of the Universe, they generate an atmosphere of greater protection and safeguard for all that has to evolve within consciousness, as well as in all manifested life.

The Intra-oceanic Precincts are like great magnets that attract toward themselves, from the universe, the cosmic currents that nourish and repair spiritual life so that a greater balance may be established.

The counterpart of these Intra-oceanic places  is made manifest through the whales and the dolphins, sea species that have the physical and mental ability of retransmitting very potent impulses of peace and harmony, which are emitted by the Intra-oceanic Precincts, and through these species, these impulses of light travel miles until they can reach the other side of the world.

Sea life and intra-oceanic life constitute one of the great discoveries that the human being will have to awaken within themselves so that, becoming aware of what the Creation of God truly represents, they begin to love it and respect it, so that the cycle of evolution of the species may never be altered again and, in this way, the evolution of the planet may never be altered again.

Everything will start from the consciousness and the maturity that human beings may be able to awaken in relation to the Kingdoms.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Within the Sacred Places, places where the Hierarchy is present, in deep levels of consciousness the Law of Permanent Transmutation is fulfilled, which is a spiritual process that allows for redemption and purification of certain states of consciousness that corrode humanity and that, in many cases, condemn the functioning of great nations.

For this reason, children, in some unpredictable cycles, at undetermined moments, this process of permanent transmutation takes place; a moment in which certain states of consciousness that are against love and light are exorcised in order to generate the relief, so necessary for humanity.

During the last Pilgrimage throughout Argentina, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been working on these deep levels of consciousness with the purpose of unblocking the spiritual counterpart of the country that is very contaminated by what is happening on its surface.

Not all consciousnesses on the planet know about this internal mission made by the Hierarchy, but, from the moment you perceive and feel the fierce movement of the elements, it will be because on a regional level and, could be on a planetary one, The Sacred Centers will be working in a permanent way and without delay.

Prayer is an offering that the souls of the world can make as a way to compensate their own evils that the human being generates for themselves, which are transmuted, through the Sacred Centers, in order to keep the balance of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message OF THE VIRGIN MARY, ROSE OF PEACE, TRANSMITTED in Puerto López, San Carlos de Bariloche, province of Río Negro, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Through the network of spiritual communication of the Mirrors, humanity and the planet receive the so necessary help in these times.

In certain spaces of the planet, more preserved and protected from human beings, there are Sacred Places, in the spiritual plane, that act as doorways of communication towards profound levels of the universe.

These Sacred Places that hold an immensity of tools to support and sustain the planet and its humanity, silently keep the balance of the axis of the Earth, of the poles, and of the continents, even though at this time the planet is beginning its purification, and so is humanity.

These Places keep certain safeguards so that they continue generating harmony when using these tools. In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy keeps its dwellings on the Earth until today, high in the Himalayas, in deep jungles, and in inhospitable deserts of the Earth. All is accompanied and protected by the Sacred Places, even if on its surface the elements of nature are purifying the planet.

In these Places, the human being can find, through prayer or only with their open hearts, a place where they can have a re-encounter with themselves and their origin.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
