In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I waited for so long to come here, to this precinct of God’s Creation, where the souls that find and visit it, without quite perceiving or noticing it, return to the beginning of their spiritual and cosmic origin.

Through the witnesses of the Creation of God, and by means of these giants of the Plant Kingdom, see how much history is kept here.

It is not necessary for a being to be so spiritualized to notice it. When contemplated with an open heart in gratitude, the subtle spheres of Creation can reveal to the human being of the surface, through the Plant Kingdom, realities of inner and spiritual healing that this Kingdom, despite its giving of self, has not managed yet to express to the humanity of surface, due to all that which this Kingdom receives from the Human Kingdom as transgression and mistreatment.

In the silence of that which is apparently motionless, in the silence of that which apparently is still, God mirrors and reflects His Consciousness through the consciousness of the angels and devas, so that in this Human Project on the surface, returning someday to its original essence, returning someday to its Essential Purpose, this race may recover the code of Creation it has lost throughout the times.

When I tell you that I was waiting to return here, it is because there is a part of My Consciousness that visits this place on the inner planes, by means of the expression of My Hermit Consciousness. In this place I find, not only for Me, but also for all My companions, an opportunity to return to the inner world and come out of this superficiality of the end of times, which only confuses and deceives souls, leading them along an uncertain path.

Through this place of God’s Creation, at one of the extremes of the United States and very close to the Pacific Ocean, a special spiritual conjuncture presents itself to souls and consciousnesses. Because in this place, through the Plant Kingdom, there is not only a history that has already been written, but also an opportunity as a door that opens for consciousnesses, so that they not only may return to their essential origin, but also that, by returning to it, they may begin again from scratch, evolving as the Lower Kingdoms do, evolving just as the angels, devas and elementals do. Because they do not know the Law of Suffering, because they fully live the Law of Giving and, despite what the human being of this humanity has done to the Lower Kingdoms throughout the times, the whole memory of its giving cannot be erased by anyone.

For just like the angels, the giants of this region only have the mission of rising towards the Heights until they find the Light, just as a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun, in the same way should be the opening of the consciousness of the human being in these critical times. Because what exists on the other side of the portal is so wonderful, but many still fear to face the unknown.

But what is there beyond what you can control or retain?

How is it possible for the group soul of the Kingdoms, despite the transgressions of all times or even the contamination that they experience, not to stop giving of themselves for the evolution of this Human Project?

Where is the key to this constant and permanent self-giving of the Lower Kingdoms? Why does the Human Kingdom not manage to live it or achieve it?

This is one of the reasons why I will return to humanity, so that the Genetic Project in its origin and in its DNA may be reconfigured, because there is an atom and a cell that have been lost.

Therefore, the effort of humanity must be very great to live a self-giving that someday may be unconditional and true, without expecting anything in return, just as the Lower Kingdoms and these giants do not expect anything in return.

If Humanity looked at the Kingdoms of this Creation in a different manner, how wonderful it would be for the souls of this world to receive the attributes of the Kingdoms of Nature: strength, self-giving, surrender, silence, reverence, devotion to what is sacred and silent transmutation, as well as liberation!

You have the Mirror of God before your eyes. You have everything, more than other planets and more than other constellations, you have it all,  more than hundreds of suns and stars in this universe.

Open your consciousnesses, just as the Spiritual Hierarchy opens these spaces and dimensions so that the devas, angels and elementals may become present at this moment and commune of the Second Person of God, just as you can commune with My Body and My Blood.

This is the reason for My Return, this is the motive of one of My important works for the redemption of humanity and the planet, in honor of the silent, true and immutable sacrifice of all the Lower Kingdoms.

Would you, on this surface, also be able to achieve it?

If in truth you knew what the soul of the Lower Kingdoms sees from the Human Kingdom, I assure you that your response would be different and many, really many, would be tormented for having wounded and hurt the Kingdoms of Nature, which today, through this humanity, bear the blame of the climatic consequences and the catastrophes.

But what was the first Kingdom that disturbed the balance of the planet?

My Words are clear, companions. Assume the time of surrender, but also of reparation.

This humanity and this planet could already leave the third dimension with the spiritual help of the great angels and devas of all of the Kingdoms, because they were created for this great moment in the history of this planet and civilization. They expect, in this end of times, not only for the human race to love the Lower Kingdoms as if they were their own life, but the Kingdoms of Nature, through the angels and devas, as well as these giants of the Creation, also expect to open the door, the last door to the Real Time.

Do you now understand that the material consciousness does not end here?

When you are before these giants or any space or manifestation of God’s Creation on this planet, when you are before the Sun, the Moon or the stars, do you not feel anything?

There are many who are losing this sensitivity, because they give strength and power to artificial and modern gods. The soul trembles in the face of this situation, because the soul of each one of the Children of God emerged from His Cosmic Sources not only to evolve, learn and live, but also to be in communion with all of Creation. As you today, before these giants of God’s Creation, can be in communion with a great mystery that is unveiled today by the Words of Christ.

When My Mother would go through the forests, when Saint Joseph would work with wood, the Kingdoms would revere Them when they were before Them, because of the reflection of Their Holiness and above all Their resignation before the Laws of God and the Laws of Nature.

Why is it not possible for the humanity of these times to live the same thing?

The healing of humanity is present through this Creation. I come to remind you of this so that the heart and essence of each Kingdom may not continue to be destroyed. This is what will raise the souls of nations and peoples: that the humanity of the surface may love, protect and respect what is most sacred that God has granted to them.

However, I want to tell you that My Word is not that of an ecologist. I bring humanity the impulse of something greater and cosmic, because a small door is still open for the return to the origin, toward your own inner nature, which is not human, but rather purely spiritual.

Remember that through these spaces you will find the Hierarchy.

Remember that through these spaces you will find the inner answer that you seek so much, an answer that is not outside of you, but rather in the deepest silence of consciousness, anonymity and service.

Regenerate, at this moment, your cells and atoms. Liberate your consciousnesses from forms and obstacles. Allow at this moment, through the giants of Creation that this Human Project may be repaired, through the impulse of Love and Light of the Kingdoms. Angels and devas accompany the Great Master.

Today your Master and Lord, by means of these Words, is before the origin of this humanity, before the first Adam and the first Eve, so that the original sin may begin to be dissolved from the human consciousness, so that most essences of this world may someday achieve the immaculate of this Project and what is purest in this Project of God.

When this happens through My Return, I assure you, companions, that the Project of God will be resumed as it is written in the Books, but above all in the hearts of the Lords of the Law of the Universe.

Be aware that you are participating in this and do not forget it, because all the Kingdoms will be praised in Heaven and on Earth, just as God praises them through His Love and His Spirit.

Let us pray not only for the Human Kingdom, but also for the other Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure the Apocalypse of the human civilization.

We ask for all the Kingdoms of the planet, through these giants of God’s Creation, to become peaceful and neutralized at this moment, for the forces of discord and disunion to be dissolved, for the telluric powers of this planet and universe to establish an inner and external balance in all the forms of the Creation.

May the Laws of the Great Creator Fathers Gabriel, Raphael, Michael and Uriel establish a principle of peace and neutrality so that souls and also the group soul of the Lower Kingdoms may receive the impulse of silence and internalization, which will reflect the condition of each being, so that, under the flame of love, light, reconciliation and healing, unity may be re-established.

My Spirit is pleased in the Lord, because His Love reflects and expresses itself in the silence and reverence of all creation. This nourishes the faith of the one who grasps and recognizes it, the one who perceives the inner realities as an abundant universe that never ends, that is infinite and raises the consciousness to the state that God expects so much, a principle of peace, love and unity.

May all one day find this path.

May all walk by My side, just as the angels and devas of God walk in silence and surrender.

May the hearts no longer retrogress in their steps, but rather may the spirits advance toward the goal and purpose that awaits them.

Today, on behalf of humanity, as part of this civilization, as a Being who incarnated in this world to guide and teach you, I repair the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the outrages, mistreatment and indifference that they receive in these times.

May the essence of the spirit of Peace rise again.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In these recent times, I have waited for this moment, to place My Divine Consciousness upon this sacred enclosure of the Hierarchy and of Creation, so that the true spiritual treasures of the United States might emerge on this day, before the inner eyes that are open to perceive them, before the hearts that is open to feel them.

I come to let the world know about these treasures kept in the Grand Canyon of Colorado so that the soul of this nation may remember the Purpose of its formation and existence, so that all those who live here may know that the Spiritual Purpose of the United States is still to be fulfilled, despite the ties of this country with war and conflict, in which it has been dwelling for decades.

I come to place, before humanity and especially before the entire Northern Hemisphere, these Sacred Relics of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, so that as many consciousnesses and souls as possible may drink from this fountain that dwells here, in the deepest and most reverent silence before Creation, through contemplation and inner prayer, capable of entering the spiritual soul of this place, as well as other places in the United States where the Hierarchy silently expresses itself, such as Mount Shasta.

This is why in these definitive times, when the soul of nations compromises with non-evolutionary events, I come tell those open in heart, those who incessantly seek the path of transcendence and ascension, to feel, in the depths of the heart, these sacred energies of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, which expresses an incalculable and infinite history of the love and experience that the original peoples achieved with this universe and this planet.

In this way, I would like you to perceive that this life does not end in that which is material, that true life lies in that which is spiritual and that, from the beginning of this Human Project on Earth, God thought of every detail, so that the human civilization, through its true communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, could connect with the Primordial Source. This is the true service of the Lower Kingdoms, which are so outraged and mistreated by humanity of the surface.

But how great is the love of the Kingdoms of Nature, of the most beautiful landscapes of this world, which, despite all the impacts they receive, continue to give of themselves and surrender for you with an essential goal: that the human being of these times may learn to evolve and awaken.

As I told you, Sacred Relics dwell here, the pure in heart can attune with them and, in this way, find their true origin and the true reason for being incarnated here, in this world, to learn to live the school of love and redemption.

In synthesis, My companions: on this planet, thought of and created by the Creator with the sublime assistance of the Archangels, the Sacred Creator Fathers, the best conditions were created for souls incarnating here to go through their deep spiritual experience and, through this sacred experience, find their purpose and reason for being here in these times and this cycle, to be a part of the expression of the Divine Will of God.

For this reason, In joy and bliss before the Grand Canyon of Colorado, a Sacred Enclosure of love and brotherhood, open your consciousnesses, expand your hearts, so that your spirits may have the opportunity, given to you by your own selves, to live under the Breath of the Spirit, receiving the impulses and cosmic currents that dwell here, and thus you may begin to recover the values that humanity has lost in these times.

This is the main reason for Sacred Enclosures: for souls to remember that they are a star, for inner worlds to know they are inner suns that can shine in this space and time, living their commitment, their lineage and task, to rebuild the conscious and unconscious of this humanity.

And thus, as it happened to the sacred people of Israel, may humanity recover its Original Project, and live the Principles and the Law of Creation so as to begin now to gestate the emergence of the New Earth.

In simple, yet profound words, how many brothers and sisters of the past have come to this planet from the universe, since the origin of the Earth, to accompany the steps of this incarnated human civilization! And despite the times, the traumas and events on the surface of the Earth, they are here to continue to accompany you. They gave their ‘yes’ in sacrifice, surrendering that which is most valuable of their spirits and higher consciousnesses so that this Project on the surface would not become lost.

Will humanity have the courage and bravery to accept this reality?

Will the human being of the Surface, in these times, have the courage to contemplate Creation in another way, and understand that this life is not only material?

I bring you the Grace, and also the opportunity, for your consciousness to expand, open and awaken to an encounter with that which is real, through the example of this sacred place of the Grand Canyon of Colorado.

I leave these impulses to you upon this journey. And your Master and Lord, together with the entire Divinity, now prepares His Steps to help Brazil, because, for the Hierarchy, everything is important, and I hope you will learn to contemplate Our sacrifice with one intention, the true intention of gratitude.

In this way, you will be able to continue to accompany the Hierarchy in this long trajectory of the planet so that the law of suffering may end, consciousnesses may be freed from their spiritual captivity and receive the sacred impulses of the Enclosures that this planet holds, for the purpose of evolution of the human race.

May your stars shine together with Us, may your suns be a part of Our Sun of Love and Mercy, so that this human race may be more fraternal and just, and may someday be worthy of the Third Order of the Brotherhood.

I pray for this every day, and I invite you to pray with Me so that this burning Aspiration of God may be fulfilled, beyond the 144,000.

I thank the brothers and sisters present in the United States for accompanying this task, for giving it the value it has in the importance of this planetary moment.

May my Graces and above all My Consoling Love are poured out upon them all, so that they may have the inner strength to continue establishing the foundations of group and community life in the United States, a deep aspiration of the Masters of the East.

From the Sacred Valley of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where the Light and Love of the Hierarchy shine and are perpetuated, may all be blessed and receive My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May this world be redeemed. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I come to the Kingdom of Spain, because it belongs to Me, just as other Kingdoms in this world also belong to Me.

Just as the Virgin of Czestochowa, I want Spain to give its crown to the King of the Universe so that it may be governed by new principles and attributes, which have been held in My Heart for a long time, from the moment that I revealed to Saint Teresa of Jesus the great inner aspirations that I have for this nation.

Spain is a country of open doors, and this intensely relieves the spiritual debt it has had since the times of the colonization of the Americas and up to the preset times.

But today, we will talk, companions, about what is wonderful and spiritual in this nation, places which many of you internally know as Sacred Places.

Today, through the Spiritual Government, just as I did a few days ago in Poland, I come to reveal to you the sacred relics and the incalculable treasures that Spain holds within its spiritual counterpart, which are so necessary and fundamental for the Northern Hemisphere, in the trajectory of the end of times.

For this reason, your hearts, and, especially, the hearts of all Spaniards, of all those who live in the Iberian Peninsula, must be united at this moment to My Spirit and to My Merciful Heart, because in this way you will open the right door, which is so much needed in these times, so that souls can cross this door and thus free themselves, but also awaken to the supreme reality.

Since ancient times, Spain has held many treasures that are still unknown, which, unfortunately, the Church of this nation has not managed to manifest. But, at this moment, I invite you to position yourselves in that which is superior and eternal, to come out of this moment of traumas and sequels produced by the Church, even from the times of the Spanish Civil War, in which I personally know what the Church did in those times.

Today, as the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, I come to ask Spain for its re-consecration to My Heart and, especially, I come to ask all Spaniards, believers and non-believers, awakened and asleep, to give their kingdom to the Master of Love and Truth; because I want to keep leading you, I want to keep guiding you in the same way that I guided Spain in other times, through kind and helpful consciousnesses like those of many mystics and saints.

Today I want you to stay with the message and the experience of each one of the saints, of what truly happened in the life of these beings, who were like you and similar to you, imperfect and erring, but who surrendered their lives in My Hands so that I could consecrate and convert them into the true instrument that God needed in order to fulfill His Plan of conversion and redemption of Spain, as well as of other places of the world.

I invite each one of the Spaniards and each one of those who are listening to Me, to represent the different nations of the world in this time of Apocalypse and of Armageddon, to join the Angels of the Nations so that they, too, may fulfill the purpose they have to fulfill in these times, which, for different reasons, is being prevented by what the governments of the Earth carry out in these times.

I invite you to abandon the sensation of wrath or contempt. I invite you to place yourselves in the spiritual purpose of each nation of the world.

Because, in the face of the many uncertain doors that are open throughout the world, which keep abducting souls, day by day, minute by minute, your Master and Lord, the Redeemer, needs to have, on the surface, not only many redeemed stars and suns, but also consciousnesses that are open to feel, through intuition and their inner worlds, what must be shown to Spain and to the world in these times, and especially all that still must take place in the Northern Hemisphere.  

Your lives, through My Heart, your consciousnesses, through My Spirit, may be united to a great inner spiritual and unknown network that exists in the Northern Hemisphere.

It is this inner network, which unites many Hierarchies and evolutionary Consciousnesses, that has known each one of you from other times; this inner and luminous network, which emits impulses for these times and for all consciousnesses, wants to lead you to live the reality that is also held in your inner worlds.

These realities will open through three keys: gratitude, adherence and obedience.

Without these three keys, the inner doors of your hearts will not open and your souls will not know the wonderful things that God has placed in you since the beginning of your existences, from the moment that you emerged from the Source.

Do you now understand, companions, the distance that exists between what is real and what is unreal?

May all of your consciousnesses keep rising so that not only Spain but also other nations of the world may fulfill the purpose they have to fulfill in the end of these times, in spite of the chaos or the adversities that may exist in your nations of origin.

In simple words, I invite you, once again, to live in universality, so that you may, someday, live in Our Brotherhood.

The opportunities are being given at this moment, and they were also given in these recent meetings that we have had in Europe, through the impulses that the Hierarchy sowed in La Salette, Garabandal, Navarra, in the region of Madrid, as well as in Poland.

The doors to the opportunities are open and this is what My Heart needs you to conceive; and also to value so that not only you, but also your brothers and sisters throughout the world may receive the unique opportunity. Because, in this way, the Hierarchy will count on servers on the surface, available, adhered, obedient and grateful consciousnesses to respond to all that may be necessary.

It is still necessary to heal many debts of Spain, especially the spiritual debts. Only the Government of your Master and Lord, and the Government of the Divine Lady of Heaven, through Their Holy and Humble Hearts, will be able to grant Spain, in this way, the true Spiritual Government that this nation must experience in the end of times.

This event will not begin by what is big and unattainable, it will take place in what is small and anonymous, in the possibility that your hearts and lives may give to the Hierarchy. Understanding, once and for all, that it is important to achieve the Purpose.

Because the Iberian Peninsula not only still has many unknown treasures that could be revealed to the world so that consciousnesses will not only be healed but also be liberated. But the Iberian Peninsula, especially the Kingdom of Spain, also has promises to fulfill to Our Savior.

I thank you for having the courage to follow My Steps, although many times you do not understand what this means; regardless of all your life situations. I have a special predilection for each one of you, something that, at this moment, you could not even imagine.

For this reason, I have chosen holy consciousnesses from the Kingdom of Spain, throughout times, to carry My Message and transmit My Impulse, and this choice has a deep spiritual reason to which I give continuity today through your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.

Because the wish of your Master and Lord is not only that the crown of Spain may be of the Redeemer, but also that its diamonds, throughout the world, may be converted into precious crystals of redemption, which will be given by Heaven through new attributes, which many of you already know through the sacred prayer to the Universal Mother.

In this way, Spain, as an important nation of Europe, will be ready to receive Me in My Return, because it is one of the places through which I will return someday, to gather My companions, to be with My friends, to embrace My spiritual family, just as I once did with the apostles and the holy women.

Through Spain, also Africa will be benefitted. Keep this in mind for all that the Hierarchy must still generate and manifest in the African continent, through humanitarian service and the awakening of many Inner Places that this suffering continent holds as a spiritual treasure. Because it will be these inner treasures in Africa that, in My Return, will put an end to the misery and the spirit of discarding that many Africans experience in these times.

Europe, as a continent, as part of the Northern Hemisphere, must feel a deep warmth in its heart so that My Words may be sown within you and the fruits that I so much hope to see in these times may sprout.

Today, from the mystical city of Avila, in the company of Therese of Jesus, I bless all those present and all who are listening, because I can say to you that My task in these last forty days of mission has been fulfilled.

But this does not end here, this is just the beginning. It will begin when you fulfill the three keys: adherence, obedience and gratitude. This will materialize what Europe needs to go through the end of times, under the protection and support of the spiritual relics of this region of the planet.

Because if, in Europe, the Iberian Peninsula manages to rise toward the Kingdom of the Heaven and manifest its humble but simple Sacred Points of Light, you will open the right door also for the un-payable karma of England to be liberated through one cause alone: My Mercy.

In the solemnity and memory of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, which unites souls with God, from the mystical city of Avila, a source of impulses and spirituality for the souls that wish to drink of the Fount of God and, through Saint Teresa of Jesus, who preciously accompanies you today, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May peace be within you in these times of great setbacks, in which serenity and meekness are the principal keys for going through them.

Today I come from a place that some already know and that others will come to know today.

My voice echoes within a distant place of the Earth, where nothingness is present and the void fills the whole being.

My voice is heard in the inner planes, where the melody of peace and rescue for humanity resounds.

Today I come from Shambhala, in the Gobi Desert. Focus your attention upon this place; there, in the desert, lies the Voice of the Master, Who prepares His Return to humanity.

The instructions and teachings continue to be given; knowledge descends to bring more wisdom and discernment in this time.

The great decisions are carried forward and all gather in confraternity.

Shambhala brings the feeling of the sacred and the devotional to all. Its harmony and attunement awaken in the human heart the sacred melody that causes Shambhala to resound.

But Shambhala is remote, its origin unknown. Many want to access its portals, but few find them, because to reach Shambhala, the heart and the intention must be pure; in this way, you will enter the Kingdom of Shambhala.

My Message is being emitted from there, on this day of preparation for the month of August, when I will come to the world to give the last impulses and treasures to humanity.

The light of Shambhala brings peace to the contrary currents and stabilizes the forms; the human mind cannot understand what this is about. Because Shambhala is not of this world, even though it is within it. Its existence is very ancient, its legacy is very profound.

Those who draw close to Shambhala will know the sacred and the blessed; they will feel a call toward ascension and toward the elevation of consciousness, even in these critical and difficult times.

In the Kingdom of Shambhala, you will find many brothers and sisters who are not in material life, but rather in the spiritual life, who intone their songs and mantras to sustain the planet and humanity in equilibrium and harmony.

Join this chain of love and solidarity with the Confraternity of Shambhala; may its sacred spaces fill you and lead you to understand, beyond the material, the whole Plan of God.

It is thus that today Shambhala resonates as a sacred note, a primary key for this end time in which souls are called, on the inner planes, to the Sacred Chambers to meet with the Hierarchy and accompany it in fidelity and obedience.

It is thus that My Voice is emitted from the heart of Shambhala; the doors of Its Kingdom are open before the presence of the Master of Love and Humility.

May its disciples come to Shambhala to also recognize the legacy that is within each being and that for the first time was given impulse in the origins of Shambhala for this planet. Thus, the surface will be permeated with new principles that will dissolve the corrupt and transgressing forms.

The minds will be set free from the chain of bad thoughts, from destruction and cynicism, because Shambhala will be able to awaken within everyone.

In the same way that the monastics of this region of the planet perpetually intone their mantras, may the voices of prayer, supplication and pleas resound within you, because the door of My Mercy is still open to the world and to all souls, beyond their conditions or situations.

The light of Shambhala emerges on the surface of the planet. Some manage to perceive it, others are still too asleep to realize this great happening.

Shambhala emanates its silent message within souls so that they may recognize the moment of Shambhala in this time of humanity.

I want your beings to submerge in Shambhala to understand life and existence from another point within the consciousness; in this way, you will not feel blocked or imprisoned by your own human condition.

Shambhala forges the warrior; Shambhala forges the guardian; Shambhala forges the devotional soul, and constantly gives an impulse to the elevation of the consciousness toward the Sublime Universes.

The Earth is not just chaos. Shambhala, like other places, is a Sacred Chamber where you will be able to make the inner pilgrimage within yourselves, toward your origins, toward the truth. Thus, appearances will disappear, the incomprehension will dissolve; but only the pure and humble hearts enter Shambhala, one that knows, beyond itself, how to recognize the Power of God and Creation.

Shambhala opens like a fount of inexhaustible love. Souls are bathed by the light of Shambhala at this moment to again find the meaning for their existence and their missions on Earth.

Shambhala is here. This is the light of Shambhala. In reverence, be thankful and prepare your hearts for that which will come.

If Shambhala is here today, it is because of a universal, not just world importance. It reveals itself again, after its long withdrawal. Its rays and lights show the next cycle, in which everything will come to an end.

Go and seek what you need in the fount of Shambhala. The Father will always give you everything, always. And when you are in His Law, drink of this fount and your talents will awaken.

Shambhala is unchangeable. Shambhala is eternal. Shambhala is a history of great origins. That is why so many monastics come there, to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, to seek Shambhala where it seemingly does not exist.

May the light of Shambhala stabilize the spaces and consciousnesses so that harmony and peace may reign.

Shambhala is preparing for its great task and its great moment. Accompany it.

Shambhala summons you in spirit and in soul for the inner union and attunement with the Greater.

But when you walk toward Shambhala, empty yourselves completely. May your feet be washed clean of the dust, the worldwide chaos, before entering the portal so that, purified, your souls may receive what Shambhala has to give you. Accompany Me in this inner pilgrimage.

Shambhala is the essence of Truth; follow its light. It is like a great star in the firmament. Shambhala is like a great sun in the Universe. Its Kingdom is there to be recognized and loved.

Shambhala is the voice of the wisdom of the heart.

Shambhala, Shambhala, Shambhala, come to those who seek immortality and the overcoming of self. Come to those who love the Plan of God and seek It.

Before saying goodbye, and so that you remain in the light of Shambhala, I want to ask you for something special to Me, that, in this Sacred meeting with Shambhala, you close this work by singing "Solar Christ."

In this way, souls will ignite through the impulse that Shambhala will give you with its wisdom and love.

Follow in My footsteps along this pilgrimage, towards a meeting with the sacred and the devotional.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sacred Light of Shambhala
that emerges throughout space, 
Sacred Light of Shambhala 
that permeates all forms and archetypes, 
Sacred Light of Shambhala 
that transmutes the concrete and terrestrial mind:
Elevate all principles! 
Transmute all currents! 
Dispel all adversity! 
so that the Love that comes from you 
may triumph throughout Creation.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the melody of forgiveness resound in your hearts, so that it may enter this sacred place, through the great portal of the Universe that My consciousness brings to the entire world today, and especially to all the inner nuclei that must find the path of redemption and the path of peace, to again find the meaning of being upon this planet and within this humanity, living the Project of My Father, just as He has written it, so that His Will and His ardent desire, that His children may attain the celestial spheres, more each day, may be fulfilled.

Today I open the depths of My Heart in this sacred place of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where the Mineral Kingdom is a witness of the diversity of the history of humanity, of all that has happened in this world and within this civilization, all the peoples who have passed by this planet, learning and experiencing the contact with the Universe and Creation.

In each one of these sacred rocks, in each one of these mountains, in each corner of this valley, a part of the history of humanity is written, and this is what the Hierarchy needs to bring to the consciousness of the human beings for this time, so that all human beings may again find the meaning of living this Project of God, which is still unknown to most, but which begins to resound in the hearts of those who follow the word of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Today I come as a High Priest, also accompanied by the great Masters of the mountains of the Himalayas, by those consciousnesses that experienced, in the human body, that which this human genetic code means and that which this human genetic code must attain in the current cycle of the planet in which, within a great transition and a great Armageddon, humanity must define its next cycle, its next stage.

In the silence of this place, the sacred treasures of humanity are revealed, this legacy that has indeed been evolutionary has built the consciousness of the humanity of the Surface and has elevated it to superior dimensions in order to be able to find cosmic life, which is the essence, the existence and the origin of the reason to be here upon this school planet, living this learning and this experience that offers you the whole Universe.

Yes, this offers you the whole Universe, because the whole Universe is a part of the experience of this genetic project that stopped in time through the human condition, of duality, of adversity and chaos. And, in this current cycle of the planetary transition, the Hierarchy, the Celestial Brotherhood, approaches humanity to make it conscious of its roots, of its attributes and its legacy, so that it may again reconnect with the essence of what it truly is and the reason why it came here, upon this planet, to live this experience.

It is in this way that the current experience of humanity, this moment of redemption, transition and definition, must also be a part of the history that is to be written in these sacred mountains of the Grand Canyon of Colorado.

Thus, just as this river makes its most pure crystalline, chaste and humble water flow, in this same way, the new knowledge that comes from the Brotherhood must flow into the consciousnesses of the human beings, and it is time for all to be conscious of this truth so that more and more veils of consciousness may fall from your faces and you may find the meaning of being here, living a mission and a purpose in the name of the One, of the Supreme Source, of Universal Love.

It is for this reason that I have brought a little group here, in representation of all the brothers and sisters and followers of the Work of Christ, your Master and Lord, so that you could receive within your hearts, souls and spirits, the same impulses that this sacred civilization of the indigenous consciousness that lived here once received, all that they experienced and attained in the simplicity and in the humility of their contact, and which still keeps resounding within the hearts of the indigenous people,

This is why I approach this place, to make you realize and to demonstrate to you what truly exists here, there are many tools, many treasures, much information that this sacred and suffering planet holds within it and in the depths of its sacred enclaves.

After this, all this information has been gathered, has been shared among the Hierarchies of the Spiritual Universe and the whole Brotherhood, it is the moment for the human beings upon the surface to become aware of what has truly happened on this planet and not only of what has been interpreted by the humanity of the surface.

In this way, you will be able to resume the path that My adversary took from you, through his deceptions and illusions, which has caused you to enter an uncertain path of duality, suffering, illness, confusion and chaos.

Through this light that emerges through the sacred treasures that the Grand Canyon of Colorado holds, humanity has the opportunity to again walk the path it lost in the deepest of its consciousness and, thus, to have the direct and perfect bridge to resume the inner contact it needs. A contact that brings the Law of the Spiritual Hierarchy in this time, which is one Law, one path and one Principle, that will allow you to unite with the Heights and to the whole supreme existence.

In this way, like the indigenous civilization present here, which had entered another dimension and plane of consciousness, you, My servers and friends, human beings upon the surface of the Earth, of a humanity in transition and definition, will be able to mirror that which God so much needs you to mirror toward the Sublime Universes, to the macrocosms, to all its stars, suns and galaxies.

It will be in this way, through an inner, simple but safe contact, that the information of your learning schools and your process of redemption will be gathered so that a spiritual synthesis may be accomplished again and, thus, this human project may  finally be fulfilled.

So that all this may happen, you must go through the transitions, you must divest yourselves of all traces of duality, arrogance, competitiveness or indifference, and, more than that, divest yourselves from many energies and roots that were sown in the depths of consciousness and the mind of the humanity of the surface.

All these experiences must be rooted out, liberated and transmuted, and the direct door that you have, in order to live it and experience it, as well as accomplish it, is the energy of the Sacred Enclaves.

These pieces of information will transform your spiritual consciousness, but also your genetic code and, in this transformation, change and transcendence that you will live, you will be able to see, with clarity, the path of return to the Origins, and from the Origins, to the Source, where all Knowledge, Instruction and the Will of God gather together.

With this message, I want to bring to your consciousnesses the moment that you are going through and the opportunity that you can experience, that of finally being able to be freed from the ties, from the prisons of life, from all that compromises that the humanity of the surface has with evil. Thus, crossing and piercing through the deepest layers of human resistance, you will be able to find, at the end of the path, the Light that will always shine at the bottom of the abyss.

In this way, the consciousness will step out of its dark night and again see the dawn rise, which will bring with itself this great moment of revelation and re-encounter with that which is superior and with its origins.

In this way, you will be able, in a simple but true way, to be in the Brotherhood, and find in this Brotherhood the path for the fulfillment of the Law, which is the first Law: Love, the Love that unites all Laws, all principles and that which gives impulse to all the attributes that consciousnesses need in order to live the Plan.

From this place, I emit this message that resounds in the hearts of the just and those who must awaken, and this is also a message that echoes throughout the whole Universe, because it is your High Priest and Governor, Christ Jesus, who speaks to you, so that you can be conscious of the reality of this path of transition.

Our Hearts, the Hearts of all the Hierarchy, will be expanded over the world, and we will have our hands reaching toward you so that you can hold them tight and walk in this time of transition toward the encounter of the Great Portal of the Brotherhood, of the Brotherhood that will be revealed in the heart of humanity, in those who have always aspired to find their star of origin and the meaning of their mission for this final time.

Believe and trust in the possibility, and in the opportunity that is presenting itself to the whole world, we are in a time of great adversity, but we are also in a time of great revelations, and it will be these precious and sacred revelations that will transcend the limit and the threshold of the human consciousness.

In this way, just like the masters of the Himalayas, you will also be able to be enlightened and your whole consciousness will be filled by Supreme Grace.

From the Grand Canyon of Colorado, I send My message of Love and hope to humanity, stay firm, united and in love; everything will pass, because Our Spirits will not move away, Our Hearts will not cease to emanate the love that you need to be strengthened and always find the path that will lead you to eternal Light.

It is in this way that your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus, with all the Hierarchies and Sacred Masters of the Himalayas, today gather in one consciousness and establish the Power and the Will of God within this place which attained, in its simplicity, the highest degree of love and expansion of consciousness.

May all these impulses and revelations resound in the inner worlds of those who hear them, and from there may they regain inner strength, courage and bravery to go through these hard times which, as I told you at the beginning, at the end of the path you will find the Light that will always shine in the darkest of the abyss.

And it will be this Light that will transfigure everything, that will transform everything and heal everything, and thus you will be in God and, being in God, you will be in Me and I will be in you.

And in you, I will be able to accomplish the last part of the task that the Eternal Father has entrusted to Me by means of My apostles, followers and the prayerful. 

Now, with greater openness of heart and consciousness, receive this Legacy that is transmitted through these Words and under the impulse of Higher Love.

I bless you and impel you to become aware of Truth.

From the Grand Canyon of Colorado, silence emits the Love of God to all souls.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

What humankind of the surface does not know today, the peoples of the past knew, because they were in absolute contact with God. They knew the reality of the Universe, of this solar system and beyond, without having physical tools or applying their minds to understanding or observing if this was true or not.

What is it that allowed these original peoples to know the truth? What is it that caused them to persist over time, before the white man arrived in America?

Their culture was the true religion that they experienced, because that culture was united with the Love of God, and it was this Love that allowed all the peoples to know the Truth and the Cosmos. In a simple and easy way, they tried to represent what they saw and recognized.

But the history of humanity has still not been fully revealed. That is why, previous to the original peoples, sacred and inner Enclosures were opened in the interior of the Earth that, like a great mirror, held all that greater knowledge that was known in detail by the peoples of the past.

That information still lives and vibrates in these Enclosures. It is this information and this knowledge that humanity needs in order to again rise up to the consciousness of God and to understand that in this time they have chosen the god of modernity and of technology, completely substituting their inner contact with the Universe.

For that reason, companions, and through this Pilgrimage for Peace, your Master and Lord comes to Colombia to have you revive that sacred knowledge which many were part of in the past. So in this way, My Hands remove a veil from your consciousnesses today, so that your spirituality may awaken and you make contact with your origin and your beginning.

Although many of the peoples who lived in the past were exterminated, were not understood nor even valued, the spiritual Hierarchy recognized and valued them, and today they are in spirit and essence, not only as a culture, but also as a brotherhood within those Enclosures.

In the same way that Colombia and all the Andes safeguard them, this expression of the Divine Truth and the deepening of universal knowledge must be the basis for your support for this time, above all for this time of transition and of tribulation.

Today I want to tell you, companions, that the peoples of America came before My arrival on Earth. This is what the white man did not understand, that rejected this truth, that did not plunge into the knowledge to understand it and feel it, in the same way that each one of the cultures in America understood it and felt it.

In this way, you will be able to understand today, companions, that these peoples are more sacred than I am sacred because their evolution, their consciousness, and their awakening were not only measured by their union with nature and the respect they had for all that was created, but also, companions, they achieved this awakening and this consciousness through degrees of love that are what the current humanity needs to reacquire and experience.

For this reason, you must serve and give of yourself all the time, because the whole of humanity as a culture and civilization has lost the values of the past. That is why it is in the situation it is in; that is why today nations experience what they experience, because they distanced themselves from the wisdom and the love that the original peoples knew and lived through their contact with the Primordial Source.

Is it that in this situation of the original peoples Christic Love does not exist?

Of course it exists, companions. That is why they are so sacred and more sacred than I was for you. Because the Father gave them His gifts, His knowledge and revelations, as He did with the patriarchs and the prophets.

Through the ages, humanity only placed itself in the story of the Middle East. But what really happened beyond the Middle East and on all the continents; were there not more sacred peoples than those who existed there?

Yes, there were many sacred peoples throughout the Americas who were decimated by the white man because of their ambition for power and conquest that completely blinded their hearts. And in the end, it caused them to realize that they made a mistake, beyond all that they took from these sacred lands, because in the same way that nature is sacred, the knowledge of the original peoples is sacred. A true Gospel resides in them, not like in Christianity. It is the Gospel of simplicity, of brotherhood, and of unity with the Kingdoms of Nature and of their true contact with the greater Universe.

That is why I had to return to Earth many times, it was not the first time as Jesus. Humanity always had to be corrected and guided, because it always left the path of Light and of Love.

This is why this human genetic Project is so important to the Celestial Father. If America re-acquires its origins, cultural roots, and especially its union with the Universe, as it experienced in previous times, a great many situations will be avoided.

I am not telling you to believe in God, but rather that you believe in the life that God gave you; that you believe in the Universe, in the galaxies, in the suns, and in the stars that are above you.

Contemplate the starry sky one night and ask yourself: who am I? Have you ever done it? Never cease to do so, and the Father will give you His revelation, just as He gave His revelations to the sacred peoples. 

In all of this, companions, is divine unity, the Presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that the original sacred peoples understood and experienced in another way; that is why they were strongly rejected and hurt.

And in truth, companions, where was the wisdom, the true wisdom in past times? In the East or the West? Today I tell you the truth, that the true wisdom was in the hearts of those who experienced purity, simplicity, humility, and union with the Celestial Father.

But the original peoples were not understood, not only because of their way of life or their culture, but also because of their cosmogony. They reached levels of supra-consciousness, which makes them the representatives of the Brotherhood on the surface of the Earth and you have the opportunity, companions, of being part of that Brotherhood.

Spiritual life does not end in the sacred books, but rather in the true experience of love and of redemption that each one can experience, as those peoples experienced it. Because everything they had and all they received in those days was sacred and blessed to them.

The humanity of these times has completely lost the essence of its culture. Thus, at this moment, it is a necessity for the Hierarchy that the humanity of today, which has distanced itself from the Father and from the path of Will, may be able to return to its origins through its service of love to the original peoples, because indeed in them you will find the essence of love for Creation and for life. And you will feel yourselves to be a part of it, because in the simplicity you will be in communion with that which is High.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, rather I come to ask you, companions, for the simplest practice of all practices: it is to always place yourself in the love and the Brotherhood of God, so that you can constantly find the meaning of being here on this planet and to know that this material life does not end here, that the true life which is inner and spiritual, causal and profound, follows its path and its trajectory just as the peoples followed it, in total trust and in union with Creation.

I come to revive these values in Colombia so that the superficial and stingy life can come to an end and in your hearts you feel the need of returning to God; because it will be important in this time, just as the original peoples did, to always seek an inner contact with the Universe. Because the times are difficult and will be more difficult; your only way out will be the inner contact with that which is Greater, with the infinite, with the Source, with what is non-material, just as the original peoples experienced it.

Do not allow your original roots to be erased from your consciousness, live with love and with joy that you attained over the course of time, which comes from the life of the spirit and of union with the Universe, and in this way, companions, in the name of all humanity, you will be within universal life as the Hierarchy is.

That is why, through words, through teachings, and especially through love, I come to place in Colombia and to reintegrate in the consciousness of its people, the opportunity and especially the Grace, of reviving those cultural and spiritual values ​​that the sacred peoples of the Andes left shaped in the consciousness of the ether of this place.

This will be the unique opportunity for re-acquiring the path toward the infinite and toward the Universe and to feel yourself part of the macrocosm. In this way, your inner stars will shine, and someday these stars will become fleeting suns that will illumine the end of times, the times of darkness and the times of tribulation. And the true divine essence at the center of each being will emerge as a single consciousness, deeply united with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And so you will assert My Celestial Church, which comes to the aid of the men and women of the Earth and also of the Church that is on the surface of the Earth, very reviled and wounded by its own members.

I come to rekindle the values that the conquerors and the Church did not know; that they rejected, repudiated and did not recognize in the simplest men and women of this planet, who lived along the Andes, in a deep inner contact with Creation and with the Divine Brotherhood.

It is time for the doors to Truth to be opened and for you to discover the true Christianity that is based on the essence of My Love, which is present as a seed of light in the heart of those who believe, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Colombia today is ignited by the light of Guatavita and its ancestors. United in essence with you, they pray for you and for your people at this very moment, imploring God for His Mercy and His Grace and so that the unfathomable Source of His Wisdom may cause hearts to acknowledge that they have lost their way because of the distraction of the world illusion, and that it is time step back onto the path toward the origin.

United in love and in essence to all those sacred and blessed consciousnesses that had the knowledge of God prevail on the surface of the Earth and that many, but many of them, were converted in that living knowledge of the Father, today I deeply aspire to Colombia and all the sister nations of the Andes rekindling in your hearts those divine and inner values ​​that will enable you to be in brotherhood and far from the chaos of these times, so that through you not only the Source of universal peace be established, but also the Source of harmony, which will heal the wounded hearts.

In the face of this scenario, in the face of this conjuncture, we will celebrate the Eucharist, and through it, the reintegration in your consciousnesses and spirits of those divine values, sacred knowledge that the original peoples experienced in the name of humanity. Amen.

When humankind of the surface is able to feel as the mineral Kingdom feels, as the plant Kingdom feels, as the animal Kingdom feels, and thus as the devic and elemental Kingdom feels, it will be able to open its heart to purity and understand that everything around it is not edible, but rather sacred and blessed.

In this moment we will lift up our offerings to the Universe.

We invite you to stand up for this consecration of the Eucharist.

At this time, feel yourself to be not only in a spiritual ceremony with My merciful Heart, but also feel yourself to be participants in a sacred ceremony as the original peoples experienced it, to worship and praise God.

This is a time of the renewal of vows, this is a time of commitment and is the time to see the truth that can awaken in each heart that believes in the divine reality.

We will raise our intentions to the Father, we will open our hearts to His Will, just like the original peoples opened their consciousnesses to universal knowledge.

Each one, at this moment, in the silence of your heart, perform this exercise of forgiveness and of reconciliation with the past so that in this present, we may be renewed by the Compassion of God, an infinite expression of His Mercy.

We invite those who can do so to kneel for this consecration.

In this moment we relive the legacy of Love that Christ left us through the institution of the Eucharist.

And as if it was in that time, we enter into the Last Supper and we offer our beings, our lives in honor of the Love of God, and thus we are renewed, reconciled and united with the Source of the Father.

When Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, lifted it up, and gave thanks to the Father for the sacrifice and the surrender He would experience. The bread was blessed. He then gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen 

Then Christ took the Cup with His hands, raised it up to be blessed, and reaffirmed within His Being the surrender and sacrifice He would make for each one of us. After having been blessed, he gave it to His apostles, saying to them, "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new covenant that will be shed by Your Redeemer for the forgiveness of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me."

Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen. 

On the Mount of Beatitudes, gathered together with the multitudes, our Lord taught us the simplest but most profound prayer in existence, the Our Father. In union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we will pray this prayer to finish consummating the consecration.

Prayer: Our Father.

We may stand.

I always give you Peace so that you may experience it and multiply it in the hearts that have nothing, that live in solitude and uncertainty, so that the peace that you may be able to propagate will cause you to renew all your brothers and sisters under the impulse of love and of hope.

Now yes, a special time has come for Your Master and Lord, because now your souls have been consecrated to the Will of God and with this intention and this cause, I will expand this consecration, as I did with the elements; but today I will consecrate My new assistants, who will commit to be the help through the altars for those who seek the Peace and Mercy of God.

Bring the rings, the veils. and the oil for anointing.

Lord of the Universe, You Who grant the opportunity and the infinite Grace that all may love You, today I offer Myself as Your instrument, as Your beloved Son and intercessor of souls, so that through the Mercy I achieved in the moment of expiring on the Cross, souls may receive the Grace of always being able to recognize You and serve You for all eternity. Amen.

Cover these daughters of Mine with the mantle of My Celestial Mother so that they may always remember Her original purity and the opportunity to eternally gift themselves, as My Mother gifts Herself for each one of Her children. Amen.

In the same way that the holy women anointed My wounded and whipped Body, today with this oil I anoint those who always belonged to Me and who return to Me in unconditional service. Amen

I recognize the Truth of God in the simplest.

Today your name will be Nazarena.

Your name today will be María del Renacimiento.

Your name will be Victoria de la Cruz.

The Blood of Christ, the Body of Christ (to each one).

Let us say goodbye to our Master, carrying the impulse of His love in our heart and in fraternity we will give each other the greeting of peace.

We may greet each other.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
