Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Cross the desert in the confidence that within yourself you will hear the Sacred Voice of God, the Divine Voice that will encourage you to remove from your path the stones and thorns that hinder the free walking of the seeker of the Kingdom of God.
So that this mission may be possible, extirpate from yourself the vices and customs that undermine your spirituality.
Begin today to work upon your vice of criticizing. Be brave."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through His Divine and universal Messengers, God silently contemplates humanity, just as He contemplates everything He has created for His children.
If the trees could speak, you would hear their pain. If animals could express themselves, you would understand their suffering and anguish. If everything created could pronounce itself, just like if stones could speak, humanity would become terrified by everything it has done against evolution.
Although this keeps happening and a part of humanity keeps committing the same errors, there is a solution and a way out.
Therefore, God silently contemplates you to be able to somehow hear the response from humanity.
The Kingdoms of Nature are a part of the evolution of beings, they could never be separated from the human being nor could the human being be separated from them.
Everything follows a cycle, everything follows an evolution. And if this cycle and this evolution are transgressed, the evolution of the human being and of the Kingdoms will remain incomplete, and the suffering that is generated toward the lower Kingdoms must somehow be transmuted and liberated.
Therefore, it is not only time to have more consciousness but also to have a good and healthy attitude towards the lower Kingdoms. If the lower Kingdoms were not on this planet, the planet would not express itself, nor would humanity.
The human being must find the sense and the meaning of the presence of the Kingdoms of Nature. They are part of the communion with its spirit and its soul.
The lower Kingdoms are not there to be exploited nor constantly transgressed. This keeps the human being from evolving and awakening to the great universal knowledge. This keeps them from climbing the stairway toward the Infinite, to be able to someday find Truth and Wisdom.
Therefore, the human being itself stagnates its evolution and does not conclude it. Therefore, very few offer to unblock this evolution of the human race.
The steps are towards ascension, towards the path of the spirit, toward the fulfillment of the personal mission of each being.
But as long as humanity does not see these deeper and more internal things, it will never be able to understand the Plan of God nor its existence, because it will be out of the Law, it will be out of balance and harmony.
In order to attain new spheres and to be able to Access the new knowledge that exists in the Universe, the Laws must no longer be transgressed.
We know that there is unlimited ambition on behalf of the human being that is already uncontrollable and unsustainable. Therefore, all efforts made, all prayers said, all services rendered, not only for your neighbor but also for the lower Kingdoms, will help this part of humanity to someday awaken and become aware of all that it does, so that it can correct it.
As long as animals die, there will be incurable diseases for the human being. As long as great extensions of woods are cut down or clear-cut, there will be conflicts among nations.
Everything has a consequence, everything has an origin. Nothing is separated. It is a chain that the human being cannot break by themselves. Only with the spiritual help from the Hierarchy will these chains and this oppression be liberated; but repentance is needed, it is necessary to feel within the heart all that is happening and to help reverse it.
As long as nothing happens, as long as a part of humanity does not listen and does not welcome the call that comes from the Hierarchy, the change will not come and humanity will keep suffering its own consequences.
It will not be able to be only the minority of humanity that experiences the change of consciousness or the awakening. All are called to take care of and to protect that which they have received, because it is unique and does not exist in any other place of the Universe or on another planet.
Therefore, all Hierarchies, all Messengers and all consciousnesses of the Universe contemplate the planet and humanity with love, because God gave them all the best that He has so that His children could grow, mature, learn and evolve.
But this cycle broke since the errors committed by Adam and Eve. And new races, civilizations and cultures arose to try to correct that which had been done by the deviations experienced and by the errors committed.
But not all cultures, consciousnesses or civilizations attained the evolution that God needed. Therefore, new races emerged, new generations emerged, so that the Plan could continue forward. And the most important: so that this genetic Project could attain a more elevated vibratory state.
As the experience was not sufficient, as it was not sufficient to attain the aspirations and have them concretized by the human beings, the cultures or the peoples themselves, even having lived the great process of contact and of union with the universal Hierarchy, the Father surrendered Himself through His beloved Son so that this Project, so that the human genetics, which were lovingly thought of and meditated upon, could be corrected through the Christic Love that came from the Source of universal Love-Wisdom.
Throughout the times, after the passage of Jesus on Earth, there were examples, testimonies and experiences of consciousnesses that attained degrees of Christic Love. But few managed to live the same states that My Son attained up to the height of the Cross, until the last moment of His expiration.
For this reason, He shed His Blood and His Water for each one of His companions, so that the Earth and its deepest locations were permeated by the Blood of Jesus, so that this testimony of Love and of redemption remained held in the spiritual memory of this race and of this planet.
All these codes attained, all these planes lived and experienced by My own Son, were very deep spiritual experiences that He left to the world so that souls and especially essences could benefit from this precious and pure energy, the Christic Energy.
Now that time and humanity is in a culminating moment, it is time for the consciousnesses that surrender and that give themselves to Christ to access these Codes of Light in a spiritual and internal way, reflected in the attributes of service, donation, fraternity, surrender, prayer, Mercy and Peace, so that healing may be established not only in your consciousnesses but also in your neighbor, in your brothers and sisters, known and unknown people, in all beings of this surface.
May this love reach the deepest and your most intimate place in this crucial time, not only so that your faith and your confidence may strengthen, but also so that these codes of Christic Love may reach the consciousnesses and the lower Kingdoms that most need them, penetrating into the hardest and most resistant layers of consciousness, of suffering, of oppression, of slavery, of conflicts.
And this harmony and this universal peace will be attained upon the surface of the nations, in the peoples and in the continents, when this Christic Love is truly lived and you accept it as a part of you, in deep communion with the Divinity of My Son.
This will allow the genetic Project, which God thought of from the beginning, to continue forward, even in the times of Armageddon and Apocalypse. The doors to wisdom and to Cosmic Love will not close, although the events may trigger in some regions of the Earth and in some parts of humanity, so that the human being can learn, become aware and truly repent.
It is no longer necessary for the human being to keep suffering and undergoing all that it does and all that it lives. To be in the Law means a greater effort, not only of maintaining the consciousness and the mind open, but also of participating in these Laws by living them within you and by practicing them externally, so that the sacred people of God may again gather, may again unite, may again congregate in the name of the Christic Love of My Son, which will always lead you to peace and to the perfect vision of the reality of these times so that everything may be reconciled, redeemed and healed in the human consciousnesses.
The planet, but especially humanity, is before two paths, and it must choose one of them, not in an impulsive or egoic way, but in an intuitive and loving way. They are two different destinies, they are two different realities, they are two different situations and two different results.
Therefore, before this cross-road or this decision, you must pray, pray and pray so that all of humanity as one consciousness and one civilization may choose the path that will free it or condemn it forever.
For this reason, the Laws of Mercy act, govern and proceed in the humanity of these times, so that souls may recover the feeling of loving God, of seeking and finding Him, knowing that the Father, in His eternal silence, waits for you with His Arms open to receive you and help you.
But now His children are the ones who must choose and decide. All the help of the Universe will come according to the response of the human consciousness and of the availability of souls.
This decision is in the heart of each being of this planet, but do not forget to pay attention and to reverse the damage caused to the Kingdoms of Nature, which are inoffensive if compared to humanity, and which are here to balance their emotions and their thoughts.
The lower Kingdoms offer to transmute inconceivable situations. And, in spite of the mistreatment and of the aggression they receive all the time, they do not cease to give and to surrender, so that humanity can evolve and attain the maturity it needs in this cycle.
Open your eyes, not the physical, but the inner eyes. Open your ears, not the physical, but the inner ones. Perceive, feel and contemplate the planetary reality and you will understand all that we are telling you, because what is most important in this time is to do good and to proclaim peace. Thus, no longer will nation rise against nation, nor people against people. No longer will brothers hurt brothers and thus, the Light will never lack and Love will always come because it will be emanated from the Source of the Universe.
We are here as universal Consciousnesses, to help you to live the change and so that this change may testify, on behalf of each being, love for the divine.
I thank you for accompanying Me and for listening to Me in these times.
May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be in you and give you an impulse to live that which God so much expects.
Human life is like a hard stone. It must be broken little by little until it becomes dust and until all aspects represented in it are dissolved.
The human stone is the hardest to break because within it has a strength that resists being transformed or to be ground like the grain.
There is still a harder stone in the human being, that is the stone of the heart, the one that cannot be broken at once because it would lose all the meaning of its existence. The stone of the heart is harder because it gets stronger through the feelings it generates, which does not allow it to find the path of peace.
There are few stones that break by themselves at once. What disintegrates the pride of these stones is humiliation or sometimes feeling the Fear of God.
There are stones that are so hard and strong that they do not break easily. If this action of breaking inside does not work in the consciousness, sometimes not even with the instruction received, it then cannot change, because it strengthens itself and, in truth, misses the Grace of finding a lighter path of transformation.
Now My Son has His great tool of Light in His Hands, about to break many stones of hardened hearts. If He gave only one blow, the effect could be intense. If He gave a medium blow, the impact would have little effect. Therefore, Christ needs some stones to be well destroyed so that pride may soon die and the soul may find the meaning of its true mission.
There is no hard stone that can resist the blow of Christ. For Him to be able to reign in a superfluous consciousness the Master must expel with one blow the resistances and extract all of its roots.
The universe knows that resistance is an energy that condemns or that makes the soul suffer continuously. I tell you, My children, prepare yourselves because the hardest and most resistant stones will surprisingly be broken.
The Lord tries so that the aspects of life will not drown the evolution of the soul. This way, in certain cases, the Law of heavenly power avoids more things from being triggered.
Dear children, the effect of a precise blow of Christ upon your hard stones can generate several consequences and inner movements. The Master knows that a blow of His Hand breaks everything because it is not a blow of punishment or fear, but it is the energy that will remove the inner and outer things from their place.
Nobody can oppose this. Therefore, the hardest stones, more resistant and with pride, prepare themselves to experience a total breakdown of their structures. There is no time for superficial things.
Those hearts that know they are resistant and do not manage to change, should know that they will be helped to unblock human vices. The time for patience is gone, humanity has entered into a hard and acute cycle of purification.
The Universe of Christ will do all that is possible for His sheep not to be lost, but there will be no space to accumulate hard stones in the stable of the Heart of the Lord. Everything will be ground, thus embrace prayer and implore so that you may always be guided.
We thank the repentance of those who do not manage to do so and are humble in asking for help. Soon they will be free of their own pride.
The scale of the Law has My Immacultate Heart upon one of the scales, My Consciousness generates the weight of love and purity to save souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to consecration,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more