The awake human being is like a little grain of sand in front of the sea.
While it was sleeping, it was far from the water and, in the desert of its inner drought, it could not even conceive of the existence of the ocean.
Until one day, when the Breath of the Spirit of God touched its heart, moved its life and pushed it to the edge of the sea. There, this little grain of sand began to understand the immensity of life and Creation.
It understood that not everything is desert and drought, but that an ocean exists. It sees it, feels the freshness of its waters, but it can barely imagine what life within it is like.
Until one day, the Breath of the Spirit of God moved it again, pushed and transformed its life so that it would draw closer to the water.
When God gives impulse to the sea of Creation and gives a Grace to the little grains of sand, a wave draws closer to them and, for a few instants, the little grains find themselves submerged in the waters of the ocean.
Those who see the ocean from above know that this grain only knows the soft foam of the great impulse of God and that the source of this impulse is an immense ocean full of life.
But the little grain, submerged for a few instants in the water, thinks it already knows the ocean, that it knows how life within it is, and that it understands what it is to be submerged in the waters of Creation.
But in truth, children, a grain of sand only knows the ocean when it is carried into its depths; and after experiencing life within it, this little grain dissolves, becoming the ocean itself, in the immensity. It is then that it will be able to know the truth of Creation, because it will be a part of it.
Until this moment comes, the little grain travels a long path, in which it opens to the Spirit of God, and He moves it, transforms it, changes its life and its deepest structures, deconstructs its certainties and shows it a new truth.
The truth is always the same, but it broadens, deepens and becomes enriched, until the consciousness is able to not only understand things, but also become a part of it. At that moment, there will no longer be a need for understanding, and everything will have been accomplished.
Tiny grains of sand in front of the sea: let the waves of the divine impulses carry you further into the ocean of the Heart of God and, at each new impulse, dissolve into Him, until the day comes when you will eternally merge into Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Welcome the tests your Lord sends you with love and gratitude and, through each one of them, discover the perfect path for your healing, your awakening and your redemption.
Child, sometimes God allows you to experience an illness so that, through it, you may experience a profound spiritual healing. The illness shows you the fragility of your human being when it is only supported by human forces and the laws of this world.
When you surrender from the heart and place your life in the Hands of He Who created it, and Who is the only One capable of leading it perfectly, you will then understand that the illness comes to heal you of yourself, to defeat your deepest resistances, to place you before God, just like a fragile lamb in the Arms of its Shepherd.
Perceive the illness as a warning coming from Heaven, that is calling you to go deeper into your surrender and resignation to God, in your yielding in the face of His Will, so that you may understand that He is the only One capable of guiding your steps.
While you have strength, He has Power.
While you have knowledge, He has Wisdom.
While you seek truth, He is the Truth.
For this reason, child, remain standing before God within yourself, to give thanks while He seeks to open your eyes, revealing to you your fragility.
Go deeper into the sense of surrender, of yielding and of obedience. Go deeper into the sense of faith, of gratitude and of humility in the light of God. Because, in this way, your illness will be for you a healer and your spirit will be freed.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
What is peace?
Many beings say that they search peace and aspire to be in peace. The Creator constantly tells His children to enter in His Heart of Peace. The Lord sent His most Pure Rose of Peace to the world. And what is peace, children?
Peace is not the truce in which the nations in war experience. Peace is not the silence of the quietness of the mind. Peace is an inner state that the human beings sometimes accede, when they are able to express what they are and unite their hearts to the Heart of God.
Peace is the very Presence of the Creator on Earth. To grant peace is to grant an opportunity for the beings to once more unite themselves to the Father, finding the Creator in their essences, to feel protection, security, trust, the emptiness that one feels when one is in the All, the silence that one feels when being in The One from which all sounds come from.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, is the One who unites God to Her Son, through Her Purity. Her presence and Her words are the path to return to purity of heart and, in this way, express what you were created to experience. May you open the doors that unite you to God and find peace.
When a human being awakens and expresses their true potential, they are united to God, they are in His Peace, regardless of the circumstances around them. And children, this is not to be indifferent. This is to know that more than the feelings of pity and anguish, in times of crisis, facing extreme situations, this planet needs peace, it needs to the able to find God and return to its balance. Therefore, those who are in God are capable to radiate peace even when everything seems to be lost. This is to go beyond the retrograde human condition of fear, anguish and anxiety and to find what it really is to be a human being, the one that is able, through love, to unite all things to the Heart of God and thus establish peace.
Meditate upon what I am telling you and search this truth in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more