In the greater altitudes of the Colombian Andes, there exists a multi-spatial place in which nature itself and the high and cold mountains generate an ecosystem different from any other surface of the Earth.

So, in this physical and spatial relationship, that which we call inner doorways are established, which are not visible to physical eyes, but which, under exceptional circumstances, can show themselves or appear in a specific area in the form of an intense and characteristic concentration of light and colors.

These doorways, that are in the greatest altitudes, serve as passageways for angelic, devic and elemental consciousnesses, and serve as well for the transfer of certain inner operations that those consciousnesses carry out to maintain, not only the spiritual, but also the material equilibrium of the place where these special conditions are established. 

The doorways that are in the heights of the Colombian Andes are natural accesses to superior and cosmic states of consciousness, as the mountainous region itself and the space of the Retreat that manifests facilitate the expression of these sacred places, where surface humankind will be able to again find the meaning of having incarnated and the reason for fulfilling a part of the Plan of Love.

Colombia is still unknown spiritually, but contact with its splendid nature is a bridge so that the human being may perceive and recognize that life is not only material.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And today I come from the highest place of the Universe, and I come to this planet to be able to assist and help it.

This is the main planet of God, within the Creation.

This is the Project that once had its origin for a greater and unknown cause.

For this reason we are here, for this reason we surrender our Lives and our Hearts for humanity, for the concretion of this Project of Love and of redemption, which was once experienced by all during the presence of Christ on the Earth; during His Passion, Death and Ressurrection.

Today, I descend upon the highest peak of the Andean mountains and I begin to prepare the inner planes for the next Pilgrimage for Peace.

At the same time, the universal Hierarchies unite under the same purpose and the same mission, as the planetary necessity is very great in these times.

As days, weeks and months go by, many events are unleashed. The planetary situation becomes more acute and the reality of the inner worlds of human beings also becomes more acute.

Therefore, the Universe of God is calling all of us to participate in this important assistance toward humanity, in this important planetary rescue, which first begins within each one of you, by thanking God for the life He granted to you; by thanking the Universe for the opportunities of paying off your debts and past experiences, not only of this planet, but also of the Universe.

Therefore, My children, this is the moment of the great purification, but it is also the moment to recognize yourselves as worthy children of God, so that many more may recognize themselves as worthy children of God.

Today, I bring, in My Immaculate Heart, the experience of this genetic project, which in ancient times began upon the Earth as Adam and Eve.

We all know, My children, that the Project diverted and moved away from the path of the Father, from the direction that the archangels were giving to you in that time, because temptation came to the man and woman of the surface, through Adam and Eve.

As much as this Project has diverted, God tried it again for each one of His children. He again created new civilizations, new experiences and cultures that crossed throughout the times, up until the present moment.

But now, humanity of the Surface is in a momeny similar to that of the past, and this Project must be corrected, first, within you, and then it can be corrected in the rest of humanity.

Therefore, we are all called by the Universe and by the universal Hierarchies to carry forward the correction of this genetic project that begins with the purification and with the redemption of your lives, and that will end with the spiritual victory of your souls over all evil.

Christ, My Son, taught you how to do it. He came to this world and incarnated in this world to teach you how to do it.

You must not be crucified, martyrized nor chastised. You must live your redemption and your purification with bravery, every day, knowing that there is a spiritual goal that must be concretized for each one of you.

Therefore, My children, within My Immaculate Heart is kept the essence of this genetic Project, which is the Project that God thought for this part of the Creation and for this blue planet.

If humanity still keeps destroying the Kingdoms of Nature and everything that exists upon the surface, if the human beings still mistreat one another, by means of wars, conflicts, by means of everything that the human being conceives, day by day, they will be defeating the Project of God; they will be moving away from the path of Light and of Truth.

Therefore, I offer, as Mediator and as Universal Empress to intercede for this genetic project that has not ended yet, and that must still be concretized by means of the collaboration and the adherence of each one of you, My children.

It is posible to make a New Humanity arise, but it will be necessary for humanity to truly repent and to ask for forgiveness for its sins, for its faults, for its omissions and indifferences, for everything that is outside the Law.

We know, My children, that the majority is not willing to do this.

Therefore, the lives of the majority of people reach extreme and difficult situations. The lives of people go through great suffering and trials, as they do not position themselves in the Heart of God and ask for Mercy.

But you, My children, who have learned to do so and to live it, day by day, keep spreading to the world the power of this repentance and penance so that the most lost souls may also attain reconciliation with God, because the Universal Father is not a judge, He is a Father of Mercy, He is a Divine Consciousness of Love and Wisdom that still waits to hear the request of His children.

Therefore, these are times when everything will be defined. And the time is ending, My children.

It is time to know to truly decide, having much care and much prudence, so that your paths may be on the paths of God, and so that nobody and nothing takes you away from the path of My Son, the Christ.

The Heart of My Son becomes silent before the planetary situation. He, more than anyone, sees that there is great need. Therefore, I implore you, every day, to let Me come to humanity and descend to the Earth, in a spiritual way or in a way closer to you, in order to lead you and guide you toward where God needs.

God will not be able to stay in your consciousness as one God, because God is something bigger and infinite. He is this mystery that has not been revealed to humanity, but this has been communicated throughout the times, with many children of Mine, only in order to construct and manifest this sacred civilization, like those that exist in other points of the Universe and that humanity still does not want to recognize, not even the Church itself.

The Project of God can not only be similar to Christianity. The Project of God is impelled by something universal and cosmic. It is integrated by an immensity of Consciousnesses and tools that humanity once knew and today does not remember, because it has veils over its consciousness.

In order to take humanity from the situation in which it is in, My children, it is with the help of these sacred Consciousnesses of the Universe, of the most elevated angels and of the tools of the Father, that humanity will manage to get rid of this situation in which it is in.

If this did not happen, if this intervention did not happen, the Project would remain unconcluded. And what would be of this humanity and of this surface, which God gave to you so that you could learn to live in love and in forgiveness?

From My Heart, I emanate these instructions because they are part of the Divine Knowledge, because humanity cannot only stay with what is concrete and material. Humanity, in order to be able to step out of the perversion and chaos that My enemy imposes, must elevate its consciousness toward the spiritual and the cosmic.

But pay attention to something, dear children: there is one path and one direction to attain contact with the Universe, and no other.

There are many souls upon the Surface that become confounded with spirituality, creating movements and groups, parallel to the Plan of the Father, absolutely believing that that movement is real and true.

If the Hierarchy is not present, My children, God is not present, and neither is the contact.

Humanity needs the intervention of the Hierarchy and of the Law of Hierarchy because it has demonstrated that, without the Hierarchy, it is lost, not only due to disobedience but also due to the lack of love for instruction.

Therefore, it is important that you keep in mind, in this moment, the love for instruction, not only of the spiritual Hierarchy, but also of those who offered to guide you in this incarnation and on the surface.

It is time to dissolve appearances, judgments and criticism. It is time to go through, by means of love, the portal that will lead you to understand cosmic life and how this life, coming from the Source of instruction of the Universe, manifests through different lines, which are paths that take knowledge to souls and to consciousnesses.

The legacy that you have received throughout the times and up until the present moment is unique. This legacy is filled and impregnated with codes of Love,  Mercy and forgiveness, of purity,  brotherhood and of union for the New Humanity.

Therefore, dear children, you must remember that you are a civilization in transition and that there is still time to build the bridge toward the new, to that which must come and manifest in the new race.

Therefore, everything you do and offer, not only internally but also externally, by means of service, of surrender and of donation, will build the bases of this New Humanity, because this New Humanity will not only be spiritual, it will also be concrete as it lives the patterns of conduct and the divine attributes that the people of Israel once lived, which it lost throughout the times through this eternal conflict between Israel and Palestine which, up until today, is still experienced, even with My Son having come.

This incomprehension is still present in the consciousnesses of these nations. But, as I said in Fatima once, on October 13, 1917, when the great Consciousness of the Universal Mother materialized to appear to the world and to this region; today, I come to say it again, as I said it to the visionaries of Fatima: in order that the third secret not be fulfilled, humanity must demonstrate true change and true repentance.

Therefore, as Mother, intercessor and advocate, I will guide the souls to the Islands of Salvation. And the souls will arrive that will need to awaken and be placed at service, as you have been, so that the greater number of souls of this humanity can keep being assisted and helped, until the limits of consciousness, until where it is necessary, My children; because this is the time to give the best so that some things do not happen; horrible and inexplicable situations, part of which humanity carries forward with a certainty and an action that is absolutely far from God, from love and from purity.

So, the sacred precincts that God conceived for the world, which work and act silently, offer to help humanity, to find a path of brotherhood. Because in brotherhood will be the meaning of rebuilding this race of the surface and of again inserting it into the Project that once began during Genesis and remained unconcluded.

Now, My children, take My words into your hearts, just as I carry in My Heart the aspirations of God; the Immaculate Heart that is offered so that the Father can speak to the world and transmit His message.

I ask you to not busy your minds in adversities, in spiritual battles or in trials, but rather learn from them; because the most important, My children, is that you may grow internally in order to be able to grow in maturity, in responsibility and in the solidity of your personal and spiritual mission.

The Father still waits, that many more offer to suffer for the world, just as the shepherds of Fatima suffered and silently offered, at that time, for humanity. Otherwise, My children, no one would be here today.

I know that it is not easy to accept this path, experience it and go through it.

God does not want to make you suffer. God wants you to learn, just as My Son learned, offering completely out of love for humanity, because it is Love that transforms suffering, guilt and errors. It is Love that elevates you and brings you consciousness and discernment, for these times.

From the highest peak of the Andean mountains, today I am blessing all on this October 13th, when My Heart feels and remembers its passage in Fatima; a place that will be always open for your inner healing and for the reencounter with your original purity.

May the inner bells of the Sactuary of Fatima today sound fully, to celebrate the awakening of My children toward the greater Knowledge of the Purpose of God, maintaining the spirit of faith, of strength and of confidence, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

I thank you for having responded to My call in these last times. And I also thank you for the call that you will respond to in the future, until God needs it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Within the most elevated lands of Colombia, there are sacred and inner spaces that are spiritually consecrated to the intelligent and profound activity of the enclosures of the Heavenly Brotherhood.

These spaces are protected, and only the heart that is of pure intention will be able to access them, avail themselves of the spiritual and cosmic energy that these enclosures emanate, so as to collaborate in the elevation of the human consciousness.

To know the treasures that are held by Colombia of the Andes, as Colombia of the seas and of the Amazon holds, this should be a part of the interest of all seekers of the enclosures of the Brotherhood; in this way, they will come to know Colombia in its true essence rather than in its appearance.  

Colombia is still to be discovered, not by exploiters or merchants, but by all those who love and aspire for universal life, so that this greater life may be more conscious in the human being who walks toward redemption.

The sacred enclosures will take you, in attunement and in love, into discovering within yourselves the essence of the Purpose.

Colombia has been placed in a completely mistaken and dense image.

Colombia is one of the places where your Lord will appear, because I will come to meet those who are humble and who love Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts! 

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
