DAILY MESSAGE OF SAINT JOSEPH, TRANSMITTED DURING THE journey from the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina to Los Angeles, United States, TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA DE JESÚS

God strengthens the hearts that respond to His call through tests and challenges, battles and difficulties, which forge fortitude and faith within.

It is in this way, children, that in the light of so many Graces received, the laws are balanced and those who receive everything from their Creator are called to give everything for Him.

God does not want to see you suffer, but He does need to allow the laws of this world to be fulfilled and that they guide you so that you may experience an ever deeper surrender of your lives.

In the face of the chaos of the world and the inner chaos, seek the spirit of peace and allow your consciousnesses to be focused outside of the dimensions of conflict that confuse the minds of humankind.

Through peace, your hearts, in times of such confusion and imbalance, will be able to attract Divine and Universal Laws and live the wisdom and discernment of the Spirit of God.

And so, children, do not forget to understand that the laws are fulfilled and all abundant Grace is balanced with sacrifice.

However, in difficulties, you can choose how to experience them. You can be in peace and united with the Divine Consciousness, and, in this way, not only keep your own consciousness in God, but also provide a service for this world that is confused and lacking balance and harmony.

I bless you. I place you under the protection and the peace of My Chaste Heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the ever deepening silence of the Divine Messengers lead your consciousness to become silent as well. Thus, learn how to listen to your inner world and, within it, to the Spirit of God that inhabits your consciousness and guides you.

Understand silence as a way to deepen communication with the Father. Understand retreat as a way to mature that which you have received, and to prepare your being for something higher.

Allow this cycle to speak to your consciousness through the desert because all those who aspire to truly deepen their spiritual life must cross it. 

Do not fear emptiness or loneliness, but learn to find in them the silence of God by means of the Love of the Father, discover a dialogue with God that up to today has been unknown to you. 

The Creator speaks to the innermost part of His creatures through silence, and only in the desert of your heart and in the emptiness of your consciousness will you learn to find Him .

Receive the Divine blessing for this cycle, which the whole universe contemplates with love. Creatures are living their spiritual maturity in order to take an unknown step for all life, for all Divine Creation.

May your being be united to the Universal Laws and Principles that rule this moment and, above all, may silence be your greatest guide.

You Father and Friend

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While in the Heavens, a divine event is being prepared, on Earth there are few beings who are accompanying the divine dimensions.

The celebration of Christmas, above all, occurs with the start of a new cycle, throughout all life; the Kingdoms of Nature, the elements, the stars, the time, the cosmic rays, the universe, the cosmos. Life enters into a new cycle, marked by a spiritual rebirth. It is the remembrance of the moment in which the Creator transformed all laws so that He Himself could become a material and human creature.

God the Father changed into Father and Son, manifesting the mystery of the likeness with His Heart. As from that event, nothing remained the same, and the laws of spiritual and material life entered a new cycle.

After the death and resurrection of Christ, that change in the laws continued on its course, because the Creator did not manifest on Earth just to give a chance of salvation to human beings; He came to awaken an archetype of life, institute new laws, and send a sign of its renewal into the cosmos.

In this way, He gave humankind a path and an example to imitate, to follow, to renew throughout its whole evolution.

Each Christmas, when nature and material and spiritual life enter into a new cycle, that offering of God is renewed and awakens a Christic unity with the Father, within beings who are open of heart.

Year after year, throughout the centuries, the enemy of God tries to distract souls and cause them to become lost, but his craft does not reach divine laws, and the impulses of the Creator are unchangeable during each new cycle. The awakening depends on the will, attention and openness of each being.

Each cycle that goes by, these laws draw closer to Earth and take greater shape within human life, with their natural divine vibration confronting, within all beings, everything that does not belong to the new cycle.

Thus, in this period of cosmic and universal renewal, it is important to have the heart united with God, and not resist the transformations.

Allow yourselves to be renewed, so that you may be potential renewers of the Love of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
