In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Forgive them, Father, I have given my life for each one of them.
Forgive them, Father, for I suffered each step of the Cross.
Father, forgive them, because you alone know
what Your Son experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Father, give them Your Forgiveness, for Your Son died on the Cross
to liberate the human race, until the end of times.
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Forgive this humanity, for all that it lives and all that it does.
Just like two-thousand years ago, My hour draws near.
Who will wait for the Return of Christ?
Who will be attentive to recognize Him?
Who will wait for Him with open arms?
Who will give a dwelling place to the Lord?
Who will recognize Him through the signs in the sky and on Earth, at the full apex of the Armageddon?
Who, once again, will carry with the Master the heavy cross of the human race? A cross that is heavier than the one your Master and Lord carried more than two-thousand years ago?
The difficulty does not lie in the wood. The matter, My companions, lies in the willingness of My disciples, in their understanding of what this means and of how urgent it is in this acute cycle of adversity and uncertainty.
This is why My hour is drawing near. And today, together with all the Masters in the Himalayas, the Lord opens His Arms and reaches out His Hands to the world as the Redeemer, to give His blessing to those who most need it, to reach with His Light where there is the greatest darkness.
Thus, the Master of Masters prepares Himself for His hour, just as He prepared Himself for the most painful hour of His Life through the Last Supper, when the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Life and Love, at that moment, just as today, only needed to feel the closeness of brave hearts.
This is why I gather with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, as the plans have changed and a great decision must be made, for humanity of this surface still shows off power and impunity.
However, do not forget this very special month for Me and for you.
I want all My faithful mothers and women on Earth to have within their arms Christ in His Nativity.
I want the humble and serving men on Earth, My apostles, missionaries and collaborators, to radiate the inexhaustible patience of Saint Joseph in these times of tribulation, when the inner temple of hearts must be prepared for what is to come.
This is the gravest thing that is happening in the world today: hearts are not ready for what will come.
For this reason, at the coming Nativity, when the great Star of Bethlehem will reignite from the spaces of this universe, make the light of your prayers and invocations shine. Talk to the Celestial Father about this whole grave planetary situation, for all that becomes more and more out of control at each second, for what is imminent and about to come.
My thirst, just as on the Cross, is for the hearts that still do not allow Me to enter, and, thus, are not ready.
I assure you that this is the hardest hour for your Master and Lord. Once again, I muster the strength of the Spirit of God and bravery at this crucial moment, elevating before you My Holy Chalice so that, just like the apostles of the past, at this very definitive, urgent, hour, you may eat of My Body and drink of My Blood, as a wise and fair justification in the face of the errors that the world lives today.
However, do not forget that the Lord of the Light came at a moment that was very similar to this, to bring redemption to the whole human race, to open the doors to love and to the truth.
Are you really intent on following Me, although you may feel pain?
This is the same thing that, on that holy night of the Communion, I proposed to the apostles and for an instant gave light, discernment and wisdom to My companions, so that they might be ready to accompany the Passion of the Lord, although I knew they had not understood the union with My Body and with My Blood through the Holy Spirit of God.
And although they had abandoned Me, I did not hesitate to give them my best.
I come to place the Divine Will, the Love of God in hearts, so that His Project may be fulfilled in the realization of the spirit, in the transcendence of the soul, in the maturity of the consciousness for all that you must live in your incarnation.
I Am gathered with the Masters, just as I Am gathered with you, so that, in this crucial hour, you may accompany the deep feeling of the Lord, who needs you near, who needs you truthful, who needs you available so that, through Me, you may understand the emergency of these times.
Therefore, My Voice will not become silent until what the Father has requested of Me is fulfilled and carried out. And this begins with each one of your lives, because it is in your lives that God must fulfill His Will. This is still a mystery for many, but it is very perceptible for the open-hearted, because in this way they will be able to recognize the path that awaits them in this trajectory of evolution and self-surrender.
While I Am here, I bring in My Hands the offering of My sorrowful Relics of the Passion. Remember what I told you last time in Rome, when I also offered Sacred Relics to you.
This is a deeply spiritual symbol for you. You must learn to understand the spiritual meaning of assuming these Relics with Me for an end: so that this world does not end and regions of the planet do not disappear.
This is an emergency.
For this reason, the voice of all supplications sustains this planetary moment. There would be no scientific or physical explanation to understand the power of prayer and what at this crucial moment it is doing throughout the Earth. Without the faithful force of the prayerful, there would be no way to explain how the axis of the Earth has not spun out of control.
And although the world must purify itself, it is still possible to placate the events, to relieve them, if there are people aware of all that I Am telling you today, who may become different at the end of this moment with Me tonight, and who may give an evident sign of what they have understood.
For a good reason, I Am here, not only so that you may feel Me or listen to Me, but also so that you may accompany Me in this hour, when I also need My apostles to give light and strength to My outraged, wounded and defamed Church.
Remember that with the power of those who adore My Eucharistic Body, at each moment of Adoration, you are wiping the Tears of the Redeemer, you are healing the wounded Heart of the Son of God.
Behold the outraged and wounded Heart of Jesus, to which I point out at this moment, at the center of My Chest.
The angels contemplate this Sacred Heart.
May souls, at this moment, also contemplate it, as an atonement for the grave sins of the world, for the barbarity of the wars and conflicts of the world. This is so that the Wounded Heart of Jesus, which wants to be part of you so that you may be part of Me, this Sacrificed Heart of Jesus, may stop the lethal bombs.
For the blood of the innocent,
have Pity, Lord!
For the divided and martyrized families,
have Pity, Lord!
For the abandoned, aborted and discarded children,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the division of nations and peoples,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the migrant, refugees and exiled,
and especially for those who disappear in the seas of the world
without anyone to help them,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the impunity of governors
and the lies of those who think they are powerful,
have Mercy, Lord!
For those who suffer in loneliness,
for the cry of children,
for the despair of the mothers of war,
for all those who are slaves,
have Mercy, Lord!
For the Church of Christ on Earth
and the spiritual life of all priests,
so that the Love of Christ may triumph,
have Mercy, Lord!
For all the Kingdoms of Nature,
for the mistreatment they receive,
for the agony of the Lower Kingdoms,
have Pity, Lord!
For those who are ignorant,
for those who still have not awakened
and for all who denied Christ
at some moment of their life,
have Mercy and Pity, Lord!
For the Sacred Project of the Most High,
so that it may be fulfilled as it was thought of
and humanity may respond to this petition,
have Mercy and Pity, Lord!
Behold My Heart, which is slowly healed by the voice of the supplications.
Behold the Heart of Jesus, empty but filled with Love and Mercy for souls. A Heart that waits for those who are His.
At the coming Nativity, may the mature Christ be born in each one of those who are Mine, and may this Inner Christ govern the lives of those who follow My Message and the lives of all those who believe in My second Coming, for it is near.
My hour is drawing near, do not forget to prepare yourselves to recognize and receive the Lord.
I will pray for this cause so that this Message may be fulfilled in you and in your brothers and sisters, so that prophecies may no longer be necessary in this world, so that all may listen to My Voice and recognize it, and, above all, so they may feel My Love.
Together with the Masters of the Himalayas, united to the cause of redemption of humanity, for the peace and the good on this planet, we will celebrate the Spiritual Communion.
I will just ask you for something else: while I retreat to keep working on what God has requested of Me and until the moment when the Spiritual Communion begins, do not disconnect from Me, but rather accompany what the Spiritual Hierarchy is carrying out, deepening into your inner supplication.
I bless you and give you My Peace.
Raise your rosaries.
Father of the Universe,
Lord of Life,
Who through the Holy Spirit
has given Light and Knowledge to Mary
and to the apostles,
Pour out Your Light, Your Love and Your Faith
upon all those who believe in Your Word
and in Your Presence.
At this hour, when everyone
must prepare themselves,
by means of the sacred objects,
may souls have inner strength
to be brave and move forward
knowing that, through prayer,
and through union with the sacred objects,
they will always find the power of Your Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us celebrate.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May peace be within you in these times of great setbacks, in which serenity and meekness are the principal keys for going through them.
Today I come from a place that some already know and that others will come to know today.
My voice echoes within a distant place of the Earth, where nothingness is present and the void fills the whole being.
My voice is heard in the inner planes, where the melody of peace and rescue for humanity resounds.
Today I come from Shambhala, in the Gobi Desert. Focus your attention upon this place; there, in the desert, lies the Voice of the Master, Who prepares His Return to humanity.
The instructions and teachings continue to be given; knowledge descends to bring more wisdom and discernment in this time.
The great decisions are carried forward and all gather in confraternity.
Shambhala brings the feeling of the sacred and the devotional to all. Its harmony and attunement awaken in the human heart the sacred melody that causes Shambhala to resound.
But Shambhala is remote, its origin unknown. Many want to access its portals, but few find them, because to reach Shambhala, the heart and the intention must be pure; in this way, you will enter the Kingdom of Shambhala.
My Message is being emitted from there, on this day of preparation for the month of August, when I will come to the world to give the last impulses and treasures to humanity.
The light of Shambhala brings peace to the contrary currents and stabilizes the forms; the human mind cannot understand what this is about. Because Shambhala is not of this world, even though it is within it. Its existence is very ancient, its legacy is very profound.
Those who draw close to Shambhala will know the sacred and the blessed; they will feel a call toward ascension and toward the elevation of consciousness, even in these critical and difficult times.
In the Kingdom of Shambhala, you will find many brothers and sisters who are not in material life, but rather in the spiritual life, who intone their songs and mantras to sustain the planet and humanity in equilibrium and harmony.
Join this chain of love and solidarity with the Confraternity of Shambhala; may its sacred spaces fill you and lead you to understand, beyond the material, the whole Plan of God.
It is thus that today Shambhala resonates as a sacred note, a primary key for this end time in which souls are called, on the inner planes, to the Sacred Chambers to meet with the Hierarchy and accompany it in fidelity and obedience.
It is thus that My Voice is emitted from the heart of Shambhala; the doors of Its Kingdom are open before the presence of the Master of Love and Humility.
May its disciples come to Shambhala to also recognize the legacy that is within each being and that for the first time was given impulse in the origins of Shambhala for this planet. Thus, the surface will be permeated with new principles that will dissolve the corrupt and transgressing forms.
The minds will be set free from the chain of bad thoughts, from destruction and cynicism, because Shambhala will be able to awaken within everyone.
In the same way that the monastics of this region of the planet perpetually intone their mantras, may the voices of prayer, supplication and pleas resound within you, because the door of My Mercy is still open to the world and to all souls, beyond their conditions or situations.
The light of Shambhala emerges on the surface of the planet. Some manage to perceive it, others are still too asleep to realize this great happening.
Shambhala emanates its silent message within souls so that they may recognize the moment of Shambhala in this time of humanity.
I want your beings to submerge in Shambhala to understand life and existence from another point within the consciousness; in this way, you will not feel blocked or imprisoned by your own human condition.
Shambhala forges the warrior; Shambhala forges the guardian; Shambhala forges the devotional soul, and constantly gives an impulse to the elevation of the consciousness toward the Sublime Universes.
The Earth is not just chaos. Shambhala, like other places, is a Sacred Chamber where you will be able to make the inner pilgrimage within yourselves, toward your origins, toward the truth. Thus, appearances will disappear, the incomprehension will dissolve; but only the pure and humble hearts enter Shambhala, one that knows, beyond itself, how to recognize the Power of God and Creation.
Shambhala opens like a fount of inexhaustible love. Souls are bathed by the light of Shambhala at this moment to again find the meaning for their existence and their missions on Earth.
Shambhala is here. This is the light of Shambhala. In reverence, be thankful and prepare your hearts for that which will come.
If Shambhala is here today, it is because of a universal, not just world importance. It reveals itself again, after its long withdrawal. Its rays and lights show the next cycle, in which everything will come to an end.
Go and seek what you need in the fount of Shambhala. The Father will always give you everything, always. And when you are in His Law, drink of this fount and your talents will awaken.
Shambhala is unchangeable. Shambhala is eternal. Shambhala is a history of great origins. That is why so many monastics come there, to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, to seek Shambhala where it seemingly does not exist.
May the light of Shambhala stabilize the spaces and consciousnesses so that harmony and peace may reign.
Shambhala is preparing for its great task and its great moment. Accompany it.
Shambhala summons you in spirit and in soul for the inner union and attunement with the Greater.
But when you walk toward Shambhala, empty yourselves completely. May your feet be washed clean of the dust, the worldwide chaos, before entering the portal so that, purified, your souls may receive what Shambhala has to give you. Accompany Me in this inner pilgrimage.
Shambhala is the essence of Truth; follow its light. It is like a great star in the firmament. Shambhala is like a great sun in the Universe. Its Kingdom is there to be recognized and loved.
Shambhala is the voice of the wisdom of the heart.
Shambhala, Shambhala, Shambhala, come to those who seek immortality and the overcoming of self. Come to those who love the Plan of God and seek It.
Before saying goodbye, and so that you remain in the light of Shambhala, I want to ask you for something special to Me, that, in this Sacred meeting with Shambhala, you close this work by singing "Solar Christ."
In this way, souls will ignite through the impulse that Shambhala will give you with its wisdom and love.
Follow in My footsteps along this pilgrimage, towards a meeting with the sacred and the devotional.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that emerges throughout space,
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that permeates all forms and archetypes,
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that transmutes the concrete and terrestrial mind:
Elevate all principles!
Transmute all currents!
Dispel all adversity!
so that the Love that comes from you
may triumph throughout Creation.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more