In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Many of Mine fear to feel the weight of the planetary cross, which I cause to weigh upon you sometimes, so that you may feel the same I felt during My Sorrowful Passion.
Today, I come here as the Prince of Peace and as the Universal Governor so that, by learning through the cross, your consciousnesses may learn to govern and carry out the Plan of the Redeemer, which is a Plan that has not yet been unveiled to the world.
For this reason, I am here, on this day, at the doors of the nation of Ukraine, not only to place in My Heart those who have been victims of the war, of religious persecution or even of death, but I am also here so that this region of the planet, which was in old times founded by many sacred peoples, may recover the unity it has lost throughout the times, the conflicts and wars; a unity that comes from the Universe to fill hearts with the Truth, and so that this Truth may show you the path toward the Portal of My Peace.
I not only come here for a wounded and outraged Ukraine, buried by the war, I also come here as the Liberator of the World, to remove from this region those negative forces that imprison consciousnesses, hearts and souls, and which do not allow them to see the light of hope.
But I do not come to challenge anyone, not even those who rule some nations of the Northern hemisphere, who have committed themselves to evil and who have expanded this evil throughout various regions of Europe, as well as in other places of the world, in the forgotten Africa.
Challenge is not the task of your Master and Lord. The task of your Master and Lord is Divine Purpose through the Sacred Flame of Love and Unity, which, in these critical and difficult times, I invite you to contemplate in your inner world, because this Flame of the Purpose of God cannot be extinguished by anything, even if darkness reigns around it.
But I come to dispel the darkness in Ukraine so that this people that has been invaded, wounded and transgressed may have the opportunity to receive the cycle of inner rebirth, because, by internally being reborn in Christ, they will be reborn in the Father, and also in the Holy Spirit, which are Higher Energies that will give them the forces they need, as a people and as a culture, to resist and move forward.
I am not alone here, as your Spiritual Governor, I am also accompanied, at this moment, by the Regent Angelic Hosts, and especially by the Angels of the European Nations and of those Nations of the Northern hemisphere, which have joined your Master in this Task.
In this inner and spiritual undertaking, how important each one of your merciful prayers have been, deposited at the feet of the Redeemer, so that I may pour out My Graces and Mercy, liberations and healings not only upon the souls of Ukraine, but also upon the souls of the whole world that still wait for their liberation and redemption.
With this, I have you understand, companions, that My task is not limited only to Ukraine or to the situation of Eastern Europe. When the Spiritual Governor, Christ Jesus, enters the planet, He attends all emergencies of the world, especially those painful and difficult situations that humanity buries so that no one can see them.
In this way, through the universality of My Heart, I invite you to contemplate all necessities and to work for them, although your collaboration and atunement may be indirect; because when you are in this attitude and in this conscious and mature openness, you cannot imagine how many uncertain doors can be closed.
In this way, I come to form you in the channel and Lineage of Transmutation, so that this ceases to be a theory and may become a reality. For this reason, at the beginning of this Message, I spoke to you about the weight of the planetary cross, which many try to escape. But if I make this request, for you to feel this cross, together with Me, I assure you that you will not feel the Cross that I carried on Mount Calvary, because you would not be able to endure it, not even for a second.
Inner unity is the great key of these times, an inner, fraternal and spiritual unity that can overcome the differences, conflicts, the points of view, the preferences and also the desires.
My Spiritual Government leads you to the elevation of consciousness. And when your consciousnesses approach My Spiritual Government, not only do they approach My Great Universal Task, but, companions, you can also understand the magnitude of My Presence throughout the world, each time I present Myself before you to give a Message.
The coming times will be more demanding, but if you believe in the power of faith and love, help from the Universe will come, your consciousnesses will be renewed and service will expand through your honest self-giving.
For this reason, you must not discard anything, anything the Universe presents to you. No kind of service must be ignored by you, because I need to fulfill My Plan down to the smallest details. Be attentive and watchful, because I may send you many signs, and you have to be awakened and aware so as to perceive them.
I do not ask you to place yourselves in an unfit position or on a level that you have not reached; I ask you to place yourselves in an attitude of inner self-giving, because self-giving is a fire that never goes out.
Self-giving is pity, it is love, it is Mercy, but it is also peace.
Self-giving allows you to welcome everyone, under any situation or condition.
Self-giving will always lead you to live as a pioneer, so that your hearts do not become cold nor become too adapted to what seems to be normal.
We are in times of chaos and, for this reason, you are here today, on behalf of all this Work and of all souls, serving with Me in this important task of liberation, for Ukraine and Russia.
Let us keep praying with fervor and faith, affirming, on this material plane, each one of the prayers and decrees, because the forces are losing control of their power through the sacred intervention of Archangel Michael and My Celestial Mother.
Keep being brave, and the Guardian Angels will accompany you. Take the risk of assuming the responsibility that you have not yet managed to assume, because the Christic Love of My Heart will help you assume this responsibility and task.
Because I need you to understand and comprehend that I need you to be in the place and at the moment where each one of you are, and, according to the necessities or demands of the Plan, this may change.
To live the Cosmic Plan, to fulfill the Divine Plan, is not transitory, it is a permanent and determining effort. Thus, you will never be without assistance, because the Lord takes care of all His apostles, the Lord takes care of all His sheep and protects all His flocks.
Ukraine must still be rebuilt, not only from the material point of view, but also from the spiritual point of view. And so that what is material may be rebuilt, it is first necessary to rebuild what is spiritual, the great disconnection that this country has experienced through the war, putting in jeopardy its whole population, as well as all of their inner worlds.
For this reason, divine intervention, like that which is taking place at this very moment, through a state of Grace and atonement, of unity among prayerful hearts, will be able to grant this spiritual reconstruction that the Ultra-terrestrial Angels alone will be able to carry out, because they are the only ones who can do so.
Do you now understand the importance of merciful prayer during these days?
This will also have beneficial repercussions within all Christians of Ukraine who have been forced to take a cold attitude.
But your Master and Lord never deters Himself, and My Presence on the inner planes has awakened many Inner Christs of Poland and of Europe so that they may truly welcome refugees and those who are suffering.
Thus, I am eternally very grateful, because many souls have been able to escape a spiritual and essential destruction that, in these times of planetary imbalance, would have no solution. For this reason, I thank all who have opened the doors of their homes and, especially, who have opened the doors of their hearts.
Because if things continue in this way, in Eastern Europe or in other places of the world, all of humanity might become refugees. Think of this and act with readiness and in an immediate way, closing the uncertain doors opened on the spiritual plane, assuming, for the whole human gender, the Sacraments, the inner experience with Christ, your Lord, so that this great portal of Divine Mercy, opened in Poland, may sustain these times of destruction and planetary persecution, and, at least, souls may be attracted to this channel of Mercy so that they may be protected and supported.
I will keep working for the world on these days, because this is the preamble to what the Divine Messengers will carry out in the Middle East in the months to come.
As this moment is so near, this mission in the Middle East is so near, I invite you all to place your hand upon your hearts and collaborate in the materialization of this Task and with the immeasurable support of your prayers for all those brothers and sisters of yours, consecrated servers and collaborators who will impel this mission in the Middle East, bringing relief to suffering where it is truly quite necessary.
In Tunisia, the Divine and Spiritual Hierarchy will close a wound that has not yet been closed. I might say it is a stigma in the consciousness of Turkiye, because there this stigma emerged, which then radiated to the rest of the Middle East, to Tunisia, Eritrea, Egypt and a great part of Africa.
Do you know what that stigma is that Turkiye and the other nations of the Middle East have lived, which began in Turkiye?
It is the stigma of indifference, of the doors closed to the refugees and to the needy. And Tunisia, as a nation of Africa, feels in its flesh this stigma of indifference that only a humanitarian mission of Mercy and Peace could heal, just as the prayers of all could heal the stigmatized Middle East.
In Egypt, your Master and Lord, together with your Lady, the Mother of all, and the Spiritual Hierarchies, will recover the codes of Light achieved by the prophet Moses, the great patriarch of the ancient people of Israel, who had the spiritual mission of announcing to all the Law, unity with Divine Law, with Universal and Cosmic Law through the Commandments, that today humanity does not live. It will be an opportunity of great inner correction for all.
And in Israel, the Sacred Land of your Master and Lord and of your Lady, we will be able to carry forward a planetary Task that not only the Middle East, but also the whole world needs, so it can learn to go through the Armageddon.
Behind all these impulses that the Middle East needs, there are many other tasks that you do not know. For this reason, I invite you in advance to pray so that the materialization of this task may descend and take place as has been foreseen.
From the border of Ukraine, I bless this wounded country, and, through this country, I bless all the nations that have been traumatized by the world system, by wars and conflicts, by the sales of weapons, by the slavery of people, the trafficking of organs and children, and the feared abortion.
May this blessing embrace all these situations in need of spiritual healing, so that the souls that are slave to those who imprison them may recover hope, love and faith in the New Humanity.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this Sacred Task!
I bless all, through the luminous sign of the Cross of Emmanuel, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come to My Fount of Love and wash yourself so that you may be healed.
Come to My Fount of Love and purify yourself so that you may be renewed.
Come to My Fount of Love and draw near so that God may bless you.
Come to My Fount of Love and consecrated yourself so that you may learn to live the Will of God.
Come to My Fount of Love and elevate yourself so that your consciousness may expand.
Come to My Fount of Love and nourish from the Divine Codes of the Celestial Universe.
Come to My Fount of Love and repent so that My Son may forgive you.
Come to My Fount of Love and liberate yourself so that you may be converted into an instrument of Peace.
If you come to My Fount of Love, you will receive all My Graces, your faults will be cleansed and My Love will dissolve them. Thus, I will renew your consciousness, your heart and your life, because I Am the Mother of Graces, I am the Universal Mother, who comes from Heaven and from the Universe to remind My children of the spirit of Peace, present in this blessed place and in the hearts that believe in Me.
I am the Mother who brings from the Universe incalculable opportunities for Her children, because My objective and mission is that, through My Heart, you may be able to reach the Heart of My Son and someday convert into His apostles, into His ambassadors of Peace, of Mercy and Light.
For this reason, I ask you that your paths not become confused, that you can follow the spiritual path that I open to you today through this Fount of Spiritual and Celestial Life, so that, not only may you purify and wash yourselves, but also the past of each one of your lives may be erased, because this is possible.
I Am the Mother of Graces, I am the Immaculate Conception, which leads you to be reborn in Christ, and leads you to live eternal life for Christ, together with the Angels and the Hierarchies, in perfect communion with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.
Place yourself at My feet and wash yourself with the Fount of Life, which today, through this place, I give you, present to you and offer you, so that your life may finally be different, distant from suffering, from sin and debts, close to the Heart of the Father, so that the apostles of the end of times may be ready and fervently prepare the Arrival of My Son, and then the Arrival of His Celestial Mother.
With this breeze that touches you today, I purify your lives, re-consecrate your spirits, under the Infinite Grace of God and of all His Divine Manifestations present in the Supreme Source of Creation, which sends sacred impulses of Light, Mercy and Rehabilitation to the consciousnesses that consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart.
For this reason, at this moment, empty your being completely, divest yourself of that which weighs on you or that which you believe you control on your own. Allow your soul to elevate itself to God, just as, at this moment, My Humble Presence elevates your souls to the Kingdom of God, together with the Angels, Archangels, devas and elementals, together with all the Creative Potencies of God, which, as sacred rays of the universe, gave life and origin to each one of your essences.
Today, through My Immaculate Conception, through the Presence of the Universal Mother, Governor and Guardian of all Attributes of the Father, you are, through My Heart, before the cosmic impulses which gave origin to life throughout the whole universe, to existence in all Creation.
For this reason, I ask you to empty yourselves so that these impulses may descend to your consciousnesses and that your lives may be impelled to keep taking steps toward Christ, with one aim: to reach the Promised Land that lives within each one of you, called the Kingdom of God.
In this void, which you can reach with your effort and determination, you will also help your Heavenly Mother and the Hierarchies so that the ties and heavy chains of humanity may be liberated from the world and, above all, from the whole human consciousness. For this reason, I am here today, not only for France, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, but also for the whole world, which is a slave and prisoner of evil.
Trust, My children, trust in the power of Divine Healing that I bring you today, just as I brought you healing, long ago, through My Presence in Lourdes. But today, this healing that I bring you today is greater than the one of that time, it is a healing that makes you walk toward peace, toward the transformation of life, toward the consecration of your lives, toward the elevation of your spirits so that you may be in communion with the Father, just as you are, at this moment, My children, in communion with My Maternal Heart.
Be brave and enter the Fount of Life that reflects today like a Higher Grace, through this Sacred Sanctuary of God, where the angels that are present and all creative devas of the universe and of the planets, of the suns and the stars, of the nebulae and the universes, today for an instant are here, with Me, so that the human consciousness may attain redemption and peace.
Through this Sanctuary of God, through these Sacred Places of the Father and through all His serving Hierarchies, may your consciousnesses and minds open to the impulses of the Supreme Grace that I bring you today through My Message and My Words, because humanity still needs healing, and this is not something new, but rather an emergency.
For this reason, the Fountain that I opened in Lourdes is open to all so that you may wash your beings through the codes of the Divine Source, and thus all may finally be healed.
Because when the world becomes liberated from its spiritual slavery, it will achieve redemption and the New Earth will emerge, a New Eden will manifest itself, and its essences, Essences of the Eternal Father, must deeply aspire, with all heart and life, with all consciousness and with the spirit, to be a part of this New Eden, similar to this place, where there will exist the presence, on your surface, of the Treasures of the Father, the sacred tools of the Hierarchies, which, once ignited, will convert the planet into a consecrated world elevated to the Father, into a world consecrated to the Universe and to all Cosmic Life.
Today, by a state of inexplicable Grace, the Mother of God, the Immaculate Conception, the Lady of the World, establishes for a moment the door that opens to the New Humanity, comprised of and consecrated by all consequent souls, especially those who are victims of the Love of God.
And it is for this cause and by this inexplicable Grace which God granted Me on this day and through this place, that I make each one of your hearts partakers of a union with the Heavenly Mother, in this first preamble that gestates in humanity the Attributes of God, the same Attributes that were present in the people of Israel for a long time.
May the sacred lights of the Natural Sanctuary of God and of His Sacred Places illuminate your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters so that each one may find the path of return to the Eden of God.
Today I am here in deep gratitude for the sincere and honest response of My daughters who represent this nation of France, which needs reconciliation and forgiveness, unity and love, which begin today to be gestated through your hearts, through the hearts of My daughters from France. Present today in this valley of the Sanctuary of God with the Angels of the Heavenly Mother, with its devas and elementals, pleading together with My Heart for humanity, for the planet and especially for France so that it may finally attain the total consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, and so that neither difficult tests nor painful events may come, but rather that the consciousness of France and of its Angel may respond to the Will of God.
Also for this reason I am here, to confirm to each one of you, My beloved children, that it is possible to live the Will of God within His Celestial Kingdom.
I consecrate all those present and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now go, and wash your faces in the Fount.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more