A Heavenly Brotherhood is established within the proximities of Manaus, and your Master and Lord congregates, from different places of the Earth, the great angels and devas of the elements; water, earth, fire and air, as well as the ancient elementals of the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica and of the Arctic so that, united to the Creation and under the Law of Love for life, the great Amazon Rainforest may be restored in three stages: spiritual, mental and material.
It will be through the powerful pillar of the divine and unfathomable Mercy that your Redeemer, together with all of the Heavenly Brotherhood, will work from spiritual planes to prevent the continuous projects of devastation as well as the ideals that are mentally against the evolution of the lower Kingdoms and of human beings.
For this reason, I am coming, and with my humble and poor feet, I will stand upon the sacred soil of the Amazon. I will also impart My Solar Grace to all the native peoples so that they can feel relief and divine protection.
In unity and in love, all the servers will gather, from all places of the Earth, to offer their simple but loving prayers for the Sacred Eden of God.
I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Child King is returning to His Marian Center so that spiritually, within the smallest and most innocent souls of the world, the essential purity does not continue to be offended.
Therefore, from this Marian Center and by means of the Heavenly Mother, I will be working so that the smallest ones who are enslaved and trafficked in the world may be relieved of such terrible oppression.
From now on, I will count on the prayer from the heart, of each one of My disciples, so that the most sorrowful and commercialized ones may definitely achieve freedom and the pain caused may be healed.
This is the time when Your Master shall begin to make necessary interventions in order to help the souls become liberated from the slavery in which they were placed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If the Amazon region is totally devastated, as it has been happening throughout the recent years, and if the government continues forcing its ideas and projects upon Creation, the Brazilian people will witness events that will reach beyond the communication media and the newspapers.
Nothing can stop the trial and justice that the head, who was chosen to govern this country, will face, because no creature on the surface of Earth will be able to modify or deter the powerful action of the Universal Laws and, above all, the Universal Law of nature itself. This punishment can only be stopped with prayers from the loyal devotees of My Sacred Heart.
When I asked you to pray for the reconsecration of Brazil, it was so that at this moment you might be strengthened before all the unimaginable, which will show up overnight.
I want you to understand, companions, that never should anyone dare to challenge the Law, as many men and women do, because their lives will not only be unhappy, but sooner or later they will be converted into a disgrace, impossible to be hidden from anybody.
In the same way, I have come to ask you to pray for the reconsecration of Argentina, for the Argentines to be protected.
If within Brazil the harmful projects against life and against nature are not deterred, you will see not only fire, but also a lot of innocent blood flow, like rivers, and this will be similar to what happened in Kibeho, Rwanda.
If at this same moment the Brazilian government does not stop and listen, although it does not believe in the divine existence, many will cry more than hundreds of raindrops that fall from the sky.
I come to avoid a national and social catastrophe. Therefore, take My Message to the world, because if you do not do what I am asking you, South America will experience the consequences, a drought as it has never experienced one before.
There will not be a new flood, but rather rain will fall from great and unknown stars that will end a part of humanity.
I call you to be conscious.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Many of My followers in South America and in the world would like to hear the word of the Hierarchy concerning that which our dear and subjected Amazon region is going through.
This is proof of the indifference of human beings and of the unconsciousness of those who take advantage of Creation and of the great regions of the planet that are exploited for the benefit of few and the poverty of the majority.
Humankind itself will realize too late all that it has transgressed and all that it has lost.
Therefore, what happens today in the Amazon region is an answer to the uncontrolled corruption and the excessive and sick exploitation of those who govern the nations, as well as a harsh consequence for those who have elected them.
In summary, all that the Amazon region is going through is not a punishment from God, it is a responsibility of the same humanity that believes to be powerful before the lower Kingdoms and the elements.
Yet, while humanity continues hurting the Amazon, the world shall know, even more, the fury and the indignation of the Kingdoms of Nature because the Law, which is stable and secure, cannot be transgressed.
Therefore, the groups of prayer must place the entire situation of the Amazon on another level of consciousness and not remain in the coordinate of judgments and of commentaries, for this strengthens the harassments of the adversary in the minds of the governors, in which he works in a hidden way.
Ask the Heavenly Father for only His Will to be fulfilled and do not hesitate even for a moment. Put your faith in the Lord and all shall pass.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Companions of Mine and favorite children of My beloved Father,
Today I am here with you for a higher and spiritual reason that I am going to explain to you. Today I am in this city and over this region to help it, but I have come here especially because I have heard from Heaven the voice and the faithful petition of My children.
Dear brothers and sisters, children of My Father, servers of My Mercy, this nation has lost the consciousness about the true existence and purpose of all the Plant Kingdom.
At the request of all the Celestial Universe, and through the supplications of all the angels that take care of the consciousness of the Plant Kingdom on this planet, I have decided, along with the divine authority, to descend in Glory and Piety over all this region that conforms one of the most important creations of My Father for the material universe: the Amazon.
There, just as in other places of the world, exists the spiritual sustenance for life of all the beings of the planet. The Amazon is the cradle for the New Humanity. It is the sacred epicenter of the whole Plant Kingdom.
It is for the suffering and annihilation that the Plant and Animal Kingdom live there that My Father has granted Me the Grace of coming to prevent a disaster with world consequences in this entire sacred area, an area that is subdued by humankind in a perverse and materialistic way.
The reality that the Amazon suffers is a weight for humanity: a reality that generates, as a result, the illnesses, the wars and the lack of peace and of harmony in the humanity of the Earth.
My Merciful Heart did not want to descend in a city of the Amazon not to commit, neither to generate oppression in those who perpetrate so many works against the balance of Creation.
If in truth the planet were loved and respected, humanity would never have to undergo a great purification. It is for this that the Son of God incarnated in an ancient humanity to avoid the self-destruction.
Here in Boa Vista I found hearts willing to lovingly help Me and to pray with Me for the sublime action of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
Thus, companions, I have asked the consciousness of all the members of this nation to come here, to Boa Vista, to work with Christ for the redemption of the Amazon. I hope you have understood Me.
For this, I thank you for the presence of those who are here today to pray in union with the Heart of Jesus.
The suffering of the Kingdoms of nature is caused by the lack of love and care towards the Creation.
God created the Minor Kingdoms to help on the evolution of humankind of surface and, throughout so many cycles and centuries, humanity has done everything wrong, everything has always been outside the Holy Law.
However, as My Mercy is unfathomable, I have come to Boa Vista to implore together with you for the Mercy of God to descend over all of humanity.
For this reason, this next Marathon will be dedicated to all the Minor Kingdoms; all the praying people and devotees are called by Jesus Christ to pray for them.
Thus, they will permit humanity to heal and redeem its main spiritual illness: the destruction of that manifested Creation on this planet. This is the root of the whole chaos of humanity and of the events that precipitate, each day more, over the world.
May this Marathon represent an awakening of the consciousness of each creature that has lost love and the notion of what the Minor Kingdoms mean.
If most of humanity took care of and prayed to revert the causes that harm the seas, the continents and the Kingdoms of nature, there would be no planetary transition nor would there be an Apocalypse.
I thank you for the interest on the part of all the praying Brazilians for the reality of My beloved Amazon.
In the name of Truth and of the Divine Consciousness, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Heart,
Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more