I will come as the most ardent Fire of all fires, but no one will get burned before My Presence, but rather, the spirit will ignite in My Divine and Cosmic Fire.
This Fire, which will descend from the universe, will come to renew all consciousnesses, it will come to renew all forms, redeem the laws of the planet, and bring the Light of understanding and wisdom.
At that hour, when all seems lost, I will return, extend My Hand and offer My Heart to you, just as I did with My apostles after My Resurrection.
I will re-appear in the world in ways never seen before, and all that has always seemed unknown, will become known, and the mysteries will be unveiled. The seals will finally open, with the descent of the Son of God through the planes and dimensions.
And thus, the Breath of the Spirit of God will descend with all Its strength and power, remove from the planet the forces of evil. The angels will rebuild the ether of the Earth, which is torn and invaded in this time, but the spears of all the angels of Heaven will re-establish the fiery currents of this universe, and the solar system and this planet will participate in this.
The great cosmic forces, which impelled the creation of the material universe, will participate in the event of the Return of Christ, and all that was written in the Bible will be fulfilled.
Those who are destined to receive the Lord, in His Return, will live it. Those who have left this world and those who will no longer be in it in the future will also witness the coming of Christ from the planes of the Celestial Kingdom.
Thus, the divine communication between Heaven and Earth will be re-established, because in that time, which is not so far away, the weapons and wars will no longer work, because there will be no occult forces to stimulate or impel them, as the Spiritual Government of God will descend, and those who were pre-destined to comprise the 144,000, will present themselves. And many more could join that event, if they are converted and redeemed to the Lord in time.
Happy will be those who will persevere until the end of times, because they will cross the obstacles of decadence and human inertia. With the victory of My Light, and the power of My Love, the chosen will know how to cross the abysses and tribulations, and nothing and no one will deter them, because they will keep the great secret of Christ, that last secret that will be revealed to the consistent and all the pure of heart.
That secret, which is invincible and inexhaustible, will expand the field of human and mental consciousness, and all beings on the surface of the Earth, who have sincerely served Christ, will experience the re-connection with the Divine Laws.
And, as it was in the past with the sacred people of Israel, the angels of the Lord will announce the arrival of the Messiah, now the arrival of the Great Governor of the Universe.
There will be no occult or contrary force that could resist My arrival, because when I cross the ether of the planet, everything will begin to happen. The doors of the universe will open, and will not be hidden. The elements of nature will accompany this great event, just as the elements of the planet accompanied the Sacred family of Nazareth.
No Stone will be left upon stone, and this will be fulfilled. Therefore, live in time true repentance, from the heart, and open your hearts to be a living receptacle of the Legacy of Christ, because you will need it in the end of these times.
In all the minds that have believed in the Divinity of the Lord, there will be no doubt, questioning or criticism. The Universal Laws will be understood through the essences, and they will thus be able to decode the impulses that I will send to the world.
I Am not speaking of inexplicable mysteries, I am not speaking of new philosophies or other spiritual branches. I Am speaking of the only impulse that I will emanate from the Heart of Andromeda before my departure to Earth.
And thus, Three impactful Calls will be emitted to all the servers who have followed Christ up to the end of times and who, without seeing or recognizing Me, will have believed in My immaterial Presence.
The First Call that I will emanate to the world will be the Preparatory Call, a moment when all hearts and lives must be ready, despite all the events to be seen on the surface of the Earth, despite of the climatic and cosmic phenomena, even with the reappearance of great consciousnesses of the universe throughout the orbit of the planet.
That Call will be unmistakable, deep and clear. It will be a Call stating that all must have their material things ready. I Am not speaking to you of the goods that tie you to this world; I Am saying that your material and physical life must be aligned with Me, as well as that of your families.
The Second Call that I will emanate to the world will be the Call of My Re-approximation.
The guardian angels will have the task of making this Call by means of dreams, experiences and even materializations. The Cosmic Forces of the universe will present themselves and, through the Call of My Re-approximation, hearts will know that there will be only one last Call to be made, which will be the Call of My Voice.
I will speak to hearts in the innermost depth of the essence. Just as many of you have listened to Me in the Holy Land, you will clearly listen to Me again and recognize Me. But be attentive not to be confused with the false christs.
There is no one on this surface who has more power than the Son of God, because God gives power to the one He so determines. For this reason, My Presence and My Call will be unmistakable.
Many will hear My inner Call, others will see Me in the inner planes, others will see Me face to face for a single instant and a single moment, and that will be the moment of My Return, when I will re-organize this planet from the inside out.
That will be the moment of the great rendition of all humanity. I will call all religions to finally be one, in Christ and for Christ, and living various spiritual paths will no longer be necessary, because everything will become very clear.
But this will not be the last thing, companions. There will be the Fourth Call, which will be the Call of the Mother of God, when She will also re-appear in the world.
Just as in the past She was seen ascending to the Heavens in body and souls, so will the Divine Mother of the World descend from the Heavens in body and soul. But She will reveal Her absolutely transfigured and cosmic Face, together with three great Creator Fathers, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael.
Together with them, She will bring the Scepter of the Will of God, the great cosmic tool that will descend upon the planet from the universe and will be visible, to put an end to all evil and duality.
At that time, which is not very far away, the dead will resurrect, and the Laws that were professed to the people of Israel will be fulfilled.
Many will have the Grace of meeting again those they have lost because of death, mortal life will become immortal life. It will be a new beginning of humanity and that Project that was thought of in the origin of Adam and Eve will be resumed.
All that will be carried forward through the Fire of Christic Love. This is why you have been prepared in these recent times. And through these latest meetings with Me, you are being prepared.
Tell the world that I Am now returning, and that it will not be long. I repeat to you again that no one can deter this universal event, because it is already written.
The Master and Lord of the universe, the known Jesus of Nazareth, will meet again each one of His companions, give them the embrace they so much expect, they will receive the Love they so much seek, and at that hour they will understand who they truly are.
Rejoice your hearts and wait for Me with hope.
We are in the last time of the tribulation, but Aurora will rise on the horizon again, and it will no longer be able to be buried by anyone.
Woe to those who have not believed in what has happened here, in this country!
Woe to those who closed their hearts to My Message and My Word!
The Earth will cleanse itself, as it is doing at the moment.
Pray for the sinners and for those who have not been converted. Pray for My Church, extended throughout the Earth, so that it may no longer be defamed, so that it may fulfill the great promise of the Lord, and thus comprise the great Mystical Body of Christ on Earth.
Be sparks of My Love in the world, do not be darkness any longer. Drink from My Light and be Light. Receive My Grace and be consistent.
This is all that I wanted to tell you today, from My Heart.
Continue to be brave to listen to the Word of God, because it is the last before it all happens.
Let us celebrate this moment. Let us commune with this Message through the Sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that more souls in the world may also prepare themselves for My much awaited Return to the world.
I count on you until the end.
And thus, I bless and absolve you, under the power of the Most Holy and Divine Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will wait for you in the month of January of next year, to close this mission through this Marian Center.
Let yourselves be consumed by the Fire of Aurora, it will not harm you.
Our Father...
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On this afternoon I come as the One Who Transfigures all things and to you, companions, I present the Face of My Transfiguration, which you too must achieve in your lives, in service and in prayer, so that finally, the world and humanity may become free from all the sins that deviate souls from the purpose, from the path that Christ, your Lord, has called you to walk in this hour.
I know that many of you must enter this path; that is why things are so difficult.
But My adversary will not triumph. The triumph will be of the Heart of God, the Father.
Today I come here, companions, with all the rejoicing of Heaven and the Universe, to again show you My Face of Transfiguration, which radiates your beings to transform your cells and atoms, in the precious project that God has foreseen for you.
This, companions, is also the Work of My Divine Mercy.
Accept the convocation that I present to you today.
Fully live a life of prayer.
Serve your brothers whenever you find them in great need. And that need must not only be material, but also spiritual, because souls suffer in their spirits. Many souls suffer in this critical time.
I would like that your hearts perceive these things, because the world needs to wake up from this deep sleep in which it has been placed.
I lived the cross for you and now I live the spiritual cross for humanity. Who will share it with Me in this hour?
I know that your beings do not know what true suffering is. That is why I lived it for you in that time, so that you would not suffer in this hour, neither your brothers, nor all those who you do not know in this current moment of humanity.
For those who are new, I would like you to adopt My Sacred Heart and set aside the habits you adopted in your lives, the habits which are not of the evolution of God.
Thus, I need you purified in this time, so that you may enter the Kingdom of My Father in consciousness and participate of all the treasures that I want to deposit in each one of you.
I would like, companions, that you aspire to celestial life, not as something unattainable, but rather as something close to you, as it is today, in this sacred meeting with Me.
That's why I open the Doors of the Heavens, so that your miseries may be transformed and the sins of the world not weigh so heavily upon the planet.
As from today, companions, you must be consistent with Me in your attitude of life and in the practice of good examples. Because this is My last call to humanity, before everything is precipitated, which is something that humanity does not expect because it believes that it will never happen.
Just as you see the sun born on the horizon, so will you see the day become dark, and that will be the sign that you must be ready and in permanent vigil with Me.
So, companions, you will know where to be and you will not despair over the things the world will say, because the truth will be in your hearts, that which I have been teaching for two thousand years and which today I give you again so that you may participate with Me in this preferred union with My Spirit.
I would like you to count all of the times that I have already been with you and how many things I have told you over time. In this way you will understand, companions, that My Purpose continues to live in the consistent hearts open to respond to the call of the Most High, in the liberation of your lives and of all the debts that delay your evolution.
I would like you to open your eyes to what is real and abandon the illusion of this humanity, of a fictitious realization that has nothing to do with spirit, because, companions, your true treasure is in the heart.
You will leave this Earth carrying this experience to the place in the Universe that will correspond to you, and to the Lords of the Law you will present all your efforts, all the goals that you have fulfilled in your spiritual life, in the work of prayer and of solidarity for your peers.
That is what is real for this time, companions.
In this way, your lives will be a miracle and you will see miracles happen around you and in each one of your brothers. Because who is transfigured achieves everything and is in God, within His infinite Purpose.
This is why I have come to bless you on this afternoon, to untie the knots of consciousness, everything that prevents the souls from walking towards My Heart, because if today you listen to Me, companions, your brothers also must listen to Me through you.
In the Universe, energy is economized. That is why nothing is lost and each moment is blessed and sacred for you, because in the end, you must live your mission and no longer be lost in the world.
Reflect to your Father what you truly are.
Express the love that you still have not given to your brothers.
Unite in a single brotherhood and be confirmed as My apostles of the new time.
So when I return for the second time in Glory, you will not only see Me come in Light, but also with the thirteen angelic legions that I have chosen to re-ignite the world in Liberation and in Redemption, and turn this sacred planet, so very abused by humankind, into a blessed sacred land, at the beginning of a New Humanity.
For this reason, companions, do not only care for yourselves; learn to care for your brothers and acquaintances.
Do not allow your brothers to enter the darkness.
Through prayer of the heart, fervently plead to the Celestial Father, offering My Sacred Heart for the world, and wait; wait in silence, because the response will come. The time is indicating it.
And now, companions, let us pray so that this Transfiguration may occur in those who must be transfigured by the Fire of My Spirit and of My divine intercession, to thus realize and accomplish the Project of God on Earth in this last era.
Let us repeat:
Transfiguration, Transfiguration, Transfiguration!
Ray of upliftment and transcendence, dwell in us. Amen. (x3 times)
And now, I not only come for your souls but also for the souls of the world and for all those who must reach peace.
Thus, today I give you this blessing, so that you may be renewed in My Presence.
While I am present, offer these elements in adoration to God and sanctify your lives in union with the Holy Spirit.
Song: You are the King
And to think when I least...
And to the Heart of our Father we will lift up this offering, in remembrance of the Passion of Our Lord and of the sacred opportunity that your Master, Christ the Redeemer, left for everyone through a perpetual Communion with His Body and His Blood, divinized in all spirits of the Earth that always commune with His Sacred Heart.
In the name of this sacred ceremony, companions and of all the angels of Heaven that are assembled here for the Redemption and for Peace on the whole planet, I institute the transubstantiation of this bread and of this wine for the redemption of souls and the hearts that will eat and drink of the Spirit of the King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I bless you and thank you for having received Me in this place.
And while I rise up, follow along with this song as the proclamation of your souls, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of His infinite Love for each being of this planet.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and be the peace in these times; wherever you go and to those you find, only give peace.
I thank you!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more