From the Spiritual Book of the Secrets of God - Part I

And it was at that time when your Master and Lord, after having walked together with the twelve, called three of His apostles to climb the mount Tabor and, under a divine, solar and cosmic point, they got to know the real Face of the Son of God.

Today, I tell you that not only the three apostles got to know who I really was, but also many more consciousnesses participated in that event in which, through a crossing and a perfect union between Heaven and Earth, a great portal was opened and thus Moses and Elijah appeared, showing their transfigured aspects to the three apostles.

At this moment, a kind of spiritual alchemy and a fusion of non-material Laws were established to sustain that important luminous manifestation of the real aspect of the Son of God.

It was on the top of mount Tabor and for one time that My people saw their Lord in His glorified and cosmic aspect, an aspect He had conceived before incarnating in this world as the Messiah.

During that occurrence, all atoms and cells of your Master shined and, through His ethereal Body, He showed His transfigured aspect as a vision to the apostles and to all who were present there.

For a moment, the spiritual Universe granted the revelation of this secret, which nobody had known until that moment, because the purpose of such a revelation was so that those closest to the Redeemer would be strengthened so that, when the most complex tests would come, to the life of each one of them, as they shall come to each one of you, they could learn to deepen into love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Today I am here together with Moses and Elias, My ancestors, who announced My advent to the peoples. And now, companions, I announce My second return to the world.

In the same way that the patriarchs formed the peoples so that the Word of God could be alive in their hearts, I form the priests of the heart, so that they may live in the essence of My Spirit. Through simplicity, may they be able to profess My Presence in the heart of all souls, mainly in those that are in darkness, that I come to redeem in these times.

A story was written in this humanity and today you faced a small event of My Passion, for My Consciousness is more extensive than it seems and each part of My Being suffered that Passion for each one of you, for your family and friends, who are not present here today, but are in this world that arduously enters into the first cycle of its transition. But you should not fear this.

In the same way that the prophets of the past announced the coming of the Messiah, the Divine Word of God Itself, expressed through My Words, comes to announce to you the second coming of the Savior. First, in the pure hearts, that may seek Christification through the purification of their beings. In this way, you will be able to see the resplendent Son of God and you will recognize Him in a simple and humble way, because He will call you again to participate in the Supper of Mercy.

While many spirits do not dare to take the great step toward My Heart, in the few I forge the best, so that the works may be accomplished in the excellence of the Will of the Father. But when the armies are formed through prayer, service, and an absolute trust in My Merciful Heart, the doors to rehabilitation open for those who seek a new life, full of the Love of God, overflowing with His Divine Spirit, within the Laws of the Universe  which all of you are called to practice.

This is what has caused humanity to fall into perdition. The lack of obedience to the Laws brings disharmony to the planes of consciousness and the forces of evil take action to subjugate faithful hearts, mainly those who have given the vow of "yes" to My Heart.

In the presence of the prophets, remember the commandments. Although they are primitive laws, they continue active on this planet. And it is those simple laws, which are hard to fulfill in the hearts of the simple, principally in the whole of humanity, which is subject to the material life and distanced from a true knowledge of God; for upon this planetary consciousness a science that is not real has been implanted, which has led to modernity and to a disconnection in the spirit of each being to the true essence that governs them, which is the purpose of God over this Universe.

Moses represents the Patriarchy and the succession of Abraham. Elias is the Prophet that in his books wrote of the clear visions of God under the Great Advocacy of the Holy Spirit, in the beings of humanity and in those who wake up to a union with the Spirit of the Creator. Elias is the messenger of the Spirit, Moses is who experienced the principal choice. The one that God gave to his heart to achieve the purpose of an uplifted humanity, guided by the Heart of the Celestial Father, so that He could thus find the Promised Land, that is the tabernacle of the heart of each being, where God dwells, the essence of your love and of your unity.

But that promise is about to be fulfilled. That is why the Son of God was sent to the Earth, so that all of you in these times would have the sacred opportunity of reaching that promised land, the essence of that primordial spirit that must awaken in the times of chaos to assist souls; those who are to experience the cruel transition, because of the unjust causes of all humankind, because of the actions against Creation and all what was created by your Higher Father.

For this reason, companions, return to the origin. Remember the Laws. Begin to practice them, for they will unfold in a way unknown to the world. But if you are prepared, you will help those less prepared so that they may go through the primary teaching of complying with the Commandments and to not step out of the Law, so that it may not fall upon ignorant hearts, mainly on those that did not accept My Resurrection.

Let the consecrated children of the monastery come here. All the consecrated brothers, for today they will sing My Resurrection. I am referring to My favorite male children. And in the presence of My pilgrim female children who arrived today at My meeting, they will also sing in My Name the glorification of My Resurrection, because today I can say I have awakened in the simple hearts, which opened to find Me here, in this enclosure of simplicity and of love for the Hierarchy of God.

While I am present, companions, meditate upon My Resurrection and upon the opportunity for freedom that your lives received, on being here today, present before My Celestial Universe.

Now enter into My Heart and meditate upon what I tell you, and with your heart listen to this proclamation that I have requested you sing to me. Fourteen bell strikes.

Today receive Abraham, your first Patriarch of the Christic civilization. Today I am uniting the Old and the New Testament. And today's Words of Mine weave the new Commandments, which will be lived in the virtues of beings and in the love they are able to express for God, the Creator, before My return.

Let us sing. At the request of Our Eternal Father, My consecrated children will sing in the name of all, together with My two daughters who have arrived today, to enter into the rejoicing of My Spirit.

While you listen, feel your angels and unite your concentration with the total Universe that today welcomes you in this sacred enclosure.

And now, companions, lifting up the offering of the incense, the water, and the oil for the sacraments to come and which will bless the souls that in this time seek a perfect union with My Father, offer it to the Thrones that God has granted Me, so that together with the angels, the hosts of Light and all the blessed, receive their offering as an honor of redemption and of peace for this world, for this current time, for this new humanity, that must already rise on the horizon of your hearts.

In My celestial Presence, on this Hallelujah Saturday, lift up your offerings so that I may receive them, in the essence of spirit, in the offering and the gifting of your spirits to My Paternal Consciousness.


Celestial Father,
Supreme Unity,
Supreme Consciousness,
Supreme Love,
have pity on all of us
and all of humanity.
(repeated 3 times)

Today the wounds of the past will be closed for those that believe in all they experience.

At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the brothers that are holding the offerings to offer at the altar of the Creator, will carry out an intention before Our Lord, for this humanity and for this planet.

I am listening to you.

Let all listen.

For all the young people of this humanity, Lord.

For all the beings that do evil.

For peace in Africa.

For all those who sleep.

For the living of fraternal love and compassion.

If you continued to pray as you did today, many of them will be saved. And it will not be through My intercession, but rather through your just cause of praying from the heart and soul for those that are deeply unknown to you, mainly for those that are at your side, that in some moment have denied you through misunderstanding.

Live the essence of humility. That will help the planet to become salvageable and worthy of receiving Me for the second time. Your intentions penetrated the dimension of My Heart. Your tears and cries, for God, represent relief from all the pain, all the sins, injustices, and assaults that many innocents experience.

Heaven observes all these situations and all the celestial Hierarchies work extensively for your redemption. We will not leave this world, for it belongs to us. God had us incarnate as Verb and as the Word, as Unity and as Essence among you, so that all may be able to understand that the Mercy of God surpasses all tests, all difficulties and sins.

Dare to forgive those who hurt you, for in this way, dear companions, you will be My apostles.

Let us pray "Prayer to live humility."

Supreme existence of humble Love
Supreme Consciousness of Universal Creation
descend in Your Immaculate Spirit
and incarnate now in this little heart
so that Your selfless purpose
may be accomplished in the mission you have entrusted to me.
From my heart erase all arrogance,
from my soul cleanse all stains,
and with Your Divine Light dissolve
all debts in my consciousness,
for free of myself
I will be able to help You, beloved Father,
to fulfill Your infinite Will
in all that was manifest.
Unite me with the spirit of humility.
Consecrate me to the essence of Your Truth.
Lift me up to Your Kingdom
so that this being manifested by Your Origin
may together with Your angels fulfill
the purpose of the glorious coming of Christ.

The Lord asks for the Communion.

I am present here because many of you have need of My inner Presence to be strengthened.

Revere the sacraments and experience them with gratitude. The Body and the Blood will again be alive in you. Happy are they who commune on this first Saturday, in honor and to honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary, like the communion of the first Saturday of reparation.

All causes unjust to the Holy Virgin will be erased. All the assaults made to Her Most Sacred Heart will be cleansed by your union with My Body and My Blood.

Song: Hallelujah.

Sing more loudly.

Hallelujah! Christ the Redeemer is risen in redeemed hearts.

Go in peace and commune in joy. This will be enough to please the Heart of God.

Bid Me goodbye by singing the Hallelujah again together with your angels, so that the celestial spheres may touch the hearts of the world, the impure hearts. Also ring the bells.

Song: Hallelujah.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
