Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I am on a very special Mountain called Shasta.

From here, I entrust to My Father all the souls there that do not hear Me, that do not live Me, nor feel Me within themselves.

This is the key Mountain that brings important revelations for the end of times, for those who awaken to its inner revelation.

As much as many do not know this, today I tell you: this Mountain is very special to Me, it is in North America, and it is where the first Fount of Redemption emerges for all those who are here and who have not even perceived what is contained within it.

This is why I am upon it today. I bring it to you in its spiritual aspect.

I am above it, with My arms open, as the Redeemer, as the One Who will come among the clouds, announcing a New Time and the end of a cycle for humanity.

In this Mountain, there are seven important keys, not only for the North American consciousnesses, who in the entire world need them the most, but also for all hearts that may want to experience an inner revelation through these keys, for their spiritual path and their profound awakenings.

Mount Shasta is like the tip of the New Eden, it is the head that commands many other consciousnesses in the planes of spirit.

Many Graces are poured into it, which are for those who least expect them.

These seven keys that I am talking about work at the end of times with the redemption of humanity, beginning with North America, and then with the entire world.

First Key: To be humble before what you do not understand or know, that which is infinite,  higher and unknown. That which is above all of Creation, which you know as the Primordial Source.

Who does not humble themselves in the face of this Source will not be worthy of so many Graces.

Mount Shasta elevates your consciousness so that you can experience this humility and recognize within yourselves an inner God that has always existed.

The second Key that is held in this Mountain is the Transcendence of the entire human condition of life, of the perversions, abuse, the false power, the human control, devastation, of all that humankind of the surface has done to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Transcendence is the main key of this Mountain in order to achieve the next steps.

Third Key: The renunciation of all that you have believed about yourself, all that you have achieved while far from the Higher Law, from the Truth, from Sacred Knowledge, and, mainly, from Unity.

If you do not give this up, greater steps cannot be achieved.

The key of renunciation of Mount Shasta is fundamental for the consciousnesses that still safeguard control and the non-positive conquest of other hearts.

Fourth Key: Penitence. If there is no act of restriction, there will be no liberation. This is what the American consciousness lacks in order to definitely be able to unite with the Source, from where it has separated a long time ago.

In penitence, there is the possibility of inner liberation, from the atavisms, from the abysses of the human consciousness and the entire planet.

In penitence, you can recognize your errors without the need for suffering nor of undergoing pain.

Mount Shasta gives you the expansion of consciousness when the soul is penitent in a true way.

Fifth Key: Healing.  Everything lies in healing, the beginning and the end of life, the synthesis of human consciousness, of everything that it has experienced on this planet, whether that be positive or non-positive.

In healing, you find the Higher Source that embraces you and wants to permeate you with Its Rays so that you may achieve Redemption.

If you recognize penitence, first, you will be able to recognize healing, a Sacred inner Fount that dwells in the very core of each being when they enter into communion with the Most High.

On this Mountain, there are many mysteries that are not visible to curious eyes but rather to the simple hearts that are open to know this inner Sacred Mountain within them, which in the beginning was permeated by the Light of the Creator, especially within the indigenous consciousness.

The next Key is knowledge of self, to know who one truly is, what they have come to fulfill in this humanity and for this final cycle.

The key of the knowledge of self is important because Mount Shasta, in its inner essence, can allow you to know about your true origin, about your true essence in this Project of the Creator and for this phase of Redemption.

The knowledge of self allows you to not be more than the rest, to not flaunt to the rest those things that do not belong to you.

The knowledge of self through Mount Shasta leads you to spiritual and material detachment from everything that has held you for a long time, from all the debts incurred that do not allow you to take steps toward ascension.

The sixth step is the ascension of your hearts and souls through the inner fire of Mount Shasta, which activates inner devotion and union of consciousnesses with the Principle of the One Mind.

In short, they are the gifts and the talents that the Primordial Source, through Mount Shasta, can reveal to souls that awaken to Sacred Wisdom and the great knowledge of the Source of God.

Upon this Mountain, just like upon the Mount of Beatitudes, the principles of Creation descended, for an asleep humanity, which still does not see its own reality.

The seventh Key, which completes all the steps, is Humility, to achieve the illumination of spirit and the expansion of soul into other worlds where life, fraternity and brotherhood exist.

You cannot experience the key of humility if you skip the previous steps.

Each consciousness has its own timing for ascending this stairway toward the heights of Mount Shasta, where the Work in each human consciousness will be completely realized, when in simplicity and in love it has followed all these steps, to thus finally experience Redemption.

Do you now see, companions, what North America is missing through its spiritual somnolence and its profound indifference?

Those who have awakened through Mount Shasta, contemplating the simple nature around this sacred mountain, place at its foot all the consciousnesses that must awaken to the Call of the Son of God so as to be able to follow the path of ascension rather than the path of involution.

Thus, I come to show you a different path to the doorways of Mount Shasta, where many more keys are kept, other than these that I have revealed to you today.

As of now, I invite My companions of the whole world to practice these seven steps because, in this way, you will help Me when I reach the United States, and My spiritual and divine task will be deeper and broader within all those consciousnesses that need the Mercy of God, the Fount of Compassion and Love, just as you have received it, meeting after meeting.

Now, to all of you, the time has come to give your best for others, for those who are more indifferent and blind on their spiritual and material path.

Thus, I come to demonstrate to you, through Mount Shasta, that My Heart beats above it like a Spring of Mercy and is poured out upon the human consciousnesses which, throughout the years, the centuries and the times, have deteriorated a lot due to their own ignorance and perdition.

I come to request of you, companions, that you be merciful with the work that I must carry out in the United States. That following these steps of ascension to Mount Shasta, you place yourselves above all that you feel against this nation and people, and do as I did: carry the Cross of the sins of the world so that the most imperfect and lost may receive the Grace of Redemption and Rehabilitation.

The time has come, companions, for you to take a greater leap, a greater step in your evolution, and this will begin from your hearts, experiencing each one of My Words and practicing them in this crucial time in which My enemy condemns many souls of the world, such as those found there, in their own spiritual, and, above all, material abyss.

If you take that step for Me, your families will take a very large step.

I do not come to make small promises, but large triumphs, and you will see this through My Divine Consciousness in the United States.

The voice of your hearts, the supplications and the prayers of each one of you, who has been consistent in this pilgrimage, have opened the doors for this sacred opportunity.

Only the Mercy of God, only That, has permitted this intercession and this Divine intervention: do you understand?

That is why I have My Arms stretched out like the Redeemer, over Mount Shasta, opening My Heart to those who most need it in their profound indifference.

I do not come to punish the world, I come to give it the last lifeline. It will depend on you, companions, on your collaboration, that many, a great many of souls not be lost in this country forever.

Who will witness the Judgment of each one of them? Who will be the mediator for the consciousnesses that are deeply sleeping? Who will risk taking a greater step than that which My Heart takes? Will you be capable of this, at least doing it for Me, and, even more, for My Father?

I do not come to ask you for impossible things, but rather all that you can give Me. And you know, companions, that in truth, you can give Me a lot, so that I may fulfill the Work that God has requested of Me, through your hearts and lives.

Today I bring you the image of Mount Shasta and your Redeemer upon it: glimpse this scene, this illuminated mountain bringing to the planet and to all the North American consciousness the Fount of God that will save those who are most lost and forgotten in this part of the world.

Mercy is for all, without exception, because, otherwise, it would not be Christ speaking to you.

I come to obtain from you that you more greatly enter the mystery of Love, through My Glorified Heart, which on this afternoon is shown to the world to implore for its collaboration.

I will bless you, I will bless you day and night so that you can help Me to fulfill what is written in some books by the Sacred Masters about the Reappearance of Christ. This is not simply a theory or a hypothesis; it is something that I come to accomplish from that which was prophesied within these books.

Refer to those pages and you will more consciously and wisely see all that I meant today. In those books of the Sacred Masters lies the complement to what today I have waited to tell you, for a long time, in this place, in this time, in this period of humanity, and through the alignment of all the Universe, so that My Divine Word could be expressed for all of you. Read and you will understand with the heart.

About these two sacred elements, the wine and bread, which transform and transubstantiate into My Body and My Blood, carry within yourselves, in your blood and in your cells, the codes of the Redeemer so that they may be given out in Love and Mercy to all the souls of North America.

So be it.

And in this way, as I have already asked of you, I want you to sing to say goodbye to Me, for many more sincere hearts must be invoked by their own humanity and the planet so that the errors may be uprooted, the sins released and souls may ascend to Sacred Mount Shasta, where they will find the Fount of God for their conversion.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.