Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"In each fall, a learning.
"In each learning, a choice.
In each choice, a path.
In each path, a destiny.
In each destination, a decision.
In each decision, a test.
In each test, a challenge.
In each challenge, an opportunity to mature.
May the Christic Spirit mature within you.
May the Christic Spirit give you strength every day to cross your own desert.
May the Love of My Heart show you that it is always possible, because it is a matter of willingness.
Do not stop, fix your gaze upon My Heart."
Christ Jesus
While only some advance toward a spiritual victory, others completely fail, totally forgetting the principles and rules that I once gave you.
This not only refers to a specific action that was not performed well, but also refers to a greater situation that on various planes compromises the purpose of the evolution of these souls that are under the astute pressure of My adversary.
What can we do?
Liberation from the chains and from personal human passions is only achieved through a true act of love for God and His Divine Plan.
If this were not present, everything would be a failure. The love for the Plan of God and for its accomplishment is not a passing experience or a volatile feeling as some believe.
The love for the Purpose of God is to, with all strength, determination and faith of the heart until death, assume the same that your Redeemer assumed for you, even while faced with a distressing scenario of adversity, injustice and treachery, only so that the Will of God could be fulfilled beyond the human aspect of Christ.
To assume the Plan of Love is to be aware every day that a Greater Will exists, that rules you and gives you an impulse each day to live and experience the ardent wish of God.
Those who, through their actions, waste this great and unique opportunity, only step back, and their destiny is changed forever, left to the fate of today's world.
Thus, the Heart of your Redeemer shakes when somebody is against the wish of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In order for your being to become depersonalized and truly become different, sometimes certain tests or learnings arrive, that perhaps for your mind make no sense or have no explanation.
But for God, everything that happens to you indeed has an explanation, and the Father will always hope that every experience that you may live or go through will help you to take steps in the evolution of your soul and your essence.
Only certain experiences can help you perceive that, if in truth a situation did not exist, which made you change your position or your opinion, you would not by any means manage to take the Christic steps that at this moment and in this time, I need you to be able to take.
Thus, your irritation or discouragement have no value because you must know that your destiny is already written in the Heart of God.
When there is suffering, lack of understanding or tension, it is because you still have not managed to clearly perceive that there is something within you that must die forever and no longer be there.
It is only with faith and a great deal of determination that you will manage to overcome the limits of consciousness, but for me it does not matter if you do not manage to do so; what really matters is that you try again, every day.
Allow yourself to be guided by what the Universe and spiritual wisdom are gradually showing you and never try to modify the occurrences, because then you would be delayed much longer before finally being able to reach Me.
Trust, surrender and be nothing; in this way, you will allow Me to be part of you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come to a place, to a city and to a country that is experiencing the first critical moments of humanity.
For this reason, I am here to be among My companions, friends and servers.
I come to console the distressed heart. I come to bring healing to the sick heart. I come to bring joy to the heart that has lost hope.
Because these are the crucial times of humanity, they are the result of its life choices and decisions. Our God, our Celestial Father, has nothing to do with any of this. He sends His Son to aid you and assist you because you, companions and servers of Mine, have testified to My Presence in your hearts and in actions of life.
I am here also for that reason, so that, united in faith, you may learn to transcend the end of times, first within yourselves, to then help humanity, all your brothers and sisters and acquaintances.
These are inexplicable times, in which nations are defining their destiny, and in that destiny there are millions of souls, many innocent souls indeed; especially souls that should be within this time and within this humanity, and there are those who do not want them to be here because of the liberty that the woman of humanity today take.
This is also an affliction for God, because the men and women of the Earth do not want to live His Laws but rather alter them. This is to not be aware of the Truth, and of what this means for life on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, these are also times of Mercy, because Mercy will grant miracles, it will lead souls to God and will allow hearts to reconcile with one another, knowing that it is still necessary to heal many wounds in hearts and also in the nations.
That is why our pilgrimage through the nations of the world each day will become more demanding, challenging and I would say, very daring. Because these are times in which retrograde forces of the planet want to stay within humanity to keep it imprisoned and oppressed.
But the Light and the Power of the Scepter of God will come, through the Hand of the Son of Man, to free hearts and souls of the Earth that experience the prisons of life, that experience oppression, that experience perdition.
I cannot, companions, promise times of joy to you, because what humanity is experiencing today is through their own choice. But if you are with Me, I can promise you times of bliss, of miracles, of inner and spiritual conquests, times of transcendence and of healing, moments of forgiveness, of reconciliation, and of peace, although the world on its surface may be in constant battle.
All of Creation is coming to the moment of its Universal Judgment and each day that goes by, that moment draws closer toward the human consciousness. Nobody will be excluded from this event. It will not be a judgment for punishing, rather it will be a judgment for revision, for reflecting and maturing, and especially a judgment for correcting.
But although the Celestial Father has sent Me to Argentina, under this situation and circumstances, He also sends Me throughout the whole world, for all souls, all peoples and all cultures, for all religions, so that I may announce to you the good news that in your hearts you must awaken to the opportunity of returning to God and of being in His Presence; knowing that the Celestial Father waits to give you His Love and His Goodness, His Mercy and His Forgiveness so that you, My companions, may truly learn to be happy in the spiritual and material life, uniting with the Source of God every day and knowing how to maintain the inner contact within yourselves.
But what moves Me to come to the nations of the world is the adherence of My companions, servers and collaborators, of the pilgrims, of those who try to faithfully follow the Path of Christ.
That is what motivates Me to come here, especially to Argentina, because I know that there is the potential to generate, in each Argentine heart, a process of redemption and of forgiveness so that they may again be, as in past times, the apostles of Christ.
Inside each one of you, inside each one of My children of Argentina, exists an unknown light that you still have not discovered. Argentina has an important task as a country and as a people, as a part of this humanity that, through their commitment, will prepare for the Return of Christ.
And this will help, will benefit, and favor the rest of the nations of the world, such as for example, Uruguay, which is not opening to listen to the Voice of the Eternal Father.
This is the time, companions, to know how to fight through love and without swords, because the triumph of My heart will occur in the concretization of the Divine Plan in your lives, in your examples, in your faithfulness to Me.
That is what I need, something so simple but profound, something that is born of the heart of somebody who understands, beyond My Words, the Purpose of your Master and Lord.
I come to place a balm of peace and of reconciliation in Argentina, knowing that God, your Celestial Father, cannot be absent from the consciousness of Argentina and cannot be replaced by the forms of life and by the choices, so unconscious, of the men and women of this country.
You cannot, companions, enter into the same stream of conflict, of adversity or of chaos. Through prayer, activate the Ray of intelligence, of discernment and of science; and you will have the faith and knowledge to be able to overcome the end of times, and thus be able to help your brothers and sisters, those most ignorant, those most lost, those who do not have God and those who deny Him completely.
But the most difficult times will come and it would not be necessary for you to experience them. You still have some time to reconsider and reconcile with God, just as My Mother had once requested in Fatima for all of Europe, after Europe was completely destroyed by adversity and chaos.
But in Argentina, in spite of its difficult times, there has existed a purity still unknown, a special purity that God has given to you so that through your Ray of Willpower you may learn to align with the Purpose and manifest His Will.
I know that you have not achieved this yet, but keep your aspirations firm in being able to gestate a true spiritual family on the surface of the Earth that is part of the Divine Brotherhood of Our Hearts and that, beyond all and any event, unites with God in heart and in faithfulness.
I speak so much about fidelity, companions, because it is what will protect you from yourselves, not only My companions of Argentina, but all My followers, servers, collaborators and the consecrated.
Evil does not know fidelity, the fidelity to God, to His Purpose, to His infinite Will and Wisdom. If you know fidelity, you will truly become free from the chains, from the ties, from the oppression of life and of the planetary chaos; because fidelity will always be able to bring you into peace, trust and the absolute certainty that God is in you and in everything.
Argentina is the prelude to great events that are drawing close and approaching. The adherence of hearts, as little as it may seem, is representing a great deal for God. Thus, His approximation to the consciousness of the Argentines will occur in this month of August and September in a special way, because it will be the preparation for a new stage of challenges, requirements and of an even deeper and more definitive surrender.
I know that many may feel unprepared, ill-suited, or not available for what I am telling you and requesting of you, but believe and trust that if you are always with Me and you call upon Me, you will be able to do so, because I know your persona, souls, spirits and your entire inner life. I would not ask for something that you could not achieve, but there is a part that now corresponds to each one of My companions, servers, collaborators and consecrated.
Each one will have their moment of surrender and of a profound definition, which will be between the soul and God, so that Divine Grace may continue to descend upon the planet and humanity. And in spite of nothing upon the surface of the Earth making any sense or any longer having reason, there will be a reason for continuing to be here, on this blue planet, for this creation and for this sacred nature that the Celestial Father has given to you so that you might learn to contemplate Him, to adore Him, and to love Him in all that lives and vibrates.
I know that you would like to listen to precious, agreeable words that console your hearts, but I was born on the surface of this planet not only to announce to you the good news, but also to always tell you the truth that will cause you to inwardly mature and grow.
May this Marathon, so important for Me, be a Marathon of maturity and of growth in the consciousness and in actions, so that new responsibilities can be given into your hands and you can continue to represent Me in this critical time, in which the great majority of souls do not want to see God.
I ask the whole world to no longer blame the Celestial Father for what is happening to it, but rather to assume responsibility for what you do, day after day, knowing that the Universe gave you laws and commandments for you to be aligned with the Purpose, and know how to follow it without the need of becoming lost or confused.
Place your consciousness on what is vertical, on what goes toward the Heights, on what unites you with the Universe, and in this way, you will find the inner peace and strength to continue forward, to follow in My footsteps, barefoot and humble, that will take you into an encounter with Christic Live.
Let this Marathon be a reason for renewal, for commemoration, because it has been more than six years since I asked you, companions, to offer the Marathon of Divine Mercy for these difficult times, to sustain the Plan of God in humanity, and to bear the current of adversity and of chaos, learning to transmute them and free them with the strength and the power that the word of prayer has.
In the confidence of God, I give you infinite peace and gratitude for having prepared each detail with love, awareness and surrender for your Lord, your Master and Redeemer.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There is no greater concern than My Love, for My Love dissolves all worry into light. Nothing opposed to love can be greater.
Therefore, when there is concern, it is something understandable, it is the point of friction that souls find when they have to take a big step for something unknown and higher than their small possibilities.
Concern places the consciousness within a constant tension.
Concern is also dissolved by means of the trust the soul may express for the Higher Will.
These days souls worry so much because they lose the leading thread which brought them here, to this life, to fulfill the Purpose.
Yet worry also occurs when the soul fears the result of its destiny or the destiny of a fellow being.
All these feelings, which are fed by the lower consciousness of humanity, are defeated by means of a trustful love, a faith capable of going beyond every difficulty and every obstacle.
I, as a Man and incarnated Consciousness, went through concern and the fear of facing the Passion. But faith in God and trust in My Father lead Me to give all and to sustain Myself in an unbreakable purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The joy of Jesus was in the inner and spiritual miracles that souls experienced when they came out of misery and went on to be in glory.
The joy of Jesus was also in the smallest, in the humble and in all those who, in absolute and total trust, would embrace the call of the Kingdom of God.
His Joy imprinted in His fellow people the true spirit to be able to live the Kingdom of God and be part of it.
Jesus reflected His Joy and also His gratitude for the Instruction that brought forth and manifested the sacred knowledge through the parables, which throughout His preaching, formed what we know as the Gospel.
Jesus was the Gospel itself made person and spirit. His Presence would grant souls the possibility of coming out of ignorance and experiencing the first steps of awakening.
The whole work of Joy of Jesus was based upon Love for God and His Divine Will.
That nonmaterial Love which Jesus expressed for His Eternal Father was visible by means of the momentum and strength of each word pronounced in the Gospel. And also, through the events that occurred in the healing of the sick, the leper, the blind and the paralytic; as well as in the conversion and redemption of the most hardened hearts.
It is evident that the physical events, of which Jesus was an intermediary instrument for souls to liberate themselves from their own ills, were not intended to generate fanaticism nor sensationalism.
The miracles occurred to try to awaken humanity from its profound and petty ignorance. They intended to elevate consciousnesses, from such an earthly state to a more spiritual state.
In this sense, miracles taught the true actuation of nonmaterial Laws that interceded, through Jesus, in serious and complex situations.
The fundamental message that the Messiah wanted to leave is that all material life is governed by a spiritual life, and that our foundations, actions and deeds committed start first from what is absolutely invisible and that we are led by the Source of Creation.
Jesus used all spiritual means so that, through His joy, warmth and Love, the simplest and least prepared consciousnesses would learn to find the true meaning of being in incarnate life and thus discover their personal mission.
The joy of Jesus, His smile and impersonal affection for each being could heal the most profound corner of any consciousness, where the most hidden wound existed.
Just by looking into the eyes of the miserable or the arrogant, Jesus changed their destiny and altered their evolution forever.
I thank you for imitating the joy of Jesus!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more