May your heart feel the pain of the world and be moved, finding the way of repairing the suffering of humanity in each instant of life.

From the simplest things to the greatest surrenders, offer God your actions, feelings and thoughts so that He may transform you into an instrument of repair for the human consciousness.

From within you, each day, may a greater love be born that expresses fraternity and unity with your neighbor, that expresses service and cooperation among brothers and sisters, that expresses overcoming limitations and defeating barriers.

May your heart recognize in all things the opportunity to heal the world so that it may be with prayer or with life, with the word and with silence, with stillness and with service, knowing how to find the need, knowing how to embrace the opportunities and find the Living God in each instant.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The time has come to become aware of the sacred that you are called to live; the sacred that dwells within the ground you walk upon; the sacred that is expressed in that which is invisible in the life you lead, each day.

This is the moment for perceiving the presence of the Hierarchy in everything, which for humanity has been silent for so long, but that must reveal, not only its realities, its wisdom and its mystery, but also the Hierarchy must reveal itself for all beings.

Little by little, you must transform that which is still superficial in your lives. And I speak of what is in the depths of your hearts, your aspirations, thoughts, desires and your most human wills, because what is external and expressed in the world through your actions inevitably transforms when your hearts transform.

Thus, I do not speak of looking outward, I do not speak of correcting a fellow being and their steps and the way others live and express themselves. Because to correct what is outside of you is often a step that does not become consolidated because within you the world of your desires, your superficiality and your illusions remain.

And so, it is the time to look inward and become aware of the sacred in your own heart; to know and to recognize the Love of the Hierarchy and the Graces that God grants you through higher life.

In this way, you may become elevated while within yourselves you experience transformation.

True transformation occurs in what is hidden, where nobody sees it, because it is also there where those aspects of the consciousness that resist surrendering remain.

You may appear to be many things to the world that are not true, because within you is where the truth dwells.

And when you are transformed from within, you become vehicles of transformation on the outside. Your simple presence will speak to the world about the truth and will inspire hearts to seek it.

For this reason, children, it is time for you to become aware within yourselves of the sacred, the presence and the silence of the Hierarchy and all the life that dwells within the Earth. Because this life will begin to emerge on the surface of the planet and, so that you may participate in it on the outside, you must first truly live it within yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While I am here with you, I contemplate the world and humanity.

I hope humanity, someday, will recognize that it has lost its inner innocence. Because from there, it will be able to truly repent.

God does not hope to pour out His Justice, but rather His Mercy. But the majority does not seek the Mercy of God in this time.

The suffering of souls has set them apart from the Mercy of the Father, therefore I have made the commitment to the Creator to be able to help you and make you each day more conscious of the real need to be in the Mercy of the Father in this planetary moment, when only Mercy and Love will save you.

Meanwhile, the world keeps suffering, keeps generating its own chaos and its own perdition. For this reason, today I am not only with you, My children, but I am also with the whole world, with the needs in different peoples, cultures and continents, where graver and more difficult situations take place, without your being aware of them; but as I know you believe what I tell you, you will keep accompanying Me on the path of prayer and of service so that this divine and unfathomable Mercy may be more present in humanity, and especially in the human heart.

I need, as Mother, that you exercise every day a little more the action of divine Mercy, that your words, thoughts, feelings and actions be merciful; because in this way you will help Me, My children, to reach the hearts that need light and healing in this moment.

God must not be replaced by the innovations of these times. Never lose the path toward God, because if you are on the path to God you will be in the Heart of the Father and in His Presence.

You, who are part of My armies of prayer, who are My soldiers of prayers, must make a greater effort for others, for those who get lost, for those who are not conscious, for those who do not like God.

Your Father is still with open Arms to receive His children, and sends His Messenger to give testimony of His Love to the world and so that hearts may rise to God in this moment, when the only way out is in the Eternal Father. Because God left His Presence in you, by means of a little spark of Light that shines in your inner world.

Make this spark of Light expand and grow, by means of prayer, of constancy and faith. Do not allow the inner Light to go out and if the inner Light goes out in your brothers and sisters, due to any situation of circumstance, pray for them and have faith, because the Universe hears sincere prayers and true supplications.

The Universe is open, even more, to receive the prayers of the children of God, because the Universe knows that humanity is in a culminating and difficult moment, when its self-destruction could be a universal catastrophe.

Therefore, as your Mother and Queen, I come in time to call the apostles of Christ and to remind you that your commitment to My Son has not ended, but it is rather a commitment that must expand and deepen at this moment, so that you may learn to recognize the paths that My Son will draw for you to fulfill His holy and divine Will.

And He also sends Me as the Mother of humanity and as the Mother of the world. I wish I could caress the faces that suffer. I wish I could place upon my chest the souls that agonize. There is still a lot of suffering to heal, greater and more inexplicable sufferings than your inner sufferings.

Be part of Me, My children, and I will always lead you to God and toward My Son, the Christ. But it is still necessary to do more, the life of spirit does not end here. Service does not end here.

Everything has just begun. Everything has been a preparation for this great moment of learning to go through the end of times, the most culminating moment of humanity, which no being on the surface of the Earth has gone through before. This is an unknown time, it is a time of inexplicable situations and of very great challenges in which your consciousnesses will be forged to do greater things than those that My Son did for you. This is not just a promise, it is a reality, My children. This is the time of incredible situations, never seen before.

Therefore, you have had the Grace of receiving instruction and preparation, as no one has ever had before in any place in the world, in any corner of this Earth. This path that was built by instruction has allowed us to arrive here, in this time and in this century, to open our eyes and heart to what God needs to carry out and concretize in this moment, when His Project is at stake, due to the choices that souls make in this time, choices that lead them to suffering and desperation.

Therefore, I offer My most pure Womb of Light to make you reborn in Me and in Christ. I offer My Heart so that you may learn to live within It and to feel within It, as I feel you and have you all in My Heart.

There is nothing more to do in this moment other than serving God, because the Father needs to sustain this planet within Creation and within this local Universe, to keep it within the Purpose and in balance.

The more you awaken to this need for serving God, the more miracles will happen, the more doors toward new opportunities will open and many will cease to suffer that which they suffer and live, because they will understand that the Supreme Will is first.

So that the Supreme Will may be first in you, you must love it ardently, as you have never loved, and in this way you will know it and especially feel it within you and you will have absolute consciousness and confidence that this Divine Will will lead you along the correct path and along the correct track.

Today, I offer the world My Divine Conception and My Immaculate Creation, as the Mother of God and the sacred Fount of the feminine energy so that all women and mothers, in this time, may have the force and the will to follow me and be part of this sacred feminine army that will protect and support, in prayer and in service, the Sacred Spirit of Maternity, which is the second and greatest gift of God. Because His first gift is Life. The Life that He gave us and granted us in His image and likeness.

Love the Life that God gave you and the forces of chaos will give up and will be transmuted, because love for Life is to love the center of your being, not with self-love, but with divine love, recognizing, beyond the imperfections and defects, that the Universe has given you what you sowed and harvested in other times. But everything can be liberated, sublimated and forgiven. Everything can live its reconciliation and its moment of change.

Offer your lives as an opportunity of redemption and of devotion to God, because in this way the Father will feel and know that His children still love, as He loves you all the time, beyond the situations or the experiences.

In this way you will help, My children, recover the inner innocence of humanity, and many more hearts that agonize will heal. Many more children, youth, adolescents and adults will be freed from the daily exploitation that they live, from the persecution they face and from the war they go through in their peoples and nations.

You must make love triumph in everything, beginning with yourselves and later with those who are around you, applying the Law of Compassion and of Life, the Law of the Brotherhood and of the Good.

In this way, you will help Me, My children, to rebuild the new times and the new opportunities for all those who need them, because you have been touched by the Supreme Grace at some moment of your lives, but there are still millions who were not touched by God, for different reasons and motives.

Therefore, I come as the Sacred Feminine Consciousness and the Universal Mother to fill My children with the Attributes of God and to make them live what Christ needs at this moment.

After last August 8th of this year, everything changed in a deeper and more unknown way. Undergo change and transformation because there is still a little time for you to live what Christ needs for this cycle, without structures nor forms.

Know that God recognizes all efforts and all offerings. He feels the heart of His children and He gives them His Heart so that they may also feel it.

Do not forget to live love in everything, because it will be fundamental for each one of you.

Love will strengthen you. Love will free you and will make you understand and accept inexplicable and difficult situations, because only love that can be born from the heart of My children, as it is born from the Heart of God, can transform what is impossible and difficult, can welcome and endure what no one would like to endure.

I give you My Love, the Love of My Immaculate Heart, so that you may live it and be in it forever.

I thank you for having responded to My call and for having prayed with Me, because each bead of prayer, each offering or sacrifice is accepted by your Heavenly Mother so that, day by day, you can make more miracles in impossible cases and in many places of the world where light, love and peace are missing.

I bless you in the powerful Light of the Love of God and in the invincible force of Mercy, because I love you and I wait for you.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.




Christ taught you to love, not only so that you might know and experience Love, but especially so that you might multiply it and take it to all those who do not know it, do not live it and do not have any knowledge about it.

Therefore, after so many impulses, go and give testimony of the Love that has touched your heart. Give testimony of the spiritual and divine Presence of Christ, through your actions, your words, your feelings and your thoughts.

It is in the expression of a new behavior, different from all that humanity already knows; you will make those who are blind be able to see that the Return of Christ is approaching and, with it, a new life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May your hearts always be available to call upon Mercy.

May your mouths always be available to proclaim Divine Mercy.

May your actions always be ready to be merciful.

May your lives be reflections of the action of Divine Mercy.

May your hearts, with love, always be ready to allow Mercy to expand and reach more souls in this world.

This is My prayer for you today. May everybody love and know Divine Mercy, and thus, be bearers of Divine Mercy for the world.

For this, I bless you, and I  keep you in My Heart so that you may grow in humility, strengthen yourselves in prayer and serve the planet through the constant experience of Divine Mercy.

You have my blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
