In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to the world as the Mirror of Peace so that My children may remember that Peace exists, but that Peace has dissolved, in this times, in many hearts.

This is why I come as the Mirror of Peace, bringing with My Presence the Celestial Universe, all its tools and attributes, bringing the Angels of God that reflect the Hierarchy in the Higher Universes.

Through the Portal of My Heart, I want each one of you to enter My Peace again, because the more whom among you enter My Peace, through the Portal of My Heart, the more situations will be solved, and fury or adversity will not be unleashed in the oppressed hearts.

Now, I extend My arms towards you, so that you may take My hands and, like little children that learn to take steps in evolution helped by the Heavenly Mother, you may enter the Universe of Peace. Believe that Peace exists beyond the life situations, the challenges, the lessons or the tests.

Beloved children, I am the Mirror of Peace and, if you are in My Heart, you will be in the Peace of God, in the Peace of Christ, in spite of all that may present itself or manifest itself in these times, because My aspiration on this day is to heal you through My Peace.

The lack of Peace sickens the body and the spirit, maddens the mind and disturbs the heart. For this reason, the lack of Peace leads souls and the world to conflict, to disharmony, to the absence of faith.

But I, who am your Mother, the Mother that has accepted you since the Cross, the unconditional and eternal Mother, the Mother that loves and consoles you without conditions or rules, I want you to enter the Universe of My Peace, because in this way, My children, each one of you and of your brothers and sisters will understand what is happening to you in these times, what you are going through in these times, what you are facing in these times.

Let us go together, in this spiritual exercise, toward the encounter with the Peace of God in the Celestial Universe, where His Heavenly Mirrors radiate, to all Creation and all life present in the universe, the regenerating and healing attributes of Peace.

Little ones, My children in evolution, it is time for you to grow and become strong. It is time for you to mature your spirits and forge within your consciousnesses the warrior of God, the unconditional server, the untiring apostle who understands and comprehends the Will of My Son, which is the Will of the Father.

Therefore, approach the Heavenly Mirrors of Peace and, before the Creator Universe and all the Angels of God, let us enter the consciousness of the Mirrors of Peace, sacred emanations of the Heavenly Light that purify the inner worlds, that strengthen souls, that ignite the living flame of faith within the hearts.

Through the Heart of your Mother, contemplate the Mirrors of Peace so that, through you, as instruments of the Father, Peace may reflect itself throughout the world and may be established in the souls that have lost it.

In the Mirrors of Peace there is a mystery that will be unveiled today: when God thought of Creation, absolute void and the deep silence of the universe, do you know what He thought of through His Creator Mind?

That, in your neighbor, that in all the creatures that He would create, there should exist the molecule of Peace at the center of the essence of each being.

Therefore, all that you have lived throughout the times or even throughout the different civilizations, has been situations that have led you to lose Peace.

In all that you live, at this moment, you are invaded by and even permeated by different pieces of information or situations. All the stimuli of this modernity that lead you toward spiritual disconnection, have the goal of taking Peace away from you, and, being disconnected from God, from His Source, your bodies sicken, your spirits become oppressed, because they do not find Peace.

There is only one tool, one instrument that is common to all, which will lead you to recover Peace. And, as you recover Peace, in spite of what you may keep living or experiencing, you will not lose spiritual strength, bravery, courage, the willingness to serve God or experience sacrifice. This instrument is the prayer from the heart.

This is why, in these times, so that you, your brothers and sisters may recover Peace, you must unite even more your word to the Creator Word of God so that, in this inner fusion and in this inextinguishable unity, you may be guided toward the Source of Peace, and so that all which may happen in these times, and what will happen in the coming times may not take Peace from you, but rather you may become bearers of Peace, instruments of Christ’s Peace that, in consciousness and in unity, will prepare His Return.

He needs to have Mirrors the Mother of God's Peace: who will volunteer? Who will be a postulant to be a Mirror of the Divine Mother? Who will bring to the Earth the Attributes that were outraged, interfered with and dissolved within many consciousnesses?

Through prayer, you must keep uniting Heaven and Earth, your souls with God, the planet with the Divine Source. There is no other way out. Each one, living the prayer from the heart, lives Peace, and learns to carry their own cross, in spite of what may happen or the weight that it may represent.

Now, turn your gaze inward, place your souls before the Mirror of Peace. And, all of you together, united to Me, at this moment, will re-establish the Peace of the Celestial Father in the inner worlds and, from the inner worlds, in the whole planet, so that consciousnesses and souls may be relieved, may recover their faith and confidence in the Father, and all may be healed and renewed. For this, we will sing the word “Peace” as a sacred mantra of elevation and, thus, we will ignite the Mirror of Peace of the Celestial Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Having the Light of the Mirrors of Peace descend and embrace all the consciousness of the world, reaching each heart on this planet.

Let us breath in.


Remember that I am the Queen of Peace, and that you can always seek Peace through Me, knowing that, in spite of everything, God loves you and blesses you through His Eternal Love.

My Heart collects all the intentions that were deposited, through the prayerful hearts, on this day of reencounter with Me.

Through the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, I have asked for a basket of intentions to be placed today at the foot of My Altar, together with a sincere and honest offering on behalf of all humanity and of all who aspire to receive a response from the Heights.

Today, not only this basket that is at My feet will be attended to as God has thought, and as the Father determines, but also these intentions will be responded to as an instruction for all My children.

Through this example, I invite you to strengthen your faith in prayer so that your requests and intentions may be elevated to the Father in a correct way and, above all, you may always seek the common good and the need of all so that everyone may receive the Graces they need.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

First intention of a brother of the Community Fleur-de-Lys:

“Humility, grant to the world the Grace of awakening and may they know and feel Your Love.”

Our Lady responds that, in this, She has worked today with all those who have listened to this Message.


“Mary, lead this humanity to know True Love.”

True Love, says Our Mother, is found in our selflessness, in our untiring service for others and for the Plan of God.


“For the relief of suffering of all children throughout the world and for all those who rule the nations.”

This is the main purpose that My Son has, said the Mother of God: that those who rule these nations and govern peoples may have a consciousness of fraternity and equality, having the opportunity and the Grace, when My Son returns, to know true Self-Government.


“To be an expression of Will and of Truth, which descends from the Heights and dwells within us so that, united to this Source, we may be an expression of the Higher Reality.”

It was a sincere intention, said the Divine Mother.


“Mother, may the souls of the darkest places of the abysses be rescued by Your Love and taken to the Kingdom of God.”

She said She thanks you for having the consciousness of this intention.


“May all have the opportunity to follow the steps toward Christ. For all priests.”

The Mother of God said that Her main strength are the priests, when they manage to fulfill the requests of Christ, because the priests are Her favorite children. Without priests there is no unity between Heaven and Earth, there is no communion between Heaven and humanity.


“For Peace and Healing in the whole world.”

This is what the Mother of God did today.


“May all those who were called be strengthened by God, in these times of inner and external tribulation. And wherever there is someone who prays to Our Lady, may they find Peace for their entire people.”

Mary said, So be it.


And now let us go to the last intention, among so many that were received:

“Divine Mother, may Your Mantle of Light always illuminate me so that I may reach the Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.”

The Divine Mother said that She works for this eternally and untiringly.


And just as I have responded to these intentions, may My other children who listen at this moment know that I hear the intentions of your hearts and souls, because everything has its right time.

I bless you, under the Mirrors of the Peace of God.

Be strong and brave. My hand guides you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I come to give My greatest Love to the planet, to humanity, to Italy.

I come with the Love of God to meet and sustain you through the Love of the Father, so that you may experience your time of purification, the time of redemption that My Son aspires to see in you.

I have come through this pilgrimage to the south of Italy to give My children what they need, because a Mother, in the unfathomable Love of God, knows what Her children need in this hour.

My children, I need to have you in My arms so that you may be filled with the Love of God.

A Love that will free you from suffering, from all guilt and sin.

The Love of God is stronger than any human malice or blindness. The Love of God that I bring you today, through My maternal Heart, will give you peace and withdraw you from the spiritual captivity where you may find yourselves at this moment.

Through My Maternal Heart, My children, I take you toward the Love of God, because in the Love of God there is no darkness, no adversity and no fear.

I bring you the Love of God so that you may learn to overcome the end of times, because in the Love of God you will be in harmony, in inner balance, you will be in profound peace.

Through the Love of God, My children, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses so that in this time, your souls may be encouraged to follow God according to His Commandments and His Will.

Through the Love of God, I not only promise you salvation, the end of spiritual captivity, but I also promise you, My children, the Kingdom of the Heavens, by means of a sincere heartfelt repentance for all the actions committed in this place, in its people, in its history and throughout the last times.

I come to offer you this Love because in the Love of God there is no suffering; you will find happiness, fortitude, and impetus for conversion.

Through My Immaculate Heart, My children, I offer you the Love of the Source of the Father that today presents itself in Italy so that this nation and all of its people may be bathed in the Mercy of God, and it is in Mercy, My children, by living the Mercy of God and by being merciful in each moment that you will perceive very clearly in complete awareness that you must change for the good of God, the good of your land, of your people and of all humanity.

In Love, I bring you closer to the Peace of God so that this change of consciousness may occur under a greater discernment and wisdom, so that you may not feel suffering or pain at the moment of changing for a greater and unique Will.

As a Messenger of God and of the Most High, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace, I ask you, My children, that if you open your eyes in order to see the call of God through the presence of His Servant, all your brothers and sisters, and your families will also, within themselves, hear the call of God, according to how God has conceived it and sustained it until this time.

Open your heart, My children, so that in this moment the Love of God may heal you deeply so that this island be an island of salvation, an island of the redeemed that congregate in the love of Christ to live the Word of God through the light of the Gospel and of the holy Sacraments that My Son offers you daily.

Re-experience the Teachings of Christ and each one of His Words so that you, just as the people who stood beside Jesus, may be able to change and transform into the spiritual and inner model that God needs from each one of His children of Italy.

Stretching out My Hands to you, I offer you the Light of My Heart, which is the eternal Light of God, of the Living God, of God the Most High, of the God of Love, Who contemplates you and Who re-ignites you in His Fount of Pity, of Mercy.

Thus, My children, feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, which dispels the darkness, which redeems hearts, following the requests of Christ, Our Lord.

I call you, My children, as the Lady of Tears, to a moment of deep reflection, before everything is unleashed in Italy, because in this moment of reflection you will be able to live your conversion, your transformation under the good that My Son offers to you through His Eucharistic Communion.

And so, My children, from South America, the place of your Heavenly Mother, I come here to Italy to bring you the Light and the Love of God, so that your paths may be clean, your minds be clear, and you may be moved by the love of the heart that dwells within you and must awaken like an eternal fire, like an unending source that gives of itself and surrenders out of love.

Through the Love of God, My children, I bless you and invite you to follow My steps of the Faithful Servant, so that your lives may be an example of fraternity and unity with your fellow being, of service and relief from suffering.

I call you, My children, to make service to others primary in your lives so that through it you may find not only the Inner Christ in your peer, but also the Pity of God that will always lead you to Mercy and to His Source.

And I promise you that shortly you will not recognize your lives, because of the transformation you will fully be able to experience through the Portal of Peace and Harmony that I open here today in Sicily, so that all of My children and their history may pass through it, as a relief and healing of all the pain experienced in the latest times.

I call you, My children, to be the Light of Christ on Earth through a living commitment to the prayer of the heart.

I call you, My children, to establish true groups of prayer, especially in your families, so that the Heart of your Celestial Mother may be the fire that illumines your paths in these difficult times for humanity, so that your families may also receive and welcome My call.

In truth, My children, I offer you a simple but real path, which is to say, a last opportunity for your entire homeland to become sanctified, according to the Will of God and the fiery Plan that He wishes to establish here.

But first it must begin in you, My children, as I have already told you, through an example of true conversion and of untiring service for your fellow being.

In this way, you will prompt other hearts to live the Gospel of My Son, in the practice of daily life rather than in the theory of their minds.

I want to open in you the Fount of the Love of God. That is My purpose for being here today, and of someday, through the Celestial Father, coming back here so that many more such as yourselves may achieve the light and come out of the abyss of consciousness because they will be uplifted by the Love and Mercy of the Celestial Father.

Encourage yourselves to live this path so that your families may be a sacred family, just like Ours, who visits yours from Heaven to bring you the time of renewal and hope.

That is all that I wanted to tell you today.

As your Mother, I consecrate Italy, through this consecration to My Son, who opens more each day to help the Mother of God fulfill the call and so that this call may resonate in each heart of Italy, knowing that today on the 13th of May, in honor of the Lady of Fatima and the Most Holy Rosary, today a new period begins here for Italy, through the mediation of this Work that was given to God for all nations and peoples, that all may come to know the Love of God.

I bless you and consecrate you as My child so that many more children of this land, wounded but very much sanctified by God, consecrate themselves someday to the Immaculate and Eternal Heart of Mary.

Listening now to the hymn of your consecration, we will sing this hymn as if it were a prophecy, which will be fulfilled in the consecration of new children of Italy and of new groups of prayer that will be a part of My Rosary of Light in all of Europe.

I thank you, My children, for having responded to My call, and the doors of My Marian Centers in South America are open to welcome you and receive you and so that you may also find there the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

I re-consecrate Italy to My Maternal Heart and to the opportunity of living the Will of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
