In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I bring the Center of the Universe beneath My Feet so that you can contemplate the Origin of your origin, so that you can adore the first Thought of God, before everything existed in this Universe and in others.
With this message, I come to reveal the Truth to you, the Truth that exists within you. A Truth that is unalterable and inextinguishable, a truth that no one can change because it is a Truth that comes from God, from His Source and from His Manifestation.
In spite of the time of tribulation and purification, this Truth will never change because the Truth within you is the essence, what God constituted in each one of His children from the moment He thought of the manifestation of the Creation and all that exists today throughout the Universe, beyond your knowledge or not, because humanity of the surface has not yet discovered the Universe.
In order to know higher reality, you must first discover the Universe that exists within you. A Universe full of wisdom, of riches, of spiritual treasures and of the aspirations of God; formed by means of His Gifts and Virtues; integrated through His Wills that were preciously thought of for each one of you, for each one of His children.
Today humanity has grown as a population upon the surface of the Earth and you know that it is living an acute moment, a transition. This is a humanity that has already entered the doors of Armageddon, of the end of times, of the cycle of definitions.
But I wish that, in a part of humanity, this truth that is within you could unite you to each one of your brothers and sisters so that in these times of tempest and tribulation, of obscurity and darkness, nothing may make you vacillate nor hesitate; because when nature shows its manifestation and expression, and the elements act to purify the Earth and its whole consciousness, your faith must be unshakeable.
Believe, companions, that you have never lived this time. A time that brings revelations, not only within you, but also in the consciousness of the planet and of all of humanity.
Just as there are difficult times, there are also miraculous times, in which all are invited and called to participate in these times of miracles, in which the new Christs will emerge and sustain this planet and its consciousness, learning to overcome the end of times and learning to go through the tribulations that will manifest within and outside of you.
However, My dear companions, you must not put your eyes on what is external or on what happens to you because God knows what you are experiencing. God will always give you the strength you need in order to overcome and to help others overcome. This is part of a great chain of love that is built spiritually, through My servers and collaborators, in this Work of Redemption.
For this reason, today I want you to raise your consciousnesses toward the Center of this Universe, where not science nor any consciousness of the surface of the Earth has ever truly arrived, in order to discover and know what lies there.
In this place, known as Andromeda, is your Lord, to govern this part of the Universe with you, to teach you to be My pillars in this end time, to give strength and momentum to those who suffer, to those who have nothing, to those who are weak, to those who cannot overcome themselves.
From the Center of the Universe, I give you My Peace and in My Peace I lead you, in spite of purification and the imperfections.
Do not forget, My friends, your true essence, this little cell of light that God deposited within you, in your spirits, in the center of your souls, deep in your hearts. Neither evil nor darkness will be able to enter there; because God, from the beginning, made you a part of Him, and so ardent, loving and deep was His Wish to have His children upon the surface of the planet, as in other places of the Universe, in a way that you could know Him, love Him, contemplate Him, not only as a Divine and paternal Consciousness, but also as part of everything that exists, beyond adversity and duality.
Place your consciousnesses and your minds in another attunement and you will learn to overcome these difficult times while humanity changes its mind, day by day, and loses the direction toward the Truth.
Therefore, the time of My Return draws near, and you will not only listen to My Words, but you will also see the movement of My Lips while I am physically among you, not only in My Glorified aspect, but also in My aspect of Divinity, of the Second Person of God, the one that announced the Truth in past times and will announce it again, to renew the times within each one of you and upon this planet.
For this reason, My Work has expanded and will continue expanding, and you are the collaborators for this to take place, maintaining a primordial unity among your hearts and your lives, mutual respect among your people, fraternity among your souls, fostering mutual receptivity among your spirits.
All this will contribute, companions, to the fulfillment of My Plan in this crucial time of humanity. You will continue to learn to overcome battles, both within and outside of yourselves. You will continue to learn to heal, by means of the Love that I have taught you and that I will keep teaching you. You will keep learning to give of yourselves, to surrender in an unconditional way that will be capable of overcoming the limits of your consciousness and of your body, that will be capable of demonstrating that Love will win, once again, as it won on the Cross.
But this will not lead you to great agonies nor great grief. The planet is already suffering, humanity is physically and spiritually sick, but there are still flocks like this one, that are in the Sacred Centers, to prepare the Advent of your Redeemer because, at first, I will not come to great multitudes but rather for small groups, just as I once came for My Apostles, calling them, one by one, by their names, so that they might discover their true spiritual name that is part of the Source, of Existence, of the Creation of this Universe, of a higher and permanent vibration that is recognized by the angels of Heaven and by the great Creator Fathers.
Position yourselves, My companions, in the attunement of the Center of the Universe, of Andromeda, and you will have the tools, instruments and impulses of Light in order to keep transforming, to attain redemption on behalf of many, for those who will not undergo it, for those who will not accept it nor recognize it, but My Mercy comes for all, without exception.
My Glorified Heart opens the door to the whole humanity and it will still penetrate more within human consciousness when more servers congregate in the name of love, in the quest of the inner truth and in the sustenance of faith.
The planet must hear that I am returning and that I have announced Myself for several years through you who, under the unknown light of Aurora, opened the doors for My arrival, for My Second Coming to Humanity. I know that you still do not understand this mystery and that perhaps it seems to you that nothing is happening or that everything is just like before.
Place your eyes and especially your heart in the infinite and you will always reach the Star that will guide you, a special Star that up to now has guided and conducted you, the great Mother Star, the Universal Feminine Consciousness which, under the rays of Her maternal Attributes and impulses, has prepared both you and your brothers and sisters of the whole world, so that I may be here.
Just as the light ignited in Figueira a few days ago, today the light of the truth of Aurora re-ignites here again, within your hearts. You must not fear if the light of Aurora retreats or becomes silent because you, companions, are now prepared to represent the light of Aurora on the surface, in your conviction, in your faith, in your overcoming, in your unconditional spirit, in your inner and spiritual mission, in your service, in your surrender, in your fraternity, in your opportunity of delivering healing, relief, consolation, calm and bliss to those who have nothing within, because the world believes it has advanced technologically and spiritually, but you know, companions, that this is not true.
Therefore, God chooses such simple places as this one to be able to manifest His Word and His Message so that, among very few and in representation of many, you may know the Supreme Truth which, conducted by His infinite and superior Love, has gestated you, has created you and has brought you here, just as all of humanity.
The world has forgotten, in this time, the Love of the Father, but this infinite and merciful love returns through His Son, by means of His Word and of His Presence throughout the recent years, in which the Work of the Divine Messengers has been known and will keep being known, and diffused by the hearts that feel the echo of God within.
Do not believe that everything has ended, these last years were the preamble for the great preparation of the end of times. Service, love, charity, prayer, instruction, healing are the bases of this spiritual Work that joins many kindred Works throughout the world, and which will keep joining them to fraternize with all children of God, in the presence of the sacred spirit of the Hierarchy and of the Brotherhood, which are always present in Heaven and on Earth; which have been contemplating you, conducting you and guiding you since the beginning of your origins, since the emergence from your sources, where all was perfect, in accordance with the Plan of the Creator.
Just as evil was defeated, believe, companions, that by the presence of My merciful and paternal Love, duality will be defeated within and outside of you. But persist, persist, persist for Me. Feel that you are under My protection.
I congregate all of you, time and again, in the name of the Truth and of the Love of the Father because, just as the people of Israel were guided and chosen, His new people, His new race, His new flock, His servers of the end of times are also congregated by the Presence of His Love and of His Wisdom.
Do not forget to be mirrors of the Sacred Centers so that the Centers can be present on the surface of the Earth in this time, in which humanity places its mind and its heart in many desires and tendencies. God is tired of feeling the wrath of His children, of feeling indignation for the hearts that do not listen to Him and that do not want to open their eyes to see, on the horizon, the presence of the Brotherhood. But you, My servers and companions, old brothers and sisters of the past, who have already been formed by the light of Instruction, awaken your gifts, awaken your virtues and continue, as up to now, by means of the prayer for all nations, constructing this impulse that comes directly from the Universe.
The light of Aurora offered to selflessly serve the planet and humanity by means of the meetings and of the impulses of light in the pilgrimages. I knew from the beginning, companions, that you would not be aware of what this would mean, but you knew how to obey, adhere and love, and this is valued by the Eternal Father and by all of His Existence, just as many servers have done throughout the times to surrender to God in an unconditional and true way.
The world and humanity still need this light of Aurora. You have the Grace of making this light shine in your hearts and in your lives, in your sharing, in your fraternity, in your communion among brothers and sisters, just as the Essenes used to do.
All that I experienced while I was present on Earth, I have shared with you by means of My Messages and Words, through each meeting in this place as in others. But the moment of expansion will experience its time of retreat. There is still a lot to do before that, companions, the planetary need is very great, the need is immense, but you will never lack peace, although you may be in a battle. Trust, because I will always be there by your side to take you in My Arms to God, and to make you again find the meaning of being here.
May the hearts that are awakening listen. May the souls that are arriving unite. May the light of the Sacred Centers attract the servers of God from different places of the world, because the moment is coming of communion with the great spiritual family that is formed by all those who listen to God in their hearts and respond to His call.
At this hour, may the next Will of God be fulfilled, which will be revealed, even while being unknown to all.
Strengthen your spiritual bases, day by day, to strengthen the bases that make up the life of the community on the surface, on each space consecrated to the Hierarchy.
You know, companions, that the Sacred Hearts will be in the world for a longer time, as God grants, and this time will come when you must be the very light of Aurora on the surface of this planet and wherever you go, in the certainty of fulfilling the Will of God by means of faith. Treading the path of transformation, of surrender and of redemption, you will lack nothing.
The planetary imbalance is very great. Dissociation is immense and so is inequality. But if the little flocks remain strong, the Shepherd will always guide His sheep to take them and conduct them towards the Greater Purpose which, although it is unknown, will someday become conscious in you.
Under the light that conceived the purpose of Aurora, in the Origin of origins, from the center and from the heart of this Galaxy where My Government establishes peace and equality, I bless you and absolve you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am the Mother of the Sun and the Lady of Mercy; from My Heart flow the solar rays that come from the universe and that descend to the planet each time I am present among you.
I am the Mother of the Sun because in My most pure womb are gestated the new projects of Creation, to which all creatures are called in this time, to be able to carry them out.
I am the Mother of the solar essence because from My Spirit emerge all the divine impulses, which are given through the Graces that repair and reform the life of all beings on the surface of the Earth.
I am the Mother of the new solar code because from My Divinity are born the universal Prodigies of God, manifested through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I am the Mother of the solar universe because the Angelic Hierarchies work through the impulses and commands I impart to the whole Project of God.
I am the Mother of the Sun because from Me the Return of Christ is established, the reparation and the path for you to recognize the Second Coming of the King within yourselves.
I am the Mother of all the suns and the Guardian of the central sun of the universe, because, through My humble Heart, I transmit all its sublime rays to creatures, making them participants in their ascension and redemption.
I am the Mother that illuminates the paths.
I am the maternal fire that welcomes and consoles all of Creation.
I am the solar Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to universal life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more