Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come to pray with you, for you and the world.
Today, I come to stay close to your hearts and in silence, so that you can feel and can understand what your Mother sees in this world, which does not stop to think and to seek God first, so everything can be remedied.
I call on you to live in My silence, in this same spiritual moment, in which Heaven unites with the Earth.
The universe shows you what happens in this world to hearts that truly want to see the indignation of the Mother of God for souls that do not listen, that are behind each one of you, without a path or a direction.
I come to profess this silence in the name of the Love of God; so that you not only listen to Me, but also learn to feel I am here, in each part of this world that has need of the Light, the Light of God.
I Am the Queen of Peace, and come to invite you to a deep silence, for if you are in silence, you will be able to understand what I tell you.
Dear children, the world is about to collapse, and nobody believes this can be possible.
I come to stop the anger of God over your heads, for I am your Mother, I love you and wish the best for you.
Once again, I come to give the same Message; now through My silence; because it is necessary, My children, that you grow in the Truth.
The world will not bear it if it truly does not seek to change in the small things of life.
Who will be a part of the New Earth if My hearts only give Me half of their lives?
I need you to seek the Truth and not fear finding it. Thus, I come to pray for you and for all My children, mainly for those that do not listen to the Word of God.
Now do you understand, dear children, the need for My Sacred Centers to be manifested by you?
I do not come to remove any coins from your pockets. I come to call on you to become part of the manifestation of God; in this way, your hearts will be reconciled with the One and all debts incurred throughout the history of humanity will be relieved by the Grace of God.
My silence, My children, is a Grace. I need you to seek silence.
How will you understand what My Heart suffers? How will you feel My deep core and My Most Pure Womb, which is assaulted when each mother causes a life to be lost? I am in the little ones, but I am also in you. Each time you remove a life it is a sorrow for God.
The debt becomes ever greater. Who will pay it? Who will be worthy of suffering out of love for others and surrender their heart into the Hands of God, so the Queen of Heaven may make Her offering in the last intervention God grants Her?
I come to show you the world through My wounded Heart. My Life is not only glory, but also the suffering of others, the suffering I assume from this world.
My Heart lived among you since the beginning; and throughout the times has showed itself to all, trying to reveal the sacred secret, the secret of the Love of God which can completely transform your lives.
Today, My warm voice speaks with sadness; because while the world moves rapidly without stopping, souls condemn themselves to the fire of the abyss and become embers at the feet of My adversary. Who will rescue them? Who will help Me?
I do not come only to bless you because you are My children; you must be My soldiers of the end of times, who respond to any call without an interest, without conditions and with no indifference. In this way, My works will be able to be accomplished through your hearts. But I know it is difficult for you to leave this world; it is conquering many hearts, mainly those that do not pray from the heart and who only do it as a commitment, without giving any love.
I come to teach you, My children, about simple things. It is necessary that you grow up in time. Things are not the same as those of yesterday. The world changes day after day without being perceived, and the Kingdoms of Mother Nature are what most suffer the consequences of this humanity. Have you thought about the seas without whales, the lands without trees, deserts with less and less water? Have you thought about those that live on what God gave them?
A creature without water is a soul that dies. An animal without peace is a disturbed spirit. A tree that is cut is a spirit that does not rise up. How will God be able to reach you if you cut off His Hands? How will He embrace you through His blessed Creation if you assault all the principles of the Law?
But My Message is for all the consciousnesses that, in truth, want to wake up to a great change.
These are already My last Words for the end of these times. Mother Nature asks for help and few are listening to Her. I not only need you to serve others, but that you serve Creation.
Today, My Mantle is lined with the Nature of God. With Me, in My Heart, is the Kingdom of minerals, the devotion of the plants, the love of the animals, and the Kingdom of the Angels that have given everything for this world.
Perhaps what you hear is not what you want to know. Blessed are the humble hearts that recognize the Word of God, for they will not lose themselves, but rather will be guided by the Spirit of God toward the Kingdom of Christ.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My Words are simple and always have been throughout the history of humanity. Thus, few were able to understand the grandeur of My Heart, were able to understand that it was God who descended to this world to tell you His Will, to reveal to His creatures the path to the perfection of the heart and of the human essence.
Those who recognize My Presence and deeply seek Who is before their hearts, can feel within themselves that it is the Mother of God, the Lady of the Divine Verb, Who brings this Sacred Verb to the world.
I want you to learn from the simplicity of My Heart, and that you never tire of listening to Me, even though My Words are not what you would like to hear.
Do you know why you are disinterested in what I tell you so many times? Because if you heard Me attentively, you would be carried into being completely transformed.
The Will of God, My children, is not the same as what you experience in your daily life. By any chance, do you ever simply gaze at an animal as you pass it by?
Do you feel the devotion of the trees, which in every instant try to inspire humanity in its upliftment?
By any chance, did you feel the beauty of the minerals, which support this world, which attract the Rays of the Universe for the healing and redemption of all creatures?
Who of you one day decided to attract the Rays of God from the Universe, not for yourself but rather for this sick world, so each creature would be able to reach the perfection of Divine Thought?
The Kingdoms of Nature permanently give of themselves to humanity, showing them through different attributes, which path is for the manifestation of the Human Kingdom. And this Kingdom, My children, which expresses in each of your hearts, should manifest the maximum attribute of the Kingdom of God, which is Love, that heals everything, forgives everything and redeems everything.
If you observed the Kingdoms and were ready to learn with them, you could come to this expression.
But, on My Words being so simple, sometimes you do not want to hear Me. You do not know, My children, Who speaks to you; you do not know that the Kingdom of God descends to this world and a unique opportunity is given to humanity, not only to those present here, but also to all those who can awaken upon hearing My Words.
Today I show you the reality of this world, but I also bring you the grandeur of the Heavens so you may know you can surrender all that you are, because all that you are is very little in the grandeur of the Universe.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
How much I love you, dear children! And I know everything that you can give Me in the simplicity of prayer, in the love of your hearts that give themselves completely to Mine, to thus concretize the Works of God in this world.
Let us pray, dear children. Let us pray, as the Lord indicates; and while we pray, let the children who today will be consecrated come here so I may bless them with My motherhood.
(thirteen times)
And in this way, I carry your prayers to plead to God for this humanity.
Through the blessed Grace God granted Me at My Conception, I come to bless you so the Spirit of God manifests the principle of His Will in your lives.
I come to consecrate you in the Holy Name of the Son, so He may manifest the sure path toward redemption in your lives.
I come to bless you through the Holy Spirit, so that Its Gifts, true and deep, may be sown in your spirits; and thus, just like the apostles from the past, you become the new apostles of Christ guided by the simplicity of the Love of God.
May this mission be accomplished in your lives and you are able to achieve living in the Will of God and in the maximum expression of His infinite Love.
Through the Grace which My Immaculate Heart pours out, My dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will make the Sign of the Cross twice more, at the request of Our Lady.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the Presence of Adonai, I rise up to Heaven, as it was in the Assumption of My Body and My Soul, in honor of all My children of the world and for the salvation of all of Creation.
Sing and be glad in humility; you are the children of My Heart.
I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, I want you all to sing the Hail Mary to Me. I am here to listen to you.
Let go of your faults and open your hearts. I am your Mother, the Queen of Peace.
Lift up your candles as a sign of peace for the world. Today I come to pray for you and for humanity, to untie the knots that get in the way of the freedom of My children.
Listen to My Heart; It is your only refuge.
I am here, welcoming your pleas, My children, and those of your families; give them all to Me.
Now, My children, listen to My Message.
The enemy fears My power, because it is deeply unknown to it. The power I have is Love, which defeats all evil, changes every heart and transforms a whole life.
In this very difficult time, seek the power of My Love, which is the merciful Love of My Son, which I pour out through My Immaculate Heart for all.
Open the doors of your hearts and lives, and seek the essence of My maternal Love. I hope to deposit it in each of you, as in each moment of prayer that your lips share with My voice.
Today, I am received with gladness and rejoicing, and this greatly relieves My Heart in light of the grave faults that all of humanity commits.
Place your aspirations in My Immaculate Heart. God wishes to have you experience new things, transformative things that you will not recognize in yourselves.
Thus, it will be through the essence of My Love and of the authority of My celestial power that your lives will soon be free; you will achieve the healing which you have so spiritually sought and you will be very close to My Heart, in the shelter of My maternal arms, where I always want to have you so as to observe you, console you and give you My most pure Love.
You, My children, can be sparks of My Immaculate Heart. See how many sparks have already been ignited through the Children of Mary. Seek the consecration of your lives.
Do not fear what disturbs you or makes you uneasy. My Heart will always protect you.
I come to bring relief to your sorrows and faults. I come to give you the spring of My divine healing, but I need hearts that are repositories of My Truth, My Love and My prayer.
In this way, little by little, My children, as if nobody perceived it, the world will be transforming inwardly. The inner seed of all souls, which is the Divine Light of God, is going out in many hearts.
Through My promise to the Creator, I come to reignite your spirits so you may reach the immaculate path, the sacred path that will always lead you to experience redemption, redemption through My Son Jesus. He ardently waits for you in the hour of His infinite Mercy so that all the souls of the world are able to recognize the source of His Love, which continues to be poured out over the world, even though Justice is already active.
Seek the spring of My Son. Seek His Mercy and His Compassion. No longer lament over your lives, stop suffering from your own sorrows. Set your hands to service and charity; in this way, you will please the Heart of the Celestial Father; because He, from His Greater Kingdom, will see the suns shinning in all this planetary firmament.
I come to wake up your missionary heart, your desire to serve and give of yourself, to forgive and to love.
Humanity has forgotten the essence of forgiveness. Thus, I come on this evening to meet with you because, from the first moment when I appeared for you on this evening, your souls and hearts gave Me what you still have not forgiven.
My Heart will transform all things. My Heart is the divine Law of Peace and Love. Dare to forgive that which you have not forgiven. Beloved children, you are in time for doing so.
My Heart will always aid you. I will never leave you alone while you pray with Me through the prayer of the heart.
Reinforce your pleas to Heaven. Your guardian angels are available to serve you. Who will listen to them? Who will perceive their invisible presence?
There are many angels that are being subjugated, mainly in these great cities, because they cannot manage to carry souls toward the Love of God, because they are bound by the lives of humankind. And each time I come to this place, as well as to each city I visit, My Heart frees them and takes them to Heaven, so that the guardian angels of all souls of the Earth can renew the principle of their mission and return to serve you in simplicity, in charity and in love.
I do not come only to see you, but rather each of your angels; the angels that are lost in this city and that need all your prayers, My children, so that they themselves can be freed and manage to transform the life of all beings, which is very lost.
But My Heart was consoled today by your hearts. I can reflect My smile of Light into your lives. That will always calm Me, because I see consistent and available hearts, at any hour and place, responding to My call to prayer, to service and also to transmutation.
Dear children, beloved children, hold My Words in your hearts.
I come at this very difficult time to work with My Love in each of your hearts, so they may be strengthened for the times that will come, because you must be prepared for the Return of Christ.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Those who respond to My call represent the hope of My Immaculate Heart. Because even though this world, My children, often seems irreversible because of the darkness that dwells in it; when I come to the world and find hearts that pray, that light the flame of devotion in the depths of their essences, I open a door to the Throne of God, and thus show the Creator how humanity still generates merits for the salvation of this planet and the Kingdoms of Nature.
But on this night, I say to you that the world still has much need of your help, that you perpetually pray. That in the same way you pray when you are with Me or when you prepare the way for My coming to the Earth, in this way you should pray every day; because when you always truly pray with your heart, I find an opportunity for coming to the world. And even though you do not see Me, you will be able to feel My Heart, because I will be close to you, carrying your prayers to the Lord, as merits of humanity for the salvation of so many souls that are lost.
You cannot imagine, My children, that the great pain of the Lord can be relieved by such small prayers. In this way, you will see that it is not much that I ask of you; I ask you for small efforts, yet sincere and true.
Thus, on this night, I have a new request for you: in this house, I want to see a point of Light for the world. And just as you are here today, I ask that you find a space in your lives to not allow the stronghold I am building in this place be lost, and that it must be built with the effort of each of you.
In the same way, My children, I need each Marian Center to be aided by the Children of Mary and by all those who in their heart feel like responding to this call.
God needs to see the effort of human beings to balance all the indifference that exists in the world. Evil strives day and night, My children, to expand its reign on the planet. And where will the soldiers of Christ be who, through prayer, service, and charity, must expand a new Light in the world, that will light up the abysses, that will illumine the essence of all beings, that will rescue the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so lost?
This is My last call. I am making all the efforts, My children, that I am able. Every day I kneel before the Lord, offering Him all that I have, up to the purest Rose of My Heart for the salvation of humanity. But the Lord asks Me to come to the world and wake up the heart of humankind; because not only My Divine Heart must cry out, the human heart must daily lift its cry to Heaven, just as the Son of God did; so that, through the sacrifice and surrender of your lives, Mercy is able to be poured out again over this world.
Listen to My call, My children, which with so much Love enters your being. My Peace returns to the world through your lives and must expand into each space of this planet through your hearts, the peace-bringing you will carry out in your families, in your homes, in your work, in the daily life of each of you. I want to be with you not only in prayer, but also in service and in each small daily action.
Do not forget, My dears, that each small act of your lives is an opportunity to generate merits with God for the salvation of many souls that do not deserve it, but need it.
Today, while this place, this city, is lost in illusions, in festivities, I want you to cry out for all those who do not listen to My Voice, for all those who do not know Me; for in this way, My children, My Mantle will not only expand over this place, but also in all this nation and in this world.
Pray with Me for peace in each instant of your lives. I will always wait for you and always hear you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
The Universe of God gave you this house so that you could learn to serve, to love and to forgive.
The time has come, My children, that you renew this sacred space, because here, the inner Christs must wake up through redemption and peace.
I see, dear children, that you have gifted Me with a heart of roses. At the end of this meeting, give a part of My Heart to each soul so that they see, in this symbol, the infinite expression of My Love for all the world, for this humanity, and for each of the souls.
Continue to pray for the souls that are lost, mainly for those that are mutilated and suffer the consequences of the enemy. My Heart, through your sincere prayers, will aid the world and will always release it from all evil; for the time has come, beloved children, for the soldiers to begin to work and form the armies of Light in the preferred cenacle of My prayer.
I leave here with joy. My eyes illumine your paths.
Continue to transform your hearts with patience. I will always guide you, beloved children.
Once again I ask that, in honor of God the Creator, and for all those who suffer, you sing to My Heart. In this way, I will lift up your sweet voices to the Throne of the Father, which must be voices of love that express thanks and love for the Creator.
I thank you, beloved children, for responding to My call.
Pray, pray a lot; do not forget to pray. You need it and the world also. In this way, you will allow Me to return here to bless you.
And while you sing to Me, lift up your rosaries so that I can bless them with the luminous sign of the Cross of My Son.
I bless these sacred and immaculate elements that provide Light and the conversion of souls, with the celestial permission of God and with the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Our Lady."
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I ask you to stand up and sing, for thus, I will consecrate each of your souls.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
I am present, listening to your voices, opening the doors of Heaven for the hearts that suffer.
Sing to Me with more love and with faith.
I bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Walk with Me.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Well, we will share some things with you that have happened and some requests of Our Lady.
We will first ask Friar Elías to share those things that Our Lady requested of us.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Each meeting with Mary is a renewal of our lives. She came here as the Queen of Peace, wearing Her blue Mantle, Her light blue robe with a blue sash, barefoot, praying for each of us. As we went praying, a thread of Light gradually descended over the city of Rio de Janeiro; everything around that was dark began to be absorbed by that channel of Light, and within this movement, there were many souls that were also being freed by the angels that accompanied our Mother.
When Our Lady named our guardian angels, for a few minutes, each of our angels manifested and there were far more than us who were present. The guardian angels of each of us were grateful that Our Lady spoke for them, for they are permanently in service.
When we were intoning the song, now at the end, the manifestation of Our Lady Mary of Succor appeared, carrying the Child Jesus in Her arms, Who manifested very strongly, opened His arms, showed His small Heart, and said: "I will always reign."
Afterwards, Our Lady showed Her Crown, which was not a Crown of Hers, but rather She said that today we crowned Her with our love.
She made two important requests, that so this new cycle of the "Casa Cristo do Bem" could continue not only through the groups of prayer, but in the service task which this House always carried out; the Divine Mother says we must renew and welcome souls, because there are many, many souls here, in this city, Mary said, who need to wake up their inner Christ. And She established a special blessing here so that this could happen, and Mary was telling us that this would happen through the act of our service.
She committed to accompanying us in the task of the "Cristo do Bem" (Christ of the Good) and Her request was that the image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity should manifest here.
She consecrated this space where the altar is for placing the image, as it is in various Marian Centers, the white image which has the rosary in Her hands; and that image will also be at the Marian Center of the Child King, because She always said She would be the Doorkeeper of our homes.
Madre María Shimani de Montserrat:
And fulfilling a request of Our Lady, we will reveal a new cycle to you that we will experience with Her.
Yesterday, when we were performing a prayer at the Marian Center of the Child King, in the liturgy, Our Lady appeared unexpectedly and She showed us something very important; She showed us how She will begin to appear in this cycle of humanity.
She told us that She made a special end of cycle request of God, because She needs to gather up all our Hearts into Her Heart; and She will make a last attempt for this humanity, because things are getting more and more difficult, and the greatest sorrow of Our Lady and of Christ is that humanity is rejecting the Mercy.
Humanity does not pay attention to the call of the Divine Messengers and turns its back on the Graces of God. For this reason, Our Lady will make Her last motherly attempt and we are now going to read the experience that Friar Elías had yesterday, where the new Presence of Our Lady is described and what Our Lady will do with us during all this next year.
Sister Lucía de Jesús reads the story on the special Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, of February 27, 2015, during a private prayer of the consecrated members of the Grace Mercy Order, at the Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
The rose Mary offers us is the spiritual symbol of Her Conception. We could say that when God conceived the Spirit of Mary, through His Thought and His Love, He materialized a white rose, which would be the symbol of Original Purity.
For this reason, today Mary offers all of humanity the most precious thing She possesses as Consciousness, that which God conceived of for Her Spirit in the beginning; it is the last thing She has.
For this reason, we have to keep very much in mind the urgency Mary feels about our hearing Her call. She has already divested Herself of everything, including the purest She has, which God has given Her since Her Origin. For this reason, it is very important that we are able to respond to the call of Mary.
As from tomorrow, March 1, every day Mary will descend over the planet to once again give a daily Message with Her Instructions, Her call of Love for the rescue of all this humanity. So we will be attentive to be able to receive this Grace of Our Lady and be able to accompany Her in this cycle so that, as She says, God is able to see that this humanity still is rescuable and we are able to show Our Lord that His angels have no need to send His Justice.
So we invite you all to pay attention as from tomorrow; in reality, be more attentive so that all of us are able to share this new cycle, which will surely have a significant impact on the planetary consciousness; because as we have been able to see, in this end time, our Mother has been very direct and has told us many truths, because She considers we are already adult children and that we need to know the truths of this world.
So, for everybody, pay attention as from tomorrow, or more attention. We will say goodbye, singing as we always do, and we personally want to thank you all for the warmth of heart we were able to experience here today.
Song: "Mercy, Mary."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
As Lady of the Nativity, I come to announce My withdrawal from the world. As from the coming year, My dear children, I will only be with you on the 13th and 25th of each month, but I invite you to continue to experience My school of prayer.
The very definitive times are approaching. Humanity has already heard the Message of God a lot.
Woe to those who have been deaf and blind, and who deny the Word of God at this moment! You must be merciful and pray for all.
Today, I come to announce My withdrawal to humanity, the Supreme Life that exists in the Heavens has called Me to return.
Thus, My children, this means that the Shepherd is drawing closer. The Master of masters will approach humanity, and through this last Apparition in this part of the world, I will have concretized My mission to God.
And so I invite you, My children, to continue to pray. Each day more, your prayer must be fervent and constant; in this way, you will be able to overcome the tests that will come and the limitations you will be able to transcend, because My Immaculate Spirit will be among you in the cenacle. I will not stop speaking to you and transmitting My pure Love to you.
So I will continue to invite you, My children, so that on the 12th and the 24th of each month, you gather together in prayer and glorify the Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. In this way, I will be able to see, My children, that your hearts have understood My Words.
The time will come, My children, when My task will stop being public, and each soul, each heart must take up its own flag of salvation, and like an army of Light, carry among the souls the banner of Peace, waiting hopefully for the victorious return of Christ to the world.
The Apocalypse is closing, the Scriptures are being fulfilled. Read the Gospels and be up to date every day.
Through My Apparitions, I have given you many signs. Prepare, study and pray.
Graces do not come in vain and you, after this world, must testify to God to all you have received from My Immaculate Heart, because all has been through the intercession of My Grace.
While Christ is being born in many hearts, in other hearts, Christ has not entered. Woe to those who have closed their heart to My Son and allowed themselves to become involved by the things of this material world!
The Grace of God has come to aid humanity; that is why I invite you to be consistent with My call, and that from this moment and from this date, after so many years of Graces, you may be the living message of My Heart.
Many will have need of your healthy examples. God expects your hearts to already be mature and ready so that each soul and each being take on their true mission in light of God.
I will not stop guiding you, My children, as it was in other places of the world, where My Holy Aspect appeared to humanity.
My Presence has not been erased. My Spirit is omnipresent and permanent, and all the children that have come to the place of My old Apparitions continue to feel My Presence and My maternal Love.
Thus, I need you to be brave and willing to face the end of times with courage, without fear and without apprehension.
The Light of the Heart of Christ will be your guide and all your instructors will be there to help you. God has placed them on your paths so that you would be able to grow quickly in your conversion, loving the transformation and the sanctity.
Dear children, while My countenance of Light cries for this world, for all those who did not accept the Nativity, God sends Me to you because My Spirit is consistent and kind, and from each child of Mine, I expect a great spiritual growth, with which souls will be able to live the great Message of Christ, the advent of the Redeemer for the times of chaos, through the teachings I have transmitted to you, in the same way the other Sacred Hearts did.
Shortly, the instructions of Light will be in your hands through the books I have sent to be manufactured, so that the living Message, the Word of Life, the Divine Verb and the Divine Hearts may be present in your homes so that, in the end times, you can count on tools that will be able to support your hearts through the Words of Light and of all the Messages We have left you in this part of the world.
When your hearts feel prepared, disseminate My Message. I will return to this part of the world to seek My apostles to take you to the redeeming Supper of My Son.
I thank you, dear children, for having accompanied Me during these years. God blesses you every day.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
As long as you remember My Words, which I placed in My Sacred Books, each of the codes I transmitted to your souls in those instances when My Heart descended to the world, they will emerge in your hearts to strengthen you further and to not allow, My dears, your spirits to be discouraged in the face of the difficulties of the world.
Do not be sad about My withdrawal, but rather unite more each day through prayer, through acts of fellowship, which will transform your hearts into invincible hearts in the face of the tests of the world.
For humanity, the coming year will represent a moment to put into practice all that you have learned. Through your faithful example you must activate those souls that did not hear My call, but that committed to Me and I need to wake up in this end of time.
Many "Pauls" must emerge in the world, those who, in spite of not being before My Heart, will recognize My Presence through the example of others, through the example of My faithful apostles, who through Me, walk in the direction of My Son.
My dears, many must still wake up in this time, and it will not be too late; but the sooner they wake up, the better they will be able to fulfill their mission, and the Purpose of God will be more strongly manifested in this world.
For the victory of the Lord to be a reality in this world will depend on each of your souls, because the Divine Messengers have already left the seeds in the essence of each creature, and in this time, They are accomplishing all the requests of the Creator.
It will be up to each one of you, My children, to just do what I taught you in these times, and to never forget the Presence of My Son in your lives. And through Communion and Confession to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, you must keep this fire of your hearts ignited and alive; this flame, My dears, must ignite each essence of this world which approaches you. Let there not be a single soul that approaches a soldier of Mary that leaves without this flame being lit.
For this to happen, your hearts must be permanently open. My teachings must not be lost in your consciousnesses; but each day, may you grow in prayer, in spirit, so you may be brave Marian soldiers, and these codes that today I placed in your hearts be able to produce results, and in a future time, generate new seeds for the souls that will come to this flock of the Lord.
With My Immaculate Heart, I welcome all your little hearts, which listen to Me in all parts of the world, so that here, within Me, you are able to grow and mature in spirit, can open to Celestial Truths, and never doubt when your eyes contemplate the Presence of the Redeemer Who, in Spirit, Divinity, Body and Soul, will come to this world.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
The prophecy will be fulfilled; for this reason, remember, in the times to come, the Presence of My luminous countenance in your hearts, My Immaculate Heart, My holy hands that have blessed you.
Dear children, remember that I still have the ardent desire of fulfilling My Will, of carrying My Message and My Peace to Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States. If this were to be fulfilled in the coming year, a large part of humanity will become rescuable; and this goes beyond the material matter, My children.
I want you to be able to learn to observe from spirit. Through your consecration and the requests you have fulfilled, you have allowed My Immaculate Heart to triumph, but there is still a little more, My children.
While My Spirit withdraws from this humanity, I invite you to prepare as good missionaries. Remember that I will always need you in My pilgrimages to carry the essence of Peace.
And as I have done in other times and moments, throughout these months gone by, today I consecrate a whole community which has been the testimony of My living call, and which has been the testimony of the manifestation of this Marian Center. Through these little spirits, My Work has manifested in Uruguay, in the same way it has happened in Brazil and in Argentina.
Could it be that many more places in the world will dare to concretize My last request for Peace?
I invite you to joy and reflection. God knows that through you, everything will be possible; for this reason, I ask it of you, My children.
I must reach the last places of the Americas, to the peoples who have suffered a lot and that in hope, venerate Me through My maternal Presence, as it was in Nicaragua when I once appeared there.
I invite all My children of the Fraternidad Community to receive, on this evening, My maternal blessing. Come here, My little ones.
Prayer: Hail Mary (in Latin).
My dear children, as Our Lady of Nicaragua, I consecrate your hearts and place your essences under My Mantle of Light so that always, in a Spirit of Peace, you are protected from all evil and in the coming time you are able to announce the Coming of Christ.
As Our Lady of Nicaragua, with complete gladness and joy, I consecrate Central America to My Immaculate Heart.
May this Holy Lady, Who once appreciated this Nicaraguan village, be able to travel through the most humble and simple places, carrying the blessing of Our Celestial Mother to all the hearts that receive My Immaculate Presence in their homes.
As Mother of Nicaragua and Mother of humanity, of all the peoples and races, I consecrate you, My dear children, on this last transition date, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Wait with joy for the Return of Christ. Your thirst has been satiated.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The brothers and sisters of the Fraternidad Community, at the request of Our Lady, will kiss the feet of this image of Our Lady of Cuapa. And from here, at the foot of this altar, we are going to give thanks for this opportunity Mary has given us, on this evening, sending a ray of gratitude to our Celestial Father.
For this meeting and this blessing, thank You, Mother, for all that You give us! Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I am grateful, on this evening, to all who responded to My Call. This has an important merit in Heaven, from the moment that you return to the House of God.
As the Mother of the Americas, I come to bring peace to this continent. I unite peoples, races and origins; and I believe, in these times, the new culture over the face of the Earth, the New Christs who awaken to the redeeming call.
Therefore, dear children, as the Mother of Brasilia, I come to ask you something very important, to continue praying every day, My Immaculate Heart listens to you offers.
I come in this final time, to untie the knots of the consciousness, to liberate the ties of the path of My children; therefore, with my sword I cut all the events of evil.
I only ask you, dear children, not to forget, in this final era, to unite to My Immaculate Heart. My immaculate Heart will be your eternal home, where you will be protected from yourselves and from the world.
I come in this final era, to ask you simple things, because many miracles have already been realized over the centuries. My Son gave testimony of His Presence over the centuries, and at His request, I did too.
Therefore, dear children, open your hearts. Open your hearts to listen to the Will of God; thus, you will be able to leave superficial things, your suffering will be calmed, and healing will be born in your spirits, because you will be consequent with Me in prayer, and I will be able to continue interceding for you.
As I have said to you today, I need awake and available souls, who can listen to the Voice of God in this time. Therefore, My Immaculate Spirit travels the nations to show you that you are one race, you are the new Christic civilization that must be born. Therefore, listen to your hearts, calm your minds and thoughts so that the Divine Energy can flow in you and the Holy Spirit can show you how much needs to be done in these delicate times.
I do not only need your hearts, but also your immediate availability. I need to ignite within you the stars of the Confederation, those waiting to shine as suns over the face of the Earth.
Dear children, I come at the request of Christ to awaken you. In previous times, very few listened to My Call. I come, in this era, to renew things in the name of Christ; but for this to happen, beloved children, you must take the first step towards Me, then everything will happen as foreseen in Heaven.
I come to prevent massive things in this world; just like I did in Fatima, Medjugorje, Lourdes and other points of the Earth that you do not know.,
Over the centuries, I come to announce the important Call for peace; but since the cup is already so full, there is something that must be done, dear children; before it is completely spilled, you must awaken in time. Everything can be reversed through a good and healthy attitude.
I come to open your hearts, to consecrate your inner temples in a favored union with God the Father.
Dear children, I assure you that, in the end of times, you will remember My Words, everything that I am saying to you this evening and, what will you do in this difficult time?
I come to help and assist you. I come as Mother of all humanity to intercede for all of My children; what else do you need to take the step?
Those who still follow Me are trying very hard, but I need many more hands that can work with Me for the Return of Christ. I need to give you, in the depths of your hearts, visible signs of the Coming of Christ; to be able to identify it and not be deceived before all false ones that will arise.
My Son is unique and glorified. His Sacred Heart is unmistakable. I come in the name of Christ to offer you the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. You are in the time of being able to consecrate yourselves to His Heart; in this way, you will be protected from things that will happen, because when everything happens, dear children, I will once again be in Heaven, accompanying you with the force of My prayer.
These descents that I make to the Earth, manifesting My universal and maternal Consciousness, are unique and determinant in this final cycle.
I come to give you that which I learned in the universe. I need you to merge as one group of souls, that there no longer exist among you lies and indifferences, ego or error. Heal your hearts through My Heart, feel My Call of Peace in your lives. I need your fervor and devotion so that the Peace that exists in Heaven may descend on Earth.
My one Purpose, dear beloveds, is to fulfil the Plan of God over the Earth through your lives, your families and all your dear beings. Thus, you will help Me, dear children, so that the world may achieve peace.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words the Virgin Mary:
Because this Portal of Peace opened on this night over this city to dissolve all of the darkness that is so rooted on this ground.
But so that My Light can penetrate the abysses and dissolve the power of the enemy within human hearts, I need the permission of your hearts, I need awakened souls to balance souls that are sleeping today; and, more than this, My children, that Marian soldiers balance those children of Mine who have lost the way and who are not asleep, but rather are consciously soldiers of darkness.
On this evening, My children, My Angels and Archangels descend to this world. Their swords of Light cut the ties with evil, but, so that these swords pass through your lives and untie them from darkness, definitively, I need your yes, a true and definitive yes, of souls who give themselves to the Higher Will.
I come to this world to carry out true spiritual miracles in the lives of all creatures.
My children, My Heart penetrates the abysses and desperation of this Earth, and there is no place in this world where My Light cannot enter. Yes, there are places where the human heart does not allow Me to reach, but if one of your souls truly surrenders to God, the Lord will give Me permission so that My Kingdom can expand in this world.
Because, My dears, My eyes contemplate the planet from My Kingdom and I pray permanently, because I observe that souls of this world suffer much every day.
Today, I call you to be able to leave your small lives a bit so that, through the prayer of the heart, you may be instruments of God and assist the Creator so that, through His Servant, the souls that fall into the abysses of this planet can be rescued.
I see from Heaven, My children, that in every instant a consciousness is lost in the world, that darkness wants to take the Kingdom of My Peace, but it is possible for this not to happen; it is possible, My dears, for you to learn through Love and not through suffering, for you to see the world falling apart in front of your eyes, but your hearts are within the Heart of God, and nothing that is outside this Most Sacred Heart disturbs you.
My dears, I want you to awaken this evening to a Higher Life, because My Divine Presence comes to open your hearts and consciousnesses so that you no longer sleep the dream of the illusions of this world. Elevate your aspirations to My Heart, because today My arms are open to receive each of your needs. I listen to your supplications and I know the reason for which each of your hearts comes to meet Me.
On this evening, I tell you that those who truly decide to be soldiers of My army, to no longer preoccupy yourselves with your anguishes and afflictions because, upon surrendering to the Heart of God, the Light of My Celestial Kingdom will dissolve all of these anguishes and transform them into a source of divine inspiration, into a will that your souls will feel to overcome fears, to overcome suffering and to go towards the great need of this world.
My dears, as I have told you on this day, I want to invite you to carry out small sacrifices, small works of charity, which little by little will convert this world.
My beloveds, today I open My arms and show you My Immaculate Heart, so that before your eyes, you may have the Higher Dwelling, to which you must return in this time. Come without delay and without fear, because nothing evil will happen to you, a profound peace will enter you lives, an unbreakable devotion and faith, so that, finally, My children, you can be converted into the Christs of the New Time, similar to My Son, similar to God the Father.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I thank you for trusting in this Call. I want to tell you, dear children, that My Graces were deposited in your hearts and families.
Adore, all the time, the Grace of God. Contemplate His Majesty and Mercy; because what I can give you are the Codes of God, the principles of the Primordial Source, that are born in love and unity. This is available for all in the vast Universe of the Creator; it is enough, dear children, that you only ask Heaven, and Heaven will give you all of its legacy, all of Its Redemption and Mercy.
I dismiss your hearts in the name of Peace and invite, to this Altar, the new children that today I will consecrate and the group of Brasilia that prepared this meeting with Me; because they will also be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, with the hope that all of them can be the living heart for Brazil, the heart that beats in love, peace and prayer.
I bless these flowers that will be for the present, the symbol of My Universal Mystical Rose, of the beauty that God gestated through My Immaculate Heart. I consecrate the sacred images so that they can be a living symbol of Light in these times of darkness.
I bless you and contemplate you. And, now, I will listen to your voices singing to God, for the final consecration.
For all this and for the days that will come, I thank you for responding to My Call.
Go in peace, live in My Peace, be bearers of My Peace.
Hallelujah to God!
Song: Hail Mary (in Latin).
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We place our hands facing up to receive the Grace of Our Lady.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My dear children, My last request will be for you: pray every day that will come for My pilgrimage to the United States. Through your offer and donation to my Immaculate Heart, a great door to conversion will open in this place.
I gather you in the name of Christ. I congregate you through the strength of His Spirit. I unite you to the Source of His infinite Mercy, now and always.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
"Mary of Nazareth" is a song that gladdens My heart and makes My Spirit ignite souls in a perpetual devotion. Let us joyfully sing for God on this evening.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us sing the Hail Mary of Gounod and we will do a procession to the Portal of Peace, where Our Lady will appear.
While we sing, we will wait for the indication to move toward the Portal of Peace. We will wait, singing, until the moment is indicated.
We will all be well connected to the descent of Our Lady, ringing the bell of the tower, opening the doors of Heaven for Her arrival.
Let us start out, first the row up here in front, then we continue successively until the end, in complete harmony, waiting for each brother or sister to come out of the House, and we will place ourselves outside of the Garden of Mary, surrounding the fence. We will go praying the Hail Mary, the Our Father and the Glory.
By the authority My Son has given Me, I bless this water and this bread, as symbols of reconciliation and reparation with God.
I hope that after having been baptized and communing of My Son, you are able to leave this place renewed, confirmed in the Plan of God for this time on the surface of the Earth.
I hope you confirm yourselves as My soldiers, so that I can also work through your hearts and your lives.
There is nothing more important, dear children, than to persist in faith.
I thank you for responding to this call.
Seek the Portal of My Peace when you need it. I am present here.
I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Brothers and sisters, today Mary took us to the Origin of the origin.
She told us She was taking us to that Portal of Peace so that we do not forget that through that Portal of Peace, we can find the peace we do not have.
In truth, She said that She represents that Portal of Peace at this time and that our path to find peace will be through Mary.
During the Apparition, we felt a very special protection of the Mother. She was able to work with all of us in a special way, which had never happened before. She worked with each one of us, She took care of our spiritual and inner needs.
For this reason, we invite you to pay attention to this task that Mary did with our spirit today, and to not allow this energy She placed in each one of us to be lost.
She came especially today to work with each one of us. For a moment, She set aside the emergencies of the world to pay attention to us.
What is the meaning of Mary having done this? Why did She ask us to confirm ourselves as Her soldiers? What meaning could this have for this moment? What is the Mother seeing that we must do?
She says that She knows our potential and our possibilities of being able to help Her in this task with peace.
Today we feel that Mary picked us up from the ground. She raised our spirit and said at the end:
“Remember always to not lose your joy. Yes, dispel the fear and sadness. Seek the joy that I give you day after day.”
Then our Mother asked us in a very special way, for two jars of water and bread.
“That jar of water will be for blessing you,” She said.
Mary said that this is a sign of purification for our bodies. And She said that after we are purified, we will be reconciled with God again.
She then asked that we commune of the Body and Blood of Her Son.
It was very important when She asked us for the bread, because She asked that it be bread that had been made here, in the Community. And Sister Amerisa brought it, just as She had requested.
Then Mary blessed that bread and asked that we commune in an act of reparation and reconciliation.
Then the monthly Messages were read which Mary had left through Sister Lucía de Jesús and Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
Today, as Queen of Peace, I come to bring My Love and My blessing to all.
Dear children, today I invite you to be with Me in My Heart, in this very important time. And this can happen through your daily prayers.
Today, the Lord invites you to multiply your practice of prayer. Many souls are in need of this aid and of this protection. Your prayers will help the Plan of God to be accomplished here, on Earth.
Dear children, I want to tell you that today I need all of you. Thus, I also invite you to imitate My Pilgrim's Path, through good service and charity for others. With this, dear children, you will help the world to be relieved of its own evil.
As Lady of the Rosary, I also invite you to continue with this practice. The angels are opening the Heavens toward the Earth, and My guardian armies are sent to help humanity.
Dear children, I only invite you to give of yourselves in a more heartfelt way. That will be very important for the end of this time; for you must not only create groups of prayer, but rather a great network of fraternity far and wide throughout the world.
Dear children, I invite you to walk with Me in peace and in faith.
Today I am also here to ask you for something important. You know, dear children, that in My Marian Centers of Love, Bell Towers of Peace have manifested, which must sound the call of peace for souls.
Today I am also calling on you, My children, to manifest a Bell Tower of Peace in the new Community of My Son, so that the three Marian Centers of Love help these nations, the three nations to which I appear, month after month, calling all My children to assist this humanity by means of the consciousness of their hearts.
Thus, this Bell Tower of Peace will bring peace to this nation. Even though it may seem to you, dear children, that this is far from your reality, this Bell Tower of Peace in Argentina will bring good and peace to this nation.
Today, I come to meet with you to announce that it is important to disseminate peace, and this will begin through prayer, also through good acts that transmit peace.
It is important, dear children, that you gather together in the name of the light and peace, to help this part of humanity that needs them so much.
Of course, dear children, your prayers count. But it is necessary to practice service and charity; and this will begin, dear children, with the brother or sister beside you, looking at them with a peaceful and loving gaze, to dissolve the conflict that many hearts experience.
Thus, many hearts distance themselves from that true peace, because at the end of this time, starting with all that hearts experience in this material life, they also distance themselves from light and peace when hearts generate conflict.
For this reason, you are called to think on this peace, because you will find the Lord in your lives and your spirits will rejoice in the Heart of My Son.
Also, today I invite you to feel and to think about Mercy, all the times you are able to in your lives. This is a paramount request, dear children, so that you may see it is important to bring more Light to this world.
For that, dear children, My Motherly Heart has need of faithful soldiers who are able to lead many groups of souls through prayer, service, peace and love; for in that way, dear children, your hearts will be united at the doors of Heaven.
On this day I want you to know, dear children, that through the Grace of God and the permission He has granted Me as the Universal Mother of all, that My Motherly Heart will return here. For that, you must pray a lot during these months, so that My Motherly Heart is able to be present as from next year.
And I will come here to save you and aid you during the time of this purification. Thus, prayer will prepare your hearts.
Take your minds into the center of the heart and live within the Kingdom of His Peace; for in this way, dear children, you will not only be with Me, but also with My Son.
Thus, pray, pray and only pray. Pray for those who have forgotten to pray, and even more for those who do not want to pray in this time.
Live the principles and attributes of the patriarchs, and learn from the great fathers of prayer to coexist in peace and in good, spreading love and hope.
Today I am here, over this city, to bless it; for it is the heart of Argentina, which must beat strongly in this time through renewed groups of prayer, that not only spread peace, but also the hope that many need, because otherwise many hearts will be lost. Thus, there is a need for instruments of prayer.
My Heart has need of faithful servers who are able, from their heart, to disseminate the purity they hold. For in this way, dear children, your small purity will unite with My great Purity, and through My Motherly Love, I will be able to coexist with you every day in your homes, in each prayer, to support you and tell you to continue onward because evil will not defeat you, but rather, My Immaculate Heart will triumph if you will simply allow it.
Thus, listen to the call I bring from Heaven. Open the inner hearing of your heart, because hope is possible, dear children. And if you are united with Me, the heart will heal little by little, and the consciousness will open to the new and will not fear anything, for it will be with Me on this path of prayer that many need to experience in this time.
Count on Me, dear children, because I Am your Mother, your Mother of Peace.
Now you must place your hearts and your attention on the importance of prayer. Day after day, you must grow through this practice and not see it as something simple, but rather as something very sacred.
I am teaching you, dear children, daily Message after daily Message, to learn to walk in prayer and to discover the attributes that My Immaculate Heart once experienced when It was here on this Earth.
Dear children, I Am Mother and part of this humanity; for this reason, I deeply know you. Know that I read and feel your thoughts, I know your hearts' intentions. So, dear children, you are transparent to My Heart. For this reason, God sends Me to you to teach you to walk on the path of the good, and in this way, dear children, the example of your life, your simplicity and your humility will be able to attract many hearts that also need to learn a new way of life.
This humanity is mistaken, dear children; and silently, step by step, My Motherly Heart has accompanied the awakening of this humanity, the lessons and the tests.
I have been here, dear children, century after century, radiating all My children through the Source of the Love of God, so you may know that the universe is broad and that in it is the Great Presence of God.
For this reason, your eyes must always look up to infinity, so your aspiration is able to be on a straight path that only takes you toward the Lord, like the angels of Heaven. The beloved Archangel Gabriel taught Me this in the Annunciation.
My Words are poured out through the Light. Thus, you must keep them as a treasure in the heart; because you know, dear children, that they are already the last ones, which I announce in Medjugorje and which I now announce here, among you, to awaken faith in this very definitive time.
Thus, today, walk, dear children, taking steps with hope and accepting to live in the Lord, above all things.
Beyond your lives, your hearts must always draw close to the Kingdom of the Lord, for there you will be sheltered under the Light of My Motherhood and under the Light of the Heart of My Son. You must believe in this, dear children, because it will allow your faith and your devotion to God to be strengthened.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lady, we're going to pray for the nations, practicing the prayer of the Hail Mary in different languages. And today, we're also going to include the Hail Mary in Latin.
She said that while we pray, She will open a door from Heaven so the Light may descend upon this place and can be spread through Peace.
At the request of Our Lady, we'll pray each Hail Mary twice.
Dear children, I thank you for this simple practice of the heart. For this reason, I invite you to continue praying together with Me during every day, out of love for all the nations of the world, so their representatives are able to guide the hearts of all souls toward the path of eternity.
Dear children, I thank you for responding to My call and for your love, for having received Me on this day with so much love in your heart.
May the Heaven of God, His Infinite Universe, remain in your hearts forever.
Under My motherly blessing and the blessing of My Son Jesus, I tell you, dear children: go in peace and go forth!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We're going to try and make a summary of what Our Lady transmitted today, the requests She made, so that afterwards, Friar Elías can give us a brief account of how the Apparition unfolded.
Two important things She manifested today as requests, beginning with the daily Message, is that the Nucleus of work which exists in Cordoba, which as you know, there is a Nucleus in the city of Capilla del Monte and a Monastery in the Cordoba Hills, that this task be turned into a Community.
That means there will be a greater responsibility towards the Plan of God. And all the people and groups that, above all, assist in this task here, in northern Argentina, will have a greater responsibility.
As you all know, the Light-Communities are designed to support the process of purification and so that we, as human beings, have a choice for a different life, a life dedicated to the One and at the service of the One.
In the same way as the Figueira Community and the Fraternidad Community in Casa Redención, now the Community of Brotherhood will be a goal to be achieved by all of us.
As you all know, they are also three strategic points within the Americas that will allow us to support the planetary movements during the purification. And we will do that through prayer, as has been requested of us and taught to us.
As we already know and have repeated several times, prayer will be the instrument that humanity will have for support in the difficult times. An instrument that any person of any religion, of any race, of any color and of any social standing can develop. For this reason, it will be the instrument that will support us, and any of us can do it.
Therefore, as from now, especially in Northern Argentina there is a very important commitment which is to unite through the heart and participate in the development of the Community.
Another of Our Mother's requests is that we build a bell tower like the one there is in the Figueira Community and in Aurora.
So we're going to get to work, because through each bell ringing during the times indicated to us, the energy of Peace descends upon this place; and wherever there is a prayerful peace-bringer, that energy is drawn toward the place where that peace-bringer is.
And as all of us have to become peace-bringers, through each prayer, united with the bell tower, we will be attracting the energy of Peace to this place.
Let's remember that in this time, all is allowed. All the good we are able to generate is allowed. All the peace, all the love, all that we can offer is allowed, and will be multiplied as never seen before. So let's trust in what we, as beings of love, are able to multiply: love, the good, and peace. And let's not worry about what's multiplied on the other side, which will be a lot also.
So we have to get to work with a lot of striving.
Now we'll listen to the Friar, to see what he can tell us.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We thought that today the Apparition would be in front of the Altar, but it was the opposite. Our Mother always has wonderful plans for us.
As you heard today, She came as the Queen of Peace.
To better understand, we'll explain how the Apparition was.
Barefoot, with a rosary in Her Hands, with which She constantly prayed while She spoke.
She was dressed in a pink robe, a blue belt and a white veil that almost reached Her Knees, and that swayed from one side to the other, but that veil also fell forward a little because of the movement She made as She spoke to us, and around Her, a blue aura.
When Our Lady appeared over this place, She did so through a channel that was light blue, directly connected to the Heavens. And through Her, Light poured out over here, and expanded throughout Cordoba when She said that Cordoba was the heart of Argentina.
She was showing how Cordoba should be a heart that beat strongly and that the Light should be sent as if through arteries to all the other provinces. It is a creative exercise She taught us for praying, because She said that this would greatly help Argentina.
When She referred to the Bell Tower of Peace, She showed us that those three bell towers were already manifested, especially the one that will be present in the Cordoba Hills; and that the three, in unison, radiated Light for all of South America.
She promised us that if that bell tower were manifested before the end of the year, it could aid the three nations during the process of purification.
We asked Her if this meant that, in Argentina, Uruguay or Brazil, nobody would experience the tribulation. She said to us: "Each child will experience the state of purification that is foreseen, but if you do what I ask of you, if you pray with Me, you will be greatly protected, and My Heart will be able to aid you all."
Once again, today She gave us a lesson on being humble and being mediators through prayer. Above all, She asked about those we see daily, who we don't know, or that we may come across during our life, and that also have need of that prayer. In this way, She told us we will be practicing fraternity.
And when She told us She would return to Cordoba, we asked Her when it would be. She responded, as you all heard, that a lot of prayer was needed.
We asked Her: "Has the Lady foreseen appearing in the House of Prayer that is in the Cordoba Hills?"
She said, nodding Her Head: "Yes, it is in the Plans of God."
And She added something else, which really drew our attention: "Everything will depend on the communications of this world remaining in place, so I am able to transmit My Message."
So we understood how important the task She is doing in this time is, and that She also is carrying Her Message through the media we have available at this time, trying to save as many as She can.
This is why we know that also there, in the Cordoba Hills, there is no possibility of transmitting an Apparition until now.
So She will wait for that to manifest. We understood that it's a task for everybody to make the Apparitions possible in that House of Prayer that She asked to be built.
She also made a third request of the groups that are present here today and those that are not, specifically all the brothers and sisters of Argentina.
We know that next Saturday we have the Apparition in Lujan, and at that moment, She asked that some of the representatives of the groups of prayer present here, do a pilgrimage to the Lujan Sanctuary with the brothers and sisters of the Buenos Aires groups on the day of the Apparition.
We asked Her what the reason was and if She had a special request. "What is important," She said, "is that whoever can, should go and join that pilgrimage; because the same task I am doing here, I will also do at that Apparition at Lujan."
So the invitation has been made by Our Lady.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
So we have to get to work, to pray and to be on pilgrimage.
As Friar Elías said, this next Saturday we'll be in Lujan. As She has been appearing during these last months and will continue doing so, according to what She has said, up until the end of the year, we need to avail ourselves of the Presence of our Mother.
We invite you all to accompany us, and know that each moment during the time the Mother is present, is an unparalleled moment for receiving Her codes of Light; that if we attend the Apparition, open of heart and inwardly united with Her Presence, while we pray, many things can happen in our lives, which we have waited for since we were born; because as I previously said to you, during this time anything is possible, and we have to have a lot of faith in this.
We'll see each other in Lujan. Thank you all for being with us.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more