In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I open My Heart so that the Universe of God may come to you and you can find the meaning of infinite Life.

Just as 102 years ago, I return to the world on this day to remind you of the importance of your original innocence, which will lead you to find purity. A purity that will save you and will redeem you, that will make you worthy in the Lord and participants in His Grace.

The original purity, which God has given to you since the beginning of your existence, must not be forgotten by the world neither by the servers of Christ, because the times that are coming are definitive, and will place your consciousness before very important events of planetary life.

This is why I bring you, through My Heart, the Universe of God so that you may feel and perceive all of Creation, all stars, suns and galaxies, all unknown and mysterious life that the Creation holds since before this planet.

Therefore, My children, feel at this moment that you are before one of the Wills of God, before the moment when the Father thought of Creation and all that would come after He emanated His Divine Thought upon the Sublime Spheres so that the Archangels, the Creator Fathers, together with Their angelic hosts, could create the Universes and Infinite Life.

You as humanity and as souls are part of a principle, are part of a mystery that, in the end of this time, will be unveiled so that the human consciousness may become aware of the Truth and can finally leave the illusion in which it finds itself.

Do not let the influences of these times hypnotize you or blind you spiritually. Place your heart in the Heart of the Hierarchy and you will always see the light on your paths. You will always participate in the revelation of the mysteries of God and will become aware of the great tools that the Universe holds since the origins, since the existence of the great Lakes of Light, called Nebulae, from which all of humanity comes.

This is the time and the moment to recover and protect the values of God so that these values may be present in your lives. It is time, My children, for you in the name of Christ and in the name of His Love to give value to the sacred.

But for the sacred to be present in your lives, you must aspire to the sacred, you must seek the sacred by means of devotion and faith so that the sacred does not vanish from the world and from the human consciousness. For the influences of these times, all events of God will lead you to discover your true Divine Life and the reason why you are here, which is not just a material or human reason.

Open the doors of your hearts for your souls to be able to operate and carry out the task you came to fulfill.

This is the time to give importance to the sacred so that the sacred can prevail on the surface of the Earth and so that there may exist souls that, congregated by My Son, can reflect the Divine Life like mirrors before a time of chaos and of conflict. This will strengthen the faith of humanity’s consciousness, this will make Universal Love be more present in the planetary consciousness and will make the Compassion and Mercy of God not become erased from humanity.

You must continuing being witness of the Presence of Christ in your hearts and in your lives until the end. God only needs that innocence be not lost in the world, because if innocence is lost in the world, purity will not be present in souls nor in hearts. And this will be difficult for most souls because they will not attain Universal Life.

For this reason, the total surrender of your consciousnesses is important for God, each one at their time and in their rhythm, but let it be a true surrender, without conditions, because thus you will be similar to My Son, the way He was when He was present on Earth and made you participants in His Word, in His Good News, in His Message of Peace and of Reconciliation.

God needs that innocence be not lost in the world so that peace does not vanish. This is why the world will  know, even more, the Sacred Places that are present on Earth and that silently ignite their principles of Light and of Mercy so that souls can receive and welcome them.

Lys is a Sacred Precinct for God, it is a place in which purity can be recovered for the whole world. Therefore His Messenger was sent here and not to anywhere else. Here is the Source of what the world really needs. Here is the Source that can fill your inner void and even your human despair. Here is peace, love,  the healing of the essences of the world.

Therefore, Lys will always resound and will remind the whole world of such a simple and humble place for the hearts that seek, within them, union with God and His Celestial Messengers.

This Fount will quench the spiritual thirst of the world and will always be able to lead the world to reconciliation so that souls do not lose the meaning of being here and of the commitment they have with the Heights.

Therefore, the sacred is important at this time, even in the small details. I offer Myself as Mother and as Divine Consciousness to take you to the path of the sacred so that in you may be present the Devotion to God and the absolute trust in the fulfillment of His Divine Purpose.

In the sacred, you will find the truth and in the truth you will find the healing that you need, not only as human beings, but also as souls, as essences.

Revere this moment of being within the Fount of Lys on behalf of all of your brothers and sisters that wait, with hope, to be able to feel and live this sacred space in order to receive what they need.

But as the Father is Omnipresent and Omniscient, today the Fount of Lys comes to all as a balm of light and of peace. It deters for some time the conflicts of the world, division among families, hatred among hearts, sicknesses of the bodies and human evil.

The triumph of My maternal and Immaculate Heart, My children, will also take place when your lives reach the Attribute of the sacred with inner effort, with the love of the heart, with the devotion that your spirits can proclaim in union with the Divine Fount, so that Graces may keep descending to the world and upon the hearts that need redemption.

Today I pour, as a code of light on each one of you, the opportunity of finding the path of the sacred so that innocence is not lost in the world and the Truth of God may make you free in spirit, and thus His Will may be fulfilled.

Therefore, as Mother and Messenger, as Guardian and Mediator, I lead you all in the nations of the world so that you can testify, together with Me, to the lack of innocence and of original purity. And so that, by means of the servers of Christ, the codes of purity and of the sacred can be sown on the Earth so that, in each nation, a fount of light can spring, to renew the hearts and to awaken the faith in those who have lost it for different reasons and motives.

Therefore, today, through My Heart, I approach you to the Universe of God, to the Origin of the origin, so that through this Universe you can see and feel the Virtues of God and the Gifts of Love that He delivered to the Creation so that everything might exist.

In union to the Angel of Peace, I bless you and thank each of My children for your offering and your donation so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may be fulfilled in humanity and in the nations of the world.

Lys will always be a place where you will be able to find peace when you need it and thus open your heart to forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call and I bless you with the Light of the Kingdom of the Sanctuary of Lys.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.