In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Great Immortal Spirit of the Lord of the East will try to rebuild the peace on the planet, as the wars of these times, especially those wars that hide from everyone’s eyes, have torn the ether of the planet, and the contrary forces have entered humanity to disturb hearts, to dissociate minds, to divide all of humanity to the point that it forgets that all are brothers and sisters who have one God and are children of the same Father.

For this reason, the Lord of the East will rise again as the Great Sun of the Universe, so as to help the souls of humanity, so that He may rescue the nations that are being lost, so that He may raise again all the hearts that have lost faith and the trust in hope, that have lost love due to all that they live, all that they go through and suffer in these times.

However, this powerful Light of the Lord of the East, His Great Immortal Spirit, will not oppose anyone or any other energy, because His Christic and Immaterial Consciousness will bring to all souls what is new, just as He did so long ago for all the hearts that were incessantly seeking the Master among masters.

The Lord of the East will reappear as He has promised, and He will open the doors of Mercy on the planet so that hearts may rise again, so that nations may be reconciled again, so that all may wait for His long-promised and expected Return.

Because in that hour, His Peace and His Light, which are invincible, powerful and immortal, will bring to hearts the end of the cycle of suffering, the end of the cycle of spiritual, mental and physical illness.

He will open the doors to universal healing, and it will be at that hour, My children, that the Lord of the East, upon proclaiming His Word once more, will carry out the Universal Judgment, and at that moment all will be known, all will be deeply known, and no one will remain in ignorance, because His Spirit, permeated by Wisdom and Love, will bring clarity to hearts, peace to all the lives that have always waited for His Return with ardent devotion, and the whole universe will accompany that event.

Therefore, prepare yourselves for that moment in advance, internally prepare your hearts and souls, because His hour is drawing near, and you will no longer see the chaos of these times, because even those who have not been redeemed will have the opportunity to redeem themselves, will have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and amend all the errors they have committed throughout the times.  

I know that this will seem unattainable to you. But when the Lord of the East emerges as the Light of the Sun on the horizon of this planet, He will keep all this well in mind. Because a new cycle will begin, as it is written and prophesied. And I Am here, as His Holy Mother, to announce it, because I Am the Mother of the prophets, the Mother who  announces the Return of Christ.  

This is why I come here, to spiritually leave the signs of Christ and the signs that He left in every step of His public life, at every moment of miracle, as well as at every moment of liberation.

When the Lord of the East returns in the next cycle, He will gather all His lived experiences and His merits. He will not use the power that God gave Him, because He will emanate His infinite and cosmic Love for the souls.

At that hour, no one will be able to resist His immeasurable Love, because His impulse will be a stronger solar impulse than all the stars gathered in one, stronger than all the suns of this universe, more powerful than the original expression of Creation. Because the Lord of the East will come with His true Face, that Face that was initially known to some of His apostles on Mount Tabor.

And I assure you, My children, that humanity will completely understand what will be happening. Because the Lord of the East, in His Return, will no longer bring you mysteries, but rather, He will unveil to you the treasures of Heaven and of the universe. Because He, as an emanation of God Himself, and of Divine Life itself, will demonstrate to all, to all creatures of the Earth, what God truly is in His Essence, in His Spirit of Love, Prodigy and Compassion.

Therefore, My children, all those who follow Christ regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of all dogma or spiritual discipline; each one, through their learning of love, forgiveness and redemption, must prepare the Return of Christ and separate from conflict once and for all, because the world is already full of conflicts.

In this last meeting of December, My Son taught you to gather and unite through prayer, to the powerful Supplicating Network, which is the one you must connect to internally through the creative word, and which provides the power of authentic prayer.

This deters the grave events that want to make humanity succumb.

The power of the creative word, if correctly utilized, avoids greater disasters on the material and spiritual plane and deters the dark ideas of many minds, because no one can imagine humanity immersed in darkness.

This is why the spirit of prayer and of the creative word stops many events, grants many opportunities, bestows many Graces and Mercies for those who perhaps, by Law, would not deserve them, and corrects the deviated path of many souls and brings them peace.

With this, you will be ready to receive the Lord of the East, because His Presence will be unmistakable, His Love will be the same that you knew in the Holy Land, in each act, in each prodigy, in each Word emanated through His Love.

Aurora, as an Inner Kingdom, has a fundamental task in the end of times, as the preparatory base for the Return of the Lord.

I do not want to tell you more than I am supposed to tell you, so that you may not lose My spiritual impulse. Because it is important, My children, that you may understand what I want to tell you through this Message.

He sends Me here as His Servant, but I come here also as the Mother of all, to carry forward this Plan of God, which must manifest itself and be concretized on every plane, and must be a reality and a triumph through the redeemed souls.

As a demonstration of this Love, which allows the miracle of life and the conversion of hearts, may those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary come here, so that I may bless you in the name of humanity.

Today I am here, dear children, before the most important cell of God’s Project, which is the family, which in this time is being attacked and divided by My enemy. But feel My protection, feel My consoling and maternal embrace, because God will not allow His most precious Project to be destroyed.

Beyond the battles and conflicts, beyond the lack of peace or understanding in the family, as My children who are consecrating yourselves before Me today, offer your prayerful  lives for all the families of the world, especially for those who have been hurt or have suffered aggression through value judgments or condemnation.

Entrust your children and family members to Me, and I commit Myself, as your Holy Mother, to take care of them and assume them. Because My main mission, My children, is that your families may be a mirror of love in the world, and that spiritual and human values may dignify all families of the world.

Thus, receive My maternal and spiritual blessing, especially the mothers that are here with their children today, at this Altar, may they receive the Immaculate Spirit, the Spirit of God, which enveloped your Holy Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus in Bethlehem.

May the flame of your lives be simplicity, just as it was in the Heart of your Holy Mother.

May the flame of humility be in your lives, just as it was in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

And may the flame of purity be in your families, just as it was in the little Child Jesus, so that innocence may be recovered in this world, in families, in the peoples and nations that live through wars.

Through Solar water, I offer this soul, on behalf of all the souls that have been decapitated in the Middle East, so that humanity may remember that it will never be able to live without the love of a true mother. Because the love of a mother will never condemn you. It will always guide you along the good path, along the path of goodness and charity.

I thank you, My children, for having offered the Grace of your families to Me today.

Know that Love will always triumph, and that evil will never win, because you are Children of God.

I bless you and consecrate you as Children of Mary, as the children that you have always been, since other times.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I want to bless a rose for each one of you, so that you may always remember that the Beauty of God exists, and above all, His Love always exists beyond all things, and that He placed His Love and Beauty in each one of you the moment you were conceived in the wombs of your mothers.  

Children, God has thought of everything, and today God remembers you through Me.

May the beauty of your souls be expressed as a flower.

May the devotion of your souls rise through the aroma of the flower, and may the Love of the Father always heal and cure you.

You are now Children of Mary.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Mother, we will, after this moment, prepare so that these families, which consecrated themselves today, may receive the Sacrament of Baptism, as an act of spiritual renewal and as an offering for the families of the world, especially the families that live wars and cannot find peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My children, thank you for having responded to My call once again.

I Am your Mother, the Mother of the Sacred Heaven of God, and today I bring you the Heavenly Domes, the different Heavens of God, so that souls may unite to the Father through the sacred presence of the angels and saints. 

Today, a ray of Heaven touches the wounded Earth so that the streams of evil may be dissolved, so that hearts may be reborn in the hope and in the love that they have lost, so that those who are unprotected may be under My Mantle. 

Today, dear children, I come not only for you but also for all of humanity. I come as the Perpetual Mother of prayer, Who cries out before God for Her children day and night, mainly for those who become lost in these times.  

With the Light of the Heavens of God, as the Mother of the Sacred Heaven of the Father, I come to pour out the Light of My Graces, the Light of My Beatitudes, the Light of My Eternal and Immaculate Love, so that hearts may feel the relief from Heaven, so that the souls that cry out may hear the response of God within themselves. 

My children, in this end time, may each one of you, as a good soul of God, continue to be united to Me in perpetual prayer, just as many of you in this place blessed by the Sacred Heaven of the Father dedicate your daily lives to the Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, so that balance may be maintained in humanity, so that the axis of the Earth may be maintained in its harmony and peace, despite the atrocities of these times. 

Dear children, I invite you to elevate yourselves in spirit to the Sacred Heavens of God, because remember that here, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, which I bring to each one of you today, there is a dwelling that awaits you, in which you will eternally keep your experience on Earth, mainly your experiences of love, charity and mercy. 

For this reason, continue to work in the name of My Son. Continue to be peacemakers on Earth so that the peace that reigns in the universe may descend to the planet, and especially to the places where war and conflict are experienced; because while nations and peoples are in confrontation, the doors of evil will remain open, and everything will take place.

Therefore, with maternal and special affection, I thank the brave hearts that are decided and disciplined in their inner lives, in the life of the spirit, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which will always renew and appease you, which will always place you in the correct place and path. 

How much My Heart longs for many more souls to find this secure path in these times!

How much My Heart suffers at seeing the souls lost and distracted!

How long will humanity be able to bear this inferior condition?

God created each one of you so that you might be happy and, through My Most Beloved Son, you might have life in abundance. This is why I Am decided, at each moment and at each new step, and I tirelessly go behind each of My children, although in this time many feel that nothing happens and that there is no solution. 

Through Her Eyes of Love, the Eternal, silent and prayerful Mother watches each one of God’s Children, especially those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell, even while living on this surface. Because in essence, My children, all are Children of God, all come here to be redeemed and to reconcile with higher levels. 

God has given you this school so that you may learn and grow internally. And I, as a good Mother Who loves and guides you, offer you My Heart so that you may have a place where to feel sheltered and protected from the tribulations of these times. 

But I also offer you My serving Hand so that you may hold it tight and follow the steps that I spiritually indicate, because My ardent desire, dear children, is that the world may cease to experience suffering and may rather experience peace. 

However, My children, it is necessary that even in these critical times you may have your choices and decisions very much in mind, because peace vibrates throughout the universe and in all of Creation, and it can be present within the heart of each one of My children. 

Therefore, do you understand that a correct decision is important?

Thus, you will never lack peace if you do not neglect your inner life, the life of the spirit. Because although you live the chaos of these times as humanity and as a planet, you will feel the strength of the Holy Spirit, the inexhaustible fire of the Love of My Son, which, as a sacred torch of Light, will illuminate the times of darkness and tribulation so that, through your souls, as good instruments of God, other souls may find again the path toward the House of the Father. Because you know, My children, that day by day many souls lose the path toward the House of God.  

I do not come here to speak to you about something religious; I come to speak to you about something profoundly spiritual and internal. The world and humanity need to recognize that they are here for a Higher Purpose and for an infinite cause that many still do not know. 

Despite this time of pain and anguish in the world, I come to open the door of My Immaculate Heart to you once again so that you may feel the presence of My Consoling Love, but I also come to open to you the door of consciousness and discernment, because humanity must no longer continue to take precipitated actions. 

Therefore, My children, first protect yourselves from yourselves, and then from the world. Unite your families through prayer, because you will need it in this end time. In the Kingdom of the Heavens, lies all that you need, even in this cycle of intense purification. 

I teach you not to lose trust in God. 

I invite you to trust in the Love of My Son, the Christ. 

I call you to surrender your miseries to My Immaculate Heart. 

Because everything has a solution to God, My children. Even in painful learning experiences, everything has a spiritual cause and a reason. Therefore, do not question your tests, your purifications, or even your deserts. 

Openly dare to go through these times of tribulation with bravery. Because I assure you, My children, that your own life experiences will help you not only to strengthen yourselves and understand the life of the spirit but also to help your loved ones and fellow beings, because the door of redemption is open to all.

After many years, many efforts, many true and unconditional surrenders, the Celestial Father has poured out His Grace here, a Source of rescue and reparation for thirsty souls, spiritually depositing one of His Sacred Heavens here so that souls may find again the path toward the Father, the meaning of life and a reason for living in these times, because nothing is by chance. My children, everything has a spiritual reason, and I Am here to make this known to you. 

So that you may understand the magnitude of such Grace, that one of God’s Sacred Heavens, with His silent and imperceptible Light, may touch this Light-Nucleus, this point of Light, and this entire city and country, I come to ask you to build here the Fountain of Christ, the Supreme Healer, so that souls may cleanse and purify themselves, and drink from the Fountain of Graces of Christ’s Heart. 

This little Fountain will be a wellspring of blessing for souls, as well as for moments of Sacraments. 

Through His Fountain, My Son will deposit the blessing and Grace that souls need. 

Next year My Son will come here to bless this Fountain. You will have one year for its manifestation. 

Because as you know, My dear children, the thirst of souls is great but even greater is the thirst that My Son feels for souls when they cannot perceive that His Heart is filled with Mercy and Love for them, that His Heart overflows with so many Graces while not being able to deposit them in thirsty hearts. 

This is why I come to ask you for this simple and humble Fountain of Christ, the Supreme Healer, so that souls may find the Laws of Healing that they need so much. 

Trust, absolutely trust in the Higher Love, which will always bless each one at each new step, at each new challenge, at each new life experience. 

This Sacred Fountain of Christ, which I ask you for out of Love today, will be especially dedicated to the unborn so that the Fountain of Graces of Christ, the Supreme Healer, may mend the errors of abortion and interruption of life of the little ones and innocent, because someone in the Heavens, My children, must assume these sorrowful souls. 

As a gesture of renewal and Maternal Love, I will consecrate new Children of Mary again.

You may draw near. 

Today you will be the flowers that I will offer to God, your souls at the Feet of the Most High. So different from one another but united in the same love and under the same spiritual cause, the untiring Love of your Celestial Mother. 

Cristiano and Riad from Syria, you may come here. 

In such little children, see the strength of great spirits that have crossed and made their way through the thresholds of a war to find here, in Brazil, a space and a place of love and hope. 

This is why I bless this moment, I consecrate these little children of Mine and all of you, who are present here before Me, to take an eternal vow of union with Me, to be children of prayer and Mercy, souls that will open up to serve God with one goal: relieving the suffering of the world and of the souls that cry out for help throughout this planet. 

 Your spiritual task will be to pray for those who suffer and for those who are helpless. 

Beloved children, under the authority that My Son has granted Me, as the Slave and Servant of the Lord, as the Mother of the angels and the Mother of all souls of the Earth, by the merits achieved during the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus and the Seven Agonies of the Heavenly Mother, by all the Graces that the Father has granted Me and that I deposit today upon all My children, those who are consecrating and those who are here, I bless and consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Children, I thank you once again for your response. 

Move on, firm in faith, confident in hope, sustained by My Love. 

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing “Land of Mary” together to celebrate this moment of consecration. 

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I come surrounded by many choirs of angels in order to establish, at this place, and throughout this whole nation, a purpose that may be impossible before your hearts and lives.

But if faith emerges from you, this purpose will be carried out, because it is my ardent desire that it may be fulfilled in this part of humanity which absolutely needs the Love of God to be able to redeem itself and once again find the path into the Light. The path into the infinite, which many consciousness, beyond those present, have lost at some point when separating from God, for not having known the Will of His infinite Love for each of their lives, and for each of the members of their family

It is in this way that I have decided, dear children, to arrive here, in California, to open a new cycle in this deep-sleeping humanity which must awaken to My maternal Love, to My infinite Love, to My most pure Love, which I have for each one of My children.

If I have come here, to the United States, it is because other children throughout the world have created the spiritual and material conditions so that I would be here, lovingly among you, bringing peace, the inner peace that you need so much to be resurrected into spiritual life, to the path of redemption which My Son offers you in these end times. A path that is a preparation for each one of you. A path which will take you to redemption, to conversion.

And this will be possible, dear children, when your hearts decide to trust in My Heart, because from this trust the Work of God will be realized in the hearts of North America, including Canada and Alaska. Because I desire to arrive there some day, so that hearts may once again find the Love which they have lost, the Love that I have poured out in these times over Central America, Mexico, South America and Europe.

I want you to know, dear children, this most powerful Love which is the Love that emerges from My Immaculate Heart, which comes to separate you from the obscurity that surrounds many governing minds. A Love that comes to remind you of your affiliation with the Celestial Father, a Father that patiently expects His children to be able to awaken to this call from My maternal Heart. 

This is how tonight I invite you, dear children, to live the first step of the reconciliation with the Father. The Father is very offended, the Father who are in Heaven has been denied by many children in this place.

This is the reason why, dear children, by means of the Latin Americans and all the immigrants who live here, looking for the hope of life, looking for an opportunity to carry out their projects, I reunite you with the North Americans as one people, as one race, as one sole humanity that emerges since the beginning of Creation, to live and fulfill a purpose that is still unknown by many.

But it is through the greatness of My Immaculate Heart that I bring you the Love from Heaven, the Love that God has granted in My Most Pure Heart so that souls awaken to this Deep Love which comforts and heals any wound or illness that might seem impossible.

Through this declaration, dear children, I bring to the United States the last Grace from God. After having begged, at the Feet of the Creator, together with the holy women who accompany me in this Mission, I bring you this special and infinite opportunity, beyond your lives and hearts, because I desire, dear children, that this Grace may descend into your hearts, because this country needs this Grace so that it may not lose sight of the sacred Purpose of God that it is still shining upon the horizon of the Celestial Universe, and, that, through My sacred Words and the absolute love from My Heart, I come to bring for each one of you today.

Perhaps you were waiting for a miracle and a confirmation, dear children, that could change your lives around. But truly, I tell you, dear children, that the true miracle that My Son permitted Me to bring you on this day is that you may remember love, that you may experience it, practice it through works of service for those most in need, through an ardent prayer that may consecrate this nation to My Immaculate Heart through the charity and fraternity that make you embrace, at your homes and within your hearts, all the immigrants who arrive here, seeking an opportunity to survive, just as you are.

When everything is about to happen, in the upcoming months, dear children, do not fear, do not fear evil, because if My Heart is within you and in your groups of prayer that must be formed to bring even more of the Grace of God, I can assure you that a good Mother will never abandon you.

Because if God has allowed me to arrive here on this day and on this crucial moment for this country, I implore you, dear children, to not forget the unity among you and your fellow beings, because, this unity, dear children, will always lead you to peace and to the discovery of a profound love that will avoid many social and national conflicts.

Thus, peace will prevail when each one of you confirms it within your hearts as the emblem, as the universal flag to bring to Earth, in order to establish upon this planet an inner peace, that is very unknown to all.

With the rosary in my hands, as your Lady of the Holy Rosary, just as I told you in Fatima: “Pray, dear children, may the prayer transform you completely so that the Gifts of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may descend upon this part of humanity, and especially upon the hearts that are fallen”.

Through My Presence, on this day, I come to avoid many things that could come upon this American people, because My deep desire, dear children, is that all of you may be redeemable beings in the Eyes of the Father, before His Celestial Thrones, before all His angels and archangels.

Thus, with the motherhood of My Heart, dear children, I come to remind you that each one of you has a Guardian Angel who waits to serve and help you in order to lead you on the path of goodness and brotherhood. This is My desire on this day.

Keep listening to me with the love of your hearts and the devotion of your spirits, because this has allowed Me to arrive here, on this day and at this end time.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

I have opened the doors of My Kingdom in this place because it is from here and through the devotion of your hearts that I expect to reach this whole nation.

Through your prayers, My children, God has allowed Me to send each one of My angels to those places that are most in need, so as to take from the abysses of ignorance those children of Mine who have a commitment with God, and the moment to fulfill it has come.

I arrive in this nation, children, so that you may learn to fight for peace and not for the establishment of human will.  

I do not come to ask you to fight for another government, but to open your heart to learn from human choices and demonstrate to the world that it is possible to convert these actions when the heart simply prays and cries out for peace.

I come here to ask you, children, not to allow any more wars in this world. Do not allow that more hearts suffer because of the human need to stretch their power and submit more souls because the time has come for humanity to live unity with one another, and with God.

I want to teach you to manifest this unity in your lives, children, beyond religions and creeds.

I want you to learn to recognize the One God, respecting the religions of each brother and sister, trusting that each one, when they proclaim love and unity, may lead you to One Creator, who is the Creator of all things, who grants you one universal Love so that you may awaken the true potential of the human heart, as His Son did.

All that I say to you is not a utopia, it is the truth to those who awaken faith and cry out to the Father every day, so that they may be true, transcending the human condition, awakening love, proclaiming peace on this planet.

Today, I also come to ask you, My children, that you may gather with the Kingdoms of Nature, that are so outraged by the human heart, mistreated to create conditions so that humankind may have more comfort and modernity. And you are not seeing, children, that you are killing the planet, little by little. Which is the Holy Heart of God expressed in all life.

When the Creator manifested Earth, He placed in each space, hidden in each being, His perfection and the potential of His Love.

Not only do the human beings of this world have the possibility to manifest Divine Love, but also each Kingdom, from the smallest to the greatest, keeps this potential of loving that awakens when the human hearts comprehend the unity that is in all life and commune from the existence as a whole, finding the Divine Presence in each creature of this Earth.

Today I want to awaken your consciousness to a superior love and not only to a human love.

I want you to understand, My children, that for borders to be dissolved between nations, first they must dissolve within the consciousness of each being.

It is for this reason that today I teach you to commune with life, with the universe, with Creation, so that in this way Divine Unity may descend upon you and upon the whole planet.

In the same way, My children, for peace to be established among nations, and in each human heart, first you must live this peace in your inner world, in your homes and in your families.

Before praying for the reconciliation among peoples, cultures and religions, reconcile with your families, reconcile with your friends, reconcile your spirit with God, because in this way you will open the doors so that a superior reconciliation may occur. 

Today I tell you, My children, that to consecrate this nation, first I will consecrate your lives. And through your hearts I will reach every space of this nation as well as this planet.

Through you, I will consecrate each heart, and together with My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, I will make the intercession and the Divine Grace descend upon this soil, to convert the evil that embraces it, that blinds and deceives the human heart, to allow you to live, from this day on, a new horizon before your eyes, the possibility of a new life and of a new being, that is at reach for all of you.

Just pray wholeheartedly. Surrender your souls before God. Ask Him for forgiveness. Ask Him to teach you how to be humble and simple of heart so that He may enter into your lives and transform you forever. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For this reason, I come, dear children, as the Great universal Spirit of Peace, to consecrate souls and consciousnesses to the Divine Plan, so that this Plan may be fulfilled beyond these children. Today, My holy hand, with the luminous sign of the Cross, will consecrate each one of them.

Let those who today will become children of My Immaculate Heart come here. I wait for them.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

I want you to offer this consecration for each being of the North American nation, thus generating merits so that I can pour the Celestial Forgiveness upon all souls that do not deserve it.

Thus, I will entrust you, children, with the task of praying for those who do not listen to Me, do not love Me, who ignore My Presence in Heaven and on Earth, who do not allow My Peace to be established in the world.

I will ask you, children, to offer at least one Hail Mary every day for the most ignorant and blind souls so that their eyes may open to the true Light of God and their souls may be liberated from obscurity and ignorance.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Like the Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, I want you, My dear children, to symbolically, in this night of consecration, place your heads upon My chest, to feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that sometimes is full of thorns and is not alleviated by the world, but only by the hearts that, in trust and in love, pray to My Heart so that It may pour its Peace and thus avoid Divine Justice in the world.

Today, during this consecration, dear children, I contemplate each one of your souls. With My gaze of Light, I penetrate into the depths of your spirits to bring to you healing for your wounds, liberation of sins and the ascension of your souls, together with Me, to the Kingdom of the Redeemer, before His throne of Light and the Sovereignty of His Love.

By the authority that God has granted Me, I consecrate you, dear children, to a life of ardent prayer for peace in the world, for peace in hearts, for the awakening of consciousness to the truth of the Celestial Kingdom and for the consecration of a peaceful California, and of a country that attracts fraternity into the world, unity, and, above all, the Love of God, to share and radiate for all humanity.

Together, with the angels that accompany Me today, opening the Portal of Peace from the Heart of Lys-Fatima, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, may the hymn of your consecration, in this moment, be heard by the Celestial Father. So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call and for opening your hearts to receive me here, in San Francisco, to all of North America.

Hail Mary ( three times in English).

Song: Hymn for the consecration of the Children of Mary.

Through this water I pour My Grace upon your souls, being washed by the Holy Spirit, who spreads Its Gifts within all hearts of North America.

Keep singing.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

With these words that Mary has given us, with these impulses of love that She deposited into each one of your hearts, let us promise, on this day, to Our Lady of Fatima, to bring this Love and this Peace to our brothers and sisters.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
