XII - The Law Its Celestial Love
A soul, that feared the Justice of God, constantly prayed and cried out for Mercy and, one day, feeling that the cycle of this Justice had come to the world, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, You are the God of Love, of Grace and Mercy, capable of giving Yourself on the Cross for the salvation of the world, so explain to me, what is justice and how can a God of Love act with justice upon His children?"
And looking at this soul peacefully, the Lord responded: "Beloved soul, that ignores the true meaning of My Divine Justice, the Justice of My Heart is a Law permeated by as much of a great love as Divine Mercy. While Mercy elevates those who are blind and grants the best of My Kingdom, even to the most ignorant, My Justice first washes their eyes, opens them and then allows souls to be aware of all that which I have already given them.
After pouring out Mercy upon hearts and seeing them still submerged in indifference, ingratitude and unconsciousness, My Spirit pours out Justice upon them. And Justice is a ray of Love from My Heart that shakes souls and overthrows their most ingrained illusions so that they may thus realize the truth and repent.
What causes suffering in souls is not My Justice but rather their own ignorance, because they realize that they were standing on foundations of sand, when I so often have offered them the rock of My Heart. Justice, little soul, is a part of My Love, so that none of My children may remain in the world without awakening and perceiving what they really are and wich path they must tread.
Therefore, in the face of Justice, do not suffer, but simply pray so that this new opportunity, which comes through the law of Justice may not also pass by ignorant souls in vain, and may they make of this divine correction the first step toward the straightening of their paths."
May this dialogue teach you, children, how to love God, His Mercy and His Justice, and to understand that the action of the laws is just and filled with a celestial love for souls.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
V - Inspiration to Constant Self-Overcoming While Seeking God
A soul that always sought the truth within was sometimes turned more toward Heaven, and sometimes more immersed in the world. While submerged into the things of the world, the soul would lose themself in the depths of the world`s waters and, when they managed to return to the Light and breathe, they felt that it was difficult to return to the truth, that they became confused and no longer knew what was real.
So one day, speaking with God within, the soult questioned Him: "Lord, just a second of feeling Your Presence strengthens my spirit for it to be upon Your Path, but just a second that I am distracted from You, I can no longer find You, and I become lost and I drown in the seas of the things of the world. What do I do to grow in You and no longer be submerged into the world?"
And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Do you see the suffering of souls? Do you see what they endure in wars and conflicts? Do you see how those who have no hope suffer? Do you see how those who walk in darkness cannot find themselves? Does this move your little heart?
Then close your eyes and contemplate My Presence within you. Imagine, little soul, that I Am inside of you. Remember everything I have built since the beginning of life: the dimensions, the stars, the sublime realities and the entire Earth. Do you feel how small you are? Do you feel how small your suffering is?
When you look at the suffering of the world or when you look at the greatness of Heaven, find the strength to not fall into the same errors and to not complain about your small difficulties.
Will your effort not be worth bringing relief to the world? Will your renunciation not be worth the intercession of a soul? Will your effort not be worth that My Plan may be fulfilled? Will your renunciation not be worth the world coming to know true life?
And even if you give your life, so that others may have knowledge of My Kingdom on Earth, little soul, know that each renunciation has indeed been worth it, each effort has been worth it, each overcoming has been worth it, each time you chose Me rather than the world, it has been worth it.
For this reason, when you heart is distressed and you feel that you prefer the world over following your path of return to My Heart, think of those who suffer, think of those who agonize, and then contemplate the Infinite, contemplate life, the universe, and may all of this make you small and may your problems also become small. May they be dissolved by My Breath."
May this story inspire you to overcome yourselves each day, contemplating that which suffers, contemplating all life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
III - The True Treasure
A poor soul, lacking the basic means to survive in the world, questioned the Lord, asking where He was and what was the reason for their suffering, saying: "Lord, I who so seek and ask in Your Name, receive no answers but rather I received ever greater suffering and woes. Tell me the reason for the imbalance in this world, and why I cannot have as much as my fellow beings"
And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Where lies your treasure, little soul? In longing for accumulating things on Earth or in discovering the mysteries of Heaven? So contemplate those who truly came to know Me. The illumination of their consciousness allowed them to give up all goods of the world, and having become poor among the poor, yet they were rich before Me.
Therefore, contemplate My Son. Was He sent to the world to accumulate riches, to experience pleasures, to satiate His Body, Mind and Feelings? Is My Son your example and guide? Is He the mirror in which you want to find yourself reflected every day?
Then, little soul, understand that the suffering and poverty of this life comes to balance the great many excesses of humanity. For you, they must be a symbol that your school is not through accumulation, but rather in renunciation and gratitude.
Teach the world through a humble example and open the Doors of Heaven for those who are ignorant of this truth, and who seek in the world rather than in Me for the way of filling their lives."
I am telling you this story so that you may learn where lies the true treasure of your lives. And when you feel that something is lacking, give thanks, and be an example of the humble Love of God. In this way, you will open the Doors of Heaven for the most ignorant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Rise, My child, beyond appearances, feelings, thoughts and sensations.
Rise to where your consciousness can express truth and peace, unity with the Creator and with life.
Rise up, in silence and in prayer, to the subtle worlds, that are not necessarily above you or below you, but so that you yourself may be the doorway to enter into the Sacred Chambers.
To rise is not to climb up into the Heavens, but rather to shift in vibration, in dimension, in thought and in feeling, placing your consciousness in the Truth and in the Time of God rather than in the illusion of the time of humankind.
To rise is to be able to feel one with the Creator Himself, to be aware of His Presence in oneself and in all things and, through Him, to be able to contemplate the wonder of the evolutionary life that inhabits the planet and beyond it.
To rise is simply to be in what is real, child. And, in order to do that which I tell you, it is enough that you try to do it, again and again, and that you feel the imperative need to have your consciousness in the correct place.
Sometimes, to leap into what is real, human beings need first to be in the deepest abysses of despair of the illusion so that they may then feel the urgent need of being in the correct place, in the Love of God and in His Grace, in what is, in the end, real.
But this, child, should not always happen. On your own you can already perceive how necessary it is to have your consciousness focused on Love, on Wisdom and on Divine Truth.
For this reason, do not seek suffering. Seek striving, seek rendition, seek crying out, seek silence, seek service, seek humility, seek prayer and all these things will lead you to the Truth of God. They will, in the end, allow your consciousness to rise.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more