The primary purpose of My Heart, while returning to Argentina, will be so that souls do not lose their faith and trust in God, and that in spite of the material plane being corruptly manipulated by the hands of those who direct the nation, that prayerful hearts only place their love and their trust in the Celestial Father, because this will free many consciousnesses from remaining imprisoned by possible social events and by human revolutions that place the spirituality and the faith of the children of God at risk.
For this reason, before everything unexpectedly appears, I will go to Argentina so that, as from August and during the next six months, you may offer your country and your population to be consecrated to My Sacred Heart again, just as Brazil was consecrated through the perseverance and the effort of the praying beings.
Thus, I will go to Argentina so that, as from the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and during six continuous months, you devotedly offer the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Spanish, so that the rays of Grace and of the Love of God may descend upon Argentina and appease any indication of revolution and injustice in the protesting and innocent souls.
With all the Faith of My Heart, I will welcome the prayers of all the Argentines and the other sister nations.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I come to give you the caress of God, I come to teach you about the Creation and the Universe so that, in your awakening, you may recover the sense of the origin and of existence.
I come to broaden your consciousness; I come to expand your heart.
I come to give you My Peace so that, through it, you dare to take a step in spiritual awakening, which your Master and Lord brings to you today from Heaven to your home, Hungary.
A land that can produce many fruits, a land that can give shelter to many equals, a land that can hear who suffers, a people that can stretch out a hand to bring relief to a wounded heart, and thus bring the Love of God through unconditional service, true and simple.
I come to awaken in you that which exists within you, that brought about the beginning of your whole life, all of your consciousness and existence.
I come to show you your inner essence on the spiritual plane, which once emerged from the Source to have an experience in this Universe so that as souls could learn in the School of Love, that which this world offers to you in this definitive time, in which Love will be the liberation of hearts and the tranquility of those who suffer.
This essence that is kept within you, companions, is what will carry the experience of love lived on Earth with it forever. This inner essence that the Father gave you as a great cell of light, in which you have come to Earth to learn what the Universe has to offer you.
This is why, companions, I come to gladden your hearts, I come to bring life to your spirits, I come to bring awareness to what exists in the depths of your beings, because God needs you to honor His Name, not only because of your existence, which is infinite and nonmaterial, but also because of everything that He has created since the origin of the times, and all that He has given, up to the present time, for this humanity.
I know that what I tell you today seems strange to you, but keep My Message in your hearts and souls, because the seed that I leave you today will sprout someday and will be a great tree that, through the experience of love on Earth, will be able to give more and more fruit in order to please God, majestically fulfilling His Will.
I speak to you as essences, as part of a unique humanity and a unique race that must recover the Genetic Code of God, just as the peoples of the past experienced it, which God named Israel, the land that was once promised, from Moses to the coming of your Master and Lord to the Middle East.
Through the awakening of your divine essence, I come to allow you to remember, companions, the attributes of God that you must apply in your lives so that Heaven may descend within you and in all the spaces that surround you. This will allow humanity to be restored, which is experiencing a great illness in these times, a spiritual and endemic illness called indifference.
But indifference is not in you; in your people there is the impulse to an awakening, the impulse of being able to hear God in order to carry forward with His Will, in this end time.
This is why, companions, I place you at another level of consciousness, in which darkness and evil do not exist, in which the Light and the Wisdom of the Father exist, which have brought you here today as souls, so that in the name of your beloved people, Hungary may hear the Son of God, just as the people of Israel heard the Son of God in the past.
This is why you must remember, remember your passage with Me in the Holy Land, on the Mount of Beatitudes, in Judea, as well as the Sea of Galilee.
Awaken your inner remembrance in the Presence of the Living Christ, Who today has you commune with the Father to recover the origins of your existence and of your culture, which are a sample of the millions of Attributes of God that He has sown in each people, on each continent, as well as in each nation, so that you may represent Him and live Him in His different Aspects.
Today I allow Hungary to face the Source of Spiritual Creation, one of the important origins of this Creation, which the Angels of Heaven and the archangels contemplate in adoration and in perpetual devotion before the Source of Love and of Truth.
I know that My words stir up the spaces, the structures and the concepts.
But now, the time has come for your Master and Lord to take action in the world outside of the Church because all the inhabitants of the Earth have the potential of awakening their inner Christ under the principle of love and of wisdom, by means of the infinite base of compassion.
That is why today, from the Source, the Divine Source of Creation, I bring you these impulses so that your inner worlds may remember and live, in this time, the Will that My Heart expresses today for the whole nation of Hungary and for all of its people that must be reignited in the Love of God, in order to always achieve Peace.
This is the first meeting with Me, companions. The time has come for Eastern Europe to forever erase its suffering, its history and its past, to begin to live the Good and in the Mercy of God, which will make you participants in the goodness and the joy of Heaven, which today is being poured out like an inexhaustible fount in your souls and hearts, in each corner of this beloved Hungary which, like its sister nations, is waiting for this spiritual opportunity that the Universe presents today before its divine essence.
Celebrate this moment of reconciliation with the Heights.
Reconcile your homeland and your people with the Almighty through His Beloved Son. Today He opens His Arms to welcome you and receive you in the existence of His infinite Love and in the presence of His powerful Light that erases all suffering, that dissolves all doubt, and that brings faith to all beings of the Earth.
So today, your Higher Priest, the Lord of the Universe, the Master among Masters, Who gave His Heart and Life for you on the heights of Mount Calvary, by the merits of His poured Blood, by the merits of the Water that came from His Side, and for all the infinite graces brought to Earth, by all the martyrs and saints, through Communion with the Body and the Blood of your Lord, we will seal an Alliance that will be strengthened today in Christic Love and in Peace, and that will yield fruits in a near future, when Eastern Europe will receive greater impulses from the Fount of Mercy of God through an incalculable Presence, in Hungary and in Eastern Europe, of the Sacred Hearts, that Love may triumph within you, within your families, acquaintances, and in all of humanity.
Let us celebrate and remember the Last Supper of your Lord with the apostles and, in reverence and humility, we stand, and through His Beloved Son, offer the Father this Supper of Redemption and of Renewal that will bring to all the healing of humanity. So be it.
At His request, at the request of our Lord, and in union with His Celestial Church, we will listen to and intone the "Pater Noster."
At this moment, in light of the power and the authority of the Celestial Father, in light of His Universe of Love and of Grace, of His angels and archangels, of the maternal Source of the Mother of God and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, of the blessed and the saints, and all the beings of goodwill present on the surface of the Earth, of the peoples and the cultures that anxiously await the Return of Christ, and in light of the infinite Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we offer the Celestial Father the fruits and the merits of the Passion of your Master and Lord for the expiation, the forgiveness, and the reconciliation of this homeland, of this people, of this country, in the name of many more nations, so that it always be worthy of the Divine Grace, the inexhaustible Fount of Healing and of the Good that must be present in each human heart so that the Project of Christ may triumph and the thousand years of Peace be established. Amen.
We may kneel.
In that time, your Master and Lord, in the name of Love and of Mercy, gathered with His apostles, and on the inner planes with many of His followers, to celebrate the legacy and the victory of the redemption over all darkness.
Thus, as in that time, your Master and Lord took the bread, giving thanks to God, the Light of the Divinity of God blessed it, and I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins."
And a moment of profound Peace was established on Earth and today it is established in Hungary, as well as in your sister nations.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
And thus, your Master and Lord took the Chalice in His Hands, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice that He would live, the Light of the Divinity of God blessed it, and your Master gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and drink all of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood that will be poured by your Redeemer for the accountability of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
And now, companions, in union with My Sacred and unfathomable Heart, you will repeat the prayer that I taught you so long ago.
Prayer: Our Father.
Let us celebrate and glorify God because the merits of His Divine Son are today being sown in Hungary and in its sister nations for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.
Before I leave, companions, I want you to make a commitment with Me to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, so that the Unfathomable Mercy of My Heart may continue to descend in Hungary and in its sister nations.
So I invite you to form a group of prayer that will please and gladden the Heart of Jesus, so that He can return many more times to Eastern Europe, where the Light of Christ will be reborn, invincible and powerful for all eternity.
For this reason, companions, I offer you My Heart so that you may adore It and love It through a weekly prayer for peace in Hungary and so that Mercy may continue to descend here.
As support and assistance to all My servers in the world, I will offer to those who permanently and unconditionally support, the prayer for peace in the nations. All of them will help you to strengthen your group of prayer in Budapest so that this call may also reach more hearts and cross boundaries, in a perfect unity with the Celestial Father.
I am glad to have been here, I am glad to have seen and heard your response; this has a special meaning for Me, above all, for the Plan of Return to this humanity for a second time.
I bless you and I give you My Peace so that you may be My Peace and share it with those who most need it.
You will give one another the greeting of Peace so that Peace may be in Eastern Europe.
I bless you and I thank you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. See you later.
We may give one another the greeting of Peace at the request of Christ.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more