In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The one who lives Me will fear nothing. The one who feels Me will not perish because the Grace that I transmit and share with Mine is incalculable, it is the eternal Grace of God, which always descends and touches you so that, at each step, you may learn to fulfill His Will.
The stars of Aurora welcome Me tonight, just as your hearts do, open to the unfathomable Presence of the Lord Who, immutable and withdrawn, is here to announce the Word of the Heavens, to pour understanding and wisdom, compassion and peace upon souls.
Thus, on this first day, I open again the doors of Aurora so that you and your brothers and sisters of the world may be before the portal of Inner Healing, which humanity and the planet need so much in this time of inner adversity and conflicts.
But today I invite you, once again, to place your consciousnesses in the Heights, in the higher feelings and thoughts that eternally emanate from the Source and nourish souls with light, faith and hope.
This is where I need you at this moment and nowhere else so that, together with Me, we may rebuild the spiritual plan of this humanity and planet, which are corroding themselves in their darkness and battle.
However, I come here as this Sun of Aurora, which never fades, which never hides and which is latent before the heart that opens like a flower to receive the rays of Love and Forgiveness from the Heart of your Master.
Behold the Sun that illuminates the night of the world's darkness.
Behold the Sun of hope that is latent and alive within the heart that adores and recognizes it within itself.
Now that you have grown, it is time to walk in the apostolate and service.
I affirm Myself in those who live Me. I Am pleased in those who seek Me. I find relief in those who are with Me and do not doubt, because it is God Who, with His own Hand, writes the destiny and the end.
Happy will be those who persist. Graced will be those who open to this moment and this cycle. Because if in this cycle many things happen, even painful and incomprehensible things, could it be that God has allowed them? Yes!
The spirit of truth must be forged in Mine, and also the spirit of faith, which, immovable sustains the banner of Christ on Earth to illuminate, with My Christic Code, the world and those who cry out for help.
My Words are written within the hearts that accept them, My Light is infused within the hearts that open, because there is a Plan to be fulfilled and carried out here. And this will be so because it is the Will of My Father.
In the dark night, may souls concentrate on the Light that comes from God and His Source to learn to sustain themselves in Me and for Me until the end.
Today, Aurora shines through its new steps, which are inner and profound. I would like you to open to this because it is a special Grace that I place upon those who say yes to Me.
Aurora is a Mirror that cannot stop radiating and sharing its Grace. This has been and will always be the place chosen by the Eternal Father, because in its mystery, Aurora reveals itself to the pure of heart and the true of spirit.
Aurora is for humanity and the planet, it is for those who learn to endure its Fire, its Fire of Love. If you have this in mind, you will come to know even more about Aurora, much more than you believe you have known up to now, because in truth the essence of Aurora has not yet been revealed by the Archangel Raphael.
But the time will come for this to happen, and thus the Sun of Aurora will dispel the dark night of the planet so that the self-summoned may see the Return of Christ come on the horizon.
Those who are here today and those who are not here today were marked by My Hand. This is indelible, regardless of any consequence or situation. Remember that it is My Heart that has accepted each one of you, rather than just My Words. Because in My Heart only Love lives, rather than Justice, the Love that leads you to the light of the Truth and to the essence of Peace.
Many of you and your brothers and sisters have been baptized by My Spirit and anointed by My Light time and again. Value and honor all this in the end of times, because nothing is in vain for your Lord. And may those who stay not lose hope or have their faith placated.
It was already announced that the world, and also humanity, would live this. Everything was written in the Sacred Book of God so that, in this time, you, who were called to live and experience this, may be strong in love and brotherhood, in good and charity. Thus, you will always live My simplicity and My silence.
Tonight, may the Sun of the Lord, which illuminates and makes everything resplendent, make you feel the spiritual brilliance of Aurora, as the Center of an unknown Will.
May this Marathon represent one step toward maturity and absolute trust in the Creator so that more souls in the world may be rescued and helped by Me.
In this Marathon, may your prayers rise, not in repeated words, but may the fire of your prayers rise like the incense at the Altar to offer itself to Our Creator in atonement for the sins of the world and the conflicts of war, so that those unprotected may be sheltered, so that the children may be protected, so that nations may not lose peace and the angels of nations may work, just as it is written in the Heart of the Father.
In this Marathon of prayer, allow your guardian angels to work as never before. Unite to them in prayer so that peace may help you and your brothers and sisters to face the unknown dark night that precedes the Return of Christ, your Master and Lord.
Under the Light that comes from the eternal Love of Aurora, which redeems, liberates and transmutes all human condition, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Word of God brings down the mighty from their thrones and welcomes the afflicted.
The Word of the Lord, your God, banishes the ungrateful and heals those who live in pain.
The Word of the Lord, your God, dispels darkness and brings clarity to those who are confused.
The Word of the Lord, your God, is engraved with His fire in hearts and burns with His ardor those who do not live in goodness.
The Word of the Lord, your God, is the Law in the universe and on Earth, is the support of the needy and is the impact on the undefined consciousness.
The Word of God is the guide of those who have lost their way and is the wall for the proud and impious of heart.
The Word of the Lord, your God, is the rebirth among the ruins, is the confidence multiplied in Grace and Life.
The Word of the Lord, your God, is the emptiness for those who seek to empty themselves, but it is also the all for those who aspire to be filled by the Greater Universes.
The Word of the Lord, your God, is just, is austere, is solemn, is not wasted and is able to rebuild inwardly what was destroyed.
The Word of the Lord, your God, is the bearer of Infinite Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
When something comes to an end it does not mean that it is definitive, but it represents the moment and the opportunity to reconsider, before all the Graces of instruction and guidance that have flowed from Our Sacred Hearts.
Each moment of completion represents a moment of introspection, just as your Mother experienced at many moments, especially during the agony, Calvary and death of My Beloved Son.
You, dear children, are not separated from this moment of closure. On the contrary, your lives will have the possibility to meditate and reflect on so much, but so much, that was received out of Love from Our Sacred Hearts.
This is a time of review and awareness of what nations and peoples are experiencing today. This is the time for the Sacred Word to be fulfilled in each one of you and that, from now on, you cease to limit yourselves to only listening to the Divine Word.
This step means an inner effort for each of My children, because it represents that you are before the manifestation of the fruits, but also of the errors committed. You are before the opportunity to amend your lives so that they may be a mirror not only of love, but also of justice, charity and above all of truth.
After all that you have received for so many years, may you learn to live the Truth of Christ in yourselves, in the face of an opaque and dark world, without truth and transparency. The Truth and transparency of Christ will lead you on the path of protecting yourselves and the world, so that the Love of the Redeemer may reign in you.
As Mother and Mirror of Justice, I am here because My only longing is that many more may live the Truth that is Christ, Our Lord and Redeemer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My silence must be heard, because it is the silence of My Son, the silence of God, because these are our last Messages, our last impulses for humanity.
Therefore, these are the most important moments, when inner silence must prevail over words. Because the Sacred Word has already created the universe, it has manifested life and all existence.
Now, beloved children, you must make room for silence to learn to listen. For in this way you will help this race of the surface to no longer justify itself at this moment of humanity, but rather to learn to open its inner ears to learn to listen to all that God has told it throughout recent times, through the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother, through the Heart of My Most Beloved Son Jesus, and through the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
This is the time to learn to listen to the Word of God. It is the time to learn to assume this Word as part of oneself, so that little by little, the Will of God may manifest itself in this cycle of great definitions for all.
But do not lose sight of what I am telling you at this moment. May your hearts and inner worlds zealously hold these Sacred Words of the Mother of God, so that you may learn to make correct decisions, so that you may learn that, in this material life, dialog is the foundation for all understanding.
Therefore, I ask you, once again, to open your hearts, to allow your inner worlds to receive this impulse from the Mother of God. Because it will be in this way, My children, that the Christic essence will approach you so that you may learn to live as Jesus lived; so that you may learn to feel just as Jesus felt; so that you may learn to give of yourself just as Christ surrendered for you.
Tonight I do not want to extend Myself too much, for the gaze of the Heavenly Mother is set upon urgent matters of humanity. We have many wars taking place in the world, innocent blood continues to be shed, and there is no awareness of this, My children.
Therefore, the only thing I ask of you is to be silent and listen to Our last Words, on behalf of those who do not listen to the Words of God, on behalf of My children who for different reasons, close their hearts and cannot find meaning in the life that God gave them.
Lastly, I come to thank the brave and prayerful hearts who, during these last nine days, and with great faith and conviction, gathered through “Prayer for Peace in the Nations” to fulfill and respond to My special request for families.
Know and absolutely believe that all those who during the nine days, placed their intentions, their prayers and above all their hearts at Our Feet, will receive the Grace they have asked for so much.
In this time, may peace, understanding and listening prevail, so that it may not be too late, but rather that more hearts and more souls may receive the Grace of the Return of Christ, Our Lord.
Through the angels that accompany Me at this moment and are witnesses of the rebirth of Christ in each heart, I thank you for responding to My call, and I bless you in the name of Universal Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Presence replicates Itself within those who love Me.
My Voice echoes in those who heed My Call.
I Am present in the desert, as well as in Paradise. I Am present in the falls as well as in the triumphs, but My Silence is that which makes Me invisible to the eyes of those who claim to be powerful.
My Love is like a spear that pierces the human heart, transverberates and illuminates it, making it all for Me. This is why I Am here.
I Am the One Who thought of you, but also the One Who created you.
My Word reverberates in those who live My Message, and even though they may be imperfect, I sustain them through My Life. For My joy lies in those who seek Me, in all those who trust in Me.
To each one I give that which they must learn, that which they must endure and sustain, but I will never give you something you cannot cope with.
Learn to walk through what is best from that which you have attained.
Do not see the universe as empty, but rather full of experiences of love and forgiveness.
I Am the breeze that blows in the morning.
I Am the Sun that rises through those who live in My Faith.
I Am the triumph of Love in those who transform themselves.
In that which is small, I Am Big. In that which is Big, I Am Invisible. This is the keynote of My Humility.
My Signs indicate that I Am always here, and the Rays of My Consciousness embrace those who invoke Me. For in what seems to be a loss lies the triumph, in resignation lies loyalty, in obedience lies fidelity, in service lies the opportunity to love and the opportunity for Me to govern your lives forever, regardless of the battles and the uncertainties.
I need you transformed, just as My Son is. He drank from the Chalice without fear of failure. He surrendered so that all might be rescued, up to today.
His Reign is in the Crown of Thorns. His Will is in My Divine Scepter. His Infinite Love is in all whom He untiringly loves.
What about you, My Children, will you do the same?
Each one has a share with Me in this universe, which I have created with protection so that you may recognize My Love and the happiness I have in being with My Children. This is the reason for My Creation. This is the purpose with which I work and manifest, concretize and accomplish throughout the times.
You were called to live these times. This is why you are here and nowhere else. The Creator Universe guides those who obey.
There is still a wonderful Work to be carried out, even in these critical times, when impunity and indifference try to replace love and unity. However, I will not allow this.
My Name is written in all dimensions.
My Love is present in all beings, even in those who are far from Me. For the Love of My Son will make the cross of these times triumph. And those who cling to the Victorious Light of Christ shall not perish.
Today, I gather you again just as more than 2,000 years ago, when the people of Israel would listen to the prophets and follow the Scriptures.
But now your souls are the new Book for My Son in which He expects to write the new triumph of His Love, beyond all dimensions and consciousnesses, beyond all evil.
And He knows your true names. Before His Eyes, nothing is hidden.
Follow Him where He calls you to go, because this is the time of His Return.
After He returns, His Celestial Father will return. It will be more than the burning bush before Moses, more than the waters that split so that His sacred people may be liberated from captivity, more than the very transubstantiation of the Body and Blood of Christ.
I will come with the Power and Love of the Heavens, more than all praises and songs of the angels, more than the very Presence of the Brotherhood.
My Love, at that hour, will multiply more than the bread and the fish, more than the healing experienced by the paralytic and the blind, more than the very resurrection itself of Lazarus and the dead.
My Love will re-establish the Laws on Earth. More than all elements, I will gather all the Kingdoms. More than at the very Cenacle of the Pentecost, the languages will become one, understanding will bring wisdom and Divine Justice will re-build the Earth, from North to South, and from East to West.
And at that moment, the Cross of the New Humanity will be made manifest. The synthesis will spiritually be completed, and the last veils will fall from your eyes so that you may see Who I Am.
My Love continues to be unknown, but after the Return of My Son, all will be consummated, as it was on the Cross. And the law of suffering will no longer exist, souls will no longer know their pains and guilt, but they will rather be allowed to know the happiness of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which the angels will show them.
At that hour, the new human being, the new consciousness will re-emerge, because they will no longer be united to the spiritual debt, but rather to the gift of the Heavens.
Build this event with hope. Do not seek it, wait for it, for it will come.
Once again, the hour of My Son draws near. Therefore, it is time to pray with mercy and piety.
Let war and division no longer exist between beings.
Let no one evermore foster the culture of discarding and indifference, not even with the very brother by their side.
Be worthy of the gifts from Heaven, for Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Message will remain alive in those who trust in Me.
My Heart is full of Graces for all. My Arms are open for those who want to feel My consolation.
In silence, I hear your confession.
Let there not be fear, but rather faith.
Let there not be grief, but rather hope.
Let there not be suffering, but rather liberation.
Let there not be evil, but rather love.
This is My Message for those who will experience the next meetings with My Son, as a unique opportunity to be before the Portal of My Mercy, which shows like the Water and the Blood of Christ.
The One Who rejoices and blesses you and the world for this meeting,
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
After 1961, your Heavenly Mother, through the Virgin of the Carmel of Garabandal, came to the world, especially with Her Message to the Church, so that all who participate in the Church might have time to mend and correct themselves.
Although your Heavenly Mother, through the visionaries of Garabandal, was very clear and direct, with the help of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Message of Garabandal was not welcome nor was it respected. The same happened in La Salette.
Now, while humanity finds itself divided by war, by natural disasters; while humanity is indifferent and in some cases insensitive; while humanity faces the challenge of a collapsed and traumatized planet, still, the Message of Garabandal has not even been recognized.
This is why I come to ask the world and also the Church to no longer try to silence the Word of God.
I come to ask you for the holy places, blessed by the true Presence of the Sacred Hearts, to be recognized and accepted because, while all that which comes from God is denied, neither the Church nor any place of this wounded planet will be able to help in the face of all that is taking place.
I invite you to recognize the Presence of the Most High through Our Presence. While this honest and sincere gesture does not exist, My plentiful Heart, full of Grace, will feel pain for not finding spaces or hearts to pour out My Graces upon.
I invite the Church, outraged by defamation, by the lack of transparency and chastity, to surrender and ask for forgiveness, so that it may keep being a pillar of sanctity and charity and may no longer be sad news that compromises the spirituality of millions of people throughout the world.
It is time for each sector of this affected surface to recognize its errors and mend them, before My Son comes to separate the wheat from the chaff. There is but very little time.
I thank those who pray without expecting anything in return.
I thank you for responding and for openly listening to My maternal call.
Who always blesses you and prays for you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come before the expected time so that you may listen to Me.
You know that I do not seek the perfection of your lives, but rather I seek that you walk the path toward the encounter with Me.
While this does not happen, companions, I will still wait to fulfill many tasks and operations.
I will still wait within My Heart for the aspirations that God has for each one of your lives and consciousnesses; because this is a very crucial and definitive time and you already know that.
This is a time when new things will emerge, unknown experiences will be shown so that you may learn and internally grow.
I do not need you to do perfect things, but rather that in your lives you do the best for Me, because I will avail Myself of all this to prepare My Return to the world.
I not only ask you to decide to cross the desert into which you have not entered, but I also ask you to have enough bravery to follow Me and accompany Me, to obey My guidelines.
This is the most demanding time of all, I need you to be able to recognize this.
I need you to be able to trust everything I tell you and that you can do everything I ask of you, the efforts will multiply.
Some consciousnesses are already defining themselves, and this is not something personal with Me, but rather with the Father.
God’s Designs are not deeply understood, while you take a long to love them, you will not understand them, you will not grasp them, you will not know them.
For this reason, I gave you the value of the spiritual exercises, of your own spiritual and personal exercise, but also of your group exercises; because the connection with the Source depends on each one of My companions, and not on just a few.
The planet burns in its process of purification, the planet suffers in its process of illness, those who are displaced are in ever greater numbers throughout the world. Who will give them refuge? Who will have sensitive hearts to welcome them? Who will meet them? Not only to give them food, but also to give them My Peace.
I do not ask for something impossible, I only ask for something sincere and true. It depends on you that My Works may be fulfilled and carried out.
The debt of humanity is very great, and you know it, and this spiritual debt still keeps growing. Who will internally help Me dissolve this debt?
Who will recognize, once more, the value of the Blood that was shed by the Lamb of God, so that all errors may once more be justified, so that souls not again miss the opportunity, so that consciousnesses can awaken?
My Heart holds many mysteries, but it also holds many feelings. Have you ever thought of knowing and penetrating them? Where is your attention for Me?
The universe places you where you need to learn and grow, companions.
These are no longer times to make things harder than they already are. It is time to forge the warrior, it is time to make the brave apostle awaken so that you can live what the Hierarchy is living and feeling, so that you can sustain with Us this spiritual flame of Faith that must not extinguish.
You must learn to attune with My Spiritual Government. From it springs all the impulses and the revelation of all mysteries, mainly of its inner mysteries, of what you must know about yourselves, of what you must transform in yourselves, of all that you must redeem.
The planet is now at the moment of its great cross-roads, the destiny is still not clear.
Evolution advances, but so do the events. A totally new race is being run, it is time to become aware of this and of not stepping back. The soldiers must advance in this battlefield, and they must have faith that I will sustain them.
Open your hearts to feel all that I tell you. Do not reject any word, we are in culminating times, in decisive times, and I must repeat it, time and again, so that your consciousnesses may grasp it.
We are all attentive to the coming moments. What seems to be too difficult, becomes a great sacrifice for all. The effort to be made at the moment is the justification of so many errors and faults, of so many adversities and causes.
I do not need you to understand everything, I need you to follow Me, to feel Me and to recognize Me.
This is the most important Lent after My Ascension to the Heavens, after more than two thousand years.
You must let yourselves be marked by the ashes of the Resurrection. May the Sign of the Cross be the epicenter of all your movements and actions, because thus the hells will be tormented and they will not prevail.
Seek within the path toward what is true, toward what is transparent and faithful.
I am calling the world to respond to the humanitarian needs, because if these displacements keep happening, the Judgment will be very great. You have the keys and the attributes to do so, do not deny it nor step back. Do not step back.
This is the time when each one of you will have the opportunity to fulfill My Will, to make it a part of yourselves and to live it.
Today I not only invite you to be within My Heart, but I also invite you to be aware and have discernment. May the flame of My Faith permeate you with wisdom and love, with science and intelligence, so that the talents that I so much expect to have available, may be available, may be at the service of God, through each one of you.
Companions, brothers and sisters, you are in times similar to those of the first Christians, who had to be witnesses of My Presence and of My Word, and gave their lives for Me until the last instant, until the last moment.
But now you are not persecuted, you are only sought by My enemy, who tries to divide you and make you fail. Will you allow him to do so?
During so many meetings of Mercy, I gave you all the instructions and indications. When will you apply them to yourselves?
I invite you to be brave and persevering. I invite you to love what you do not know. I invite you to penetrate the mystery of the spirit by means of faith and the union with Me in the Eucharist.
In this next Sacred Week, may your virtues flourish and your human aspects disappear because I do not have time to wait so that you may carry this out.
I have the world on My Back, and upon having the world on My Back, I have each one of you and your brothers and sisters on the planet. I have upon Me all kinds of chaos and suffering, of injustice and indifferences. Who will endure with Me, as did John, the apostle, until the Cross?
For this reason, I gave you My Face of Mercy and My Glorified Face, so that you might revere it and live it within you, because you will need My Mercy and My Glory in order to be able to cross these times so that, more each day, you may be empty instruments and not full of yourselves, humble to be able to recognize the Word of God and the Call of the Eternal Father, just as did My Mother, the Virgin Mary. Imitate and love Her.
In Her maternity lies your consolation, in Her Love, lies your strength, in Her conviction lies the overcoming of all times, and in Her purity lies your peace.
May the Sacred Week to come not be a fleeting moment, but rather a new opportunity, for each one of you, to receive the divine codes of My Passion; because when you do so, I will be there with you, until the end of time.
“Adonai, hear the prayers of Your Servant and of Your Son, make Yourself present, Lord, at this moment, and, above all, in the hearts that doubt about this path.
Ignite in each heart the flame of Your Faith so that everything may be renewed and thus they may feel united to You, until everything can be renewed, when I return.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While the universe opens up before your eyes, never lose peace. My Peace will always comfort you and give you an understanding about these times.
This universe opens up so that you may know it, so that you dare to deepen into it and thus you can find the meaning and the reason for existing within this Creation.
In these universes, there are various realities, and that is where I want to take you, because the world must raise its consciousness. Humanity must transcend its fears and, in this way, find confidence in what exists, in the unknown.
From the universe I bring My Message to all today, because humanity still has to listen to the Word of God, this Word that comes to strengthen you and give you new values so that your souls may be in communion with the universe and with Higher Life.
In order to arrive here, I have crossed many planes of consciousness; you must always keep this in mind. So that I can come to the world and speak to humanity, the universes have to open, the portals have to be expressed and the great path of Light must be built so that I can come to the Earth and present Myself.
It is because of all that happened during August that I, as Mother and Guardian of Faith, come to talk to humanity again. Because there are still children of Mine who do not listen to the Word of God, they only hear it, and this is not enough.
In these times of purification, your consciousnesses must be united with universal life. Thus, the currents of the universe will help you and give you the inner strength you need in order to overcome yourselves.
Everything that is material must be purified. Therefore, this is the time, My children, for you to experience this transcendence, day by day.
This is why I bring the universe to you, so that first you can recognize it within yourselves and then you can express it, even while being in material life, even while living on this planet and within this humanity.
Therefore, your consciousnesses must return to the origin. Not to the origin of errors, of blame, of the incomprehension that perhaps you have lived in the universe or within this school-planet.
You must return to the origin of your truth, to the origin of your essence. There, nothing can be corrupted, because if you are in God, God will be within you and His Word will be fulfilled.
These times are not only definitive times, times of tests, times of confirmation, they are times in which the universe gathers and unites, and so do the hierarchies, in order to help humanity.
The Commands in the universe are very broad, the challenges for humanity are very great. But there is only one reason and motive that keeps everyone here, which is the love for the Project of God. A Project that declined many times and has been distorted throughout the times.
Therefore, My children, now this is not important. What is important is your awakening, and in your awakening will be the evolution of your consciousnesses. And this evolution of your consciousnesses will only be attained through love and surrender.
My Son taught you how to do it. His Instruction is in force and timeless. Whether it wants it or not, humanity must walk towards the portal that will lead you to the Land of the New Christs. And this, My children, is not a theory, it is a reality, it is an aspiration of God, it is a goal.
The more who give up, the less possibilities you will have that all may reach this portal that the universe opens in the consciousness of humanity, and that someday will lead you to an encounter with the Land of the New Christs.
The Love of My Son will allow you to know this path, It will allow you to understand this goal and this aspiration of God.
After August 8, the Eternal Father has not given up, and He will not give up, although the majority of His children have their consciousnesses busy with an inferior and indifferent reality.
The tests come to teach all of you, My children, that it is time to change something, which cannot only stay within the mind as information or part of memory, but that you must practice and apply it within the life of these times.
This is why the universe mobilizes itself and works untiringly. Its cosmic currents, its mirrors of light, its Hierarchies, its universal, mental and divine doors, they all intertwine and interrelate, and through the Rays, they help humanity.
My children, there is a part that the Hierarchy cannot do for you, and it is up to you to do this part.
Your faith in these times must be strengthened just like your confidence in the Plan of God, these are times of incredible situations, never seen before.
But you must not stay in it, in that which is superficial, you must aspire toward that which is non-material, although you do not know it, although you do not understand it, although you do not experience it.
From there will come the help from the Source, just as the non-material Source helps the whole universe, the rest of Creation.
You are in a time that no other humanity has lived. Do you understand now the importance of this moment?
Your lives must be the very message fulfilled, the Word of My Son manifested through redemption and surrender to God.
This will justify, at this moment, all the errors that the world commits, and that humanity carries out, even within a pandemic.
Do not let the Law of Mercy move away, cry for the Mercy of God and trust.
I come to the world to deepen into the awakening, knowing that the universe is there, waiting for those who are self-summoned and for those who stepped back on the path of My Son.
The commitment of each being does not dissolve, as much as their lives change, as much as they move away from the path, because it is an essential commitment, it is something that you carry within yourselves, within your essence, brought by the Non-material Source.
Do you now understand the meaning of this responsibility?
To be with My Son is not a passing or emotional moment; Our Words must be fulfilled in you, because God gives them to you out of love and wisdom.
This will recreate the Creation, and your lives must always undergo a metamorphosis, a constant change, a permanent transformation, because this is where Christ works and carries forward His Plan.
We do not ask you for the impossible, but rather for what is possible, what comes from the heart and renews life.
On behalf of all Hierarchies of the Divine and Universal Plan, I sanctify you and I bless you at this moment so that, stepping out of yourselves, more each day, you may attain the supreme reality, while still living material life.
It is not impossible, it is just a matter of aspiring and wanting it. Higher Life will be there, calling at the doors of your consciousnesses, leading you to awaken and understand the Plan, beyond everything.
May your faith be renewed, may the commitment be remembered by everyone, may the Virtues and the Gifts of God be fulfilled on the surface of the Earth so that the New Humanity may be born.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From distant universes, the Sacred Word of God can be heard. It is emitted from the Heart of the Source, so that it may resonate as a vibration within beings, and they may recover the origins that they once lost.
From distant universes, the Principles of Creation are dictated so that souls may remember in essence what they once were, and the reason and motive for being present in this world to serve and fulfill the blessed promises of the Redeemer.
The Sacred Word does not vibrate in the mind, but rather in the depths of the heart. Its aim is broad and unknown. Its goal is to draw souls toward superior reality. In this way, what is matter will lose power and credibility, because consciousnesses will discover within themselves that they are not only matter, but that the Divine Essence dwells within each sun.
The Sacred Word echoes in those who listen with attention. It solemnly fulfills the creative purpose. Its starting point is to withdraw beings from illusion, and its objective is to awaken consciousnesses through the impulse of knowledge and instruction, because the time has come for stepping into the ranks of the armies of the Plan of the Redeemer, so that the Earth may be prepared for the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I need you to take into consideration all that I have done in this place and in other places of the world, because all that happened had a larger and unknown purpose for a great part of the world.
Placing your consciousness in the sense of what I have wanted to do, your understandings, your knowledge, and even your wisdom will not be limited to the mind, but to the soul, as that is what receives the impulse of My Merciful Heart.
There would be no other form for Me to come to the world, in this cycle, to announce My Return to humanity. But nobody knows yet how this will take place and what will happen at the time when I do return.
Through the years I have given you some examples, but it depends on each one of you to go deeper into the spiritual sense of this event.
Would My Return not be a part of this current event? Who could censure it? Why would this be done? Who has the authority, the Father of Humankind?
As I speak to you, at this moment, it is as I have spoken to you in the temple and in many places of the Holy Land, for the souls to correctly learn what was happening with the Presence of your Master and Lord in those times.
But this time it is different. Humanity is very influenced, the message is modified, seized and interfered with, and the souls fall in these great holes of unconsciousness and ignorance; but the Word of God is undeniable, especially when it descends with power and authority.
I come here to announce to you the Word of God and nothing else.
I am not the Christ of the new era, I am the Christ of yesterday and of today, the Lord of the eternal present. I have given testimony of My Presence throughout time, not only within My Church, but also outside of My Church.
By chance, isn't the House of My Father for everyone? Who would have the authority to say the opposite?
The Power is in God, in the Son and in Holy Spirit, and in this, I invite you to believe it and to live it so that everyone will be baptized by My Spirit because when I physically come back to the world, I will come for all.
What sense would it make to come only for the Christians?
The universe will move itself; the elements will be shaken and the planet will feel when the Son of Man returns to the world.
I came and I come for humanity, because I teach you to reconnect with God, to follow the teachings of the Gospel, to be a part of the experience of the Sacraments and to deepen yourselves, day by day, into the meaning of prayer.
Is this only for those who know Me? What would be the reason for having died for you?
My sacrifice was for the whole of humanity and for all generations that have passed through Earth till now. And this sacrifice will continue having value, power and authority, because it is the Father that is in Heaven who has the authority and power. I am part of the Father and the Father is part of Me, and all His creatures can be part of My merciful Heart.
My message is for those who are awake and for those who are not awake, because My Purpose is not for the knowledgeable nor for the learned, it is for the souls that are the those who should continue living in eternity, at My side, always.
But if I do not speak like this to the world, humanity continues submerging into ignorance and under the influence of other human beings.
It is time that you understand this great event that you are experiencing in this place and at a worldwide level.
Many souls are being called to renew their faith, their commitment with My Heavenly Church and the value of the Sacraments that I taught you, a long time ago, so that you can always be at My side and nobody and nothing will confuse you, because you will be in Christ and you will live for Christ, being guardians of the Teachings that I left for you, not only in the Gospel, but through this call that I have repeated in these last seven years.
This value of the legacy that I have delivered to you recently, which is a part of the Word of God for the open hearts, cannot be depreciated, neglected nor censored, because in reality, companions, nobody knows the essence of the Word of God and the transforming power that it has when it reaches the hearts and the lives of people.
Heaven comes for the self-summoned, not to those who resist nor to those who deny what happens here. Each one will experience what one needs. Remember that your choice is what will save or condemn you, and this does not depend on any religion nor on any spiritual movement.
But I am here to show you the Truth. I told you that I am the Truth, the Way and the Life, and you must recognize it in your heart and in your union with Me through the redemptive Plan of My Father.
There is a path that humanity has not recovered yet, which is the path of redemption. Therefore, I suffered for you, not only in the Passion and on the Cross, but at each moment that I was here with you, announcing My Good News.
However, I will continue coming to the world while it be necessary, and while My Heavenly Father needs it. And this will not be hindered, obstructed nor interfered with, because nobody knows, in any part of the planet, what the Power and the Will of God means.
I invite you humbly and in reverence, and in profound gratitude, to unite yourselves to the Will of My Father, because I am part of His Will. If it were not like this there would be no reason nor motive to be here speaking to the world, taking My Word to the hearts.
Awaken and do not let yourselves be mistaken. Many wolves surround My Churches, and this you already know. The Church has to correct itself a lot by its deeds and actions throughout the centuries.
Who will correct it?
For now, only one man, he who has given his life for Me, not for his words, but for his actions, the holy Father Francis. I placed him there for him to help Me in the most difficult moment of humanity and he knows, in his heart, that what I am doing here is correct, because it gives the truth of transformation and of redemption to the souls, of renewal of faith and of a union more and more profound with the Sacraments.
Is this out of the Law?
May your hearts not be filled with bad words, but may your lips be filled with prayers, because what has happened here throughout the years is just in the Eyes of God. Nobody has the authority to make accusations nor to judge you because I am the Christ, the One Who has requested and established it.
If you want to know the truth, come to see it with your own eyes and feel it with your own hearts. The souls that are here have given their lives for Me and this cannot be insulted because it will be out of the Law, and the Law will act according to your actions.
I have asked you to love one another, but you still love your own wills, therefore the world suffers. And to love one another if not to love one's own beliefs or religion, it is to love humanity, the Kingdoms for Nature, the Creation. Do not be unjust because then I will not be able to intercede anymore for you.
You know who I am speaking to.
I cannot let you deceive yourselves. My Presence and My Word are for the whole world, because when the most difficult moment arrives, which is approaching, day by day, at this time men and women from Earth, beyond their religions and actions, will receive a very potent blow to the consciousness, and each one will see before themselves what they have done with this life. At this time, you will have the last Grace of repenting or of condemning yourselves.
I would like to use My Word for what is really happening to the world, how many souls in the world are sincere and truthful, how many hearts feel without understanding and without seeing, waiting for this moment, each new month, in order to listen to their Lord and gain strength, bravery and hope among so much evil and suffering.
I invite you to keep the Commandments, to experience them and to fulfill them, but it is time that you feel and understand all that I am doing, because it is for a greater good, for the good of the whole world, for those who need it most, for those who supplicate, for those who become lost.
I invite you to collaborate with the Work of your Master and Lord, and not to censor it. I do not want to see new pharisees, because I have already had them before My Eyes.
By chance, will you condemn what I am saying now?
I suffered for you, I was heavily hit, whipped and badly hurt. My Body and My Blood was shed at each step of the Calvary. And although many times I felt that I would not make it to the end, or that I would die on the way, the loyalty, obedience and transparency of the holy women and of many of My followers gave me strength to continue, under the maternal embrace of My Mother.
I need this attitude and no other from you, because you will never understand the things from Heaven if you do not love them profoundly in advance.
Love what is out of your reach and control, love the Work of the Mercy of your Redeemer at this time.
I come to make in the nations apostles and missionaries of Mine, in love, service and prayer.
I told you all that which I expected because you allowed Me to do so.
Now I invite you, before the Sacrament of the Altar, to renew your offer to My Heart, so that the Holy Spirit may grant you the Grace of understanding and the science for the discernment and wisdom to awaken in you, and may your hearts feel the peace of what you hear and of what you experience through My Presence as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.
Bring Me the incense to elevate this moment and the offer of this altar at the Feet of Our Creator. I hope you will do so, at this moment, beside Me.
You can bring the altar.
We invite those who can to kneel for this consecration.
Know that what I had said, more than a thousand years ago, and that I do at this time, is only for only reason: Love.
"Father, accept once more the offer of Your Son, for this bread to become the Body of Christ. I raise it in Your Presence for you to bless it and, through It, to bless Your children, so that they may be ready to receive me on the expected Return.
Therefore, I offer it to You and I offer it to all, for you to eat it, because this is My Body, that will be given to humankind for the remission of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Thus, Eternal Father, I offer you once more the Chalice, fruit of the redemption of the hearts, for it to be accepted by You and by all humankind, as a form of conversion and redemption of the hearts."
And I say once again: "Take and drink it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that is shed by your Lord for the forgiveness of the mistakes. Do it in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Body and Blood of Christ.
Let us pray the prayer that the Lord taught us.
Our Father (in Portuguese).
Our Father (in English).
We announce the Peace and Mercy of Christ on Earth.
"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say a word, and I shall be healed. Amen."
Brother Moses and brother Camilo come here, to serve this Sacrament.
Let us pray together, with brother Camilo and brother Moses, before Our Lord Jesus Christ, the prayer of the Angel of Portugal, for Christ to carry this prayer in His Heart and to give it to the Father as an offering of the souls that have converted themselves to Christ, in the Love of the Heart of the Redeemer.
O My God, I believe, I adore You,
I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.
(repeat three times in Spanish and once in English)
I say farewell to this place, after this meeting of prayer experienced with the effort and dedication of the brave hearts, carrying in My Spirit all the pleas, intentions and prayers of those who invoked the power of My Divine Mercy. All these efforts, that many cannot see and that are silent but true for your Lord, on this day are converted into Graces and atonement for the whole world. Amen.
I will rise to Heaven and return to the House of the Father, listening to the last song that will close and end this moment of instruction and knowledge for souls. The song is called "I will rest."
I thank and bless you in spiritual and inner Communion with the sacrament of the Altar. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today the whole Universe is attentive to this moment. This is why I ask you to be attentive as well, companions, because while I am here, I am with the world, bringing it a special Grace that will not be tangible, but rather inner, the Grace that will save you and that, in spite of this planetary moment, this Grace will renew you, in spite of what happens, beyond what you go through or in the face of any difficulty. My Grace is unchangeable, eternal and profound in the hearts that open to receive it.
Two thousand years ago, when I incarnated in the world to bring the Word of God to humanity, I came with a Purpose, which the majority already know.
But at that time, there was something that was not said, of which you are a part of today, after having gone through the experience of this world, after having learned about love and forgiveness. And although you still have much more to learn, this is the exact moment in which your consciousnesses are facing a special moment, in which there is no freedom that may falter, in which there is one time, one reality, which is the same one that descended when I was born in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
It is a moment for Christianity to recognize that the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Jesus was an event beyond the material and also the spiritual planes, because that is how it had to be, given the spiritual condition of the planet and the inner condition of humanity.
What really made all this happen? It is clear that it was the Will of God. But there was something beyond that, for the Son of Man to incarnate on Earth and bring the Word of Salvation.
The Sacred Books hold the sacred events of My existence in this world. But Truth is not only in books. Is that a lack of faith?
True knowledge arises from the Supreme Source. The books that this world have are the last to receive this knowledge.
But My Word will be fulfilled within souls when My Words move through you rather than through the books.
You may be very scholarly or intelligent, or believe that you have the greatest knowledge of what I was, but it will not be so. You must recognize yourselves as humble, peace-making and selfless so that your hearts and lives may truly be prepared to receive My Knowledge. Is that false?
In truth, that which lives eternally is the spirit. Is the spirit false?
When the spirit of each one of you rises to embrace greater knowledge, what will be the reason for all this? It is not in science nor in the humankind of the surface nor in the greatest scholar of the scholars that exists in this world.
Through My Gospel, that at this time is being renewed and expanded with the experience of your redemption and transformation, I have already told you what an expansion of consciousness is really like, and that does not mean ceasing to experience God, because God is All, He is the outer and inner, visible and invisible Supreme Creation.
Do you not believe in this? Is that not the creed of your lives? Is that not what you say and repeat every day: "I believe in God the Father, Almighty Creator of Heaven and of Earth"?
God is not conditioned to one consciousness, God lives through His creatures, otherwise He would not be God. And perchance, can God not be here? What would prevent Him? What would be the reason for it not being so?
Do you understand what I say to you?
Knowledge will never stop nor will it be limited to the human mind, because then it would not be knowledge but rather just words that only pass before you and do not make any sense.
What is true spirituality? How is that spirituality achieved? Only through Christianity?
Who was there before I came into the world? Just the patriarchs and the prophets? What was all that which happened in the East?
Even the Son of God Himself was humble, while still little, to recognize the Kings who visited Him in the grotto of Bethlehem. Were they not spiritual beings? What was their form of contact to know perfectly that the Son of God was going to be born there?
Open your eyes rather than your minds. God speaks to His children, just as He wants and just as He needs, and that does not mean another religion, because I do not come to found another religion in the world. I come to make of the world a true religion that is not in the Scriptures; it is in the action of the love and the forgiveness in hearts. That is where Christ is. Is that not true?
But humankind still wants to suffer in order to learn something. I am sorry for those who do not believe without having seen, because they will regret it, and today, I declare it to the whole world.
I am the same Lord of yesterday and today, but nobody truly knows what happened in My Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.
If you do not want to open your eyes, do not open them; I speak of the eyes of your consciousness.
You will miss an important Grace, but I will not stop, nobody will prevent it, because whoever prevents it or tries to, will go against My Father, and I recommend you not do that.
Just as I spoke to the blind pharisees, today I speak to the pharisees who claim to live My spirituality.
I came out of the sepulcher to show you the truth of My Resurrection, but I will not be able to break your white sepulchers that inside are full of other things.
Will you wait another two thousand years to be able to change? Is that which the world already experiences not enough? What is the reason for not believing in the love that I have been bringing to you for so many years?
If I did not come outside of the Church, this would never have been possible. But God knows how to write and He does so as He needs it, and this you will never understand, because God does not write through words, He writes through the events, the testimonies, the change and the love that people can live, beyond any religion or doctrine.
Will you continue to delay in living true ecumenism?
Do not waste any more time, the world is suffering, occupy your time in service, in prayer and in what is truly necessary for your lives.
Do not contaminate yourselves any more with everything you see or hear.
I will leave proof that I have been here, it is a promise. And when I stop coming, that will happen, because humankind has not yet understood the Will of God.
Will you continue to challenge it? Do not do it anymore!
Love will always triumph.
I know My friends, because I see the fruits that I left in each one of them. Those are the true fruits that I seek, not the fruits of their perversion, their judgment or even their mistreatment.
Everything I have done in these end times have an unknown spiritual reason and I value everything that has happened here, for what I myself can testify to regarding those who persevere in Me.
But everyone will be tested when I stop coming here. That will be the moment that I have so awaited for, in which you will have to testify to what you say you believe in, and live for Me.
And the judgment of the two witnesses will come and the last Scriptures will be fulfilled, just as John had seen in the Apocalypse.
This is not a message of persecution nor of a last era. This is a message that comes from the Heart of the Universe, from the deep Essence of God, in which His Will is conceived and lived.
For this reason, today I have brought all the angels of Heaven, more than one hundred and forty-four legions so that, in light of the Lords of the Law, you may be witnesses of what is happening and has happened here, as part of the merits of My sorrowful Passion.
And I will consummate this testimony through the celebration of the Eucharist, because what I taught two thousand years ago was not only a legacy for the world, it is an obligation of all hearts to live that union with Me, in love and in truth. And that legacy is for those who want to receive it in reverence and humility.
Bring here the incense and the water, to bless this altar.
We stand up.
"Lord God of the Universe, Who gives Life and Grace to Your children, You Who have gestated from the beginning, since before the coming of Your Son to the Earth, this moment for hearts to feel the truth rather than appearances, because Your Power, which is Glory and sovereignty, has descended here, unmistakable and undeniable Power, a Power full of Your Love and Your Truth, of Your Light and Your infinite Mercy.
I wish, Father, that Your Will be fulfilled in those who are not worthy of Your Grace, because the Power and value of My Blood are still eternal, infinite, for all of humanity. And by the Power of My Blood, today Your Will shall be fulfilled here. Amen.
Dispel, o Lord, everything that is against Your Will and omnipotence. Let the unfathomable Power of Your Light and of Your Love descend at this moment, so that Your Love may be within the hearts”.
Just as I bless this place, I bless the hearts that listen, open to recognizing My Word, because the wolves are among the sheep. They are the wolves that you would never have imagined, those who have need of My redemption.
We bring the altar.
Water for washing the hands.
I taught you to love through this testimony, delivered to the world for the redemption of its sins and the freeing of souls from their spiritual and inner prison.
After having washed the feet and hands of My apostles, at a moment as solemn as this, I took the bread, raised it up to consummate the sacrifice of the Son of Man, immediately broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
I then took the Chalice, raising it up to God to confirm the consummation of the sacrifice of the Son of Man and that He be blessed. I then gave it to the apostles, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this always in remembrance of Me. "
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Let us consummate this moment through the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine. And just like the bread and the wine, the Body and Blood of Christ rise again in sacrifice and offering; at this moment, let us elevate our souls, hearts and lives to also consummate the greatness of this testimony of love through the Eucharist.
Thus, united to the Heart of our King, Master and Lord, we pray the prayer that He taught us.
Our Father (in Portuguese).
Our Father (in English).
We declare, at this moment, the Peace and Love of Christ in humanity.
At this moment, the angels are witnesses to the apparition of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in light of the compassionate Gaze of God and of open hearts.
At this moment, the Will of God is fulfilled and the souls that listen live their spiritual Communion with Me.
We unite with all the souls of the world in spiritual Communion with Christ and for Christ.
"Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but one word from You and I shall be healed."
We repeat.
Mother and Sister Lucía, please.
Mother Maria del Salvador and Friar Luciano, please.
The Lord is asking us that together and united, we consummate this moment in His Presence.
Your Lord, throughout the ages, in the silence of His Heart, must bear the injustice of humankind, but that feeling, so profound and unknown to you, is dissolved and filled with the love and devotion of true souls, thus, everything is fulfilled.
I bless you and thank you for having prayed with Me on this day.
My promise to come to Africa is in force and I will not give up.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, closing this meeting in the Heart of Our Lord, a last melody will sound, a last song: "By the power of the Blood of Jesus".
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twentieth Poem
Lady of Peace,
give us the unchangeable joy of serving God,
just as You experienced it for each one of us.
May we always be able to find
the inner impulse to serve God.
May our hands, Mother,
be Your hands.
May our feet, Lady,
be Your feet.
May our hearts
be Your Heart entirely,
at the service of the Lower Kingdoms and humanity.
Most dear Mother,
may we not step back when we are called to serve
in the Work of Your beloved Son.
Through Your spiritual and maternal help,
may we have the awareness and clarity
of what it means to serve Christ
in His Work of Mercy and Love.
Most Pure Virgin, send us the Holy Spirit
so that, blessed by Its seven Gifts,
we may be available and prepared
to serve untiringly,
just as You serve untiringly.
Awaken our missionary hearts.
May all souls be able to know
the power of God's Word
so that, instructed by Your Son’s impulses of Light,
more hearts may awaken and dare
to join and serve in the redeeming Work of Your Son.
We thank You, Mother,
for always being there,
constantly guiding us towards Your Son,
so that we may learn to serve for peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The pen of God stops, and He stops writing. What will this mean for you, in the face of what the world experiences today?
I Am the Lord of Silence, the Lord of introspection. My Will reaches the ends of the universe, but My Words labor in the hearts that are open to listen.
In the face of this revelation that I brought to you today, part of a secret from your Master and Lord, I ask you to continue praying with Me, just as you pray with My Heavenly Mother, because humankind from the Earth have no knowledge of the true Justice of God, a Justice that cannot be tempted, modified or altered. Only the Grace of the Mother of God can change the events upon the planet and, above all, in the hearts that are in danger through their own actions, because of the immensity of their ignorance, because of ingratitude.
You already know that My time within this place, so sacred to Me, is coming to an end. And today I tell you again that when that happens, you must be witnesses to the Heavenly Father and to humanity, of what you have witnessed in recent times through My coming to this place, which has a reason and purpose, unknown to all, not yet revealed to the world.
This does not mean that the supreme Will of God hides from His children, His creatures, all His mysteries and revelations. But He Himself chooses who needs to know them and have knowledge of them. So it has been throughout the times in the various apparitions of My Celestial Mother.
Even though today you do not know what I have said or know everything that I have revealed, this is not to be a curiosity for anyone, but rather an impulse to reinforce and double prayer for, in this way, Heaven will always hear you. Heaven will be attentive to the voice of your supplications; It always listens to the children of God.
While I am here, I am also with all of humanity, in these last moments of your Master and Lord, much like the last moments shared with the apostles during the Last Supper. We are in a very similar and culminating moment.
This is not sensationalism, this is a truth that comes directly from the Heart of God for you, because the scriptures will continue to be fulfilled, just as they were dictated to the hearts of the prophets and the apostles, and nothing will change them, only your unconditional adherence to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, to all Her aspirations and wills, which are part of the Will of the Holy Spirit.
Today I can only speak to you through symbols, because you have to meditate on My Words, because My Words hold many keys that will open the doors of your consciousnesses, so that you may be able to be closer to God and to His Will.
Just as I have always done so, today I am fulfilling the Will of My Father so that the veils of consciousness fall from your faces and you may be able to see the truth and reality of these times, knowing that each treasure and spiritual impulse given to you will have to be justified by you, until the last day of your lives.
Thus, before the Heavenly Father, you will give testimony of what you received and of everything that was given to you throughout time and through the years, not only by My merciful Heart, but also by the Mother of God and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
Today, more than ever, the essence of Our Sacred Hearts reach the world with the last messages that prepare for the definitive moment of each human being, in these end times.
Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words will remain in those who make them count and be recognized in the world, in all peoples, in all nations, in every corner of this planet. Your example and Christification, your sacrifice and surrender to My Heart will come before the long-awaited moment of My Return, because I will only be able to come first through you, through your transformation, surrender and redemption. It is the only thing that I need so that I too can justify to the Father everything that I have done for you.
The Word of God is not wasted. The Word of the Hierarchy will never be invalid. It is autonomous, eternal and it transcends all times, generations and forms.
But only you have been called by My Eternal Father to be witnesses, at the end of times, of all that I have given you and revealed to you.
I am not being dramatic, I am telling you the truth, because the truth will free you from yourselves.
Just as I told My apostles at the Last Supper, many of the revelations that God gave Me for future generations of humanity, you too as beings and as races, as peoples and nations, are at a great pivotal point, you are facing the same moment as the apostles were when each one, in the most crucial and culminating moment, had to give testimony of Me.
Today I am again alone, as I was in the judgment of the Pharisees, waiting in the greatest silence for the adherence and unity of My companions.
The Mother of God, Doorway of wisdom, of discernment and of love, is now present at the request of Her beloved Son, just as Saint Joseph is also present.
At the request of Christ, the visionaries can come here to unite with us at this moment with the Three Sacred Hearts.
We invite those who listen to us through this means of communication, that in the face of this mystery that the Three Sacred Hearts bring us, we may kneel or stand up to revere them.
We thank you.
God is listening to us and contemplating us, and so He does with all of humanity.
After the world day of fasting and prayer, requested by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, Our Three Sacred Hearts have received the supplication of humanity.
I come to ask the world, in the name of the divinity of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, that all who can, in the next six months, repeat the day of fasting and prayer on the fourteenth day of each month. Thus, I will have more occurrences and testimonies to show the Eternal Father about the efforts of His children for the relief, the healing and the peace of humanity and the planet.
Enter the Ocean of God's Mercy, the doors of your deepest core are open so that, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, souls may be forgiven and absolved by the infinite and unfathomable Mercy of God.
This is the time of My apostles. This is the time to give testimony to humanity.
Carry My Words within your hearts, let them not be erased from your memory, may they echo in these times that will come because you will need them as strength to go forward. My Heart will never abandon the merciful.
And thus, with the Three Sacred Hearts, we will celebrate the Eucharist and the spiritual Communion that the souls who are listening at this moment will be able to experience with the Divine Master.
We can bring the altar.
Lord Jesus, make us worthy of living Your Word, but also make us worthy of living this Sacrament so that, as humanity and a planet, we may achieve redemption and eternity. Amen.
The Divinity of Christ is present in this moment of celebration. In honor of the merits achieved by Our Lord Jesus Christ before, during, and after the Last Supper, we offer this bread so that it may be changed into the Body of Christ.
In the evening, before being given up, Jesus took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Then He took the Chalice, and making the same offering and surrender, He raised it, giving thanks to the Father, because His innocent and pure Blood would redeem humanity. It was thus that He gave the Holy Chalice to His apostles, saying: “Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
The Body and living Blood of Christ.
In union with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, let us say the prayer that our Lord taught us.
Our Father.
Our Father (we repeat in English).
May the Peace of Christ descend on Earth.
May the Peace of Our Lord be in this place and in all hearts. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Do not forget everything that I have told you today, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that will make them resonate within.
We say goodbye and send all Our Love and Our Peace to the world so that human awareness may awaken in all hearts. So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this very special Trinity, formed by the Three Sacred Hearts, bowed down at the Feet of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Divine Lady, the Virgin Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, we will offer one last song, so that Christ may continue to resonate within us and thus form His apostles.
We will hear "Todo lo que yo viví". ("Everything I have lived.")
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today the voice of your Heavenly Mother emerges from the desert, in a part of the planet distant from you, and from where today God has given you the chance to come to know it, so that this place can be revealed and shown to the world.
This is why I come from this place and from this space, to speak the Word of God, to bring souls an inner revelation that comes from the Universe and from Cosmic Life.
I bring the message from this place for all of you, so that all may feel it, perceive and recognize it, knowing that these are times in which humanity must place itself again in the Plan of the Father, after having distanced itself for a long time, after having distanced itself from the Law and the fulfillment of the Commandments.
This is why I today come from the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where the history of humanity is held in its deepest and innermost silence; where Nature, and mainly the Mineral Kingdom, reveal this message for all, with the potency and the power of its expression, beauty and loveliness.
In this place, many events have taken place. One of the first civilizations emerged here, a civilization that maintained contact with God and knew what was the essence of the Plan of God, and of its fulfillment upon the surface.
In this way, God showed them His Divine Will, so that they could live it and accomplish it according to how He had thought.
It is a civilization unknown to all and not yet revealed to the humankind of the surface, but which did indeed exist since ancient times, in which humanity experienced a fluid process of contact with their inner world and the Universe.
From there the sacred instructions came for that whole civilization, which achieved significant degrees of evolution, and, above all, of wisdom, an experience that led them to not only understand life and existence, but also led them to enter into another school, into another dimension, in another plane of consciousness, where it was no longer necessary to experience that which is lived on the surface of the Earth; where it was no longer necessary to use that which is material and concrete. But rather, within that entry of that whole group consciousness, they began to live from what was spiritual, cosmic and divine.
And from that point on they began to take significant steps, not only in their awakening, but also in their evolution, individual, as well as group steps, because the essence of that whole event was unity; group unity, unity of souls, unity of consciousnesses.
This led this very simple but deeply contacted civilization to live and to know the Laws of the Universe and all the treasures that the Higher Universe holds, which are found within the different galaxies, stars and suns.
This revelation came to them, this revelation was shown to them in a clear and sharp way. The impulse of instruction and knowledge led them to take this great step for all of humanity, even for the present humanity, for the current humanity, even though you may not believe so.
They knew that future generations would come that would experience great tests and challenges, great events and lessons, and even having achieved that very high degree of consciousness and contact, they decided to remain on the planet in order to be able to safeguard and protect the essence of the project of humanity and its evolution.
They thus came to know the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the science was shown upon the path of this sacred people, this civilization that found a deeper meaning for being present upon the planet, to live the Will of God and higher designs.
But this story did not end here, because, this story, this event and this school, is still being experienced up to now. This sacred people and civilization is to be found there, living this experience of evolution and of awakening the consciousness, and as a group of souls, as a group of consciousnesses, they continue to emit and emanate these principles to all of humanity, the most ignorant and unconscious humanity of these times.
Is this people now a brotherhood? A still unknown and unrevealed brotherhood. It is more than a brotherhood, this people is a universal and inner fraternity, a spiritual fraternity that also lived its experience and took its steps through the giving of self and the surrender of self to the Higher Will.
But the time has come, My children, for the humanity of the surface to contact these realities and be withdrawn from the deep sleep of illusion and ignorance, where all consciousnesses are placed through modernities and indifference.
All the sacred peoples who went through the school of the planet will, in the coming time, show themselves from within the inner planes so that souls that are on the surface of the planet, which also experience the same school of evolution, may be able to avail themselves of the knowledge that they experienced and learned, which continues to be an eternal knowledge that leads you to expand your consciousnesses even more, and leads you to elevate, transcend and ennoble the human genetic code that needs to continue to achieve, in the same way that Christ did, His great expression of Love and the giving of self.
This sacred people of the Grand Canyon of Colorado continues to learn even more things about the Hierarchy itself, and many have now entered into new schools of instruction and knowledge, to expand their cosmic consciousness, and thus they are able to continue to embrace the Plan of God in its different manifestations of the Universes.
Human beings of the surface of this planet and of other times, having gained this degree of awakening, are giving today's precarious humanity the impulse to seek the same level of consciousness and awakening, even though they are silent and in retreat. Because this sacred people experiences its permanent retreat in the Grand Canyon of Colorado, but it also experiences its intelligent activity that the Holy Spirit provides it with, within Its service of love for humanity.
It is thus, My children, that they never lost their roots nor their culture. They carried all this schooling and experience with them to present them and share them with the Higher Consciousnesses of the Universe, with the great regents of the Celestial Brotherhood.
It was all complemented and understood. And this makes it possible for the human project to be understood and known throughout the rest of the Universe as a possible experience of redemption, forgiveness, change, and, above all, of love, of a love that expands, a love that is lived, a love that leads consciousnesses to accept the Plan of God and to fulfill it beyond their possibilities or their understanding.
This sacred people of the Grand Canyon of Colorado mirrors to humanity what humanity needs to spiritually find in these times. And it is their goal, intention and purpose that the majority may reach and contact that which they reached and contacted in their simplicity and surrender.
It is now, while you are aware of all this, and illusion has withdrawn from human sight, that you can find the truth of the existence and the real history of your whole civilization upon the planet, from the beginning times. It is time, My children, that you impel humanity onto the same path, onto the path of achieving that same evolution through group life and a true connection with what is High.
Thus, the Essence of the Will of God will be better known and understood by the men and women of the Earth, and ignorance will no longer embrace them, rather, they will understand the meaning of being here, incarnated in this world and in this time, to continue on with what God needs, within this experience and this human civilization which cannot continue to deteriorate nor self-destruct, but rather should embrace the vision of the Purpose and of the goals that the Eternal Father presents for each group of souls, within His universality and His divine Consciousness.
In this way, you will be part of a great fraternity and you will feel yourselves to be part of a great existence, which has no human condition and is not restricted to inner processes nor mental ones, but rather, through the profound spirituality of life and of science, everything may be understood and evolve.
From the Grand Canyon of Colorado, today your Heavenly Mother announces Herself and presents Herself to the world so that it may know that it is in time to recover its civilization, roots and culture, its evolutionary lessons, and, above all, its contact with the Heights, the contact that nourishes the spirit of each being and which comes through the impulses of the Hierarchy, from a single and absolute contact coming from the Law of the Hierarchy, which all may avail themselves of and learn about so as to be on the correct path, rather than on others, rather than on other paths.
This is the time to become aware of the truth and to know that all My children are called to continue this human civilization which must embrace the Purpose so that it may be expressed and fulfilled in these times, so that the planet may be regenerated, so that humanity may be redeemed and healed of all it has experienced throughout time, for there is still much to do, there is still much to accomplish and carry forward.
But by placing your consciousnesses on this level of evolution and contact, your miseries will dissolve, your problems will end, and you will place your heart at service to the Heights, a heart that will be given the impulse to always find the truth and the meaning of its existence within this Universe and within this planetary school.
And this too is a part of the redeeming Project of My Son, which arrives in the cycle of divine revelations of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
So remember, My children, everything that happened here in the Grand Canyon of Colorado, and which continues to have repercussions throughout time and throughout the generations so that humanity does not lose the meaning of its purpose and of the essence of being here, on this planet.
With this announcement, I take you by the hand and lead you so that you may reach new schools, deeper schools of love and of the giving of self, of surrender and of trust in the absolute guidance of the Eternal Father.
From the Grand Canyon of Colorado, I allow souls to again find the meaning of their origins, of their origins of Earth and of their ancestors, who had the experience of love and brotherhood.
Through this impulse, I bless you so that you may continue upon the same path, and as much as you do not know how to do so, that you allow your inner worlds to be able to guide you to the same level of contact, wisdom and understanding as the sacred people of the Grand Canyon of Colorado once experienced it, and continue to live it, throughout the course of time.
I thank you sincerely for responding to My call.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Everything you search for is within you. The Universe is revealed in the human essence. Happy are those who believe in this and do not search outside of themselves for the answers to their questions, but use the Word of the Hierarchy as a path to enter their own heart.
Happy are those who know how to welcome the ancient wisdom that God handed to humanity throughout the centuries, but who do not hold their minds and hearts in what is written in the books but rather make of knowledge the motor for their liberation and discover that the narrow Door is in their own heart.
The science of life is self-knowledge.
Happy are those who know how to drink from My words and from all the impulses that I have handed to the world. And still happier are those who know how to make of My silence a cycle to experience all that I have said to humanity.
I speak to the essence of hearts. I speak to the truth within each being, because there you can understand all in which I tell you. Therefore, listen to Me with your heart, feel My words and meditate upon them as a prayer, more than as a study. Pray the divine instructions, and they will be life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To take a step in your spiritual consecration, children, you must love God and His Plan above all things. If there is no love, there is no surrender, no renunciation, no emptiness of self, no elevation of consciousness.
To love God more, you must seek God more, concentrate more on being with Him, in His Presence, under His Sight, within His Heart. And this can be done in prayer, but also in contact with His word. This is done with silence but also with confession.
There are many paths for you to be in the Presence of your Father, but for all of them you must strive, want, search, assume a commitment with yourselves and with humanity, and provide the service of being in God so that the entire humanity may achieve peace.
Superficialities of life can be defeated with love, because the more you love God, the more you will replace what is superfluous with His Presence. However, children, as everything in life, you must start, take steps and persevere on that path. Effort will bring you faith, faith will bring you love and love will bring you the wisdom that you need to go through in these times.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For a soul to return to God it must receive constant impulses that inspire and guide it in its elevation in the quest for the Heart of the Father.
You will find these impulses, child, in the Living Word of your Creator, in His Gospel and in the countless instructions that He has given you through His Messengers. Feed your spirit with that which makes you search for God more. Nourish your consciousness with that which comes from the Father, for you to remember whence you came and where you have to return to.
Meditate daily on the Words of your Lord, with attention and peace in your heart, so that they enter into the depths of your human condition and from there start to transform you.
Before everything, remember your Creator, remember the Love He has for you and how He awaits your return to His dwelling.
Before everything, remember the Son of God, remember the love that He has for you and which was not only expressed on the Cross, but in all constant sacrifices that Christ makes, offering Himself as the Lamb before God to repair human faults.
Remember the Holy Spirit of God, inhabiting silently in all that you are. Allow a space for Him to be expressed. Silence your heart to listen to Him. Let the sacred that inhabits within you be able to be the true expression of your being for the world.
Live in God and emanate peace. Live in God and emanate respect, love, comprehension, charity. Let the Father demonstrate to the world that He inhabits within His children, through you.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Listen within you to the Voice of God that speaks to you, the Voice that calls you to serve Him and to pronounce His Word of Life in the whole world.
This is the Voice that resounds in the Cosmos. This is the Voice that comes from Heaven to awaken souls to the Love of God, to compassion, to healing and to redemption.
Listen to the Voice of God within you and the essential purity will re-emerge from within you.
Unite yourself with the living God Who is in Heaven.
Comply with His Promises.
Live His Commandments and apply in your life the duties to God so that you may be a participant in His Celestial Kingdom, so that you may receive in your heart His impulses of Light, which will someday make you free, a participant of the Supper of Redemption, and thus you will receive the Sacrament from the Spirit.
Your soul will receive what it needs and will thus take a new step.
I come to this kingdom, to the Kingdom of Fatima, to rekindle it, as it once was rekindled by the presence of the Divine Mother and of all of Her angels.
The time has come to celebrate this meeting and to make you participants, in a conscious way, in the Mercy of God. Thus, the doors to light will remain open and the sacrifice of the Son of God will keep being recognized by the men and the women on Earth.
All will be part of this new Supper that the King will celebrate when He returns to the world for the second time.
But now, I come in Divinity. I come under the impulse of the Breath of the Spirit so that the Gifts of God may be poured out upon you. Such Gifts that at some moment will convert into talents. Talents that I will need, in this hour and at this time, to be able to help souls, to be able to save and rescue them from the dark abysses of the Earth.
It is from here, from the Source of the Kingdom of Fatima, that the world will be able to recover its innocence, the innocence it lost by the manifestation of wars, by the inequality among peoples, by illnesses, by madness, by hunger and error.
My Mercy will lead you to the essential Purity and in the essential Purity you will find God again, you will become aware of the meaning of your existence and you will not regress because I will be by your side strengthening and tempering your spirits, transforming your miseries, redeeming your human aspects, transfiguring them into My eternal Light.
The Glory of God descends over the Kingdom of Fatima, because Its Celestial Church approaches and descends over this place to unite with the Shrine consecrated to God.
The inner worlds balance. A period of peace touches souls and makes them aware of the truth. Perdition is deterred. The apostles take their steps toward the Lord and fulfill His commandments, His designs and their duties.
Although appearances are confusing, no one will be forgotten, and the hearts will rekindle in the fire of My Love, will feel the impulses of My Soul, will receive the blessing of My Spirit and I will liberate you from the chains, prisons and errors. And thus, the nations will be liberated, the peoples will reconcile and there will no longer be conflict.
Hunger will not be the cause of so many evils. Corruption will not be the origin of so many defects. Omission will not be the path toward the indifference of human beings because the whole world, humanity, the planet, will become aware of the truth, some time before I return to the world as a beam of light amongst the clouds, like a Sun within a sun, as a greater Star amongst so many stars.
The Universe will mobilize, the higher stars will respond and the solar system, of which they are a part of, will receive the last grand impulse that will spring directly from the Heart of the King for all souls, for all self-summoned and especially for those who were not called.
The meaning of being here on Earth will be reborn, because from the Kingdom of Fatima the impulse will arise that will lead this part of humanity to its awakening and to definitively move away from ignorance, from spiritual blindness, from indifference.
Receive then My Message with joy. May the whole world hear the Word of God through His Son so that humanity is born again under the Wisdom of God and His understanding.
May this Marathon be celebrated as the perfect union with the Celestial Father, as the confirmation of all apostles before all Principles and Wills of the Father so that His Designs may descend to the Earth and incarnate in the human beings who must asume the Plan.
May the inner worlds hear this good news. Heaven descends again over the Kingdom of Fatima so that purity may awaken in the sleeping hearts, in the souls that made a mistake by ignorance and by error.
Bring everyone to Me. Place the whole world in My merciful Heart, and you will not lack peace.
I Am your High Priest, your Governor and your Master. I Am the Shepherd of all sheep and, at this time, I unite all the flocks under the First Law, the Law of Love.
And thus, the hells will close and the doors to Light will open so that everything may be illuminated and no one lose the hope to persist, just as I persisted for you until the end, and even more, until this time, and I will persist until I return to meet you physically, to give you My Peace, My embrace, and deliver to you the glorious Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, that elevates you in unity.
May Europe listen to this call, just as We listen to your prayers. The Lord of the Universe returns to meet you to make souls participants in the Redeeming Communion and in the great time of Mercy.
May this Marathon be an offering of love from each prayerful heart so that God may keep pouring His Grace upon the world, in spite of the errors and all evils. Because the triumph of the Plan of the Father is in the heart that loves Him profoundly and without conditions. There lies the freedom of humanity forever.
In jubilation and hope for this reunion, under the mantle of the Kingdom of Fatima, I bless Europe and the whole world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May Peace be in all. Amen.
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you can testify within yourselves of the fruits of the Divine Word.
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you may represent your Redeemer in this critical and acute cycle of the planet.
I make you My apostles so that you may live My Will and so that you may manifest it beyond your capabilities and fears. Because by living My Will, you will achieve the spiritual freedom that you need to be able to continue taking steps toward the fulfilling of Divine Purpose.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may live in charity and in service, so that in this practice of surrender, you can be able to experience Christic Love and are able to manifest it on Earth.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that each day more, you may risk living in the emptiness of self and with the absolute trust that everything will be accomplished according to what was designated by My Father.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may inwardly prepare for My Second Return.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.
Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.
Everyone will know the truth.
Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.
But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.
After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.
The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.
The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.
And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.
The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.
The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.
No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.
The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.
It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.
Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.
When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.
The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.
Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.
The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.
This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.
The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.
If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.
If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.
Do you understand?
You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.
You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.
You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.
Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.
Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.
Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.
You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.
Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.
God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.
Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.
You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.
You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.
This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.
You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.
Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.
I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.
But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.
Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.
The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.
The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.
The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.
You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.
You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.
This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.
The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.
I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.
Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.
The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.
The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.
All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.
All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.
Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.
Be capable of truly and warmly loving.
Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.
Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.
That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.
Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.
The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.
Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.
Do not waste time in what is transitory.
Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.
Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.
Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.
Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.
I thank you for cooperating.
I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.
May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.
Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.
I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.
Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.
You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.
Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more