In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come as the Light of the Love of God to penetrate the heart of My children, to take them once again to the Celestial Father because He is still waiting to hold them in His Arms.
Come to Me, dear children, just as I come to you today, My beloved children, to once again bless this nation and this people, Precious Project of the Arch of God in the end of these times, in the Thousand Years of Peace.
Therefore, leave at My Feet everything that makes you suffer or have to endure. I come to make your souls and hearts be reborn. I come to bring you, through My Heart, the Presence of Christ so that you may remember, My beloveds, that you must always find Him in the Holy Communion, so that the Sacrament of Faith and Renewal may overflow your souls and hearts, make of your consciousnesses peacemaking beings that receive in openness the Call of the Eternal Father.
I Am here, My children, and I Am the Mother of Brazil. I Am grateful for being here today, responding to the Call of God through the calling of your Celestial Mother. Keep on praying for this nation and for this people, just as My Son asked you in the last days.
Do not fear, have faith and trust. This Project of Brazil, that is the Ark of God, will not disappear from the Heart of the Father and even less from the heart of My children if you believe in the Project of God.
Remember that which My Son told you in the last days, that Brazil is a country with open arms and with a very big and noble heart. From the origins of this people, of this land, here God placed His Eden, which has been transgressed by humankind on the surface, which has hurt and outraged the Kingdoms of Nature.
But today you, My Children, who have the Grace of being conscious and of being awake, pray not only for this country dearly loved by Me, but also for the Kingdoms of Creation.
The human being on the surface cannot live without nature, without the oceans, without the dawn. Imagine a planet without all this, there would be no life on the surface of the Earth. Therefore, I call you on to repair the Kingdoms of Nature, so that also this people and the whole world may be repaired and healed.
Dear children, you must pray for this Creation, for this planet. My Son still hopes and wishes to find this humanity standing, despite its suffering and its chaos. Therefore, start with yourselves, My dear children, by living a life of goodness, remembering the Commandments that My Son dictated to you, making of each of your families a sacred oratory for God.
In this way you will prevent, My beloved children, My enemy from disrupting and disturbing you; because at each moment that you pray from your hearts, as you did today, you and your families will be protected and protected in the end of these times.
There will still be situations in this humanity that, for many, will be unbelievable; but I invite you to keep ignited the fire of prayer and to multiply the spirit of the nation beyond this people, the spirit of love that this country lives, the soul of this country. In this way, you will keep the doors opened so that the outraged South America may receive the Mercy of My Son, hearts may reconcile with the Eternal Father and they may no longer think that God is a Judge. The Father is a Unique Consciousness of Mercy and Love.
Therefore, remember His Sacred Names, the Names that the people of Israel used to invoke, and thus receive His Sacred Kingdom, which is inside your hearts and lives. You just need to look inside of you to find Him; because the life of humanity, in these times, has become a material and superficial life, leading many souls to live in indifference and not in love.
I ask you, My children, that you search within yourselves for this reconciliation through My Presence, tonight, for the whole of Brazil and the world.
I come to tell you, My children, that God has the door to His Mercy opened so that you may cross it and can get to know His Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy.
For this reason, do not feel guilt, rejoice your hearts. The Lord has sent Me as His Slave and His Servant to support the whole of Brazil, in this quite crucial decision that people need to make in the coming times.
For this reason, allow the Angels of God to be present in this nation, so that all hearts, beyond creeds, may renew themselves. Because God has His Arms open for all His Creatures, just as today, your Lady and Mother of Brazil, has Her Arms open and Her Hands stretched out towards you, to pour out the Graces that you need, after these last two years of darkness and uncertainty.
As Mother of all, I trust in those who pray wholeheartedly and truthfully, who do not tire of praying, not only for themselves, but also for the world.
Prayer is that which will close the uncertain doors that are open, will calm the minds of people, will appease restless hearts and bring joy of living and of being in God, which in this world tends to be replaced by the gods that many nations practice.
Do not forget your origins, do not forget the wealth of your inner universe, of your truth. God is within you and waits for you, so that you may find Him again, so that you may adore and recognize Him.
For this reason, I Am here, to tell Brazil and the world not to let yourselves be influenced or deceived. God gave you this planet so that you might be a Sacred Family, so that all may achieve happiness through being here and recognizing one another as brothers and sisters, as members of one universal family.
Therefore, dear children, re-kindle in yourselves the flame of fraternity, so that indifference may be placated.
Re-kindle in yourselves the flame of service, so that poverty may be placated.
Re-kindle in yourselves your faith in the Mercy of God, so that the fears that are created and radiated to the whole world may disappear from the lives of people, because they are fears that do not exist.
God created you so that you might be His image and likeness, and this will never change.
Pray to protect this dear nation from that which they want to institute and establish. Free this people from false promises. Believe in the Kingdom of God that is within you and, as Your Mother, I assure you that you won’t lack peace.
May Brazil live one day the true Spiritual Government of My Son, so that all the the people may be blessed by the Divine Law, the true Law of God that orders consciousnesses and the inner worlds, that brings the Graces that hearts need to feel healed and loved by God.
Today, He sends Me with this Message for all of you. But My Son also sends me to tell you that He will always be Christ, the Redeemer of this nation, the One who will always bring you the Light of the universe and of life. Therefore, He asks you to rise and have faith. This captivity that the world lives will end, but the planet and humanity must still purify.
Pray with fervor, form groups of prayer and be armies of the Heavenly Mother. May your lives be sparkles of God on the surface of the Earth, the Light that shines in these times of darkness to illuminate the nations and the planet.
Live the Unity of God so that you may live in Unity with Christ and so that, through Christ, My Beloved Son, you may live in Unity with the Holy Spirit.
In the following weeks, invoke, through prayer, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that your hearts may be the ones that choose, not your minds.
Remember the Angel of Brazil, which so much needs and waits for you. Allow him to extend his wings upon this people, so that it may be protected from the interferences of these times, from the ideologies and temptations that are sent to humanity in a permanent way.
But through the intelligence of the heart, I invite you to elevate your consciousnesses through prayer, so you may be protected from everything and your hearts may live in the Love of God, because His Love is invincible and is Infinite, it is a Love that never dies, that never disappears.
Therefore, through My Heart, My dear children, find the Love of God tonight again, the Love that waits for you, the Love that awaits you.
In My Immaculate Heart, I receive the supplications, prayers and intentions of all those present here and also of those not present, because I deeply know each one of your lives.
I am the Mother of Humanity, the Mother of the Cross, who, at the Feet of Christ in the Calvary, committed to work for the salvation of souls and hearts, to lead them to rediscover the Love of God.
Commune with this Love at this moment and dissolve all guilt and doubt; because the Love of God is present; it nourishes and renews it all, heals everything and grants you peace. May your hearts be strengthened in the Peace of God so you may learn to walk in these difficult times.
Today, I pray not only for you, but also for your families. I pray for this dear and beloved nation of Our Lady. And once again I give thanks for your being here, in simplicity of spirit, in humility of the heart, in ardent devotion.
Because all these attributes appease the injustice that this country could live in the coming times and also allow this nation not to be deceived, but rather that all, with hope and faith, may make of Brazil the New Eden of God.
Do you accept this?
They all answer: “Yes!”.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
She is smiling.
As a testimony of the Love of God, I will consecrate new Children of Mary.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
I invite you to approach the foot of this Altar.
May all those also approach, who would like to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Our Mother will pour out Her Graces at this moment upon Brazil and upon all those present here, to bless you in the Love of Christ.
Today, I extend My Celestial Mantle, through the consecration of each one of My children present here, through the hearts that believe in the sacred flame of faith and hope, through the hearts that wait with joy for the Glorious Return of Christ, the near coming of Christ to this humanity and planet, which today the Mother of God announces with happiness and joy.
This is why I ask you, My beloved and dear children, never cease to elevate the torch of faith and peace, and to elevate your prayers and above all your hearts towards the Heavens, as an offering and in love, so that the Celestial Father may always bless and protect you.
Today, through this special and blessed consecration of new Children of Mary, I extend My Celestial Mantle to you and show the Eternal Father how, through the consecration of souls and devout hearts, it is possible to again elevate the Project of this humanity through the pillars of Faith, Love, Mercy, Healing and Peace.
Therefore, listening at this moment to the Hymn of your Consecration, which I invite you to sing, also for all the Children of Mary who already exist, let us elevate to the Father our supplications and offerings so that He may pour out not only His Mercy and Healing, but also His Peace upon those who search for it with sincerity, so that they may commune with Christ, My Son.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary.
And, at this moment, before the Presence of the Mother of God, let us internally and spiritually prepare so that, at the Foot of the Celestial Queen and Mother of Brazil, we may consecrate ourselves as Her children forever, as the Children of Mary.
I consecrate, bless and renew you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Give thanks, every day, for being able to be next to My Son, Jesus, because many souls in the world are not, nor do they live His Word.
Give thanks that Christ has called you to serve him in the diversity of surrender and sacrifice that each praying heart can offer.
Give thanks for being able to listen to the message of My Son, and that your consciousnesses are free from the illusion and mirage of these times.
Give thanks for being able to contemplate and adore My Son in the Eucharist.
Give thanks because every day you can receive the Communion of the Sacrament of Faith.
Give thanks because you are loved and appreciated by the Heart of the Redeemer. Thus, your lives, My children, will be an example and a testimony of holiness and redemption.
I invite you to embrace your own cross and carry it so that you may follow in the footsteps of the Lord.
Dear children, this is the time to truly offer yourselves. It is time to give yourself to the world in service and apostleship so that Divine Love may reign in this critical moment of humanity.
In your gratitude lies the key that will open all doors.
In your effort lies the freedom for your souls.
In your self-giving lies the holiness of your lives.
Jesus expects you not to be afraid of effort or self-giving because I will always be there, as a Mother, to help you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more