Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 70th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The world does not know the mysteries of God because it does not love them.

If it deeply loved the unknown, the mysteries would be completely revealed and that word "mystery" would no longer have any meaning in humanity. Because if the men and women of Earth deeply loved what is unknown and what is not within reach of everyone, all would be aware and would awaken to what is Greater. They would become aware of what the Kingdom of God means, and what it represents for the life of the beings of the Earth.

I Am the Lord of the Seven Chalices, of the seven important teraphims of the Spiritual Universe, held in the Legacy of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

These seven Chalices, contemplated by your Master and Lord, are the next steps that humanity must take through its sacrifice and its surrender to the Creator.

They will be seven steps of evolution for the consciousness, seven steps of awakening, seven commitments still to be experienced and practiced.

So today I bring you the Seven Sacred Chalices of the Lord that were lovingly taken out of the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that your inner worlds might contemplate them and adore them.

In those seven symbols is held the precious Blood of the Lamb of God. The seven principal states that your Master lived on Earth during the Passion, which no religion knows yet, but which today I reveal to you by means of the wisdom of My love that comes from My Eternal Heart.

Become aware of this Legacy, and just as you have placed yourselves so many times before the Temple of the Adoration of God, place yourselves today before this Legacy of Christ that was preciously held by your Heavenly Mother and the apostles, and deeply adored by the holy women of Jerusalem.

Here is what humanity needs in this time of emergency. The Blood of the Lamb of God donates itself again to the world so that its precious Codes of Light may enter essences, and souls may achieve their state of Christification and of redemption through experiencing the steps in love and in forgiveness.

And thus, My companions, today I place you before a unique possibility that is within the reach of any being from Earth, regardless of their school or of their errors.

Through the Seven Chalices, here is the possibility of the awakening of the new Christs who will be able to receive the Codes of the Celestial Universe to completely transform their lives, according to what God needs. Just as He conceived from the beginning, from before your existences, your origins.

In these Sacred Chalices is held the experience of love of the Redeemer at each step of His agony, at each step of His calvary up to the definitive moment of His expiration on the Cross.

When the Earth trembled, the hells were defeated, the dead rose and proclaimed the Name of God, the victory of the Messiah, the redemption of the oppressed, the salvation of the lost, the healing of the sick in spiritual life.

This is the time for humanity to become aware of what it still has not become aware of, because of placing its attention of the superficiality of life, becoming distant from the divine, from what really vivifies the spirit and the soul of each being.

God needs the world to receive this Legacy; it does not matter if it is the majority or the minority; what really matters to your Celestial Father is that this Legacy may truly be within you at each moment of your life, in each act of love, of service and of forgiveness. That you value these Christic Codes in your lives, especially in your spiritual life and life of prayer. In this way, you will be expanding My love into the world that so needs it and so cries out for it.

Thus, I will be able to reach those who most suffer and those who have nothing, those who are ignored by the great powers of the world, by the great leaders of the nations that only make empty promises, empty of love and of truth.

But through the Seven Chalices, companions, I bring you that which will make you remember your origins before you came to Earth, before you were born, before you learned and experimented on the surface of this planet.

This Legacy was known to the patriarchs through the revelations that God Himself gave them. This Legacy was known to the apostles at the most important moment of the Last Supper, when one of those Seven Chalices was elevated, in grace and in glory, by the Hands of your Master and Redeemer, to accept the sacrifice of the redemption of humanity and of the conversion of the planet through Christic Love.

It is time for the real Church to awaken within you, for you to forgive all the priests who have offended the Name of their Lord and all the faithful of the Earth who put their own faith at stake.

I bring you the donation of My Life and of My Spirit, the donation of these Seven Chalices as true knowledge for your consciousnesses, so that your spirits may be ennobled in Christ under the flame and the principle of His Wisdom.

This will place you above all things and you will be able to forgive and to love, not only yourselves, but also your peers, because My Celestial Church still pulses in the Greater Universe. This is the main Legacy that I gave the apostles and that I revealed to Peter at that time.

Your lives can be the very Church of God on Earth, your bodies can be the sacred Temples of God so that He may dwell there. It is time to take on this step for humanity.

With all of this, I do not tell you, companions, that you will overcome all things and difficulties.

Through the Christic Codes of My Love, you will learn to overcome yourselves every day and take small steps. As much as they are few, let these steps be real, just and merciful for your transformation.

Because the Legacy that is in the Heavens, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, needs mirror souls on the surface of the Earth that can rebuild the Spiritual Church that Christ sowed on Earth through the physical church, present all over the world, that needs to be restored, safeguarded and protected.

The faith of the believers will rebuild the Church on Earth and the greater dome of the Universe will descend to fill consciousnesses with Divine Attributes, with all graces and all mercies.

Within the Sacred Chalices of the Redeemer are the next seven stages of your lives, which you still are to live and go through for My Cause.

You will still not understand the meaning of all this. The Spiritual Universe is revealed, little by little, so that souls may learn to recognize it within themselves and accept the Will of the Father, just as the Son accepted it in the institution of the Eucharist through the Holy Grail.

Drink, then, of this greater commitment and participate in the Wills of the Eternal Father, just as the angels of Heaven participate and, in obedience, fulfill His commands and His designs so that the strength of love and of faith can triumph in all of the Universe and on this planet.

May the advent of your next steps be fulfilled. Each one, if they accept it, will receive in their lives the next seven steps that they are to take. The Universe will be shown, the learnings will arrive and the opportunity to cross the threshold of consciousness will be conscious for each one of you.

But be attentive, do not make any of your peers responsible for your not being able to take your steps. This step, which you are to take, is between you and God, between your souls and His Divine Will.

Perhaps you may ask yourselves what steps you should take. Be patient, continue to pray and be vigilant because the steps you are to take will be presented in one way or another. But you will be aware because your souls will cause you to feel when the moment has arrived to cross the Portal and to expand your consciousness in Universal Love and in Sacred Unity.

As an example and testimony for your steps, today I have chosen some souls among those present who have nominated themselves to take steps in their inner life and in service to My sacred and unfathomable Heart, who have offered themselves to adorn My altars, to revere My Presence, to be witnesses of My love as were the holy women of Jerusalem.

Here is the Living Love that was with the apostles, with the holy women and with all the followers of Christ, and that today returns to the Earth to be shared with you through the Wisdom and the love of the Seven Chalices of the Lord.

Do not fear, because I will not abandon you. But each soul has its timing and its moment to take its step in profound and inextinguishable solitude, just as your Master did in the Garden of Gethsemane.

In your hearts, gather up the precious light of the Seven Chalices, and in honor of the sacrifice of the Redeemer, open the doors of the Celestial Church for the whole world, and especially for all of Europe.

I will ask you to sing "Sacred Chalice of the Lord" so that the angels may transubstantiate this moment and these elements that will be offered to God as a symbol of reparation and of forgiveness by all the souls present, for all the souls of the world.

I am listening.

We place our hands in the sign of reception.

Song: "Sacred Chalice of the Lord."


And now, companions, in light of the power of the Seven Chalices of the Lord, radiated to Europe and the world, and to all the essences of the Earth that will have the opportunity and the grace of redemption, we will proceed in ceremony with the Eternal Father to testify to those steps through the path of the Light and the Love that My Merciful Heart offers you all the time, so that love may be established and faith may prevail in these times, for the triumph of the Plan of God in humanity. Amen.

We stand up.

Do not cry, gladden your hearts, because this is the time of the Mercy of God, the time of His Grace, the time of the light and of the healing of hearts.

Today you cry like the women of Jerusalem and bring to your souls the memory of that participation and of that experience through the union with Me, through the love that I offer you in this consecration.

I invite those who are able, in the name of these daughters that I have called, to kneel down for their consecration.

As in that time, today I will again give the spiritual communion to these women who were always with Me up to the most culminating moment on the Cross, in which My Soul was agonizing for the world, and in spite of the pain, My Soul felt a great love for those who were faithful to Me and stayed in prayer for the surrender of their Master and Lord on the Cross.

All this Legacy returns to the world, on this day, directly from the Heart of your Master and Lord, and is radiated by His hands of Light to the souls that are being consecrated and to the souls that someday will be consecrated, holding onto the aspiration of seeing God within themselves.

We renew this Sacrifice of the Lamb of God. We vivify His Legacy and through this offering of the altar, together with all the angels of the Universe, bring toward the Earth the promises of the Redeemer that will be fulfilled in humanity. So be it.

In adoration, we bow down before the Almighty God and we thank Him for His Presence through His Most High Son, and just as in that time, I wash the hands of My apostles to purify them and consecrate them to Me, just as I wish to consecrate the souls of the world to My Sacred and unfathomable Heart.

At that time, I took the bread into My Hands, and giving thanks to God for this sacrifice, I said to My apostles and to many of you: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the remission of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

In the same way, I took the Chalice into My Hands in order to renew all times up to My second return to Earth. Lifting It up to God, giving thanks for the sacrifice of His Son, I said to My apostles: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Master and Lord, and by the martyrs throughout the times for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

This is the Lamb of God that takes away the faults of the world.

Blessed are they who are called upon to avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

The Divine Body and Blood of Christ.

I leave you My Peace so that you may experience it and so that you make all of your brothers and sisters participants of My Peace, so that it may be established on Earth like an essential attribute for this humanity, for the healing of souls and the redemption of hearts.

I give you thanks for having accompanied Me during this so important moment for your Master and Lord, for humanity and for the planet, for the Plan of God in this material Universe.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Just like in the beginning times of Christianity when Christ was alive in the hearts, so that that time may again be remembered, you will give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón reads the special Message of Christ Jesus of October 5, 2014, and says:

With these words, we will wait for the coming of Christ. Let us focus our hearts on these remaining beads, allowing the Celestial Universe to concretize Its mission here, in Paraguay.

I am telling you about the events of My Passion as nobody has ever spoken about them before.

In My merciful Heart, are kept not only the signs for your salvation, but also the true mysteries that God made known to me during My agony.

I show you and tell you about My Passion so that you may find the path to your strength. Many forget about this important universal event that was lived by Me here on Earth, and more importantly, many more forget about wanting to know this very true and deep Passion that allowed the redemption of humanity.

In the Universe of God, the Passion is alive and resplendent, for there, the pain and the suffering are not held, but rather the true sacrifice of Love that I gave, for all of you, in those times.

Today I come to remind you of these things in light of the severe issues that are taking place in this world. I want you, My companions, to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Passion through My Heart. The Rosary of the Seven Agonies, which I gave you, holds true keys for your redemption, significant symbols, luminous signs, for those that truly want to discover My Passion.

I do not come in this era so that you may be martyred. I come to give you the Truth, the true knowledge of that which many forget. For this reason, My companions, enter the universe of My Heart and dwell in My Heart. I will be able to resolve the rest when you liberate yourselves from the control of things.

The true spiritual healing, which I promise you through My Mercy, can happen in you through an inner detachment from all that is bad for you in this life, in which you went through many learnings and tests.

Thus, open your hearts again. Allow My Blood to be able to flow through you, wash, cleanse, and purify all the stains that you hold before the Eyes of God.

I give you the possibility of coming to know My Mercy and the chance for loving, through My Presence at three in the afternoon. To that soul who invokes Me in any part of the world, I will go to aid it, most especially I will bless it, because I will be performing a true miracle of Love in its life. One who believes in Me will achieve eternal life and it will not be necessary to wait for the next world to be within My Celestial Universe.

I reveal to you, through merciful prayer, the potential to attain redemption and peace, for your hearts must be increasingly open to be able to love the infinite mystery that My Life represents for you, in these times.

At this very moment, I come here to bless , heal and forgive you. I come from a distant place of the universe where God vibrates intensely through His Love and His Unity, and many celestial consciousnesses participate in that vibration of Love and of Peace.

Thus, dear companions, today I ask you to elevate your bodies and cells, and permit the rays of My Passion, which allowed the Resurrection of My Being and the sacred Transfiguration, to penetrate the depths of your cells.

The first step, My friends, is to love the unknown, to have absolute trust in God the Father, because He will always give you the answers to the great problems you experience today.

Many more souls could have participated in this meeting with Me here, but where are they? Did you call them correctly?

The first call to awakening is done through the giving of the heart. It is the heart that calls another heart, not the mind. Thus, help Me to concretize My Plans, as I did in Rwanda when I gave an important message to the world and only fifty percent of humanity heard Me.

Now I come closer to you, I approach your lives and hearts so that you may be My testimonies. Give the example of your redemption to the other brothers and sisters. I come seeking you as I did with the apostles. You will not be able to escape My universal commitment, but you will always be free to follow the path you desire, My love will never disappoint you.

I bring you a possibility, My companions, of finding a change. Open the doors of the spiritual universe so that it may reside in you all the time. I point out a last path to you. I bring you a last key, I give you the last symbol, which is My Heart of Light.

The strength of My Spirit of Love must be stronger than your intentions. In this way, My friends, I will find a space to be in you and I will never waste time as I reveal My Will to you and you may know My profound petition for these end times.

I ask something from each one of you so that you may accomplish it in the name of God. And when this mission comes to an end, I will have you come to know other things in the next life, in a next world, where suffering will no longer exist, and hearts will not suffer, they will no longer need to suffer to learn to grow. I bring you the opportunity that, every day of your lives, you may be willing to drink of My Fount of Love so that your sins may be erased, and in these times, the cells of light may be born in your beings, so that the New Christs awaken that must fulfill the mission of disseminating My Peace and My Redemption in the four corners of the Earth.

But who will be willing to follow Me until the end?

I will always give you a greater test so that you may overcome it and transcend it, but My Hands are stretched out to you; I will never stop helping you, I will always pour My Light upon you and upon those that open to receive Me.

I give you, I gift you My Heart as the only reason for your lives, because through My Heart and around My Heart all My disciples will be able to fulfill the Designs of God and carry out the life works that are foreseen in Heaven for them to be manifested on Earth.

Today I come to meet with you so that you feel motivated to give Me more, without fear, without apprehension, in absolute trust.

Hold My Love in your hearts, keep My Peace.

I thank those that feel motivated to accompany the pilgrimage of Mary through Paraguay, for the Children of Mary are indispensable in these times. They are sparks of the Celestial Universe that expand and radiate the Grace of the Universal Mother in each place they go, in each space where they walk, in each heart they face for consoling it, alleviating it, healing it through prayer of the heart.

Under the ministry of Peace that God has granted Me and the protection of the Holy Spirit, at this moment, I will bless the Sacred Body of Christ and the Precious Blood of Jesus, and all the sacred objects that in any place in the world are elevated to My Heart at this moment. Because what is most important for your lives is that through the symbols, you always find a path for the way out and for salvation.

In this moment, offer Me that which you want Me to consecrate, from where you are. My energy expands in Omnipresence, Love, and Mercy. Let us elevate this offering to God for those who forget to live in God and do not find consolation in this time.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón elevates the offerings to be blessed and says:

For the sick,
for humanity,
for the innocent souls that die,
for all those who are seekers of peace,
for those who pray,
for the religious,
for those who seek subtle aromas,
for those who have not been redeemed,
for the mothers of all the Earth.

At the request of Our Lord, we will pray the prayer of the Angel of Peace together with Jesus.

My last Will, beloved companions, is that together with My Angelic Guardians, we pray, sing for all the Guardian Angels that cannot fulfill their mission, that cannot reach souls because the souls do not hear the inner call. In profound Adoration of God, let us help the Guardian Angels so that they may accomplish their purpose in this end time. 

Let us repeat:   

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts.

Now let Adonai touch your hearts.

I bless Paraguay for this moment and all the souls that made it possible for My request to be fulfilled. God will bless you.

Song: Kodoish.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

With this joy Christ leaves us with for being able to meet Him, we are closing this Marathon which was so important here, in Asunción, in Paraguay. We believe that many souls were helped by the Mercy of Jesus.

We thank you all for this moment, all those who were connected with Our Lord.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
