While you travel through sacred places, hold all of humanity, all life, within your hearts.
Feel that all that you have received, as an inner impulse, reaches each being of the Earth, and beyond.
Feel the spiritual unity that is established in the hearts of those who know that everything they receive is not for themselves, but rather for the Plan of God to be fulfilled in all His children throughout this world.
Besides uniting the dimensions and reaching the Heart of the Celestial Father, human beings have the possibility of inwardly sharing all the evolutionary lessons they experience, as well as all the codes of light they receive for taking their steps toward the Love of God.
It was in this way that the Love achieved by your Lord on the Cross overflowed from His Heart and everything He achieved reached each being of this planet and well beyond it.
This is one of the gifts that He taught you with His surrender: the gift of giving not only to oneself, but through all the Graces received and achieved, the gift of feeling united with all creatures and knowing that everything you experience is for each and every being of this planet.
Look at your fellow being, even if they may be someone you do not know, and yet know that they are also a part of God and they are here to convey something, learn something, redeem something and achieve the same love that, through Grace and Mercy, you receive, every day.
The more you allow the gifts received to influence you, and the more you consciously experience the Graces as a service for humanity, the more these gifts, children, will flow toward the world.
Remember that human beings are a great mystery. A mystery that is unveiled through experiencing and living, risking to love and to serve ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My beloved companions of the path:
Today I come to this sacred place, Kingdom of the Firstborn Son and of the Universal Mother, to bring to everyone that simplicity and humility I learned during the time I was here on this Earth, as Saint Joseph, humility and simplicity that have accompanied me ever since.
It is this humility and this simplicity that allowed Me to live sanctity, but above all things they allowed Me to let Myself be guided by God, by My Son Jesus and by My beloved wife Mary.
She, with Her loving silence, guided My inner steps; a silence that I loved and venerated at that time as service to God.
Today I come to tell you that to overcome this purification that you, My beloved disciples, are beginning to live, only the path of humility, simplicity and love of silence will lead you to overcome all the trials you will face, to leave behind the old man and the old woman, those who must no longer exist so that the wineskin which My Son must fill with His new Codes of Light can be prepared and be empty for Him.
I speak to you all equally, but today I want to make a special call to those who are confused. To these children, I ask that this inner silence may be the one that allows them to hear the voice of the heart, and that humility may allow them to accept the guidance of the Instruction left by Us, the Divine Messengers of God.
Also today I speak especially to those who have always been so certain of themselves, because they are strong and feel clarity within. I want you to know that everyone will experience the collapse of those structures that do not allow them to take steps toward the full fraternity and humility that this humanity must live.
The day will come when the energy of this end of cycle, by Law, will touch those structures, and they will begin to tremble. It will be at that moment that the arrogance and pride that you have cultivated along with what you built of yourselves, will begin to fall to make way for the truth of your essences, that which the Father Most High designed for your destinies.
Open your hearts and, thus willing, study My instructions, those that I have given you since I began visiting you. In them are kept many keys that should be those that help you in these so sublime times, so expected by your souls.
Be strong and persevering, and do not let yourselves be intimidated by the adversary of this Plan of God, who will always want to use your skills in his favor without you noticing.
Always place yourselves below others, live to serve your brothers and sisters, without protagonism, and thus the virtue that is kept within your essences, that which the Creator placed in your beings, will be poured inside and outside you to lead this path of effort that you must tread toward sanctity.
I will be there to guide you, to shelter you and to take care of you. You must only accept Me as your Companion of the way.
Today I bless this house, cradle of the New Humanity, and all of you, children of the Most High. May God always be in your lives.
My Chaste Heart guards you.
Saint Joseph, humble Worker of God
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more