Monthly Message of the Virgin and Mother of Divine Mercy, the Most Holy Mary, transmitted in the city of Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

As Mother of Divine Mercy, I come to the world, with the Light of My Son, to heal and redeem all those who are so in need of forgiveness, redemption and peace, and who are on Earth, lost from God and forsaken of heart.

I am the Holy Mother of all peoples, of all races.

I am the same One who is hidden in the mountains, Caacupé, as the One who was found in the waters, Aparecida.

I am the One who delivers freedom to the 33, I am the One who comes to those who need to take a new step, and I give the world the fruits of a Figueira of love.

I am the One who brings to souls the Spirit of God and conceives the Divine Trinity in hearts.

I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of the Divine Verb.

I am the Mother of the world, the universe and of all of you.

Those who decide to be under My Mantle recognize My Countenance in all the manifestations of the world and know I am the same one in Heaven as on Earth, and that I come to teach you that nothing should be separate, not in this world, nor in others.

My beloveds, I travel through the nations to unite the peoples, even if it be through their representatives. I come to build that network of light, which must light up the planet through prayer, when the sun no longer shines in the sky of this world.

I want to see in My children the light that illumines the paths of those who walk in darkness. I want to form you, so that the Holy Spirit may find a dwelling place in your consciousnesses, and others who did not have the Grace of being in My Presence may find Me in their hearts.

My dear children, blessed are they who take the risk of responding to the call of God. Now I ask you to allow that call to become a fertile seed in your essences, and little by little, be a life that testifies to conversion and faith for those who have forgotten God.

In the simplicity of your hearts, may the door be found through which My Son will return to the world. May your hearts be humble, so that they may became the cradle of the poor but blessed inner Bethlehem, which will receive the New Child, so that for the second and last time, He may remove the evil that torments the heart of humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Beloved of My Heart, begin today through your little lives to prepare the path of the Lord. Once and for all, remove from your lives all that which does not belong in this humble manger of Bethlehem.

Once again, the Birth of Christ is announced to the world, and now, He will be born in many hearts, and others He will cause to be reborn in life, for redemption and the institution of Peace.

I am the bearer of Mercy, Who asks of you: be merciful, so that the Kingdom of God may descend to the world.

I bless you and thank you, because Divine Grace descended upon this place and your lives were filled by the divine presence.

I love you.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Divine Mercy

Monthly Message of Mary, Mother and Queen of Universal Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

There will be a time when peace will reign in this world, a time in which the Doors of Heaven will remain open, and anyone who lives on the Earth will be able to receive Its Light and commune of the divine presence.

There will be a time when, at the center of each being, the sun of a new race will shine, symbolizing a new cycle of the universe rather than just of this world.

There will be a time when creatures will recognize their Creator and will feel reverence for finding the Divine in everything created by His Universal Consciousness.

There will be a time when days of profound illumination will be born in this world, days of communion and of fellowship, days of peace.

I say this, My children, so that you may remember My Words when you feel that you are far from God. Let them be the source of new hope and may they resound within everyone that had the flame of their heart dimmed. Because I tell you that there will be a time in which this world will be One with the Kingdom of God; but before that time, other occurrences will come, to generate merits for the future. Before peace will reign, hearts will be tested and strengthened by the might of the Love of God. In the face of any situation in life, never let your hearts lose the hope of seeing the Divine Purpose manifested.

My beloveds, I come to the world to have you know the greatness of the Plan of which you are a part, a Plan that is perfect and that comes from Who is One and Who reigns among the universes.

I want you to understand that My Presence among you has a greater intention. I am here to make you strong, persevering and untiring so that you do not stop your steps with the winds that will blow throughout this world.

I want you to ask yourselves, again and again, why the Presence of the Divine Messengers are among your souls so that, in this way, the Light of the Spirit of God may be able to bring a greater truth for you to know what the reason for the focus of God's attention upon this part of His Creation.

Dear children, your souls are treasures, more precious than you can imagine. This world has an objective much greater than the life that is alive today. And the time is urgent for those that live on the Earth to awaken from the dream because the Lord waits for the response of His creatures. For the second time, He will send His Son, reconfirming His Mercy and giving the world a sign of the greatness of the life that dwells in it.

My beloveds, it is necessary that you no longer be children in the life of the spirit. You have already received much so that you can see life from another point of view. Infinite impulses came to your hearts; it is time to let yourselves be guided and, without fear, steer the ship toward a new horizon.

When there is darkness within your hearts, remember My Words: there will be a time of Eternal Peace in this world.

I love you and bless you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.

The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.

 All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.

To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.

These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.

Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.

My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.

I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.

Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary


Blessed shall they be called in the Kingdom of the Heavens  who on Earth cause the seeds of life they received to blossom.

Blessed are those proclaimed in the Kingdom of the Heavens who in life suffered the difficulties of the world and with joy, knew how to surpass the obstacles so as to cross the threshold to a new race.

Blessed shall they be known in the Kingdom of the Heavens who strove until the end of days to overcome material codes and institute divine codes in their being.

Blessed shall be those who today are self-summoned to serve in an army of peace, and untiringly, trust in the Woman Clothed in Sun, Who holds them in Her arms and in Her Mantle of Light.

Blessed shall be in My Kingdom those who are already blessed on Earth, for they have known the Word of Life, loved It, expanded It and pronounced It, so that It echoed in all the hearts of the world.

Blessed shall be those who are before My eyes, who recognize My Presence and the Divine Presence of My Son, without fearing the judgments of this Earth.

Blessed before God the Father will become those who today mature in silence the fruits of salvation and with valor, grow in faith and in love for the Plan of God.

My children, those who are imperfect today, if persistent in the Divine Purpose, will be My blessed of tomorrow. For they will accomplish the Plan of God without perceiving it, and even though it may many times be in the secrecy of their own inner world, they will cause a new race to blossom in the image and likeness of God, of His Divine Love and Unity.

All efforts made today will culminate in the glorious victory of tomorrow. For this reason, do not look to the past nor dwell on what you are today, but rather place all your faith and trust in the promises of the One Who is perfect and Who promised that, in those who give of themselves from the heart, He will carry out miracles of transformation and of eternal conversion.

Allow yourselves to see through My eyes and feel through My Heart; in this way, you will find the perfection that sleeps within each being, and with Me you will be able to see the birth of new suns, which will shine beyond this Earth.

My little ones, I come to the world to cause you to awaken and to give you all the opportunity to change and redeem the past, transforming it into a present of Glory in service to the Most High. For this reason, simply open your hearts and your consciousnesses and, in this way, the Messengers that descend from Heaven at the request of the Great Lord, will work in all the spaces of matter and of life on Earth.

You may not trust in what you know about yourselves and may find it hard to believe in the transformation of matter that is so corrupted; but your trust should not reside in yourselves, but rather in God and Those that come before you and Who descend from the Throne of the Creator with a Purpose sent by Him for His creatures.

God knows each one of you perfectly and knows the hidden potential that you must develop. Thus, simply say 'yes' daily, and like good children, allow yourselves to be led by your beloved Celestial Mother.

May the Child King, born into your essences, now grow without stopping, and mature the divine life that is born on Earth.

I love you and I lead you, causing the Power of the Spirit of God to grow in your hearts.

I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Weekly Message of the Most Holy Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Today I wanted to be among your small hearts so that, under My Mantle, you could settle the impulses you have received in these last days.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I radiate, through your hearts My Peace to the whole world. I travel, with My Love, the path left by your sincere prayers; a path that leads to all beings, of all Kingdoms, who need My Presence.

Today, I want to leave you with an encouragement and a warning:

My encouragement is that, throughout the whole day, I listened to the voice of your hearts, and your souls were exultant with joy, touching the doors of My Kingdom. Know, therefore, that your little souls recognize the moment in which they live and glorify the Lord for all the opportunities you have received throughout these last two months.

And, as a warning, I say to you that the time has come for manifesting in your life the impulses of your souls , and this is achieved through prayer, fasting and a profound and real communion with My Son Jesus.

I tell you, also, that you must be firm in the purpose which your souls inspire you to live, for many are receiving the Grace of true awakening, and you must not waste it.

Be sincere in heart and in spirit, and follow the impulse of your most pure intentions, even though it may seem to you a real folly.

The life of prayer and of surrender, My children, is no longer considered normal in this world. The lack of love and of peace of those who submerge into modernities has become the common living of hearts and consciousnesses.

Many of those who today should be My Marian soldiers have forgotten the commitment they sealed with Me. Others, even though remembering this commitment, are afraid of abandoning themselves to follow Me. And a few, with courage, have disposed themselves to fulfill My Holy Will and follow My steps.

It is time to recognize where your consciousnesses are in this time; and recognizing that you are not where you should be, take your places among My soldiers and complement, with your precious souls, this army of Peace.

I do not come to make demands; I come to bring relief to your spirits, who are thirsting for true life, for fulfilling this mission that you came to carry out upon the world.

So, today, I only ask that you find in My Heart, the Heart of My Son, and in the great Heart of the Universe, the strength you need to take the steps that you aspire to take in these times.

Count on My maternal Presence. As Mother of your hearts, I am always beside each one of you.

I thank you for persisting on My path of Peace.

Mary, Queen of Peace 


My children,

In My Heart, seek to rest in your lives, so that in it, you may be renewed in the face of all the tests. I am the Source of vitality, of life for the spirit and of Love for souls. Through Me, you will untiringly walk toward My Son.

I am She who gives you to drink when you cross the desert, so that you may cross the threshold of maturing and reach the Consciousness of God.

The mysteries of My Presence are held in the universe of prayer. One who prays and is silent finds in Me the keys to know the Infinity of God.

For this reason, today I tell you to try and discover the science of prayer, a science that encompasses more than simple words attentively pronounced.

Today I want you to take another step on this path of consecration to a life of prayer, and this is achieved when you allow yourselves to pray with all of your consciousness, with your heart, with your feeling, with the mind, soul and spirit. In this way, the concentration opens doors so that the words may come alive, and each verb pronounced becomes like a doorway that will take you to an unknown universe.

If you do as I tell you to today, going deeper in your prayers, you will discover that the simple act of prayer holds within it, great mysteries of salvation and of evolution for all of humanity.

As Mother of the World and Universal Mother, little by little I lead you to those universes that are held in the silence of each prayer given to you.

Many times you have probably asked yourselves why the Messengers of God give you so many spiritual practices and so many different prayers, and today, I am telling you that the spiritual reason for this fact is that each prayer, when pronounced fully, will open different doors in the consciousness, to lead you to different Universes of God. Also, each practice and each prayer connects your hearts with different divine codes that the Creator aspires to imprint in His creatures.

In this way, never miss the opportunity of praying with the heart and with the spirit. You must be more than concentrated on each word; plunge into each one of them and allow yourselves to be uplifted by the angels sent by God. In a short time, you will discover what I am telling you today if you put My instructions into practice with sincerity and purity.

Do not seek to reach any state of stupor while you pray, because what I am telling you today is a profound spiritual instruction.

If you pray with love and give your permission to go deeper into this universe that is to pray, God Himself, through His angels and Messengers, will open the door to you and will lead you to where each heart belongs.

Little by little, you will discover that praying is more than praying, and that you know very little about this divine practice.

Simply pray, always pray.

I thank you for responding to My call and for having come to My meeting.

Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the Vigil of Prayer received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My dear ones,

I thank you for the perseverance of your hearts.

I thank you for the effort to understand and live My Message, for I know the difficulties of human hearts in living celestial impulses.

I thank you because I know about the barriers that must be overcome, barriers created long ago and strengthened over the centuries that, with hard stones, separate hearts from My Spring of Grace.

I know it is not so simple to break those barriers that exist in the consciousness, and I see how your spirits strive to help you on this long trajectory.

I thank you today because from the Heavens I saw the movement of your hearts, I heard your prayers, your petitions, your requests for help for this path of transformation.

In these last days, many offerings reached the Feet of the Lord, offerings of souls, of spirits, and offerings of the consciousness, so that through the intervention of the Creator, your hearts may be able to take new steps.

My dear ones, after this first movement that your consciousnesses, souls and spirits carried out toward the Creator, it is time to persevere more than ever, because the Lord heard your petitions and, at this moment, is sending you the tests that will strengthen you in your persistence, and that will test the true aspiration of your hearts so that your consciousnesses may no longer live from passing impulses.

With faith, secure all the impulses sent by My Son Jesus and by God Himself. Nurture your spirits with the codes placed in your hearts through the merciful Presence of Christ, and allow those codes to multiply through prayer, communion and true fasting, for in this way, those codes will transform the cells, the matter, the heart and the consciousness.

In the face of the tests that come, reaffirm yourselves! In the face of all the tests, bring to light within the heart the spring of Mercy offered to you by My Son, and persevere in the purpose of your hearts.

With faith, move toward the goals that your consciousnesses made themselves available to accomplish, and when returning to your homes, do not live as if all you witnessed in these last days were just a dream.

Go and fulfill the evolutionary proposals that your souls are pushing you to accomplish.

Go and persevere in the aspirations of living the Messages sent by God.

Go and do not allow all that was placed in your consciousnesses to die, because your souls cry out at the Feet of God for Him to preserve those impulses in your hearts. Your souls glorify the Creator for the opportunity given to them to awaken definitively to the true life of the spirit. Do not miss these celestial opportunities.

My children, today I just ask that you continue to persevere in the same way that you responded to this impulse of the soul that brought you here, may you continue to respond to the Will of God which resounds in your hearts and inspires your consciousnesses.

I thank you for being here today with Me and for continuing by My side.

Under the impulse of the infinite Graces the Lord pours out over the world, I bless you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Once again, I invite you to live simplicity and humility within your hearts. I have called you to this place to show you that My Presence is among the crowds, but it is also in the homes, among the simplest and most open-hearted families. I have brought you here to place within your beings the spirit of humility and simplicity so that you may learn from this example that you have before your hearts.

My beloveds, the world needs more humble hearts willing to respond to the call that comes from Heaven; it needs simple hearts that are able to live obedience without it being a martyrdom in their lives.

My dear ones, on this day, I want to leave in your hearts this call to humility through faith, reverence and fidelity. I want to invite you to live simplicity through obedience, an obedience that flows from the heart by the simple act of obeying the Will of God in all things and listening to His Call with the heart.

Today you may not understand what I ask of you, but if you follow My Words you will, without much difficulty, find this path through which I am guiding you.

My dear ones, a time will come when your hearts must be fully faithful to the voice of the heart, which is an echo of the Voice of God within His creatures.

To reach Eternity, without entering other paths that do not lead you towards My Kingdom, you must be silent and listen attentively to the Voice of the Lord who guides you. This echo does not bring doubts, it brings confidence and, through this confidence, you must respond to the Call of God without the need for it to be repeated.

Today, My children, My Voice brings the echo of God, repeating His Will to you countless times, but the day will come when this call will no longer be repeated, and those who can listen to it must obey faithfully and without delay.

My dear ones, I hope from My Immaculate Heart that you may understand what I ask of you today; may humility and simplicity in the little things lead you to trace the great events of your lives.

I come as a Mother and helper to guide your hearts and your spirits. Listen to My Words with love, study what I have told you over the years, and at least try to practice what I tell you. My intercession will reach those who say yes to Me and take the first steps to respond to My call.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Blessed will be those who have understood My Presence, those who trust in My Words and those who follow My Heart.

To those who aspire to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, I say: this is the hour of conversion, of the surrender of all faults to God and to humbly receive the forgiveness He sends.

My children, more than once I have said to you: awake, awake in time to receive the Mercy, which flows from an infinite spring of the Kingdom of God.  Awake in time to see that the Hands of the Lord are extend toward your hands; that the Heart of the Lord is open to receive your hearts; that the Forgiveness of the Lord is ready to definitely erase all the debts that you have with God.

Beloved children, there is still time to make a correct decision in your lives. There is time to be true servers, ready to manifest the Will of God. There is still time to balance the part that is yours to do in this world, through prayer, fasting and a sincere confession to Christ.

When I tell you there is time, it is because there is time to act, to decide to respond now to the call of the Heavens. When I tell you that you are in time, I want to show you the opportunity for reconversion that the Lord places before your lives, so that even those who believe they are awake can truly awaken to the last call of God.

My children, the Lord has already sent all the Graces, has offered you His Son, His Kingdom, His faithful Servant, His hosts of angels. What more are you waiting for to accept the call of God? What more can We do so that the will to awaken be greater than the slumber that you feel?

The world is asleep, dear children, to the existence of a greater life. There are many who chose to not awaken and closed their eyes to the existence of God. There are many who believe they serve the Lord and do not perceive that a long time ago they closed their doors to Him. And there are many who give very little of themselves, when the world needs that each one give everything of oneself.

It is time to give oneself, little children, to give oneself to the Creator of all things. This which Is the very giving of Self, Who gave you life and offers you Eternity.

So immense is the Mercy of God that, to those who are most lacking in Him and forget His existence, He never tires of calling and in every way tries to bring back His children who get lost on the way.

That is why I am here, My children. I am the Mother of your hearts, sent by the Supreme Lord to awaken your consciousnesses, to make them active and prayerful. I am here because it is now time for the rescue, and My soldiers must be ready, for there is much work awaiting them.

If you knew the world as I know it, there would never be complaints in your lives, and once and for all, you would decide to accompany Me.

Thus, My dear ones, place all your difficulties at My feet and allow Me to Guide your lives through permanent prayer. Come with Me, do not fear to follow Me; I have waited for you for a long time. For centuries, humanity has been preparing; it is time to begin to act.

If you want to know where to begin, where to be or what to do, pray, pray and pray. Truly fast, commune with My Son and listen to His daily Words.

Walk, walk, for you are in time.

I thank you for listening to My urgent call with your heart.

Mary, Mother of the World and Queen of Peace


My children,

The key to conversion is the true sacrifice you can live within your hearts; sacrifice made with love, with the effort driven by the soul and manifested in life.

Dear children, in Heaven, we measure the degree of faithfulness by the degree of sincerity. Each action must be true. Even if your hearts do not feel the joy of sacrifice, if it is carried out with sincerity and love, it is accepted in the Heavens as a source of conversion for souls.

I see a soul that accompanies Me when I see a heart willing to abandon itself before Christ.

In the joy of the brave hearts, My children, I find a refuge of peace. In the steps taken from the heart, I find the impulse to be before God, day by day, to intervene for the world. I only seek to find, within your hearts, a breath to give to the souls that permanently suffer. Each time that you are able to overcome the difficulties of life, a small light is generated and driven to My Heart.

I do not come seeking perfection, but rather the constant effort, the sincere will, nourished by the love for the Plans of God.

Dear children, many have told you about the time in which you live; now, My Words must become life, action, and peace in each of your beings. They must be true laborers of Mercy. And this is achieved with the will of the heart.

I see many of My children with lowered arms before the battle even begins. I see many of My soldiers dropping the shield of persistence, allowing the enemy to strike them. 

Resist, My children, resist. Nourish the heart and the spirit with the peace of My Presence and reignite the joy of living in self-giving to the Most Holy God.

My Heart comes to take each one of My children by the hands, to tell you, as a Mother and Companion, that here I am, whenever you want to see Me.

I am your Mother. I am the one who brings the Spirit of God engraved on the chest to give it to humanity. I am the one who constantly prays for your awakening and definitive conversion. I am the one who sustains those who have already said yes so that they can rise after each fall. I am the one who is always here, together with your hearts, so that I can help you grow and mature under the guidance of God the Father and towards His Son.

Do not be afraid to listen to Me, nor to respond to My call. I only ask you to not lose the love and joy that I once deposited within your hearts. Do not distance yourselves from God.

I come to guide and lead you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
