Contemplate, within your prayers, the feeling of Love from God who, comprehending the duality of the universe, manifested to His creatures the Sources of Grace, healing and love from the cosmos.
Contemplate the feeling of Love from God who, knowing human fragility, created within the Earth sacred enclosures, receptacles of the records of the purest experiences lived by beings, in Heaven as on Earth, receptacles of the most sublime energies that circulate within Creation, receptacles that attract to the planet the spring that comes from the Divine Sources of the cosmos and which is shed upon Earth for the souls who need it most.
Learn, in your prayers, that all these Graces are available to the beings who acknowledge needing them and who, aware of their miseries, clamor to the Father for His Mercy. And this Mercy descends carrying all the divine assets manifested by the Lord, for the evolution of His creatures.
Learn that the feeling of Love from God is not extinguishable and It only grows, multiplies and renews itself. Therefore, never forget, in your prayers, that the Father expects you to ask, so that all may be given to you.
Thus, raise your word and your heart, and ask for healing for the diseased, ask for Grace for the forsaken, ask for Love for all beings, ask for Mercy for this planet.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be grateful for everything, because gratitude, child, is this superior energy that is born from the Heart of God, it mirrors itself in His angels and archangels, and descends to the Earth to permeate men and teach them how to return to God.
Gratitude is a sublime vibration that transforms and transmutes the human condition, lifting it to unknown realities, so that, thus, it may live revelations not only about itself and about life, but also about the whole Creation.
Gratitude is the recognition of the Love of God; it is this divine energy that is constantly born within those who recognize the Grace of the Creator Father.
Enter, child, into the sublime laws that rule the evolution of this Universe and of all Universes because God, being only One, manifested Life in the dimensions and the first emanation that He sent you was gratitude: gratitude for existence, for life, for creatures.
Find that sublime emanation every day, being grateful for all things, and elevate yourself to the Origin, into the Heart of the Father, letting Him awaken within you that which is perfect and which hides in you because it only manifests through gratitude.
Be grateful for all things and raise this world to the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more