In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I come to the Kingdom of Spain, because it belongs to Me, just as other Kingdoms in this world also belong to Me.
Just as the Virgin of Czestochowa, I want Spain to give its crown to the King of the Universe so that it may be governed by new principles and attributes, which have been held in My Heart for a long time, from the moment that I revealed to Saint Teresa of Jesus the great inner aspirations that I have for this nation.
Spain is a country of open doors, and this intensely relieves the spiritual debt it has had since the times of the colonization of the Americas and up to the preset times.
But today, we will talk, companions, about what is wonderful and spiritual in this nation, places which many of you internally know as Sacred Places.
Today, through the Spiritual Government, just as I did a few days ago in Poland, I come to reveal to you the sacred relics and the incalculable treasures that Spain holds within its spiritual counterpart, which are so necessary and fundamental for the Northern Hemisphere, in the trajectory of the end of times.
For this reason, your hearts, and, especially, the hearts of all Spaniards, of all those who live in the Iberian Peninsula, must be united at this moment to My Spirit and to My Merciful Heart, because in this way you will open the right door, which is so much needed in these times, so that souls can cross this door and thus free themselves, but also awaken to the supreme reality.
Since ancient times, Spain has held many treasures that are still unknown, which, unfortunately, the Church of this nation has not managed to manifest. But, at this moment, I invite you to position yourselves in that which is superior and eternal, to come out of this moment of traumas and sequels produced by the Church, even from the times of the Spanish Civil War, in which I personally know what the Church did in those times.
Today, as the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, I come to ask Spain for its re-consecration to My Heart and, especially, I come to ask all Spaniards, believers and non-believers, awakened and asleep, to give their kingdom to the Master of Love and Truth; because I want to keep leading you, I want to keep guiding you in the same way that I guided Spain in other times, through kind and helpful consciousnesses like those of many mystics and saints.
Today I want you to stay with the message and the experience of each one of the saints, of what truly happened in the life of these beings, who were like you and similar to you, imperfect and erring, but who surrendered their lives in My Hands so that I could consecrate and convert them into the true instrument that God needed in order to fulfill His Plan of conversion and redemption of Spain, as well as of other places of the world.
I invite each one of the Spaniards and each one of those who are listening to Me, to represent the different nations of the world in this time of Apocalypse and of Armageddon, to join the Angels of the Nations so that they, too, may fulfill the purpose they have to fulfill in these times, which, for different reasons, is being prevented by what the governments of the Earth carry out in these times.
I invite you to abandon the sensation of wrath or contempt. I invite you to place yourselves in the spiritual purpose of each nation of the world.
Because, in the face of the many uncertain doors that are open throughout the world, which keep abducting souls, day by day, minute by minute, your Master and Lord, the Redeemer, needs to have, on the surface, not only many redeemed stars and suns, but also consciousnesses that are open to feel, through intuition and their inner worlds, what must be shown to Spain and to the world in these times, and especially all that still must take place in the Northern Hemisphere.
Your lives, through My Heart, your consciousnesses, through My Spirit, may be united to a great inner spiritual and unknown network that exists in the Northern Hemisphere.
It is this inner network, which unites many Hierarchies and evolutionary Consciousnesses, that has known each one of you from other times; this inner and luminous network, which emits impulses for these times and for all consciousnesses, wants to lead you to live the reality that is also held in your inner worlds.
These realities will open through three keys: gratitude, adherence and obedience.
Without these three keys, the inner doors of your hearts will not open and your souls will not know the wonderful things that God has placed in you since the beginning of your existences, from the moment that you emerged from the Source.
Do you now understand, companions, the distance that exists between what is real and what is unreal?
May all of your consciousnesses keep rising so that not only Spain but also other nations of the world may fulfill the purpose they have to fulfill in the end of these times, in spite of the chaos or the adversities that may exist in your nations of origin.
In simple words, I invite you, once again, to live in universality, so that you may, someday, live in Our Brotherhood.
The opportunities are being given at this moment, and they were also given in these recent meetings that we have had in Europe, through the impulses that the Hierarchy sowed in La Salette, Garabandal, Navarra, in the region of Madrid, as well as in Poland.
The doors to the opportunities are open and this is what My Heart needs you to conceive; and also to value so that not only you, but also your brothers and sisters throughout the world may receive the unique opportunity. Because, in this way, the Hierarchy will count on servers on the surface, available, adhered, obedient and grateful consciousnesses to respond to all that may be necessary.
It is still necessary to heal many debts of Spain, especially the spiritual debts. Only the Government of your Master and Lord, and the Government of the Divine Lady of Heaven, through Their Holy and Humble Hearts, will be able to grant Spain, in this way, the true Spiritual Government that this nation must experience in the end of times.
This event will not begin by what is big and unattainable, it will take place in what is small and anonymous, in the possibility that your hearts and lives may give to the Hierarchy. Understanding, once and for all, that it is important to achieve the Purpose.
Because the Iberian Peninsula not only still has many unknown treasures that could be revealed to the world so that consciousnesses will not only be healed but also be liberated. But the Iberian Peninsula, especially the Kingdom of Spain, also has promises to fulfill to Our Savior.
I thank you for having the courage to follow My Steps, although many times you do not understand what this means; regardless of all your life situations. I have a special predilection for each one of you, something that, at this moment, you could not even imagine.
For this reason, I have chosen holy consciousnesses from the Kingdom of Spain, throughout times, to carry My Message and transmit My Impulse, and this choice has a deep spiritual reason to which I give continuity today through your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.
Because the wish of your Master and Lord is not only that the crown of Spain may be of the Redeemer, but also that its diamonds, throughout the world, may be converted into precious crystals of redemption, which will be given by Heaven through new attributes, which many of you already know through the sacred prayer to the Universal Mother.
In this way, Spain, as an important nation of Europe, will be ready to receive Me in My Return, because it is one of the places through which I will return someday, to gather My companions, to be with My friends, to embrace My spiritual family, just as I once did with the apostles and the holy women.
Through Spain, also Africa will be benefitted. Keep this in mind for all that the Hierarchy must still generate and manifest in the African continent, through humanitarian service and the awakening of many Inner Places that this suffering continent holds as a spiritual treasure. Because it will be these inner treasures in Africa that, in My Return, will put an end to the misery and the spirit of discarding that many Africans experience in these times.
Europe, as a continent, as part of the Northern Hemisphere, must feel a deep warmth in its heart so that My Words may be sown within you and the fruits that I so much hope to see in these times may sprout.
Today, from the mystical city of Avila, in the company of Therese of Jesus, I bless all those present and all who are listening, because I can say to you that My task in these last forty days of mission has been fulfilled.
But this does not end here, this is just the beginning. It will begin when you fulfill the three keys: adherence, obedience and gratitude. This will materialize what Europe needs to go through the end of times, under the protection and support of the spiritual relics of this region of the planet.
Because if, in Europe, the Iberian Peninsula manages to rise toward the Kingdom of the Heaven and manifest its humble but simple Sacred Points of Light, you will open the right door also for the un-payable karma of England to be liberated through one cause alone: My Mercy.
In the solemnity and memory of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, which unites souls with God, from the mystical city of Avila, a source of impulses and spirituality for the souls that wish to drink of the Fount of God and, through Saint Teresa of Jesus, who preciously accompanies you today, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I come here, to this cenacle that is favored by Me, to the great oratory of the Mother of God.
Today, I come, in a special way, because I want to be close to you and with each one of your souls, preparing you to enter the desert that My Hand is indicating to you today, to this spiritual desert of humanity, which many do not want to cross because they forget that I am in the desert, when you just seek Me and call Me.
In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.
I want to be able to meet you, I want to be able to feel and contemplate you, just as it was with the apostles, when they were together with My Heavenly Mother, in the Re-appearance of Christ, days before My Ascension to the Heavens.
I also come to relieve your hearts and spirits, to remove the weight of the cross that has been placed upon your backs, but I encourage you and I invite you to keep carrying this cross, not only for you, but rather for the great need of Love in this humanity and on this planet.
I come with this Message for all to internally prepare for the next Sacred Week, and, My Heart, with joy and predilection, has chosen this place blessed by My Heavenly Mother, to announce, once again, the Word of God, so that hearts, upon entering this desert that I invite you to cross this week, may again find God and, before Him, be in silence, in attunement and in love, for all that is necessary and urgent to repair in this humanity and on the planet, because the war keeps happening, souls keep suffering; insecurity, impunity and fear continue being established in peoples and nations.
I prepare you in this desert, just as your Master and Lord prepared Himself for forty days to accept the Chalice that the Father offered to Him, which today I offer to you, in My Name, so that you may drink from it without any fear, because My Precious Blood comes to purify you, it comes to bless you and re-consecrate you for the next stages of the Plan of the Redeemer.
May the agony of not being able to reach Me or feel me no longer weigh on you. I am here, as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to remind you that you have a part to play at this moment with Me, because My aspiration is that you may be My apostles of the end of times.
May this desert, which I invite you to cross today with courage and bravery, strengthen you. May this desert, which I invite you to cross, with love and faith, make you grow internally for all that will come because, before the Celestial Father, I need souls that justify the errors of the world and the grave sins that outrage the Heart of God in these times.
Adore Me in the Divine Sacrament of the Altar during these days. May your vigil of Adoration expand and be strengthened so that the Kingdom of the Heavens may descend to Earth, not only during the next Sacred Week, but also in this preparatory week which, with bliss and joy, I come to share with you in a special way, and, Our Lord, the Celestial Father, has decided that this blessed house, consecrated to the Heart of My Mother, should be the place, the cenacle and the oratory for these meetings to take place, these unexpected meetings.
Remember your guardian angels, they are thirsty for your offerings to the Heart of God, for your offerings for humanity and for the planet so that Love, Peace and Light may not disappear from the surface of the Earth.
I understand you and I also comprehend you, these are unknown and difficult times, and sometimes you feel you cannot endure them. But have faith, I died for you, so that you could have life in Me.
I bless you and I thank you for welcoming Me in this place, for the simplicity of each detail, for the sincere offering of the hearts that trust in Me.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Abbun debashmaia...
(Our Father in Aramaic)
Adore the One who gave His life for you in the name of God.
Submerge into the tireless Heart that still vibrates in the Universe for each one of you.
My Government is universal and the principle of My Law is infinite, for it is the Law of your Father which shelters you in the heart of His Love and His Mercy.
Blessed are those who persist, for they shall not lose peace.
Therefore, let My Heart rule within you, so that your hearts may open even more to the Mystery I try to reveal to you, in the name of love and of unity.
I Am the Being that right now governs the stars.
I am the preamble that announces the coming of the last time to humanity.
I am the One who does not tire of being with His apostles and with those who follow Him with faithfulness and love.
Today I come to bring the presence of the Infinite to all souls of the world.
Today I come to banish from here the false powers of My adversary, those which have hypnotized an entire nation and made a failure out of the lost hearts.
But I shall not rest, because among few I shall work to carry forward the Plans of My Father, as it was in the past, when all Works were silently carried out with those who were self-summoned to serve Me in this Plan of Redemption, which continues throughout times and emerges from the hearts that surrender before my Celestial Presence.
Today I am not alone here, companions; but rather you are with the Universe, with the whole Universe of Love, which you are invited to simply enter through My Heart, which is present with you tonight to redeem you.
The door of redemption I open in this time is different from the one I opened in the past, by the intercession of the Archangel Michael.
Today the Archangel Gabriel accompanies the banishment of impure spirits and clarifies the consciousnesses that humiliate themselves before God and repent, to be able to receive in their hearts the Flame of Reconciliation.
The winged angels that accompany My Government are different from those that accompanied My public Work in the past. Because now, dear companions, times are not only pressing, but it is urgent to accomplish the works within you.
This shall determine before My Heavenly Father the possibility of Us still coming to help you and assist you in this Plan of Salvation.
Millions should be prostrated on this ground of Aurora, for I have come to one of the most difficult regions of this world to concretize what is possible in an impossible place, which no one feels encouraged to deal with.
But, if it is the Will of My Father, companions, all shall be done. It is enough that two or more hearts unite with this Purpose of Mine, for everything to be taken forward.
But the Graces have been poured and you know it.
I can no longer give the pearls of Heaven to the pigs, as it was in the past and as I once told you.
The treasures of My Father are incalculable for the hearts that are open to receive them in humility and simplicity.
I come to bring unknown things to the world, inexplicable opportunities, and I open doors for this to happen every time I descend from the Universe.
I Am not only Jesus anymore. I Am the Ruler of this Universe, who is not sitting on any throne, for I Am the Son of God, I Am the servant of the Universal Father, like His faithful female Servant, who works in silence with the innocent and the poor.
We are divine, companions, for Our Father is in Our Divinity and it is He who makes everything He touches divine, with His Love and His Light.
So many mercies are still kept in My Heart for this country, but I see it does not accept them sincerely.
The Almighty has revealed this sacred place to you, which was born through the explosion of a sincere love that would heal and redeem all consciousnesses that would come here. But they were not able to contemplate what the healing of God and the healing of the Universe meant.
We were sent from the Celestial Government in this time to announce the corrections to the world and to humanity, by means of the Sacred Words of the Law, but they were not heard. For this reason, We shall not perform miracles as we did throughout times by means of My Most Holy Body, or the Apparition of My Mother in Zeitoun, Egypt.
Our testimony of love is not only spiritual, but also material. We are reflected in the hearts that live our messages and that work day by day to be able to reach the Project of God.
Nothing is impossible in this time. A little of your determination will allow everything to be accomplished as it was thought by the One Mind, by your God who is in the Heavens and who loves you.
When I am no longer here, the archangels shall rule this world and this whole solar system until My Return. They shall organize the Universal Judgement, which will no longer be a theory written in books or a piece of knowledge for few; for the true theology, companions, is born from the heart which humbles itself before God and loves what the Father gives it.
The only power is held by the Universe and is given to those who do not want it for themselves and, without realizing - as it has happened with many consciousnesses - manifest the Power of God, as is the case with the power of Aurora, which shines in the invisible and withdraws from the inquisitive.
Because Aurora is the Power of God, the power which has been neither understood nor accepted. You, as humanity, preferred to illustrate other truths, which are not truths, over this holy place. For this reason We come to give the true testimony as Messengers of Light and of Good.
Thus, the Archangel Michael deigned to come here with His holy presence to decree the power of Liberation for those willing to be redeemed before his warrior heart.
Humanity will never be able to understand the Will of God, because one must first love it, and It expresses Itself in the simplicity and the love of the poor hearts. There is no other way for this Power to be manifested and for everything to be materialized.
Uruguay has denied this Power for wanting to maintain its own power.
Aurora, as God's Power, tried since the beginning to break structures so that hearts could be redeemed, even though few were touched since it was born with the splendor of its light.
However, the doors of God's Heart shall never be closed to the sinners and the most ignorant, to the atheists or those who practice a religion but have their hearts toughened against the Truth, for not wanting to feel It and not being able to understand It.
I have sent My Mother to this place so that Uruguay could learn to love Her, not only in a sculpture, but within hearts, where Divinity, Love, the Presence of the Most High truly dwell.
We have given clear signs of the paths that were being opened so that everyone could walk them, but even so, they tarried.
Today I come to bring you a message of warning, so that the other nations may learn and not take the same steps taken by this humanity present here.
The Universe has done the possible and the impossible so that the eyes of the heart of many creatures could open before Me; but the Law, companions, which is just, loving and balanced, is closing this cycle.
Aurora, as Power of God, has much to give and shall come to those who seek it with sincerity and love, because it will not be necessary to understand it in order to get to know it; one will only need to open oneself, and healing shall be manifested in the hearts of those who invoke it.
The Archangel Michael shall take power over this nation and Aurora shall continue to shine in other spaces of this world. As well as here, in this place, it shall always shine.
I know you do not understand what I am telling you; just keep the vibration of My Words so that they may echo in the receptive hearts and not get lost, like the graces that have been poured into the hearts of this region and were not valued by them.
Nevertheless, the commitments that have been made with the Universe before you came here as souls, are still valid and this shall also have its judgement.
The Voice of God is unique and today It expresses Itself by means of My Merciful Heart, for it is My Mercy and My Goodness that today tell you such things, so that you may grow with awareness and humility.
I want you to bring here the banner of the Archangel Michael, for He shall be the Patron and Protector of this place through My divine blessing.
Keep praying internally while I wait for the banner, because I will give you a sacred power which shall concretize the Victory of Christ on Earth.
In this symbol one can find the purification of matter and of spirit, the liberation of corrupt currents and of all the spirits which deviate the hearts of the Earth from their purpose. In it one can find the upliftment of consciousness and the perfect offering to the Creator.
While I am silent, the Universes are working with humanity. Do not miss the opportunity again.
My Consciousness is the One that unites all beings of the Universe so that the Grace of God may express Itself in all hearts.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us chant, at the request of the Master and in His presence, the melodic Kodoish.
And now that the elements have been purified, let us pray to the Lord.
Let us repeat:
The complete prayer for three times.
Go in peace, companions, and meditate without disturbing yourselves, for those who experience the Gift of the Science of God understand everything, even without having known it before.
I thank you!
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Brothers and sisters, before closing we would like to tell you that sometimes the things the Master says may sound too strong but, by means of His Words, He expresses to us the Will of God, and we must fully trust that everything He tells us is for our good and for the good of the planet and of humanity.
Therefore, as He requested from us, we invite you to watch again, in some other moment, this Message that He brought to us on this 20th of May, in this monthly encounter with Christ. We would like to thank you for your company, for the company of all present here. We shall carry the Words of Christ in our hearts.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
What do you think of when I come to meet you? Where is your heart placed before My Presence? And your spirit, where does it dwell?
Where does God reside in these moments, when His Firstborn Son descends to the world to uncover the catacombs of the Earth and free the souls that are imprisoned?
You are bearers of My Light, and My Mercy is here, for if I am within you, why am I outside of some?
My Heart is stronger than thought and allows all souls that are not deserving of the Grace of God to be awoken, but I trust in many of you in this most sacred hour, in which My Heart shows itself to the world to glorify God and all His creatures that correspond to His Greater Plan of Redemption.
Do you, by any chance, remember where you come from? What motivated you to be here at this moment?
My Path is unique; there are not two paths. My ship is unique, there are not two ships in My Project of redemption. Which will you board? The ship of the world that is submerging or the ship of the Holy Covenant that comes to save you in spirit and divinity?
I do not come to search for what you cannot give Me; I come for that which I gave you, which is called the gift of the Heart; give that gift of your heart to God; thus you will glorify the Celestial Father who is much outraged by this world because in spite of My Mercy being invincible and presented before you to give you life, spirit, and renewal, in other parts of the world, companions, the suffering is greater than the light and there are no souls in this time that can bring relief to such things.
Companions, that is called the great unpayable debt of humanity; but if your hearts trust in My Heart, someday you will be able to be merciful and whole; you will receive the Kingdom of God in your hearts and you will be within His celestial wholeness to show this civilization that a profound change is possible.
I come with the hope that you will synthesize this meeting of today with Me in your lives because I repeat, companions, it is time for the great definition. Your feet cannot walk two paths; I come to offer you one path of light that is called sacrifice for humanity, hope for fallen souls, redemption for those who have fallen, and especially for those that, in their spiritual resistance, do not allow themselves to be overcome by Me.
You, companions, have surrendered your hearts to My Heart. I spent many nights in your homes, to visit you, share My joy, console your unhappiness, bring a deep consolation to your spirits. Many times, companions, I accompanied you in your work, guided your families towards My Most Sacred Heart, and this has been possible because you opened the door for this to happen.
I would deeply wish that on this afternoon, you heard other things, things that come from the Celestial Universe, that are eternal emanations of all the Creator Fathers that assemble in My Cenacle of Light to bring a solution to this Project of humanity.
Companions, you are part of this Project of redemption and rehabilitation; never lose hope nor faith that your lives will be realized in Me, for in this way, I will be present all the time, accompanying your hearts and your families.
I would like to tell you, My beloveds, that through the Sacraments I come to give souls a unique opportunity. When a Sacrament is not carried forward, you are interfering in My Project of redemption, but you are free since your birth into life.
I come to offer you an opportunity rather than an oppression, but these matters will be understood later, after I am no longer here and some years have gone by, in which you will see, as true testimony, all that the Messengers of God carried out and where they led you for an Infinite and divine Higher Purpose for this humanity, for this part of humanity here on the planet.
I bring you confidence in what is impossible to do and believe. I know that many of you feel My Spirit, but I still will not be able to show Myself to everyone; some will see Me after this life through that Portal of Light you will cross as souls towards the meeting of My Kingdom of redemption, where I will be waiting for you, for a new divine fusion, for a new mission in the Plans of God.
Everything that is done here in My Name, such as the Sacraments, has a spiritual and inner purpose that you will not understand in this life, but the experience I provide you with through the Sacraments is indelible and you will see it in the next Earth.
Thus, in these times, on this day and in this place, I come to rebuild what I gave you in the beginning; I come to renew the teachings that I gave My apostles on washing their feet, baptizing their spirits, exorcising their bodies, consecrating souls that come to go through an experience of love in this humanity.
With this, I tell you that the Sacrament of Marriage is a primary project of God. I come to recover the spirit of the Sacred Family in many hearts because that spirit that We placed in the world is being erased from the consciousness of humanity through the suffering, the martyrdom of punishment, that is generated in these times.
Companions, you know more than I that families are disuniting, that souls are being lost because not even the spirit of My prayer dwells within them. Thus, through the Sacrament of Marriage, I come to recover and to renew your lives in that chaste union that I propose for you through a simple consecration to My Sacred Heart.
Simply through the movement and the fact of consecrating your hearts to God, you will re-open the doors so that the blessed and Sacred Family of the universe may descend with its spirit of life to the Earth, fill consecrated hearts, renew the teachings so that your lives may be an example for God, for the universe, for universal life.
And in this way, in the Presence of My Heart, through each Sacrament, you will be testifying, as it was with the peoples of the desert, that the Project of God, will be in recovery in your consciousnesses.
I know you will not understand it. I know you sometimes do not understand what I ask of you because you do not have the structure to be able to understand Me, but the heart that trusts will never fail, for it will be on the correct path, the path of My Sacred Heart.
Today My Words would have been different, but My Instruction must be well heard, not by your minds, but rather by the true feeling of the heart of light that dwells in each of you, that belongs to God and His universal infinity, by His Grace.
You are always free to walk, but I ask you not to forget Me, because all of this weights the universe, due to the atonement that I give you and My Divine Mercy.
Hearts are separating from themselves more and more, and this has repercussions in the families. Families must be the expression of My Love, of joy, of hope, and renewal. If, companions, the family is not sacred or blessed, how will the Project continue in the New Humanity?
Thus, I come to open you a door so that you, who are the first in the perfect list of My Heart, may re-open the doors for those that are lost, that hate, that separate from God the Father.
Each Sacrament is a tunic for your lives.
I will not rest until achieving what My Father asks of Me. I will not rest until My Work is completely carried out in your lives.
You must love the Plans of God to be able to understand them; many want to know them before loving them. My Science is not from this world. I bring you closer to it so that you may grow in wisdom.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Our Lord is calling the coordinators of the areas of Figueira because He wants to tell them something.
While I am waiting, trust in My Divinity; that will bring you closer to God and you will not become lost easily when things are intensified in this world.
Listen to My Voice, companions, because when I am no longer here and My Mother or Saint Joseph either, your hearts must be realized in faith, in trust, in the believability that We were always here to guide and console you, for you must testify to the laws of the Earth on all that happened here, in the coming time.
That will be the definite and important time for each one of you and confirmation to God and His Project of Love. This will allow, or not, the doors to be open for those that will need the consolation of the points of light that were founded on the perfect base of the Sacred Hearts.
This Work will not end when We are no longer here. This is the first part of the preparation; the Work will continue throughout the years, the multitudes will grow because faith will be present as a living flame at the top of this Hill. It will be the primary motivation, the invisible spirit that will call hearts to redemption and the healing of each of your lives.
Thus, the 144 thousand will assemble before I return in Glory, in Body, in Soul and Divinity. If this were so, a part of the Project will have been accomplished. If this were not so, we must pray.
For you, I bless this important Sacrament that is on My Altar, that not only unites hearts and souls but unites lives and families through the spirit of My Mercy.
I thank you for consoling My Heart for the grave sins of the world, for the thorns on My Chest hurt, and you must alleviate this through love and prayer, just as you have done up to now.
Renew yourselves every day and do not tire of working at My side for peace.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more