Today I come to bring the Silence of God to the world, so that it may be felt, so that it may be received by hearts, by those who carry out the Work of God on this planet.
The Silence of God brings an important change for the souls of the world, especially for those who are still submerged in illusion and who cannot by themselves get out of it.
The Silence of God was what allowed the creation of the universes, of the celestial bodies, of the planets, of the suns, and of the stars.
From the Silence of God came the Divine Thought for all of Creation. From that Silence then came life, by the strength of the Breath of Spirit, who manifested essence, and then matter.
God thought of everything, of every detail, and took care of everything so that His children could be part of this Creation and could feel themselves to be participants in the fulfillment of a part of His Will, among so many humankinds, among so many universes, among so many galaxies.
But this Creation was to experience a great learning, which emerged long ago, in the Universe, with the Rebellion.
At that time, the Bearers of God had to decide, on the path of duality, for the good or for evil. And a weal, a wound, remained open. And the Silence of God, which regenerates life and consciousness, withdrew from the moment in which one of the Creator Parents did not obey the Source, nor the Laws of the Most High.
As from there, as from that universal Rebellion, the planet was chosen by the Father to carry out the maximum Project of Christic Love.
At that moment, the Silence of God withdrew into the deepest core of His Being and of His Existence. He thought, contemplated, and meditated on all the Creation, on all that already existed, to seek an answer to the great failure of the humankinds of the Universe.
Meanwhile, brave and unknown spirits wandered the stars like great angels of Light, carrying a message of Peace and being bearers of Peace that would unite all the Confraternity, in order to heal the wounds and erase the traces that were engraved in millions of consciousnesses that are here today, on this planet.
When God withdrew into His Silence and contemplated the Creation and the errors made by His creatures, was when the Shining Ones, the Elohim or the Helel, gathered before the Throne of the Creator to deliver a decision taken that, in truth, companions, was a petition of all the beings of Light, of all the angels, who sought a wise answer in Their Wisdom and Love.
That answer and that petition was the emergence of the Second Person of God, of His Beloved Son, so that the Spirit of Love-Wisdom should descend from what was most invisible of Spirit, into what was most material, and incarnate among the humankind of this world, carrying them into Redemption and into a learning of Love and of Forgiveness.
From that moment on, the Project of God and Creation were recreated. The Archangel Saint Michael, the Archangel Saint Raphael, and the Archangel Saint Gabriel committed to reaching humanity to prepare it for this great event of the Birth of Christ.
The Son of the Father, the bearer of Love-Wisdom, came as a Sun, brighter than all the suns, bringing in His Essence and Divinity the experience that humanity was to live, through His Birth, through His Public Life, and through His Death.
Even the most fallen spirits of this planet, during the existence of Christ over this humanity, learned and experienced redemption, the forgiveness of errors. And a cycle was closed in this way.
That is why Judas, the old apostle, was the before and the after for this humanity and this planet. It was he who offered himself, in his greatest ignorance and indifference, to recreate this Creation. Thus, as part of the human condition, he led the world to the school of forgiveness and of reconciliation. And although the fate of Judas was not very good, his Master and Lord, in spite of knowing of his betrayal, forgave him, as did His Mother Mary.
Why do I tell you this story today?
Because humanity does not yet know the essence of My Gospel and My Existence in this humanity.
From the Rebellion to the present, many errors continue to be made. That is why the manifestation of the Work of Mercy in all nations and in all peoples is so important. This is the last lifeline given to you by God, for all the creatures of this world.
A part of humanity was redeemed during the time of the Presence of the Lord. But another part has not yet been redeemed, which is this last civilization of the end time, which has a chance of experiencing redemption and forgiveness.
From the Silence of God came the Source of Love-Wisdom, which throughout time and the cycles gradually descended from plane to plane, until arriving here, with the Birth of the Messiah and Redeemer.
Humanity needed to have Love-Wisdom itself incarnate, so that it could understand, feel, and experience It. Otherwise, the redemption of the most resistant spirits who committed errors in former times would not have been possible.
This planet and this humanity are still the school chosen for the expression of Love-Wisdom between beings and souls. Until New Christs arise at the end of these times, this school of Love-Wisdom, of forgiveness, and of redemption will be open, so that souls can experience it and are able to learn how to love more every day, without conditions, just as their Master and Lord loved, the greatest outrages, the fearful indifference, the great errors of all of this as yet not redeemed race.
I still tell you this, companions, because I see in your hearts the potential of a Christ of the New Time, who must dare to be nothing more for themselves, but rather everything in the unconditional giving of self for others.
Through these last times, I have taken you by the hand to the experience in the school of Love-Wisdom. And just as it was in the ancient East, at this time My great desire and aspiration is that in the West a race of New Christs may emerge; of beings open of heart, of souls in offering; of tireless spirits at the service of the Plan of the Creator.
The Christs of the New Time, who will emerge from different religions and paths, and who will find themselves in the same state of consciousness and of vibration, are the last saints of the last days, who will prepare for the Return of Christ for the most difficult moment of humanity, which is already approaching.
You are part of the transition of that event. Your story of redemption and of love is being written in the Books of Love of the Lords of the White Vestments. If this story is concretized and finalized, an important event will take place, so that more consciousnesses can be participants in the Return of Christ, and the transfer of those consciousnesses to other dwelling places can be avoided.
My wish is that with your ardent heart, which I have seen during this Marathon, that ardent love that leads you into finding Love-Wisdom, may remain in you, especially in this cycle, where the tests will be greater and the challenges will be more unattainable. But whoever is in Love-Wisdom will be in Me, and My Father will be in you, so that He will always guide you on the path of Truth and of Love.
There are many things that humanity does not know about the Universe nor of Divine Existence. Today I have only told you of less than one percent. Imagine then, companions, how much history is written in the Mirrors of God and in all the Source from which emerges the life of essences, of souls, and spirits incarnated in this and in other worlds.
No longer think that this Earth, that this planet, is the only one that is alive, with a humanity. Open your consciousnesses to the infinity of the Universe and see that within it there exists much more life than it seems; that consciousnesses exist that love you and that you do not know they silently serve the Project of God, so that Creation, and in this case, the universes, remain in perfect equilibrium and harmony.
I invite you, in the spirit of joy and of motivation, to penetrate the Laws of the Universe, into that which is intangible and cosmic. Thus, one day you may have the wisdom and understanding that everything is part of a Hierarchy.
In this time, companions, obedience will be unpredictable. Obedience will also be a school for My apostles, because it will be the way of remaining in the Light, or far from it.
Obedience to God and His Plan are not restrictions or rules, nor laments or resistances. From the point in which one of the Creator Fathers disobeyed God, He decreed in this Universe the test of disobedience in all creatures, regardless of their evolution or awakening. You, with your commitment and adherence to My Merciful Heart, must help me to definitely defeat this duality, so that this local Universe may live the cycle, the cycle that awaits it, of being recreated as the Father thinks in His inner Silence.
That is why I will return to the world, in Glory, Light, and Power. And no one will be able to escape this so important event, in which laws, doorways, and sublime energies will be moved, so that the Solar Son may return to this humanity.
Each fulfillment of the Plan and its stage is vital. That is the significance of the importance of fulfilling My requests and with the convening of the Heavenly Hierarchy. This will give witness to the Father that it is possible to carry forward His Cosmic Aspiration, not only on this planet, but in the Universe.
And when the Return of My Glorified Heart comes to pass, many things will end. And as I have said, there shall not remain one stone upon another, but rather, triumphant hearts.
Each detail, each act of love, each prayer, as well as each charity that you offer, builds the Plan of the Father in this humanity, and activates through pulsations the Christs of the New Time.
My Purpose, My beloveds, is to create a cut in the time and space of the history of this Universe, so that it may be purified, transmuted, and liberated. And that as from My return to the world for the second time, the history of the redemption and the awakening of the New Christs to Christic Love is finally rewritten.
My Heart grieves for those who could not follow My Purpose and who today cannot hear this message, where I have revealed to you, with total openness, a small part of the history of this Creation, of this infinite life that calls you to an upliftment of consciousness, so that all races, all peoples, and all of this planet may rise up in plane and liberation and form part of the Confraternity.
I come to say this outside of My Church, which is spread throughout this Earth, so that many more hearts, regardless of their religion or their creed, may know that I Am Love-Wisdom, that I Am more than Jesus. I Am the Only Begotten, the Firstborn of the Father; the One announced by the lips of the Archangel Gabriel, to bring to the world the redemption and mercy of all creatures.
Today, as Prophet and Shepard of our Most High Father of the Universe, I come to expand the story of the Apocalypse. I come to expand what John has written in the book of Revelation, because as the Christs awaken and confirm themselves, history changes, and the possibilities of redemption in souls is visible and is concretized.
I invite you, companions, to persist in this new time that is coming, to endure the clashes, to transmute the interferences, and to suffer bravely the dissociations and the tests, knowing that My powerful and invincible Hand, that My glorified Ray, will be extended towards you, to always safeguard you, and help you in the face of each test.
For humanity to be worthy of a new opportunity, groups of souls in different parts of the world will, together with Me, offer to support this humanity, so that at least a quarter part of it is redeemed and will be what will repopulate the New Earth and will experience the beginning of a new and fraternal humanity.
Meanwhile, do not stop bearing with your hands the Sword of Fire that the Archangel Michael has given you, so that in battles, your prayers may be the great victors against evil and everything that dissociates the human mind.
May your Protective Shield, given by the Archangel Raphael, be faith, which will move events and will generate inexplicable opportunities in consciousnesses that even today you cannot imagine.
May your Helmet of Light, given by the Archangel Gabriel, be the protection of your wisdom and of your discernment, so that you always know what to do and where to be, when the Hierarchy convenes you to the great mission.
With all these testimonies of Creation, I come to bless those who today will take of the Sacrament, knowing that behind each Sacrament there is still a mystery that was not unveiled. Therefore, whoever lives a Sacrament with complete openness of heart, will unveil that mystery and will penetrate into the essence of Divine Existence.
Most High Father, Creator of all that exists, I ask you, in the name of Your Love-Wisdom and of Your Grace, to bless all these elements, so that they may serve as joy and fulfillment for the souls that cry out for Redemption. Amen.
Most High Father, Sovereign of Mercy, through the Sacrifice of Your Son, grant a reparation for the sins committed against Your Divine Heart and Your Plan of Love for this planet. May the souls who make use of this Sacrament vivify the Love-Wisdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Feel like you are sparks of Light of the Father in this moment, and no longer miserable beings, but rather, spirits that can, in Christ and through Christ, radiate love to all that exists and to all that vibrates, seeking as an aspiration to bring healing, love, and forgiveness to this planet and its humanity.
I am always glad when I can come back to Aurora, because here I can tell the world what I always want to say, and I do not have to take care of what I should say for souls and their awakening.
Aurora is that Light that sprang from the Source of the Creator Parents; the same Source that manifested the Second and Third Person of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So, My brothers and sisters, you are facing a great mystery, full of love and of wisdom. Aurora is that Light that leads you to reconciliation and inner healing, and that makes you free beings forever.
When you want to find My Forgiveness, come here, to Aurora, for I will wait for you. And when you are not able to come, connect with Aurora, and in this way, you will be fully linked with Me.
I am grateful tonight for the offering of all your prayers and of all your songs. I have been filled with joy by the consoling voice of the souls that persist on the path of consecration.
May your voices, one day, be consoling for this world, which suffers and is ill.
May your voices never tire of proclaiming the Name of the Lord, because thus, the Lord will be with you and among you, bringing you Divine Life.
Withdraw into the Silence of God and everything will be healed. Commune of His Divine Silence and everything will be understood, even though it may have been unjust.
Do not suffer anymore.
Do not endure and retreat anymore.
Follow My Steps, contemplate My footprints, because where I lead you, no one will be able to lead you. Where I will take you, no one will be able to take you.
I was born of the Source of Love-Wisdom of God, so that you, as souls, may experience true Love.
May the consoling voice of souls be heard, and may the deepest wounds in souls be healed, so that the Love of the Father may be established in hearts.
I bless you, children, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My convocation. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Three Sacred Hearts are present at this moment.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children,
Thank you! is My Message for all of you on this day, because it is through My beloved children that I can accomplish the Works of the Creator of the Earth.
On this afternoon, especially, I have come with Saint Joseph and Christ, to show everybody that Our Love is poured out over the world in spite of all that may happen in this time. And that flow of Love is greater when you respond to My call, as you did at this moment, opening your hearts and consciousnesses to find Me once again in this place.
Today, a cycle is closing for everybody, and a new stage begins for those apostles of My Son who follow the footsteps of the faithful Servant of God.
Today, I open My arms and extend My hands to you all, aspiring to caress your spirits, touch your souls so that you may feel the Glory of God.
I come with Christ and Saint Joseph to represent the Most Holy Trinity, that Divine Essence that originated everything that exists in this universe.
Today, as your Greater Mother, with all the Angels of Heaven and with your Guardian Angels, we came here to glorify God, because it is He you must honor. It is He Who you owe all things to, because He is Who allows all things in the world, the actions of grace and of charity, of mercy and redemption for all the hearts of the Earth.
Today I come crowned with the stars of God, placing My feet on the new Moon and announcing the new paths for all My children, paths free of suffering and of pain, but full of hope and the Love of God.
I come to withdraw suffering from each of you, so that you may enter into the new cycle with Me. I invite you, together with Christ and Saint Joseph, to cross this threshold, this portal to a new consciousness of your spirits, of your souls and of your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will know the Will of God, which must yet be fulfilled in this world, in spite of it suffering the transition.
There are hearts in this humanity that can support the Plan of God in humanity. Thus, I come to strengthen you from time to time, through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
Here, dear children, all of you are before three different Rays that unite in the same point, which is the Heart of God, where life, hope and Mercy emerge. Those three Rays come to you through My Heart, the Heart of My Son and the Heart of Saint Joseph, because We offer you the path of simplicity and of truth.
It is in that simplicity, dear children, that you must live in this new cycle. That simplicity of your hearts and souls will permit the Earth to be redeemed, that hatred be withdrawn from ungrateful hearts, and that spirits can be reborn to redemption. It is in that simplicity of your spirits that the doors of Heaven will be kept open. This is the sure key for this time, united with the prayer of the heart.
It is thus that I want to see you, dear children, each one of you as true mirrors of My Light, that you can radiate the attributes to the world which this race so greatly needs.
The guiding star of My Divine Consciousness, of the Consciousness of Christ and the Consciousness of Saint Joseph will not abandon you in this very difficult time, in which the world goes through its darkness.
I invite you to generate and regenerate joy, because the world needs it, so that evil may be defeated. In that joy, the love of your hearts, the works of service, of service to a neighbor cannot be lacking, so that all souls may be healed.
I invite you, dear children, on this 8th of August, to renew your vows to Me, as children of My Heart and My Consciousness.
You are in each part of this world to ignite the Light in humanity, the sacred flames of your hearts that burn in devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts. This will allow, dear children, that a great many consciousnesses, which do not deserve the Grace of God nor His Mercy, will be able to be alleviated and separated from evil.
Today I want to tell you, dear children, that after nine years with Me, My Heart is triumphing, but not as humankind believes. The true triumph of My Consciousness is in the transformation of your hearts. And today I am with transformed hearts that walk in different schools, but who follow the same purpose of My call. That is what is important, beloved children, that you see the realization of the Plan of God in your lives, that you look back not to remember the past, but rather to see in what way you have transformed, everything you have changed into, from time to time.
I need your eyes, dear children, to be able to see My plans concretized in this world, in each of you, in each part of this humanity. See how My Consciousness works through you in a simple but true way.
In this new cycle, dear children, I need your hearts to achieve a spirit of humility.
Today, I come to bring you this Message, because I know that you can experience it and achieve it.
Dear children, I am very grateful for each step you have taken, trusting in My Heart. This is of incalculable value for the Celestial Father. You will understand that value in a short while.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Because when I came into your lives, some years ago, humanity was seeking to unveil great sciences, because it believed that the path to evolution was to be found only in knowledge, and in intelligence; an intelligence which moved away from God, which fed the arrogance and pride in hearts.
Humanity, My children, was not really learning about knowledge, it was not assimilating the wisdom that was held in teachings. The path of instruction should lead you to love, but you were not able to learn nor did you grow in spirit; you did not discover, My children, that the greatest science is the science of simplicity that leads you into an emptiness of self and a meeting with God.
Today, before the Three Sacred Hearts, we bring you the example of Our lives on Earth, when Our Divine Consciousness animated a body very like yours.
In that period, the surrender of Jesus carried Him into learning about Love; the silence of Mary carried Her into a learning about Love, and the humility of Saint Joseph divinized Him and opened the doors of Heaven, because He learned to love.
It was in this way, children, that the Plan of God was fulfilled in the Sacred Family. All the sciences were revealed in the simplicity of the Three Sacred hearts, and the doors of Heaven opened, because They knew to love.
On this evening, many expected words full of searching, but with little simplicity. All expected a great miracle, the unveiling of a great mystery; but few, children, perceived that within themselves, the great mystery of Creation is being revealed.
Be simple of heart and allow the light of your essences to illumine your eyes and show you that there is no other mystery to reveal to you, except the mystery of the love that was born in your hearts. It is that love that grows each day and that allows you to forget about yourselves, to love a neighbor more and more, and to understand them, which symbolizes the manifestation of the Plans of God in your lives.
Do not expect great missions, heroic events; do not expect phenomena, because the greatest miracle, children, is now happening in your lives, and this is what I want you to understand this evening.
What I want is that, beginning with you, humanity learn to be simple, discover that wisdom is revealed and all knowledge is to be found in love. In love, you are able to understand what you have never understood, and more than this, you can live what you always believed you knew.
On this evening, children, in light of the Three Sacred Hearts, recognize this example and accept the Grace of being able to be like Them in this time; because after so many meetings with Me, the Holy Spirit of God has already filled your souls and your lives, placed many gifts in your consciousnesses that will blossom at the right time, when humility is able to take the place of arrogance and pride and you are able to be free to express the Will of God wherever you may be.
Do not be in a hurry, be precise in taking the correct steps and in knowing where to be and how to act. Always listen to the voice of your hearts, which speaks to you in prayer, and leads you on the path of simplicity and love, and never to aggrandizement.
Remember, children, that it was in Mary's silence that She discovered the grandeur of Her Son. It was in the humility of Saint Joseph, in a small carpenter shop, far from the world and himself, that He discovered the real celestial mysteries. It was by loving neighbors and forgetting Himself, giving up the kingdom that the world expected of Him, to die on the cross, divested of His garments, that Our Lord, My Beloved Son, gave you this path of redemption and of Mercy and fully expressed the archetype of God for humanity, which was not held in the suffering of the cross, but rather in the full Love and the Divine Mercy which that Cross emanated.
Follow the example of the Sacred Hearts and discover, My beloveds, that little by little, the Plan of God manifests in your lives, and this horizon for the new race is now beginning to emerge in front of your eyes, in the depths of your consciousnesses.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
And now, dear children, I will give the word to Christ, because it is to Him that we owe everything that has been given to us. Because He allows this Grace, this redemption, this sacred opportunity for hearts to know their spirits and become aware of their origin, definitely accepting what they have come to accomplish on this planet.
Place your hands in the sign of reception.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
Our Kingdom is the Universe and you belong to that Universe, just as all of Creation belongs to the Universe of God. I come from that Universe, just as do your essences, and throughout the times, you experience all the opportunities for redemption.
I want you to always look to that Universe, in spite of what happens. Remember that higher life will always help you to take the great and last step, the definitive step toward God, in perfect union with His Heart.
It is for this reason, companions, that in the ardent devotion of My Mother and in the simplicity of Saint Joseph, We have come to this Center of Love to bless the world and prepare it for what will happen shortly.
Now I see your strengthened hearts, after having crossed the desert with Me. There are still souls that have need of a lot of help to be able to bear the great cosmic currents of transformation. But if your hands are joined with Mine and your bodies cling tight to My robe, the Light of My Sacred Heart will always illumine you and you will have no reason to fear, because purification is the first school of My apostles.
Thus, dear and beloved companions, I invite you to inner transcendence, a transcendence you will achieve in the perfect unity with your brothers and sisters, setting aside human indifference, omission and the judging of errors that others make.
I invite you to be truly part of My Divine Mercy, just as My Divine Mercy descends to the world to help this lost humanity.
Throughout these last days, companions, you have travelled a long inner road together with Me, which at the end of the times, you will discover on your own. There will be no great revelation for you, but it will be the sign you so need, the teaching you so hoped to receive, to be able to take that great step which I am telling you about.
Today, My Heart is glorified, because My companions glorify the Heart of God. Today, My Heart is a little more glad, because the children of My Mother honor and glorify the Queen of Heaven.
In this way, dear companions, the Plan is very close to your lives; it will cease to be so non-material so as to be visible in your consciousnesses and hearts.
In this new cycle we are beginning together, as from this August 8, define yourselves, companions. Close the doors to evil and help to close the doors that evil opens to all your brothers and sisters.
I invite you, companions, to be collaborators in My redeeming Work, to carry out in these times a great planetary service for this race. I invite you, in simplicity and truth, to be constituted as resplendent suns over the planet, shooting stars that have changed into light, in redemption and in love.
For this greatest Work, creative and infinite, which belongs to the universe and which must be concretized in this humanity, in this very hour, we join hands, between Mary and Saint Joseph, forming that sacred triangulation which gives an impulse to souls to take the great step, blessed by the Spirit of God, by Grace, by infinite Mercy, so that all My disciples and apostles, for beginners as well as those who have been on My path for a long time, at the right and correct time, together as a single unity, you can cross the threshold toward the New Humanity.
Remember, companions, that all of this Work of the end of time will generate the new, which you will see coming over the horizon, the new cycle of humanity, free of errors, sins, evils and indifference, full of the Love of God, of Grace, of Mercy and of Compassion.
In the end, dear companions, there is still much striving to be done. Let your hearts not tire of expanding so that you are able to embrace this Work more and more, which must reach the five continents. This Work is complementary to My Holy Church. This Work, dear companions, expresses in this humanity by giving opportunities to all consciousnesses, so that everybody may know the Love of God in some way.
Through you, I place an important mission, a mission that you are getting to know little by little, which you must love so that it can be strengthened in you, and thus express and be realized in this humanity.
On this August 8, the Universe, the Celestial Universe, the Mental Universe and the Material Universe stop for an instant to observe the last cycle that has now begun.
Bring your hands together in prayer.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My dear children, My Son is speaking to you of a last chance. It is this last chance that many will receive so they may cross the portal toward redemption and conversion. My Son invites you to be forerunners of this definitive time, which assembles all the lost sheep so they may enter the stable of His Heart.
Let us pray now, because the last cycle is descending over this universe like a powerful current of God which comes to correct the world, which comes to balance consciousnesses, which comes to bring the new, what nobody has yet known, and about which nobody can comment on what it is, because it is a cycle which is coming in this hour, at this precise moment, for all your higher beings and the higher beings of all of humanity, regardless of whether they are in the light or in the darkness.
The Government of the Universe proclaims His Sacred Word, to announce to the world that it is the time for the last suns to awaken to their true task.
Let us pray united with the Three Sacred Hearts, dear children, because you will always be able to be in Our Hearts, so that We are able to guide you toward the infinite Purpose.
Unite, and every day live unity more and more. The unity will protect you so that you not leave the path. And those who still cannot live in unity, let them yield to My Son so He may help them to be meek, peaceful and good to their fellow beings.
Remember, dear children, the gifts given to you by Heaven in these last nine years.
Let us pray.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).
And now the new cycle has entered into the spiritual consciousness of the planet. A powerful Consciousness that comes from God, descending over the world to redeem hearts and strengthen apostles, who will sustain this world when We are no longer present, and yet alive in your hearts forever.
Let us thank God for this opportunity. Let us invoke His Sacred Names. While We rise up to Heaven, lift up your intentions, your prayers and pleas to Heaven.
Happy August 8! You have been born to My Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:
My companions, My Heart is your stronghold.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "The Names of God".
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
When the Divinity makes an announcement such as this one, a great emotion, a great inner movement occurs in each person. Something that our souls emit, which we do not truly understand, because besides the emotion, it also causes a little fear, because it is unknown. It is here where love and faith move beyond this feeling and we are able to take tight hold of the Mantle of Our Lady and the Robe of Our Lord, knowing that this step, guided by Them, will be what is best for us.
Today, in our heart, our soul spoke and said yes, we continue onward, in spite of that feeling that has overwhelmed us; because it knows that, in that feeling, faith and love will be strengthened and a complete trust in God will change us into other beings.
Those were the steps we took nine years ago and here we are, at the point of taking other steps, perhaps very much larger, but which will carry us to another point. And who knows, after some time, instead of there being 800 people here, someday there will be 80,000 to praise Our Lord and Our Lady.
We have always imagined what it would be like to sing the Kodoish with 100,000 people and draw the angels from Heaven. Who knows, suddenly it's not just a dream, to finally free this world from ignorance, damnation and a lack of union with God.
We, from here, salute everybody on this memorable day, in which finally, this world takes its new step in evolution. And each of us who affirms their heart in God will see the New Race.
And now, let us sing to finish, and let us distribute our beloved oranges. Those beloved oranges that were the beginning of all this, and let us remember a prophecy that a daughter of God, here in Uruguay, transmitted a long time ago and which said that Christ, when He returned, would walk among the orange trees, and we are preparing.
So now we will sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary" while we distribute our oranges and while we say goodbye to all this planet, to all those who are accompanying us through Misericordia María TV.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The oranges were blessed by the Three Sacred Hearts. They carry three blessings in one.
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more