On each new day, may Mercy be for you like a light that is kindled in your darkest, most hidden and deepest abysses.
May Mercy be the symbol that you always receive from God of an opportunity to begin again, and more than that, My child, that you always receive from the Father the possibility to go deeper into your healing and transformation, and cure wounds within you that you sometimes do not even know exist.
May, in each new day, crying out for Mercy be your hope, so that you may look to the miseries of the world and also to those that persist within you and that, beyond this, child, your eyes may return to the Heart of God, to His Gaze and to His Love, and that your confidence may be in His infinite Mercy.
Much beyond all the human sins and deviations, the Heart of God, by means of His Son, continues shedding Blood and Water upon the world. May this fountain not pass you by unnoticed, but may it find within your heart a new vessel, clean and empty to be filled.
Thus, with every new day, may your faith be placed upon Divine Mercy. And much beyond all the sins of yesterday, may you know today that you can begin again, repent yourself and walk to the ever-opened Arms of God.
Your Creator is patient and tireless. Therefore, child, go to His merciful encounter, and remember to carry in your heart the cry for all souls.
You have My blessing for this.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart no longer knows what to do, child, keep your spirit in the certainty of the Presence of God and simply offer the Father your emptiness, your silence, your anguish, your human condition, your deeper aspects, your most hidden weaknesses.
Offer yourself to the Father at each moment and may your small life be before His Celestial Altar.
Give thanks, even if it is for the tests, for the deserts and for the challenges.
Give thanks for the deep abysses from which your Creator comes to withdraw you while He reaches His hands out towards you.
Allow these experiences of surrender to strengthen your spirit for an even greater surrender because it is just a matter of yielding to God ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When hearts pray, accompanying the Divine Messengers in Their pilgrimage throughout this world, they are opening the doors to Heaven so that a new life may be instituted on Earth.
The sincere prayer of your hearts awakens the potential of the human heart of uniting Heaven with Earth and, little by little, you begin to express the true purpose of humanity.
When hearts awaken, they generate merits so that more souls can also awaken and so that those who are in the abysses of this world may receive an opportunity of finding the light.
Only the one who has already been in the abysses of the Earth, children, knows the pain and the anguish of being far from God and prisoner of the play of dark forces that besiege this world. For this reason, what is most important is to cry out and plead for lost souls, say 'yes' to God unconditionally, and accompany the steps of His Messengers, even though you may not totally know the mission that we are carrying out in this world at this time.
What we do, as we are on pilgrimage throughout the nations, is much broader than what we can reveal to you. We are withdrawing this planet from the abyss of its self-destruction and placing it in the correct position for its transformation so that it is able to cross the threshold between illusory time and the Time of God, in which nothing will ever be the same, in which the truth will be revealed to you, in which you will know who you are and why you are here.
Thus, children, something so simple as a sincere prayer is the response you must give to God, every day, so that you may fulfill your part in this mission of love. Simply accompany Our steps with the heart and, wherever you are, announce through prayer your adherence to this Plan of love and of rescue of the life on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In this moment of planetary chaos, in which within and outside of humanity there is confusion, doubts and fear, you, child, must in everything seek Divine aid, so that in the silence of your heart, the Lord may bring the answers that you need, in order to be at peace before His Plan.
Meditate as the Son of God used to meditate in the desert; cherish the moments of silence and solitude in which you meet God for a dialogue with your Lord. There, the Father will guide you and support you in the decisions about your life so that you do not fall in the same abysses, over and over.
Understand the importance of the inner desert so that you may find emptiness, nothingness, and you may know how to surrender your being so that it may become a divine dwelling.
Understand the importance of your inner desert so that your internal world may be strengthened.
Understand the importance of the inner desert, because in it you start entering the divine wisdom and discernment. It is in the desert of your heart that you will build what you will make use of during these end of times.
Therefore, child, pray and enter the silent depths of your heart without fear and there wait for the arrival of your Lord and God. In this way, you will be worthy of participating with Him, in His Plan of rescue and of salvation, first of your own soul and then of this world.
Your Father and Friend,
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Pray, because the more awakened the ones who committed themselves with Christ are, the greater is their responsibility before the planet and the Plan of the Creator.
Pray, because in the same time that you awaken, the world agonizes and those who are submerged in darkness enter deeper into their abysses.
Cultivate in your heart, in your mind and in your feelings, that which brings you closer to the Father, and unite to Him so that this union has more strength inside of you than the human tendency to follow the illusions of the world.
While the rulers of the nations become lost and confuse their spirit with matter, pray, child, for there to be balance in this world so that the laws attracted to it do not foster on Earth an unexpected test, something that many will not be able to bear.
Your prayer, hidden and silent, but sincere and true, reaches the Foot of God and His archangels, in order to balance the laws that cause the events to manifest within the life on Earth.
Everything in human life, before manifesting on Earth, starts to exist on the spiritual levels. The roots of virtues as well as of evil, of the new human being as well as of the tests of this time, are still in the invisible, intangible levels, but where prayers can indeed reach.
When you pray, you are attracting the Thought of God to Earth and this very Thought, when descending through dimensions, balances them so that it can manifest.
In the same way, when human beings act in a negative way and attract chaos to Earth, this chaos destabalizes the dimensions of life wherever it passes so as to manifest according to its vibration.
Therefore, we say that we are in times of battle. A silent battle, in which one triumphs with love and unity with God, because there is nothing superior to the Love of the Father, nothing that can defeat it. But, for it to be present within life on earth, human beings must open the doors to the Love of the Father through prayer.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more