In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Look at yourself for a moment, before your existence, and remember what you originally were, from where you arose and for what you were created.

Look at yourself for a moment, before your existence, and within you let the remembrance of the Purpose of God awaken, that which was destined for your consciousness, for your evolution.

Now, contemplate this existence in the great center of Andromeda, where the first evolutionary life was manifested, before the origin of the Earth, before the emergence of the Solar System.

You will thus understand that life in the universe has existed since primordial times, when the Angelic and Archangelic Hierarchy gave an impulse to the manifestation of Creation.

With this, I want you to know that you must look towards what you truly are, and not towards what you appear to be. You must find your immaterial life, which vibrates in the spaces of the universe, that which is part of a cosmic symphony and complements a part of the great and infinite Brotherhood.

Today, your existence and your origin are at the feet of Andromeda, before the government of the universe that conducts and guides all consciousnesses, just as it gives an impulse to the expression of all virtues and all gifts, that which the Spiritual Hierarchy calls lineages.

Humanity came to incarnate on this planet to fulfill this task and this mission of expressing the lineages through virtues and gifts, because in this way evolution would be completed.

Andromeda is this great powerhouse of the universe that gives impulse to life and to the awakening of consciousness. This is why today your existence is there so that, just like the Hierarchy, you may find within you the school that you must  go through in these times, which is the school of awakening.

Living this school, you will overcome illusion, and will know how to purify your indifference. You will no longer be part of the world ignorance, of what blinds humanity and of what blocks the mind, but rather, through the recognition of your immaterial life, you will be like a mirror, you will be like a guardian, you will be a governor, you will be like a contemplative, you will be like a healer, and thus you will find the path that the universe has destined for your being.

Why does God need, within this Creation, that you live His gifts or His virtues through the lineages?

Because it is the path that will help you in your redemption, in your purification and transcendence.

Because it is the path to find your origin again, to remember your existence;to know that you come from the Divine Spirit and that to the Divine Spirit you must return, completing this experience of the Creation that has to be re-created, that has to find its definitive path for the fulfillment of the Plan.

I know that a great part of humanity is asleep, it is ignorant and also indifferent.

But just like you, I came to Earth with a Greater Purpose and an inextinguishable, divine and cosmic Will; and with only twelve consciousnesses, I carried forward the task of redemption, bringing the opportunity of uniting the times, of uniting the consciousnesses, of awakening the talents and expressing the inner life in a humanity that was lost, blind and deaf.

Now you must be this bridge, at this time. Learn to recognize your errors, but do not submerge in them. Learn to correct your lives and not become confused. Learn to discern, so as to not go crazy.

Purification is a part of the process of evolution, it is steps of the infinite stairway of the universe, which will impel you to again find your origin and your existence.

Days ago, Sirius sent you a message and brought to the world the awakening of consciousness. 

Today Sirius impels a great transformation, a constant aspiration of finding the truth and of participating in it, to abandon the illusion of the surface of the Earth so that each sun may shine by itself, knowing how to unite to the currents of the universe through the lineages. Knowing that human power and authority do not belong to you. Knowing that it is time to serve by expanding the consciousness in order to find a safe path, that path that directs you towards the center of the universe, the great star of Andromeda that impels the awakening.

You must not fear to find your obstacles, your limitations, your errors in this world and in other parts of the universe.

Through purification, you must transcend duality and the corrupt states of the mind and consciousness in order to turn towards that which is immaterial, to that which is real and sublime. You are not lacking any help at this moment.

It would be a great relief for the Hierarchy if all of humanity were aware of this so that once and forever it might learn to step out of the very chaos it generates, of the very duality in which it participates, of the indifference it fosters.

This is the time to find your true being, to learn to live true life.

As the situation of humanity is unleashed, greater will be the efforts to live the lineages through the impulses of the virtues and the gifts. Greater will be the determination of reaching these spheres and of attracting to the Earth the Christic Life.

The more of you who live your awakening, the greater your opportunities will be; but understand that, just like you, many of your brothers and sisters will face the reality that will lead them, either way, to experience change, and to detach from what is material and superfluous, from all that does not lead to the life of the spirit and to experience that which is immaterial. But just by placing oneself in the aspiration of finding it, help will come, and, little by little, everything will be converted.

You must learn, more each day, to sympathize with your fellow beings, because if fraternity does not exist and is not consciously lived, the lineages will not awaken.

It is not possible to flaunt cosmic life without first living a life of solidarity, of cooperation, of brotherhood.

This humanity has received many treasures throughout the times and generations.

Now it is time to give value to the Word of the Hierarchy so that it not only passes you by, but it may also enter your consciousness in order to become a part of your being.

Through this awakening, humanity will be sustained. A great part of the ignorant humanity will also be sustained, and this sustenance, this inner and spiritual support will be what will allow the consciousnesses to participate in My Return. Overnight, you will see the Truth that the universe will show you. A Truth that no one will be able to interfere with nor impede.

My priesthood guards each one of your gifts and virtues so that your inner life may have more strength than external life, which is concrete and material. Because it is in that which is internal where the force of overcoming and transcendence lies. The building of a New Humanity lies there.

Today, before your existence, interiorize these words so that Andromeda may always send you the impulse of the great awakening.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Listen in silence to the beating of My Heart, of a Heart that gave itself for you and for the world.

This is the Heart that still continues to suffer for humanity and for the planet. It is a human Heart, just like yours. A Heart that was glorified and enlightened. A heart that propagates Peace and Mercy.

This is the Heart that humanity feels within. A Heart that welcomes all souls and Kingdoms of Nature. It is the Heart of the Creator, of the Living God, of the Merciful God.

Today My Presence reaches the world through the Heart of the Lord and, with open arms, contemplates the planet and everything that inhabits it.

You are in the time of great inflection, but also in the time of great repentance, before more situations are unleashed in humanity. The door of My Mercy is still open, and it is through My Heart that you will reach it.

The Heart of the Lamb of God is still being scourged, but this time in a deeper and more unknown way.

The ideals of humanity wound the Heart of the Lord.

The actions of humanity wound the Heart of the Lord.

The lack of awareness and love wound the Heart of the Lord.

You are souls that come from God and that keep, within yourselves, the Love of the Universe.

Injustice cannot surpass the love within you. You need to do something, not only to offer your prayers to the heights, but also to change.

The change of times will arrive in the rhythm of the events of the planet. For this reason, may your hearts not close.

This is the time to assert the Teachings of God through His Divine Messengers.

We tell you again that the Word must be fulfilled within you so that you may be a testimony, so It may be a reality and justify all the threats that the world is experiencing, through nations and governments.

A great part of humanity is innocent of the wars, persecutions, famine, lack of care, of everything that is outside of the Law.

But My Return cannot be at this time, because humanity must still realize all that it has done. My arrival will be in a culminating moment, but also unexpected.

The celestial doors are being prepared for this moment, as events unfold in humanity, in this rhythm, My arrival comes.

I cannot help but tell you that you still have to prepare yourselves; and that this preparation is born from awareness, discernment and adherence to the Hierarchy.

Most will learn about the end of time through another school, which is the school in which many should not be in. Therefore, do not allow indifference to embrace you or fill you; do not allow indifference to replace love.

In difficult moments, think of My Passion and all the pains and martyrdoms that I suffered for you, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the top of Mount Calvary, until the moment of My expiration.

There you will find an unknown inner force that will give you an impulse to experience transcendence and surrender; and you value all that I have lived for you, even though it was a long time ago. My Passion is spiritually timeless.

Souls can access the records of the events that I experienced more than two thousand years ago, because, in each step of My Passion, I left a teaching, a message, a lesson for the world.

Not everyone is able to fully experience the pain I suffered for you.

My Passion is not to be understood, but to be loved. It is not to be recognized, but to be valued. In it, I have left the steps of your sanctification, and so, you are always blessed by the Heavenly Father.

The planet as a consciousness lives its passion. A passion that it has never lived or suffered before, and its essence, which is humanity, is sick.

Therefore, your change and your repentance will relieve the world and the Kingdoms of Nature. But the currents of the universe will continue to descend, they will continue to work, they will continue to transform, because at least a small part of humanity must reach the Portal toward a New Earth and a New Humanity.

The aspiration of the Eternal Father is that all may reach the New Earth, the new Eden, the New Humanity. But the world, being far from the Law, moves away from that portal. This is why these are times of greatest sacrifices and of great resignations.

Now will be the cycle in which each one of you, companions, will confirm if you are within Me, so that I may be within you.

When I appeared to you, for the first time, more than seven years ago, it was for this moment, so that you would live this moment with Me and not retreat, not abandon Me.

The experience of the Christic life is for everyone, but I know that not everyone could achieve it, this does not mean being far from God and His Will, it means living different schools and lessons. Therefore, everything you do is written in the universe and it is witnessed.

These are times to keep the doors of My Mercy open so that the greatest number of souls may be redeemed and saved, at least they can have an opportunity in the next world.

Your happiness, companions, will be in the next world, because this is the time of surrender, and of faith to live in Me.

I need your lives to be balm for My Heart, and not the wounds.

I need your lives to be an example of transformation and charity, and not of offenses. I do not need you perfect, I need you true and pure of intention so that, through you, I can be in the world bringing My Love to humanity and to the places that need it the most, beyond distance.

In My Heart is the refuge for your souls, the aspiration of your consciousnesses, the renewal of your lives. Whoever is not in My Heart, it is because they do not want to be, it is because they have not yet seen, beyond themselves, the Grace received.

I want you to be aware of the opportunity, to not only receive My Presence, but to also receive My Message, to be close to Me at this crucial time of humanity. This represents a lot for Me, because I know what it means, especially when one of you fails Me and turns your back on Me, abandoning Me, invaded by incomprehension and unconsciousness.

I need you to live the truth from the heart and, through that truth that I bring you, to learn to love and serve.

Learn to be among brothers and sisters, in these difficult times, because in each new message, I bring you My Priesthood, which comes to sanctify and bless you in the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for better times to come. Do not stop praying. The Father hears the prayers of His children, and He feels purity when their intentions are true.

Do not stop returning every day to the essence of the Purpose and the Divine Will, so you will be protected and safe in these times of darkness.

My Staff will show you the way. My Heart will be the Light along your paths. My Mantle will be your Peace, and My Cross, your protection.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus, during the 68th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Christ is teaching me a prayer.

Let us repeat:

Sacred Geometry of Light,
symbol of the Universal Creation,
descend upon us Your Divine Purpose,
so that we may attain Redemption.

The Creator Fathers were partakers of the infinite Wills of God before the Universes were created and manifested, before the first Host of Light existed, and they were called Elohim Angels.

Before the existence of the mental universe the first Creator Parents, the twelve Archangels, were the ones who participated, in communion with the Heavenly Father, in His Source of manifestation and life, provided by love, by unity and wisdom.

At that time everything, absolutely everything, was perfect until one of them, one of the Creator Fathers opposed the Will of God and wanted to do his own project, which he carries out until now and will be defeated by the Love of My Return to the world.

Duality will be defeated, error will be transcended, guilt will be dissolved, suffering will be extinguished when the principles of the Divine Source return to the world, in truth, to this Solar System as to other Life Systems, where communion with the Heights is lived in a different but simple way, according to what the twelve Archangels taught.

The revealed angel is the thirteenth, so he will still be redeemed. It will be the last thing that Archangel Gabriel will do, when the archetype of His Sacred Geometry descends to Earth and when He is called by God to carry that Mission forward in humanity.

It will be a deeply spiritual and inexplicable event. That is why today I am opening to you the second Scroll of God, so that you may be aware of the true and unique Knowledge, which is also kept in the Sacred Ark of God and above all in His Heart.

The time indicates that humanity is changing its state of consciousness. Do not worry, no human being on Earth can translate the impulses that I bring to the world because it is the first time, after the people of Israel, that human beings on Earth make contact with this Truth, which comes from the Supreme, from the Source.

So do not fear. Your essence, like the essence of your brothers and sisters, recognizes this Truth. They recognize the opportunity to resume the path to the sacred Knowledge of God that will ennoble the spirit, elevate the soul and transcend the corrupt matter.

That is why, my companion, everything has its time, not only to reveal itself, but also to show itself.

I bring something that humanity has still not wanted to know. This is not part of a deserving, not even of a grace for this humanity, but it is part of a revelation, of a need, of an emergency. It is part of a response, because of the answer that My companions have given in the fidelity of the prayer, of the service, of the instruction, of the acceptance, of the time of the changes, of the Plan of the Hierarchy, of the need to materialize the Will of God.

Do you understand now why it is so difficult to translate My Impulses?

Because they are not only words, they are principles, attributes, commandments, and energies for the spirits that are in redemption, for the souls that are in conversion, for those who for the first time approach the Light of God after having moved away from It for a long time.

The Geometry of God is pure knowledge of the Source. No soul on Earth can touch it and interfere with it, only the Second and Third Person of God can do it, as in this case His Son, the Redeemer, who brings that Grace with all the Love of the Universe.

Because it is the Source of Grace that sends this impulse to the world and that brings the opportunity for the human consciousness to grow, consciously, without pride, without arrogance, and without vainglory, because the knowledge of God, transmitted through His Sacred Geometry, abounds in humility and in love.

Within you there is the most important Sacred Geometry of God, which is the Divine Essence that evil tries to defeat, extinguish and disturb all the time. But the nourishment of each of your essences is prayer; it is the only way that will lead you to Christic Life, to unconditional service and to the absolute surrender of your consciousness to God.

May this Sacred Geometry, within you, be deeply revered and protected from the stimuli offered by the world in the universe of its infidelity, its omission, and its indifference; something that affects the essence of human beings very much and makes them fall in error, in faults, in sin.

But if your lives follow the path of the essence, according to the Sacred Geometry of God, within you a new being, a new principle, will be designed, the one that God thought in the first humanity of the Earth, in Adam and Eve, a Project that was interfered with and usurped.

But now, after My coming to the world more than 2,000 years ago, for this next Sacred Week when you will not only celebrate and remember My Passion, it will be the most important moment when the whole humanity and the planet will have the last and only opportunity, in that Sacred Meeting, to receive the impulses directly from the Creator Fathers, about which I am speaking to you today and about which I spoke to you yesterday, about the Sacred Geometry of God, incalculable knowledge, a non-material treasure that will replace the consciousnesses within the Plan of God so that the New Earth and the New Humanity may arise at last.

I know that on this day you will not understand everything I say because not only are My words pronounced, but the Universe speaks as the same word and transmits the impulses of the non-material Fount of God for humanity, for all those who have congregated in faithfulness and trust in order to be part of My Project.

I have longed so much to say all these revelations that I had to wait until the day of this meeting, so that in this meeting, number sixty-eight, your consciousnesses might be prepared and your inner ears and, especially, your hearts could hear something absolutely unknown, which by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit of the Mother of God could be revealed today in words, in impulses, in light, and in a unique Sacred Geometry.

The Divine Knowledge is for the brave, a portal that will lead you to know the Universal Life, to overcome ignorance, hypnotism, and world illusion. Because your consciousnesses, by the nature of this revelation, will rise and they will be able to be in intimate communion with the Heavenly Father, directly with His Source and His Will, to say "yes", finally, to His universal Call of love.

Because the Father aspires and expects to see a new Earth free of selfishness, suffering, indifference, wars, perdition. He wants to see a new Earth, a fruit of the Universe of Peace, and promising Grace of all the Archangels, the Elohim.

For your material body to participate in this divine energy, today we will invoke one of the names of God so that this powerful energy that comes from the Source may be kept within you, at this moment and directly for humanity.

Thus we will celebrate this Eucharist, this possibility to be in communion with the Heights again, having total awareness, in spite of the abstract and the non-material, of what you are receiving today and of what you will receive so that you may have your fruits not only in your lives but also in your families and in your loved ones.

So be it!

We will sing "Elohim, Elohim." Let us stand up.


Let us put our hands in a sign of receptivity and gratitude.

Now a little more intense and faster.


Adonai, Emmanuel, and Abba, Father of Truth and of the Infinite Existence, descend Your Principles upon the world, vivify the flame of Love in the hearts so that, transformed by Your Sacred Geometry, they may attain redemption. Amen.


“Our Father”.

This is the Body and Blood of Christ that will always give you Eternal Life. Amen.

Finally, I was able to do what I expected and yearned for so much. Finally, I was able to fulfill what God so desired, and I hope that this treasure is protected and valued because it will not be within the reach of material life, but of the spiritual life that each one builds in themselves and for God.

Through the Sacred Geometry of Peace and in the name of Shalom Adonai, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

By the name of Peace, you will fraternally greet one another.                                                                                

I thank you!

And do not forget what I told you. You may greet one another.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
