Special Apparitions

Song: Children of the sea (in Portuguese)

My beloved children,

I have come here on this day to elevate, through your prayers, all those who need the Light and the Love of God, a Love that is being forgotten by the world, because the kingdom of darkness is present and love can only overcome when it is in your hearts all the time.

After these days lived with Me, in which you shared the Truth, the Sacred Knowledge of God, I come to definitely activate the sacred Mirror of your hearts so that, from there, the principles of Love and of Brotherhood, which God expects from this world and in this final time, may be born and emerge.

I come to build new bases in you, bases of an uplifted life, of souls that correspond to the Heart of the Heavenly Father and who, in this time, awaken by work of His Grace and His Mercy.

But still, dear children, through your hearts and all of your prayers, many more hearts will have to awaken.

After so many years in which each one of you were instructed, the time has come, My beloved children, for the bases to be finally founded in this Work that I want to carry out in Europe and beyond this continent.

But know, dear children, that all of your brothers and sisters in the Americas will be able to give you support in order to always motivate you to take a step further and dare to build, in this final times, this great network of Mirrors of Love that I aspire to establish in each one of you.

You have just begun, dear children, to take the first steps on this path of awakening. Know that your stars of origin, that your real essences, recognize this important moment and this work in which you were called to participate.

Know, dear children, that above every test or suffering, or every error that the whole world commits, there is the Plan of God to be fulfilled and the love of your hearts will always be able to prevail. It will be this love that will keep you all well united, will strengthen you and will keep you firm in order to sustain this boat that is passing for the last time in this world to rescue those who are still lost.

It is in this way, dear children, that I also come to open the eyes of your hearts, so that, by knowing the Truth of the Universe, which has been written a long time ago, your spirits may be able to self-summon for this true mission that is born from the Heart of God for the whole Universe and for this planet.

Thus I invite you, beloved children, to live in fraternity and in confraternity, so that more hearts and souls that still do not find the path of Light and Truth, may be able to find this path that I open to all, without exception. Because I want, dear children, that all of My children in the world receive the same sacred opportunity, just as corresponds to each one.

In this so crucial hour for the world, in which the final battle accelerates, I invite you, dear children, to keep praying with all of your heart, so that you may finally discover the love that exists in you, a love that has to be at the service of God, for Light to be able to triumph at this final moment of the planet.

I open the doors of the Universe to all, so that all may know the Truth, the true origin, the true essence of your lives, the true spirits that were chosen by the Hands of the Most High in this final hour, to carry forward this Work that is sustained by all those who have awakened to the call of My Son.

Heaven contemplates you with Love, dear children, and this love rejoices in God and in all the angels of the Universe.

Your step at this moment is very important so that the Work can be fulfilled and the pillars can be founded in this part of the world.

I leave in your hearts all the Principles of Love because it is this Love that will nourish and save you, that will bring you life and the opportunity of knowing Redemption and Peace.

I want you to live united to Me through this Love. And thus, dear children, you will be able to know the different flows of the Love that have to be at the service of the Plan and donated to this spiritually sick humanity.

There are many souls of the world that do not know the Love of God. And if your hearts were summoned to live in this Love, I ask you, dear children, to dare and do it, because it is this Love of God, which dwells in each one of you, that will lead you to complete the Work, the Work that was thought by the Creator for this final part of time.

Thus, I constitute you, dear children, not only as apostles of My Son but rather as apostles of His Love and His Mercy. You will live this apostolate, dear children, through daily example, service and fraternity, which must expand throughout the world in order to be able to change all evil that exists in humanity, transfiguring it in Light and in Love through all the souls that correspond to this call.

Time and again I visit Portugal for you to remember your true mission in this time.

You will always count, dear children, on the Sacred Center of Fatima, which I have especially founded for you and for all of your brothers and sisters.

I wish, dear children, this Sacred Center would also live in your hearts, just as many of your brothers and sisters who are in other Sacred Centers, carry these Centers in their hearts in order to be able to radiate them to the world, which needs it so much.

Today I also invite you, beloved children, to be sparks of Lys by means of the prayer and the love that must emerge from your hearts every day of your life until the awaited return of My Son to the world is finally fulfilled.

Everything you live in this time, dear children, is a preparation, it is a school of learning and of redemption. I ask you, for love’s sake, not to resist to living it. Always open the doors of your hearts so that the Light of God may enter.

Remember all these Sacred Instructions that you have received in these days, so that these seeds may be indelible in your essences. It is these seeds of Light, dear children, these sparks of Lys, that must multiply in this humanity and in all Europe.

You can count on the divine intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to carry forward this work in all of Europe.

The souls of Europe must be attracted to the Center of Lys. Many of them need to recover their essential purity, just like you. It is this original purity that My adversary is erasing at this moment through wars. It is this purity that cannot be erased, dear children.

Your commitment to Me is very important. It is thus that I demonstrate to you, beloved children, that all things that I ask you are very simple.

Although humanity does not pay attention, it ends up going astray in the abysses of hell. And up to there I must go to rescue each one. I need, dear children, that you also accompany me on this task.

May all the teachings that you received in these last days be able to re-sprout in your hearts, may they nourish your souls, may they fertilize your spirits, just as the Sacred Family fertilized Fraternity in humanity.

In this special night, beloved children, I offer to you My Immaculate Heart, which ardently pulsates on the palm of My hand full of Love and Mercy for each one of you, for each one of My children, who are more lost and forgotten by humanity.

I need, dear children, that, in you, the Love of Lys may flourish, so that you may finally be formed as true Mirrors of Love.

I only ask you, in this crucial hour of humanity, in which war condemns many souls in the world, that love may be in your hearts through simple and true acts.

I ask you, dear children, that you only live actions of goodness and love. Ask for this love to My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that is full and replete with Love for each one of its children; a Love that wants to pour itself but still cannot, cannot because the souls do not ask for it and My Love is a Grace, dear children. It is a Love that heals and that redeems, it is the Love of Jesus in Me that must be in each one of you.

In this way, you will permit, dear children, that I may have the Grace, for this final time, to return to Europe once more, before you imagine.