May peace reign in your heart so that you know how to understand these times and search for strength in the correct place of your consciousness and your heart.
There will be days in which your weaknesses will go beyond your capacity to overcome yourself and continue on, but in these moments, child, find a place in your heart where you are safe. Look for the Love of Christ, the memory of the embrace of your Lord; look for the knowledge of the Divine Presence, that the Eyes of the Creator are focused on you; be in silence in nature, observe the sun that is born and goes down, bringing peace and retreat toward your heart; look for hope in the Words already pronounced by God through His Messengers; sit in silence and solitude just to breathe and be grateful, and in your weakness, say:
And pronouncing this and any confessions that may emerge from your heart, make space so that God may reveal, not only your emptiness and smallness, but also His greatness, His miracle, His power.
Choose, child, in the depths of your weaknesses, to make space so that Christ may reveal His Grace to the world through the living testimony of your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXII - Concerning Prayer
A devout soul that was always willing to give more of itself to God, while they prayed, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, I lift up my voice to the Heavens and pray for the souls that suffer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the planet, for Your Plan. What more must I do for this prayer to truly reach You and generate merits for the salvation and the redemption of the world?"
And the Lord responded: "While you pray, speak with Me, pronounce each word not only to hear your own voice and feel that you are fulfilling your part. Pray, allowing your essence to look into My Eyes, allowing your heart to be within Mine and your words to be an echo throughout the infinite, throughout Creation.
To pray in this way, beloved child, soul of Mine, you need to be whole before Me, without caring about time, tiredness, the sensations of the body or about those who are around you, whether or not they strive as you do or whether they sleep and become distracted in their words. May nothing matter to you but My Presence and the imperious need the world has for sincere and real prayers.
When you sing, may your ears not care about the sound of your voice, may your mind not care about who is listening to you, but rather may your heart care to attune your voice and be before Me, singing with perfection for the One Who is the Owner of all sound, the Creator of each note, of each tone, capable of transforming your vibration into gifts that expand through Life, transforming lives. This, little soul, is how your prayer must be."
May this dialogue teach you, children, to deepen each day into your prayers. May they be sincere and reach God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
X - Find Yourself Within the Eyes of God
A soul that aspired to fulfill the Divine Will, but constantly felt itself unworthy and incapable of doing so in the face of all the great things that the Lord called them to live,questioned His Sacred Heart for feeling too small and poor to fulfill His Work, and said: “Lord, great is Your Plan and it is full of deep Love for humanity and for all Creation. I contemplate Your Will and I am amazed by Your Mercy, but when I try to manifest what You want, I feel incapable before so many imperfections and difficulties. So I look at the world and at so many precious souls that You have created, and those whom You can count on to manifest Your Work, and I ask myself: why did You call on me?”
And contemplating this soul with Love, seeing them transparent and crystalline, just as He created them, the Lord responded: “Little soul, see your reflection in My Eyes. Do not look at yourself in the mirrors of the world, but rather in the mirror of My Eyes. What the mirrors of the world can show you are limitations and defects, imperfections and perhaps skills, but what you truly are, you will only see if you look at your reflection in My Eyes.
I see you just as you are. I know of the potential that lies within you, I know of your trajectory since the beginning, I know what you were created for and for what your essence and consciousness were formed. Therefore, little soul, it is My Voice that you must hear, and not the voices of the world, or the confused voice of your mind, which is so often lost through the stimuli of this Earth. Open your inner hearing and listen to My Will, knowing that it corresponds to you and to no one else.
For each being of this world, I have a perfect Will, a path through which they will reach Me. And this path is not the one known to you; oftentimes it is not the one that you already know how to walk. This path is the one that will forge in you what I need, it is the one that will reveal to you what I see when I contemplate your little soul, for it will allow to emerge within your consciousness what you are, and the truth will take the place of the many layers with which you have covered your consciousness.
Therefore, beloved soul, when I ask something of you, do not look for your reference in the mirrors of the world. Look into My Eyes, see your real face reflected in Me and feel capable of carrying out everything that I ask of you, because My Will for you is perfect.
Open each day to discover within you that which is reflected in My Eyes: you yourself, as I see you. And it will not be vanities, nor pride or false humility that will dwell within your heart, but rather it will be Me and My Truth, the transparency and the perfection of My Thought for you.”
May this story inspire you, children, to look for your references neither in that which you see of yourselves nor in the world but only in the depths of the Eyes of God. It will be there where you will find yourselves.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I - Seek God and Find the Meaning of Your Own Existence
A soul that lived immersed in sadness and bitterness questioned the Lord what was the meaning of their existence. Knowing that all creatures were made to express Love, and feeling that they were far from knowing and expressing this Love, the soul could not find the reason for their own existence.
With compassionate Eyes, the Lord contemplated this soul and responded also with a question: "You feel that you cannot express My Love and you live immersed in bitterness and sadness, but do you seek My Heart every day? Do you ask for My Grace and strive to overcome your bitterness and the dryness of your inner world in order to reach My Thought for you?"
The soul, afflicted and somewhat upset, responded to the Lord that they do not seek Him, that they do not feel Him, and that they are only immersed in their weaknesses and bitterness.
The Lord then said: "You are a beloved soul, and I love you as much as you could love Me and everything that exists, but since I created you, dear soul, you have distanced yourself from My path and you covered yourself with so many garments and veils that you can no longer recognize who you are nor Who I Am. But for Me to show you your true face, you need to ask Me, you need to go beyond your bitterness and weaknesses, your dryness and sadness, your desires and goals, and all that which you think about how I manifest in your life, how I reveal Myself to you, and how you can feel Me.
Let me act within your heart and, for this, just say yes to Me, every day, with humility and persistence. The purpose of your existence is to live and renew My Love but, for this to happen, there is a path of redemption and humility, of renunciation and surrender, of overcoming and rendition, in which you become lost from yourself and then you find Me, so that only then may you know what it is to express and renew My Love.
My miracle in your life begins when you say yes to Me. This miracle is constant and eternal, and oftentimes you will not perceive that My Love is acting through your heart but, above all, you must trust in Me."
Today I tell you this short and profound story because the souls of the world are not finding the meaning for their own existences, nor do they look the One Who can reveal this to them.
It is not in the world or in human goals that you will find realization and wholeness. To free yourselves of the emptiness and bitterness of a life without love, you must seek God, children, and in Him seek the answers for your deepest questions.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer to Imitate Christ
may my eyes contemplate the world with Your Eyes;
may my heart feel life as does Your Heart;
may my soul live upon Earth and beyond it, as does Your Soul;
may my days be an eternal reflection of Your Mercy
so that I may see my neighbor as You see me,
so that I understand my neighbor as You understand me,
so that I may be patient with my neighbor as You are with me,
so that I may speak to my neighbor as You speak to those who are Yours,
so that I may act with my neighbor as You act with those who are Yours,
and so that I may deliver to them all that You may wish to deliver.
Therefore, Lord,
may I love as You love,
serve as You serve
and live as You live,
Pray like the first companions of Christ, who, gathered around Him, - Jews, pagans, atheists, fishermen, prostitutes, scholars and soldiers, poor people and tax collectors, doctors and lepers - learned to love one another as He loved them.
Through His sacred Presence, their eyes became merciful and they could see beyond miseries and appearances.
This is how, children, you should look at one another today, with these very Eyes. This is how you should recognize one another, in the eternal Presence of Christ; loving, understanding, patient, merciful and compassionate, as His Heart is.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seated at the table with your Lord, pray, child, for all life, for all beings, for those who are lost in their own ignorance, for those who do not recognize the One that shares the Bread and surrenders Himself to repair the sins of the world.
Seated at the table with your Lord, contemplate all life, the depth of each instant, the greatness hidden in each movement, the attentive Eyes of God upon the Earth, His Spirit flooding all of Creation.
Observe that the Time of God unites with the time of the Earth and, for an instant, nothing is separate. The Son and the Father are One with the Consoling Spirit and your little essence participates in divine unity.
Seated at the table with your Lord, give thanks for each offering, each word and each silence, each gesture and movement, each instant of stillness. Everything is a part of a universal ceremony, celestial and human, revealing that which the human being really is for all Creation.
Thus, let your feet be washed, your spirit purified and your soul redeemed. In this way, remember the purity of your essence and, allowing the dust of the past to be taken off of your feet, open to a new and eternal path of return to the Heart of God: a path that is tread in sacrifice, in love and in perfect unity with Divine Consciousness.
Washed by Christ, your spirit becomes one with Him. You are bread, a part of the Bread that is given at the altar; you are blood, part of the Blood that is poured on Calvary. And in the way that the offering of your Lord is forever renewed, so also must your surrender be renewed.
Thus, sit down once again at the table of renewal with your Lord and God, your Brother and Friend, your Father, Husband and Companion, your own heart, since you were called to be one with Christ.
Receive His Body and His Blood and renew your surrender. Give body, blood and life to the One that gives you everything each day. Live the revelation of surrender in the mystery of Communion.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the face of celestial mysteries, My child, you must be like the holy women of Jerusalem, who did not need to be recognized to deeply live Christ.
It was their own silence and humility that allowed them to cross the thresholds within so that they could experience the mysteries of God, even without it being necessary for Christ to speak any word to them.
The inner depths that the holy women learned from Mary allowed them to read the Wisdom in the Eyes of Christ and to understand all mysteries with His Love.
The humility and the fidelity of the holy women were kept as a treasure in the Heart of the Lord.
In silence, they found Christ Himself in their own heart and, at the same time that they were unveiling His mysteries and experiencing a profound transformation, their inner steps and the faith with which they walked repaired and supported the Divine and human Heart of the Son of God.
The holy women of Jerusalem did not need to do great things to experience what was truly great for God. It was their exact simplicity that allowed them to learn about the Purity of Mary and to awaken this purity in their own hearts. In this way, pure, in spite of being imperfect, little by little they became one with Christ and, through Him, one with God.
Learn today, My child, about the simple but true things, of the great treasure that is cultivated in the secret of your surrender and in the depths of your heart.
And in the times of the Passion and the definition in Christ, may your spirit live the example of the holy women and, in this time, take another step, not only in supporting the Cross of God in silence, but also of knowing how to carry your own hidden cross.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When peace begins to reach the hearts of humankind and, through small renunciations, they are able to find meekness and stillness, it is there, children, where God makes Himself present.
God makes Himself present in hearts that know how to be grateful, even in the details of life; they know how to be grateful for being on His path of Love under the mantle of His Divine Mercy.
When you calm your hearts in the spirit of gratitude, your Creator makes Himself present.
Gratitude is more than a feeling of respect and thanksgiving; in spiritual science, gratitude is a Divine Gift through which the consciousness recognizes its smallness and the greatness of God; it recognizes that, in spite of the vastness of Creation, the Father has His Eyes placed on all His children; and it is this certainty, born in the deep spirit of gratitude, that opens the doors for the Creator to be present.
Gratitude heals your cells, atoms and consciousness. Gratitude heals your spirits from selfishness and human indifference. Gratitude grants humanity a new opportunity to find peace, as it becomes worthy to be in God and in His Truth.
Gratitude opens the doors to the deepest sciences, to the most hidden mysteries, because only the one who knows how to be grateful for what they receive from their Creator will know how to value His Divine Treasure, and then, everything can be given to them.
Gratitude is the key to abundance, the key to free oneself from constant human desires.
Gratitude is the door to communion with the All, it is one of the celestial streams that will make you return to the Heart of God.
Therefore, children, always be grateful, for everything.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a nation cries out, listen to its clamor and pray for peace.
Sometimes, children, it is not only the souls of a nation that cry out for help, for liberation and for peace. Each nation has a spiritual life, a divine principle which was given to it, to guide its expression and the mission of its people.
The spirit of the nation is the consciousness that includes all life inhabited there, on different levels. It is the spiritual space that holds the purpose of God for all different peoples that inhabit the Earth. It is a living state of consciousness which keeps, protects and supports the evolution of nations.
The spirit of a nation assists its growth and influences the inner steps of the people who live there. Yet, in the same way, it is also influenced by the life of beings and by all that happens in that nation.
When peoples experience conflicts and, little by little, beings destroy their own essences by means of hatred and of the fear generated in wars, the spirit of this nation also gradually dies and distances from its purpose.
When a people chooses the path of darkness through its customs, habits and ways of living, the spirit of that nation is also influenced. For this reason, when the Creator can intervene in the planet through the prayers of His children, His Eyes also lie on the spirits of nations. When a people cries out through the souls who ask for help, the spirit of that nation cries out even louder.
The spirits of nations are parts of the spirit of the planet, they are bodies of that spiritual consciousness of the Earth, and all this is part of the science of Divine Creation. All this is part of the Plan of God for the evolution of His children.
In the beginning, when the Father created lands and seas, He also created the spirits of those lands and the spirit of seas. Everything within the Divine Creation is life. Therefore, children, learn to listen with your inner ears to the clamor that arises from the depths of nations, and unite to that request of peace and of redemption of the planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With your heart, accompany the awakening of the New Christs who are born of sacrifice, of martyrdom, of surrender and above all, of love.
The New Christs are born of silence, of renunciation, of chastity, of vigilance and above all, of unity with the Father.
The New Christs are born of the void, of faith, from the desert and above all, from an unconditionality before God.
The New Christs are born before the Eyes of the Creator and almost always will be known, only to Him.
Enter, child, into dialogue with God, so that He may make of you a part of His legacy of Love, a continuation of the Plan of His Son, a seed of the merits of His Passion, the result of His Blood and of His surrender.
You also aspire to be a Christ of the New Time, who renews the Love of the Father and of the Son, filled by the Holy Spirit, and in this way rebuilds the unity between the Creator and His creatures, giving God the possibility of renewing His Creation.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Feel your heart as a part of the Plan of God. Contemplate within yourself a principle of His Will, and try to know it and then manifest it.
Feel your being as a participant of a great history of redemption, in which the evolution of the universes is drawn toward.
Feel the life on Earth as a part of this sublime truth and reality to which beings will one day awaken to.
In the way that you can, try to leave the smallness of superficial human life, without judging or criticizing others, but by just looking within for the path that will unite you to God, and will allow you to know His Plan and His Will.
Evolution in spiritual life starts with a true relationship between your heart and the Heart of God. Something that is built by the silence of your inner world and that, little by little, leads you to face life in a different way, seeking, knowing and loving superior life.
When this knowledge comes from God, you learn how to love and respect your brothers and sisters so that, based upon your love, they may begin to grow in spirit.
Reflect, child, every day, on the immensity of the cosmos, on the greatness of the Love of God for you because, by Him being in the vastness of the Infinite, He concentrates His Eyes upon Earth, and upon the smallest of the creatures that He places His trust in.
Love this divine project and love the Will of the Father, thus, you will attract this Will to your life and you will know where you must be and what you must do in these times of transition.
Love is the key to all understanding and the light that brings discernment and inner clarity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dive without fear into the dark night of the soul, night that presents to you the emptiness, the solitude, the inner dryness, the nothingness.
Dive without fear into that night of renunciations in which you find no gratification in your inner world but which, without your knowledge, is strengthening your faith and your spirit for the time that will come.
Do not distract your mind and your heart with the things of the world in order not to recognize within yourself a deep darkness, a void of renunciations and solitude. This is what the Creator wants you to live now: to immerse yourself in this inner state of absence of everything, even if you do not understand it.
There, in that darkness, continue seeking your Lord and persevere beyond yourself to find Him, even though your search seems eternal and without hope of reaching its finality, its goal.
God places you within a space of inner darkness, but His Eyes continue over you, His Love continues over you and His Grace and Mercy continues over you. When you have passed through that moment and that test of strengthening your faith and your union with God, beyond your inner and outer senses, it is then, child, that you will be able to find Him in all things.
When the dark night comes to the planet, your feet will not fear to step and will walk without being afraid of getting lost, because they will know that behind this darkness are the Eyes of the Father, contemplating the Earth, and that, at some moment, all human life will live the learning that this night brings; strengthening their faith, all beings will learn to find God in all things.
Today, live the solitude, renunciation, emptiness and darkness as a service and an offering that you make to your Lord and trust that He will never abandon you.
You see the path and it is dark, but under your feet, hidden from your eyes, are the Hands of God, sustaining your steps.
Open yourself to begin this coming new cycle, conscious of what God expects of you in this time. Live that dark night as your new inner and planetary mission.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more