Withdraw your heart, together with Christ, into the depths of the Heart of God.

Withdraw your consciousness, your life, your mind, your soul and your deepest emotions into the Heart of God.

Withdraw your plans, your aspirations, your goals, your innermost understandings, your highest victories, your lowest falls, withdraw all that you are into the Heart of God.

Withdraw humanity into the Heart of God, the inner registers of lives and lives carried out in search of the Love of God and the fulfillment of His Plan and His Will.

Also withdraw your spirit, mysterious and silent, the part of you closest to the Truth and the Time of God. Let it all be in the Heart of the Father, let it return to Him, and there let it take its time to be recreated, transformed, healed, restored and become new.

Allow everything, child, to be made new in the Heart of God. Let go of the reins of the apparent control of your life. Let your soul move beyond the stones of the deep and dark grave of the human condition, of its certainties and illusions, of its half and imperfect truths and that, in high flight, your soul may reach the Heart of God and within It, learn what it is to resurge.

Within yourself, practice this spiritual and divine science of the void, of dying to eternal life, of resurrection.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When peace begins to reach the hearts of humankind and, through small renunciations, they are able to find meekness and stillness, it is there, children, where God makes Himself present.

God makes Himself present in hearts that know how to be grateful, even in the details of life; they know how to be grateful for being on His path of Love under the mantle of His Divine Mercy.

When you calm your hearts in the spirit of gratitude, your Creator makes Himself present.

Gratitude is more than a feeling of respect and thanksgiving; in spiritual science, gratitude is a Divine Gift through which the consciousness recognizes its smallness and the greatness of God; it recognizes that, in spite of the vastness of Creation, the Father has His Eyes placed on all His children; and it is this certainty, born in the deep spirit of gratitude, that opens the doors for the Creator to be present.

Gratitude heals your cells, atoms and consciousness. Gratitude heals your spirits from selfishness and human indifference. Gratitude grants humanity a new opportunity to find peace, as it becomes worthy to be in God and in His Truth.

Gratitude opens the doors to the deepest sciences, to the most hidden mysteries, because only the one who knows how to be grateful for what they receive from their Creator will know how to value His Divine Treasure, and then, everything can be given to them. 

Gratitude is the key to abundance, the key to free oneself from constant human desires.

Gratitude is the door to communion with the All, it is one of the celestial streams that will make you return to the Heart of God.

Therefore, children, always be grateful, for everything.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Commune of Castel Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Mystery of Divine Mercy

Mercy is a Grace still unknown to humankind. The spiritual science that humanity knows has still not fully comprehended this mystery because they try to place Mercy in their known theology and cannot see it as something that transcends all that is known to humankind.

On the Cross, the Creator transformed all Laws, and the God of Justice opened a new cycle for all of life, a cycle of pity, of forgiveness and of redemption, in spite of the seriousness of the sins of humanity.

There was no other greater sin than that undertaken by those who flagellated and crucified God Himself; but even so, children, when they were touched by the merciful Blood of Christ, they were forgiven, healed and redeemed by the potency of His Love.

Mercy is a mystery that is joined with the mystery of human creation. It is a Grace coming from the link between humankind and God, their Creator. It was from the moment when the Father was fulfilled in His creatures, through His Son, and demonstrated to beings the true essence of what humanity is, that Mercy began to flow toward the planet and to all of Creation.

Mercy is born in the Heart of God as a new opportunity for beings to achieve the Grace of Love, but in order to reach the material universes of the manifestation of life, the vehicle of Mercy is the prayer of humanity, and the doorway to Mercy is their heart.

The human essence is intimately connected to the existence of Divine Mercy, to the point that their genes can physically carry the potency and the presence of this Gift that comes from God, just as it was in the Blood of Christ.

The Redeemer fully lived Divine Mercy so that all beings could recognize their own potential, and move toward it.

I tell you all these things so that you may understand the importance of truly crying out for Mercy in this time, not only for this world, but for all of Creation.

Recognize yourselves as potential carriers of the Grace that comes from the Father and cry out for it to descend upon the world and upon all of life. The more you cry out and pray, the closer you come to God and the more you awaken within yourselves what you truly are.

The potential of human beings is infinite, but in this time, children, only the purity of the heart and sincere prayer will be able to awaken you. It is in serving this planet that you will be able to enter into the mysteries about yourselves and draw closer to the heart of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VI

Today, from My Merciful Heart, emanates a Green ray of healing, for My wish, amidst many aspirations, is to be able to manifest the counterpart of healing on the surface at Aurora, that is to say, that part of the external and inner healing that the bodies of people need to recuperate and heal.

For this reason, this part of the project of the manifestation of Aurora is very important to Me because its aspiration is that in the area of Redención 1 the House of Healing and of Restoration be built, completely consecrated to Brother Pio; for finally it will be his place, within Aurora, where his presence will be able to heal souls.

The House of Healing and of Restoration in Redención 1 will be of very great support for the subsequent stage of spiritual healing that Aurora offers. That House, which will have Brother Pio himself as a guardian, will receive the hearts that have gone through a process of spiritual liberation.

This simple but harmonious House will fulfill one of the most important tasks within the spiritual task of the Kingdom of Aurora. It will be in charge of the external and internal phases of purification and of rehabilitation, having as a basis the knowledge received by Friar Ameinó through the external therapies; as well as having an outpatient area to attend to the local community and the collaborators who may be in Aurora.

The House of Healing and of Restoration will be the first headquarters of the health and healing sector in Uruguay, and this House must have six consulting rooms, two hydrotherapy rooms, an outpatient area, an infirmary area, and an area for the making of natural remedies, as well as for the processing of all medicinal herbs. It will also have a smaller external infrastructure that will house four rooms with a little kitchen, a few bathrooms and a laundry room for the patients who will be in treatment for some days in Aurora.

If this building can be concretized, I could tell you that fifty percent of the task of the Kingdom of Aurora would already be accomplished.

The House of Healing and of Restoration will not only weekly attend hearts that arrive for the healing process, but will also serve for treating the members of the Light Community of Aurora and the local community.

I will await with joy for the concretization of the House of Healing and of Restoration of Aurora. This impulse will also permit for the repair and reconstruction of the buildings that already exist, and which need immediate maintenance so that the brothers and sisters who live there are able to carry out the assigned tasks.

I will count on the honorary help of architects, engineers, builders, workers and collaborators who may want to spend a period of time in Aurora to evaluate, together with the coordination of the Light-Community of Aurora, this project of your Lord.

I thank you for striving to fulfill the task of Aurora for Uruguay and for the planet!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Trees and life II

When the Lord created the planet and manifested it through His purest Thought of Love for life, He put into each detail of Creation a deep spiritual science in which everything that lives and inhabits the Earth contributes towards the renewal of Love and towards the return to the Heart of God.

The duality, chaos and evil created by humankind are fruits of the deviation of the human consciousness from the Heart of God. Through their choices, beings choose to be in God and discover, in communion with Creation, the path of return to His Heart, or they choose to remain in the illusion and entanglements of human limitations.

The Creator allows certain things to exist in order to guide humanity towards overcoming and the mastery of oneself and not towards the abysses of the world, through which souls enter every day.

Nature is still a mystery to be unveiled by the human consciousness, and that will not happen through their limited science, but rather, through their heart that is capable of entering the divine science and understanding it through the simple presence of the Spirit of God.

Trees, children, are the bond that keeps the Earth united to Heaven and do not allow the human consciousness to totally separate from God. In spite of human actions, wars and indifference, trees silently penetrate with their physical roots, into the depths of the Earth and, with their spiritual roots, reach the center of the planet, maintaining the union between life on the surface and the essence of the Earth.

With their treetops, trunks, branches, leaves and physical flowers, trees maintain the path of elevation to the Heart of God. And with their spiritual treetops, they reach the Heavens and nourish themselves in the Sublime Sources so that, by transforming the air that life breathes on Earth, they may also bring the graces and the spiritual food that allows consciousnesses not to lose peace and the possibility to love.

Trees were born to serve and they love their service thus, children, despite being outraged so many times, they do not cease to grow, bloom and offer their fruits in this world.

Contemplate the donation of trees and, sending them your eternal gratitude, let your consciousnesses be guided to the essence of the Earth and to the highest of Heavens, remembering in this way the true reason for their existence.

Trees do not forget what they were created for. Through them, you should also start to remember.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


On this day of grace, My dear children, your Heavenly Mother descends with all of the Treasures of Heaven, to place them and store them within this new Marian Center, which will timidly be born through the efforts and the prayers of those who may want to reciprocrate with Me.

For this reason, on this day, I bring in My Hands seven of the hundreds of celestial spheres that are kept in the Greater Kingdom, so that, sowing them in the spiritual consciousness of this Marian Center, they may open and radiate the celestial principles for which they were brought here.

This spiritual science, that today, the Ever-Virgin Mary awakens over this Marian Center, will help the purpose that this simple but humble space will fulfill within the Divine Will.

The purpose of the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation is to attract from the Divine Universe the powerful and healing currents that will help in the restoration and rehabilitation of the Minor Kingdoms and the Greater Kingdoms, as the devic, angelic and human are.

This Marian Center will shelter souls in the service of prayer, but will also safeguard the essence of each one of the Kingdoms, which needs help and spiritual assistance, so that in the next phase of the planet, the essence and the matrix of the Kingdoms may develop another degree of evolution.

Thus, everything that may be generated here, in this Marian Center, will have its repercussion in the immediate future as well as in the distant future. Everything is part of a spiritual and divine construction.

The Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will contribute through sowing the bases for the life of the Kingdoms in the next stage of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call for the salvation and healing of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Raise your consciousness through the silence of prayer and the aspiration of discovering the spiritual science of life. Let your nature of divine creature be revealed through the humble aspiration of expressing what you really are, what you were born to be.

Life on Earth, up until today, child, only expresses a synthesis of lived experiences by each being throughout its evolution. Even though this planet was created to generate the renewal of life, nothing which is lived on it is new.

You were not created to express skills but, yes, virtues; spiritual and inner virtues that renew the Gifts of God when they are lived by the expression of love in the human heart.

Everything in life on Earth keeps in itself a sacred purpose and a divine and spiritual science that, when lived, transforms and raises the planet so that it reaches the Heart of God.

The Kingdoms of Nature, the elements, the composition of beings on Earth, the groups of family life, some forms of expression of human life, everything keeps in itself a sacred purpose. And human beings bear within the synthesis of that purpose, the key for its manifestation, the mystery for its expression.

Nature fulfills its part, up to where it is possible. The consciousness of the planet fulfills its part, up to where it is possible. Even God Himself fulfills His part, up to where it is possible for Him. But, in order for everything to be renewed, the human heart must awaken, raise itself and collaborate for the elevation and renewal of all life.

Human existence is an incomprehensible mystery for whom does not know the Love of God.

Meditate on what I tell you and when you are before a manifestation of life, be it an element of Nature, the Kingdoms, be it a fellow human, emanate love and gratitude and aspire that they express the best.

This is how evolution is built: being for the other the motor that leads it to love.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Prayer of the angel of Peace

My God, I believe in You... (x3)

Commune of Me in this moment and adore the Almighty, because He is attentive to the voice of all pleas.

I have come again in My Glory to bless you, for the hour of this great meeting has come for each one of your spirits and the spirits of your brothers and sisters, that also make an appeal for this moment of being united with My Heart in this evolutionary proposal to concretize the Plan of God, in these times of Armageddon.

Today I come with the Glory of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, as the manifestation of the Firstborn Son, so that in this way, you may recover your filiation with God; and the world also recover its spirituality, which has been lost because of the wars.

Today I come to establish the second protocol of My Peace here, in union with Universal Creation, that governs all these things, of which I avail Myself to accomplish the Works of My Father; which are also your works, yours, My apostles.

Today I come in the silence, perceiving humanity and its great need for love, for these critical times. Thus, your effort must be permanent so that My Work may be realized in the world and in this humanity.

Each one has their role in this time. Each one fulfills a part of this Plan. All the pieces of this Plan are important so that the Work may be concretized.

In the depths of My Heart, I know that many pieces are still missing in order to be part of this Universal Plan, which invites us to elevate the consciousness and to get out of the superficiality in which  humanity has placed itself, forgetting the Love of God.

This Plan is governed by the Love of God. Just as Love governs all Universes, so does Love govern your consciousness, governs all of Creation, all that is life and manifestation in this material Universe.

You are part of this, companions, of a greater command that you are invited to participate in; it is not a command like that of the Earth, which is governed by weak people who seek your property, war, and a separation among souls.

The command of which I speak, My friends, is the command of My Heart, from where all the Rays of Mercy blossom, where all the souls that spiritually assemble with Me are born so as to serve the end of the times.

You are part of that reality and each one of you is positioned within this Work. Each action you perform within this Work is important, just as is the discernment in it.

Everything is a part of a spiritual science that I am inviting you to live in an unknown way, because it is still not in your consciousnesses; but it can be in your hearts when they vibrate with Mine, in this Work of Redemption and of Peace in all of humanity.

The Plan is coordinated in these times according to the need of this Universe, of all the humanities that form part of this material creation. From there come all the Laws, in which all creatures are governed according to a greater principle, according to the Law of Love and of Unity with God.

Who is outside of this Principle, cannot be a part of this material Universe either in spirit, in soul, or in body, because they will be out of the Law.

Humanity is at this point, outside of the true reality for which it was created in the Beginning of Genesis to carry out the Work of God; to concretize this human project based on Love, on Truth, and on Unity, which very few live throughout time.

This led, My companions, to the determination of the Celestial Father and of His holy archangels that I, the Christ, the Firstborn Son, born from the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the Greater Source, should incarnate among you in order to save you and guide you, to remind you of the Laws of the Universe through simple parables that all hearts can understand.

Relive My Message, My Gospel, the New Testament, and also unite it with this New Testament, with this New Message that I give to the world today, and to all the messages that I have already given you, so that your lives may be redeemed under the Principle of My Merciful Love.

I came to the world and very few understood what it was I did. Only as time went by were many holy consciousnesses and souls inspired by My Christianity able to access My Principle of Love and of Unity.

They were re-transmitters of My Universal Love for the world; just as you, companions, who in this definitive hour, within this Plan that summons you, are called to radiate the Love of God to the world,  not forgetting first that among you, you must be thoroughly united so that this may happen; otherwise, everything would be a failure.

That is why I come to tell you in this Marathon that you must seek your truth above all mistakes and successes, learnings and tests, challenges, calamities, or sorrows.

Above all things, I come to give you the Principle of My Truth, which is based on the Love of God, in which you can enter in consciousness to discover your true purpose, which you must accomplish in this hour, in honor of My Sacred Heart.

That is why I came in the past and came throughout the times, performing miracles and wonders, testimonies and healings,  so that all could believe that I Am the Christ, the Son of God, Who prepares for His Return in this acute hour of the planet, in which souls must find the spiritual meaning of their lives, the path to reconciliation and forgiveness, which you have lost among your peers.

I come to unite the times: the time in which you live and the real time of the Universe.

I come to draw you closer to the true dimension of things, through all the Spiritual Hierarchies and all the angels that cooperate in this Work of Redemption and of Peace.

I come to open the doors to a unique and definitive opportunity that souls will have in this last hour; a chance to cross the threshold, to cross the portal toward My Heart, to recognize your own truth, your real spiritual constitution for which you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Humanity will not be able to self-destruct, and although it leads to that every day, the Divine Messengers are at the service of the Plan, just as you must be at the service of God; you must banish from the world this destructive idea of taking faith away from hearts, of extinguishing love in hearts, of causing the world to suffer.

That is why I came here to show you the origin, your true filiation with God, with the Most High, that is hurt by the sins of the world, by the war and the persecution among brothers and sisters.

As My Mother said in Fatima, in this hour I come to bring you a short time of peace, so that the majority of souls may enter the Kingdom of God and not lose the Grace of being redeemed.

I bring you an awareness of the Plan, because it must be well understood; but first loved, to then be understood in each human heart that opens to this infinite Mystery of Love.

I unite consciousnesses when consciousnesses truly unite with Me, not wanting anything for themselves, but rather all the greater good for the world, for those who most need to find salvation, just as you have found it.

That is why this Meeting with Me, companions, is unique and in a short time will not be repeated again, because the world must be purified completely, within and outside of beings.

That purification will be intense, but the heart that trusts in Me will not perish.

I will give you a renewal, the strength to be able to bear your purification. For who loves Me is protected by Me when they are sincere in their thought, in their feeling and action.

This is the truth that I want you to live for those who do not live it, for those who hide it because of being blind to themselves and far from God, although believing that they are not.

That is why I show you, companions, My true Spiritual Church, that does not live in this world, but rather in the heart of those who seek it in an intimate union with god, with the Father, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My Spiritual Church is expanded throughout the world in that Most Holy Trinity, in the inner temples of souls; because it will be your little inner church that will merge with Mine to form the new pillars of the New Race.

I will bless and consecrate the elements. Just as on this day I will bless them again at the request of My Celestial Father, through My sublime Grace.

I will pour out the Graces of My Glorified Heart for those who know to contemplate them in humility and love.

Let us praise the Father Who is in the Heavens. It is the Creator Who has sent Me to save the world from its complete ignorance and incapacity to love.

My apostles, servants of My Divine Mercy, leave this inner sanctuary loving one another. Remember that Law, for who loves in truth will not be in the claws of My adversary.

The beast fears Love and consequently, all those who follow It.

My Heart is the Power of God made manifest in each part of the Earth. Venerate My Glory, disseminate My Mercy, and everything will be accomplished.

I have come with My angels of the Universe. Solar Governors of the Celestial Universe that know your souls and the origin of your spirits, and who bring you awareness in this moment, the sacred opportunity of being able to awaken to the Science of the Universe based on the Love of God, on His infinite Unity.

As the angels sing to Adonai, proclaiming His Wisdom in this material Universe, that is how I want your voices to sing, proclaiming to the Father, to the Regent of this Creation, to the One Who loves you from the beginning.


Prayer: Most Holy Heart of Christ...

All stand.

When the Sacraments are blessed, souls win; not like the prize that the world knows, but rather like the Supreme Grace of God, which descends over consciousnesses so that they may be able to take a new step.

This is the real meaning of those who receive the Sacraments, to be renewed by the Love and the Unity of God, and to find the path, the true path of their purpose for this life, the realization of the Work of God in each human heart, in each soul that assembles in order to serve Me.

My Sacred Heart is ennobled by being here and It expands in Love for all.

My Mother grants these opportunities for all, because She intercedes for each being that cries out from their heart for the Grace of Her Beloved Son.

You are graced on this special day and I thank you for accompanying Me in this eternal Communion with Me for the triumph of the Plan.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
