In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Spiritual Light shines again in the world, through the Light and Power of My five main Wounds, transfigured during the Resurrection of the Lord.

These are the Wounds of Light that speak of the surrender of the Son of God for humanity. Through these five Wounds, I illuminate the five continents of the planet, at this culminating moment of humanity.

I come to bring you the Light of hope, the Light of renewal, the Light of redemption, because many souls are still in time to turn toward My Heart in order to receive My Blessing and My Mercy, because I still wait for the awakening of the New Christs, of those who will bear witness to My Return throughout the five continents of the planet, those who, through the love of the heart, will be able to speak many languages, understand many symbols, giving the example of their own Christification.

This whole scenario that I present to you today is also part of the preamble to My awaited Return, I might say it is the great preamble that precedes the Sacred Week, a preamble that will be concluded at the next meeting of Divine Mercy of March, as well as in a new meeting with Me through the Sacred Call.

Today, I bring you the first impulse that precedes the Sacred Week. In the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, you will have the opportunity to receive My second spiritual impulse. And these impulses will be completed during the Sacred Call of March.

Understand, through this symbol and this example, the spiritual trilogy of the impulses that My Higher Consciousness will bring you, so that you may be prepared and aware of your position within the Plan of God, of your service within the Plan of God, in these definitive times.

Because when I arrive for the Sacred Week, throughout the eight days, humanity will have the last opportunity to gather not only the merits of My Passion, but also the merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the spiritual victory that He achieved in all planes of consciousness, through His Birth, His Public Life, His Death, His Resurrection and His Ascension.

These impulses that I bring you from today onward will be assimilated during the next Sacred Week and I hope that each one of My companions and My servers, of My followers and devotees of My Sacred Heart, may be aware of the importance of preparing themselves for the next Sacred Week, not only to relive the Christic Codes of My Passion, but also so that your consciousnesses and your souls may open to wholly live the Will of God. Because I want to tell you today, companions, that each one of you participate with Me in this preparatory Work of My Return.

In the same way, all the Hierarchies that accompany me throughout the universe, as well as all the Angelic Hierarchies, which create and regenerate universal life, will be receiving, from today, February 18, onward, the same impulses as you will receive, and it is important that no one be left behind without being able to receive and welcome them. Because, just as My Higher Consciousness today sends this first impulse for your consciousness, in the same way, My Higher Consciousness emits higher impulses for the rest of Hierarchies and Angels, as everyone will be preparing, after the next Sacred Week, for the first preamble to My Return, the first step of My Arrival upon the planet, an Arrival still unknown and imperceptible to most. 

However, the one who has faith within their heart and trusts in My Heart, in My Presence, in My Existence and even in My Life, will be able to feel, in the depths of their being and their spirit, the Arrival of the Redeemer. Because it will not matter where they are or where they can be found, as I have thought of absolutely everything, of how I will gradually meet those that are Mine. Just sustain yourselves in faith and in the absolute trust in this great moment of the Return of Christ.

But I still need to live within your hearts, in a thorough way, not in a fleeting way. Thus, your hearts will be ready for what will come. I still hope many more will give Me their hearts so that I can work and, thus, I can prepare humanity for the great moment of My Arrival, of My Return to the world.

Prepare your inner temples at once, untiringly offer your dwellings so that the Living God, through His Most Beloved Son, can come and find a place to rest and, in silence, prepare for the Return, because you will see the Son of God come, not only among the clouds, as I have promised.

It is now time for you to see the Son of God come within you and you must be sure of this, because, in this way your lives will change, and that which is not yet transformed, will be transformed. And, thus, redemption will come, and your lives will be Christified, in the absolute trust in My Sacred Heart.

Through the Light of My Wounds, I bring you these spiritual impulses, on this day, because I need you aware, available and whole, to sustain, together with Me, the next meetings of souls with My Heart, especially to sustain the next Sacred Week in a spiritual and inner way.

This will be fundamental for all that I will have to carry out. You will be the ones who will create the necessary conditions in the inner worlds, in the invisible worlds, for all that your Master and Lord will carry out and announce.

Be aware of this, so that you do not think only of receiving, but rather that all think of collaborating and of giving of yourselves internally and of also helping in a material way for the Sacred Week to be possible, because it is now the time for the needs of the Works of the Divine Messengers to be assumed by all, and not only by a few consciousnesses.

Why do I tell you this, companions?

Because you were called to give of yourselves through this service, to be conscious collaborators, keeping well in mind not only that Graces come from Heaven, but also that Graces can come even more from Heaven to as many souls as possible if those who are closer to Me and are a part of this Work consciously collaborate for this to be possible. I know that most make the efforts that are possible at this moment of tribulation.

You must also keep in mind that the aspirations of the Hierarchies through the manifestations of the Light-Communities are very important, because they will be the material and spiritual bases for the Return of Christ. Because, although it does not seem right, not even within My Church, spread throughout the Earth, do I have a safe place to return. I still only have a few inner dwellings to return and work in.

But for such an important moment, as the Return of Christ, a moment that is unknown to most of humanity and the planet, the Spiritual Hierarchy, although it does not seem so, needs a physical place to put their Feet, and, thus, call humanity from the four corners of the Earth to gather for the Final Judgment. And this place of the Final Judgment is not only internal, but it is also external.

How do you believe that the Earth will be healed if all are not aware of the Universal Judgment?

Because, as I have been saying in the instructions since two thousand years ago, My Father has asked Me to separate the chaff from the wheat. But believe that I will do all that is possible and a little more for the Infinite Mercy of My Heart to justify the errors of the condemned souls so that they may be considered in the Celestial Glory and all possible consciousnesses may be rehabilitated.

Today, I come with a more concrete Message, with a Message that is closer to all, because it is important that My disciples, companions, servers and missionaries keep in mind and consciousness that the Return of Christ is not something distant but rather that, from now on, the whole universe, in its spiritual, mental and material counterpart, is preparing for this moment, for a moment that the universe has never before lived nor experienced. And you are not far from this, you are not exempt from this movement, because you are a part of Creation.

Therefore, we must pray for the Aspirations of Christ to be fulfilled, for the Aspirations of Christ to be fulfilled on this planet and for souls to be each day more aware of the commitment they have with Me.

This is all that today I wanted to tell you and share with you.

And before leaving, I would like to answer other intentions, just as My Mother did in the last days, so that all may have the Grace of understanding and the wisdom to comprehend how to correctly direct intentions to the Universe. Because, as much as an intention is simple, pure and true, every intention encompasses many planes and consciousnesses. This is why it is important that you may learn how to ask correctly. Being conscious, you will know how to direct your intentions to Heaven.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We present to Our Lord the basket of intentions of the brothers and sisters of the Community Fleur-de-Lys.


“May humanity express its archetype, in profound communion with Christ, for the Glory of the Creator.”

Christ said that this should be the keynote for all in these times.


“For Peace and Healing in the world.”

So that this may happen, it is important, Christ says, to understand the concept of the peacemaker; because, the server that understands the attribute of the peacemaker is consistent, available and whole to manifest the Laws of Healing, and this benefits humanity.


“To You, who contemplates the effort of those who persist on the path of the good and peace, I humbly ask for You to strengthen them in faith and love so that their lives may be the very prayer that relieves the Heart of God.”

Christ says that this should be the premise of the disciple.


“May the human beings understand the value of the Kingdoms of Nature on this planet, grow together with them and be bridges for these Kingdoms to be ever closer to God in evolution.”

From the beginning of the planet, if the human civilization had followed the Commandments of God, and if these Commandments had been correctly applied in society and in all external life, the Kingdoms of Nature would not be the center of destruction by the human being but rather all would co-exist in harmony and peace, because if the human being lived the Commandments, it would also understand the laws of nature, and respect them.

In the world today, the opposite happens, and, each day more, humanity distances itself from the Law, completely ignoring the laws of nature. This brings about an agitation of the elements and even of the climate, overburdening the mental atmosphere of the planet, opening uncertain doors where they should not be opened and attracting irreparable effects for the human being.


“May darkness be dissolved in all creatures.”

Christ said that for darkness to be dissolved in all creatures, they should ask themselves every day if they want to be in darkness or in the light, and the key is to ask oneself this question.

Do I want to be close to God or by myself? Here lies the answer.


“May I learn how to see Your children through the windows of Your Eyes.”

Christ says that this is possible through resignation. It is not an imposed resignation nor an impulsive one, it is a resignation that fosters degrees of Love in the one who truly understands that we are all miserable and that we need Love, the Love of God, in order for us to be healed. This would be the correct vision of those who co-exist in fraternity.


“Place Your son Andrés in Your Arms, give him another opportunity.”

This opportunity is granted today to Andrés, with the premise of knowing that there is no other, because time is ending for all. This is no warning, it is a reality. It means to know how to value the opportunities so as not to miss them, it means to know how to be humble in order to learn to listen, to learn to see and thus recognize the signs in Heaven.


I leave you My Peace so that you may always remember to seek My Peace in these times of transition.

I thank you for having the bravery of listening to Me and of welcoming My transforming impulses, so that your consciousnesses may always rise.

Today, I anoint you with the Light of My Wounds and, thus, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Until the next impulse in March.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will come through the dawn of the sun. I will come through the moonlight. These are the signs of the new time.

It is not a new religion. It is not a new movement. It is the advent of what has been awaited.

This great portal to the new time opens up in the heavenly dome. It opens up among all the doors of the cosmos.

It is the portal to the Great Conclave, which is gathered today before you, which is present today before your inner worlds. The Celestial Father has decided it so, and, in obedience and in law, we will fulfill it.

Today, My Voice echoes from Andromeda, and, through Andromeda, in all universes and consciousnesses.

Today, a culminating stage has been completed, not only for your civilization or for the soul of the planet, but also so that the portal to the Great Time may open. The change will take place.

Souls must be awake and love the unknown even more; that which has no form, that which is not intellectual. The unknown is that which is not material.

This is why today We come and make Ourselves present before you, through a great unknown portal. It is the portal to the fourth dimension.

This will be the way, this will be the path and will also be the bridge for all to cross. But it is not through a technique nor through a mental or spiritual procedure.

You will cross this portal through your inner world because it is there, in the inner world of each one of you, where the essence of the Divine Purpose lies; a purpose that humanity has outraged, violated and transgressed, up to the current times.

Do you now understand the consequences of what you experience?

However, Love is what will always prevail. It is this Love that gathers us today, the Love that congregates us today, the Love of the Greater Hierarchies, which call you all to cross the great portal so that all consciousnesses and also the planet may be transmuted, purified and liberated.

Because it is in the most chaotic moments, like the current times, that the great opportunities of liberation and redemption take place.

Do not forget that hope is latent in the Heart of the Universe, and it is this hope, permeated by Divine Unity, that I bring to you today, for you to accept it and experience it.

This is why it is important for you to practice fraternal consciousness, and not a mean one, for you to practice an inclusive consciousness, and not one of discarding, a peaceful consciousness, and not one of conflict, a consciousness of love, and not one of lie.

These attributes will purge the Earth of planetary corruption, which generates the great debt of this world and of all humanity, which submerges the most innocent and the poorest into the abysses, without having an opportunity of raising their gaze to Heaven to once again believe and have faith.

This is why I am preparing My Return to the world as I have promised, and I want you to know, companions, that today these are not only Words, they are facts.

Two thousand years have passed since My events with you and among you, this is why I gather all the Evolutionary Consciousnesses of the universe into a Conclave so that they may help Me and prepare My Return. Thus, you will see the Son of God come among the clouds, the clouds are the portals of the universe that will open, and that will be physical. Thus, the Spirit of God will return, will heal the Earth and its wounds, will populate the Earth with New Christs, those who have known how to say ‘yes’ to Me.

This is why the portal to the Great Time opens up today before your eyes and inner worlds. It opens up today before these oceans, in representation of all humanity and of the whole planet, as well as of the Kingdoms of Nature, which will also see the Son of God come. And that which was thought of in the Origin of humanity’s Project will be reconstituted and re-established.

Throughout time and space, the evil that was generated throughout entire generations will be dissolved, and those who persist until the end, to wait for Me to return, will see this change, in a concrete way.

Thus, all, absolutely all, will return to their origins, to the origin for which they were thought of and created, to the origin with the goal for which they emerged, to the origin with the goal for which they have existed and were emanated by the Supreme Source.

Today, I speak to you not only through My Spiritual Government, but also through the Love of God, a Love that was capable of dying for you on the Cross, even knowing that it would be denied.

Today, may those who suffer be healed, those who lack hope be renewed, and those who have decided to give up may they reach out their arms toward God, because the moment will come to express gratitude for My Return, which is near.

This is My great Message for the celebration of the one hundred Marathons of Divine Mercy, an important and spiritual moment for all, when the Son of God, the Solar Essence of the Cosmic Christ, makes you see and recognize how far you have walked with Me.

Do not see only the miseries of your tests, the banishments of your human aspects. Do not see only the suffering of the planet or the transgression made to the Kingdoms of Nature. For this Marathon number one hundred, I ask you to see the efforts accomplished, the persistence built, the unity strengthened, the faith expanded and the Mercy achieved, in spite of the darkness of this world.

Because it will be through this Universal Conclave that you will find the solution and the way out, this Conclave of evolutionary consciousnesses that know you deeply, that grasp you deeply, that have accompanied your cosmic trajectories since your origin.

This is where you will find the strength and the certainty that you will need to keep moving forward and thus fulfill the Plan. A Plan that is still to be fulfilled, first, within each one of you, so that then this cosmic Plan may be fulfilled throughout the whole world, although everything may seem to be in ruins and in darkness.

It is this Light of the Higher Councils that blesses and contemplates you today, not only as beings in redemption, but also as consciousnesses in transformation and bravery.

Within all those who are Mine, I will make the new apostles. Therefore, persist and follow My footsteps of Light, firmly follow My steps toward the Divine Purpose, because today the scepter of God is in My Hand to lead you and guide you toward the goal, the great goal of your Christification.

I want to thank, from the depths of My Heart, the consequent and prayerful ones, those who, in the last one hundred meetings of prayer, have sustained the banner of My Peace and will keep doing so, for a much longer time, until I meet you, face to face, in My Return.

And the last thing I tell you, companions, for you to hold within your hearts, is the following:

What would you do if, at this moment, I were physically facing you?

What is the first thing you would say to Me?

What would you do with Me if I told you: “son, daughter, here I am, because I have returned”?

Contemplate this scene in your inner world and attract this reality, at each new day.

When you feel that you cannot, or even that you will not manage to, that you will not have the strength to keep moving forward, think and contemplate for a moment if I were before you, what would you say to Me?

I leave you My Peace, I leave you My gratitude, I give you My Consoling and Redeeming Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Light of the powerful White Mountain will congregate and gather all the Masters of the past, all those who have participated in the Conclave of the Hierarchy throughout times.

Their Presence will be visible, but the majority will not be able to reach Them, because They will be under a certain mission and task, under a certain purpose and request for the Creator.

And, thus, the treasuries of the inner Retreats of the Earth will open, and not only will the light of each one of them be seen, but so will the most sacred relics from when this planet began, as a creation, and as a genetic project. From them, a stronger and more powerful light will arrive, because the great sign of the White Light of the Mountain will bring with it many revelations and the mysteries will be unveiled.

Everything will become visible to all, but no one will be able to violate these treasures and relics, because a powerful and invisible energy will protect them.

In this way, the Masters will come from very far places of the planet. Some will descend from the Himalayas, others will come from the Andes, and some will come from here, and silence will show the truth.

The Heart of God will be touched at this moment, because the Masters of the past, the Masters of Light, the instructors of the planet and of humanity will prepare the Return of Christ, and this will be the great compensation and inner sustenance for My Church.

All that is written in the Universe throughout the stars will be shown. And that which is written in the Universe will descend to the planet, like something very similar to the comets, to the shooting stars that illuminate the firmament at night.

Those who aspired for so long to ascend to the mountains to find their inner world will find it after having struggled for many centuries against themselves, to transmute their desires, their temptations, their duality, their imperfection.

In this hour the Sacred Chalice, the Holy Grail, will emerge, just as it was once here, in this Sacred White Mountain.

Again, the table of redemption will be prepared.

The tribes will also arrive, just as Israel arrived after it was liberated from the slavery of Egypt. But the people of Israel, the ancient people, will no longer take 40 years to find me, to find the Second Person of God, the Son, but rather they will know the path because the Masters will be their very stars that will indicate upon the firmament, just as it was in Bethlehem, the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer.

There will no longer be any consciousness upon the Surface of the Earth, a nation, any human power or any person that can hide from what will happen because all this movement and this event will be through the greater impulse of Cosmic Love, which has created you in the image and likeness of the Father to be able to fulfill, in this material and spiritual plane, His Designs and Wills.

The winter will pass, the dark night will end, because the powerful light of the inner Retreats will bring the new, that which no one has been able to see since this planet and this genetic project began.

And, at last, before the Son of God arrives, the Confraternity will gather. From their essences will shine the great stars of their origins.

The faces of the just will no longer cry for lamentations and guilt, but rather they will rejoice. The cry will be of joy, of rejoicing and bliss, because the Holy Grail will be there, resplendent, on top of the White Mountain.

And the synthesis and the legacy of all the love lived by Christ, your Master and Lord, will open the great portal between Heaven and Earth, for the glorious and victorious descent of the Son of God.

The great Light of the White Mountain will be the one that will open the door to the new time. But, afterward, many signs will be shown, even though the planet and its humanity may be touched, stirred or disturbed.

Those who were assigned to fulfill a task and a mission in these times will be consciously called and the Eternal Father will no longer have to wait until His children awaken and become aware of the truth.

Just as I speak to you today, from the top of the White Mountain, so will that event be, but even more striking and revealing.

The Masters of the mountains who will descend from the Himalayas, from the Andes, and who will emerge from the inner Retreats of the planet, will bring with them their entire legacy and all learnings, and, above all, the experience of Christic Love, lived as great universal and cosmic consciousnesses.

No one will be able to say that this will not be true, because God needs it this way and determines it for the construction and the advent of the new race, which will no longer violate nor outrage the laws, the principles or the attributes that are a part of a Higher Will and a Design that comes to the world and to your consciousnesses in order to elevate them toward the Higher Purpose.

Meanwhile, and when all this happens, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will also come after Her Son, and those who did not believe in Her will see Her in glory, just as She ascended to the Heavens, surrounded by angels and stars.

Her great Universes will be shown, Her Faces will be revealed, and in the end She will show the last path along which to return to the Father, to be in communion with His Spirit and with His Consciousness, for all eternity.

Suffering will no longer be the cause of all evils and anguishes, of so many sorrows and tests, because in this hour, My enemy will be defeated, and his head will be under My Feet.

I, Myself, and the Archangel Gabriel will redeem him, and all his fallen armies that sentenced all the civilizations and peoples of the planet and of the Universe throughout the times. And, thus, Creation will be recreated and everything will again have a meaning for God.

A great many, indeed many souls will recognize their mistakes. But the Light of Divine Mercy will come as the last lifeline at the moment of the great universal Judgment. 

At that hour, all will be defined. This is why I prepare you with these announcements and words, because you must not forget them. There will no longer be another moment when I can repeat and announce them, as I do today, on this day.

Because when all this happens, you, as a part of the extension of My Will and of My Work upon the planet, will understand the meaning of all that you have done, of all that you have lived and experienced, of all I have asked you to faithfully fulfill.

In this way all will begin again, and souls will rejoice, they will no longer lose the path nor the meaning of their existences because, when the King returns through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, at that moment, all will be accomplished, and the new scriptures will be fulfilled.

The Bible will be renewed and restored from the outrage that humans have made towards it, because a new history will be written, not only in the Heart of the Father, but also in the heart of His children.

The cycles will close when the inner Retreats become visible, and, everything, absolutely everything, without much time left, will begin from scratch.

Be ready for this moment, be conscious of what I tell you.

Spread My Words throughout the world, because as they are the last, they are the most revealing.  There is a part of these signs that you must understand for yourselves, in attunement and love with Me. In this way, you will keep growing in love and truth, in justice and in service for all those who do not do so, and who, someday, in the next time and in the next world, must do so.

God created His children for them to serve one another, to love one another, to grow together and in unity.

Keep praying for your Master to be able to continue speaking and announcing the Word, which is no longer His own, but is the Word of God, which comes from His Source, and, above all, from His Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.




Songs of Figueira - "At the Supper"

In this song, we enter into the temple of the heart and we withdraw during the night to pray with the Master.

The soul leaves behind miseries and fears to accompany the Master in the great ceremony of Communion.

In this song, the expression and the manifestation of the Communities-of-Light is prophesied and confirmed, these being guided by the Hand of the Great Shepherd who, gathering the People of God, celebrates with the self-summoned.

The preparation starts with a daily prayer to receive the Master of Love at the great conclave. He demonstrates His Love for all beings and withdraws, as Spirit, into the soul of each being.

When all are called, the room of the great encounter is revealed so that they may enter into communion with the Most High and thus souls may remain in the Lord.

He reveals the great moment of Communion, offering Himself to the Father, but also asking all to be vigilant and to pray always so as not to lose the way towards the Heart of God.

The Lord shows Himself to be loving and resplendent, and receives into His Kingdom all who have been called to serve Him, bringing them before the Throne of God so that they may receive the Graces from the Celestial Father, and thus revere Him forever and ever.

This song demonstrates the fidelity towards the Lord, a fidelity that we can live through daily prayer and thus find the path of return towards our origin.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
