Just like the rain which falls on My beloved Figueira, so have your hearts been washed and purified through the Sacrament of Confession.
Thus, I give you My blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Remember you will always be able to see your hearts purified and cleansed. You must not fear expressing what you feel or what you are enduring.
Through My Sacred Word and My Unfathomable Presence, I come to seek in you sincere, although imperfect, hearts, hearts that are capable of saying yes to the path of transformation and consecration.
And so, through My Grace, today I pour out upon the world the deepest Light of My Heart, so this indulgence may encompass the whole planet and all possible souls, especially My smallest brothers and sisters of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Everything, absolutely everything, is touched by that Grace of God which unites and reunites them again in My Presence. Because just as I have told you in these days, there is no other reason and no other motive at this moment for your Lord and Master to present Himself here, than for the reason of Love and of Peace.
Work through this Love and labor through the Love that I give you.
Now that your paths have been purified, do not allow yourselves to go back, do not allow yourselves to return to the past; rather, decide, now and always, to cross the doorway of hope that is opened by means of My Heart, so that all may enter the Kingdom of the Heavens.
I know that you do not know what this signifies.
How many times have you stood before the Kingdom of the Heavens? How many times have your guardian angels allowed you this opportunity to you?
And this does not mean that you do not continue to experience the afflictions of the world. Because a true Christ on Earth, a disciple of the Master, is transformed and is redeemed through their afflictions, not so as to be imprisoned by them, but rather to know how to become free from themselves every day. This is so simple, but for many it seems difficult.
For this reason, you must not forget the Grace that assembles and unites you, that special Grace that I have shared and extended to everybody during these days of confession and reconciliation.
Now it is time that your lives be affirmed through My Heart, present in the Eucharist, as a symbol and Sacrament that renews life and consciousness in each moment and at each opportunity you have to receive communion.
Will this attitude of reverence for the sacred, which must be reflected at this time in your lives, before the Holy Communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ, you will be communing of the same code and the same essence that the holy apostles experienced in that time; a code that transformed them into ambassadors of peace, into heralds of the Gospel of Love, into saints on Earth.
For this reason, you must ask yourselves at this time and in this hour, if you are truly willing to follow this path as many, in other times, followed it and accompanied it through the Call and the Voice of the Master.
For this reason, remember when My Life and My Presence touched your hearts. It is what My Heart wants to feel from you in this time of tribulation and of darkness.
Let your transforming love, let your consecrated life, let your reverence for the Hierarchies be able to again and again touch My Heart, not only through the life of the Sacraments, at the important moment of your Communion with Me, but also through the works of peace and of charity.
This is the time, this is what I expect from each one of you, to see your hearts burning, feeling and experiencing, before yourselves, the blazing flame of the Divine Purpose which I bring to you and which renews you.
Because how many times have I had to break your very chains? How many times have I had to dissolve your very restraints and also untie the knots of the consciousness?
But how many times have you and your brothers and sisters faced the Greater, the Infinite and the Non-material?
That is the path you must decide to follow in this time: that your material life should become a non-material life, in correct communion with the Law and the Purpose. Because in this time, companions, many things will be offered for everybody, but they will be hollow and empty things because they will not have the essence of the Christic Love which I convey and give you.
Thus, I need you as ambassadors of peace rather than of conflict. Have you not seen enough conflict in the world, that there should be more?
I want your lives to be lives of reconciliation and of peace, of reverence in light of the Sacred Instruction received, from the beginning times when the little Figueira began to grow, to mature and bear its first fruits.
I want to see you together with Me before this origin of Figueira, before the solemn energy of the instruction and of the Hierarchy. It is time that each one of the seventy two attributes(1), which were received here, be lived so that your lives may ardently live the consecration of spirit, mind, and heart.
In this way, your consciousnesses, in a simple but true way, will deserve the fruits of this Kingdom of Figueira and you will allow this legacy to reverberate and beat in hearts, above all in those who are called to awaken.
But you are awake, you are aware, you are responsible for this spiritual legacy which was selflessly offered so it could expand and grow in the world through small Islands of Salvation.
It is always good, companions, to return to the essence of the origin, again and again; for great are the threats present in the world and in humanity, great is the spiritual, mental and moral confusion.
God has given you an instructor who was incarnated in this world, whom you should always recognize and give thanks to as your master. He was and will always be a special disciple and friend.
Have you seen in his eyes the Kingdom of Mirna Jad reflecting time and again on his countenance, in each spoken word and teaching, as well as in his heart, which always radiated peace and solemnity?
If My friend José was able to live it and do it and offered himself for you so that you could also live it, do you truly believe that He opened the door for you to the world of reverence and of peace, to the Sacred Kingdom of the Greater Hierarchy? I can tell you that he did.
For this reason, I Am here once again to confirm it and state it, because today, while the internal bellfries of Mirna Jad are resounding in souls, the blazing flame of the sacred and the reverence for the Divine Purpose can once again beat in everybody.
Recognize now the Graces you received from the beginning and the blessing of the unfathomable and infinite Hierarchies that are here today, together with your Master and Lord, to testify to and record this moment in their Sacred Books.
Could it be that in these Sacred Books you saw your original names? This is what I was contemplating today before arriving here to meet you.
In this way, just like Our Names, your names can also shine in those Books like stars in the firmament. Could it be that you, through My Love, will be able to shine like stars on the Earth and decide to live the virtues that God granted you from the origin?
Everything has been given to you, everything was entrusted to you. It is time to give honor to this unique Legacy, silent, anonymous, and imperceptible to the majority of humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ is saying if you can ask the children to go and play in the woods, where the angels will entertain them.
The little ones are already in My Kingdom. Will you come to be small like those children, so as to enter, in innocence and purity, the Kingdom of God?
Those present say 'yes!'
Now, first receive the Anointment of My Light, before you receive this Sacrament. Hold your hands in a sign of openness and of reception.
By the merits achieved by My brother José, receive the balm of his spirit at this moment when, as a father and instructor, he encourages you to continue onward so My Plan may be accomplished.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In the Presence of Christ, Our Lord, while we prepare for the Sacrament of Communion, we will intone "Breath of the Spirit," placing ourselves before the Kingdom of Figueira, before all this legacy, before all this spiritual treasure, which was born and sprouted as a source of instruction for hearts.
And at the request of Christ, we will sing this song, radiating a profound gratitude and reverence for José.
(1) Christ refers to the main seventy-two attributes, of a total of eighty-four that were received.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Draw near Me, to feel My Peace.
Draw near Me, to receive My Love.
Draw near Me, to console My Heart.
Draw near Me, so that your soul may be instructed by me and I may broadly show you all the treasures of Heaven that My Father holds with love for all created souls and essences.
See before you, in what is most invisible of life, in the innermost depth of your consciousness, this vast universe to which you belong, where no force contrary to Me can prevail or reign, because the Love of God is capable of dissolving any knot, it is capable of transcending any obstacle, it is capable of revealing the Truth.
See this inner universe that I present to you today, from which you and your brothers and sisters emerged, the place where lies the answer that many seek, in order to understand and accept that, in this world, each one must transcend their own duality.
Why do souls seek to suffer so as to be able to learn?
What is this very hidden mystery that souls must understand and live, through an infinite and unfathomable obedience?
Because if in Heaven there once was a creator angel that fell into the abyss, from this moment on evolution had its school changed, and all the essences that would be created in this Material Universe should learn from the school of duality.
But how to overcome and transcend that obstacle placed by one’s own consciousness? How to untie that knot that binds the consciousness and many times prevents it from taking steps toward spiritual freedom?
I repeat to you again, as I repeat to you today in person, that the first rule lies in the unfathomable obedience, in which your own being and your own soul will be protected and safeguarded from yourself.
All those who have decided to be with Me, throughout the times and generations, first of all accepted to live this unfathomable obedience, knowing that this would represent a significant inner effort to transcend their own human will, to become detached from the compulsive conditions of the personality and to be free from their own ideas.
To be under this unfathomable obedience to God is neither impossible nor unattainable. To be under this obedience to God is one of the greatest Graces that you can receive.
Today, I open to you a door that you might say that you already know; but I assure you that you absolutely do not know it. It is the door of the unfathomable obedience, which I present to you not as a rule or as an imposition, but rather as a Sacred Law that places the incarnated consciousness on the safe path of righteousness, of what is impersonal and free from any attachment. Because obedience, in its hidden and anonymous mystery, is a cosmic current of liberation, which no contrary force can bear.
If you have seen yourself, at any moment, outside of the Law of Obedience, did you wonder: “Why have I done this?”?
What is the reason, the spiritual, mental and human motivation to come out of this Sacred Law, which supports very few in this world, in the face of this chaotic planetary scenario, in which disobedience is the fashion that many follow in these times?
How would it be possible for more souls, on the surface of this planet, to understand the reason and the existence of their own incarnation?
There is only one path, which your Master and Lord, your Most Holy Mother and the chaste father Saint Joseph lived on this planet, through the sacred and unfathomable obedience.
Obedience does not mean only to respond; obedience is the first emanation of Love-Wisdom, it is a hidden science of the Holy Spirit, which fosters in souls and inner worlds the expression of the gifts and bestowals of God in hearts.
And this Work, which, during thirty-seven consecutive years, was conceived by the Will of God, was born, emerged and manifested through the obedience of a few souls who said ‘yes’ to the call.
Thus, thirty-seven years ago, a spiritual and anonymous door was opened in the world, because the very hands of the Hierarchy sowed that little Figueira in the sacred soil, so that it could grow through the sacred watering of instruction, through unfathomable reverence for the universal and inner knowledge, so that, after thirty-seven years, this Sacred Figueira, the Fig Tree, could yield its fruits in abundance and love for souls, for the manifestation of inner life in all the hearts that were self-summoned through My brother and friend José Trigueirinho.
You, throughout the times, have had the Grace of having a humble example in life; an example of abnegation, of renunciation, of loyalty, of love and brotherhood for all the Divine Consciousness, through your brother José.
Today with Me from Heaven, where he prays and implores for all his companions, he places, at the doors of My Heart, all this experience lived through Figueira and, by means of Figueira, in other Points of Light that have emerged in the world through the Grace of trust of those who have said ‘yes’.
All this will never disappear, because it has never been erased, because what God writes with His own Hand, through lives and hearts, can never be erased or disappear, even what He wrote with His own Hand through the humble life example of José.
Today, I would like you to be aware that you did not receive just any person; rather, you received an important Elder Brother who, with his anonymous life example, his service for the expansion of consciousnesses, always remained in righteousness and self-giving, knowing that the great commitment of your brother José was to take care of what was being sown in each heart that was touched by his voice, by his gaze or by his mere presence.
Thus, before this spiritual door that was opened in Figueira, throughout the times and generations, souls were touched by the impulse of the call, and this will not be deterred, because the legacy that was entrusted through the expression of souls in Figueira is something that will always be perpetuated on the inner planes and especially in all those who preserve it, first from themselves and then from the world, knowing that the treasures of Figueira that were entrusted by the Hierarchy are the values of fraternity and the evolutionary group life.
I want the bell towers of Figueira to resound in each inner world after this month of August, with the call of the Hierarchy that brings you hope and what is to come for all those who were one day called to be part of this Work of Love.
Because this Work is one of those that I have in the world, one of the many works in this world that, if it did not exist in obedience to the Hierarchy, the transition of the planet and of humanity could not be sustained without sacrifice, selflessness and renunciation, free from vainglory, free from the desire to stand out, free from any authority or power; because just as God has given you everything, He could take everything away from you.
Embrace the flame of humility that I offer to you today. May your lives be surrendered and be redeemed, so that the sacred treasures of Heaven may continue to be deposited, not only in Figueira, but also in the souls who say ‘yes’, because we are now in the preparatory time of My Return to the world, and nothing must be in vain.
I would like to publicly thank all those who, throughout the times, have remained in fidelity to the Hierarchy, learning every day from obedience, loyalty, truth and service out of love for Our Creator and for the redemption of this humanity.
This is something invaluable, because it cannot be measured or judged with the mind; the fidelity of a heart united to the Hierarchy is one of the greatest reliefs that you grant to My Heart.
On this day, may there be a rebirth for those who, through faith and fidelity, built with their own hands the foundations of this Work of the Hierarchy so that souls, regardless of their conditions, traumas or sufferings, might have a safe, simple and inner space to re-encounter God and the Heart of the Hierarchy.
Today it is My Hand that writes a new history. Happy will be those who are part of it, because My promise will be fulfilled in all those who say ‘yes’ to Me.
On the eve of divine hope, may as many hearts as possible find the doorway of My Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold My Promised Land, the Land of Galilee, the inner Call of Christ, which resounds throughout the times and is inexhaustible.
Listen to this Call, which resounds from the Heart of the Universe, from the great civilization of Andromeda, and prepares, in the inner worlds, the next coming of the Lord, His expected Return.
Today, it gladdens Me to be here. I was yearning for this moment, of meeting those who follow My Steps, despite their difficulties and tests.
It gladdens Me to meet with Mine, those who do not tire of saying ‘yes’ to Me. Even not understanding what this means, that ‘yes’ moves all the universe and the Creation.
For this reason, I am here to present to you again My Spiritual Retreat, alive in the heart of the Holy Land, which I invite you today to internally enter in spirit, essence and soul, so that you may receive the codes that I sowed and deposited in this place through each one of My deeds and passages.
What is most important in all this, companions, is that today your inner worlds may remember again that which many lived in these far-away lands, through the Word of the Lord, through the Presence of the Lord, through the closeness of the Lord. Each one of these moments rises again on the horizon in the heart of each one of Mine.
I could not wait for a long time to return to Brazil, because this place was worthy for receiving and accepting Me, recognizing My Call and following it, since the foundation of this Light-Community of Figueira.
Here the Lord of the Tree of Life, who comes to renew the Tree of Figueira, who comes to bring you, at this moment, its origins and principles, the foundations that were established through the self-summoned, those who listened to the call and message which, through Instruction, has permanently resonated throughout the ages. And although you are not aware of this, that resonance has been echoing in the stars since the ascension of your Instructor and Master José.
He is here today, present with Me, so that you may glimpse, and internally contemplate, that it is possible to experience transformation and redemption.
Through José, I was present here for a long time, at each moment of Instruction as well as at each moment of manifestation of this Light-Community and others, at each daily work and at each shared moment.
Today, My companions, My Spiritual Retreat in Galilee unites to the Spiritual Retreat of this place, blessed by the Graces of the Eternal Father, so that your souls and the souls of the brothers and sisters of the whole world may experience an inner synthesis and a moment of renewal.
For this reason, I tell you that all has not been concluded yet. In this Work of the Hierarchy, which has expanded in the world through service and the humanitarian missions, at this moment you can glimpse the fruits of the efforts of very few, albeit true efforts that God alone knows in His Heart.
Therefore, I invite you to no longer fear. The times you and your brothers and sisters are going through are complex and painful. But do not forget that I am here, and I will always be in your lives when you call Me, when you seek Me, whenever you want to find Me.
To Me, this place will always be a Sacred Temple where God, through His Hierarchies and all His tools, will deposit hope for the world, a hope that brings the Love of God, consolation and renewal for souls.
For this reason, you must be open to receive all those who come. Never close the doors to anyone, because I might be behind each one of them.
Be compassionate, and the Wisdom of God will not be lacking for you.
Be merciful, and peace will not end, because the triumph of My Love is near.
Before My Return, this victory of My Love must be completed in you and in your brothers and sisters. Remember what I told you: love one another, just as I love you unconditionally.
I come here to bring you My most precious Spiritual Relics, the Relics that I deposited in the Holy Land for each one of Mine, and that I spiritually present to you today to give you the strength of renewal, the power to continue, overcoming these times, transcending the forms, deepening into the degrees of love.
In this second visit, which I make to you today, I come for the Spiritual Purpose of this country and of the other nations, so that the Purpose of each nation may be protected, and the people of each part of this region of the planet may find the meaning of being here, in this world, and the reason why they are here.
What I would like to do the most today, companions, is to be here with those who listen to Me, with those who recognize My Voice, those who follow My Steps, surpassing themselves to bear witness of the Christification that begins within each one, in that which is smallest, that which no one can see. That is where My Work starts being fulfilled, in the transformation of brave hearts, in the willingness of the consistent, in the hope of those who experience My Call.
Remember that the Ark of the Holy Covenant has come with Me, and has reverently been deposited in this place, in the heart of this Light-Community. Because all is kept in this Sacred Ark, the past, the present and the future, all the codes of Creation experienced throughout the times and civilizations in the universe and on Earth, in the surrender and in the inner life of all My companions.
Let us celebrate this moment with joy and bliss. On your faces, I want to see the smile of this sacred moment, for all those in the world who cannot live it, for those in the world who cannot receive Me.
May this inner communion with the Master and Lord of the Universe multiply in blessings and Graces, not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters in the world, especially those who experience persecution, war and conflicts.
I want this Marathon to be a Marathon towards your inner worlds, towards the incessant quest for your Inner Christ.
It is My wish that in this Marathon you may be within your Inner Christ, so that you may be in unity with Me, for all that your Redeemer will carry out during this month of May together with the other Sacred Hearts.
I will thank you for paying attention to this request and to keep following the impulses of the universe, spiritual impulses that will place you in the right attunement and at the right moment, to understand all that the Hierarchy will do. You know how to do it, just start doing it.
Today, I want to deliver to you a merit that was not foreseen in My Plans, because I have seen the dedication and also the true effort that you have offered to My Heart during the last Sacred Week, even going through all the tribulations.
Can you understand that all is possible by being in My Love?
Today, you are all here safe and sound while listening to Me, and you have the Grace of being before Me, just as I have the Grace of being before your inner worlds.
The merit that I want to grant you is a special consecration so that, from the beginning of this next Marathon of Divine Mercy, you may enter more deeply into all that the Hierarchy will do, knowing that in these times you are learning to sustain that which the world cannot sustain by itself. You are learning to support what the rest of humanity cannot consciously support, and that especially, you are learning to love what the rest of the world neither loves nor considers.
Therefore, recognize in this Marathon that it is time for you to decide to live My Christic School, because there is no time left. And in My School of Christification and Love you will learn quickly if you accept it. You will grow in gifts, virtues and sanctity, and your miseries will no longer be a problem; rather, your objective and purpose will be to serve others, those who are near and those who are far away, through the incessant life of prayer, so that this world may find balance and peace again.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ says that, with the permission of the Council of this Work, He convokes here, at the foot of this altar, the postulants to be helpers.
Let us bring Christ the elements of consecration: the rings and the veils.
We stay before the Lord in attunement and unity.
And we will accompany this moment, at the request of Christ, through the song “Consecration.”
Availing ourselves of this moment, which Christ offers to us, to renew our vows with the sacred law of consecration and the law of life of the spirit. Availing ourselves of this moment so that, before the Heart of Jesus, we may renew ourselves in our vows, in our principles and, above all, in service to His Plan of Love.
We prepare ourselves.
Celestial Father,
Who has conceived life in this universe
so that Your Children and Creatures
may recognize You within them
and may praise You.
I ask You,
Most High Lord of the Universe and of Infinite Mercy:
to bless these elements which, as from today,
will represent renewal for these hearts,
which prostrate before the Universal King,
to serve Him unconditionally until their last days
through the vows that have been granted
to all helpers.
May these elements represent union with Me.
But above all, may the inner worlds of these souls
establish their Alliance with me,
espousing Christ, the Redeemer.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: “Consecration.”
Today, Christ is consecrating this sister with the name “Bethlehem.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Judá.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Sinaí.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Betania.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “María del Cenáculo.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Qumran.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Betsagé.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Eloheinuh.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Consuelo de Jesús.”
Christ is consecrating this sister as “Estrella de Israel.”
And you, who have been faithful from the beginning and will be faithful until the end, who has pleased My Heart with your works, who have rejoiced the Heart of My Mother with your generosity, today I want to give you a name in this consecration, a very sacred name to Me and to My people of Israel: “Menorah.”
Your name to Me today will be “Emmanuelle,” in honor to the Creator.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And to consummate this Consecration of the sisters, we will say the Prayer of the Advent of the New Race:
may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the Word be alive and build Your temple.
May Your mystery expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the perfect unity.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Today I come to the world because it still needs it, because it still has not found Peace.
Thus, My children, in this culminating moment, I have need of you, beyond what is happening to you or everything you are going through. I need you close to My Heart, under My Mantle, so you can help me establish Peace in the world, so that later, the healing of humanity may be established.
Therefore, it is important to pray the Holy Rosary every day, especially in these last days of July, which will prepare you for August, in which My annual Message will come to the world as a preamble to the coming of the Celestial Church of Christ.
Today I come surrounded by the Creation of God, especially the Kingdoms of Nature, which still need your prayers and supplications, because not only humanity suffers; your younger brothers and sisters, the Kingdoms, throughout the breadth and length of the world, are also suffering the consequences of the climate change and global warming, which are becoming worse upon this planet, every day.
But there is something that can prevent it all, which is the prayer of the heart and fasting, something fundamental for this end time in which humankind will be able to be reconciled with the laws of nature through prayer and fasting. Something that I taught you in the first years of the apparitions, not only for the cause of the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for other causes that are still necessary and urgent to attend to.
In this way, dear children, through prayer and fasting, you will awaken within you the talent that My Son left you, which the Heavenly Father calls gifts. Fundamental virtues that, in this moment of humanity, need to be available for this planet and this race because, through the Gifts of God and the virtues that you can live, you will be more aware and have the knowledge on how to rebuild this planet regarding how to help the Kingdoms of Nature, regarding how to support this humanity.
I come with this message from Creation, from the universe, the stars and the suns. God expects that at least a great part of His children, in this definitive time, may begin to rebuild humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Here, in this sacred place, through the sacred tree of Figueira, knowledge and instruction descended directly from God Himself through His instructor José Trigueirinho, who Our Father has in His Glory.
Through what he taught you, in simplicity and in love, you have the first signs, as current humanity, of how through your inner contact with the universe, with prayer and fasting, you could rebuild the Kingdoms of Nature, because as long as the world continues to commit infractions against Creation, it will continue to suffer.
My children, this is what you must know today, and take into account within your hearts. Not only humankind has need of healing and redemption, not only does the pandemic need to end so that we may see what humanity has learned, but also the other Kingdoms of Nature have need of your help and love.
You could never imagine a world without the sun, without the dawn, without the morning breeze, without the tide of the oceans, without the singing of the birds, without the freshness of the Plant Kingdom, without the splendor of the flowers.
How could you live without Creation, My children?
God created the universe, this Solar System and this planet, to demonstrate to each one of you how He loves you.
When will the world become aware that it is no longer time to destroy, but rather to build?
If you had the Grace of hearing the cry of the Kingdoms of Nature, you would feel the great pain as I feel it.
But, while this happens, the Kingdoms do not cease surrendering and giving of themselves.
Mother Earth suffers from the aggression of Her children, but even so, she gives the fruits that God's creatures need to continue living and growing in this humanity.
Each one of you, as part of this human civilization, as an expression of the Will of God, beyond faith or religion, has a duty toward Creation.
You, My children, were not only born to live or to think, you were born to be aware of Creation and of the sacred Divine Purpose.
Thanks to the Most High, there are islands of salvation in the world and beautiful places of nature that are still protected from the hands of humankind, so that the human race may learn to feel and live from Creation, not in destruction, but in union.
As long as this change does not take place, the prophecies of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled, but I Who am your Mother and wish the good for each one of My children, do not want you to experience this, that you suffer or endure because of your lack of awareness of Creation and of the Law.
But you could say to Me: "Mother, no matter how much we may do something, there are people in the world who, because of their ambition and power, destroy the planet."
I do not come here to generate a parallel movement, nor a worldwide complaint. Each one today has enough awareness to be able to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature and to know that, without them, it is not possible to live on the surface of this planet. As much as you can do small things, the repercussions will be very great.
Have you ever thought about what a flower feels when watered? What the soil feels when touched with love? Have you ever asked yourselves what the sea feels when it is contemplated by you?
Everything has awareness, a knowing and wisdom. Nothing is static. Everything has a reason in Creation.
I am the Mother of the World, Mother Nature. I am the Governess of the consciousness of the planet. All those who come to Me are not only redeemed in the Name of My Son, but they also come to Creation to discover its wisdom and its science.
The planet needs to be healed of the exploitation of humankind throughout the centuries, and this will be possible because of your adherence to My call. Thus, the Earth will not be left behind, but rather, will be contemplated by the rest of Creation, so that it may be regenerated and deeply healed, just as the planet has expected from the beginning.
You are part of the consciousness of this world. Have you understood? This is your home.
In order for My Son's Celestial Church to descend, the world must change and not continue to struggle to live in the normal and in what is superficial.
Time is running out, it is time to become aware. For this reason, I am here, so that you may grow within.
My enemy does not want you to reach this awareness, but through the offering of your prayers and fasts, you will allow the spiritual and material condition to be generated so that this change in the human consciousness may be possible.
And now, I invite you, My children, to carry out an inner practice with Creation. I invite you to prepare yourselves and to open your hearts even more through inner contact with the intra-oceanic world.
Close your eyes.
And now, at the request of the Father and through the intercession of the Mother of God, we will listen to "Intra-oceanic Aurora".
And through this exercise, which we will begin tonight, I will guide the world and the souls to an inner healing of the heart and of the emotions, of the mind and of the body, by means of your souls.
Open your inner worlds, beyond what your ears may hear. And now, see yourselves facing the ocean, at dawn. See God within that ocean, through His Consciousness of cosmic and inner Love. Feel yourselves to be empty and listen to the ocean like great streams of light coming towards you and, consequently, towards all of humanity.
Placing your hands in the sign of reception, offer your whole being to God and, in the name of the human race, facing that ocean that lights up in the dawn, ask for forgiveness and cry out inwardly for reconciliation, for all that the planet Earth has experienced, since the presence of humankind up until today.
See the great Sun of God emerge on the horizon of the ocean that, with the power of His Presence and Consciousness, with His Light, fills everything that lives and vibrates. Feel your cells and atoms light up through the intra-oceanic presence of the Consciousness of God's Love. Feel Adonai, feel at one with the sacred Divine Unity. Feel within yourselves the Truth of Creation and that which you have been a part of since the beginning.
Breathe slowly. Each time you breathe in, feel how the light of Creation enters your being and your entire consciousness. You are facing Adonai and Mother Nature, in the great void of consciousness, to be filled and blessed by the Love and Wisdom of the Father.
Between the Sun of God and the ocean, see the Son of God emerge in the sky, Who reaches out His Arms as the Redeeming Christ, and from His Heart and the palms of His Hands, He emanates the powerful light of Divine Grace over the four corners on the Earth.
The ocean lights up in blue light and its being, each of its consciousnesses, lights up in the blue light of Aurora.
In the name of the whole human race, in the name of fraternity, of forgiveness, and of love, affirm your inner vows with Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature, so that all may be renewed in accordance with what was foreseen by Divine Purpose.
In the Light of the Grace of Christ, in the Presence of the Father and of Mother Nature, we unite with the essence of Creation, so that we may remember where we came from and what the reason is for our being here today.
May the Laws of Creation descend, may the gifts be given to the men and the women of the Earth. May the sacred virtues awaken, and the consciousness of the human beings expand, so that ignorance may be transmuted and wisdom bring an awareness of this present moment.
Feel the calm of the ocean. Feel the peace of Creation and the establishment of harmony.
Now bring your hands to your heart and feel the union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In reconciliation with the planet and Creation, before the ocean, in the dawn of the Sun of God and the Presence of the Divine Son, we will repeat a prayer, phrase by phrase, which will be translated so that we may all may pray it in the Presence of Adonai:
Thus, I bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
May Creation and all nature be renewed in humanity. So be it.
I leave you with this instrumental, so that your consciousnesses may be united with God.
Peace and redemption for the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A Tribute to the Teacher of Love
My children,
It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.
After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.
In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.
After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.
This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.
This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations.
Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.
In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.
Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Feel within you, the light of the Center of Figueira, receive from the Father His Divine Grace, Grace that congregates you, time and again ,to be able to fulfill His holy Will.
It is this light of the Center of Figueira that brings you from ancient times to the present in order to be able to serve and live in the Son of God, to be able to proclaim and announce His advent, His arrival.
Therefore, My children, I am here with you, just as I was yesterday, during the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in which the Father felt the prayer of the children, the request of the most small and innocent ones.
His pure and eternal Heart was touched, and His Mercy and His Grace poured upon the world, upon the most innocent children that needed spiritual help.
All of this impulse and all this purpose is moved by a greater motive.
Even for an unknown reason that comes from the Eternal and invisible. It is the Father that unites and congregates you in Love to be able to serve His Son and His Work, to be able to testify to His Presence within you and in each heart of this humanity, which seeks in this time the powerful light of Christ.
Everything that has been built in the Center of light of Figueira is for love, it is for a devotion that descended from above and touched your spirits at some moment.
This is what brought you here up until now, so that in these times and in this cycle, you might open the doors to all of humanity and to the entire planet, to be able to carry the same impulse and the same conviction of being in God, and thus to announce it to your brothers and sisters, to the seekers of peace, to the seekers of good, to those who wait for Mercy.
This Center of Light of Figueira brings you the Truth, the revelation of the purpose and the manifestation of the Will.
After thirty years, everything has been a preparation for these current times and for this cycle of great events where humanity faces a definitive inner moment, in which humanity may or may not cross the doorway to the new.
From this Center of Light today, I also bring you the tools of God, His most perfect instruments that He asked to create and manifest in the Universe so that Universal Life might exist, and so that this Universal Life would reach everyone, each one at their time and moment. So that at the moment of awakening, they might discover the Sacred Knowledge and the essence that moves all of this Universe, which is the Fount of the Love of God.
This is the great Fount that permits all and that grants all, also for this current time, in which humanity undergoes its definitions and its tests, in which the union with the Heights will be what is fundamental for everyone, in order to be in the right and in the correct, to be bathed by the Wisdom and the Science that comes from God and that impels the manifestation and the concretion of His Work, not only in the Light-Communities, but also in the Nations, in the peoples, in the cultures, which must awaken just as you have done, to the light of the Center of Figueira.
Within it are still held the mysteries that, someday, humanity will know when its love and devotion for God is more profound and true. But you, who as servers and as a Work were prepared a long time ago, this is the moment to make known to the world what God has expected so much, that through the Sacred Centers and the Marian Centers, humanity may recover its innocence and purity, to be able to be again in God and in His Presence, to sustain this world that will tremble and shake, to maintain the Bases of Light on the surface of the Earth, in an absolute and sacred brotherhood, to be able to help those who need it the most, to be able to recover the values of each culture and of each people, so that neither faith nor trust in the Father may disappear.
All of this is moved by the light of the Center of Figueira, which donated itself and surrendered from the beginning for this task and that today is spiritually conscious for all. For all who once had the grace of awakening here, and through here, carrying within them this light that is moved by a Greater Purpose and that is present in this time for a greater reason.
But so that all this may be possible, My children, God chose one of His Children, who today is no longer present among you, but rather omnipresent in spirit, in essence, in love and devotion together with the Messengers of the Father and His angels.
The essence of light of the Center of Figueira embodied and manifested among you and brought to the world the opportunity of surviving and of overcoming the end of times through love for instruction and devotion to the sacred, as well as reverence for the Hierarchy.
A part of the light of the Center of Figueira came to meet you, for some it was many years ago, to others a short time ago, and to other children, recently. But many more will come, moved and attracted by his light of the Center of Figueira, that for a long time was pronounced through the word, through the knowledge and the instruction that prepared your hearts for this moment, that prepared the bases for this time and that brought to the world the opportunity of sustaining,upon the surface of the Earth, union with the Hierarchy.
This part of the light of the Center of Figueira came from a very faraway place of the Universe, just as many of you came in different moments and times.
This light of the Center of Figueira once awoke in the consciousness of José Trigueirinho so that life in community, life in brotherhood, life in service and in prayer might be built and manifested.
The past is not separate from the present. The light of the Center of Figueira manifested in the early times, when the world needed a great change in consciousness, just like in this time and in this cycle. Its bases were founded, its areas of light were built, and the souls arrived and will arrive, because everything is united in the same purpose and in the same essence.
Therefore, My children, with all this, understand the Will of God and how this Will works and manifests in humanity, and especially in those who serve the Eternal Father.
Today, July 13, the end of a synthesis is fulfilled, of the experience that Jose Trigueirinho lived and shared with you, not only as brother, but also as soul united to your group of souls. And today, after this synthesis, a new stage begins. A stage and a cycle that will also have repercussions in you and in the Work, because the fruits of Figueira are already ripe to be harvested and to be donated in service to the world and to the souls that are thirsty for true Instruction, just as you had at some moment, My children.
May the expansion of this purpose of the Center of Light of Figueira remain within you, so that not only here, but also in the world, the needed help may be received, the help that comes from the Hierarchy and which you, just as Jose Trigueirinho, may be the next testimony for the new time.
The testimony that will leave the experience of service in humanity so that, as a chain of light and of love, other souls may find the same opportunity and the same experience of being able to help and nourish themselves from the light of the Center of Figueira.
Recognize, on this day, the great Grace that you have received, although you are not totally conscious. And how this Grace, for this cycle, has expanded and been shared with the nations and with other peoples.
Today we talk of a universal Work and not of an individual work. Today we talk of a group Work and not of a personal work.
This is the time to open the doors for everyone, because all deserve to receive the opportunity for awakening and for instruction. It is time to welcome. It is time to listen. It is time to receive one’s neighbor with joy, the one who comes seeking the peace, the hope and the Love of God.
Thus, the impulses of the Hierarchy will never be missing for you, and when the great aspiration and goal has been fulfilled, you will be the heralds of this knowledge received and of this Sacred Temple that Figueira represents for humanity. And thus, its essence of light will be shared and expand in other Sacred Centers where new communities will emerge to welcome different peoples and cultures, to share and serve in fraternity.
Receive, on this day, the light of the Center of Figueira and commune with it in renewal and faith.
History must keep being written. Your brother and companion, Jose Trigueirinho, was an instrument in God’s Hands. Today, you must be the instruments in the Hands of the Father so that He may keep writing His Will.
I thank you for listening and responding to My call, and I invite you, My children, to listen to this Message again, because I have left in it the impulses that you need to keep moving forward in perseverance and in faith, in love for the purpose and in devotion for the Hierarchy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Children, let the Spirit and the Love of God envelope you, just as today this dawn, this day, fills you, in which the inner light in each consciousness is vivified under the rays of the Grace of God and of the presence of His Divine Spirit.
It is in the name of His Grace that I come today to meet you, that I come today to be with you, with My dear children, and in this Sacred Center of Figueira, as in other Centers, igniting the light of My Mirrors so that you may receive the impulses of light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos and of all Creation, so that the Attributes of Life may continue to be present in the consciousness of the human beings and of the planet, so that the sublime spheres of Creation and of all its existence may be closer to humanity and to the world that suffers, day by day.
It is by means of the Light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos that today I reignite the inner mirror in each human heart so that it may recover its filiation with God and the communion with the heights, so that it may be a partaker of the universal life and of everything that lives and vibrates in the Universe.
Today I bring you the gift of the Love of God that is an inexhaustible present for your consciousnesses and for this planetary time in which balance, harmony and peace must be your daily path, your goal and your purpose.
Today I ignite the Mirrors of the Sacred Center of Figueira so that the new trees, that have already grown, may bear their first fruits in the manifestation of the Attributes of God and especially of His Will, so that these fruits may someday be harvested by My children of the whole world and they are able to be nourished from the spirituality that God has granted and conceived in this place, since the first years of the manifestation of this Light-Community.
Today, the fruits of the Sacred Instruction are shared with the whole world and the Center of Light of Figueira opens its doors so that, with charity and love, it may welcome the suffering souls of humanity and carry the Love of the Father, the Love that He deposited in this place from the beginning, to those who most need it so that hope may not die in the human heart, so that faith may not fall away, so that the light may never go out.
I bring to you the Light of My Mirrors, the Light that existed in the beginning and before this material creation. It is this Divine Light, mysterious and unknown, that comes from the Source of the Father and from His Universe of Love, that once touched this sacred ground of the Center of Light of Figueira and brought everyone the Grace of the awakening of their consciousness, of the recognition and the living of inner divinity, in each being, of union with the Most High and His Will for the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth.
Behold the Light of the Sacred Centers, of the Marian Centers, of the Centers of Love, that emanate their divine and nonmaterial Attributes for the equilibrium of humanity and the planet, for the experience and the school of Love and Forgiveness, for the infinite union with God above all things.
Today you are before one of the Mysteries of God that the Mother of the World unveils by means of the Divine Source, in union with the Mirrors of the Cosmos that prepare consciousnesses for the next cycle.
South America is the cradle of many Sacred Sites, where the experience of the Love of God is present and is still unknown.
Therefore, today the Center of Light of Figueira manifests on its surface so that the doors to Divine Mercy may be kept open and more columns of Light may manifest upon this humanity on the surface of the Earth and by means of the hearts that proclaim their faith in the Lord.
Enter then, My children, into the Universe of My Mirrors and feel yourselves in the inner void, in the complete surrender, in the unconditional spirit and in the perfect union with the Eternal Father so that your lives, My children, may be instruments of the Heights, of the Will, of the Living Love that is eternal and inexhaustible that is an infinite and incalculable Love. It is the Love that created you, it is the Love that made you partakers of life, of the feeling of truth, of the knowledge of the sacred and of the union with the Infinite.
The Center of Light of Figueira expresses itself today to humanity and to the planet and reminds its disciples that it will always be here to receive them and welcome them, to fill them with its attributes that are part of a divine truth, of a supreme will, of a celestial destiny.
I need, My children, for you to propagate this light into the world, this light that comes from the Center of Light of Figueira, as from other Centers of Light in the world, which are part of the Will of God and, since before the existence of humankind on the surface, have been present on the planet to bring souls the knowledge of God and the unceasing search for truth, a truth that someday you will achieve, a truth that will make you free of yourselves, of the chains of error and of fault.
Because the essence of this truth is Love, the Love that comes from the Source, the Love of My Son, the Christ, this makes you participate in the Communion with His Celestial Light and with His Life.
Today the Heavenly Hierarchy reignites the Center of Light of Figueira so that souls may remember the principles that were founded here and that will be lived for the New Earth, for the emergence of the New Humanity.
A life that will be based on Love, on Truth and on Divine Unity; on the possibility of sharing, of loving and of surrendering that which each one truly is, beyond shortcomings or imperfections.
It is this inner light that the Center of Light of Figueira today comes to awaken in its disciples, in all those who were touched by the instruction of the inner Master, by their companion and friend, José Trigueirinho.
See how this instrument surrendered to God to manifest the Light of the Sacred Centers, a Light that would aid humanity in the end of times and would make possible, for all of the Heavenly Hierarchy, the Plan of intervention and rescue of the souls of the world through an awakening of the consciousness, love and prayer.
Today, you face the step of being instruments in the hands of God, just as your instructor and friend José Trigueirinho was, in the simplicity of life, in the action of love, in sustenance of the purifications and tests, in the strengthening of faith, in the expansion of the consciousness through devotion to and reverence for the Divine Hierarchy.
Commune of this moment, commune of the Light of the Center of Light of Figueira and, in this way, in the renewal of the spirit, receive Peace through My Mirrors that today contact the Sacred Centers of the planet, which in a single Network of Light and Love, will aid souls and will strengthen the servers that fully trust in the Hierarchy.
May God, My children, always make you partakers of His Gifts, of His Truth, and mainly, of His Mercy.
Let the Center of Light of Figueira shine today in each human heart, beyond knowing it or not knowing it, beyond penetrating it or understanding it.
Let the Center of Light of Figueira and of the Hierarchy accompany you so that the Plan may be fulfilled.
So be it.
I bless you in the Light of the divine spirituality and of the greater consciousness of the Mirrors of Grace and of Mercy, under the Light of the spirit of Peace and Reconciliation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I would like to make a special tribute on the opening day of the Sacred Week, giving My thanks and reverence to José Trigueirinho, for having opened the doors of his heart and of this Light-Community for having allowed My Presence and My Message to reach the whole world from this sacred and blessed place.
For such a spiritual and special reason, for your Master and Lord, on the opening day of this sixth edition of the Sacred Week, I come to ask the choirs to offer, from the deepest and innermost core of their hearts, the song “Breath of the Spirit”, so that the souls gathered here today in this sacred home may receive within the deepest of their inner worlds the fruits of Figueira that were harvested during this last time period, by means of the spiritual merits that their brother and instructor José Trigueirinho attained.
It will be thus, that through the song “Breath of the Spirit” we will reignite fiery devotion, love and unity, by the grace that this Light-Community of Christ received when Heaven touched the Earth.
Let us give a tribute to the serving and untiring soul of José Trigueirinho, for having dedicated his life to the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira – “With your permission”
This last song by José Trigueirinho expresses the prophecy about his next departure, announced here throughout the years.
At the same time, the song expresses the gratitude and deep reverence, of this instrument of God, for the Law of the Hierarchy, indicating to his disciples, in a simple way, what the feeling and correct attitude should before the immensity of what the Work of God represents for the being of the surface.
This song reveals, in a selfless and impersonal way, the farewell of the Instructor to his beloved disciples; the farewell to all those who, throughout time, were activated by the divine energy of the sacred knowledge and the Instruction, making it possible for each soul to find its gift and its lineage within the broad field of universal life.
Gratitude is the essence of the song, but it is also the expression of the soul of Trigueirinho for the infinite Mercy and Compassion of the Celestial Father towards His smallest and most imperfect creatures.
Here, the Instructor and the instrument of God professes and symbolically announces his departure towards the vast Cosmos, the return of his spirit to the Source and Origin from where he departed to serve the Divine Purpose, and from there, to enter into new Schools of Instruction.
In this song, the most important message for the disciples remains deeply engraved, which is the love that each soul may have for the Hierarchy itself, to thus maintain, on this planet, a divine connection with the sacred Non-material Laws
Trigueirinho, in a simple, loving, and reverent way, says goodbye to the realm of material life, announcing that it is the spirit that serves through the impulses of the soul and this is what grants the upliftment of consciousness.
The final signature of the Instructor is the love that he leaves engraved in the inner firmament of each disciple, to remind each being that everything is due to love, to Creation, to the existence of life beyond forms.
He reminds us that love is in everything and that each soul must return to the Source of this love with all the experience lived on this planet Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira – “The Kingdom”
In this song, Jose Trigueirinho revealed, in simple words, the power of many mysteries.
The Kingdom is announced within each being. It is the first sign that, in the end times, the contact with high levels of consciousness will be the master key to the great upcoming revelations.
Also, in this song, Jose Trigueirinho, through his soul, reveals the coming of the Redeemer and Savior for the second time. He announces the coming of Christ by means of public Apparitions, which will bring the manifestation of the Kingdom in its different planes of consciousness.
The song, in its beginning, talks about the false christs, those who promise changes, benefits and material advancements and do not fulfill them.
The song warns about the attention that each spiritual being must have in order not to be confused; just as it also reveals the presence of creatures on the Earth that will announce themselves, using the name of Jesus, to promote and benefit themselves.
Thus, the Son of God returns for the second time to teach the truths of the Kingdom, based on the existence of a universal life, filled with all the saving principles of the Dwellings of the Father.
In this sense, these truths that will be revealed will demystify the false christs and will place all the consciousness of humanity before what is true and comes from the Hierarchy.
For this reason, the song also announces that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Kingdom will remain alive and immutable in the heart of those who believe and aspire to the reality of the stars.
According to the song, all the impulses that the Son of God will bring will awaken and will be shown in the experience of the Light-Communited and group life. And this will go beyond, it will touch the inner world of other beings and other nations, that will be attracted to drink from the same fountain.
For this reason, at the end of the song, it is announced that the Kingdom will remain, although Heaven and Earth may pass. This means that the spiritual treasures of the Universal Hierarchy will be available and present in the heart of each server and true follower of Christ.
This will renew the times and will unite the consciousnesses even more, which, regardless of their nations or of their languages, will unite in the same purpose to fulfill one mission. They will be those who, as the song says, will see the Son coming among the clouds.
Here it refers to the cycle of Apparitions of Christ, from the year 2013 to the current days. It refers to all the impulses that will come to nourish the consciousness with high evolutionary vibrations. This will shine in an evident way in the gaze and the heart of all those who adhere to the call of the Hierarchy.
The song “The Kingdom” is the synthesis of the mission that Christ, the Beloved Son, would fulfill, in the end of times, within a region of the planet and with a part of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The eternal life is the greatest treasure that souls receive for having served God, on this planet and inside this humanity.
The eternal life is the triumph of the server of God, the one who has learned to transcend the limits of matter and their own inner limits, fully seeking, in each stage of their life, to accomplish the grandiose Will of God.
The eternal life is for all, therefore you must always aspire for it.
Each moment of service, of prayer and of unconditional surrender for the neighbor is an opportunity of deepening in the aspiration of finding, someday, this eternal life, in order to merge with God in His most mysterious Essence, in the depth of the Temple of His Heart.
You must learn with this example, companions, to overcome the limits of matter and to find the meaning in what is infinite and eternal.
Material life does not end here, your spirits are the ones that will forge new schools and new learning experiences, which will reach new spheres and will embrace new pieces of knowledge to be able to keep recreating this Creation.
Each time a server reaches this self-transcendence, the confirmation of the Plan of God is fulfilled.
But if more souls in the world encourage themselves to do it, this will enrich the Work of God and the Graces that come from His Heart will not cease to descend to humanity, because their lives will be this Mirror that God needs in order to retract His Attributes in these critical times.
The origin of your existence, and everything you have lived throughout the times, is a precious inner legacy that will constitute the New Humanity when it begins to form itself spiritually.
Each effort that you make in your lives, however small it seems, will help God and the manifestation of His Divine Plan in the whole sphere of the Earth.
You must apply the Attributes of God in your lives, little by little.
It will be worthless, companions, that you risk to live all the Attributes at once, because in a parallel way will be your transformation and redemption; and you must rediscover in you, all the time, the reason and the purpose that has brought you here, to this awakening of the profound consciousness to be able to serve God, just as He thought for each one of you.
What I tell you today, companions, is nothing new. Eternal life pulses in the Universe, it is part of all the Universal Life, which recreates itself, time and again, in order to strengthen the degrees of love in all consciousnesses that are part of this Creation, within the different planes, within the different dimensions.
I want you to encourage yourselves to practice the legacy that has been delivered to you.
It is time for new servers to emerge in this humanity.
It is time to open the doors to knowledge even more so that the mysteries may cease to be mysteries and this humanity of the surface may be conscious of the true reality that goes beyond this planet and this local Universe.
If your lives aspire to this eternal life, living each test with gratitude, living each learning experience with joy, you will allow new principles to come to your lives and to be an example for many more that will need the inner Source of Love to be able to endure these times and these great definitions that are approaching humanity.
The last August 8th was already the beginning of a new cycle. September confirms this moment again.
It is time to pay attention to the events of humanity and to apply the superior Laws, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in external life so that more souls can be saved and live this inner joy of having been able to serve God, just as He thought from the beginning, from the beginning of your origins, since before you were an existence or a molecule of light.
The Work will continue with the trajectory ahead, there is still much to do, to rescue, to redeem and especially to forgive.
Your response on this day is the example of your understanding, that you are little by little opening yourselves to be able to understand the Hierarchy that is the one that guides all this from the beginning of Creation.
You know, companions, that your first Hierarchy is the Creator Father and then all those who are below Him, until the Instructors of the surface, who are sent to the world throughout the times so that humanity may not forget the essence of its origin, the main reason of its purpose, which the forces of chaos manage to distract and dispel from the consciousnesses.
But you, companions, who have more tools than the majority of humanity, will have greater responsibility than your neighbor.
Everything you do in this time will have repercussions in good.
Therefore, it is important that you have the principles clear within you in order to know how to proceed correctly, to open yourself correctly to what must continue being transformed.
The evolution of humanity must continue ahead.
Today a new school begins for the disciples that have opened to My call, for all those who knew how to welcome Me here, as well as in their hearts, knowing that the Hierarchy does not lose time before the events that are unleashed in humanity.
There is still time to be able to revert the errors of the world and this will first begin with your examples, living a worthy life, living a true commitment, far from illusion or any fantasy, being conscious of the importance of the change, of the transformation of times, and of the upliftment of the consciousness.
Today you have climbed another step inside of the Plan of the Hierarchy. Do not descend from it, keep elevating so that the Hierarchy may trust and work.
Each one has their part in all of this. What is firmed in the Universe is not erased, even if the consciousness is no longer present here.
Those who have commitments with the Hierarchy and have not understood them will not be able to think they have never had them, because it is a spiritual commitment, signed before the Lords of the Law. Even if the consciousness carries another life, it will never be able to separate from this commitment. Even if it does not fulfill it, this commitment will again present itself somehow to remind the consciousness of what it owes to God.
Therefore, those who are not here are suffering and those who remain can feel peace, beyond their purification, because the Plan is built with the consciousnesses and it is fulfilled with the “yes” of everyone.
The Hierarchy does not expect the suffering of anybody else nor the incomprehension of the fellow being.
The Hierarchy expects the ardent devotion of each heart that knows how to respond to the breath of the spirit, which will open to hear and to understand beyond the forms.
The Work is not a person, it is the manifestation of a Divine Will, it is one of the great branches of the Tree of the Purpose; if you take care of it, it will always sprout and give new fruits.
The fruits that you have received have been the Graces that we have delivered to you.
Now you will have to keep plowing the land to sow again in this new cycle and so that you can harvest in the future what God will give you by means of your trust and the fidelity of all.
You will build fidelity by being true of heart and word. This will make you free so that you can serve more and more and so that, in spite of any circumstance, you never feel tiredness of waiting for God, until He decides to come, as today.
The memory of love is never erased. The experience of love that you can live with the God of the Universe Himself will enrich your lives and will give you the inner strength that you will need in order to face the last times.
But you must fulfill the attributes so that the inner hope never lacks in you, in spite of how the times the purifications may be unleashed.
Through this new step that you have climbed, a new school will open, which will deepen in the one that has existed and which will bring to all the greater consciousness of what God needs to reveal to you so that you may keep learning and thus, be renewed, as you are being renewed today.
Your Instructor went to a new school. He is opening the path for you to be able to arrive there; for your spirits, your true superior beings, be able to bring from these spheres what the world needs today, aligned with the Hierarchy and obedient to sacred knowledge.
It is time for you to be conscious with what you have come to live and of what you have come to accomplish in this cycle and in this time.
It is not about just listening to the Hierarchy, it is about working together with the Hierarchy, it is about assuming, with joy, each new summoning. This will allow the planet not to sink and humanity not to be crystallized with its own errors, with its own actions, with all deeds, which lead souls to lose the sense of their existence in this world.
The door of My Mercy has opened the space to this new school, in which your Instructor is to be found today with ancient brothers from other stars who on this day meet him again to keep living this trajectory towards Infinity, to keep emitting the impulses of light that all disciples who have remained here, on Earth, need, in order to keep transforming themselves until they achieve to be New Christs.
We will keep rebuilding the Plan by means of the servers, of those who have self-summoned.
We will restore this humanity by means of all the superior beings that, in spite of living the school of love and forgiveness, are offering themselves to follow the steps of the Hierarchy and help to elevate the consciousness of humanity, of dimension and plane.
May My Words be able to resonate beyond your ears.
May the Instruction of the Hierarchy and the word of those who instruct, and have offered themselves to God to live it in the name of many more, keep being sacred.
May there no longer exist resistance to changes.
The Glory of God has been given to you, now you must glorify your lives so that this Glory may return to God and the Universe may be recreated once again.
This will begin with the practice of your responsibility, of your adhesion and your union with the Plan, in spite of any circumstance.
Those who have left here, some time ago, are welcome today, because they have always had a place in My Heart, otherwise I would not be here, it would not make sense.
But it is time to correctly live what the Hierarchy asks for, divesting yourselves of your own will and even your own beliefs, otherwise you will not be able to live the new cycle. No one can be left behind.
Therefore, I am extending My Hand to you today, as a Master among the Masters, as an Instructor among the Instructors of the Universe.
I still have My Hand extended to humanity, because I know it needs help and that it will not be able to do it by itself.
Receive, then, the encouragement of the Instructor of the Universe, of the Humble Lord among the Humble Lords, of the Bearer of Peace among the Bearers of Peace, of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
I will always come to give you everything I have, because I was born to be able to be the Word Incarnate and thus be able to be the Example for all My companions and friends who, throughout the times, must follow the footprints of the Lord.
Today your spirits finish an inner academy because your Instructor has left to new schools to be able to instruct new disciples who need the same grace that you have received.
Today I leave you the Instructors that are here today so that you may live the new school, which I need you to live, with your hearts open, in communion with your souls and in gratitude to the Universe.
Thus, there will be more time for the planetary rescue so that many more can enter My Boat before the deluge of Justice comes.
I give you an example, but I tell you truths.
Offer, then, your heart to God, so that your commitment may be reconfirmed and nothing be wasted. Thus you will please your Redeemer and I will come to bring you more Good News, as today.
Bring to Me the Communion here to bless it.
Incense and water to bless.
We stand up.
And at the request of the Master, in this consecration and in this inner confirmation of each one of us, we will live at the request of the Master a profound work of detachment, but also a profound work of gratitude to Trigueirinho and we will bless these elements together with the Universal King, the ashes of the Master Trigueirinho and through the song “Blow of the Spirit” we will raise our offering to God emitting all of our love and our gratitude for having met the Master Trigueirinho in our lives.
You can give hands to one another.
In homage to Trigueirinho, we will sing the song number twelve of the twelve songs that were composed by José Trigueirinho called “With your permission.”
We will sing now the song “Primordial Source.”
Let us inhale.
In the name of the Universe, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more